New PS5 Pro Will Cost $1,000 Dollars! Gaming In Canada Is Expensive

hey everyone if you didn't know the PlayStation 5 Pro was revealed with a price point yesterday and that price point is $960 Canadian without the stand without the disc drive I'm going to be going in Canadian maple money because I in Canada and it sounds so much worse so let's get on with it $965 or $60 sorry is the PS5 Pro in Canada if you want the disc drive that'll probably be like 100 more so pretty much $1,100 because you have to remember you got to add on tax as well so the PlayStation 5 Pro is pretty much $1,000 in Canada I have a PS5 I'm not buying a pro I have my computer for anything that I want to really look at like that so that my computer is my expensive gaming machine my PlayStation is my Sony gaming machine right so let's take a look at the reveal trailer see what the comments are saying and just take a look at the general I guess attitude around it which is I'm pretty sure oh God people are mad so hey yeah let's see look at that PlayStation 5 Pro console reveal oh it's it's beautiful introducing it's going to look the exact same the next leap oh my God in console gaming Heat fans Heat fans oh so it's a PS5 but they gave it a racing stripe they give a little Landing Strip to just land your plane on cool little little stripple land little farm land oh God PlayStation special super resolution it's perfect absolutely perfect high frame rate wow they can maybe do 120 FPS feature only available on select PS5 right uh PS5 games and everything okay look at that PlayStation Advanced Ray tracing see you can trace your rays even harder feels good right PlayStation 5 Pro witness play Unleashed so vertical stand sold separately I don't know if you see that vertical stand sold separately buying this for 960 Canadian is only the p P 5 Pro no disc Version play has no limits well I don't know it sounds pretty limiting so people are pissed off no actually 700 for stand no disc drive is just insane 700 700 don't buy world world is on fire yeah that's all I'm going to say on that one not sure if Sony is smoking having top tier console disc driv is insane the ps6 is sold without a controller and ps7 is sold in bundles so you can assemble it yourself next PlayStation is just a PC it's just a self assembled PC no no dice Drive no buy nice that that looks like a bot that looks like a bot that doesn't look like a normal human that looks like a bot or like a shitty AI picture did Sony get possessed by Apple €800 for a digital so everyone's pissed off it's very expensive $1,000 Canadian pretty much oh my God cuz in Canada it sells for 960 bucks and then you get taxed when you buy it so it'll be a grand it'll it'll be a grand so they added a racing stripe to it that's pretty cool hey my PS5 doesn't have any racing stripe I got that OG so it has a racing stripe that's cool that's nice and it's faster like that's that's all you're going to get nowadays is just a better console but it's so expensive holy [ __ ] if we take a look at the technical presentation with Mark cery you can see everyone's still mad everyone's mad about the price every single person is not happy with the price and that's understandable okay like why would people be happy with the price I could go right now I could go buy a PS5 digital slim Edition for $580 Canadian or the PS5 Pro for 960 Canadian or I can get the PS5 with a disc drive 6 50 Canadian it's still expensive okay it's still very very expensive but it's not as expensive as it could be uh so you see what the you see what they did here it they went from like a racing stripe to like way more racing stripe so that's wow can you believe it they added like two or three stripes PS5 to PS5 Pro like I have this version with no RAC stripe this is the like slim Edition with the racing stripe and now the pro wait for it three Racing Stripes they have revolutionized gaming oh my God the future is now I can't believe it oh can you oh my god three Racing Stripes okay let's take a look at the PS5 Pro technical presentation hosted by Mark cery everyone's saying it's getting like down voted so much as uh 92k up voots up dutes uh likes I don't have the like how many Target guessing thingy that shows like dislikes but hey people are saying it's like one to five like to dislike ratio so if it's like 100,000 likes it's like 500,000 dislikes but that's just guessing so don't take it too seriously I'm Mark CER I'm excited to be here to talk about the newest addition to to a console lineup thank you Mark PlayStation 5 Pro and how gaming technology but first I want to take just a minute to look at what we put in the original PlayStation 5 and how see okay this is a slim Edition now cuz it's got that one racing strip gaming experience so we're going to talk about the PS5 then the PS5 Pro PS5 debuted in 2020 you know what I wanted to watch this but I don't think I wanted to do like a full one to one that's that's pretty interesting 700 vertical 800 yeah cuz everyone's just mad about that everyone's just mad about the price okay yeah let's go over the entirety of it let's find out what's going on here it brought a lot to the table 802 CP the brains of PlayStation 5 enable High spe complex gameplay with character count I have the PS4 version of God of War on my PlayStation 5 I should play it sometime but I have to play through Final Fantasy games are pretty but yeah like it has Hardware reaching into the hundreds yeah right and frame rates that can be as high as 120 frames 120 FPS Borderlands PS5 has a powerful rdna2 GPU which can render anything from intricate details to Fantastic worlds with vast panoram give me those open worlds Ray tracing allows for dramatic visual so pretty much what they're trying to say is the PS5 is still pretty good guys they're like guys you don't need to get a PS5 Pro you can just get a PS5 H H think about it improvements including Reflections off of water or glass am I the only one that doesn't like I don't really care a ton about raate tracing I've played it in a handful of games and it was like it looks good but I feel like a lot of uh a lot of gaming tried to really emphasize Ray tracing as the only new thing which is just things look better but it it's a performance hit right and the realism that com yeah it looks really good Global illumination a custom SSD can load data at breathtaking speed resulting in Ultra fast transitions between game worlds maybe I'll buy the new rat and Clank too and play through that and data streaming rate so high I want to play through a lot of my PlayStation 5 games probably off stream just to check them out unversal speeds are essentially un oh there's so many good games I could play Spider-Man as well I'm on it Tempest 3D audio tech brings an unparalleled sense of immersion to the sound of the games oh my God so bright with audio so real you may not even need to see the enemies to know exactly where oh yeah Eternal finally sense controller has haptics that let you feel through your hands what your character the like haptic feedback controls are cool but I don't think they're anything amazing but they're they're pretty interesting interesting I'm not mad at them could never be angry is experiencing inside of the game it is one of it is one of the cooler little things that you get a little weight sensitive toggles and haptic feedback it's pretty cool pretty it's wonderful to see such variety and richness of game experiences creators have made amazing use of the hardware capabilities but when I talk to them I do hear about their desire for more graphics performance we want more of the developers are bigger than can be supported at 60 frames per second and that leads to an aspect of modern gaming that we're all familiar with Graphics modes Graphics do you want your performance or do you want it to look prettier okay if only you could get a $10,000 PS5 like runs everything difficult choice for players what the hell Fidelity modes emphasize the visuals typically through higher resolution rendering this is Fidelity mode looks pretty these modes might also have enhanced detail I don't know about you I'm playing through Final Fantasy 7 rebirth and I am playing it on Fidelity mode it's because it's like a turn-based action combat I feel like I don't need to play it but if I was playing something like Dark Souls I would want to play that on performance mode you know if games require like actual dodging and more precise controls I would definitely play that on performance mode but if it's a more casual turn-based or like story based cutscenes VAR High experience I'd probably play that on graphic mode and that's what I do just curious about other people though but the games only run at 30 frames per second the visuals can be choppier and the controls less responsive performance modes emphasize frame rate and interactivity typically choosing to run 60 frames per second it's legitimately do you want half the frames and it looks prettier or do you want double the frames and it plays better right mainly by reducing the graphical detail until those frame rates and honestly you don't notice it a ton anyways so it's not a huge deal like gameplay-wise you don't notice like the Fidelity in games like rash and Clank a ton so I would always play performance- wise can be achieved but I play on like pretty mode because Final Fantasy games are like it's a spectacle and it's a slower paced game it's not a shooter either so you don't have to aim right when asked to decide on a mode players are choosing performance about 3/4 of the time that decision or at least narrowing that divide is one of the key targets for PlayStation 5 Pro like if I was playing God of War if I was playing any action combat game that wasn't like hits target scan or like hit lock on like Final Fantasy turn-based light turn turn-based is action combat yeah no performance all the way we want to give players the graphics that the game creators aspire to at the high frame rates the players typically prefer I do not have the YOLO money to buy a PS5 Pro though to do that PS5 Pro substantially improves over PlayStation 5 in three ways here's what we call the big three oh my God it's the big three it's Naruto bleach and uh I guess one piece yeah larger and increase the speed of the memory it uses oh my god dude you're going to get Ram 28% faster I love itar Andre Bo so this is 28% faster Ram 67% compute units GPU thick AF the result is rendering that's up to 45% faster that's pretty good that's pretty good we made major upgrades to the ray tracing it Ray traces even harder oh my God taking a streamlined and accelerated approach that allows calculation of the Rays at Double or even triple the speeds of play you're going to get raid and finally three times fast hardware for machine learning AI Library we all know actually AI driven upscaling is really good to be fair I think it's actually very very good it's one of the good AI things not one of them shitty [ __ ] chat Bots and like art creation [ __ ] spal super resolution like AI driven upscaling can actually make it look a lot better without uh the massive performance hit it would otherwise take or pssr for short pisser pssr analyzes the game images pixel by pixel and can add give me give me that pisser ordinary amount of detail which boosts the effective resolution of the games game creators are adding PS5 Pro support to new and existing titles though results can be pretty amazing I think they're talking about bring like 4K 8 knows detail but it doubled the frame rate here's the Last of Us Part two running on PS5 Pro it has huge amounts of detail and targets a super yeah games look so good man like in general second let's compare this to the FID it's barely even noticeable holy [ __ ] you're going to notice it like it's less noticeable over something like YouTube you'll notice it a bit better on a big screen if you're watching on a TV it's probably more noticeable cuz like obviously this is going to be clear this is going to be a little fuzzier this is going to be prettier overall it's going to be more textured less blurred right more blurred but you really have to like stop to look PS5 which is only running at 30 frames per second and is therefore much choppier oh no that's that I do notice that like the 60 FPS is much better on the right side this goal of delivering almost Fidelity like that's the thing you're spending like a grand for better performance essentially you're just spending a grand for a more expensive computer that's all it always is Right Graphics at performance frame rate has been achieved for a broad set of times including Marvel Spider-Man 2 but yeah it's a bit noticeable but it's not ever going to be huge Rift apart we can see that PS5 Pro is close to doubling the power of PlayStation yeah the biggest difference will always be like the frame rate if it can look great at 60 FPS good and it does already look great like another way to compare the two conses it's not even a huge difference Pro versus performance mode it is but not both of which Target 60 frames per second yeah let's do it what we see here is a difference in detail PS5 Pro is much sharper and crisper than PS5 look look how they're zooming in on a guard Tower in the background to be like look see the windows have mesh this is so funny yeah for this my favorite is the parade scene from Ratchet and Clank details it's so hard to notice okay this so it's so freaking hard to notice look like you barely notice the difference come on distant details are much clearer and here zooming in they zooming in on like the random robot guy and you barely see a difference that's so funny yeah obviously this is clear but like dude you're not microscoping the background eat my ass come on that's not happening that's so funny it is more noticeable in the crowd like don't get me wrong I just think it's so funny and here we can see Marvel's like it it's going to look better but like come on man oo spend a, I was look at those background crowds you're not going to be looking at cuz you're playing the game ooh it like don't get me wrong it's always a good thing to have better uh performance and better everything it's just these examples are hilariously funny and so minor that it's just pathetically like rough because they're asking for a grand for this console Spider-Man 2 is noticeably higher resolution throughout yeah PlayStation's now going to be the expensive console they won the console Wars so they're like well we'll track it up dude we'll have a more expensive like PC you can buy a$ thousand PC and it'll get pretty good performance too and you can have so much more things to do on a PC so we're really hitting the era of do you want to be with Microsoft PC Sony PlayStation Nintendo as like the Nintendo will probably be the cheapest or most casual uh friendly console or an Xbox if you also have like a play uh PC and also like Xbox stuff right like yeah it's just choose whatever you want you will have a lot of options now so yeah it's I'm I'm not mad at the PS5 Pro I'm annoyed that everything's so goddamn expensive but like it has its place and you can just buy a PS5 so who gives you [ __ ] right the scene you see these tiny NPCs and vehicles look at look how much better it looks on the PS5 Pro oh my God including the trees if we zoom into my left right butt cheek's ass hair can you see that minute detail M nice cars yeah that's right if we if we zoom into this NPCs can you see their voluptuous booty and proced cars no no you can't see and that's why you need the PS5 Pro so you can check out everyone's booty so overall some remarkable Improvement to the games yeah Ember heirloom and Warframe is can to look so much better on PS5 racing baby increased sharpness to the graphics or smoother and more responsive gameplay this is the big three showing their value as you've been seeing machine learning I think AI driven upscaling is probably the huge difference but who knows pssr library is being used quite broadly to add pixel detail and boost frame rate but there is I've just heard really good things about how like performance enhancing AI driven upscaling can be okay I'll be right back I'm just going to go to the washroom I'm chugging my drink let's continue looking at ration Clank AI D not SC many approaches is there are game engines the increase in raw GPU power is being especially effective for Horizon forbidden West apart from the detail oh yeah it's a very pretty game can't deny that boost that extra Graphics power is allowing for improvements to lighting and visual effects as well it looks and the skin in cinematics I should play open up guys J of's orders good enough for me Ray tracing is finding I like that they're just like guys it'll look better and more frames guys it'll look better guys it'll look better that's so far what they broad as well particularly when the games are focused on higher frame rates the faster hardware and PS5 Pro can make a real difference yeah like hopefully way less frame drops in games allowing gr Turismo 7 to add Ray trce Reflections between the cars in gameplay what hey Reflections yeah but like it's hard to it's hard to be like guys this is going to cost so much more than the previous console and it'll it'll run a little better it'll look better cuz a lot of people will not be noticing huge differences the issue is there's just not enough like interesting new tech that they can hype up right so they just have to talk about like nothingness of being like oh it'll it'll look better see see these crowds they'll look a little better it just seems funny you know continuing to support their targeted 60 frames per I'm just here to clown it cuz it's so expensive really R tracing is also delivering big wins for Hogwarts Legacy looks good allowing not only for better Reflections and a greater variety of reflective surfaces but also for further realism in the casting of Shadows I hope you've enjoyed this run through of the technology behind PlayStation 5 Pro I always love when they talk about R tracing it's just it's always just like Reflections and shadows baby reflections and shadows it's like yep lighting does lighting things don't get me wrong everything looks great it's just if you already have a PS5 and you're not like a big Enthusiast you probably will not want to buy a PS5 pro at that price point and if you want to get into PlayStation games it's like oh a PS5 Pro is a big it's a big ask that's that's a lot of money okay like a grand grand Canadian 1100 it's a lot of [ __ ] money it's the most powerful console we've ever built and let me W this up by giving look at a number of games running on the new console oh let's see what okay I'm I'm not going to I'm not going to let that play I don't trust that music Sony PlayStation see they added two more racing stripes to it the slim had one racing stripe the original had zero this one has three oh my God they skipped past two racing stripes oh my God was revolutionary right cuz it just looks like another PlayStation five it looks the exact same wait wait wait why don't they say stand not included right here the stand costs extra money okay stand disc drive costs extra money next thing you know what you're just going to cost extra money to get it clean it'll show up dirty with [ __ ] stains on it or something three whole Stripes baby look at that that's right we're final fantasying I'm playing this game right now well rebirth look at that ooh that's looking nice that's looking pretty good last of us yeah okay okay some some Dark Souls remake Demon Souls I mean yeah okay good stuff good stuff Ratchet and Clank yeah oh get spooker G of sushima maybe yep nice good stuff my my ghosts have never been more sushima oh my gr Turismo oh they have the titles in the bottom right sometimes sometimes okay sperman Venom oh dude he's Hogwarts in his legacy nice look at that drift King holy [ __ ] what was that was that first descent it is okay is this the first descendant was that [ __ ] was that Jeremy when he died I like that is that's that [ __ ] Jeremy right before he died okay [ __ ] you Jeremy we're all Jeremy haters here oh some Dragon Dogma I think oh I still have to play through and finish Dragons Dogma that's some good stuff like see how pretty this is looking vertical Sands sold separately okay so that's $6.99 like 700 American that it's $1,000 Canada okay I'm just saying it right now it's a th000 bucks Canadian I think it's 960 pretty much Canadian with tax and everything it's a th000 bucks Canadian dude we just getting bent over and over the coals just reamed over here in Canada holy crap yeah that's that's an expensive price point my dudes I don't it makes sense probably because it's more expensive Hardware like that's the thing if we're looking at like a computer I could easily build a $3,000 computer that's just a$ 4090 pretty much for me right that's the thing PlayStation if they wanted to that's digital only no stand no disc drive 700 base American okay 950 960 Canadian but here's the thing like that's that Hardware is Hardware they could make a $3,000 PlayStation if they wanted and just have that with really high-end uh Hardware so like they could have made a cheaper one but honestly they probably were like there's no point why would we make a PS5 Pro with like no noticeable performance increase right that's what I'm assuming is going on here like you just have more expensive Hardware I could build my $5,000 computer again and it's not even it could be better like I could buy a really high-end GPU a 4090 and a really high-end I9 what is it like 14th 15th gen now I don't know I could buy the highest end consumer grade GPU and CPU that shit's like 5,000 Canadian almost so it's like the price is insanely expensive but that's just cuz everything's insanely expensive and I assume they just want to have a higher performance and not make a whole new console at a lower uh performance increase so I get it [ __ ] just sucks everything's hella expensive there's just like [ __ ] just sucks right so just stick with your PlayStation 5 I'm not planning to buy any sort of PS5 Pro and everyone's roasting the price but it's like what what can you do would you want either just like a really shittier weaker version of like the PS5 Pro sell it at the same price of as a PS5 or like a little more like that's not going to happen cuz like the PS5 is still selling like hot cakes so I get it this just makes sense to me if you don't want to buy p P5 Pro you can just buy a PS5 at the normal price point but the PS5 Pro is going to be like the expensive Fu type of variant but like they could have made a $2,000 console right like it's very expensive but that's just the way gaming is going I'm not surprised it just sucks right you know everyone's saying they're not going to buy it so many of them are going to buy it this is going to make so much [ __ ] money you think that no it's going to make so much money 700 for the PS5 Pro 960 Canadian add-on tax that's a grand disc drive that's an extra 80 so that's like 1,00 Canadian cuz that's an extra like 100 vertical stand 30 bunks yep still playing PS4 games Priceless hell yeah Sony you [ __ ] going to pay for Concord one way or another play has no limits except being able to use a disc you already own extra 700 to see leaves in the background with an extra pixel and makes looks crispier exactly we love it so this might just legitimately this might push normal PlayStation 5 sales over PS5 Pro but it I don't know it makes sense it's expensive as [ __ ] and it sucks but like that's the way gaming is going why would they release another PS5 it looks like they want to stick to their cycle they could just wait to release a ps6 in another freaking 5 years ah no I get it it sucks but I get it if we look at PlayStation 5 release date quickly I'm just going to Google it well you can see that the PS5 came out November 12th 2024 so four years that's their life cycle they release the console four years later they release a pro version of it they released a thin version of it like two years in or something right hasn't even been that long and now we're getting the gamer of the gamest consoles the PS5 has [ __ ] on Xbox and like Nintendo so much because they're now just like we are the gamer console you're if you're a gamer you either have a PC or a PlayStation okay you and you might also have your Nintendo switch and you might also have like an Xbox but it's like if you're on Xbox you might as well have a computer if you're doing a lot of like computer type stuff you might just like Xbox game pass and all that which is fair and understandable but a lot of people are like no I'm going to buy a PlayStation and have a computer people who have you know can get that or just get a cheap computer you know that still can run games well so now this is all pretty it's all pretty interesting I think the PlayStation 5 Pro will do fine and it'll kill it it's just so expensive so it's wild to me but that's just the way the gaming Market's going now PS5 Pro Fu expensive dang that's pretty insane yeah either way let me know what you think everybody Cheers Cheers

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