Weeknights - Coco Jones "Sweep It Up", FX Aaron Hernandez series trailer, Ken movie possibilities

welcome back ladies and gentlemen this is we night night oh yes it's we night Thebes right yes weat so that's your favorite yep and I'm Dash yeah no that's definitely your favorite intro rendition yeah because it's the easiest to remember the other ones I've created whole songs and can't remember them anymore it's cuz you're the queen of R&B the king the king of R&B excuse me the king of R&B ex listen I apologize I didn't mean to assume your gender like that don't do that all right go ahead finish your intro since you skipped me you know oh ladies first every time I say that you go no you go you go there you go again assuming my gender you said ladies first Goa I was just saying anyway I'm Dash AKA dashing D aka the realest king of R&B because I don't cancel any shows and uh yeah that's uh you keep playing some Usher fan is gonna clip that [ __ ] up send it to him and he's gonna come right for you I am the Usher fan so tell them to bring it okay I amjd AKA hods and um I'm not going to tell them to bring it but what I will do is bring some topics uh we got some topics to discuss I have to respond to a text message okay go ahead busy woman busy person it's my order I'm done where you want to start you want to start with Coco Jones sweep it yeah let's start with Coco Jones okay well you know I know you're the king of R&B but you are a fan of a queen and that Queen is Coco Jones that's your girl I love you're a big Coco Jones fan I hear you talk about Coco Jones more than anybody else and so when her new song sweep it up came out said oh you know we got to we got to hit that we got to talk about that on the Pod yeah uh Koko Jones I just love I love her sound I think she is so classic R&B I don't think she's trying to be I just think she is um I think is beautiful voice she has a she has a her voice has depth and her voice has body her voice is Bountiful I just love I love I love her sound um because I think her sound is so classic um and none of none of that is sweep it up though I don't like sweep it up oh okay I was like well the things that she's saying not sweep it up so I don't know but okay talk about it it's like it's cute I guess um I don't want to I I don't mean that disrespectfully I just I just that's not uh what I like her for okay um but she's young and like fun and you know and like finding her fitting footing in in this career I don't I'm not mad at it I'm just it just I just didn't connect with it okay um yeah I felt like it was cute but it wasn't anything to write home about um okay that was really what my take away from it I didn't have I again I love how how she sounds and so I I love when she does a ballad I think she sounds incredible when she does a ballad I don't want to put her in a box so I'm not saying that to say that she can't do sweep it up type of songs um it's just that I personally didn't love this one um um and I think when you listen to her you see that she she has range it's not that she's just does one type of sound but um but this one I just didn't connect with and I I think that's okay yeah of course I think so too I don't think anyone has to like everything from an artist um I think if someone said I love everything from artist a they'd be ly um and so my question is is this the first time she's done this like Jano kind of sound I don't think so I have to go I have to go back and do some research on that but I don't think so that's why I'm saying I don't think I don't think she has a singular sound I think she does play around with sound quite a bit but I I don't think so I just can't recall right now and maybe because those are the songs that I kind of stay away from glance over yeah um yeah I just you know I don't know I've never really been into I and this is controversial especially coming from the real king of R&B I've never really been into the Jana IO sound in the way that a lot of people are oh me either and that's that's why I uh clearly identified what what she was trying to do on this record I think she accomplished a mission and that's why I was asking was this has she done this before because I I was thinking perhaps because it's a single it's for those fans um it made me think of Neil I remember Neil did an interview a while back where they asked him like but why was such such your your latest single Neo said that single specifically was for a specific group of fans and so he said you know I have different fan bases kind of in my Collective fan base some people are fans of One sound some people are fans of another sound um and so I I put out singles to cater to different types of fans so I was thinking that when I heard the song I said oh maybe she has a younger demo who are like the Jano summer Walker kind of fans and perhaps this song was to cater to them um because this I have not heard a ton of Coco Jones music but the stuff I have heard is more of the R&B sound you're speaking of um and so it was interesting for me to hear this I didn't think it sucked I think it was cool yeah um but I also I I too am not a fan of the janiko summer Walker whisper singer quote unquote sound um and so I remember when that one song came out that I guess like really put J on the map I can't remember what it's called and it's probably best that I don't remember but I remember when the song came out and I remember everybody being like Oh my gosh did you hear this oh my gosh this is amazing oh my gosh she's incredible and I was just like okay yeah I don't think any of them suck and they and truth be told there are janiko and summer Walker fan songs that I'm a fan of but at large I I don't love that sound and style of R&B um so that being said listening to this song I I didn't expect that from Koko Jones um but I think she hit her Mark is clear what she was aiming for in doing this record and I think the mission was accomplished um is it the is it the type of song that I would bump 24/7 no um but I'm sure those type of fans will I'm sure those type of fans will absolutely love this record yeah U and so that's just what I thought I don't I don't I don't hate it I don't really have a bad criticism of it yeah um I think it's not the type of R&B that I love to listen to but I think that if the plan was to cater to a specific demo then she hit the mark definitely because that that is the sound those are are the notes those are The Melodies In fact there's a Melody that sounds just like a Jana Aiko song in there uh in this one this one segment I was like oh sound that I'm I'm pretty sure that's that Melody is directly from a Jano song yeah and as a newer artist I think you have to do that I think you have to uh maybe have to is a strong way of saying it but I think you should uh play around with different sounds I think you should test your limits um I think you should play in different areas um I don't think there's anything wrong with that and it's not supposed to music is something that you not you don't just hear but you feel and I don't think that everything is for everyone when it comes to music it shouldn't be um so it's perfectly fine with me that I didn't connect with it I'm sure there's plenty of people who do connect with it and it wouldn't wouldn't ever stop me from listening to her music I'm always going to when I hear she has a new song out or if she puts an album out or whatever I'm always going to say okay well let me go listen to it and see what it's like check let me check it out so so yeah I think she just needs to keep doing what she's doing and and um you know no harm no foul over here yeah I agree with what you said I don't think it's about new artists or old artists I think we should as artists be pushing ourselves trying new things and seeing okay what what do I enjoy doing because if you just say no I'm not doing this sound no I'm not going to use this flow no I won't talk about that topic I think you limit yourself because you never know how much you'll enjoy it and how much your fans will enjoy it you might do something like you know I'mma try to do thing a and just see what happens and your fans May absolutely love thing a or you might love it you might be like man you know I was just going to try thing a I had a blast doing thing a that's like my favorite song I've recorded yeah so I totally agree and I as I say all the time I think good artists the best artists are balanced they don't just do one thing or do the same thing all the time so I totally agree with that statement and again I don't I don't think the song is bad you know me if I thought the song was bad I came up here and said man that was terrible and it wasn't I just think it was for a specific demo or perhaps just a specific sound she was trying and I feel like she she hit the mark yeah yeah agree speaking of hitting the mark the question of the day is Will Ryan Murphy that's hate well Ryan Murphy hit the mark with his new series because the trailer just came out we spoke I believe we spoke about it man we poed so much I'd be forgetting but I think we spoke about the announcement of uh the series but not the trailer and so the trailer just just came out over the weekend for Aaron Hernandez an American Sports story yep and so this is interesting because we've never seen that used in one of his shows before the FX shows have always been An American Crime Story yeah and this is the first American Sports story and so I thought that was really interesting yeah uh and I thought that was like weird because isn't it a crime story I would say it is yep but maybe he's just trying to focus more on the sports portion of it and less on the crime portion of it well I think and I don't know this for sure I didn't read this anywhere or nothing this is just a thought this is just a theory I'm wondering if it's because of the fact that um there might be some um the fact that Aaron Hernandez I believe was was he actually diagnosed with CTE or was that just speculative I don't know that answer I have to be honest because if I'm not mistaken I think that's a part of this conversation and if it is then it may change the way you think of of his story I'm looking it up and and maybe maybe this is meant to um to humanize him and take away some of that um stigma that is attached to people who commit crimes Google says yes yes so I so I I would assume that that's why that it wasn't just that he was some crazy sociopath Psycho Killer whatever in fact according to I'm sorry to cut you off according to it says here a headline from The Washington Post that reads Aaron Hernandez suffered from the most severe CTE ever found in a person his age right and I think that's why it's called an American Sports story and not An American Crime Story that's just my that's makes me sad I didn't know that yeah yeah it's a sad story when you uh I think Netflix had done a documentary on him um but it's it's it's very sad when you think about what uh a traumatic brain injury can do to you um I know I know it's it's not as simple as CT is not as simple as a tbii but I'm just saying when you have these neurological injuries it's you can turn into a completely different person and I think that's what the uh is at the root of his story yes I agree the CTE definitely changes things if you don't know about it [Music] um sorry I'm just a little taken a back I didn't know that um yeah it says here uh it's funny the doctor whose book I'm currently reading uh wrote about it as well um it says after Aaron Hernandez's death his brain was delivered to Boston University where researchers made Razer thin slices for brain examination their findings his the his brain was quote riddled with stage three CTE this neuro this neurod degenerative disease which has four stages has been found in athletes like football players boxers soccer players who endure repeat concussions and blows to the head has been associated with memory loss cognitive dysfunction dysfunction and suicidal thoughts and behavior I didn't even know that I I didn't know that he had stage three of four that's that's crazy yeah so when you think about where he was versus where he ended up yeah you have to if you believe in science you have to you have to consider that that had an effect on his actions and I think that's probably why they call it they're calling it a sports story as opposed to a crime story um what I will say about it is that Ryan Murphy is I think Ryan Murphy is a genius I I I don't can't imagine this will be um less than entertaining um and by entertaining I don't say that to be insensitive I just mean we watch documentaries we watch television for entertainment value it's that's you know um yeah I understand listen we can see sad stories done well and I don't I don't think you mean you're G to be laughing and mocking the the the main character of the story anyway yeah I mean listen the the trailer looks good uh Ryan Murphy has done an excellent job with all of the shows that he's done um he's a very creative person and and I think his storytelling ability is is is excellent um so I know I know some people are nervous because this doesn't have like the biggest cast the most Stellar cast uh and this is like a really troubled story um but I think that's why Ryan Murphy will do well I think I think he's good at the details yeah um and so I think yeah um and you saying the CTE thing makes sense because in the trailer they do show quite a few head blows um so that was good I didn't I didn't even think about that to be honest yeah um but yeah I mean I'm definitely going to watch it I think the trailer looks good uh I trust what I trust my Ryan Murphy has a good report card um and so I don't expect I don't expect this to be anything uh less than his prior performances um yeah goad oh no I was just I was just going to say that um I think that he's um I think that maybe there there's a strategy in not making it a star studded um cast cast to be able to focus on the story more than that you know um I think sometimes that is an intentional choice I mean FX Has the um they have the ability to hire um a range of actors um yeah so so um I I think and and and Ryan Murphy is Ryan Murphy so I I think that if Ryan if you wanted to hire you know very specific people then that would be possible but this feels like a this feels like a a strategy um this feels like a an intentional Choice um so I'm curious to see what um what it's like um it's a sad story um but um yeah I'm I'm curious to see how uh how they tell his story yeah same and I'm curious to see will this be the first of more to come because he does do them pretty often but it's not like he cranks them out back to back to back to back to back to back to back so I'm curious does he already have his next project in mind if he is starting a new I guess franchise so to speak yeah that'll be interesting to see well let me ask you a question up do you feel like you're K enough always always do you feel like do you feel like Ken got his just do in the Barbie movie he got a he got a lot of just do yes well according to to Greta Greta Gerwig she says that there is a lot more story to tell about Ken yeah she said they had so much material they had to cut a bunch out and it was so much fun and so easy to write for Ken that they could easily do a ton more and so she was asked will there be a Ken film and she basically said you know it's possible who knows I he's K enough I mean if they do it that's just I I would just call it K enough yeah I wouldn't even I wouldn't even uh yeah try to Market it any other way um and Ryan did his thing you first I said Ryan Gosling did his thing so I could totally see I could totally see this being a thing especially after his performance that he did was it at the Oscars yes where he sang his song I think he I think he cemented himself that day as Ken and so I could totally see them shifting gears a little bit away from Barbie and kind of leaning into Ken's character for another film yeah I could see that too um I think my only my only problem with that is or my only concern with is that Hollywood leans to the white male and forgets about the white woman uh character and you know it's really easy to say oh yeah Ken did so great we're gonna do a Ken Trilogy we're gonna do three movies and a spin-off show and man it's so great and it's bringing in so much money and then people will forget all about Barbie and Barby number two and all the Barbie possibilities and so and they're there absolutely and so that's what I'm saying I think there the way they did the film which was an excellent film I think there are many characters that they could expand upon they could do spin-offs of in whatever manner they choose um I don't think there should be a Barbie sequel but I'm not in Hollywood so it doesn't matter what I think um I feel like no I feel like a second movie would ruin it but I perhaps I don't know [ __ ] and they go a different route um um but uh I am much more interested in them continuing Barbie's story and the many Barbies uh stories than completely leaving Barbie and going to uh going down a Ken Rabbit Hole I would like to see a Barbie too about Barbie and the Barbies um because Barbie entered spoiler alert Barbie entered the real world at the end of the first Barbie movie so I would be curious to see how Barbie is doing in the real world because she made that choice right um and then of course we've got to check in on all of the other Barbies that were left behind um I think a KU series would actually be a limited series would be more interesting um than a film or multiple films about Ken I think sometimes when you make content more bite size it's more digestible also we don't get crazy about it cuz a limited series you've got more material sure let's have it it'll be funny and witty and cute and we'd watch it people would binge it and we could kind of move on from it I agree I don't think that Ken should be centered especially the way that the story is told in the Barbie movie right I think if you if you move over to making it about Ken you play into what the film is trying to tackle yeah and people already feel that way with the way Awards season went absolutely when it came to the Barbie movies so I I think I think it could end up somewhere on a peacock or something like that with six to eight episodes and that would be cool um but I think if we're talking about big screen and we're talking about uh sequel to The Barbie Movie I think I think yeah we do go back and we see where Barbie went to the gynecologist what happened after that I'm I mean I'm serious I'm not even trying to be funny we don't know what happened to Barbie after she made the choice to go I know I didn't I didn't like that part of the ending I had my thoughts about it but I but I think when we're having this particular conversation I think there's more story to tell yeah you they opened a whole can of worms that we didn't consider previously so let's you want to do a sequel there's there's story there um and there's also the other Barbies like you said it doesn't have to just be about forgot what she was called but it doesn't have to just be about her it could it was like regular or Barbie regular Barbie something like that it something like that um it doesn't have to be all about her we could even go back to Barbie land you know um the Barbies try to escape they see she's having a good life in the real world they want to go too how do we get out you know I don't know something um so yeah I don't know that's that that's my thought on it um I think there's a place for Ken I just I would even love to see I would even I would even be okay with an animated series like an adult animated series about Ken no I don't want to see that I would watch that at least the first couple of episodes no I don't want to see that okay if it's live action keep it live action okay I hear you yeah that's my thought gotcha all right ladies and gentlemen that's our pod that's our time we will see y'all tomorrow bye

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