Fantasy Football Draft Cheat Sheet | Values on Every Site (2024)

Introduction Hello everybody welcome into the fantasy pros football podcast I'm Ryan warley joined today by Andrew Erikson and by Chris Welsh Welsh we don't often get to podcast together hopefully we're going to get to do it a whole lot more this season uh with you being here full-time and you know transitioning into football as I did a couple of weeks ago uh how are you doing today buddy we're doing good I'm glad to uh I'm glad to be here I'm glad to be in the analyst chair i' like to bounce around between the two like to see that good old Ericson face right there Erikson apparently like we got buddied up into this season Erikson's my buddy for the year we have just show after show we got like inseason show we got Discord show you can see that happy smirk Erikson's so happy about it to be paired with me too but I'm excited to do this show with you boys Ericson how you doing oh have just happy to be here happy to be here with Welsh my buddy again talking about I was waiting for you to jump in and be like yes I am happy to be with Welsh or no I'm not ecstatic can't wait oh keep keep laying it on it's going I can really tell yeah it's exciting is uh very very apparent all right well let's just jump into the show we're going to be talking about some uh undervalued players on every site so it's really important to remember on your draft day that every site is different and by and large the ADP and the rankings on each individual site will largely determine the order those guys go particularly in home Leagues with more casual players with are sort of anchored to what the rankings are directly in front of them and this is a way you can take advantage on Draft Day by having your own rankings we would strongly recommend ECR of course our expert consensus rankings which you can find at rankings or just highlighting certain players that you know are undervalued on these sites that you can wait maybe an extra round or two on ESPN as opposed to Yahoo you can kind of know what positions are going earlier on certain sites so this is a very key way you can take advantage particularly again in your home leagues and more casual leagues so we're going to be going through our favorite undervalued running backs and wide receivers on ESPN Yahoo sleeper and C BS those were kind of the big five we wanted to hit on so we'll each be giving you a player a couple of players from each of those platforms I do have a quick announcement here the winner of trophy smacks golden toilet trophy is barnis 52 please get in touch with our customer support agents at mailbag with your mailing address and proof of your subscription to the fantasy pros YouTube channel and we will get that shipped out to you again the winner is Barn wa 52 congratulations and if you want a chance to win the ultimate symbol of fantasy football dominance the custom XL Champion turnover chain courtesy of our good friends at trophy smack the number one destination for epic fantasy football trophies then this is your moment this massive five pound chain isn't just for show it is a statement to enter all you need to do is subscribe to the fantasy pros YouTube channel right now drop a comment below on any of our videos and that's it we will be announcing a winner right here on the channel so to make sure to turn on those notifications so you can know when new videos are up and to claim your prize Most Undervalued Players on ESPN all right fellas let's start off with with ESPN and Ericson we'll start off with your running back who is the most undervalued running back on ESPN right now yeah so running backs tend to be overvalued in my opinion on the ESPN platform in the gross way you look at it but for me the guy that I was able to pinpoint is chuba hubber for the Carolina Panthers so rb51 on ESPN he's Chuba Hubbard RB 41 in the ECR rankings and I just don't think he's get enough credit because he's going to be the week one starter for the Carolina Panthers Jonathan Brooks at best is going to come back week three week four but he's still on the pup NFI list he's not healthy coming off the tour in ACL from his college day so I think hubard if you're hitting running back late and you need production right away in week one chuba hub's your guy and Dave Canalis has talked him up he likes Hub he wants to feed hubard again this is a quote from Canalis earlier this offseason that's the attitude we're looking for he runs angry runs with the style that we want to be about so I can't wait to give chuba those opportunities and when you look at chuba's two best games last year 83 yards 104 rushing yards that was against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Elite run defense who was the offensive coordinator for the Buccaneers last year Dave Canales he can he's seen what da what uh chuba hubard can do in action so I think hubard is just super undervalued again I think he's even low in ECR but he's basically free in ESPN and that's not usually the case with a lot of these running backs being drafted very aggressively on that platform do you think in general Erikson that we maybe sometimes I feel like I've seen this phenomena more recently in fantasy football during drafts where people are so focused on a guy like Jonathan Brooks hey he could be a League winner in the back half of the season because he could be really good by the time we get to the fantasy playoffs and I feel like fantasy managers are starting to maybe ignore September and October a little bit maybe not ignore but like not value it as much where those wins will help get you to the playoffs more so than a guy like Jonathan Brooks like being on the pup list or something like that do you think that we as an industry are maybe somewhat undervaluing in general guys who we trust to help us earlier in the season but maybe not later I do think so I think that it is a balancing act I think that you want to make sure you have your bases covered with front-end production balanced out with backend production but yeah I agree it matters it's funny because when you're you know 4-0 Five-0 six and0 well you can dictate your lead like you can make trades and then get these guys later where it teams hey I'm out of the race but I have Jonathan Brooks on my bench but I can't use him because I need wins right now so when you're just stacking up win after win I think it kind of lets you play bully ball a little bit with your the rest of your league mates and you can dictate trades where hey you you're out of the contention like Jonathan Brooks can't help you you got to trade him to me for less than his value or you're going to be out so I think just stacking up wins at the end of the day is super important and a player like chuba hubt is someone that I think can help teams win in September and October Welsh what do you think about hover yeah I love that one I think it's super sneaky because exactly what you said like there is this Focus that gets taken away from the beginning of the year and there's a lot of instances of players not even just running backs by the way because like chuba could be a guy that you could throw in in a flex spot you could have ended up taking you know a Josh DS who could be a little bit questionable for the first week Jaylen Warren would be one of those guys Jonathan Brooks is the prime example though we don't like get into crazy heavy handcuffs or anything like that but like J H's gonna be the guy to start two or three weeks of that full production could be make or break it could be to your playoffs so I think at this cheap of a cost chuba hubard is a fantastic G it's just the upside we get so focused on all these players where the narrative will be like well hey guys love this guy maybe doesn't produce for the first three or four weeks but on the back half of the year they're going to be this or that J hub's the exact opposite it's like guys you're gon to get production early on from him you might not get it latter part of the year as Jonathan Brooks bounces back but I think at the C the value that's what makes this such a great pick by Erikson and you know it's funny enough that we're both doing this because Ericson and I are the two probably most that have done this type of research I do these shows every single year that breaks down it's a ranks analysis across the sites and Erikson has got a great article that's out there breaking down these type of things and that's why we're doing these and I'll tell you right now just as we're going to move forward I'll bet you I stole a bunch because I got to the sheet before Erikson of Ericson's guys but the ones he put up I was like yep yep yep we were both on the same track of what the best values are and I got another running back that's in a little bit of different space from chuba Hub that worm and that's the reason why I didn't open the show calling you my buddy because I know you were mad guys I was kind of mad and upset about oh I was gonna pick this guy this guy's perfect oh he's already in the sheet oh I gotta find somebody else and then no joke yesterday I'm doing it I started to get anxious I was like oh my God I gotta get this done I gotta get I would just felt this anxiety that Ericson was GNA drop his entire list and I'm like no no no no no no and I got mine out and I the the relief the monkey off my back was like Steve Young in the 90s with the Super Bowl I felt so good when I got my list out before Erikson okay well first of all well you got to know who you're talking to we're too young to remember Steve Young actually getting I mean I I know he is but I didn't watch him get the monkey off his back um second of all yeah Eric in his first iteration to the list he had a different running back here for ESPN and then he was like oh wait Welsh picked this guy for a different platform so we'll save him for later so uh yes definitely some overlap here Welsh let's Rico Dowdle go to your running back yeah so I'm GNA find this is actually in the same general vicinity on ESPN by the way this player is similar to chuba's Value which is kind of crazy and this guy might be the starter for their team so if you go over on ESPN Rico dowle is my favorite running back value on ESPN he's got an ECR of 44 but over on ESPN he's running back 49 49 I mean that's it's practically a nothing burger for a guy that what's the worst case situation he's in a time share for an offense that we've seen run two backs relatively successful for many years Elliott is back and I think that's what puts some of it in question on what Elliott could do in the passing game what Elliott's going to end up doing in the goal line situations and his familiarity with the offense but this team has been letting the Reigns open for Rico D he has been the guy he looks like he's going to be the number one I think he's underrated in the past in game I think he's going to have more primary shares I think he's going to start out more games and even if this is in some type of a share I don't think he can end up being Tony po of years past because this would be the best value of all time if you're getting a RB 49 on ESPN who's going to be in rb12 but I think there's a legitimate shot that you can get at worse Flex return from a guy like Rico dle and this is one of the cheapest places you can find him so to be able to find a theoretical number one we give you chuba hbert who will be the number one for the first couple weeks and then it's kind of questionable but Rico D's a guy that could hold it the whole season understanding what Elliott might end up just being in this offense which could be more than expected but Elliott has had a higher uh overall ADP than da throughout this entire thing but ESPN has him buried the most RB 49 expert consensus ranks have him five RB higher he is my favorite RB value of ESPN and and by the way Ericson I I think ECR is also too low so really the Gap in terms of what I think you're getting value in terms of where he's going on ESPN is even greater than the difference between ESPN and ECR where do you have him ranked Erikson I have him ranked ahead of Zeki Elliot I know that much because I want the upside play and I think that's definitely Ric D so I have him as rb32 so I mean that's not even close to where he's being drafted or where his ECR is it's look and he's cheap everywhere again I want I could have put Rico D on every single one of these websites 100% 100,000% that you said that every single list he is low thank you for saying that so and the play with dle is look he would be a fine pick here if he was a straight handcuff if if Zeke was in his prime Rico D oh if zek goes down I have an rb1 that D would be fine as a handcuff but he could be the starter for the Dallas Cowboys so this isn't a guarantee oh I think Ric D's such a great running back he's going to take over this backfield that's not a guarantee but it's well within his range of outcomes and there's no price uh there's no price that's better than this where it's free and if week one plays out he's buried it's a three-way committee with Royce Freeman and it's horrible well then you move on and you get somebody else off the waiver wire so I think that he's a no-brainer pick in home leagues and I'm gonna try to leave every draft I can with Rico D just to kind of see how things play out week one I currently have him 43rd in my rankings as we are talking I'm moving him up I want him in the 30s at the least I I just think he's he's too low and it's a great call by you guys let's go to the wide receivers on ESPN Erikson who's your wide receiver that you want to highlight Amari Cooper uh Amari Cooper I think that he this is the lowest I could find him on any of the home sites he is wide receiver 31 and ecr's wide receiver 24 I have him wide receiver 18 so I've been higher on Cooper than the consensus but I mean wide receiver 31 that's I mean that's kind of disrespectful honest me he had 10th in receiving yards last year tied for second behind only Terry Hill in plays of 20 yards or more and he was good with deshun Watson he was good with four different quarterbacks last year for the Cleveland Browns so I just think that he's just just wrong wrong price wide receiver 31 I don't know if Mari Cooper's ever finished that low in his entire NFL career so I think that he's super undervalued I'm I'm looking right now in his finishes uh he was 37th in 2017 he only played 14 games that year every other year he's been he was 20th one year 25th one year the rest are all like in the teens or higher like he maybe game to game not the most consistent player week to week like he has some of the big blow stuff by the end of the year he's like always in the in like that 18 range so see people want upside on a week to we basis except for Amari Cooper like that's the only guy like n he doesn't have the upside even though he scored what he's still scoring points against the Houston Texas I think dude also I want to point out last year he finished this season I could be corrected here because I'm not looking at all the players but I don't know if there was a player that had more Targets in the final three games than Amari Cooper he had 37 targets over the last three games and we're talking about a difference in um on the ECR over on fantasy pros not only do we give you the the players and their numbers we give you the tiers Amari Cooper is in that fourth tier of wide receivers at 24 he would be mid tier five based on this ESPN rank in the mid tiers of that and we're talking he is the bottom of a higher upper echelon tier I think this is a great great call by Erikson by the way I was actually looking at standard for his finishes in half PPR it's even better he was he's been outside the top 25 twice including that 2017 season every other time he's been 19th or better like he is he is in the teens or better every year and last year most receiving yards of his career highest yards per reception of his career he only had five touchdowns so if that bounces back a bit too I mean yeah I I love this call I I agree like he's he's just being overlooked in a way that I don't think makes a ton of sense um Welsh let's go to your wide receiver for ESPN okay so I have like a quote Dontayvion Wicks tattooed on my forearm and I have a second quote that I'm going to be putting on this I have a scheduled date for it and it's this great philosopher and this philosopher said do not leave your draft without a Green Bay wide receiver uh this great philosopher's name was Andrew Erikson and I take that uh to Heart here and davien Wicks he has been he's at the top I don't know if he's still he might be number one sleeper we have consensus sleeper rankings which is another really cool thing we put as a part of the rankings he's one of the top two wide receivers on that list ECR is still low at 63 but on ESPN 66 wide receiver 66 will he go at wide receiver 66 probably not I mean he is seen as a top sleeper but with the key and this is a key Point I've always talked about when analyzing these sites is what that can do is that can put him further down the board until somebody catches him when they're doing the little scroll down and they're queuing up their players he's even further away from being found and as Ben said if you watch the Fantasy Fest go back on the YouTube channel we're going to have all the great videos there there Daman Wix is a sleeper across the board because Erikson's right you do want a Green Bay wide receiver you want to walk away with someone because every single one of them is cheap and there is huge upside Romeo dobs maybe is the most boring of all of them Christian Watson might have the highest touchdown Target share Jaden Reed is probably the most versatile I've called him he's Green Bay's Deo Samuel but octavien Wicks is the biggest explosive breakout option and he comes at a literal free cost the 66th wide receiver out there in the world where you can get your tattoo of leave your draft with a Green Bay Packers wide receiver ESPN gives you the best opportunity to do it at the absolute lowest cost and I without question no Erikson had to go come on when I had this one on ESPN because this is the value of values Erikson are you like is Wix the Green Bay Packer wide receiver you would highlight or is there another one that you find yourself gearing towards also I mean it's just he's the easiest to get because he's the cheapest that that's really what it comes down to and again I I don't think you should shy away from any of them this is an offense we should be really excited about you can draft multiple of them but considering he is free he's someone that you're most likely going to get because it's it doesn't cost anything so the undervalued players we look on ESPN are chuba hubard Rico D Amari Cooper and dantean Wicks have you guys been hungry for some college football well we finally get a taste this weekend don't miss any of the action jump in at draftking Sportsbook it's a small But Mighty slate of games for week zero including a big matchup in Ireland this is going to be draft King's biggest college football season to date enjoy the ride now all the way through the expanded playoffs plus all newbies getting into the college Spirit here's an extra something special new DraftKings customers bet $5 to get $200 in bonus bets instantly score big with DraftKings all college football season long download the draftking Sportsbook app now use code fantasy pros that's code fantasy pros for new customers to get $200 in bonus bets when you bet just five bucks only on DraftKings the crown is yours all right guys let's go to the other kind of in that top two of platforms that most people play on and Most Undervalued Players on Yahoo that's Yahoo Erikson let's start with your running back here yeah so my running back here on Yahoo is Jerome Jerome Ford Ford for the Cleveland Browns again just another player that's going to be the starter week one with Nick chub going to be sidelined for the beginning of the year not sure when Nick chub is going to come back after he suffered that devastating knee injury last season but drone for looks like the guy I do prefer hubard straight up over Ford I think hubard has a better chance of taking on a bcal role where Ford is going to be the guy that they mostly lean on especially on passing downs but I do have some concerns about Deontay Foreman kind of vulturing at the goal line if the Browns get close in the end zone so that's the only concern I have with Ford but RB 40 ADP on Yahoo his ECR is rb36 so those are just things I wanted to mention when it comes to Drome for and and with yaho in general the other thing that I learned in the article that you can find on fantasy pros is that the elite tight ends we're not talking tight ends on this show but Elite tight ends specifically went super late on Yahoo so that's something to keep in mind that rounds 5 six seven you're getting stud tight ends and that's not how it is on every single platform wellsh what are you doing with Jerome Ford this year I love drafting Jerome Ford I do think Nick chub is a freak he's a freak of an athlete and he can come back any like the amount of time he can come back early could defy All Odds and he will be put and thrust back into a major role but at the same time I don't think any of it is going diminish Jerome Ford this season so this is another one of those probably from a bigger even though you just said you kind of prefer chba Hub this is like a bigger scale version of that where it's like I think Nick chub will come back and have a role but drone Ford is not going to lose anything massively like he's not gonna go down to two or three touches per game I think he will be the primary guy guy for however long it lasts if we're being real Nick chub probably P you know first four games and it's all going to be Jerome Ford's deal and then it'll be slow trickle in so by the second back half of the year it could be a little bit more primary Nick chub but Jerome Ford is a fantastic bet and you are drafting him on Yahoo outside of even a flex running back for again a guy that for at worst a quarter of the Season could be the number one at reasonable could be the number one for half of the season and as optimistic as you want to be he could be kind of the guy the primary guy for the majority of the Year post Flex rank outside the top 36 Jerome Ford love it I I brought this up on the show before um there were only uh five running backs last season to have multiple rushes of 50 plus yards during the 2023 season it was Christian mcaffrey breea devvon hen Derrick Henry all names you wouldd expect and then the fifth was Drome Ford who did it twice so uh he you know is explosive Runner he has that capability and if Nick chub isn't the you know freakiest outlier to come back you know at full strength from that from that devastating knee injury then Ford looks even better so um yeah I love this pick as well uh Welsh I know Erikson loved the running back you're about to bring up here yeah this is the guy what we were talking about earlier that was almost put in the ESPN let's kind of attach a similar thing that Erikson said about Rico D Ric D is cheap in all spots a lot of places are still undervaluing Chase Brown it's not as dramatic as Rico D but Chase Brown is relatively undervalued across the board but I I I understand the reason behind it is there's still a lot of people that think well hey they signed Zach moss and Zach Moss could end up being the guy but we have seen their own team you've seen offensive linemen say Chase Brown should be the guy you've seen them working him as a one I think he's more explosive in the pass game and Chase Brown has an ECR inside of a flex spot 34 but on Yahoo he is RV 38 so again you're talking about almost outside the top 40 same qualification as Jerome Brown this is a player that you get outside of the flex that unlike the Jerome brown spot like right off of day one Zach moss and Chase Brown are going to be battling at it but I think Chase Brown is the best bet of all of them because he is going to be and can be a three down back he is a receiving option Zach Moss has a lot of injury history you do worry because you've seen volume from Zach Moss before but I think Chase Brown is a great bet of getting an rb1 for a team that is outside the top 36 this is a great value you want Chase Brown Yahoo is the place to do it early on in the off season it seemed like the gap between Zach moss Chase Brown vs, Zack Moss and Chase Brown was like fairly sizable on a lot of sites particularly on ECR that Gap has closed significantly I think Zach Moss is now two spots ahead of Chase Brown in in ECR and if you look at you know the fantasy Pro specific rankings just our experts that you know is even more a bigger disparity I mean it's it's a it's now uh Chase Brown is ahead of Zach moss and I know you agree Eric in fact you have Chase Brown well ahead of Zach Moss but I think that's something that has kind of flipped within the last few weeks maybe within the last month compared to early in the summer when people were first getting into this I felt like moss was going ahead of brown that's no longer the case really yeah I mean I've had Chase Brown consistently ahead of Zach Moss that's what just that's why I'm pushing my chips in on that's who I think is going to be the Bengals rv1 and shout out to our guy Jerome Brown welcome to the Welsh isms Jerome brown baby Chris Wells Jerome Brown not you combine Jerome Ford and Chase Brown into Jerome Brown 100% take all the great pieces which one did I do it for your version or mine did I do it for Chase Brown Jerome didn't catch it I didn't catch it either oh man chalk it up if we could save it for all year that's a new that's a creative player that's who I'll be starting my my new Madden seon every time Welsh has a weles I'm just gonna say drone Brown sighting drone Brown here we go yeah we should we we do need to have like a little like Sounder like thing Welsh ISM and uh yeah we could put all the best pieces of those two players together and get a Mega player though just want to point that would be an rb1 for sure uh but even even chase Brown not Jerome Brown I I really do think like among the players we're talking about today like some of it is like yeah chuba hubber is gonna be of value right like Rico dat is gonna be of value Chase Brown like could be an rv1 like if he does just kind of take over this backfield given what we expect out of the offense all of a sudden he's not a value he's a League winner so he's one of my favorite players that we picked for this discussion today and like I think he's a no-brainer like you get to a certain point in your draft and again you can wait on Yahoo like I smashing him every time um Erikson the wide receiver that Jaylen Waddle you want to bring up here is somebody that you've talked about on a lot of shows he's higher up in the rankings he's not one of these kind of guys going in the 30s and 40s at his position but he's still a value in your eyes and somebody that you are planting your flag on yeah because he's wide receiver 20 on Yahoo he's ECR wide receiver 13 and it's Jaylen W look this guy's top 10 receiving yards per game over the last two seasons and he was bad last year I don't know what else I need to do or say to convince people to draft jayen W if he doesn't get hurt then he's going to be he would be a great pick in round two that's that's that's all I'm saying the fact that you can get him on some of these home sites at the end of round three round four to me it's you have no excuse for not drafting Jaylen wad because he's going to be there in round three wherever you pick he's going to be there in round two wherever you pick so you don't have any excuses draft Jaylen wad Welsh are you drafting Jaylen wad this year 100% I actually just put together uh on the itl side I'll probably do something similar with fantasy pros my perfect draft the ideal situation funny enough in that I had the last guy that Eric was talking about over on ESPN and Amari Cooper as like a wide receiver three ideal situation or wide receiver maybe even two Jaylen Wadd is 100% on that list even if you have to put him in a wide receiver one and this is if I were putting together like a high-end ARB ARB the hero hero uh the super The Avengers hero team I'll call it a build where it's two running backs at the top Jaylen waddle to me would be the ideal player to get as your wife receiver one on that because you obviously are giving up some of those top guys but he's an absolutely explosive wide receiver on a big passing offense a big overall offensive scoring side that I think targets get littered across the board there's a obviously a lot of focus and concentration on Tyreek Hill but we I've been saying it anytime I've been with Erikson or really any of the crew Jaylen Wadd just seems criminally underrated I know Joe doesn't agree with us on this one but I think he is underrated across the board and with Yahoo being the biggest discrepancy it is a huge opportunity for people autodraft in round three I mean a lot of players are either high ceiling or high floor he's both and I want that guy on my roster especially if I have two other players already drafted ahead of him uh well shoose your receiver here for Yahoo Xavier Worthy all right so we're going to go into the rookie range here it's kind of hard uh we're actually going to talk about one site uh coming up here that you really don't get any values on rookies and that site specifically might be a little bit ahead of the game and every other site it can kind of go back and forth where you're going to find the value this is probably the best value you're going to find on Xavier worthy he has an ECR of 39 over on ESPN he's wide receiver 43 now one of the things that is happening though and Erikson has been at the Forefront of this has been the the Resurgence of Rashi rice where people are kind of coming to terms with oh yeah you know what that court date isn't going to be till December it's looking a lot less likely they they're not going to take any action before the court date is happening for a suspension it's now looking like it might not happen so Rashid rice is starting to move up but before that started to happen with Hollywood Brown out everyone started looking and saying wow look at this connection that's going on with Xavier Wy and Patrick Mahomes look at the explosive big plays he can do deep and what does Patrick Mahomes love to do a short to uh Kelsey short to Kelce and then bam go long that's going to be worthy so from that big explosive play side I love the idea again of this is another wide receiver you can get as like a wide receiver four you could really get him as a four and maybe as a five on ESPN and these are the type of players that have the best upside I want to fill my bench with I want to fill my bench with a player I would also say Keon Coleman romadon Xavier worthy and this is the best value you can have for worthy so there are a lot of weapons there and rasid Rice playing the whole season maybe cap some of it so we are battling a little bit of as you said worm there's players that are great values and there's players that are League winners I don't think Xavier Worthy is a League winner I think Rico D was a League winner I think Chase Brown can be a league winner but I think Xavier Worthy is the best value and this is that best spot that you can do it and he is a prime type of Target that you want as your top bench wide receiver because the upside could you know I say that and he could be a League winner if he becomes the number one in Kansas City but best value here ESPN or Yahoo for Xavier worthy ericon am I remembering correctly that you have worthy as kind of like the Chiefs receiver that you're targeting and you're above consensus on I'm above consensus on worthy and Rashi rice because I think rice is mispriced because of the suspension concerns which I don't think is actually going to happen and then worthy because he's a exciting rookie that's the perfect fit with Patrick Mahomes and I just think that this happened last year when Devon Anan ended up in Miami we all saw oh my God this is perfect and what do you know it worked out so I'm not overthinking oh with the targets how much is he gonna play they have Kelsey they have rice I don't care I just know Worthy is a prospect that I was super super high on and he went to the perfect situation with the perfect quarterback to unlock his abilities again he's Deshawn Jackson 2.0 and I want that guy on my fantasy team team so yes we're going to see it on Thursday night you're going to see your Ravens corners getting absolutely cooked worm and it's going to be by Mr Xavier worthy so uh buckle up they took Nate Wiggins so he could run step for step with Worthy on some of those downfield passes that'll be a a fun rookie match up there uh recap here for Yahoo the most undervalued players as we see it Jerome Ford Chase Brown Jaylen Wadd and Xavier worthy guys what's the Mando most valuable thing in the world a healthy fantasy roster going into the playoffs a quarterback on a contract maybe it's just having the number one pick on Fantasy Draft Day now the second most valuable thing that would be time especially this time of year when I have less available time than ever as I get ready for the season and taking up a lot of that time was worrying about my body odor this has been especially difficult for me personally since some of you guys know this already I don't actually have a sense of smell I know everybody can be paranoid about smelling especially by the time you get to midday but for me it's even more pronounced since I can't even smell myself that's a lot of time spent worrying but not anymore I've switched to Mando whole body deodorant and it saved so much time time that you know I've spent perfecting my softball swing not to brag I did go five for five last night with four extra base hits Mando has saved me so much time even Welsh would pick me up in fantasy baseball and here's how they do it Mando doesn't cover up odor after the fact with heavy fragrances like certain other deodorants it stops odor at The Source by blocking the bacteria on your skin from eating your sweat which is the actual cause of Bo what does this mean it means Mando is Clin ically proven to control odor for up to 72 hours that is a long time so give yourself more time and get some Mando whole body deodorant and they've got a special offer for new customers to get $5 off Mando's best-selling starter pack with code fantasy pros at shop I can't tell you guys enough how much of a relief it is to have a deodorant I can really trust without being able to smell myself and Mando is safe to use anywhere on your body so there's no part of me I have to worry about I love that I can trust it was developed by a doctor and that I can trust it in all the cracks and crevices remember new customers get $5 off a starter pack which comes with both a solid Stick deodorant and cream cream tube deodorant plus two more free products of your choice plus free shipping so get 40% off your starter pack with code fantasy pros at that's s h o p m n d all right guys I wanted to go a little longer on the ESPN and Yahoo folks because those are the two Most Undervalued Players on platforms that most people play on we do want to hit like I mentioned sleeper and CBS as well so we'll go a little quicker on these but we know that people do play them so we wanted to make sure we highlight some players here as well Erikson start us off with your running back on yeah for me it's Brian Robinson he is RB 37 on Brian Robinson he's ECR rb29 yes ECR rb29 for a player that was rb22 last year in total and he was the rb4 through the first 11 weeks and was 11th in points per game so basically he was a top five running back before he got hurt with the hamping injury and I'm on the side of Brian Robinson is the 1A to Aon Eckler's 1B in this backfield and he's the guy I just prefer because Jen na is gonna take this Commander's offense to the next level it's not gonna be because he's dumping the ball off to running backs I think it's because he be moving the ball efficiently creating Red Zone opportunities and I think Brian Robinson is going to be the goal line back so if Robinson is efficient which he's been first two years of his NFL career despite dealing with some injuries to start I think that he's in a great spot and he's just very undervalued here across the board but especially on Yeah the more mock drafts I do the more I'm just realizing I need to move Brian Robinson even higher in my rankings like I just every time I see him available he's somebody I want to have on my roster I think the upside is very apparent I think he absolutely needs to be in the top 24 running backs if not maybe even a couple of spots ahead of that um I think it's a great call uh and again kind of talking about like I think the floor is actually relatively high for where he's being valued and again the ceiling I think is pretty apparent um especially if you do think he kind of is really taking over the role you know instead of Austin Eckler this season which I think he will do Welsh where are you ranking Brian Robinson I'm not as big on Brian Robinson as the rest of the crew uh finally a disagreement here from Welsh yeah well it's not listen this is a value I'm I'm gonna hone in like you g you give me one of these guys outside the top 36 he is not a es or is saying he's not a flex option no that's not the case but I'm not as like you have to have Brian Robinson we did the uh fantasy sleeper episode from the Fest which will be up on the YouTube and we had Michael at Florio on and Florio was talking about Austin Eckler I tend to think that Eckler is going to get a higher usage Erikson said it right though that it's like a 1A 1B situation but I'm just not sure that that 1B makes or onea situation makes Brian Robinson an RB a high in rb2 or something like that I think he belongs in that like low rb2 rb3 range because I think Eckler is going to take some of that Equity away there's also Red Zone potential with Jaden Daniels who's going to be running a lot as well I think he's a good running back he's a massive value here though so like he is not a must for me but there is no argument that he's not a value in this spot well shose your running back here ranks stinky Javonte Williams they need Mando the ranks on the running backs need some Mando my friends and we will be the Mando to these ranks to let you know who because the number one sleeper back the Mount Rushmore of the fantasy football Fest of players that we talked about ladies and gentlemen is Denver Bronco running backs and we have one of that guy that's going to be coming up here shortly the other one how about javante Williams javante Williams ECR 27 here 36 on the 36 running back that is one of the biggest discrepancies that we've talked about and we have I'm looking through my own list here of players I don't have many that have that big of a discrepancy but both of these guys at these costs the the Denver Bronco running backs because I'm going to talk about the other one coming up here shortly like they're an easy investment and I know Jalil mcglaflin is definitely a big sleeper that you want to get invested on and gavonte Williams could be maybe a little bit of a question because some of the cost could be higher but it's not here it's at 36 I mean Brian Robinson and gavonte Williams are really kind of lead you to to be able to play a zero running back strategy you can play a zero RB strategy a lot easier on this platform because you could bounce and take both of those guys outside of the top essentially 36 RBS so javante looks healthier he's getting runs with that offense if we get those previous legs we've seen of him he's just a value and you can see that that the ECR has him as a top 30 this is a nine running back differential nine rank differential between so we'll take the Mando to it and we'll let you know there are some massive massive RB values on I I've said all offseason I love guys who are yet another year removed from that big injury um I think we tend to under under undervalue them really in general I do think his ECR is appropriate it's not like I have him much higher than that but to me he needs to be in the top 30 um I love this pick and like just the more I've you know heard about the way they're talking about him in Denver I I'm out here in Denver so I hear people talk about this back field a lot The more I've watched him I'm just like I'm I'm buying in that he's you know you know relatively back and there you know some of these guys we talk about like they have both a high floor and a high ceiling maybe not the highest floor because you could see a pass where it doesn't work out but I think the ceiling is really clear especially in a sea Payton offense um I think this is a terrific call Welsh and I super on board with this Erikson how are you ranking gavon Williams this year I think that he's almost a top 24 running back for me look this is my other rule number one is draft a Green Bay Packers wide receiver rule number two draft a Denver Broncos running back those are my two rules this year and I'm not going away from it so Welsh you have to get more that's my thir get it on my leg I'll just do it on my my inside of when I look at this Broncos offense it just screams to me who so if they're going to move the ball right it's got to be through the running backs are we head over heels about drafting one of these receivers not really the tight ends is a mess so how are they going to function it seems like the best offensive players they have are their running backs and maybe Shawn pyton is just lying about how much he loves the m board maybe he just looks at his roster and realizes oh the running back's are the best offensive players on my team and this is how we're going to move the ball and given what B Knicks was the best at being a checkdown artist at Oregon well then this is what we should expect so again at first I was off of with javante I want to see if he was healthy or not I was concerned about the split with the other running backs but now I'm looking at it as I think that there's enough of a p to go around in this backfield where I want to draft all these Broncos running backs Erikson let's go to your Rashee Rice wide receiver it's rashy rice for me um wide receiver 36 ADP his ECR is still really low at wide receiver 32 I have a wide receiver 21 so I I just don't think he's going to get suspended this year I really don't he has a December 9th court date and he's just mispriced everywhere on every single site because those are all baking in well what if he gets suspended I feel pretty confident saying that I don't think he's going to get suspended and even if he does it would be towards the end of the season where so many things have already happened with your draft with your team I think you'll be more than fine benefiting from Rashi rice who look when he's healthy if he's playing a full season he could catch 100 passes in this offense based on what he did at the second half of last year he had 105 catches last year for 1,200 yards eight touchdowns in 20 games he was a rookie that broke out with Patrick Mahomes and he's going outside the top 30 wide receivers again it's because of the suspension which is why his price is suppressed but it's not bounced back we're not recalibrating what his ADP and rank should be I'm trying to I'm trying to push him up the ECR but it's not I can't do it alone folks experts come with me rank Rashi rice higher let's go well so you obviously have mentioned you know Xavier worthy already what do you think about rice yeah no I love this again and that perfect team because of the value I had thrown Rashi rice in as like the fourth wide receiver of flex and based on these prices it can be done it really and if you're talking about mid-30s for Rashid rice there's an absolute path based on a lot of drafting strategies where you could have him as your wide receiver four I cannot think of a wide receiver four with more upside outside of like you know maybe if a Keon Coleman really ends up hitting or something like that I love it I think target share will be there I like the cost I'm with Erikson like the rankers need to move up but I don't want all the SES to adjust because I want to still get that value I think one of the best things you do like I agree with you I don't think he's going to get suspended but we have to find some way to continue to bake that in and the bacon is like just give me more value don't put him at wide receiver 20 or 22 or 24 anything outside of like mid wide receiver three you're just getting into Big Value where it is absolutely worth the risk so I like the Rashid rice pick here and this is one of the best platforms to get him it's time for this week's player that I Malik Nabers would give almost almost anything to draft for my fantasy lineup brought to you by Uber Eats that player is Malik neighbors Welsh's pick for most undervalued on so because he is undervalued we don't need to give up almost almost anything to get him but we would and why is that well because Malik neighbors is the cheapest cost on this why are we going to give it all up on Malik neighbors I mean it's pretty easy to say he's the number one wide receiver on this team the quarterback play is in question he is going to be a Target Monster you can worry about rookie wide receivers and overall catch percentages especially in bad quarterback play actually something I had mentioned this isn't like a rookie situation but the bad quarterback play of Tennessee last year led to really bad catch percentages for a guy like DeAndre Hopkins and targets were what made made that work same thing is going to happen in this situation Daniel Jones is a lesser of a quarterback but Malik neighbors is a superstar he makes plays continues to make plays is one of the highest risers this entire year but guess what on you're gonna get the value he is not a wide receiver two on this platform he has an ECR of 23 which is already a little too low I got him quite a bit higher he is 27 on this platform it is hard to find Value on the buzziest of Buzzy players and I think we could argue about it find me another player that has had more Buzz consistently throughout the offseason from Malik neighbors because we all see it he's going to get massive amounts of targets you hope the touchdowns are going to be there in this offense but if they are it'll be going through Malik neighbors and here you get the best value so if you're playing on I am imploring you to queue up Malik neighbors and make make sure you get him because you can get him as a wide receiver three on this platform he will not be a wide receiver three in 80% of other leagues in any other platform he in some respects May cost a wide receiver one wide receiver three best value Malik neighbors it's almost untrendy to love Malik Neighbors at this point I still love him and this was shouting to me one of the best values really from an overall production standpoint of everything we're going to do here is getting a discount on Malik Neighbors because we're not saying that a whole lot I couldn't agree more this will be the only year of his career you can get a discount on him um he doesn't just need to be in the top 24 he needs to be in the top 20 frankly like I think he needs to be in the top 18 like like there's just no world where he should be ranked where he is on some of these sites and I like you know I I get it like Daniel Jones is Not Kyler Murray been talking about these kind of elite rookie quarterbacks that these you know these Elite rookie receivers who they're paired with their quarterbacks this year but I don't think the Gap is so wide that Marvin Harrison Jr should be inside the top 10 and Malik neighbors is not even a wide receiver too like to me that's insane these guys were very very close as prospects coming out and also there's even more of a path to targets for for neighbors and I think Daniel Jones isn't good but he's good enough that neighbors can be awesome this year Erikson I know you're highering him too yeah because he's the offense like that's what they're going to do they're going to move the ball with Malik neighbors and Brian deall has had success in the past it's not like we've never seen this offense work so I get Daniel Jones coming off an ACL doesn't look great okay all it means is you can get Malik Neighbors at a discount and I just think that yes it's going to go through their lumps but if he's seeing 15 opportunities they're giving him rushing attempts bubble screens he's he's too good to not make a player two with his opportunities so even if the offense does struggle I think he in the talent that He has and possesses he's G be able to generate enough to pay off at least a wide receiver three price tag and I think obviously we're we're expecting a lot more so that's why we would give up almost almost anything to draft Malik Neighbors in our lineups this season that was this week's Uber Eats player of the week get almost almost anything for game day delivered with Uber Eats the official ond demand delivery partner of the NFL order now all right guys let's go to sleeper here Most Undervalued Players on Sleeper Erikson who's your running back yeah so sleeper I didn't really find a ton of players that I really loved undervalued versus the ECR the only one that I really could find specific at running back was Joe Mixon and his ECR and ADP Joe Mixon on the sleeper site are pretty similar as rb15 ECR rb5 ADP but he still Falls overall into that round four5 turn which in leagues like sleeper home leagues where running backs are going a little bit more aggressive it is kind of interesting to see Joe Mixon fall a little bit sometimes at the end of round four and I think that I mean his range of outcomes I think he could put up a very similar stat stat line to Derrick Henry considering plays at a good offense he's on a new team he should have a ton of touchdown opportunities but the thing that separates him from Henry maybe he's not as great as a rusher but he can catch passes out of the back field and say what you want about Joe Mixon all of his days with the Bengals not the perfect running back but the guy always scored fantasy points right he was always On The Fringe of a top 10 running back every single year that he was healthy so I think Joe Mixon is someone to kind of circle because I think he might fall in some of your drafts you can scoop up some rb1 upside pretty late on the sleeper platform well she's your running back Jaleel McLaughlin here all right so this was the actual Mount Rushmore of sleeper players I'm I'm pretty safe to say this is the number one sleeper consensus sleeper on fantasy pros and uh de bro's Blood Brother it is Jalil mlin where he comes at the best value here and I I just want to say this about sleeper sleeper is where you don't find values on rookies specifically and really Buzzy players you don't find a lot and that's why even uh Erikson was just like well it's kind of hard to find them it's mixing because there's not a lot and they have been drafting for months and months and months and it's a very astute audience of guys that are drafting there but one of the things that hasn't really changed as far as that rank go is Jalil mlin and he again like I said one of the top sleepers on our platform and he comes cheaper here ECR 49 he's RB 53 on sleeper and Erikson kind of broke it down a lot earlier when we were talking about javante Williams in that like they're gonna run this offense through the running backs J Lil mlin is getting an opportunity and he there there's a path where he could be the number one I think we're moving away from that because I'm a gante Williams guy as well but I think we could get double digit targets and shares whether it's targets car per game from mlin because they're going to run through there and he is the literal version of free outside the top 50 in RBS there's a lot of upside a lot of people want you to take it I can't think of a better bench running back especially because they don't have to be your top bench running back you can get guys like tuba Hub as a as a bench running back at like rb3 or four you can get mlin at the very very end and sleeper is allowing that for the best value Erikson who's your wide receiver on sleeper yeah I do want to add one other thing when it comes to the sleeper Fantasy Hack platform the fact that the rookies are not as great values on some of these other Home sites rookies are just absolutely buried on the ADP and what you can do here's a fantasy hack for those that are listening look at where these rookies are drafted on sleeper and then draft them there on your platforms to make sure you get them because I always get questions well I want to draft this player but I don't want to reach you still want to get get good value on those players well the sleeper where their ADP is because of the more astute drafting community on the sleeper platform you can get a better idea of okay I really like this rookie here but this is where I should draft him to make sure I definitely get him because we're again we're talking about values but at the the end of the day you still want to get the certain players and I'm okay reaching especially when they're going later anyway yeah let me just quickly say like like within reason like obviously you don't want to take like Jill mcclin in the first round or whatever but within reason don't worry about reaching like just if you if you take a player who's really good that's not a reach that's that's really good like you know Scott panowski says it a lot like any strategy work if you pick the right players like reaching works if you pick the right player like don't worry so much if it's like a round or two earlier than a guy just if you really have conviction and believe in him just just get the guy that you think is gonna be really good and and reap the benefits so I just I had to say that and that's why it's under understanding these sites too this is this is that theory of what you just said this is putting into application like we're identifying some of the players where it's like you don't have to reach but also know where the values are so you can start to plan for where you're picking those and that's that's kind of the thesis of everything we're doing doing here oh so you only get one pick per round right so so that you also have to keep that in mind that oh well I can't wait till round 14 to pick all the undervalued guys because you only have one round 14 pick so you got to keep that in mind as well but I will get to my wide receiver it's Jackson Smith and jiga again another player that kind of Jaxon Smith-Njigba across the board was a player that was undervalued on a lot of these sites so on sleeper specifically which I'm actually kind of surprised that it was so low because he's a seconde wide receiver you'd expect him to be higher but he's buried wide receiver 47 so jiga again when you're getting down to that wide receiver tier where it's a lot of rookies a lot of question marks I mean JS said to me even if he doesn't smash and melt faces in year two I'm pretty sure we can all agree he's gonna be better so I think that he could he's definitely a small win as a wide receiver four and I just think that he he also has that upside case where it's a first round pick they finally unlock him in this new offense he takes over the wide receiver two roll it's a 1 a 1B he kind of uh he puts Tyler Lockett kind of in his place a veteran so I think Smith and jiga it just makes so much sense at the price it's a no flyer upside case that I just think I can't draft enough of but uh by the way I totally agree I was going to bring up how surprised I was that he would fall under this category four sleeper given the nature of the platform I would have thought he was similar to some of these rookies where they're a little you know more correctly or overvalued on sleeper than the other sit so that is a surprising one that folks should definitely take advantage of Welsh who's your wide receiver well how about a ball Diontae Johnson Hawk wide receiver who is going to be the number one on a bad team that is going to be playing from behind every single game maybe every single quarter that's Deontay Johnson and Deontay Johnson on sleeper is pushed down probably because you know some of these rookies again we just talked about it rookies are pushed up he's inherently one of the guys that goes down one of the biggest discrepancies again ECR 34 wide receiver three for us he's wide receiver 42 on sleeper so if you're playing in a full PPR format he is pushed down this is the type of thing that I think this is what could be happening on sleeper is you might be allowed to reach up for the romad dun the worthy they go up maybe a Keon Coleman and then people can come back and take a Deontay Johnson Deontay Johnson is as good as a wide receiver three as you could ask for he's ECR 34 it's it's I guess it's lower on the wide receiver 3 platform but this is representing he is your top bench wide receiver or a flex option for a guy that yes I know they have D and stuff but they're going to be playing from behind on all of these games deonce Johnson is going to get seven to eight targets minimum per game he's ECR or he's ADP 42 wide receiver 42 on here it's a huge value for a platform that is valuing a lot of the Buzzy exciting guys he is not that but he should be for the build of your team as the 42nd wide receiver Most Undervalued Players on CBS let's quickly hit on a couple of names from CBS then we'll get out of here ericon who's your running back for CBS yeah running back is tough on CBS Tyjae Spears because there's no site that wants running backs more than those drafting on CBS Sports so I had to go all the way down to RB 36 ECR or Taj Spears he's 36 and CBS is 80P he's rb30 in the ECR look it's a 1A 1B situation between him and Tony Pard I can't tell you confidently who's going to be the starting running back I think they're going to switch but I think looking at the value you can get at him as a 30 ranked running back in the ECR you get him at RB 36 on a site that's super running back heavy if you dare to do a Zero Hero RB on CBS then you got to Taj Spears well she's your running back the other running back that you could Target and I I would bet that Rhamondre Stevenson Erikson definitely saw this and was like whoa and I had this on this list this is probably the most prominent one uh we have him as ECR rb2 he is the 25th running back on a heavy RB platform rre Stevenson it's a huge value he is the offense he's the number one uh you can make all the arguments across the board of where ra Andre Stevenson sits but this is the difference between him being an rb2 and a starting Flex running back so I think again like if you're doing the RB strategy the zero RB strategy we just identified probably the two guys that you would want to go for this is one of the very few values on cbs's platform where you can get an RB so I think he is the number one value Erikson Michael Pittman Jr. who's your receiver yeah so because the RBS get drafted so aggressively a lot of talented receivers fall significantly so I know I've kind of talked about Fades with Drake London and Eco Collins probably going to draft those guys on CBS because they go much later on those platforms more in round three and specifically my favorite guy that goes the latest is Michael Pitman Jr he's wide receiver 22 in the CBS ADP and he's ECR wide receiver 14 so I've been on Pitman throughout the entire process and I know I have a CBS League coming up and I cannot wait to scoop up Michael Pitman in potentially round four sign me up Rome Odunze well she's your wide receiver I've been watching hard KNX and it's been very fun and it's fun to see all these guys kind of working together very different The Narrative of what is out there media public wise about Keenan Allen and apparently his 350 PB wide receiver now compared to what he is on hard knock but one thing you can't deny is there's a great connection between Caleb Williams and Roman dun and Rome looks fantastic getting some of those little rookie mistakes out of the way but the route running and stuff like that well guess what on CBS huge value he's ECR wide receiver 42 but he's wide receiver 46 on this platform and I'll just say it again when you get to my bench I want these rookies that have the potential to be a number one on a team yes they got d J Moore of course but adun could take could be a 1B he could be the waddle to Moore being Hill for that offense and this is a massive massive value you don't find it a lot with these rookies adun would be a great piece to your build to be on your bench let him sit for a couple weeks CBS is allowing it for the platform so like Erikson said they're wide receiver values that you can play around with here so my guy romad dun possibly my favorite pick we talked about I love Roman dun this year I think he's a great Val I think the upside is so obvious if the opportunity is better than we expect for him to be just an absolute beast and he was right there with Harrison and neighbors like as a prospect so um I I don't think he should be getting overlooked and particularly on CBS it looks like that's happening um we'll get out of there on that just a reminder for everyone if you Closing want to kind of take some of this advice and highlight some of these players for your actual drafts like the draft assistant with fantasy pros is awesome and it is right there Incorporated on the drafting platform for these sites you can sync your league and literally have it suggest to you who some of these values are live during the draft so you don't even have to remember all the names we listed here it will do the work for you can also create your own cheat sheats to include that as well so just a reminder to check out graft Wizard and my playbook and all the great stuff we have there to help you out we will get out of there on that for Welsh and Erikson I'm Ryan warley thank you everybody for tuning in we'll see you again next time [Music] [Music]

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