Oasis Ticketmaster, Grenfell Report, Apalachee Tragedy, Obi Ndefo, James Darren)

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:17:50 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: ticket master
1. Intro [Applause] [Music] hey welcome to this week in now I'm your host John Wilkey first up this week the grenfell tower final report dropped it's been a long time coming the grandell fire itself happened in 2017 it was on 2. Grenfell Report the 14th of June a fire broke out in the grafeld tower apartment building the cause of the fire was eventually narrowed down to a faulty refrigerator on the fourth floor however it should not have been as bad as it ultimately was and the reason for that is that there were safety violations the cladding that was used on the building was highly combustible it had uh polyethylene used as a bonding agent there's a list of other problems with this system but if I go into them we might be at it all day and we have other things to cover this tragedy resulted in the loss of 72 lives 72 human beings could still be with us today and there was even more injuries 20 of those were very serious this was a big enough event that it even made news internationally it required hundreds of firefighters from over London and it even led to investigations inside and outside the UK on other buildings using the similar cladding system efforts to replace it are very costly and ongoing in this report which numbers 1,700 Pages it emerged that a manufacturer of the cladding chose to hide fire risks in order to sell their product and that a piece of information I wished surprised me is that the government was warned 25 years ago about the problems as early as 1992 a fire had taken place in Mery site as a result of this issue tests in 2001 proved that it was a problem the results were suppressed there was another fire in 2009 and the London fire brigade is said to be unprepared in spite of the fact that they had warnings since 2009 the simple truth is the deaths that occurred were all avoidable and those who lived in the tower were badly failed over a number of years and in a number of different ways by those who were responsible for ensuring the safety of the building and its occupants they include the government the tenant management organization the Royal burra of Kensington and Chelsea those who manufactured the materials used in the refurbishment those who certified their suitability for use on high-rise buildings the architect the principal contractor and some of its subcontractors in particular Harley curtain wall and its successor Harley facades some of the consultants in particular the fire engineer xover Warrington fire the local authorities building control department and the London fire brigade not all of them bear the same degree of responsibility for the eventual disaster but as our report show all contributed to it one way or another there's a little bit more to that but we'll end it there 3. Oasis Ticketmaster next up is something a little bit less serious but still serious to those involved this is about the Oasis tickets tickets for the uh the new Oasis tour went on sale this week many people were excited many people were snapping them up I remember seeing who was was it was it idel or kie it was one of the sisters from Bewitched uh an an Irish uh old girl old girl old girl at the time old women group who um uh I believe that the sisters were actually related to someone from boy Zone but that's that's not relevant that's just a little bit of trivia and uh she showed herself on Instagram trying to buy tickets and then getting through the C the queue only to be told that no she couldn't buy them uh I do hope she got her tickets eventually because she seemed quite eager for it however other people discovered something very interesting that is a Ticket Master had deci decided to engage in what they call Dynamic pricing which is price couging is what it is there's no gentle way to put it but it's price gouging the practice the engaged in here is that the tickets were about £350 which is that's about $500 I think that's how the exchanger works out for our American friends and that's a couple hundred pound more than the tickets were meant to be worth obviously tickets will vary depending on where you are in venue but they should not beat that price a statement from the band reads while prior meetings between promoters Ticket Master and the band's management resulted in a positive ticket sales strategy which would be a fair experience for fans including Dynamic ticketing to help keep General ticket prices down as well as reduceed tting the execution of the plan failed to meet expectations all all parties involved did their utmost to deliver the best possible Fan Experience but due to the unprecedented demand this became impossible to achieve worth noting that the artist does in fact have the the option of refusing Dynamic pricing if that was the case here they might want to look into who is making decisions on behalf of the band if they weren't responsible for it themselves cuz someone doesn't have your best interest at heart they have actually worth adding they've added two more dates to the tour and they'll be offered via ballot to help the people who got kind of screwed with the Ticket Master thing apparently the European commission is launching an investigation that won't go anywhere as a result of fan upset maybe I'm just being cynical but I think if they were going to do something about it they'd have made more efforts to do it by now this this might be the thing that that finally pushes it over the edge and they take steps to stop price gouging but let's talk a little bit more about that it's obviously it's not just something you'll find when you're trying to buy concert tickets concert tickets well they're a bit of a luxury they're nice to have but they're not essential to getting by it's more of a problem when it comes to grocery stores doing it some stores have actually begun introducing digital price tags which allows them to change the prices up to like six times a manye was what I saw for one of the systems that'll be a bit much but they can do it that much if they need to or want to Walmart and lle or little if you prefer are being among them but they're to not going to use it to engage in price gouging super double secret pinky 4. Apalachee Tragedy swe just a heads up for some people who may not want to hear this sort of thing so you can skip to the next story uh this involves the school shooting that took place recently in the United States in appalachi high school Georgia there has been yet a another school shooting where this time a 14-year-old student shot and killed two of his classmates as well as two teachers he had actually made online threats and gotten a visit he and his father had gotten a visit from the police talking about this previously the previous year so it was known that this sort of thing was on his mind and yet nothing was done to stop it I'm not someone who automatically blames the parents when kids act up there are definitely times we should do it there are definitely types of behavior you should blame the parents for sometimes a parent can do everything right do the best they can love their child with everything they have and they will then go and a bad things I don't think that's the case here there have been other situations as well where there were warning signs there were red flags that their child was up to something they were troubled as we like to put it and that they were going to do something very very bad and they didn't take enough steps to stop it and I think that's what happened here and in cases like that I think it would be appropriate to punish the parents equally as much as you would punish the child which should be harshly I've seen comments that made me a little bit angry online saying that oh they're only 14 years old you shouldn't treat them like an adult their brain's not fully developed I'm not going to speak for anyone else actually you know what I'm going to speak for pretty much everyone else at 14 years old I don't care how underdeveloped your brain might be you have the mental capacity to understand it is wrong to kill people I'm not going to say their name they don't deserve my respect enough to have me say their name instead I'm just going to name the people that passed Mason shermerhorn 14 years old they were a student Christian Angulo 14 years old they were also a student Richard aspenwall who was a math teacher and Christina iry who was also a math teacher and that's all I have to say about that until the next 5. Brian may Storke one next up in kind of a bad news good news situation uh for those of us who are fans of Queen Brian May one of the surviving members of Queen has been rushed to hospital he's out now but with a minor stroke in his words good news is that I can play guitar after the events of the last few days and I say this because it was in some doubt because that little Health hiccup that I mentioned happened about a week ago and um what they called it it was a minor stroke and all of a sudden out of the blue I didn't have any control over this arm this is a little scary I have to say I had the most fantastic care and um attention from fley hospital where I went blue lights flashing the lot very exciting um I might post you a video if 6. Prince Willaim Beardilicious you like and next we have a very special and important story it's been unfolding for well a number of years actually and that is that our our wonderful Prince William is growing a beard yes yes I know I was as shocked as you are when I awoke the other day and I read the Glorious news because as you know the queen rest in peace mom the queen had forbidden him from from growing a beard which as someone who is quite lazy when it comes to shaving himself that that really it it upset me greatly I mean I'd heard only good things about the queen and when I heard that about her I was well that great lady was not quite so great in my estimation there was a an incident uh told in Prince Harry his his younger brother his book The Spare I believe it was called the spare Heir I know spare on a g string something like that and he remarked that his his brother William had made him shave his beard off at one point which was unfortunate because he looked quite good with it because in his words he said hey why did you make my me shave my beard off William and he responded to his brother because Gran wouldn't let me keep mine Harry I believe the conversation went something like gran please I I I've worked ever so hard to grow to grow my my beard it looks almost almost real it's not even fluffy anymore and she said no no you know I don't like beards look around at all your uncles and your aunts have any of them got beards no jokes please no they haven't that's because beers have forbidden in this family for as long as I'm the matriarchy anyway she's dead now so he's growing a beard apparently and I felt you should all know about it [Music] 7. In Memoriam Obi Ndefo and James Darren and now we have some folks we have to say goodbye to we have two people this week I'm selected it's a bit of a star treky week actually there's Star Trek connections with both of them first up is Obi and defo Obi was best known for his work on Dawson's Creek where I believe he appeared for four years it's not a show I was ever personally a fan of but he he played quite a a well-known character on that show uh and then he also many other things of course throughout his career but these are the things I'm familiar with him from and that he was on Stark sg1 and he was also on two Star Trek shows he appeared on Star Trek Deep Space 9 and then also in Star Trek Voyager I think he was a klling on in Deep Space 9 as I recall I think he was uh quite a good klling on too well well is there is there a good Kling on uh he looked good as a Kling on is what I'm [Music] saying there was a the past few years of his life well a few years ago in 2019 he'd he'd been teaching a yoga class which was something he did and afterwards he went out to buy some groceries perfectly normal day so far so he buys his groceries he's out he's at his car he's putting his groceries away then suddenly an SUV comes barreling up to him and lives with him the result being that he lost one leg in the accident then later the other had to be amputated I'm not sure what happened to the driver of that but this isn't about the driver this isn't the driver's moment to shine iby passed away on August 28th this year as a result of complications from an eating disorder he was 51 years old and next is our other Star Trek connection we say goodbye to James Darren James Darren was a singer and actor he was perhaps best known for well two roles I think it'd be fair to say two roles depending on what circles you you find your entertainment in the first one is he was in the movie gig he played the character of Mund doy in that the surfer character and that was probably the thing that that shot him into stardom there were a couple of getet sequels he was also in and that put him on the map as an actor and it also help launch a musical career for him which he did quite well as well he had a very nice singing voice and we'll get to that in a moment he appeared in many things over the years even actually with William Shatner on TJ hooker Al though it seems like if you were an actor working in the 80s you were going to be on TJ hooker at some point I I just I just see so many names I recognize appear on that show and then that brings us up to Star Trek he appeared in Star Trek Deep Space 9 he appeared in season 6 and seven now he only he was only in Eight Episodes overall but those eight episodes were enough to make him a very lasting and impactful character I think there's some people that weren't very fond of him we played a character called Vic Fontaine who was a hologram and he was in the the Persona of a 1960s Lounge singer in Las Vegas very much in the the Frank Sinatra type mold and he essentially functioned as well as entertaining he functioned as the counselor for the crew even once they got a proper counselor in season 7 he still took on that role for people that needed him I like the character quite a bit and he seemed like a very nice man after deep space n he semi-retired taking only a couple of more gigs in the years after he passed away at Cedar Cy Medical Center in Los Angeles of congestive heart failure here he was 88 years old and that brings us to the end of 8. Outro. this week in Hell thank you very much for those of you who are still watching by this point uh hopefully we can continue to grow this cuz I am in spite of some of the stories we have covered today and likely will in the future I am enjoying putting this together it is nice not having to rely on Reddit for something isn't it and if it does take off it buys me a little freedom to focus on other non narration related product projects but I'll still be telling you stories one way or another okay and with that I'm going to head off for now so until next time thank you very much for watching and take very good care of yourselves byebye [Music]

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