Without a Paddle Reunion with Seth Green & Matthew Lillard | Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

Intro welcome welcome welcome to armchair expert I'm Dan ryther I'm joined by miniature Mouse hi there and we have a very special episode today we do I've been uh teasing that this was coming out but um it was the 20e anniversary of the release of Without a Paddle on August 20th I had hoped we could time it perfectly but Matthew was in Toronto filming the sequel to a very successful movie A which he plays Voldemort which you'll hear about in the fact yes which is not maybe he doesn't play Voldemort but um yes so Seth Green we love Seth Green Matthew Lillard uh myself and we got to just go down memory lane for two hours and it was so fun and also I'm going to add to further confuse everybody this is a Monday episode yeah and it's video and I know that's not how we're going to do it but I thought if ever there was one that would be fun to have on video uh this would be the one and why not it's also our first episode of the New Deal Welcome to our new deal welcome welcome to wel to our new deal it's Bob um so yeah please enjoy Seth Green and Matthew Lillard Without a Paddle reunion Without a Paddle reunion WAP reunion uh oh W uh oh that's there it is he's [Music] an he's in [Music] he's yeah people look complicated guys real hard to be a people it is so WAP Reunion: Seth Green & Matthew Lillard hard it's hard to people it's hard to people and then especially over distance like it's one of the things that I love about both you guys and I I'd like to say I saw it coming was that we're all like this is what we do it's a career it's not just like I got to make this movie it's like this is what we're doing well I like being included in that but in in reality especially for this movie that was true for you guys yeah you guys were like a decade into acting professionally yeah but it was you like 20 years into acting professionally that specific movie I really realized as it was happening that it was such a significant moment for each of us that it was going to be incredibly important for each of us for it to work for it to yeah I was mostly just scared but what I was what I was scared iiz what we tell ourselves past and experience is so powerful because I never saw I saw a dude who was explosive funny Charming all the time taking risks like zero fear as my coping mechanism of oh my God I don't belong here I'm not certain what I'm supposed to do and I they're all looking over there I guess when we switch to that camera we all move this way and like a little panicked inside that I'll be exposed as being not deserving to be there and a chip on my shoulder about coming from Punk like I just and having you know loved both of you and wanting you guys to think I deserve to be there you know it was comp it was complicated it was a complicated moment for you and then I think I'm yeah I'm like overly Charming no but no but like Fearless I'm fearless because here's what I can do I'm afraid about the acting but I can jump off the waterfall like please BR let me do that that'll prove I'm really in oh yeah it is funny what we tell ourselves versus what anyone else is even thinking oh yeah you were so there on purpose and I who had already met you at Groundlings and then and then I got punked by you is you want to walk through the scenario what you guys did to him yes right which I didn't know existed I had spent like years hanging out with the cast of the 70s Show cuz Wilmer and I had done party monster together and I just knew all those kids through the business it was just a thing we we'd all go hang out at the taping of the 70s Show and then sometimes go off for drinks afterwards CU it was a very pre- cellphone camera time like it was a entirely different place like where you could actually just go out as a gang of Highly recognizable people and so W's like um oh hey you should come to I'm doing a charity you have it just come come after the come after the taping it's going to be great and I was like ah I don't know I'm tired and he was like no do it and so I go and it was at the like the St James Hotel or the Hollywood Tower yeah whatever Sunset Tower Sunset Tower Sunset Tower and I had just been in this room six days prior for a table read like there was an organized table read and so I had been in this exact same room where all of the lights are incredibly bright and I just I was like oh they remodeled this room cuz a bunch of mirrored extensions were built in front of yeah a lot of mirrors now closet wow they redid this place and they were like let's put a ton of mirrors in here well I just didn't think about you would never imagine that there's like a hidden camera all the lights were on there's no music playing and they're like do you want a drink and I was like I'll get a drink but this is a terrible party I have to tell you this party is it sucks and I started walking around I was like maybe we dim the lights right this says a lot about you and I think it's lovely which is like you got into the situation and there's a ton of other actors there and everyone's acting like they're gambling and stuff and he is immediately like I don't like the lighting I'm changing the lighting in this room and everyone in the camera department is like oh my God [ __ ] we can't everyone's like go up to F4 you know like they're changing exposures and everything and he has no problem walking into a party that's not his party and completely changing the lighting CU it didn't suit him know how to that's not people pleaser and I'm jealous of it it's an enviable quality oh that's funny but it really felt like oh I you were going to make it right want to make it better di me the light would have more fun you guys try to raise money at this thing like you're not going to raise any money if nobody's enjoying themselves [ __ ] you talking about I'm here for the charity and then um Al the guy from uh 106 in park right from um hits from the street hits from the street bet L she so Al who I could have sworn he looked familiar enough that I wasn't scared of him takes me outside and tells me that the whole play no we're all going to give every each other Co he takes me outside and says uh and says hey man I I want to be I want to be cool I I like your movies and I was like okay and uh my kid really likes you and I was like all right and he says uh listen I'm a cop and I'm undercover been undercover for weeks oh my God breaking up this underground gambling ring and I was just like what are you talking about and he goes yeah yeah so who's whose game is this whose game and I go I literally don't know what you're talking about my friend invited me to a charity thing is this I'm planning on giving $500 is that a good amount no I wasn't I wasn't even trying to get in on it oh that was the other thing cooch comes over to me and you know I auditioned for Dude where's my car with him so I'm like it's hard to explain I don't know how to I think because I was so young in this business and I've seen all the other young people come into it that I have a real soft spot for actors trying to do it I had a lot of nice people say hey hey hey you're totally [ __ ] this up buddy buddy don't don't ever do that again and you're just like Oh thanks thank you I actually appreciate that thank you so I like being able to give hey heads up you probably never been here before but I've been here and if you got watch that step yeah that's kind I mean I've always had I've always had letting folks know where the potholes are as we would saying rap as we would say when when I'm repeating lyrics from Jay-Z okay buttholes on my Lo but tell you so Co I've like known him for hold on I'm gon to make my first joke to about Seth so this is going to be the 21st anniversary of the episode of punk oh it is no oh yeah I don't need to you said give us literally like M cut you are could you are deep Bro you are deep you are deep I guess that's true but you can ask me this question but what I love is we're already in the dynamic that we had the whole movie 21 years is gone by and we're like already in the exact dyam funny I should have brought it back at my kit start with Radio Days what so stupid how that was his first movie that was that your first movie that was like my seventh movie your seventh movie but how old were you four uh I turn I was 12 12 okay yeah oh my God long story short you this guy tells you where there's going to be a raid and then all of a sudden there's guys flying through the windows literally somersaulted through the window and I was like this is so excessive guys oh my God so I immediately see that none of these cops have guns and I was like okay well this is this they're going to be chill this is the gambling Squad yeah that's what I thought I'm like this isn't anyway you weren't nervous at all yeah I was nervous but I've also been in handcuffs a lot prior to this moment and been questioned about did you say a lot I mean at least a couple of times no you don't you don't strike me as that I was a bad kid Seth had the funnest history of he wore trench coats he had like he kept size what are they called SI swords well I never had sides but I got into throwing knives throwing KN I did I did buy a pair of well cuz the second found out that ninjas were a thing I was like well I want to be a ninja sure that was really simp that's an option yeah well I got you know picked on as you can imagine I didn't have like the I was not a popular kid I had a tremendous amount of energy I was hilarious looking I wore all of my sister's clothes cuz we didn't have money oh wow and then I had a mom who was eccentric and like bought me Norwegian shoes and then I had to wear that [ __ ] to school in Philadelphia like wooden sh yeah like straight up wooden clogs there was at least 3 years that we my sister and I rolled in no socks in clogs guys my Lord if you want to get your ass kicked in the same neighborhoods that Will Smith got his ass kicked I didn't even play basketball like it was really bad did you did you fight I've been in a couple of fights I mostly punches or got punched yeah I mean I like thre punches partici yeah I flailed like meaninglessly face of some serious aggression but I also like I was also crazy like I jumped this one kid who had been tormenting me we were coming down the stairs at one point he was just like four stairs ahead of me I just [ __ ] leapt off the stairs wrapped my hands like around his neck and started like punching him in the face it was we both fell to the polished concrete floor four more stairs below like why did I do that I don't know you SN well that's a bit of the red hair yeah probably there's a you always got the Factor oh really quick one second story so Monica and I are talking and I was explaining to her that I growing up saw on like five different occasions redheads get in fights at my school and they were in most cases they were like kind of outmatch size-wise and that they started crying right before the fight and I saw a strength and a veracity I've never seen anywhere else other than the redhe heads and they always won and she goes I find it very hard to believe that every redhead you saw get in a fight they started crying first and then W and I said let's call Aaron weekly so we call my best friend and Monica goes Aaron what is what how did you phrase it something like what Happ when redheads fight and he goes oh well first of all they start crying and then they beat the [ __ ] out of whoever they're fighting it was like the exact same answer any who the point is we knew each other from punk I think that's the point yeah but who got in the movie first who got out you were in with auto paddle first I was cuz I had just made The Italian Job with Donald Aline for Paramount and great movie by it was it was the only time in my entire career that the head of a studio was like we want to be in the Seth Green business and I was like thanks Sher laning what uh what do you have for me and Donald was like we have this comedy and this character is written as a fat guy but maybe he's a short guy and I was like [ __ ] it let's read it that's a great that's a great time for us to introduce and this will this will reign as an excuse about some of the jokes in the film yes it's indicative of the period this is 2003 and you to make a comedy yeah you're going to have a short guy or a fat guy I well it's more the archetype that you could fill to make a very specific type of physical joke over an over again you know what I mean cuz it's not really the whoever's playing whatever the archetypical role is has assumed the burden of carrying out all the physical gags possible on behalf of their body type that John C talks about that endlessly like you know what you're there to do right and you're going to shamelessly do it in a way that lets the audience feel the thing that you need them to feel yeah it just was a different time I don't think the executives right now are like Hey we're having a hard time finding a fat so or a little person that conversation is not happening is little you know legally I don't fit the criteria for the little person but uh I'll choke that down I watched it this morning Ive never seen it oh my God I'm very curious how it reads to someone who never saw it just can real real quick yeah three takeaways first and major takeaway is it's so fun and nostalgic like that that type of movie is gone gone and I really was like oh yeah I get why everyone loves this and feels so connected to it great uh oh I had warned you about it though you had you'd warned me about some things that would trigger me I do an Indian accent in the movie again I would not this is like setting up the 2005 like yeah I'm just like I see that in the script and I'm like okay I can do that and then of course like Monica and I are becoming really good friends and we're talking about that accent I'm really understanding like how the only [ __ ] example if you're Indian and your kid was aoo and and I'm and I'm like oh my God Monica I have done the [ __ ] accent and I feel terrible so I was like just don't ever see that movie uh that's just best you don't ever see that but that's not why I didn't I just wasn't on my it felt like a boy movie you weren a 12-year-old boy exactly but all right two okay two is you're the exact same person really I can't believe it I could not believe when you're like on your motorcycle and the jokes you're making and even when you're singing in the car I was like wow he has not changed but in a good way in a good way it was like always been that that's I I liked it I like it you don't agree with that you you've just seen so much actual internal Evolution you witnessed your own expansion in ways that the you in that movie wouldn't have actually imagined possible and yet and I'm making some choices in that movie like look I'm watching it too I watched it last night with the girls and like I many scenes my body is so tight you guys like watching like oh my God that was your like you know I was new and I was pretty stiff sometimes I just grew as an actor over time I was watching it and I was also thinking like oh my God I was like so tiny you were tiny I was Tiny I actually was like he looks so tall and I think you're not going to like this but I think the bigger your body is the shorter you you see you appear all right yeah that's why I've stayed off the bench you know why that's why I never get real deep into the bench that's exactly what's prevented me from going to you know cu otherwise I'd be Wolverine guys uh wait what's your third takeaway and then my third takeaway is just the the relationship like the three and and I know just from hearing Dax like it's very special he he reflects on that time as being so special yeah and I I I I get it like I watched it and I was like oh man they all are like firing on all cylinders the chemistry is so good it looks like such a fun time we love I loved these guys so much right away and they were so kind and it could have been competitive and it wasn't and it was very mentor and kind and helpful and it read and we got you were so funny we were both like how do I steal his jokes like right away like oh my god oh No in fact I think I stole a joke of yours and in the makeup chair you're like don't you ever [ __ ] do that again and I was like and it was like I think I think it was like I think I made a joke not on it was on camera it was coming through the thing we had all done I don't remember I remember this so specifically cuz we were all throwing out like some kind of oneliner coming into a scene we're all entering a scene I had not thought of thank you I'm glad cuz I feel swear to God [ __ ] remember I haven't thought about it but I remember each one of these experiences cuz they were so seminal in all of our experience together like I've been working for as long as I had been working I knew hey go tell yeah yeah so we're all walking in the door each one of us starts to say a line and then we do a second take and we each come through and like add an improv line and then the third take through you said one of the things that I'm on to my third improv and then you grabbed my first improv that's what happened something like that we all picked up we were just like picking up each other's [ __ ] cuz it felt very like who cares we're just doing it really The Improv was like a child and it was like I had it was like I had taken his daughter and be like the [ __ ] but it's because of where you came from right so first of all absolutely it was not a big deal and you should have and let's make the movie better your line was better than anything I was ever going to come up with but now of course I'm of course embarrassed by that because again all I had done I had done punked before that it was just me I'm out there improving these things and then prior to that was the Groundlings and in the Groundlings and that was the conversation we had in the makeup trailer I'm I hate that you remember but I do cuz I really regret it but I remember trying to get into it this way of like did you come you didn't really do like a comedy background huh Matt like um were you in any like SK and I'm basically saying trying to lure me I'm like what I'm saying is I'm trying to lay out like you would never do that at the Groundlings like you would never improv someone and someone would take it yeah yeah and so yeah I was like triggered and scared and I sucked in the movie and all this and how embarrassing I'm sorry and and and yes we should all just take whatever comes up and make the movie great but I was like yeah I was a little I can't believe you remember that oh it's embarrassing well we all learn and grow even though you were the same you know what's funny is that there was a can I just talk about the bius morphia that was happening the B body dysmorphia you and I for the record were so freaked out about taking our shirt off and being present in our own bodies yeah that the fear that was a part of that movie from beginning to end was like palpable I mean it was defining and you and I both had it oh 100% And we were obsessed with the fact that Seth just looked like a [ __ ] gymnast and he wasn't at the gym and you and I were like like we were working out we were working out in between eating we were not I wasn't eating I was like in my underwear the whole time going look at this I'm so fat and I look back now and you look great and I'm like but I I think this is really relevant I think that every time we look back we're so ensconced in this fear yes of that moment and the reality is like oh you were so beautiful I know and itag for those people at home like dude let it go it does not serve you at all and and I hate that there's um I teach acting a lot and this woman I I brought this woman in to talk about her the the woman's perspective on the journey and she told this great story about how you know when she was younger she had this white bathing suit and she wanted to wear in the movie but she was terrified to put on this two-piece white bathing suit and at the end of the day she looks at these pictures of her like 10 years later she was I was gorgeous that was so beautiful and the story I was telling myself at that time in my life was so destructive it's and it's impervious to anything it's you're just dropped in it and it doesn't really matter you can't break out of it and there's no amount of like accolades or or or work you know it's just that mindset but there's got to be a way there's got to be a way to there's got in the moment to tell your now yeah to tell yourself this isn't the truth yeah I'm glad you brought that up cuz yes we we were you and I and we talked about it onstop like [ __ ] that uh that whole sequence is like 5 days away and like working up like we were like um pageant pageant contestants this swimsuit section was coming up like it was like it was like 15 days in our underwear do you remember we went to Italian restaurant I was just going to say celebration yeah with dine what was the that great place ate like a heart and Seth do you remember I know you're not you're not not wanting to take the compliments but you look like a gymnast so Matt and I doing our push-ups push-ups and situps every day you joined in out of fellow we were you were kind Fellowship fellowship and we were even like look this [ __ ] doesn't need to do [ __ ] push-ups he doesn't need to do looks great he's got good ass cheeks to look out because your [ __ ] was so legit never had you are pound-for-pound the most beautiful man in Hollywood I've said it a million times pound for pound the most beautiful have you seen Kevin Hart though oh man he looks fantastic he's incredible yes yeah he survived breaking his back because he's in such good shape yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so you were in the movie first yes I'm bringing him back to a semi timeline you were in the movie first and then you were in before me but how did you get in the movie cuz you guys were really hot I know that sounds embarrassing but you guys both like you were just saying job and you were just in Scooby-Do which was enormous hit the studio loved him the only question was whether or not he is this leading man the guy who kisses the girl the guy who proposes to the girl I try to talk myself out of that film like three times you did I did um because I sat down with deline I read it I'm like I I don't love it and and that could be also my own fear about being you know that guy I was like I'm not that guy I don't love it and there was a whole section in the Middle with the women and the trees and I'm like that's so stupid it doesn't work uhhuh and I sat down with Brill and dine and I'm like I just think the comedy's often l in some places and I ticulate that there are two different like forms of comedy in here yeah right there's this big bold Ridiculousness and then there's this really Fellowship driven relationship heartfelt like on a journey to find your best friend is grounded yeah really high stakes running for your life really high stakes and like girls in a tree with long hair on their legs two different movies and I was like this doesn't make sense so any these are valid these are valid notes at the end of the day they came through with an offer and I was like regret what you did not what you didn't do and we and you they were like we have this guy Dak Shepard Seth Green's in I love Seth Green at that point we we just got to work on Scooby we just finally work together that was Scooby that was Scooby one we had really Scooby 2 so this is the the reason that I remember I love Matt loved Matt for so long he's one of my favorite actors scream if you didn't fall in love with Lillard on scream your eyes weren't open I saw him in SLC Punk and I was like oh [ __ ] is just a different well cuz like the things that you see him in it's like his his stud stud stuff and then you see the stuff that he's like this is my heart I'd put this on film so that you can do what you want with it that's the [ __ ] that impressed me so we got to do that scene together I so happy that's where I met gun too like it was an incredible experience and so at that point they were like we're thinking about maybe it's Matt Lillard and I was like say no more I was like if it's I said if this is me and Matt Lillard and Dak Shepard this is a hit the movie will work I listen how did you get I ended up getting the offer and I said yes and we went to lunch I think the three of us went to lunch to meet each other right to sort of sit down didn't we have like a sit down a chemistry sit down or I just don't remember I don't remember that part I really remember getting to New Zealand we definitely all sat down to sit down to see if we all got along did you audition so not only did I audition and this is where I'll say Seth really Seth and bril bril just bril wanted me which was awwesome um he just believed why did he want you because he liked Punk like he thought I was doing something really cool on Punk and then um we met then I went and read and I was not good like I reading the script I was not very good and um and Seth had been brought in to read with me and bro was like forget the script oh wow you guys just improv scenes cuz he knew I could improv yeah and then when I was improving I was very relaxed and calm and thank God sayth a great improver so we just basically improv three scenes that they sent to Sher Lancing president of the studio to get me in that movie but would not have got it by reading Tom's sides you know and so really you and Brill are the reason and look we all got put in a situation to win and we did this little movie to manga point they don't make anymore yeah nobody's making a $20 million Buy com I looked it up 19 thing was made for 19 in another country stay tuned for more arm chair expert if you [Music] dare okay so we all get the movie we're all in the movie we land in New Zealand and what I'm do you remember do you remember so many sporting event that was really important for everyone to see the All Blacks were playing the like best of theall midle it was was in the middle of yeah I think when we got there there was more like a world cup thing so we get down there and what's really cool and again doesn't ever happen in fact that's the only time this ever happen we were there like 3 weeks early to learn to do all this River work in canoes and what an awesome way to like bond in a hurry cuz we were not good at it and we were going through things that don't go through and they had hired this amazing Augie okay hey yeah and he was Fijian yes he had just won a gold medal and [ __ ] rowing in the previous Olympics and he was such a stud and we all were like trying our hardest to impress Aug he was so cool too so cool and he was like oh you go it's going to get this we were like he did say at one point he's like no matter what happens on the river if you're in trouble you have to get yourself out cuz nobody's coming to save you and I was like that scared the [ __ ] out of for the next weeks remember we got the first thing we got into the Canadian canoe we got into a little like it was like a little waterfall right but at the bottom of it was this was this thing and there's three grown men trying to get out of a one like up to like our waist canoe trying to get it out and I keep falling back into I was like that was not a great introduction stupid again because it was my first movie I did not know this is I thought this is how it went it was standard we did all these things that let's just say I haven't since gotten to do we're jumping off waterfalls we're going through a class five or we're not going through in the canoe but we're jumping into the class five and I was operating under this very weird thought of like I felt like I was at an amusement park like well this is safe you're on a movie they've got this all figured out if they're letting me do this everything's cool and let's just cut right to like the craziest moment probably on it also the water was they told us oh it's summer New Zealand you're good the water was never above 50° we were freezing the whole movie we had no body fat we had zero body no carbs we were cranky there's one scene in particular which is and we arrive and we learn of this and I have to be delicate how I say this but one of the stunt guys the day before was shooting the canoe going through this class five with all these you know eight foot drops and stuff and this was a an Olympic rower yeah and he came out and he cracked his head open really really bad and was a d his face broke his ribs shattered his shoulder like they had to airlift him out like cuz we it was my stunt guy and the idea was just to DET they would three five times a day they would open a dam and tens of millions of gallons would come rushing Down The Wire wrecky yeah and they would then in this big th like this huge wash of water they would put three kayakers in this so that they can get a shot of people kaying in a class five rapid which we were supposed to be doing with no helmets and very little safety and this is before like you just take things out with a computer and he got he did it three times and on the third time he got absolutely obliterated he got obliterated and airlifted out of there and then the following day we're there and we're not going to try to ride a canoe through but where the canoe has tipped in the movie now they need footage of us going through that same section so we're just jumping off of a rock into this thing and they're going to film us and you're not acting you're just like trying not to die survive well I did I did try to make like hilarious faces each time might explain what happens next which is this is crazy we're already a little nervous that was the day where I was like oh if the stunt guy is going getting airlifted maybe I'm you know maybe I need to watch up for myself so we all jump in and then Matt and I get to the side of the river and Seth's gone there's no [ __ ] Seth oh my God like I don't know how many seconds it really was but it felt like 30 seconds of like where the Seth where's Seth where's Seth where's Seth guys on jet skis are starting to rip around because there's there's there's jet ski safety and like we're we we I'm panicked like what I because I know what just happened to the stunt guy and Seth is gone he's not visible yeah he came up like 300 yard down the river well they had said to me Hey listen worst comes to worst you just ride the river and they're like you know your worst comes to worse you're like they're like it'll you yeah they're going to go with the flow we got a net down here we got a guy all the way down here and then we got a guy with the binoculars at the end of the river my go so they're like look we're going to get you and if worst comes to worse then you can't we'll just clim your body we will eventually find you'll have a proper funeral we promise that we will bring you back to the United States we're going to figure out how to sell your stuff but you merg and went under the safety line I did yeah the first the the first safety line but then the second guys they got me like I stand here guys we got him but he was Monica he was very very far away it was really funny but within that we also had the greatest accomplishment that I have like not ever felt in my life but we had this moment where we had this like little class three wave right we had that we had trained that we had tried multiple times for three weeks straight for three weeks we had we we' put I was in the front Dax was in the back because he was steering and Seth would be in the middle and we get in this on just keeping balance River and you would hit this class three like little wave right and you'd have to a whole thing is like you want to get through the wave and at the other side be on this Canadian flat bottom canoe and every sank every time we either fell over or it filled with so much water by the time we get through we'd be our our just our shoulders would be above water we' be like hoping it would and the only time it worked was when we were shooting it yeah we did right that was moment unbelievable I have to thank Jonathan Brown for making us all look like superheroes like the DP that shot that film really you guys like are you guys very very proficient swimmers cuz like I would be fully dead immediately you know you could always say no I've definitely worked on projects where the actors like I'm not doing this yeah well and what's really necessary there was a really um hysterical moment with Bert Reynolds so he arrived which was incredible we were all so excited and at that point there was no that's not true okay you were as excited as any child about to meet Santa Claus I have never seen anyone adore a man from afar more than you adored yeah I brought posters with me that's and he signed every one of them he not only he sign all of them he got some that I couldn't get my hands on for me and left him in my trailer he would literally preemptively without you asking with leave DVDs for you and you guys remember he was in love with Bri at all course cuz Bri got several too she hadn't asked for any but they allir my ex-girlfriend Bri no the cheese B's like a crazy cheese it's what killed him in the end but all of he gave her he gave her here's the two photos Bert gave her one was with him bare naked on a horse holding a dog over his private pars and then the famous rug one of course naked on a rug these are the ones for Bri and each of them on a horse like this so he rescued it clearly Seth it was probably injured and it said um like beautiful Brie this is when I was young and cute like Dax you loved it it was it was one for both of us really he showed up tell the story of I'm showing up well just I had been begging um our director BR to let us jump off the 100 foot waterfall we did jump off like a 25 30 foot oneand on with the four-wheeler gag remember that we jumped off that yeah I had zero interest in jumping off this 100 foot waterfall that should be said but I was really driving um real nuts at this point I had been asking I'm he's like they're professionals I'm like you think there's someone who's professional at falling through the air like what you what like this is a racket you're proposing to me that you can be better or worse at falling through the air it's really how you land more than so I was driving him nuts Burke got there and I thought you know what I'm going to use Burke uh to help me convince bril that I should do it and I tell Bert like listen they got this stunt coming up and they don't want to do it and he pulls me he goes listen to me very clearly I did the exact same thing on my first movie on Deliverance I insisted they let me go over this waterfall I broke my back oh and you cannot tell it's me in the movie do not jump off that waterfall and I was like okay going to jump waterfall never the greatest thing about that is that he showed up at this incredible Resort in the wrei we're there and they've thrown this party for Bert and like it's supposed to start at 7 and Bert shows up like 11 o'clock at night well and there's like time change there's five of us waiting for him and he was everything you wanted him to be cuz he was this he loved his stories and you get the sense that I mean this is the best possible way that when the the story is probably jumping off a 20 foot waterfall that was probably the reality he probably slapped his back but over time it popped to him and now it was 700 feet and he almost died and he went down you know the story had become so yeah I ate that bear but we sat yeah but we sat there and every one of us like just let him be the movie star that he was for yes and he was so loving to the actors he was rough with directors but he was loved actors he got into a place in his career where he needed to remind people that he knew what he was doing and so he would make a bit of a demonstration on set about how much homework he had done or how good he is at his job yeah and you know that's a common Folly it just is like an insecurity thing and you could tell man it was the first movie he had done in a while yeah and getting back at a job for a studio when you're a leg that caliber not just not the lead he was older much older and playing like an older man really struggling with his own vanity really struggling with what he can look like and you know what he's supposed to play that can challenge an actor's um human any human it's hard it's hard to sort of grow old gracefully yeah we already admitted were the bad version would be vain or the Kinder would be like we're insec we you and I were already like I don't know if I'm good-looking enough to be in these movies with that baggage yes um do you Tam by the way still get people oh yeah because the podcast the podcast do you remember big stunt that he did yes it's not even in the movie please tell the story yes it is what yeah him going over the railing I don't know if it is I just watched it but but he was going to get shot and go over a railing and fall they brought his stun no over his over the wood pile Oh okay over the wood pile yeah sorry is veryimportant I don't know why that's so I thought it was a railing point is he's going to take a big fall and of course there's a stunt man brought in to do that he's like in a 7s already at this point and he tells by the way he told me don't do your own St said the irony hold on a second maybe I do want to do this waterfall thing but so he basically tells br's like get him out of here I'm doing the stunt get my wet suit oh God he travels with it instead of having pads and all the landing spot that you should have or normally would have his move is to put on a wet suit and he's like I can jump off anything as long as I have the wet suit to land on so a wet suit on true some years old and then put his outfit on and then [ __ ] yeah he got squibbed squibs go off and he launches he goes to launch himself over the L he gets K and SP on the logs and starts to like scooch over the logs and flops on the back side the entire Place erupts the three of us had wrapped and we stuck around to watch it the entire Place erupts and literally it's like that's a wrap on B Reynolds uh bringing St gu you this is such a great point of perspective cuz like in my memory he did it yeah oh yeah I thought he did too I had such roast glass you're him that's why you are so you never I'll never forget Bert Reynold slapped me in a scene and I don't think I've ever seen you jealous of me and your entire life except for that one moment I was Furious you were like how did he slap you why did he slap you how did you you went up with so much from the from him yeah but do you know the thing about this lap so Bert Reynolds and all those Cannonball Run movies and any movie he did with dom deloise when one of them would forget their lines they'd slap each other and then at the end of the movie there would be a great gag reel and you'd see B Reynold slapping everyone and so he slapped Lillard and I was like oh man I wanted to get slapped yeah that's sad but to to what your point about age I think everyone feels this right whether you're an actor or not but as for an actor you see there's visually you see a timeline of your life and little things changing in your body and your face and it is it like it must be hard it's hard for anyone who's thinking about like was just my birthday as we just discussed happy birthday you guys already sing to me it was very sweet but you know it's Happ birth no we we don't have to do it again to you know we do like it makes you think about that we've been talking about it so much like death the mortality and when you see the visual representation it's must be harder and you can I think the interesting thing about that is that you I don't feel different exactly I still feel like this boy this beautiful boy in the movie and I look at my body and I look at my face and I'm like oh I'm I am not the same and while I and I and I do love this sense of of gained wisdom over time and having an ownership of a career that I'm proud of being artistic all these things I've grown into as a man I still look at that who I was growing up and like you know you're like you've come you're so far you've come so far it's humbling but you also don't like you were saying like don't you have a you have a bit of compassion for yourself that like why was I doing that to myself like why was I so hard on myself why was I [ __ ] thought I was so terrible I also think in my mindset I've always been scrambling up a ladder with very little success when I look back at my career I've I beyond my wildest dreamed have I've been successful exactly and still working I mean the fact that you know you couldn't shoot this on time yeah I wanted this to come out on the exact 20th anniversary and it's delayed cuz you're you're in another [ __ ] country were you you're in Toronto Toronto yeah yeah yeah don't Geo tag him he's trying to trying to just get some food with his family five nights is the single biggest thing that ever happened in my life that movie Five Nights at Freddy's isn't that crazy it's CRA it's the biggest so Five Nights at Freddy's is a franchise that came out last year the movie the video the video game the video game years and years um it made $300 million $20 million movie made wow oh my God is that your biggest movie I mean the sco yeah it's like one of the biggest guys will da pad is still my biggest movie is it really I've been in a couple that made more but I wasn't really in them you know like I wasn't on the poster right but for a movie that I was one of the main people and that's it never got better filmwise it went downhill from there but you also got to put in years on a drama with some of the most gifted and talented luck on TV and of course I never Embrace kind of just become the same thing it's just become the same thing like the shows are the shows the movies of the movies the the like there's really because of the reality TV I think it's just democratized the concept of Fame and so people become intimate with you in whatever your form of expression is and I meant total peace with everything I could not be more delighted with the way everything shook out right but that first movie was as good as it got for me on and in the trades our joke was that the three of us combined hopefully would equal like an Owen Wilson right we were like let's hope that the three of us adds up to One ow Wilson can we just touch down really quick on that I just want to touch down on one of the stories Bert told at that dinner because it is to this day probably my favorite story I've ever heard and I wonder if you remember it's the hell need them story The the no he's living with Hal need him in real life Bert Reynolds and one day Hal comes home from work and he says Bert you got to take me to the hospital I broke my back and and Bert goes uh Hal I don't think if you broke your back you would have driven home and blah blah he's like take me to the [ __ ] hospital right now so they go to the hospital and Hal and Bert are in the examination room and this is a weird part of the story but he does include that Hal's like flirting with the nurse and got something going with the nurse and the doctor seems to be annoyed by that ber opinion is that maybe the doctor and the nurse were uh having an affair or something but a little B remember that detail how him by the way stuntman stuntman and director he directed Hooper he directed uh Mach um smoking the Bandit oh right okay yeah sorry keep going so um the most legendary stunt man of all time so uh they give him an x-ray the doctor comes in and he says you have brok in your back and worse you have h a good deal of fluid in your lungs and I have to drain the fluid out before I put you in the back brace and send you on your way and he says okay and he says you're going to have to stand up against the wall I need do standing and I'm going to put this needle in your back and he says okay and then he says to the nurse the doctor says I want you to hold his legs and uh Hal is in the full uh little gown and so Hal's against the wall and right when the doctor puts the needle in his lungs how shits all over the nurse who's holding his legs do you not remember this story I'm like all the details of this you because I was I've never heard a story in my life where I thought it was going in One Direction it was about how tough he was there was like he was flirting with her and then there was a was the doctor and him going to fight like and I'm like hell [ __ ] all over the nurse that's what this story is about I do not remember that how could you have forgotten that that's hilarious yeah back to weather and then I remember I remember the next day you you going as you just did when you first set up the story you're like I just wonder what part of that was real and I was like man don't you dare let logic stand in the way of a story of this magnitude just allow yourself to think that happened God I think another fun thing for so the one of the very scary things was like all the river work and the jumping and the blah blah blah the next thing is Bart the bear oh God which that is like I tell that story all I tell that story all the time wait I want to okay then I want we want to hear your version because we've heard that and I want to see the comparison I too talk I bet Bart the bear comes up on this podcast more than any other thing from C Point bear Bara bear some stories we could probably recite oh you know Cedar Point don't you it was the best it was the best I can't Magnum xj2 that was like that was the that was like a family vacation T is a family vacation the world's most anyone who's from M are even around there we'll start talking and drives are [ __ ] nuts and by the way we all say the same exact best it's the best best low rent white trash place in the world okay so your versions of Bart the bear Bart the bear so Bart gets there right he's taken like seven or eight stops up and over the Contin Utah San Francisco China Australia New Zealand that's thought went to Alaska oh didn't he go up you're right you're right you're right he went Utah Alaska China are you just talking about how many ports he needed to stop in or was this other work that he was doing along the way Bart's doing a bunch of appearances he signed autographs at the Alaskan crab Fair part and Beijing signning Autos is exactly so I I'll go I'll go fast so he gets there the the everyone brings the bear you know they all have this meeting they literally anyone who's menstrating please don't be on set okay that was part that's part of it they've got they've got like a long ladled um frying pan that they fill with coffee and whipped cream unable by the way how hard that is to lift like think about cleaning a pool how challenging that is and then balance a [ __ ] frying pan and they would get this Bear all hopped up on coffee and donuts and whipped cream right and then what happens is that they bring Bard out and they the guy the guy who does the the the B's trainer talks like this dog dog dog and his son's there remember son is on like he's got a dart gun Tran Duty yeah and so long and short of it is there's a scene where the camera's here Bart is moving across the foreground and Dax and I are behind now listen the bear has learned not to go over these little wires that literally will get you in the ankles but they're electron they're electrocuted like little wires well during the training they have been but then they don't have them electrified when we're actually shooting it's just precaution and it's a psychological trick that they play with Bart the bear so there this could be the moment that Bart was like these aren't on just we don't know so they get in this shot right and we start shooting action and the bear start to walk across all of a sudden halfway through the bear stops and you hear the train goes Bart no Bart no B and they're literally they're literally like don't look at the bear and Dax and I are sitting there like what the [ __ ] he's like don't run don't p boys and the the Bear's like oh and you can see the bear getting agitated he like don't look at the bear and we're sitting in our underwear yeah you do you remember he tore the fake tree apart he attacked there was a fake tree he just demolished this fake tree like we saw his raft right in like right no no and he's screaming and we are like literally two naked men between and giant bear we were dressed we dressed we were dressed y thought we were all of our naked stuff now I'm embarrassed but no it's okay embarrassed and then and you see the guy you see his son with the gun trained on the BART and all a what what else did I forget like that's well my version of course is part of the menstration thing was here are the rules around Bart if you're on your period you can't come to set yeah yeah uh two don't look Bart in the eyes yes don't look in the eyes three don't ever run away don't run in front of Bart it'll trigger his predatorial Instinct and then um Don't Be Afraid around him cuz he can sense it in the very first scene in the movie that you just set up if you recall my back is completely debar you guys are staring at him and you guys are telling me to turn around there's a a bear I turn around I look Bart directly in the eyes I scream and then I run and I was like guys I'm going to do three of the four things I'm just not on my period that's the only thing I have going for me that's first scene we shoot with the bear it was a wide shot so there's nobody close to us on either side it's nothing but Darkness behind us and the bear are going across and like don't look at him boys don't look at okay but now turn around and look at him and scream and run and then the other weird one that happened was when Bart was thrashing that horse trailer remember he they were they he needed to work but he was in there thrashing the horse trailer everyone doesn't know what to do and Doug got in the horse trailer by himself and shut the door and we listening and you keep hearing uh Doug go no and then the trailer moves around and then you hear oh B oh boy good boy B and clearly he's like he's calmed him oh God and he would lay on top of Doug remember that was the thing I remember the most was him laying on top of dog cuz you would all of a sudden hear that like good boy par good boy it was Madness Monica yeah I'm shocked you guys survived this so many opportunities for all of us to die on that movie and none of us did guys none of us and everyone had a lot of scars that worked with Bart except for Doug yeah Doug do you guys remember Doug's eyes no they were magic they were like the most beautiful soothing blue eyes I'd ever seen I was like that's why he can get down with Bart the way he can he like something about those eyes until you can't still a bear that's right still a bear popped up on coffee and sugar exactly that was crazy you have to imagine though for you like that everything that happened on that movie is super imprinted for me cuz it's my first one yeah yeah you know I probably remember so many details but you got that's that was like your 29th movie and that was your I remember because it was the first time that I had gotten a direct offer it was the most I'd made on a a movie at that point it was the first time that the studio was like yeah we're going to put you on the poster on purpose and so there was you know what I mean so there was a little bit of a little bit of not pressure but I was like all right guys well this is our shot so let's you leveled up and it was like a thing level us up why why it leveled you up it did I got I got opportun talking about people saw you on film in this like never got leveled up what are you talking about that's that's that's honest that's honest got leading man roll after that that's so honest and true and we talked about it when you I got a lot of opportunities out of that I was the new thing I like you guys were known quantities and I was this new thing and I was a part of something that worked and I got a ton of opportunities after that I got to lead like maybe three movies in a row right after none of them worked you'll be happy to know so it was a be happy to know I know you you are I do think it's funny at that point in your career because you were brand new you had lots of ideas of what Fame looked like lots of ideas of what money look like lot I mean that was a big thing for you and I used to think I used to think you're like this is what I'm doing if I ever make money this is how and I look at your life now you're doing very well yeah and the difference between that moment yeah and just also like yeah you were so rich to me it's so funny and you probably said so did he say so I don't know but I went to your house in Pasadena and I was like oh my God he's look at this pool and he has a Porsche yeah I admit fascinated with money yeah because and I think that's funny now because that's that's not who you are now not who you are now fun and what's funny is I got the money when I stopped trying to get the money right yeah that's how it has anything to do with money no at all it's the Mike Tyson quote he goes When someone tells me that having a lot of money will make you happy what I know about that person is they've never had a lot of money uh I'm like whoa that gos right to but if I had told 20 six-year-old Dax that that was the case you'd be like [ __ ] you you're rich you have no idea what you're talking about y yeah oh I know and I I I I say that all the time I'm like I'm passing the sign I wouldn't listen no one no you're not going to listen unless you can experience it yeah yeah well well I think movie wise unless there's any other scenes you guys think of that we should chat about but I think now what would be fun is just like what was happening off camera was so sweet and so fun we started in Wellington in in um the north island of New Zealand and then we were kind of on the road for the second half of the film and we and when we were in New Zealand you had an apartment I had an apartment you were at the inner Continental right just get that hotel life some one of you guys downstairs room service up yeah I'm surprised you guys didn't go for that well I was saving if you guys recall all my pum yeah again back to the money fears I was like I get this prum I got to save it I was like how much remember you got you got like a nice apartment it was by a gym I'm like how much is that place how much of your pum I you're spending you're like I'm not thinking about my prum that's what it's there for I get the money like yeah oh it was driving everything and I saved all my pum until I relapsed at the end of the movie and then magically all of this pum by the time I got on the airplane I had zero pum I was like where' all the pum oh that's right I've been [ __ ] up for 4 days and now it's all completely gone stay tuned for more armchair expert if you [Music] dare I I just think your ability to express your own journey in so iety publicly is like yeah incredible it really is because I would be like I can't share that but well that was a big element that was going on there was a lot of things for me that was going on but one of them was like I was maybe two months sober when I got there and it's like my first movie and you guys are normal so you can drink and have fun and I feel like I'm going to I'm missing out on that and uh I don't know huge battle going on about me being sober too that I don't know how much I was talking about but I guess when Ethan arrived I was really [ __ ] happy because Ethan was also sober I was like I could at least commiserate with him like oh man yeah was he sober then uhhuh oh I didn't know that yeah yeah and he and I were both smoking 6 700 cigarettes a day if you recall drinking 5,000 Black cigarettes at one point when we were working together I remember specifically cuz we were out in the lake and you spit something out of your mouth that I had never seen before and I was like are you all right and you and you said yeah I'm just I'm not smoking cigarettes anymore so all this [ __ ] is coming all sh not smoking cigarettes and the second you stop smoking your lungs start doing the thing that they're supposed to do and start filtering all this [ __ ] oh my God out your L you wind up like coughing up all of the stuff that's getting trapped in there SM he was sober too well he quit smoking weed I did I well cuz we were so we needed to be the athleticism required for I just knew it was going to be endurance Challenge and I didn't and also it was like a first big opportunity I was like I do not want to be at all cloudy I'm gonna run my program I'll find my moments of sleep I'm going to eat what I need to eat I'll exercise what I need to exercise like everything for the movie at that point and I knew that smoking he wasn't smoking weed so but he drank who cares because people were buying me Shots all night walk in New Zealand with Seth and he would I'd be like bro put on the he is the most recognizable celebrity at that time I look exactly like me no matter what I do used to wear a baseball hat and like dude you're walking through a mall you need to put some [ __ ] on I'm just going I was still a little bit like what I'm just going to a movie Let Me Be A people oh my God to surround him to get him out of these little like yeah he was so famous gaggles of wild exciting for me too I loved it and you're like I'm in the movie too yeah hi I'm Dax is punk down here he is not okay uh yeah but then all that to say we I don't know who one of you two I feel like it was you Matt got the idea let's rent there's this spectacular house oh yeah I found out that's available the king of Thailand yeah had built some crazy house he didn't live there and he was just about to rent it out for the first time and you figured that out and you were like let's all share this I was like oh okay that'll be all my prum but uh yeah that is just like as special as it gets that whole and and we were playing games yes you were making us do a running Shad so much fun we had that ping table I know but mat I'm saying Matt is so much fun I like games I do like my birthday every year we'll play like celebrity running charades and you introduced us you told us we all had to bring um five minutes of our favorite movie coffee and clips that's funny coffee and clips is you ask people to bring a clip of a movie um and you just it can be anything like 3 to 5 minutes long you just have to have a reason why you've chose it so you show the clip and then you sort of have a conversation about why that clip means something to I what film it's sort of like a great way to get to know people because you're like sharing like this reminds me of my dad this reminds me of whatever yeah that's very cool and then it's really great even within that is I think also what was an interesting dynamic between all of us which is like it's impossible that the Symmetry could work so well but no one was in each other's Lanes like and I say this with real respect like Matt's a [ __ ] artist he loves acting he loves teaching he loves learning you're like such a beautiful real artist and Seth was like in the middle of that Spectrum like great revery for it a professional but also can pop in or out he's he can just do it and he's not thinking terribly and then I don't know what I do not get impr Rob and I don't have much revery for any of it right right and and it was so fun like we all had such different approaches to what we were doing and then I would even say like you're very Alpha you're the leader of wherever you're at and I'm kind of the leader but we're such different ones that there was never at least from my point of view never just like love and coexistence and then you are your own version of alpha which is like you've never done anything you didn't want to do ever period it's not happening maybe not on film but but you know you're a very convicted person in a really admirable way you know what you like and what you believe and you're not easily swayed so you know that it just jelled the way it did is kind of magic yeah I think that you know something I look back on that experience specifically and I think that a lot of people like go off and have college experiences like they're they're in a fraternity they're in whatever um we we have this moment that sort of you know that that was this thing like you're together you're Inseparable you're through thick and thie you're thick as thieves through thin through th I got that part out I I'm sorry thank you rob what's a great metaphor for super close it all just comes together no but we were together and we were thick as thieves and together all the time and there was that Bond who do you think changed the most changed how do you mean like circumstances or as a person not circumstance as a as a person well we we've just watched him M mature and evolve into this role in a way that I think we both saw coming at least as a possibility you take what are you talking about did not when when when we work together I'm like oh this guy could do it this guy could do it don't make missteps and you you crush this you got the right attitude you definitely got the goods you just got to show up and do the job like actually do the job yeah yeah that's fair though I mean make case for it at the Press Jun I wouldn't have bet on me not as oh I'm not saying I wouldn't have bet on I don't mean career-wise no but again let's just fast forward to the end of the movie so I had been sober the whole movie right we get to the last like five days well I know exactly what specifically happened is when I would go out with you I would always order a Red Bull yeah and you would get a Red Bull vodka sure I was at the bar fully intending to stay sober and I ordered a Red Bull and I grabbed it and I took a huge pull at vodka and it was vodka like right when it hit my throat I was like oh [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah I like you know alcohol such a specific feeling in your throat I was like I already drank that I'm like what am I going to do right now oh boy and I'm like I was going to drink the rest of this Red Bull a [ __ ] so I drank the rest of the Red Bull no further issue that night a couple days went by I was like yeah look at that I I had a drink showed up for work everything's groovy I'm like I'm GNA I'm going to get a bottle of wine when I go home and I'm just going to drink one glass oh [ __ ] and then I did that successfully I'm like yeah we are we're doing all right next night same cut two I we it was the Saturday party it was the sunup the sunup party I decided last you guys remember this we were shooting through the night and I'm like I'm going to have a party at my apartment in Wellington when we rap and I took all my PDM money they guaranteed us we were going to rrap in daylight and then we had two days off yeah it was like the last shot of the week and then I'm like [ __ ] it I did great we have one day left I think maybe I'm going to host a party before we wrapped you said hey the locals have something they're calling crank and I was no P they called it P and I was like what is that you're like it's basically like bathtub crank I think it comes from a big pen like the faculty and I was like I don't like anything come to find out I'm many members of our crew were fully on pee the whole time which was not revealed until this party I hosted so we have a party at my apartment it starts at like 8:00 a.m. there's like probably 30 people from the crew you're there people are there and this great I'm not there yep no yeah you didn't make it because you knew that this was not a good idea you were probably tired night was like I was I had a wife and kid I mean I was in a different world to be fair keep going I so it was also we they uh they were like we're going to get some weed and I was like you know what I'm going to smoke a joint I'm going to smoke a joint it's in the daylight during the sun I'll be the first we're at the end of the movie three months all the work is behind us enough that I'm going to take this moment I also think I would have jumped in I also don't know I'm pretty sure I would have been like bro you're very separating yourself from the situation though yeah I am you're a very good guy and you would have tried to help me and maybe you knew that which is maybe why you didn't invite him yeah oh I'm certain I invited him but for whatever reason he wasn't there everything's kind of kosher I don't remember his name and I don't even want to single amount but there was a dude that was hanging around that had been one of the characters in Lord of the Rings and he was an enormous dude he was a stunt man and an actor and he was like 6'4 and Maui and like 300 lb could be any one of people but we party everyone the normal people leave all of a sudden the pee comes out we're I'm smoking pee with the crew members this turns into like a two-day thing turns into me hanging with this dude who's enormous he's like do you want to get some ecstasy yes to me and him on four hits of ecstasy I've been awake for two days and I've been this whole time I'm around him cuz I'm so afraid he's so strong I have to find out I'm like would you like to wrestle he's like absolutely cut to us wrestling for 40 minutes on ecstasy in my apartment day two best somehow get through the last day of work and then the rap party I don't know if you guys remember the rap party but I had been I had had so many hits X my lips were like so big and Drew was like what Isen happening with your mouth I'm like I've been chewing on it for the last three days I'm peeing my God I uh I actually left the rap party after only a half an hour and flew to New York to shoot Sesame Street so I was just having a completely different experience yeah I find that so heartbreaking you do I know I find it so heartbreaking I know that your cander is like part of your your superpower mhm but I just it just makes me so sad that that's how it ended yeah I remember on the plane ride home I was flying back sitting next to Brill and bril goes he's like observed the last week of this experience and how quickly it ratchet it up and he goes you know I was like bummed you didn't drink and I thought it' be fun to party with Dax and um H having witnessed it you should have you shouldn't like you really don't do this and I was like already the shame of having done all that and then the I just remember that flight home him just real talking me and going like this is not for you dude you're not equipped that's good though that's one of those moments where like an adult or as much of an adult as you have is like hey man don't [ __ ] this up yes s job and I would I but I I think at some point you said to me and obviously you can cut this if you want not that you care but you're like for me if I have a drink I immediately the difference between you and me is that you can have a drink and be fine I immediately start to think well where am I going to get my next drink what time does the liquor store cloes on Sunday there's a Friday I go okay I'm going to go buy a bottles for Saturday but I know I'm going to go through it so on Sunday I need to make sure I have drinks through the night and then I end up at LAX smoking crack yeah yeah yeah yeah ghost to like just there is no end to the chase until the body collapses my fear of Lo leaving that state where I don't have insecurities and worries and fears to leave it I'd rather be dead so I go until the body goes that's it we're turning you off you know yeah yeah yeah well that got heavy yeah yeah usually does yeah yeah addiction is the is the [ __ ] worst but I guess the the the the upside is like also thank [ __ ] God I made it through yeah 95% of movie like I would have ruined that whole experience if I hadn't at least held it together as long as I did Ru your whole life yeah I don't think we would have you would be you wouldn't be in this seat right now if you no I'm not married with kids and I don't have you would have Hollywood would have been like that kids uh you can't trust them you would not have G to do four more movies to understand that there's real value to you or whatever came through you got to the point where you were able to in your addiction love yourself more yeah I think I know nothing about it hon but yeah yeah not that I don't have yourself at some point yeah well what you know what really I read Tom Arnold's book which has the best title ever it's like how I lose seven pounds in 10 years or something like that that's roughly the name of the book how to lose seven PBS in 10 years and um he said in that book luckily the only thing I was addicted to more than cocaine was wanting to be famous he's like that's what say that's I knew I would lose this other thing I wanted so bad it's the only thing I wanted worse than cocaine and in some level that was true cuz I got sober for without a padle I came home I was [ __ ] up for a period from that relapse then I got sober for idiocracy then press T which is its own funny we could do a whole episode on just our we talk about it on SE original epode on our show we talked about 1 days or something crazy like it was so fun and insane and way too much work for anybody I mean just cut to the F the fun what's your funnest moment from the Press tour was it Wrigley Field in Chicago oh that was fun we threw out the first pitch but it was that whole night that whole night was so insane and I I shot video of you eating the deep dish pizza that still makes me laugh cuz we just having a conversation about how good the pizza was and then it turned didn't do a bit of us just eating the pizza and weeping over the quality of the pizza so Dax is just like I'm just so hungry I can't do justice say the the thing I remember most about the whole experience is that the two of you always had bits always were always on the two so we we can get ourselves we'll start doing the same voice and we're so annoying to be around and Heather was like have fun today good luck word and Edge device because the two of you make each other laugh you bring each other legitimate joy and so the two of them would just like at a table of like 15 people like and in that period good imp doing an old man voice a lot we were constantly going like well those aesome decad you had been workshopping this character cuz you were building your own version of Flesh which I was like so I'm like this is what you do he's like all my heroes they right like it's it's Martin it's will farell like you write your movie you say I'm this character and then he had all these characters he was workshopping and you had this this Southern gentleman who was a refined a refined sophisticated fell saw himself as as a as a offici a of the nut just it was like never we we could talk like that for it must have been mad for you no no it was it was hilarious I but I remember at that point in my life it was one of the things that I realized about myself is that when you're surrounded by people that are authentically funny yeah like there have been a couple times in my life like I'm like I I'm funny I'm Charming but two these two men are the two funniest people and where they're in that space I would try to compete but I'm like I can't I learned this about myself I can't compete at that level yeah so you just sit back and enjoy or get annoyed either's Fair walk away you definitely time my favorite memory on the Press tour is some point you were you had two women that you had brought to the plane to go over the border and like you I was I was like you guys how are they going to get back like it doesn't matter we give them bus Fair like I was like they need passports you don't have [ __ ] passports you can't just get them on the plane we fell in love in an interview none of that is true did we were in Canada and we met uh some press press uh women journalists that were young women same same like comparable age and they were both like very professional we like listen why don't we go on for dinner tonight cuz we got to get come me just sit the airport cuz we got to fly out but we have at least an hour come have dinner with us it was a lot more than an hour no then the plane is grounded we're like Hey we're here through the night like maybe maybe this is a thing and we the whole press store we were like get on the plane with us every city and people like every city they were trying to get women on the plane no well and time to remind people you were in an open relationship we have been talking also about were you in an open relationship yes how could you not remember that we were very open about that we always tell people okay my my two favorite memories are um one I was always so hung up on where we were going to sit cuz all three of us would go to all these shows all around the country and clearly one of you two should be next to the host and it's debatable who Des who's more famous right well it's not we know where Shephard's sitting he's sitting like wherever the third seat is the whole trip right and we were doing a sports show in Philadelphia you'll probably remember this part we're doing some weird local sports show in Philadelphia and you two are right next to the host and I'm just like out in [ __ ] left field and I'm now bored and there's a boxing glove on display and I just grabbed the boxing glove and I put and you're like mid sentence and I [ __ ] pun you the shoulders cuz this is at the end like we had gone buers we lost our minds talking and I just [ __ ] blasted you in the shoulder with a boxy turn around like I'm wearing a boxing glove all of a sudden they had to finally widen out and show who's the third guy in the room hilarious and then my other favorite part was I don't remember that by the way I don't remember remember no but I do think that that was when they asked you about Family Guy and you started doing cuz Family Guy was down I had no idea you were on Family Guy cut two it's still the longest running show in the not the simp is above it but yeah it's been on 25 years that's crazy that's the crazy I Remember by the way this part of the story plays into the Family Guy so we had a little gap between interviews and we were all hungry and we went to a Chili's that was in the parking lot of a mall in Phil and we get in the restaurant and we're sitting at a booth looking out the window and Seth goes oh my God this is where my mother used to drop me off for the bus that would take me to summer camp and she drove such a piece of [ __ ] I would always want her to drop me off like really far away from the bus but it's a big open parking lot it's hard to hide and on this one occasion she pulled into the lot and the car was engulfed in flames fire in front of he didn't want to know and I'm on the bus like trying to make time with this cool girl I'm like Hey we're going to spend the weekend together like what are you into is that your mom's car on what no that's that's some poor kid no way that is crazy no way that's so there was also where he pitched Robot Chicken and I was like that's the dumbest idea I've ever heard I stop action TV what what are you talking about yes and he has a studio onc um so back to Family Guy so I don't know what it was 3 years ago it was very public that the core actors had signed an incredible deal for an incredible amount of money per episode and that they ordered two years right out of the gates and I read this article and I sent it to Seth and I said first of all congratulations I am so [ __ ] proud of you also I think you should go buy a brand new Cadillac and set it on fire in the mall in Philadelphia and just say [ __ ] [ __ ] y'all I can burn this [ __ ] I do I do I loved it and I was met I had to remind you I just don't have that kind of impulse in my heart like on yeah that's so strange I'm not thinking about any of the people in that City or neighborhood or that parking lot or that summer camp I'm just did you have a money thing because no no cuz money I don't know man it will be I read a lot I read a lot I psychedelics when I was 16 and I really got through a lot of the things that most people take a much longer time to go through yeah when I met Seth I was walking into Paramount for something and I see Seth Green pull in to the guard shack and of course I know Seth Green he's famous and he's rich and he pulls in he's driving a Honda Civic and I was like what the [ __ ] is this guy doing driving Honda and but was like known for this he drove a Honda Civic we hung out a ton we I mean you and I are [ __ ] Bros we got back for him without a pedal we did not stop and we go to his he had a little apartment in the valley with all these toys on the wall uhhuh and he built a tree inside the place he never had any kind of flash at all admirable if you especially you're saying you know with your mom and the car and the shoes and I feel like most people would be compensating for that for a while if they had the means which did but's real real true confidence self like very enviable true when I say like self-conviction like you know yourself and you're really not trying to appease anyone oh yeah when you're this height with this face like you're going to figure out how you fit in perfect B well I don't know where you guys rank it but it never got better that was the G for me that was I am so lucky that I got that experience with you two guys it's one of these things too where it's like I think that experience was 9 months like cuz you know I have so many memories about it how long was it three months it couldn't have been more than three right I think we there it was three four months yeah there's no doubt that that's the the most fun I've ever had on a film um it's easily the best relationship I've ever made on a film that persevere I mean we don't see each other but I love the two of you I've always said that um and I feel like it's beloved uh and it doesn't matter what that movie did financially that's like sort of the Highlight one of the highlights of my life without a doubt I told you guys when it was happening that what was happening was rare like I've worked on a lot of movies especially location movies stuff where you get the luxury of that summer camp Vibe where everybody is there and I've done it at the smallest scale on like a shitty independent horror movie and I've done it on that huge scale where the studios well the Studio's got like lobster in your your your uh craft Services you know what I mean it's like there's an excessive version of it it doesn't necessarily make it better when it works when everybody on it has something that they need to prove and nobody's trying to prove the same thing when it actually is just working the way it's supposed to work it is so rare So Rare for it to function that fun it was just fun yeah it was so fun was fun back to like looking at yourself and going like I can't believe I hated how I looked I would say additionally that movie is not the work I've done that I'm proudest of and that's the movie that would get traded last right so it's like results versus experience like it's not like I look at the results of that movie and I'm like yeah that's my finest moment not by far I had so much to learn but the last one I would trade maybe hit and onun a movie I directed with Kristen but other than that like that'd be the last on the list of things I would ever lose my memory of yeah I don't ever let me ask question think they loved it they they loved it you know what's really great about the movie and I think this went away in comedy is like there are set pieces one after another there's a bear chasing somebody a bear carrying somebody there's Stakes we panick then there's a motorcycle you know RV [ __ ] ATV Chase and then like the physical comedy is Works in that movie like crazy I think it's also funny just to let people know that we thought we were making Diner right we were certain of it we thought we were making a Coming of Age Diner young adult and we all saw it and we were like I love Brill and I love deline but we were all a little bum when we came out of the first screen St is so efficient and it's just like here's what you need to know and literally nothing else and we had all done this scene with the dead kid's mom and like got handed the B and you know like this was important for our friend and we were all like in it as actors like talking about what was our life like when we were kids well clearly we played Indiana Jones and like just trying to break it down psychologically to follow the threat of these character and so they told us early on bril was like yeah we're going to re-shoot so [ __ ] the funeral scene we're going to have you guys find the Box we're going to have you find the box in the in the in the treehouse now you'll discover why is the mom why is this mom she just lost her son everything's sad he's like we got to get into the adventure so they we did we did those pickup shots and then you see it when you watch the movie you can see oh [ __ ] nothing matters until we're on the water yeah the truth is they were right yes they were it was it was a movie for 12y olds and that's why it worked and it should have been a movie for 12 years and it didn't really matter that we thought we were making Diner in the woods but our our intent our sincerity yeah all of that is palpable even if you only catch like a moment of it because we did all of the actual emotional work in the in the in the margins when you watch these Quick Clips there's no doubt from the audience that you feel the way you feel yeah that we're going through what we're going through yeah I was really as much as I was hating my stuff um I I you still hate your stuff you still hate your stuff even now in that movie right yeah not not other stuff there's stuff I I think I'm good in uh it's not like I'm deranged really you watch I can just see how nervous I am and how and how hard I'm trying I can see how hard I'm trying and uh yeah but [ __ ] that we already talked about me um I was watching it going like I was aware of it at the time but it you're really really really great in it you're really great Matt and do this podc every it held up you can relisten like it's still like actually I'm I'm expecting all of us to have a little egg on our face and I watching I'm like you did as good as a person could do in that role you were really great thank you you didn't rewatch it did you I didn't no I asked my son 16 like hey you want to watch the movie he's like I've um seen it like six times oh yeah yeah my kids have all watched it um and I think that there's it's it's really fun because you're kids are young you know they're going through the Journey of what it's like to have parents that are famous and so you're like at some point you don't even register and at some point all the kids in your life register so you start to register in a different way you know and then as they get older there's a deeper appreciation for what you do right and we're now at that point where my kids are going back and watching SLC Punk and watching these sort of like these little you know good or bad movies in my past and they're appreciating it more it's kind of a cool gift I I was never able to go watch my parents as young people and recognize oh they were people and they were young ones it is kind of a neat thing that our kids have the option to do if they want it yeah all that to say I love you guys so much that love is never dissipated at all it really was real when I see you in public I just hug the [ __ ] out of you I'll declare on a microphone I love you hey Matt do I see you I love you yeah I love you I love you both of you Dax I have seen you from the moment we met oh and I tell you with all sincerity I love you well I feel it you guys thanks for doing this when you called I was like how fun let's do the 40 let's do the let's do the 30 I don't remember anything now I know we'll hear how the stories change the same stories how they change the bear will now be two bears and exactly all right well I love you guys thank you yeah it was good bud stay tuned for more armchair expert Fact Check if you dare stick around for the fact check because they're human they make lots of mistakes because Lillard wore a hat and it made you want to wear a hat I was like oh yeah I guess you can wear a hat in here makes the rules cuz we I can't wear a hat upstairs because of headphones headphones yes like we can do so much stuff we can wear hair in all kinds of ways it's almost too much Freedom too many options yeah is that your shirt on the ground yeah I didn't know where to put it where would you have put it not on top of the trash can that'd be crazy what kind of shirt it like can't be in frame what is it it's my um guinea tea my tank top you call that a guinea tea yeah is that what it's called it's preferable to wife beater right people don't love wife beer yeah interesting so it's rebranded as guinea tea although I hope they know wife beer is not like celebrating wife beating it's just that it seems like an inordinate amount of men who did that were wearing those tops it's not good for the the guinea yeah for hes no no no but it needs a specific to call it a tank Top's not totally accurate either right it's so specific David Letterman's dinner table yes I wouldn't go that far this is our first garage fact check previously black mold Paradise yeah RP I can't believe this was that place I can't either I mean I know intellectually my drum set was right there and yeah I can't even really there was there was air there two shitty air conditioners water everywhere mold growing up sure rats yeah it's quite a transformation it is it is impressive it had rats and now it has mice I don't think there's anything anymore cuz I put out a lot of no I a mouse oh right sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry God I missed that where are you coming from the oh the dermatologist how' that go well well does it hurt when they give you that shot or you're used to it I'm just so tough high tolerance yeah High pain tolerance um for people who don't know what we're talking about you'll have to listen to next next week's fact next month's fact check check out the um December 15th fact check for the Easter egg I wish you were watching chimp crazy simply because the woman in it she's I mean I applaud her on some level she she lets them film her during all of her procedures oh and she's always in there getting lip filler or spray tanning yeah traditional suntanning Booth but she's in this um massage chair at one point and she has so much numbing cream all over her lips because they're inject it and it just looks like there's icing on her lips but it's caking up in corners and then it's falling off and then she she grabs her water and she's like they tell you not to drink when you have this on you and then she glug glug glug glug and clearly there's numbing cream just going down her road yeah oh boy yeah what's weird is you know we're full of contradictions as we talk about on here all the time and I'm I'm for I Am pro obviously I I have chin filler I have some Botox now oh was that new too are you well that was on the same day oh okay was that your first round of box that's the first time I've ever done anything your face is very alive still in fact just now you raise your eyebrows I was like okay well good we have still a lot of Mobility he gave me the I think it's phrased as the placeo I think it's pronounced Placebo um the like actor's dose or something and so it is you still can have movement and emotion minimal movement have you seen my befores and afters no I'll show you do you think they're dramatic yes I can tell I mean yeah they are let's see I'll show because I have zero ethical issue with botox I could care less if people use it but I do miss the movement of some people's faces oh sure you know Well I this is the contradiction I am for people doing what whatever they want to make themselves happy when they look in the mirror yeah but I also do have some Sadness the reason I feel like I have to say this is now we're on camera and people saw me go oh yeah when um you were talking about this lady and it's because I feel sad that she's obviously so uncomfortable with the way she looks oh yeah that she has to go you know owning like a champ too like there's a lot happening it makes she's enormous wig on it's like the biggest wig everything's a and a shield and an armor and that's s okay here here they are oh my goodness they prepared like a whole file for you they oh my God I love that they made you go like that yeah you have to make very specific Expressions so they can before I get into trouble just what side's what you'll be I'm not even confident I'll know uhhuh if you don't know that will be fascinating and we need you know what's really cute though is it looks to me first of all you look 8 years old for whatever reason this makes you look very young and Tiny okay yeah what's cute though is that you're kind of you have a little tiny smile on the right cuz like you know it's that's CU my new face yes exactly exactly so it's like they're not Apples to Apples cuz you're like no I think part of it is there is a slight upturn that's part of what they did okay see yeah I see I see do you see looking at me right now that my mouth is a little upturned yeah but you just turned it up a little bit be right this is my favorite photo I know I know they really make you do that was the direction in this photo you've just smelled something very pungent uh horseshit like even dog poop wouldn't be you notice a hes [ __ ] can someh sometimes be sharp yes like when you're in Central Park like oh it's like it get you it's like it singes your nostrils yeah okay in this one I'm seeing the botox difference that's what we're yeah you so scrunch your face again like you're just happier in this one I know cuz you're happier I'm not happy that's how my resting face is now it's like this it is funny side by side I I can see a difference yeah just if I just bump into you I'm not going like what have you done yeah you know what's sweet though you got to post these now oh god um you know what's sweet is when my parents were in town and then we had dinner one night then the next day I told them that I had Shiller I forgot to tell them yeah yeah and or did you have any reservation about telling them like did you feel like they were going to be disappointed like hey we made you perfect I me I didn't really care yeah sure really care disappoint um but I I was like oh I got this and and my dad said I knew something was different about your face he did yeah he's like I didn't know what it was but I could tell something was different really yeah and that I thought that was sweet actually it is he knows his baby yeah I we definitely notice like sometimes night to night little changes yeah Lincoln will wake up and I'm like oh my God you look just a little bit different this morning yeah that's sweet it's really weird it's cute um speaking of looking different Without a Paddle ding ding ding okay well now's the time that I guess I was going to I didn't know when I was going to do this but I have a surprise for you oh my God I love surprises so I te I we a message for you oh okay okay do I have to guess who the sender is or it'll be well that's what I'm wondering should I tell you now or do you want to wait do you want it to become you build it let's build it okay if you build it it'll I'll come you I mean they'll come but it's singular I'll come but C no it's I thought it was if you build it they will come Oh I thought it was it will come no no they oh the people come watch the baseball game oh I've never seen you even know what it's from yeah it's from Field of Dreams but I've never seen yeah it builds a baseball field in the corn but I thought it was like a metaphor like if you build it it will come like your dreams will come true the Field of Dreams yeah sure that's an easy yeah misunderstanding okay ready yeah 20 years ago we did an adventure movie in it we did all the adventury things Rivers Rapids guns Woods Bears chases fires Falls from Great Heights ropes but I swear the biggest best adventure was getting to know old Dax AKA Dan Shepard shooting this [ __ ] with you was just as fun and exciting as shooting the Rapids by the way I went canoeing a few weeks ago on a Placid Lake and it is exhausting and hard and boring it really made me realize how good you got at it we were also Fearless we flew a deadly 500lb grizzly bear to New Zealand to stand 5 ft from you Matt was close but you Dax were like 2 feet away from certain mauling did should have been and would have been all plates in CG if we did it now or if I was smarter but we just did it you and the Bear in the same frame and only a medium built jetlagged Wrangler with the club stuffed in his pants to protect you so dumb but fun you risked your life in pursuit of a moderately funny scene actually I think it was very funny moderately funny there was near-death on and off the set throughout this movie Wild kiwi water God stuntman going straight down impossible Rapids and our production designer going straight down a possible staircase but we had fun I actually hate when actors directors go on and on about how we had so much fun shooting a movie like that matters oh like that matters oh I'm so glad those Rich good-looking pamper people had fun I would have hate for them to have been uncomfortable during that and I'm not sure I had fun making the movie but I sure had fun getting to know you Dax and Seth AKA Squire and Matt AKA Matt and I know I had fun watching you meet and work with Bert Reynolds that was cool glad we made it out none of your post padle journey and success is surprising it just confirms what I thought 20 years ago you are so talented engaging whip smart funny and [ __ ] awesome love you for real what a sweet message yeah that's nice oh what a sweet message you like that he's such a good writer oh yeah that was Fant he's such a good writer he has some emails that I have like thought like I want to print this out and somehow keep this around in my life what a lovely message I would say I often give um Ashton so much credit for having discovered you saved me from the swamp I was drowning in uh but equally so Brill CU it was then quite another leap to take a guy from a reality show and think he should be the lead of your movie and he fought very hard to uh both get me in and then also um was so good at getting things out of me and yeah yeah change your life what a lovely thing how did you get a hold of him I texted him oh did you have his number already no I asked Kristen for H I hope he doesn't feel hurt he wasn't here no I just got CAU oh my God oh my God four people's too many to be there is four people I mean reg galling yeah yeah three was it's hard just barely juggled three yeah that's right that's right that's more of a panel situation ation I did want his voice involved yeah oh what a sweet message I hope you'll forward that to me of course brw was so funny he had so many bits he was um often robot director what's that mean so you would you would go up to him and you're very sincere and you I'd go like BR if I walk over there and I'm supposed to land on that thing I can't walk around the canoe because I'll leave frame right and he'll go baby robot director he wasn't just a robot he was a baby robot director oh cute and then I go oh no baby robot director beo okay so I'm just gonna kind of have to guess be and he would never give you an answer and you just had to figure out what you had to do that's very funny so baby robot director was sometimes directing that's a ding- ding ding cuz now in our world we have a baby director and a robot and you're right and a robot wants to a boy a real boy all comes fur Circle what was this other furl Circle yeah that was a blast yeah it really seemed like it I'm glad you had that experience yeah what else I just have breakfast with Nate yeah how was it it was so fun it's my favorite medicine yeah we were laughing so hard at the top of our lungs in cafe 101 fun people were even I even saw some people are looking at us like okay that's guys it's a little early for that level of screaming laughing yeah you know sometimes you're laughing so hard you well you I don't know if you have this I I've I've passed I'm out of air so I'm no longer making a noise but I still have to express my and I clap oh like a like a monkey with the symbols yeah yeah so there was moments where I was like laid back in the booth and I was like and I was just clapping like a seal what caused that is anything you could share boy one's tricky I guess if I could leave out the per there just it's all about deliveries with Nate that and so we were talking about this certain person and um and he's like yeah and I'm like wow so that's great that she ended up with him he's like yeah yeah you know you know and he loves her and I go yeah yeah he he loves her you know he loves her and then it be we just built on that for a very long time we love to build this is a reality we know people they end up together that they were lonely they found a partner and they're doing it together yeah was it the story book love you know I don't know you know they love they love that's okay not oh absolutely there's nothing wrong with it but of course you're supposed to go like oh yeah you know he just loves her he he he loves her they're good they're great he's a good husband you you start just kind of they're good together they're really good together you start keep deviating away from you realize that might have been not the full truth yeah I don't know we just it doesn't take much yeah yeah well that's fun medicine that's good is that you and kie I mean she's definitely medicinal but I wouldn't say who sends you into a laugh Riot Jess yeah yeah that's the laugh medicine yeah it's powerful yeah you have a good we our our breakfast was 1 hour and 45 minutes of it was laughing really really hard yeah fun it was like yeah uh better than any drug but I don't I mean I obviously I love laughing but in certain relationships that don't have as much of that but they have other things like I don't think one's better than the other I love to laugh but I I get it's not your number one priority I think I used to think that yes when you were an aspiring comedian and at the UCB yeah but also even when I think about partnership uhhuh I I do think you used to think like I well my husband would have to be hilarious have to be so funny yeah yeah yeah I still kind of think that I don't think I could be with someone who does not have a sense of humor right I bet you would say like the person has to get humor yes it's not necessarily that they have to deliver but it would suck watching TV with somebody and they're not getting what's so funny about something I'm wrong okay you're you're taking it back you're walking it back back I'm taking it all back listen he loves her he you know he like they're you know they're he's they're committed and he's a good he's a good husband good companion yeah yeah yeah um no I now I'm remembering that when I I had gone on a few dates with this person and I um and he was great totally fine like he was great did not love he was great and I couldn't really figure out what was happening with me I mean of course I was like what is what is wrong with me what is wrong with me this person's like great and nice and why why don't I like him and um when I was in therapy we had talked a lot about it and she was this is the one she gave you permission to well she was like well tell me about the dates yeah so we were talking about the dates and she was like are you laughing yeah I was like yeah yeah it's not serious but it's not funny and she was like yeah well maybe you need funny and I was like yeah I think it's true that every e every relationship I do prioritize does have a fair amount of laughter yes and I think maybe more specifically you don't need someone who's funny who like their outward presenting identity is a funny person like that's not Breeze presenting first foot forward yeah but she and I had so many Insight jokes like we did live for inside jokes and she was super funny to me right I think you want that thing whether they're out like whether the person that uh party making jokes no no no it doesn't need to be they don't need to be a comedian right but you need to have a lot of playful banter yes it was a ding- ding ding because I also had it last night cuz Josh Lawson came over oh he did cuz he's back in town working he has my number oh my God Josh lson makes me laugh so hard and there was a moment where we were at first we were uh we sawed then we're in the hot tub together then we're eating dinner with the girls and uh he was making the girls laugh which is really funny cuz there's not a lot of adults that make them laugh really hard other than me which is my main Hobby in life sure H but they he was really making them laugh and then um Delta at one point and it wasn't even like um presentational it was just to me it was an aside and she goes you know um Lincoln and I always were afraid if you and Mom ever got divorced or you guys married different people um or if you married another woman and I think the person we should be afraid of is him wow that I would leave mommy for Josh Lawson oh that you would oh oh that's funny and Lincoln goes my dad doesn't laugh this much normal around people to him well that's wow that's a high compliment to Josh and well it is and he deserves it but then I got defensive of Aaron what about lit Aaron true accurate but it was a very sweet compliment to give Josh is sweet yeah he asked about you I said I'd like to see him while he's here anyway what else has been going on the anxiety still again listen to December 15's episode I discussed my been waking up in the middle of the night with about an hour of anxiety December 15th remember our fact check from six weeks oh six weeks in the F yeah last night was woke up and I had an image of my what my face looked like in the closeup and I was like oh my God I gotta how do I fix this like I had some very specific problem areas I was seeing I'm like what am I going to do I got to get some lighting underneath I got to get a nose reduction oh my God all these things maybe I think maybe we're just too tight and I'm thinking of other people's shows I'm like are they as tight as we are but this goes on for I don't know 75 80 minutes I go back to sleep for about 45 minutes then I wake up for the morning at 6 and then I go look at the footage that I had watched right before I went to bed yeah the image I had in my head is not what it is I'm almost 50 monicaa I know but you're still you're still a person and we're all insecure but it just goes to show like how lopsided and irrational and non-factual my midnight ruminations are they're like they're so can you tell yourself can you write a piece of paper on your nightstand that says whatever you're thinking right now you will not be thinking in the morning I said to myself last night I said this is going to be a very tiny problem in the morning you already know that it might not even be a problem in the morning did it work but if no it's just one little detail of something from the day that I can't stop just totally powerless you don't do much of version I a lot of rumination but in the do you wake up in the middle of the night and have it no I don't wake up it's before bed it's to get to sleep right so it often takes me a very long time to get to sleep because of all the chatter yeah I take a lot of sleep aids and so you know I take melatonin and I take um trazodone mhm and occasionally a leave PM so three no one's going to like that no one's going to like no one's going to like it there's be a lot of sleep experts that are saying that's not good regardless that I can fall asleep pretty nicely with my book on tape I can fall asleep within 10 minutes on that cocktail and I've thought about this now what happens is clearly those all wear off around 4:00 a.m. yeah I need a Like A Time release of all those things or I need an intervenous setup of this that trickles it all night I think you need to learn how and as do I to turn off our Brain before bed yeah sleep through the night mhm one p Max yeah and then wake up rested that would be the dream but that's ideal and I used to be so um angry at myself and hard on myself that I can't figure it out right or that I can't do all the things you just listed sure but I have been a little bit relieved by the fact that like one of my children is identical mhm she clearly is just genetically this and also don't forget on the 23 and me it did say you're someone who would struggle asleep remember that was one of the weird things that comes up and I was like oh that's kind of a relief I'm predisposed to be this way but seeing it in her stop my like self flatulation a little bit I'm like yeah you can be born as not a great sleeper yeah but it doesn't have to be either or it can be you have some sort of predisposition to not but you can you can do things to counter that yes and you and if you have a range you could be on the best end of the range I can seeed to that for sure so I'm in the cycle of like Mass caffeine all day long to compensate for the shitty night sleep definitely that's part of the problem there's no question oh that's interesting the Sleep beads are wearing off also the caffeine's still in my system it's like you know it's fighting yeah I get that yeah it's been I this has been interesting for me because because I decided a while ago that once we started in the new space and things were ramping up that I would get really healthy okay which is an interesting time to choose to do that it's going to be harder anyways well that's why it's like this is going to require a lot more of me you mean you started before no getting help oh on day one of okay yeah cuz I didn't want to waste those days I want to be unhealthy until I have to be healthy that makes sense like if you know you're going to get pregnant yeah or you know you're going get off of um drink it you know you're going to become sober you go all out so I was like this whole thing this new life of ours is going to require a lot more of me and it's going to require more energy and more alertness stamina speaking of I can't believe I didn't start with this on this episode yeah the I look so bad I look so tired and guess what I am so tired it was my birthday the night before uhuh uh it was Sunday we Rec a weekend record yeah I had three martinis as we've already discussed over of six hours very responsible one is not enough three is too many I had three yeah and you can see it you can see it well maybe do you think you you can see it I'm not going to read the comments but I have a feeling people will be able to see it and that's fine are you tired as an as an incredible question to ask people you know that's one that's like somehow socially acceptable but it's so well this is our whole did you get a good night's sleep last night it's the same but that was different I I defend that because that was a um a mood you look so tired is like people feel like they're allowed to say that to other people like oh you look so tired like it's somehow compassionate know but you go like you mean I look like [ __ ] right is that I know that's my mom's goto she says you look tired all the time every time I'm home she's like you look you look tired like okay I am that might be because she just wants you to go take a nappy cuz she wants her baby sleeping in her house yeah you you just sleep in our house every night and I'll make you sandwiches you're too tired to go home so I decided to get healthy yeah um which means well I'm going to start working out strength training I told you that I not starting that for another week okay kicking that down the road yeah yeah but I'm going to start strength training I'm G to drink less what does that look like I that's a I know it's a very nebulous thing to say drink less I guess it would the easiest would be less days a week yeah right I don't know how much you're going to be able to like fine-tune the amount the amount when you're doing it yeah that's fair that's fair cuz a different version of Monica will be making decisions than the one worse sitting here with right now yeah you're right so less days I guess um and and what would be that what's the number that's that terrifying weekends we got a drink Friday and Saturday it's on ideally ideally I'm not drinking s Monday through Thursday Sunday we got up I know but okay now with my new strength training I have to wake up early to go do that that's on Tuesdays and Thursdays okay and then Monday Wednesday and Friday I want to do my walks this is part of my new Health Plan yeah yeah regime protocol but these are all things happening in the morning so I have to be able to wake up yeah what about um what about Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday that's four days a week you think I can on Wednesday yeah I think you're going to need to drink once during the week I know what I think would be most achievable would be start there that's still the majority of the days you're drinking God and you know what's crazy that's scary sounds like nothing yeah yeah of course of course so the majority of the days you're drinking so that's great you're drinking more than then you're not sure that's the dream and then once you're doing that for a minute yeah I think you lob Sunday off I know because then you're you give yourself the best shot for starting the week on Monday yeah I know that would be but what about like or Sunday brunch no that's bad I mean then you're hold I don't know you tell me God it's you're like what about morning drinking on Sundays I only drink in the morning oh God do you think brunch do you think brunch drinking is akin to like like shower drinking tell me about shower drinking like didn't you used to drink beer in the shower oh sure sure yeah to me that's so extreme right and but to you brunch is Extreme well no no no um I'm in no position to be judgmental of Sunny what I think judal asking your I I do think we label things and and we're pretending what that it's not what it really is which is like yeah I drink in the morning on Sunday but I call it brunch drinking which is fun and playful yeah in an event and blah blah blah but it's it's drinking when you wake up in the morning on Sundays which I don't care about but it and then there was different rules when you'd go camping which I loved which like in when you go camping you start drinking as soon as you wake up and it's part of it it's fun I know I know you have some a little little bite to eat then you crack open a beer and then you drink all day and that's bad well I don't you know I know you're not saying it's objectively bad you're not judging but we are just talking about my health routine well that's why I'm saying talking about me well I am I have an opinion about if you're going to do it when do you should you do it and I do think ideal it'd be Friday Saturday and Wednesday okay but Wednesday seems hard because of the Thursday strength training so I actually think maybe then it should be Tuesday okay yeah that's fine okay yeah because then you have two days off and then two days off Wednesday Thursday that's great okay so Tuesday I'm gonna get H yeah whatever we record on Wednesdays everyone will be able to tell they'll be like is this Wednesday recording yes I also have have a bit of self Consciousness and insecurity that people are very worried we're never going to stop talking about video but I would rest assure we're going to so you're just listening as so many people will still do like oh my God now when I'm listening I got to hear them talk about video all the time and I just want to say that I'm aware of it and we're um we're just processing our new experience yeah do you have that fear or no I guess I I guess I do but I've sort of like it's what's really going on in our Liv this is a new thing yeah yeah right and yeah we're gonna do that it's also taking up a lot of our brain space right now exactly um anyway actually the whole reason I brought this up is because I I want to be healthier blah blah blah this week is a huge week for us we're working a ton yeah and I um I've been working till between 9:30 and 10: since Sunday yes and I've been waking up early because we've been starting early but also and you had appointments throughout all this that's why then I've had appointments and I've had to throw at like the early early top of day because there's no other time yeah so I've been waking up early but I'm tired at night now oh so you're falling asleep I am falling asleep and it that's interesting it is and it's how i a little bit counteract my panic because I I have to believe the same thing I tell Lincoln which is like your body will take care of itself so how many hours did you get last night do you think you know what just occurred to me people have heard about your eye roll forever yeah and they could see it now I know we we talked about that when we talked about it upstairs when we were leading up to this that people are going to start seeing it oh can you do one on command I could but what you do one for me well why don't you why don't you instigate one okay I will um you spent way too much on those pants okay I think you need to drop it in at a time where I'm not expecting it okay so later at some okay Easter egg okay all foreshadowing even though you also just said that we you don't want to make this about video and now you made it complet just occurred to me that you have a very legendary eye roll that we've talked about a million times I'm sure people have I'm sure it's I'm sure people have seen it by now how I'm sure I've done it I you think you I don't think you've ey rolled help I'm sure I have not your um nuclear option ey rolled that you gave the gal in the parking lot at the um preschool there are there are levels to the irall but you know that in um theater in my ninth grade theater class my teacher told me like you have an eye roll it's so distinct oh really and basically like get rid of it get rid of because you would do it in scenes that's how you would Express I think so em it was it was coming out so involuntarily that I didn't it was it's a tick really it's a tick it's I don't even know if it's that indicative of my feelings well it is in the parking lot of the preschool sure yeah yeah well she was such a [ __ ] right and the when people would walk away from the counter at Soul cycle certainly they were such a [ __ ] they were such a [ __ ] and a dick too yeah they were I don't do it at niceness no I know I know generally it's um it's a [ __ ] you I think it's warranted right personally I don't know how I'm going to earn it but I I guess I'll try you you'll figure it out how much hours did you sleep last night I think I got like seven and a half to eight hours that's solid it is except I I work best at nine yeah and do you think you know one of my reservations about these sleep monitoring devices is that you wake up and you get a score and I just don't know how you have a good day if your score is like 40 or you go to the gym because then you're like well probably my buddy doesn't want me to excit and get any sleep I just don't know how that doesn't become a self-fulfilling prophecy that I agree and that's a Easter egg for Thursday's episode because we discussed that on Thursday's episode and I yes I think like people get victim me about when they when they wear these things they're like H I'm just like really bad at sleeping yeah but the thing I was going to ask you about is it similarly learning recently this is making the rounds that women need more sleep than men no that didn't have any impact on you cuz I could imagine hearing that and being like well Jesus Christ now I need 10 hours of sleep I felt bad when I wasn't getting eight and now I I've learned my sex dictates I should be getting 10 all it did was confirm what I knew that you need more sleep that I need at least 9 hours okay right right I can sleep till 11: right that's so enable keep I can just go and go and go yeah um yeah never wake up think that'd be a title of your biography though I do no remember it's coffee makes me sleepy but I do think part of that is because I don't don't sleep restfully right so I need a little bit longer of time to make up for not sleeping very well yes so if I start sleeping better I think I will need less yeah that's a good theory I remember being able to sleep late and I felt like my best sleep came between like 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. I know like I'm done wrestling with all my demons I've processed all my anxieties and now I'm just like oh yeah [ __ ] I'm I'm not stressed anymore yeah yeah last thought maybe there'll be a technology probably not but the dream for me would be I could hook my brain up to a machine an hour before sleep and it would accelerate all that processing that I know has to happen right and then that would just be done that's the problem and then you could actually sleep update I didn't take my anti-depressant acutely last night not an up that's an Easter egg I know for for January 6th 18 January 18th be my birthday episode I'm glad to I I'm kind of glad to hear that not I mean not I regreted it in the middle of the night I know I was like [ __ ] I I just forgot I didn't decide not to I just forgot okay so maybe I will in a couple others there's a brunch SSRI there's well that's the other piece that's the other piece I as much as I I I love drink I love to drink yeah drinking that sound I don't that sentence is bad but I look I have to be able to say it if it's true and it is but also of course you love to drink it's fun I know it just sounds you don't like how it sounds I don't think it sound like The Branding when you say the truths yeah yeah yeah you have to hear the truths you know and that's a hard thing for all of us I think but I think it's important when you're struggling with anything or you're just like evaluating anything that's why people have pros and cons list so they can literally see in front of them the realities but let me ask you this because that might also be more about the implicit shaming and judgment let me just say this no one feels guilty saying I love pizza and you go of course you love pizza everyone loves pizza and as I'm saying like yeah of course you love drinking it's really great if I transition from not judgmental to enabler maybe has that happen no I love pizza I love pizza is one thing but I love pizza so much that I eat pizza every day or that you're like I'm thinking I got to go down to eating pizza four days a week and I'm nervous about it yeah that's and can I have pizza for breakfast and the answer is yes you can have pizza for breakfast cold pizza is great hot pizza is great I don't like cold pizza but yeah I mean I don't really understand that but that's fine um Pizza in the shower Pizza in the shower that's a red flag you think but what if you're in a hurry that's efficient but if in general you have to have a piece of pizza water I this is and then we're doing this thing where it's like I'm well I I'm fine cuz I don't have that weird shower thing equivocating yes yes yes justifying people I think you know you know you know when you have pass your limits and or and when you haven't yeah yeah I think people if you really are doing an evaluation of yourself you does the question the one that I think is most Salient is like does it take more than it gives yeah I think that's the kind of quintessential question mhm now whether people can evaluate that and answer that honestly is tricky that's I think that's actually hard to evaluate it is because when you want to do it the positives are overweighted MH and all you can think about is losing those positives and then you're not maybe remembering every little part of it that's not beneficial or ideal yeah the the taking part do you think they'll ever invent a drug that after you drink if you take it there's like no reper no hangover at all oh right I mean it seems feasible this is my same this is my billion dooll pharmaceutical that I have invented that I don't know how to bring to Market okay which is the caffeine one you take a pill at 900 p.m. and it metabolizes every caffeine molecule in your body so there's none left yeah that's great that would be incredible If people could bang coffee like up till 9:00 after dinner like I would love to drink coffee after dinner me too I always wonder at Italian restaurants they always offer coffee at the end and I don't understand how people are doing this but when you're in Italy have you done it cuz I I cannot sleep if I drink coffee after 4: and when I'm in Italy I will have a cappuccino after a meal and then I go right to bed and I'm like oh this is all psychosomatic and then I eat pasta the whole time I'm there and I don't have any gluten issues and then they go oh it's because it's heirloom gluten and there's heirloom flower and there's no gluten in it I'm like maybe maybe it's just all psychosomatic wow but yeah they got a whole That's The Power of culture it really is yeah we drink a caffeine at night no problem sometimes the baby get a diarrhea from a caffeine but uh in general is a nothing Oh I thought you might get an eye roll but I don't think you did I know that was a good close that was a good move to try to get one it was but okay I always want to get pant hard where are your pants I can't find them I never said no where pants begin and end on a woman see your throwup face and your eye face I don't think throw up everywhere I don't care I like a mess I'm messy myself don't tell anybody my room's a sty stop okay stop stop it caffeine oh the pill to metabolize alcohol yeah that would be Fant but in a way cuz you don't want it it can't just be a pill that metabolizes alcohol cuz then you'd feel really bad while that's happening yeah that's the weird thing about alcohol is I do think you'd feel a little withdraw I think that's what a hangover is yeah it is so we'd have to invent something where it just fully negates well that would be the kabillion dollar invention cuz there's all these over you'll see them at gas stations like hangover cure and even those are selling and they don't do a damn thing no they don't unless they're sponsored unless they're good yeah is that the only downside for me yeah cuz there's a philosophical down side okay tell me which is it's a pacifier so it allows the mundane to be exciting a novel yeah and potentially you're not pursuing things that really are novel and growth inducing I mean that's like a philosophical I know but growth inducing that's also a construct like what's what's growth inducing for one person is not necessarily growth inducing for another like I do I do get so much joy out of just being cocooned with people I love and I feel safe around right and and I don't I'm in no position to say getting around and being social and chatting is not productive or good or philosophically great yeah but when I drank my life was very repetitious I got together with the same people we got drunk we talked about the same thing we planned it was like this vaguely overly optimistic things were going to do in the future that we're not really going to do and trips were planning and parties were planning and all you know and it was just this cycle and it really could have just gone on forever and even when I wasn't evaluating the many downsides that were clearly present just philosophically I was like I was felt like it was a rut yeah this is all I needed to do is I needed to pick up a 12-pack on the way to Scotty and my night was hand yeah and that's nice it's convenient but also I'm not putting much effort into it and it's just the same thing over and over again and I would like to I'd like to get bored with a group of five people and figure out what we're going to [ __ ] do and maybe let's go drive go-karts next time and let's do this thing and I just when I reflect on my life I'm personally and I it's not for everyone yeah I I the story of my life that involves having done a bunch of activities and tried new things and gone places is more satisfying to me than sitting in someone's living room or sitting in the same bar and having the same conversation 10,000 times right over the course of a lifetime from the story I'm telling about myself yeah like wreckage aside yeah I understand that yeah I just remember thinking as I approached 30 like well we've done this we've done this for a decade we've gone out and gotten drunk and is that that is that what I'm going to now repeat for the next five decades yeah a lot of people and I kind of want more than that yeah but let me ask you this let's say every day after work I go and I hang out with people same people let's say same people every day and we have drinks and we chitchat yeah come and I go home yeah what like and I mean really like philosophically what's the difference between we finish work you go into your house with the same people you go sauna like you do every day with the same person yeah and then in that period of time takes up the equivalent amount of time that I'm like we're all doing the same thing over and over again but you are Illuminating the challenge of marriage which is it is so easy for it to be just that and you have to kind of actively like yes right now we're SAA but if you rewinded a year and a half ago before that it was another thing and before that it was another thing because you do tire of repetition if booze isn't involved like even if we're on vacation with the Richardsons we can play spades and hang and chat for four nights in a row MH but we're going to have to do something else we're going to have to go find a son and then we're going to have to go on a sightseeing thing we're going to have to if we just drank we would be able to just get to our hotel we'd go out for drinks and the evening and then we'd have dinner and that would be it but we get bored after a few days of just playing space or just doing this and I and this family gets bored it's like well let's go to at least let's go to Bob's Big Boy and look at old car night before we have dinner um we're not going to eat at Cafe 101 every single night where it does get boring without alcohol in the mix and we do have to change a lot and we've had a bazillion different little um patterns and hobbies but I was in one that was 10 years long when I drank with very little difference yeah the bars would change right you know there were years where every night the three of us or the four of us would hang out and play the same game or watch the TV show would change but we would watch movies or TV Bo for sure like TV is booze I love it I use it just like booze mhm M I know how I'm going to feel when I watch it if it's good and it's going to be two hours it handles that 2 hours after bed you know the girls bedtime before mine and even that I'll go like okay we've been watching TV for 13 days straight it's time to mix it up but I never was like we need to mix it up when I drank right as long as we I had a 12pack like I didn't really you know I was fine yeah yeah interesting well let's do some fakis there's not too many oh I I really loved his idea of coffee and clips I thought that was such a cute game can you guess what I I wanted to ask okay raising Arizon that's a great guess it wasn't raised in Arizona okay um it was heat really now much closer okay same director um it was you probably have just forgotten the name of my favorite movie of all time that I watched again back to being drunk that I watched every night I was drunk not roadh house thief thief that's right Michael man's Thief okay so I brought thief and I showed him the opening sequences which is my favorite okay him cracking into a safe in committing a robbery and it's so cool and stylized what did you say why it was important to you I can't remember even when as he was describing how it worked I do remember I had to like talk about it for a couple minutes but I can't remember what my take was I don't know if I admitted like I used to watch this movie addictively I think I talked about that was the first time and it created a whole genre prior to thief in Miami Vice there weren't these elated montages done to really cool music they were almost the precursor of music video where like the music was at the front and center of this sequence the sequence was designed around the music yeah and it was very surreal it like gave birth to this really cool surreal feeling that was even like movies were already a dream and then this was even a dream beyond that it was like a surreal you know I think people can relate to that wishing there was theme music when they walked around like when you're walking on the street and you're feeling it and you want a certain song to be playing it was that heing and it was the first time I ever saw it and I was like oh this is so uh cool and surreal and I want to live in this Montage I wish life was this Montage yeah I get that that's cool what would you have played episode of Friends yes no um it's not your fault yeah it's not my fault it's not your fault it's not your fault yeah it that would have been in that exact good hunting that scene yeah or up on the plate or the scene between Ben and Matt Ben is telling Matt like don't don't squander this and all I want is to show up to your apartment one day and you not be there yes that's a great scene very sweet o self-sacrifice give for the Magi um yeah we're not we're not gossipy we try to really not be gossipy yeah but it would also seem crazy to not check in with how you feel about Matt or rather Ben getting divorced I I feel really sad for them no excitement that he's available no okay you really love them it's like the speech in the movie you're like as much as I want to come here and pick you up for dinner I want to come here and have you tell me you must leave I'm married that's right okay that's right no I just feel like it must suck so much to have all eyes on you oh over and over again while you're going through your [ __ ] all I have thought is like I largely think Paparazzi have gone away and when I see things pop up by the way it just finds you this information in clips and like I'm on Instagram it's like I'm seeing video of Ben walking from his car somewhere yeah constantly right and I'm just like when I see that selfishly I'm like I am so [ __ ] glad I don't get filmed everywhere I go I would oh my God but [ __ ] that's still a thing where everywhere he drives presumably there's six or seven cars following him and he's going to act kind of normal and then but then doesn't and then people are like imposs or he has AR resting [ __ ] face whatever it's like duh yeah cuz there's seven men who you have no control you have no recourse nothing there's nothing you can do except just deal with these six guys shouting [ __ ] at you oh very triggering yeah and and I I don't know him as much I hate to admit that but I don't know him I mean you know his soul I do in his I know his heart but I I don't the real him yes but I have a sense he's sort of like you and I I imagine it's probably extra hard for him to let some of this go yeah being I bet he's battling not to fight these guys with every bit of willpower he has yeah and then also then trying trying to tell your face not to uh Telegraph that yeah yeah and in general I just think it's sad if a relationship doesn't work out yeah okay you mentioned P the drug p uh oh I would love if a riding lawnmower just crashed through through the garage right drove into frame and then did a 360 and yes sound could be better in here oh okay well that's nice um you said you talked about P the drug oh yes um it is meth yes I I confirmed that okay great you looked it up where was it at what website tells you the Kiwi name for I knew it was math for sure yeah if you type in New Zealand street drug p methamphetamine comes did you just put the letter P or P or P I did letter P nice and it it is that according to this speed pure P oh pure burn gooey crank and he was saying crank Seth was Squire yeah that was the most popular name for meth in the late 90s early 2000s in California it's called by the way I think I've said this before that drug was there was no such thing as that drug in Michigan meth meth we did not have meth really no when I left in '95 H I left in 94 got here in '95 soon as I got here everyone did meth whoa it's always been huge on the west coast yes and it wasn't a thing in Michigan when I I brought it back a couple different times to Michigan and people were like what is it I've heard of this I'm like yeah they have this stuff it's kind of like Coke but way cheaper and way worse oh my God it's like fashion how it starts on on the coast and then makes its way yeah something to do with the biker gangs and the proximity to Mexico whatever it was just huge on the west coast okay gooey crank meth Crystal ice and Yaba in Hawaii it's ice ah so I've boughten this locally in enough places that I've had to use I had to be respectful of the local culture and ask if anyone were to get ice if I would have been in Hawaii for P I would they would have been like what the [ __ ] is this this guy's a narc oh God you got to make sure no one thinks you're a Nar okay Tom Arnold's book title is how I lost seven pounds in eight years it is how I lost5 pounds and six years still the best title great title he we talked about Friday night I'm sorry Five Nights at Freddy's uh which is was the movie that Matt was in that was huge oh yeah I I was ashamed I didn't know what that was I had heard of it from the youth okay the video game was released in 2014 okay so it's a movie based on a video game but he plays Voldemort what yeah wait what no really yeah this is the one that he just filmed the sequel to up in Toronto talking about the same movie I don't no I don't think so maybe maybe hold on yeah he's in a movie that just did like $300 million and now they're that's this yeah he plays Voldemort wait you better look up cass and see says vdi on there are you allowed to say it yeah we say things here we don't keep things quiet and Harry says fold we don't believe in not saying oh we do believe in not saying words that are offensive but we we unless they're towards white people again guinea tea I Guin here ready to work out in okay Matthew lard Five Nights at Freddy's no he plays William Aton so he plays two characters it looks like tough acting to Acton it says American actor and film director who portrays William Afton in the Five Nights at Freddy's film um I mean it seems like do you think maybe he was telling me he played is like a Voldemort character probably probably okay cuz I did think what is the uh intellectual properties yeah that would be insane yeah I just think he's the villain also Steve Raglin okay he also plays Steve Raglin AKA Voldemort okay no um do you remember quiz Pop Quiz do you know Voldemort's real name do you remember har Raglin what was that Tom Riddle oh I do know that yeah and he's um is he terence's Dad no Uncle he's uh he's Voldemort there well there is a there's like they're connected you know but they're not no his mom's brother or something no they're just connected okay um spiritually but his dad is James and his mom is silly you need to reread yeah okay now for whatever reason my retention of that material is low I have gone through the books it is interesting cuz you generally have a high retention for non-fiction oh yeah okay I think my mind's like this is fake I'm not going to use the hard drive space for something that's fake wow yeah fake is all relative everything's fake okay um oh wait say that again fake is all relative everything's fake that was my setup for an eye roll yeah that wasn't very good my first time it wasn't very good I I think that might have been my first time can you do it again yeah that was better was quicker I miled the first one didn't I well also I was like I went around the Moon you didn't even no you went up and then you just moved your head the eye itself has to move no it's like this it's like take three tell me everything oh oh that was nice yeah see the eye itself moves not your head and you did like 270 oh all right now say it last time third take okay everything's fake I mean really everything's fake okay it's pretty powerful you should try to work that into your repertoire Your Arsenal of nonverbal insult out um okay is the Bert Reynolds going over the railingwood pile stunt in the movie uh I don't know cuz I didn't rewatch it right and I it big enough of you to watch it the first time I was excited to watch it okay um so the how were uh for me uh 0 to 10 be please be honest I can handle it yeah I I wasn't embarrassed for you at all you weren't no and that that's sort of what I was telling you when you I was expecting to be very embarrassed not to be embarrassed but to to to feel like he it's going to be really different than what I'm used to yeah than Parenthood exactly yeah but um but no that's why I was sort of surprised okay when you were very much the same except look I will here we go I will give you that it's it's it's you at a 10 forced a little more forced not as much as I think you saw right okay yeah I don't think most people would think that but I do know like your sweet spot yeah yeah and I it did feel it did feel a little it was red lining as we'd say in racing oh what's that well on your tachometer you have like an ideal range that the motor is supposed to rotate in the engine and after a certain point it starts rotating it's not making more power and and now it's getting in in Jeopardy of uh exploding I see so I was like I was definitely redlined uhuh okay yeah but it was still funny like it wasn't it wasn't like oh he that's not funny well except for the you're Indian you're not going to like this cuz I did take a shower in the middle and I was sort of in an God so I think maybe I miss you took a shower in the middle well I had a shower we were recording we were recording and it was after my bir was your shower like 45 50 minutes I did a hair mask minut no no no I don't think I missed a lot but I was I was a little in and out okay so you missed that part I I missed it and I think that was that was my dad he gave us that the only problem is is that part does happen in one of the funner parts of the movie which is we're running from bad guys right this marijuana field has caught on fire so we're running as fast as we can and we're inhaling tons of weed and we're running running running and then all of a sudden we're laughing laughing laughing and that's a very funny idea that is a very funny idea um I'll watch it again no that was all forward to that scene and I'll make sure to watch that don't watch the beginning of the scene I'm going to watch it but Outro that's it all right well was uh that was a very heartwarming uh episode for me yeah that was lovely I'm glad we did that and you know when I was when I was editing it I was like oh this is like commentary DVD commentary DVD commentary which I used to love so much and I don't remember if we did that I have a DVD copy obviously of the movie I wonder if there is a commentary I know that Kutcher and I did a commentary on like eight hours of punk or what Eight Episodes not a smart idea cuz you were on drugs no I wasn't it's just you're just riffing for hours you're saying a lot of stuff and no one's protecting you oh and you're trying to make each other laugh and then you're forgetting your I mean again there's no podcast back also a totally different time like I've I've not gone back to listen to that nor would I ever but I I can't imagine you know that that aged well I see okay let's not we're probably talking two horny 20 year-olds at time and which is was your identity at the time were quite horny yeah we shared that in common sure sure I think maybe don't go back no totally guys all of us we don't need to do keep going forward yeah that's right let's just keep it time to go back it goes forward don't run from the pain run toward it you love there it is JZ lyric and it was for you all right I love you love you [Music]

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