Tracy Lawrence - TL's Road House - Cherie Kilchrist (Episode 26)

closing yeah he's getting all this [ __ ] you know that was all ironed it was yeah there we go oh yeah no man we got this thank you [Music] hello everybody Welcome to Tails Roadhouse thank you for being with us uh Sheree kilpers is in the house so she is a stylist wardrobe consultant and part of the theme of what we we're trying to do is add some depth to the music industry and showcase some people that do other things on the peripheral outside of the recording artist and the people that make the music and stuff in Nashville that are a Vibe a huge part of everything that we do we have to look good yeah and you make us look good thank you thank you for being here thank you for having me so let's start off by letting people know a little bit about yourself you're a Cajun you're from Louisiana Crawfish all the way yeah tis the season yeah have you had any yet this year I have yeah last week they are they're actually good size this year oh my gosh well I had some friends from Louisiana bring some down yeah huge and so good they're like little baby lobsters well I see you have a sign up down the road and I was gonna call but Logan was driving too fast now he's uh he he has moved up here from south Louisiana and he I don't I haven't known him to bring crawfish up but he will go down every couple of weeks and I think he Services some of the restaurants with like grouper and Snapper and different well he said crawfish available and a call a number I was gonna get the number on the way out but if he's from Louisiana then it's legit oh yeah he's legit and I've had his gumbo his Gumbo's really good that's a good sign of how good of a Cajun they really are well next podcast when it's cold and you have me back I'll be in gumbo ah yeah so uh what all do you put in your gumbo um well I'm not a big cook so you're going to bring it from somebody put chicken and sausage only so no uh no you're not uh you don't do any of this no I don't know that's not really caping is it no just chicken and sausage and you're seasoning and yeah yeah that's pretty bland she brings them from your neighbor up here yeah it's pretty good no I'm telling you it's good trust me so how often do you go back home um actually not that often I should go home more but my parents come down here and I just don't go home I just you're working all the time though I'm working and I feel like I travel other places if I'm going anywhere and yeah I need to though I need to so the the work that you do in the music industry is is very important to a lot of people how did you find this path into where you're at it was a long path um basically left Louisiana I'll give you like the shortest person no give me the long version the long version well I always wanted to leave my hometown and I always wanted to be in fashion but I didn't know what that meant or what that looked like so I always thought you just have to go to a big city to do that and luckily I had a best friend that she started an internship in California basically I graduated high school I went to a fashion School in Dallas then I went to California and I just started working my way up my personal assistant to someone in the fashion industry met people started doing any kind of job that I could do basically just to get my foot in the door um and survive in California what were some of those early jobs so I was a personal assistant first for Sharon Stone's sister and she had a fashion company called scene again and she wrapped a couple Brands and would Place those on TV and movies and stuff like that but I still was so green to the fashion industry I mean all I thought was I go to Fashion school and then I become a buyer and then I own a store like that was my extent of like what you did in fashion I didn't know I still like I was you know small town Louisiana I mean I really didn't know what it looked like to actually like get paid to play dress up and dress people and my thing was to like make them I always like to make people feel good about themselves and I just loved clothes um so anyway I worked for her as a personal assistant so I got to see stuff and got to go into doors I've never even dreamed of and you know be on movie sets and TV sets and I was like what is this world and then I would see you know the Wardrobe department and just be like wow wow like so did you do some things you know a lot of I did like marketing like I worked for Ed Hardy do y'all remember at home oh absolutely I worked for them and I did marketing for the swimwear brand and then my friend was a designer and we would do like trade shows in Vegas and Miami and just did you do set work I mean because every movie sets different I mean if you're on a western it's a completely different thing so does that work like costume design and wardrobe styling is like completely two different worlds and I thought I wanted to go in costume design which would be more of like set work and work like you're a costume designer from one specific TV show and you work like that show yeah and it is like it's almost like a corporate office job to be honest with you pretty cut and dried and black yeah and it just did you do any stage work like work at theaters and stuff or like any plays or any production yeah I just kept getting my foot into every door that I could and learn and taken and see and I just always knew where I wanted to be and that just kind of kept guiding me and then I started assisting stylists in La yeah so that's where you kind of have to get started do whatever like The Devil Wears Prada movie oh yeah that's just what I did I got you so so how did that lead you to where you are here well Nashville was only supposed to be for a year and I was just coming to visit I was just young 20s in LA and you know assisting but I wasn't still I was in a different mindset and my friend was like let's go to Nashville and try something different for a year and honestly I look back and I really had no idea what I was doing I don't know why I left why I walked away from the hustle of getting to the top of styling in LA and assisting and you know wanting to be that stylist that's like in The Hollywood Reporter oh yeah and and the energy and like that's where I was trying to go yeah but instead I was are you a seamstress uh do you do any of your own uh designs did you ever dabble in that when you were a kid playing around with fashion um no that always was interested in it and some like the extent that I would do I would always get like I could never really like afford fashion or what I would see in magazines and stuff so I would always like I was always creative when I would either go in my mom's closet or go to like a vintage store and just kind of cut the bottom of the dress mini put a belt around it accessorize and you know I'd always get compliments oh he looks so cool and I was like ah it feels so cheap like you know it was like but I felt good and I was creative in that aspect and I always liked like and it was never about money in fashion or having the top designers it was just about like looking cool so you had to be inspired my Madonna Material Girl because that's just tell me about it I mean I mean that had to kind of was that one of the things that kind of lit the spark in you or was it there before that honestly the spark was always there yeah it's hard to explain like I feel like that's all I knew I was never interested in anything else like my friend and I were best friends my friend is a stylist too and she moved here from La recently and we were friends since first grade and since first grade we always just liked playing Barbies playing dress-up talking about fashion you know makeover movies started to come out and we were like obsessed um and then the movie Clueless came out and I was like done I'm done like that's that's what that's my life like I don't know what else to do just always into fashion and clothes I really didn't know anything else and it wasn't music videos really that got me inspired I think it was just like my friends real life things magazines anything a TV show like Beverly Hills 90210 yeah I just loved who was your first country artist that you dressed very good question I think it was I think it was Jason well not she's not an artist she's a wife that's okay it was Jason's wife okay Brittany yeah I actually met her in La before I even moved here so my kind of going back to kind of how you asked there is a seniority stylist that was that is in town but he retired John Murphy do you do you know John Murphy I've never worked with him I don't know he was with like Rascal Flatts for like 13 years and everyone Jason the beginning of his career and everything and I actually knew him from La so when I came to Nashville for a year I called him up and I was like coming to Nashville we don't know anything I knew zero grew up in Louisiana moved to LA thought I was going to New York Tennessee was never on my radar I had no idea what was happening here I grew up on country music loved country music went to California became this like little Hollywood kid and lost track of my roots yeah so when I came to Nashville I called him and he was still with Jason and doing all his things and I'd met Brittany in L.A and he was like well come help me like come under my wing in my studio and it would be a great addition to like start helping them wives you know you're coming from La you know the showrooms you know design what's happening with hip you know and you can just be with the wives and I'd already known Brittany and so that kind of happened and I just fell in love with this town and the energy and working around just this community of people who kind of they they're just a community it really is you know it's and it's there's much more camaraderie here than than I think there is in the other genres of music it's really different here and uh and really in the 90s it was there was so much more I mean before Music Row got decimated like it has been I wish I would have been here I mean I would I don't know how old I would have been it was great in the 90s I wish I was styling in the 90s oh my gosh that's you know there's as as you look at the Fashion in the music industry obviously the nudie suit was a huge thing and then obviously Manuel had a big part in that as the nudie kind of changed and he I guess he worked with with nudie early on whatever the designer was that did all that early stuff I think he studied under him a little bit if he had a chance to work with Manuel and Audis obviously man was way up in age at this point I said that's a whole different style that um the first time I was introduced to that world was actually in California and my old boss that I was working with was doing a project I think it was for Jennifer Nettles yeah actually Jennifer Nettles she was probably doing the Coal Miner's Daughter at the time I don't I don't I don't think so I don't remember what it was this was probably like two thousand eight ish nine maybe nine ten and um The Stylist that I was working with in La started working with her love her she was a gem that was my first yeah but we went to a family member and there was like archived pieces in California of like nudie suits and all the stuff that the family had worn for years yeah wow that's just remembering that actually those things have are they're so very I'm Marty Stuart and they're no telling what his collection of those suits are he's got tons of them so so you know I've I've been around the Fashion World a little bit uh not I've never been to a runway show or any of that kind of stuff on a professional level but how do you get networked into those designers where you have access to new things because obviously new designs things are coming out when an artist gets ready to go walk the carpet and they're doing an award show or they're doing a big event nobody wants to look like anybody else and you don't want to look like you did yeah last year the year before the year before that so how do you how do you network those relationships everybody's trying to get in the door with those people how do you do that yeah it's basically I mean it's building those relationships but it's also that Designer has a Target list of who they want to work with too so they already know and so I think the worlds are a little different in country music about that like these designers it's hard to explain but it's over years of building these relationships so you know who the contacts are for these designers or you can reach out to them and you know you just tell them your project tell them what you're doing and you see if it's a good fit and you kind of know with like each individual artist that you're working with like who you're going to reach out to because you're not going to want to reach out to the same you know say I have like three guy clients I don't I'm not going to reach out to the same person for all three you know so you kind of just see what their Vibe is what designer they mixed with and you just reach out and see if they're interested in working together yeah and country is so diverse I mean if you look if you watch an award show red carpet I mean you've got every single thing from Versace to Armani to to you know as some people focus more on accessorizing and don't care as much about the closing aspect of it some people are more into the the cowboy hats and the fancy boots right some people just don't give a [ __ ] there's a lot of not giving it there's a lot of not giving [ __ ] these days I'm saying and I like the 90s yeah but there's there's some people that really do uh do care or that really want to look like that that fashion is a big part of and and uh and there was a time where outside of the nudy world it was probably more of the female artist that did but I think it's across the board with everybody now I think so too I mean you know man you know your men that do the cowboy hats and make sure like they're nice boots whether it's a round toe a square toe with their suits like it's you know there's the I have red carpet boots and then I have stage boots for my artists you know and so that's kind of the accessory for men you know women can get a lot crazier but um you know me I don't I'm so unflashy I don't give a crap but for you though like for styling it's not about I mean it's like you said you're like oh I want to wear a tux okay well you still have to have a fitting though because you're not gonna just walk in the store and go buy a tux and it's going to fit you off the rack and that's basically I bring the store to you my Tailor's here and it's about getting the right fit you know because you want to feel good and if it don't fit it don't feel good no tailoring is one of the most important parts absolutely yeah and so you've got your network of all those people but you you don't you don't so you don't know you don't sew gosh no and I'm from Louisiana tough questions no and I I grew up with a family of sewers my grandmother my great-grandmother made every piece of clothing like phenomenal um I I don't know what happened with me and that you still had a love for it though yeah yeah I appreciate it I did so I just had a different you know and sometimes I look back I'm like okay well I was the first one to get out of town and kind of pursue these dreams that I know a lot of my family members had um that's kind of cool you know and to actually make this a career so the energy in Nashville at this stage of your career uh do you miss La do you do you miss not taking that step to New York because that's a whole different scene up there too I don't yeah I think this is the one of the best communities and me to have like live a life a balance and have a family balance a life of purpose be close to family and actually like work with people who appreciate you and your appreciate them and you know there's not there's just a lot more Community here there really is so I know Jason kind of has his own style did that get started with the person that you worked with before or or did you kind of start evolving him into that direction because he's he's got his own unique thing a lot of people have tried to copy him but he still kind of stands apart by himself I mean Jason Aldine is Jason Aldean you know when he has his hat on the jeans and the wallet chain you know it's Jason Aldean you know so I don't think I've ever like as Jason Aldean having a stylist some people are like oh well what do you actually do you know for Jason Aldean and and I think he's all he might have come out the womb with that style he had a wanna chain with him when he was born I love him and I will say this to him again but I'm pretty sure he did and I don't I mean that's a very good question but I think you know he's branded himself as Jason Aldean his hat like all the things and I think like me coming in like after John who did a great job with him and then retired me coming in is just you know I kind of bring to the plate like a little more rock and roll vibe to him you know a little more of the harder chains and like I push him so much to do his black boots with his black hat and you know stay like to be with all the hard metals and edgy so I try to I bring in more of the rock and roll but of course I'm always going to keep his palette of Jason Aldean like when I travel I like all with all his wardrobe in my carry-on I make like a Jason Aldean carry-on so if all my luggage gets lost I can at least make him Jason Aldean I have the Hat one shirt and one pair of those custom jeans that are fitted perfectly in Boots wow you know that's a lot no no my job could be way worse okay so how many artists are you working with at this point um right now I have I think like five or six or yeah five or six all extremely different from one to the next women men um Everybody in the industry yeah yep everybody is in an industry I don't work in anything outside of country music really anymore unless I get a call to do so that's probably a full plate for you though isn't it I mean that many artists especially when it comes up so unless peak times of the year obviously you've got ACM CMAs CMA Music Fest what what are your big times are there anything outside of that that I'm missing package shoot you know photo shoots and all that stuff photo shoots and stuff like that but um music videos you know because it takes a while to prep each person and if each person has a job going on within that month I mean all your weeks fill up yeah you know um but yeah mostly country music and so let's talk about Louisiana culture that's kind of change gears yeah so what do you miss about it I love Louisiana I got so many friends there and we've talked about this before we've worked together over there yeah I just miss how like easy going slow paced they are you know but I can only last for two days like that oh you know my face I love the food the food is my absolute but that's right that's not good for you well that's true it's just not and my favorite thing about Louisiana drive through Daiquiris oh my God it's the only state in the country that you can drive through and get a mixed drink and a closed container to the dam is the paper on the top of the straw yes and they'll hand it to the one and put it in your car oh here have a big time yeah I mean every summer our thing we would go lay by the pool and before the pool we'd go get gallons of Daiquiris because they'll give you a gallon through the drive-through and they'll give you a stack of cups with the lettuce and the straws just right in the car isn't that great and let me tell you I mean I wish we had that here I think that would be we're not waiting until we get home [Music] yeah I forget that other people don't have that nobody has that which is crazy when I moved to California I remember being at a bar and I walked out with my drink and they were like they flip out and I was like well I'm not done no and they were like excuse me yeah I was like that this makes no sense yeah there's that's a that had to be a big culture shot going from Louisiana to L.A because that's a and maybe even more so now oh my gosh it was just like what is this girl wide open oh my gosh so so did you ever work on a movie set yeah I think you mentioned a couple things early on that you kind of assisted with um shows [Music] I can't remember I've been on movie sets like or I've had to go to like Paramount always you know to drop work on the lot yeah I've always had to go work on the lot to drop off a look or get someone ready after they're filming and stuff like that all the time so what do you do in your off time um I have a daughter who's about to turn four so just spend time with her I'm coaching soccer really I have no idea how to play soccer you just passed the ball yeah they're three and four so it's it's more about teamwork keeping them from climbing the trees at that age yeah exactly it's more about meltdowns you know meltdown Central but um that just started but on my free time I mean I'm kind of become a homebody yeah I like to just be with friends and hang out at home and be with my daughter and you know I'm kind of boring these days no don't be boring well I don't think there's a big place I don't think I'm boring I just think I was really fun in my 20s and 30s and now I'm about to turn 40 and I'm just kind of chill that's not a bad thing well I didn't just throw this in my last night my wife and my daughter made uh their own bracelets you know like those little string pieces and put little letters in and they could spell the word and it was beautiful just the two of them just sitting there doing that see I love it it's a little tiny small story and it may not seem like much but it's huge yeah you know that I mean that's you didn't help I'm doing it did not help so just I think that was better left to her in that case did you have a bottle of wine while doing that no she didn't but I think wine goes with everything yeah everything yeah absolutely I'm like that sounds like a great white night yeah okay so where's one place in the world that you want to go that you hadn't been oh my gosh Milan I've been to Milan okay so that's not a big it's just a little it's just it's already been everywhere I'm all about Greece yeah I haven't been to Greece Greek Isles yeah I've been you know I've been to there's places I want to go back I want to go back to Paris yeah yeah I want to go back to Bora Bora which was phenomenal um where is that like Polynesian Islands okay Far Far Away crystal clear water okay they have the little Huts out in the in their little Bay I've seen the pictures before I haven't been there unbelievable yeah we did a trip to Italy last year with the kids and it was one of the most oh my gosh I remember how was that it was awesome we're going back for three weeks this summer so we're going back over again and slowing the pace down to spend a little bit more time on the different regions and not be rushed so much yeah you know Milan Milan's a little bit overwhelming um I like the slower paced Parts you know the mafia I like to go off the beaten path and live like a local and you know like Under the Tuscan Sun you know that movie oh yeah I always say like that's how I want to live but I could live it if when America collapses I'm just going to Italy yeah oh actually that yeah we are actually having these conversations now yeah pretty much but I heard you have to be fluent uh I don't think so I think that's a problem but you have and I did I had a Italian teacher that was coming to the house for about six months it didn't I've got little bits and things but I've got to refresh myself before we go back it's like another language it's really I really don't think I'm going to take that on so that was the only speed bump but I think in Italy I think if you do have a residence there you're required to live there at least half of the Year especially if you're going to be a dual bummer I know that would be awful sucks yeah I love the culture though I mean I love travel I haven't we and we've been talking about going to Greece too because I haven't had a chance to go yet that's on my list oh sure yeah it's it's definitely I've been doing research on the Greek House that look absolutely amazing all right you know my outfits yeah Athens is hard I mean but it's it's like just one of those major cities though it just looks just like another big city been there a long freaking time is the only difference yeah there's a lot of places I haven't been to Paris yet no no but Switzerland was really cool oh see I haven't been there Switzerland's amazing um it's you know I can pick up bits and pieces French is difficult Spanish I can kind of navigate through Italian I can navigate through a little bit but like uh Switzerland is like nine different languages that are just kind of merged in so every place you go and it's some some of it's very guttural like the German stuff Slavic uh but then you have some more things that are a little bit more on the Italian side so it's just a hodgepodge of stuff so it's really it's confusing to me well have you ever heard a Cajun talk I I haven't I can understand most cages you need to meet my uncle I mean Uncle you see you just went cage you just you needed you're just Uncle you just went you just diverted back to Cajun right there it came out and you probably tried to block that off over the years just push that [ __ ] down let's get that away from me no it comes out it does it really does it does I love it though and what a great culture but I I mean I'm really I like I like traveling with the kids because I really like them to experience other cultures and and and you know I I the one thing I tell my kids when we travel is don't bring your American ideology with us when we travel assimilate yeah Rome does what Romans do enjoy the food enjoy the culture and enjoy the people don't don't love that you say that because I think that's very important because you you can connect with people on such a better level if you don't come in there thinking that you're oh we're from America and and I think that's why there's such animosity toward Americans because they bring that with them so many times when they travel yeah they don't want our energy no they don't want our energy they do not need our energy we need theirs absolutely and and the thing about some of the culture especially historical places is there there most of them are very proud of the culture and the history of what they have unlike us that seem to be destroying it at every turn that's pretty sad but I love I love going over to other places I hadn't been to Spain yet yet uh fashion fashion stuff in England have you been to London I've been to London yeah oh my gosh have I been to London yeah tell me about it I went to the prince of brunei's birthday party really in London okay this was the most insane party I've ever been and what did you wear I oh I I actually borrowed a dress from my friend and I ripped the whole entire thing dancing one night with Mariah Carey right here in Chaka Khan rock on girl and that's awesome and Neo Neo we were having a dance off this was the party okay this was the party oh Janet Jackson was there too yeah I was so drunk and my heel caught on it was like a kind of crochet knit like little fitted maxi dress that actually people were wearing now again um but anyway whole thing ripped but anyway yeah so London was great it sounds like it I could never go back to London after that trip they took your passport no it's just it was so magical like I couldn't you know you I couldn't go back I'm gonna ask a stupid question what's the tallest heel you've ever worn oh like six inches that's huge yeah that was that was in my 20s because that's just what you did when you walking in up to the club did you do that did you do the big hair no I didn't do that there might have been a little time a little tease but no I was never like adding like a little bumpet or anything like that my big sister Wendy when we were growing up she wore heels all the time she never wore tennis shoes she would run in heels and to the point that when she didn't have heels on she walked around the house on her toes no way my grandma was like that and she's done that so long that I don't think think she can put her flat foot on the ground I think her heels if I think her ankles have locked up where she's just jacked up like this all the time now she literally walked on her toes her whole life as long as I've known her to wear heels yeah some people aren't they hurt now like they just hurt me and I mean I'm working like where am I wearing it's all about being comfortable when you get older I'm just about comfort me too but also like could you see me walking up here in heels with your suits no but but I think I think as a young woman I I sometimes you just want to be as tall as you can yeah I've got a question I gotta let this scare you come on bring It Junior oh God I'm sorry you're talking about Have This Dance Off with Janet Jackson he's going back there Mariah Carey yeah you rip your eyes and I'm not just saying this I can pop this up I hit the I hit the album on Facebook I believe you but you said you ripped your whole dress well not that on the Dance Floor what did you do throughout the night okay I don't remember most of it but no I'm sitting there dancing you rip your whole dress off here's Mariah Carey Janet Jackson what do you do if it's all the bottoms started okay you know and I probably just made it like a fashion statement at that point you know it's like a little fishtail gown you know but that part of the night no one really cared just drink another drink yeah and no one cared about me considering in the clientele that was there yeah that sounds like a hell of a party yeah it was the most insane thing I've ever been to in my whole life like insane this so I don't know if y'all know about the prince of Brunei like he was famous he actually passed away not that long ago maybe two years ago but um like his family owned like the Beverly Hills Hotel like all these places and he was known for throwing the most lavish parties and he always like flew Mariah Carey down like would give her like these crazy diamond rings as like a like an invite and then like would fly all these Stars so like it was like exclusive guest list everyone's flown out to London you like arrive at this Countryside like huge Villa home and there's like like Range Rovers like 50 of them just lined up like for your own personal driver when you're like ready to go anywhere you're greeted with champagne and then Mariah Carey come through the door and then it's just like I'm like what is happening that's awesome like this is not real and this y'all do you know how popular I would have been if Instagram was out I would be I oh my gosh I'd be freaking trending or [ __ ] whatever y'all call it but I don't know what they call all that yeah that's that's awesome I would break the internet with my Instagram so what's the coolest party you've been to in Nashville after an award show or something I'm sure they're I like a lot of them I like I like after award shows and I like seeing like it's been really nice like probably like Vegas after Jason has won you know like artist of the year or something like that like that's been really fun um I don't find myself partying as much when I'm working because I just don't like I want to have that balance and that respect absolutely between my clients and until like you know you get into a relationship where okay but um yeah I mean the parties here are just more you you go with your group you know and crew well and and labels have their own things so they're they're all and you're kind of pulling off segregated out in your own little world kind of pulled in different directions and stuff in a small town pretty much yeah so you're where you're sitting in your career and everything right now everything good not looking to do anything else not looking to make a move no everything's good except I feel like I've wanted to slow down and kind of just keep a handful of clients um because motherhood was something I wasn't expecting and it's something that like obviously I'm passionate about and yeah now it's like a whole different schedule that you have so I feel like I'm for the first time I don't have to like be the biggest be the celebrity of like you know how you always think you should be like like in The Hollywood Reporter I wish I would you know but anyway um I just I'm lucky enough to get paid and to pay my bills by doing this job so I feel like as long as I love who I'm working with I've kind of like stepped back from you know taking on new people or new artists and you know I'm like maybe my next step would having having a store in Nashville or you know where I still am styling or have clients come in but I see something as my daughter grows older like maybe a clothing line or I wonder how difficult it is to because I've known some people that have opened box stores and stuff and try to do that along with their wardrobe Consulting and all that it's tough yeah uh I guess if you were doing more design stuff because what I notice is and pretty much box stores on every aspect people come in shop around then they search for it online they're phone in their hand and they they buy I mean but if you have the Specialty Products I mean you'd kind of be outside of that world yeah I think online is the way to go but you know you can have something Nashville is such a traffic tourist City so you have to but we lost black tool hippies downtown but covet I think that would kill that that was very sad that was yeah that's when I was but I think who would kill them I just don't think that's good I understand I don't either so I think there's place in it in Lila Posh and some of the other things my thing is I'm not going to be in a store every day so it would have to I don't know it's I don't know actually with my next chapter I always had just I'm styling I'm this and that but now it's like okay I just want these clients that I know I can do a good job with I know I we work well together you know because it's personalities and all this stuff and then be able to be a mom and not which is the most important part yeah that is the most important to me right now too and I have boundaries with that now well I know we have some time crunches uh and we are going to work on fitting me for the ACM awards that are coming up very soon so I think you brought some things for me to try on yeah I promise I've been going to the gym it don't look like it but I know I have I promise it gets harder well we will see Okay order when you get older well good for you because I don't go to the gym I do I trust I I walk my dog that counts I did that too say as long as you can walk 20 to 30 minutes a day right she steps in yeah I mean we get our steps in y'all saw us you know and I didn't close all day I hope we get to use some of that footage of Junior and Scotty bringing the Wardrobe rack up the stairs of the bus that because that's we're gonna have to find a place to put all that stuff in but thank you for being here I wanted to sit down and visit with you a little bit and thank you for always making me look good when I go out in public no it's great I love the American flag and the running shoes and it's great yeah yeah it's just me being comfortable sharikokers thank you and we're going to do some fitting now and try some clothes on so we could like pick out your favorite Armani throw it on but we'll have measurements and then that way we can have because our money so we can always like go back to our money and save me different sizing we need different so we have a little bit of time so we can just kind of go over that and then we'll get the measurements okay [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I've got a pair of black saltwater crocodile that are a Roper style and then I've got a brown pair of Luke cases that are more of a higher heel not a point to around in California that's the same one at the end this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] together [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music]

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Tracy Lawrence - Time Marches On (Live At Billy Bob's Texas)

Category: Music

Does anybody know what time it is [applause] up [music] sister cries out from her baby bed brother runs in feathers on his head mama's and her room learning how to sew that is where you can barely listen to the radio hank williams [music] mama is depressed barely makes a sound that is got a girlfriend... Read more

Tracy Lawrence - I Could Use One (Official Music Video) thumbnail
Tracy Lawrence - I Could Use One (Official Music Video)

Category: Music

[music] been working that ship work watching that clock turn wishing it was five then daydreaming about that brown by a long neck sitting on i lord knows i could use one yeah my a beer slips out of third gear and runs too hard there's a i new jack the a work truck there just sitting on the lock lord... Read more

Tracy Lawrence - Out Here In It (Official Music Video) thumbnail
Tracy Lawrence - Out Here In It (Official Music Video)

Category: Music

[music] some skies rain some skies shine trouble's always been a friend of mine ain't nothing new so i ain't scared the wind can take me it don't matter where so i won't run and i won't hi the one gets out of here a l good or bad when the j's in i hope they know i did it when a rumor is i said it you... Read more

Tracy Lawrence - TL's Road House - Caroline Jones (Episode 27) thumbnail
Tracy Lawrence - TL's Road House - Caroline Jones (Episode 27)

Category: Music

[music] there's something [music] [music] [music] hello everybody welcome to tio's roadhouse glad to have you with us for this episode in the house is caroline jones how are you i'm wonderful i have so many questions so i just really want to get to know you yeah it's uh kind of fascinating you're the... Read more

Tracy Lawrence - TL's Road House - Mark Wills (Episode 55) thumbnail
Tracy Lawrence - TL's Road House - Mark Wills (Episode 55)

Category: Music

[music] all right hello everybody welcome to ts roadhouse good to have y'all with us again my old friend mark wills is with us today how are you pal man i'm good it's good to see you bro good to see you too man love the love the bus love the uh love i you know see it on the see it on the different episodes... Read more

Tracy Lawrence - I See It Now thumbnail
Tracy Lawrence - I See It Now

Category: Music

[music] it's good to see your face again it's been a while how am i doing somehow [music] you sure look good since your new love came in your life you know i didn't say that fire in you he's fine oh but i can see it now oh i never saw that looking in your eyes [music] [music] dance with your feet all... Read more

THE REDNECK QUEEN IS HERE! Gretchen Wilson on Kickin Kountry 101 thumbnail
THE REDNECK QUEEN IS HERE! Gretchen Wilson on Kickin Kountry 101

Category: Music

[music] good morning gretchen the redneck queen love you girl love it love it this is awesome thank you so much for taking the time to do this this is rachel ryan she's my midday and music director and uh i'm shannon i'm the uh the owner of the radio station so nice to meet you awesome cool and uh speaking... Read more

Toby Keith: American Icon Tribute Special Recap #TobyKeith #CountryMusic #AmericanIcon #LukeBryan thumbnail
Toby Keith: American Icon Tribute Special Recap #TobyKeith #CountryMusic #AmericanIcon #LukeBryan

Category: Music

Am i the only one that didn't know toby keith's tribute would be epic country stars stage lights and pure emotion toby keith american icon aired on nbc a heartwarming 2-hour spectacle filmed in nashville's bridgestone arena featuring country music's biggest names luke bryan carrie underwood and jelly... Read more

Country Music Playlist 2024 - Luke Combs, Morgan Wallen, Luke Bryan, Chris Stapleton, Kane Brown thumbnail
Country Music Playlist 2024 - Luke Combs, Morgan Wallen, Luke Bryan, Chris Stapleton, Kane Brown

Category: People & Blogs

Country music playlist 2024 - luke combs, morgan wallen, luke bryan, chris stapleton, kane brown Read more

Country Music 2024 - Luke Combs, Morgan Wallen, Tim McGraw, Luke Bryan, Chris Stapleton thumbnail
Country Music 2024 - Luke Combs, Morgan Wallen, Tim McGraw, Luke Bryan, Chris Stapleton

Category: People & Blogs

Country music playlist 2024 - morgan wallen, tim mcgraw, luke combs, luke bryan, chris stapleton Read more

Cat Stevens, Jim Croce, John Denver, Don Mclean, Simon & Garfunkel - Classic Folk Songs 70's 80's thumbnail
Cat Stevens, Jim Croce, John Denver, Don Mclean, Simon & Garfunkel - Classic Folk Songs 70's 80's

Category: Music

[music] how many ro must man walk down before you can call in the [music] man how many se month word of s before she sleeps in s how many times must the canon balls fly before there forever b the end my friend is blowing in the wind the answer is blowing in the [music] wind how many years can a mountain... Read more

Lainey Wilson Performed In Walmart Aisles, Wrote First Song At 9 Before Rise To Stardom thumbnail
Lainey Wilson Performed In Walmart Aisles, Wrote First Song At 9 Before Rise To Stardom

Category: Entertainment

[music] [applause] laney wilson performed in walmart isles wrote first song at 9 before rise to stardom laney wilson now a country music superstar reflects on her modest beginnings she wrote her first song at age n and performed anywhere she could including walmart isles on the tonight show with jimmy... Read more