Eagles 2024 Depth Chart: Surprising Moves & Key Starters

Published: Aug 30, 2024 Duration: 01:06:12 Category: Sports

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Intro today we're talking Eagles the 20224 season is finally upon us and I'll be talking about the initial 53-man cutdown I'm going to hit every position every player every coach everything basically I'll even be giving my thoughts about fantasy football along the way rolly [Music] Andro welcome to shut out football I'm Jeff staltz Fus that's Kevin Kevin go birds so today is a little bit different of a video I'm going to kind of treat it like a live stream which I don't do CU I'm too timid uh but I wanted to give all the thoughts I possibly could about the Eagles where they're at for this season and if you want to learn about the Eagles too here we go so let's quick Eagles 2023 Coaching Mistakes take a look back because this year has a lot of question marks about the new cordinators and we kind of can't talk about the new coordinators without talking about the old coordinators because last year was something so going back last year they were also coaching question marks they had a new OC and Brian Johnson who was an internal hire he was a position coach a QB coach who got elevated to offensive coordinator a former QB himself and his offense pretty quickly into the season got I don't want to say discovered but uh a lot of people called it vanilla there was no pre- snap motion it was pretty Baron and I believe Brett Coleman even called it a high school offense in one of his videos which is not good uh they also had a defensive coordinator sha Desai who had some experience coming from the Bears uh I think he was an interim defensive coordinator there um it was it was not a crazy pick at the time it was a questionable one uh they also saddled him with Matt Patricia and Matt Patricia was just about the biggest red flag I could possibly think of coming to the birds so that didn't turn out well but I guess we all saw that coming uh by the end of the season they're both gone I mean I don't know how many days or hours passed by the end of the year that they just fired them both but and also by the end of the year coach Nick serani was on the hot seat which was fair I think so oh and the reason was because watching the end of that last season was kind of like watching a car crash in slow motion and you couldn't stop it and the thing that hit me was you didn't feel like the answer to fix it was anywhere in the building and that's not good for serani you you'd like to think at least your head coach can make some changes along the way to help but even though he was on the hot seat Jeffrey lurry apparently still believes in him so say the reports so he was not let go this year he had has new offensive coordinators and new offensive or defensive coordinators as well we got Kell Moore is the new OC he was with the Chargers last year with the OC Kellen Moore Cowboys prior to that uh some questions some concerned about him uh he looks like a ventriloquist dummy not trying to be mean he just does sit on my lap uh last year he was with the Chargers and that was kind of a train wreck of its own because Brandon Staley got fired uh Herbert Justin Herbert was hurt uh at least a decent amount of games uh so it's kind of unfair or not accurate to look back at last year and say well let's judge him as an offensive coordinator based on that so let's go back the year before that he was with the Cowboys the concern with that was I think they were just okay with him as an offensive coordinator for the Cowboys and after he left and went to the Chargers the Cowboys seemed to get a lot better on offense uh Mike McCarthy who spent I don't know supposedly a year in a barn somewhere watching film and getting better before he became the head coach of the Cowboys so said he it was a story that I think later on came out that it was a big fat lie so got to give him props to that uh took a step forward their offense was legitimately better after Kell Moore left so that's a little concerning um uh but with the Eagles at least so far reports are good everyone seems to be on board everyone seems to really have a high opinion of Kell Moore as an offensive coordinator and the video I've seen of him he looks very confident he he's good in a room when he's up there explaining X's and O's when he's got the video up when he's talking to the players I buy it I completely buy it he seems to know what he's talking about he seems like a good coach so I will remain optimistic going into this season for him um the other thing that would keep me optimistic for him this year is he's bringing pre- snap motion to the Eagles it's already been talked about a lot this camp and one of the reasons that's so important is last year the Eagles were in the bottom of the league for pre- SNAP motion like I don't know if they were dead last but they were sniffing dead last so that's concerning because you in the modern NFL you need a little bit of that you need a little a little taste of that pre-nap motion to help uh identify what defenses are doing or confuse them as to what you're doing it's just the way the NFL works now and I think a lot of that is why uh people said they had like a high school offense it just didn't look modern it didn't look professional and it was discovered quickly so hopefully pre- snap motion this year thank you Kell Moore for that uh they should be probably people are estimating in the top half if not top third of the league for that which you know if you watch the Dolphins you watch DC Vic Fangio uh the Niners you know you'll see a lot of that you'll see how it works to their benefit defensive coordinator defensive coordinator Vic fangio who came over from the Dolphins I am also optimistic about him as well because I mean there's no place to go but up is kind of the sad way to put it uh but he's got a ton of experience I have concerns with him as well uh some of the Dolphins apparently last year the players did not like him he just wasn't their kind of coach maybe it's cuz he's a bit Gruff more old school I don't know uh but there was conflict there he was let go from the Dolphins uh I think part of the reason he latched on with the Eagles was something to do with family I think he has family in Pennsylvania or something so it it was attractive to him to come to Philadelphia so uh it's kind of hard to tell looking back through the defenses over time as to how good or bad a Vic fangio defense is or or maybe it's just difficult for me I am not a smart man uh but it didn't look to me like he ever had a top 10 defense he had some good defenses but a lot of that stuff is also going to be Personnel based too and he's been doing it for so long the Personnel is up and down um you know depending on what team he was with you could say he overachieved with lesser Personnel at times or not uh but usually he's somewhere in the middle is is basically the estimation I came to a Vic fangio defense is somewhere in the middle uh we're going to be able to get by so so he's coached with Jim MOA Dom Capers both hor balls I mean like I said he's been around forever so you expect Improvement it's definitely coming to the birds concerns about serani still Nick Sirianni linger unfortunately uh I don't hate him I don't love him I'll be as middle of the road on him as I can possibly be uh however I think that he's already on the hot seat for this season and what I'll say about that specifically is if they don't make the playoffs I think his job is in Jeopardy and I think that's fair now I understand he just made the Super Bowl a couple years ago but this is a reactive league and there's a couple things here at play besides just serani himself so if the offense does well the way I see it but the team doesn't not only is serani on the hot seat people some people say bill bellich is waiting in the wings to coach the Eagles do you believe that I do not believe that not only do I not believe that I don't want that I don't want bill bellich at end of career to come to the Eagles and I I don't really know that he's got a Philly mentality anyway the Patriots way was one way for a chunk of time good for them they had success I don't think that's going to work elsewhere especially not Philly the other reason is Kell Moore could get a look Kell Moore was one of those guys who even a couple years ago uh was getting talked about as a possible hot head coach higher it seemed ridiculous to me at the time based on how young he was and how new to coaching he was but it was it was a thing it was an actual internet thing you could go look up so if the offense does really well but the team does not and I don't think they're ever going to move on from Sir serani in season I don't think they're going to be bad enough to do that but there is the possibility that Kell Moore will get a look if the team does or if the offense does well either inside the building or outside the building that's what I'm saying he he could be looked at as maybe the next head coach of serion were to go for the birds or he's going to get poached somewhere else because Jaylen Herz had a down year last year by all metrics well not by all metrics eyeballs um the stats were not horrible he had had better passing yards uh but if he does better this year if he observably does better in the overall opinion of everybody they're goingon to say Kellen Moore Kell Moore fixed jayen Herz it's just going to be the opinion they be like look he did it he made him better now cuz we'll get to Jaylen in a second specifically but that's just going to be the opinion and so people are always looking for a quarterback whisper they're always going to be looking for the young hot hire so more could be that that guy so we'll see how it goes I'm not saying it's going to happen I'm just saying it's a very real possibility let's get to the offseason so I'll get Eagles 2024 Off-season to the actual positions in a second but I got to say that I liked most of the draft I don't know how you guys felt uh for the most part even though they took mostly positions I thought they would they took them at different points than I thought they would uh they obviously took different players than I would have been mocking out um two of them in particular and I'll Point those out briefly shortly um I also like their free agency uh they almost got their hand slapped for tampering with saquon Barkley maybe they still will but uh it seems for now at least like they're in the clear I love Sequon Barkley uh that's going to be a good one I we skirted the issue we we narrowly avoided getting slapped with some kind of penalty for that I think uh cuz I think everybody tampers I just do uh the Falcons were really obvious Kurt Cousins did not help the situation but I just think it happens all the time and you just kind of go with it uh trading Hassan reic seemed extremely painful at the time it seemed like for the most part bad idea to let him go to trade him away uh Looking Back Now I think we all feel a little better about it maybe not for our team but for what evolved out of it it let's get to the offense so Jaylen Herz reports came Jalen Hurts bounce back out recently uh I think it was an anonymous defensive coordinator said that Herz can't handle the blitz they think that they've discovered his Kryptonite his ail's heel this is something that Herz just cannot handle and if we just Blitz him fine we got the Eagles by the balls uh I I don't agree with that at all uh I think if you go it it feels like decy biased to me if you go back last year yeah I would agree with that statement I've watched many an Eagles game where I can look specifically at the play as it's developing and they're blitzing Herz has got people coming right at him pause the video and it's like okay Herz what are you going to do and every receiver's back is to him they're screaming down the field what is he supposed to do because typically he's either just going to have to launch that thing or he's going to have to run for his life and I know they say he wasn't really injured but he didn't seem like he was 100% so if the knee or whatever was a thing there was no Outlet there was no halfback to pass the ball to there was no tight end over the middle there was nothing everyone's back was to him so I don't know that it's a Jaylen Herz can't handle the blitz problem as much as it is the offensive coordinator screwed him constantly and I feel like that was already evidenced by getting rid of that offensive coordinator so I don't buy that I don't know if you buy that but I think the new OC is going to have outlets for him going to have checkdowns they're going to have all things that make it quarterback friendly that you would expect it just seems obvious so not worried about Herz last year like I said statistically he actually had a better season he had 3,800 passing yards and 600 rushing yards so the rushing yards were about on par more or less with what he's been having maybe slightly down just cuz his knee was bothering him I think but his passing yards were up so I still think he should be a fantasy stud uh there's no concerns if anything maybe you should be more optimistic if you have Herz in fantasy right now for what he's going to do this year obviously he's got a pretty good floor with his rushing ability I don't know that I expect as many tush pushes this year uh and I'll get into that more in a second because I have thoughts on that as well uh players actually voted Herz as the second most overrated quarterback in the league also came out in the last month because I guess this is the time of year where we all just need filler articles to dump on people uh I don't know why this even exists uh or who we decided all collectively to poop on I forget who number one was uh but whatever uh that's fine overrate him all you want uh the dude balled out in the Super Bowl two years ago that's a fact they didn't win the game but he played out of his mind deep ball throws running everything he did everything in that game go back and watch that Super Bowl he was fraking Superman so don't tell me he's overrated he had one bad year again recency bias so also I think most teams in the league would love to have a Hertz I mean even if he's not the best and I'm not saying he's the best quarterback in the league most people believe that to be Patrick Mahomes sure he's got the titles I'll follow you down that road but I think most half the teams at least in this league would love to have a hurt they just don't would you rather have Herz or Daniel Jones would you rather have Herz or Tu a Tong of ioa I think that's extremely debatable but I would take Herz there are tons of teams Deshawn Watson I mean who are you picking over Herz there's a top 10 sure but then you should be so lucky because Herz is the guy who's good enough to get you to the playoffs and could win a Super Bowl build around him for sure but man overrated let's move on to Kenny picket who is now the backup quarterback and this is where things start for me to get really The Kenny Pickett fleecing concerning for the team because we got we got Kenny picket from the Steelers we traded for him uh we moved they moved up about 22 spots in the third round and the Steelers took linebacker pton Wilson with it which I was a big fan of I got a little bit of injury concerns with him but I think he is one of the best if not the best linebackers that came out this year in the draft and I think if he can stay healthy if he's if he's durable he's going to be a fantastic addition to the Steelers he feels like a Steeler so they got a great player they also picked up two sths from us so they moved up in a third got a great player we gave them two sevenths who cares about seventh really uh however so far it is not a great early return on Kenny picket people are saying that the Steelers fleeced us and that is probably true uh not not so much for the price that we paid but that Kenny is struggling to be a backup quarterback which is not what we thought we were got getting although I don't think that we thought we were going to get uh a starter I think the Eagles thought they were buying experience someone in the mold again of gner mchu Marcus Mariota Nick Foles because the only other quarterback on the roster at the time was and is Tanner mcke who is a sixth round rookie pick with zero starts so if you're worried about your backup quarterback having zero starts you need someone with experience and I think that's all the eagles thought they were buying really so hopefully Kenny never sees the field he probably will for a game or so but in retrospect I would have preferred that they went out and gone after Taylor hinei Tyler Huntley uh although then it would be like a combination of Tyler Taylor Tanner that's just too many T's uh but the Saquon Barkley backup QB situation is extremely concerning for the Eagles in 2024 however this seems to be the plan so let's move on to the running backs Sequon Barkley Never Say Never they said that hoe Roseman would never put serious resources into a running back and I get it because of evidence he hasn't not in a long time anyway but it's saquan Barkley like this is this is a different running back okay uh this is more equivalent to the Niners going out and getting Christian mcaffrey which made a difference for them absolutely it did uh Barkley's 27 years old so not at end of life yet there are injuries there are concerns about how much uh usage he's had but he's 27 he's still a top five back he's a legitimate pass catcher even down the field we saw that last year even with I think Tommy DeVito throwing him the ball he's a good pass catch catcher uh he's a Difference Maker I really do think that he's still that good he's going to take the pressure off Herz he's going to open up the offense and this is not the same as when they picked up DeAndre Swift Last year which at the time I was for because I felt like he was a very good back who never quite got a fair shake and I thought behind the Eagles offensive line which is arguably the best in the league or one of the best in the league you expected DeAndre Swift to play up above what he had in the past I didn't see that last year uh I liked the player he had a few games especially early on where he popped and maybe you can blame the offensive coordinator for some of that I don't know but what I saw what I eventually picked up on pattern wise was if you got a hand on DeAndre Swift he was going down that was just the truth he was not a break tackle kind of guy and this is the same kind of thing breaking tackles and decision-making that I saw on Hard Knocks when he was with the lions that du Staley former called him out for in the program he's like dude you make this one move and it's to the house why would you make the other move it it just isn't quite there for him mentally and he doesn't have the I don't want to say toughness he's a tough guy he's a football player but he doesn't have what sequan Barkley has sequan Barkley's going to get those extra yards Squan Barkley's going to get in the end zone so you don't have to do a tush push so this is a very different situation if you're going to spend up if you're going to go big on a running back and there's a small handful of guys you could possibly do that with Christian mcaffrey saquon Barkley like there's there this is a equal move in my opinion uh probably because of the Barkley situation hopefully there are less tush pushes I'm hoping there's less this year yeah sometimes they're fun but also sometimes I worry about the health not just of Jaylen Herz but about the lineman I mean poor Jason Kelsey was at Kenneth Gainwell the bottom of that pile stuck under elbows and just hoping we got in every time poor guy so and I've also questioned why don't we just put saquin in the in the behind the center and let him direct snap and then push and have Herz come up behind him and push him in is that legal can we do that like they both squat 600 lbs like let's let's just switch it up I think that would totally work so uh behind sayquan Barkley because I don't want to spend forever on him we all know what he is Kenneth gainwell is 25 years old now he's still the number two uh he's not an rb1 he's never going to be an rv1 he's a good back I like him but he's he's just not a lead back he's a change of pace guy decent for the caliber of player he is but he's not someone you have to have I think for the um Range the level of player that he is there are other guys that I would have I would rather have on my team that are on other teams right now khil Herbert is one that comes to mind I think they're similar in what they could provide but I like Herbert better so that's that's my thoughts on that uh also let's be fair this is probably Kenneth GW Well's last year in Philly he's at the end of his rookie deal uh unless they can keep him for cheap and especially now after they paid for Barkley it has to be cheap uh he's not sticking around if he can get a little bit more change I I think in his pocket he's going to go he's going to go this offseason absolutely don't think that they're going to make a priority to resign him unless it's super cheap I don't know what the market is going to be for him but I absolutely see him on another team next year I would stay away from Kenneth gainwell in all fantasy leagues uh I don't know who is going after him although I did just see him get drafted late uh he's got a low floor low ceiling he's a roster clogger as far as I'm concerned I would rather have somebody with more potential for bounce uh you know more upside uh saquon's going to go if saquin goes down gainwell will get involved there's no doubt about that but he's not going to be a one forone replacement he's not a great replacement he just he doesn't have enough juice I saw it last year he seems he's obviously not saquan but he's also maybe not even as fast as he was when he came into the league I don't know if that's cuz he bulked up a little or what but it's just not the same last year I was pounding the table anytime they put gainwell in instead of DeAndre Swift and I'm damn sure going to be doing it again this year if he goes in I know they'll have to spell Barkley but when he goes in for Barkley I'm going to be pounding my Will Shipley coffee table into splinters sorry buddy uh they also have will Shipley fourth round rookie they picked up out of Georgia they took him right in front of Ray Davis and Isaac gendo I liked all three of these guys coming out of the draft I don't think any of them are rb1s um so we'll see in the long run if they make the right choice by taking will Shipley in front of Ray Davis and Isaac gendo it's way too early to know that uh I'm glad they grabbed an RB that's for sure I definitely think they needed to grab another wide another running back I even said it last year just someone young to have in the wings so I'm glad they got one I don't have a problem with who they took uh he's seen as a pass catcher but he very much needs to improve there I don't think he quite where he needs to be I've already seen him listed as not a natural pass catcher which is not good uh he's got some fumbling concerns I think that was earlier in in his college career so maybe he's passed that uh someone I wish I could find the article now but someone called him a poor man's Christian mcaffrey yeah so uh I guess because he's white that feels uh tonally unfair uh I mean like skin tone wise uh he's not Christian mcaffrey in any way I actually saw him I made the connection to Danny Woodhead he's like a Danny Woodhead only a little bigger uh which I know probably has a lot of you scratching your head right now too um but he's also white so I guess my fault too uh but if he can bear out the pass catching awesomeness that Danny Woodhead had Denny Woodhead was good for fantasy and was good for the Patriots for like two years he was decent so I think he's somewhere in that if you're going to put it Christian mcaffry and Danny Woodhead with Will Shipley like he's in there I mean maybe maybe a lot of guys are in there but uh so I expect to see him on the field as a rookie though is my point uh intermittently uh he's just someone who's going to P onto the field here and there maybe third Downs maybe he's uh a good pass catching third down conversion guy when they want to give saquin rest or do something funky with him uh saquin will get the bulk of the work but I expect to see all three guys Kenneth gainwell too on the field this year that's just how the Eagles roll it's how they did it last year I know saquin is rb1 they're all three going to see the field uh and Shipley is probably an okay buay in Dynasty I haven't targeted him at all um but he's he's worth a look uh depending on how your draft is falling and uh positionally what you need you can you can grab him the practice squad uh they like three other running backs I think they when they cut them I know Kendall Milton went to the Bengals so the only one they kept on the Eagles practice squad was Tyrion Davis Prince he could also get activated this year but I don't really care wide receivers AJ Brown not much to Wide Receivers say he's worth every penny thank God we have him don't know what the Titans were thinking thank you very much devont Smith same he's 1A he's I'm glad how he locked both of those guys up they're freaking fantastic that's where almost all the passing is going to go Johan doson uh this is where Jahan Dotson the drama is for me uh in a in a good and a bad way it's it's I mean no one saw this trade coming nobody uh why would you I mean he's a first round player sent to a Ral head scratching uh to say the least uh but it's both extremely exciting and uh existentially terrifying as well uh what does it mean what does it mean that the commanders would get rid of this level of talent is there really this level of talent um because I don't know how much we've even really seen from Jan doson so far yet in his career um so it's good and bad uh well not good and bad it's good and scary so first off he's the best wide receiver three the Eagles have had in freaking forever like I can't remember uh who was our best wide receiver three anytime recent it's been a while um so it's great for the birds the concern obviously like I said why did the commanders do it uh Jaden Daniels is a rookie quarterback he doesn't need him seems like it would be a good idea to have more good wide receivers around him to help him so the unknown is what makes it scary however possibilities include maybe they're idiots very likely they're the commanders the evidence is also there uh the other idea the other thought I had is maybe they just don't think he's a wide receiver one which I don't think he is um weird they don't think he's a wide receiver two that's where I thought he could reasonably be you'd think it would be Terry McClaren and Jan doson and then maybe next year they'd build on to it um so it might be true if he's not a wide receiver one and he's not a wide receiver to in their eyes uh at the time he came out from college he was comped to people like Tyler Lockett and that seemed reasonable um kind of thin framed Speedy guy like it all made sense but if he's not that you kind of have to ask yourself what what is a first round wide receiver three worth and that might be why the commanders did what they did uh so what did it cost the Eagles let's look at that the Eagles got datson and a 2025 fifth round pick okay uh the commanders got a third round pick and two seventh round picks so it's kind of similar how he dealings as to the Kenny picket thing where he gave up a couple of sevenths moved some stuff around the middle except uh the player we got this time hopefully is that much better so but if you're concerned did we get fleeced again if you believe we got fleeced with Kenny picket did we just get fleeced with Jan doson I really don't think so we're not going to know for a while but cool your jets take a look at what we actually have moving forward I say we like I'm on the team I love the Eagles I thought that was clear uh if we look at next year for the birds they still have a pick in rounds one through four one through four they have someone to draft and then in the fifth they have three fifth round picks then they're no six no seventh so that's still really good that's really good for next year's draft and honestly do you think they're going to keep all those picks no I mean they'll take those fifths they'll move them around they'll do all kinds of crazy cooky stuff it's Howie it's what he does so but even if they don't if they stay where they are they got the best picks you could get I mean have they're not missing any early rounds and they've tripled up before they completely are done for the draft so they're not crippled they're fine doson himself is 24 years old this in this and next season he is still on his rookie deal so that's good for us uh they can option him the following year because he was a first round pick but they won't because he's going to be a wide receiver three here for the Eagles you don't you don't uh option wide receiver threes so love Dotson for the Eagles as a wide receiver 3 but it is I think and maybe I'm alone on this it is a big hit to his fantasy stock I've seen other people say uh it's probably the same no change he was he is I don't believe that at all uh Jan doson maybe didn't have great numbers so far and maybe he wouldn't have this year but he got a brand new quarterback in Jane Daniels the potential was there and I felt like he was the wide receiver too on that team so to say that he's going to go to the Eagles and not take a dip in his fantasy stock seems ludicrous to me I I don't understand the case for it so first of all let's take a look at wide receiver three or whatever you want to call it for the Eagles traditionally has not produced all that much I know the last few years I said we didn't have much laday zis qu quz Watkins like just it's it hasn't been a good list uh but in general the wide receiver three hasn't been productive for the Eagles uh will that change with Kell Moore maybe maybe a new OC will change that possibility but if it's more built on maybe Jaylen Hertz um Tendencies and how he sees the field then I don't think it will so if that's the case we're likely looking at doson as being the fourth in options is a fourth option in targets for the team because it's going to be AJ Brown it's going to be damata Smith it's going to be Dallas gard and then probably doson now I think he'll be valuable to the team absolutely this is great for the birds uh he's going to be good for third and fourth down conversions he's going to be able to stretch the field go on some good deep targets you know all the stuff that quz Watkins would have dropped or fumbled away a couple years ago doson won't uh so good for the team but it's probably also far too late to try and trade him in Dynasty or anything I wouldn't pick him up in in uh redraft fantasy but it is what it is uh Johnny Johnny Wilson Wilson is presumably the wide receiver four on this team at this point now that's the way it seems to shake out on The Unofficial depth chart as I see Johnny Wilson was a sixth round rookie out of Florida State he is 6'6 231 PBS so he's a big old tall drink a glass of water uh he's got a lot of weight to him too when he came out I thought he would probably transition to tight end and I wasn't the only one I think the NFL draft also put a graphic on the screen and was like tight end question mark like it's just because of his size cuz he wasn't just big we're not just going to go all right you're big tight end town for you uh he also had some concerns coming out of college so some issues with speed some issues with his hands maybe it was concentration uh but I think all that has changed from the draft to now I have a totally different opinion of Johnny Wilson and it's because of all the reports I've seen all the video I've seen all the talk so he had a really good camp a really good camp he's their wide receiver four right now and he might have been their wide receiver three before Jan doson joined and also I think he's got a concussion right now but assuming that wouldn't have long-term prohibited him from being a three uh so he's he's part of the team he's going to be potentially a good Red Zone Target he's going to get some stuff here and there for I still think zero I mean deep leagues tick shot maybe I'm not um but at least for the Eagles he's a much better pickup than I initially thought that he was going to be the number uh five wide receiver here is Britton cvy I don't buy him for a second as a receiver I know he wants Ainias Smith more Targets this year he said he did uh we'll talk about him more in special teams but I don't think there's he's not a wide receiver to Target to care about I'm sorry annias Smith who was a fifth round rookie uh he was a fifth round pick out of Texas A&M uh God this is an emotional one for me uh get the get the Xanax ready so fifth round pick which stunned me I'm still a little stunned I was stunned then I'm stunned now uh I was pounding the table for mik Washington love Malik Washington Eagles pick anas Smith I go who why because I don't get it I didn't I didn't get it then I don't get it now when I compare the two it makes even less sense to me because they're the same size but Malik Washington has better speed better College production I I just and there was plenty of talk about Malik Washington prior to the draft I had him as one of my more beloved wide receivers prior to the draft so Not only was it shocking to see him slide in draft as far as he did but the fact that the Eagles willingly picked annias Smith over him still just I I question hoe Roseman specifically for his wide receiver evaluations not so much with doson I think he's good at identifying existing wide receivers in the NFL and bringing them in obviously um AJ Brown to be another one um but unless they literally win or come close to winning the Heisman like Devonte Smith like I think howwi he just doesn't know what the he's doing uh so it's not good for Smith so far um he had some good tape prior to the draft I won't act like he didn't but his numbers were not anywhere close to Malik Washington I tried to talk myself into him as a possible Return Man or wide receiver four but he had a really bad Camp um by all reports it was just not looking good it was looking like he was going to get cut there was a small pop for him at the end of camp and now he is currently on IR so he's not even on the 53 he's on IR uh which is probably good because I think they would have cut him um unless they were going to keep a sixth receiver and maybe they will they'll make changes you know during the year and before uh practice squad they snuck Paris Campbell on they got Paris Campbell early in the off season it seemed like he was going to be the wide receiver three favor early and I guess he just he just lost that he was leap frogged by Johnny Wilson and now Jan Dodson they also picked up uh Marcus rosem me Jack Saint uh udfa out of Georgia who was originally signed with the commanders that's not anything to really care about it's just kind of an Dallas Goedert and TE room interesting note because he was a name floated around let's get to the tight ends Dallas God tight end one there is no threat behind him uh most seem to rank Godard as about the sixth best tight end in the league that's fair I think honestly based on everything we've seen to this point he's he's not a young man anymore uh he's top 10 but he's not top two uh so he's not someone that I would Target in fantasy really in any League because personally and that's just my fantasy football strategy uh I either want the best or I want a deep discount so if I can't get either Travis Kelce or George KD or maybe Sam leaport I'm just going to wait around forever and find someone with upside uh number two tight end for the Eagles is Grant calcatera still um there's not I'm a little concerned about the tight end room after G Kel Tera is the tight end too but that's traditionally been nothing for the Eagles too I don't think that's going to change uh there is no tight end of value here if GD gets injured year we saw it for a little while and nobody made any noise I think we saw it the year before too like there's just make better plans than to have the backup to now is scard it's just not the way to go it is interesting that they only kept two tight ends on the active roster or at least the F initial 53 man cut however that is going to change I guarantee it because on the practice squad uh they got stall back who was a udfa that we picked up years ago uh he's back after a brief stint with the Giants uh he's never really been more than a blocking tight end but he's really good at that they they liked him I think they still like him and I think they'll put him on the active roster here and there it's nothing for Fantasy but it's good for the team uh they also had a developmental guy EJ Jenkins who is also on the practice squad udfa out of Georgia Tech they liked him a lot as a pass catcher but it's just developmental I would not bother putting him anywhere on my team even at Deep League Albert okab banam or however you say his name is on the IR that just still does not seem to be working out um even when he is healthy Offensive Line so sorry bud uh I swear if you become relevant I will learn how to say your name properly offensive line real quick uh Jord malada land Dickerson cam Jurgens ma guy beckton Lane Johnson fantastic that's three out of five returning starters uh that's decent consistency there are no rookies here for me big deal I I know there are great rookies that come out every year that can be offensive lineman but I just don't want to see it on my team uh let a rook sit will'll Miss Jason Kelce cam jerkens jerkens Jurgens was picked to be the guy though it's his time it's only fair here it is so let's go Chicken F uh the surprise to the offensive line this off season was really Makai beckon at Right Guard uh transitioning from tackle to guard uh he beat Tyler Steen second year man second round pick Tyler Steen uh is I think currently also injured nothing serious I don't think it was a foot thing but mcy beckon just flat out beat him out even before that injury he just beat him so I'm glad we don't have to worry about a second-year injured man being our starter Mai should be good hopefully I mean the guy is a mountain uh I'm hoping that that's going to be good for the birds it's a good group uh the only thing I'm really concerned about with the line is their depth I don't really know that many of the names behind them I think there's Fred I don't know Johnson somebody there's there's people back there but I'm not sure how confident to be about our depth right DEFENSE now uh defense let's get to defense because they did change their defense this year now under Vic Fango it is a 34 and that affects a lot of positions a lot of people so defensive line Milton Williams Milton Williams breakout uh he was a third round pick in 2021 he's he has been a rotational player up until this point he was a d tackle when he came out of college although uh and he's now a defensive end because they're in a 34 but even at the time he came out of college he was viewed as not kind of small 4D tackle uh kind of a hybrid player because he was extremely athletic he wasn't like anorexic he was just kind of not quite as big fat beefy as you would typically see a d tackle so he is an athletic freak though go check playerprofiler.com everything is pating so he's an athletic freak and that's fantastic um in fact player player profiler had him listed as first in his class uh the year he came out he was compared to Ron Gary I even remember someone at the time comparing him to Aaron Donald athletically I don't think they were talking anything about skill uh so there's a lot of athletic upside there for him he should be able to make a very good transition I think uh to doing more as an an end in a 3 four so he might pop this year he's a good guy to consider for IDP formats I think he's one you should absolutely keep an eye on or if he's available depending on your league roster him even if you don't have to Moro Ojomo start him um the potential for pop from Milton is there there's also another guy right behind him Moro ojamo uh he's the backup right now behind Milton Williams but I guarantee he's going to rotate rotate in this year he's a seventh round pick from last year people called him a steel people were saying he was a fourth round Talent somehow ended up that went in the seventh round and I've seen seen no reports about why that was it might just be roster construction who knows might be you know people just didn't think they needed that position that late uh but he's going to rotate in a good bit to keep an eye on him for Fantasy uh also the reason to say that is because this is the last year of Milton Williams rookie deal after this year he could be gone um if he doesn't resign ojamo will be the in-house favorite to take over for him so if you see ojamo rotating in doing well but the volume isn't there and the Eagles don't sign Williams that's a sneaky play in IDP um I don't really know what to cheer for uh obviously I want all the guys to do well so I'm hoping Williams pops and they pay him I think that he can get paid and stay that would be nice um moving on to the actual only listed Jalen Carter defensive tackle here specifically Jaylen Carter uh he flashed big time as a rookie I don't know who would disagree with that uh he could be the Eagles Chris Jones that's that's the conviction I have in him uh I saw it it's there he's on a monkey navigated rocket ship to Mars and you just get on board with that he's awesome Jordan Davis listed as the nose tackle here Jordan Davis concerns because of uh the defensive scheme made sense he's gigantic man as well uh which was caused for some concern last year due to conditioning uh apparently he's a little Slimmer this year so he's taking it very serious I hope that I hope that his conditioning is good and I hope that slimming down is not a problem for that defense we need him to eat space um get a spoon uh I still have faith in him I know there's been some concerns about him but it's it's still early uh and also we kind of have to have faith in him because who is his backup uh I honestly thought I knew the answer to that and I was wrong wrong uh currently it's listed right now anyway as Byron young uh because it was Marlon tuy Paul 2 confidently he said uh who had been there for a while but I think they cut him to make room for Byron young who is a former third round pick who was cut by the Raiders so Raiders cut this guy they didn't like their depth they said let's go grab him we can cut Marlin Marlin could come back I haven't seen the reports yet but they're thinking maybe practice squad to get him back is more depth um linebackers in general before I Last year’s linebackers go through this year's I'm going to Quick jump back last year because last year the linebacking Corp seemed to be an afterthought uh for the Eagles and I think we paid for it dearly I mean think about the names Zack Cunningham Nicholas Morrow sha Leonard it wasn't good uh so linebacker as a position May be devalued overall uh but if you look at the Super Bowl teams I mean look at the look at the linebackers that were in the Super Bowl Fred Warner Dre Greenlaw Drew tranquil Nick Bolton I think those teams took the position serious even look at the rest of the playoffs roquan Smith Quay Walker like there's there's good reason to invest in every level of the defense don't don't get stingy on me now Howie so what did they do this year so currently the inside linebackers for uh Devin White the Eagles because I want to start inside and work my way out uh Devon white he was the first one in this off season fresh off the Bucks uh he's a big pickup former first round pick I absolutely love Devon white I loved him when he came out uh he's got tons of range tons of experience last year was a down year I think the the at least thoughts at the beginning of the off season was um questioning how good he was still or what he had I just think it was a down year for whatever reason it just was uh I'm not concerned about it I haven't heard anything negative about him all offseason so far the only reports I've heard the only things I've seen are the inside linebackers are Devon white and and the and kind of you can debate but it's Devin white and so that's the Zack Baun way I'm going with it uh who is the end the end could be Zack Bon who was another early sign and I like actually uh he was third round pick from the Saints originally good Prospect he's he underwhelmed he definitely underwhelmed in New Orleans uh I thought he would get more I thought he would be an IDP asset uh he never really was he had an interception last year like he's just kind of a guy there uh and he played more on the outside so he he's going to be moving inside and that is odd uh but playing on the outside seemed more natural for him but Vic fangio specifically said I identify this guy I want him here with me and I want him to play on the inside he's an inside linebacker for me so whatever led him to that assumption or that choice I don't know but Vic was very confident about it and they executed it and so far reports have all been very good he's the inside track pretty much all summer to be the other inside linebacker besides Devon white uh and he could be a very sneaky pick in IDP formats cuz even even now even where it seems like he may have solidified that still nobody's looking at him he's Nakobe Dean available in a lot of leagues now the only thing that is a question mark for Zack Bon for me is noobe Dean who is still in the mix uh and he may still be rostered in EUR leagues uh but for the Eagles uh uh even though he's been a bit of a disappointment so far Camp reports again for him are high sounds like he's been making great improvements and he's been pushing Zack Bond most recently so maybe he's another worthwhile stash for dynasty for IDP um he's definitely good for the Eagles uh due to you know rotating people and needing depth and all that I'm I'm thrilled to see so far that we've got white Bon Dean and then Jeremiah Trotter Jr Jeremiah Jeremiah Trotter Jr I don't understand some of the reactions we got this offseason to drafting Jeremiah troter Jr okay let's let's get into this he's a fifth round pick out of Clemson and he's not just the nepo baby okay he didn't get the job because of his name I don't care what you think he's not his father clearly he's not his athletic you can go look up their measurables their their metrics they're not the same person but don't sleep on him uh because I thought even before I knew what his metrics were that he was the third maybe fourth best linebacker in this draft um based on my eyes I use my eyes uh whatever that's worth uh his measurables like I said aren't huge but he reminds me a lot of another Eagle former Eagle TJ Edwards uh not athletically amazing but he knows how to play okay TJ Edwards was a udfa back in the day who worked his way up to being a starter because he's just a good football player now he's with the Bears like I think that's what Trotter could be I think uh in deep IDP leagues he should be rostered uh I think the potential two years three years whatever to be a starter if not just really good depth he's I think he's really good I'm glad the birds got him I'm glad they got him late fifth round perfectly fine with me you know know if you want to say they went too early on that that's between you and your God Bryce Huff outside linebackers Bryce Huff we got him early in free agency mixed feelings on that as well I think there was uh a lot of sentiment that it was not great because we gave the Jets back Hassan reic but that is not a one for one trade um so Bryce Huff was a udfa who went early with the Jets uh played his best year last year um The Hope is in fangio's scheme though with us he doesn't need to be Hassan reic uh so don't don't think don't put don't conflate the two don't put the two together in your mind Camp reports so far however though for Bryce Huff have not been great uh even fangio called him out said buddy you you got to step it up you're not doing everything I need you Brandon Graham to do but more recently sounding better sounds like he's improving in the scheme uh there's also Brandon Graham little weird to see him listed as a linebacker and not a defensive end he's 36 years old this is his farewell tour he's already said it this is his final year uh he's still playing well but it's I have no clue where he fits in here because he's been a defensive end for so long um now he's going to be an outside linebacker in his final year so rotational play hyp man Josh Sweat talk some smack I don't know gladi he's around we'll see where he fits in um Josh sweat haven't heard much about him this Summer it's really been quiet uh other than the fact that he could have walked he could have easily left the Eagles he could have gotten more money he chose to stay which says a lot about Josh good for him he had a good year last year um and he might actually have the most upside for any idb play here um he's probably already rostered but if if no one's looking at Josh schwat you you should could be another really big year Nolan Smith Jr for him behind him Nolan Smith Jr former first round pick he was supposed to be the reic replacement uh and he hasn't been it's been a disappointing rookie season uh he had 10 solo tackles eight assists one sack and he played in 17 games I know he wasn't a starter but that's not what you were hoping for uh he bulked up this off season Brandon Graham said his confidence is high hooray uh he needs to make that jump in year two absolutely it's just to be there um Also let's not forget that Brandon Graham looked like a bust for a year or two as well sometimes it just takes these guys little time to get going um so he's going to get the opportunities this year they're going to be there so uh number five here on the list is jayex hunt third round pick out Jalyx Hunt of Houston Christian this was the first and maybe almost as big a what for me during the draft as the annias Smith pick because that's just that's third round that's too early for me to be Googling in a draft and that's what I had to do who is JX hunt and I think the auto correct kept trying to change it on me like no no it's JX come on trust me on this one so it seemed like a reach a lot of people said it seemed like a reach during after uh athletically absolutely he's got it he's an athletic freak with tons of upside no doubt there uh but now it seems maybe there's more maybe it's more than that he had a really good camp uh there's a good potential for the future here he uh he's probably a really good one to stash in IDP if you were deep enough as well uh I don't know when he'll I don't know how much to expect from him in his rookie year when he's going to rotate in but considering the other question marks I mean at the very least Brandon Graham is going after this year so he's one to keep an eye on he's good for the birds I really want to see what he can do this year get him on the field overall I like the starters uh I like that they have tears of of experience and young guys in the wings uh I don't know that linebackers are a strong point for the Eagles yet but I definitely Cornerbacks don't feel like they're a weak point anymore cornerbacks they're still a little unclear to me as to what they've designated here I know the people involved where they're going to be has been Sur surprising to me and I've seen them listed in different ways obviously Darius SLE he's our starting Corner he's our number one uh back to full strength good to see him back then it gets a little murky already at number two because uh well I mean we drafted quinan Mitchell first overall in the draft but it seems like the corner that's going to be opposite SLE is either going to be Isaiah Rogers or key Ringo and I've seen it listed different ways on different charts and that probably only really matters for Fantasy Football uh for the Eagles I don't know how much it matters and it may change multiple times this year it may change game to game it may change any a game uh so we don't know who the starter there is uh but if it's Ringo Ringo was a fourth round pick last year I was not really that into him I just saw him get beat too much in college I thought he was a liability uh by all reports he seems to have improved people seem to actually be in on Ringo uh and so I must be as well no I think he's earned his role from what I've seen and heard um he was it's nice to see a fourth round pick that can earn uh a starting role like that so if he if he's legitimately the guy I'm fine with that the other guy Isaiah Rogers uh is interesting because he was suspended all of last year for gambling he with the Colts he got caught gambling and they said you know go away so Howie Roseman picked him up right away and just held him and just had to wait until the suspension was up which finally happened uh and so he's a speedy guy they're I mean out of the two Rogers is faster um Ringo might profile a little bit more as your typical Corner um I was actually thinking Rogers would be the nickel Corner initially um but either way they're both good uh instead the nickel corner so far is actually listed as quinan Mitchell first round pick out of Toledo so it's a little surprising but he is versatile I like that they're not pushing him I don't want to throw him onto the field and match him up with um Jamar Chase Justin Jefferson whoever like don't just throw him to the wolves like that thaty came from freaking Toledo uh they say he's confident they say he's worth the first round pick but uh it's okay slow roll him in the corner or in and the nickel nickel's a very important spot to be in I mean lots of lots of good Corners play the nickel I just I'm fine with him there he's just not going to be there forever and that's actually great because they also have their second round pick Cooper de Jean who also is versatile and we have no idea where he's going to play uh could be safety could be nickel I think he's kind of he's more likely to me to stick at nickel long term I think but either way uh he can play all over uh good for the Eagles to get both those guys to see them double down on a position of need like that to Safeties go in hard on youth considering what they just had in Bradberry and slays getting old and it's just they needed they needed young guys uh so it's nice to see that they made those moves uh Eli Ricks is also still on the team too I believe udfa from last year uh I can't really tell you who to take specifically here for IDP uh I personally I'll tell you I took quinon Mitchell and my deepest Dynasty League uh and I will be interested to see whoever starts opposite SLE safeties probably viewed as the weakest spot last year and likely again this year too uh they got CJ Gardner Johnson back and I love that I hate that he left I hate the way he left the team seemed like bad blood but he's back he's all in he's I think he's dying his hair green again maybe the carpet matches the drapes I don't know uh but good to see him back he's a tone set and I think he's a a tone Setter the Eagles were sorely lacking last year you need a guy like that who's going to be vocal who's going to be hard-hitting uh he does get injured from all the hard-hitting but he's he's absolutely a guy we need especially when like I said safety seems to still be kind of a rough spot for us there uh Reed blankin ship the ghost solid player not the most athletic uh he needs to play smart not to get uh beat deep not to be a liability and most of the time time he does he's very good he last year I believe he was very good for IDP uh still very glad he's on the team we need him Avante Maddox former Corner former nickel Corner mostly uh has made its position change which seemed uh a little bit like a gimmick maybe at the time when they said it but I guess it worked uh we need safeties he's stuck around as a safety there was debate uh so we'll see what he can can add I don't think the issue with him at this point in his career or his age is Talent it's just durability so I'm hoping this works out um and he was never going to get the nickel back anyway Nickelback uh from the two Rooks it's just gone they also kept Tristan McCullum uh and there's more off the active roster as well Sydney Brown is currently on the pup so he could come back this year so he could take a spot from maybe McCullum or someone uh J Bradberry is currently on IR strange how it seemed like that happened at the last second but uh that's where they stashed him they say he could be out six to eight weeks because of a leg injury I will be surprised if he comes back uh unless we just unless we get Jake Elliott, Braden Mann, Britain Covey injured at the safety position to be honest um special teams kicker Jake Elliot I mean I I think everybody has to love him by this point uh his field goal conversion percentage was 10th last year he tied for the second longest distance uh kick with 61 y last year so he's a little dude with a big leg uh Jake's our guy there's no worries about Jake little worry about our punter Braden man uh he was an upgrade over the previous years Aaron cpos uh man averaged six more yards per kick over sipos in 2023 per nfl.com uh he's that was about eighth overall and that sounds good but if you get a little deeper on the numbers uh he was in the bottom of the league for punts down inside the 20 and also for the longest punt he was bottom of the league so I still think punter could use an upgrade I'm a big fan of Specialists kicker punter kick returner uh a lot of these there's a lot of teams out there who have good Specialists and they matter in all the the little ways maybe you don't think about um even if temporarily think about cadarius Tony who's worth less than a bag of salt uh for that one year painfully against the Eagles in the Super Bowl that one kick return I mean my God uh speaking of kick returners let's get to ours so uh currently listed Britain cvy still our number five uh wide receiver is still listed as our kick returner as is cornerback Isaiah Rogers so maybe he's getting double duty there uh because speed because they're both super fast uh cvy never really struck me as a big play guy but once I got into the numbers from last year apparently he was sixth last year in average return yards with 30 he also didn't fumble uh he's a value specialist like I said I I like those uh I'm interested to see how he does this year with the new kick off um but that's our special team and that's the Eagles uh I'm not going to give a win loss guess I don't really see the value in it uh what I will tell you is that PFF ranked the Eagles as the ninth easiest schedule this year Fox Sports ranked it as the 12th EAS easiest they're obviously the easiest in their division uh everyone says so good uh their home games look good outside of the Packers in Brazil I think that's going to be tough because I do think the Packers are good and all that travel to Brazil uh the likelihood that they're all going to be murdered just because they wear the green sometimes uh tough away games their toughest away games are probably going to be the Ravens the Bengals and the Cowboys uh but whatever their win loss total is I still expect playoffs for them this year it would be a great disappointment again um I think with the new coordinators things are looking up compared to last year so we'll see how it goes but uh optimistic still very optimistic for the birds optimistic all the way around love the Eagles so thank you so much for watching this very weird long episode of shut out football this Eagles edition of shut out football Fly Eagles Fly and we'll see you in the next one thanks for watching peace

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