Jenn's Finale Was Handled HORRIBLY (Week 9 Bachelorette Recap)

hey guys welcome back to batch makers your favorite show that Recaps all things Bachelor Nation before we continue with this episode we're gonna ask you very nicely Michael please deliver the news make sure you like comment and subscribe sh in that order in that order or reverse the order that doesn't matter to us just do those things helps us enjoy this episode we'll see you we'll see you in the episode just keep watching all right bye hello hello everyone welcome back to batch makers presented by good time media I'm Wyatt that's Michael the finale of gen season is here I can't believe what we just watched truly a neverbe seen moment in hopefully never seen again because of the cruel and unusual punishment that was endured on that couch unbelievable Mike take ways initial thoughts how we feeling right now I mean like you said that I I'm at a loss of words I was kind of speechless my life got you know flipped upside down that's what it feels like or at least the past eight weeks have been flipped upside down um did not see it coming that's for sure um so I'll give them that every time they say never before seen I guess that wasn't the part that was never foreseen yeah it was the whole her deciding to propose um which is kind of crazy how that all transpired too kind of out of the bloom I was expecting a big Climax and it kind of was just like oh Jesse by the way I'm gonna propose I'm gonna do that and uh was crazy I just I feel like we can real quick Zoom past the first two two hours and 15 minutes of this finale yeah I mean Marcus do you have any quotes from when Marcus from just like the beginning part of the episode from the beginning um I mean yeah Marcus let's let's say this oh so you go we're all all over the place today I had a I guess from the part that was still in Hawaii with Marcus She was like I'm leaving another conversation with Marcus about the future confused and I was like yeah honey yeah like every other one like she said it I was like I mean don't know what to tell you like that's just what's gonna happen I just here's what I want I want everyone who's ever commented including on our posts saying oh like Jen's the worst Bachelorette Jen's a crappy lead she's she's not a good Bachelorette apologize do you you saw in this finale what she had to go through and then not only what she had to go through with Marcus because Marcus wasn't emotionally available not only what she had to go through with Devin who proposed was all in in love and then cut it off basically the next day it sounds like he was just like no by the way that was a bit that I was just doing and then third what she had to deal with with the producers deciding to pull the most unethical imoral thing I've ever seen on TV it making her sit down and watch that proposal is is going to be one of the more insane things I've ever seen on live television which is crazy because right before they show it Jesse asked her so like do you w to do you want to watch it like should we all watch it together and she was just like holding back tears saying do I have a choice the answer is no she didn't have a choice because the bachelor franchise is a oh I'm I'm trying to hold back I'm trying to hold back because without their show we don't have a show but my goodness this is how you this is how you destroy a franchise right here genuinely no pun intended there look what what are you doing what are you doing and I I don't know maybe it's the whole any controversies any publicities good publicity whatever because people are be talking about this cuz it's insane I don't know I don't know how you do this so I just I all I want to say is everyone who's complained about Jen in any direction in any way apologize please because you're seeing now what she had to go through unbelievable yeah oh my gosh okay um beginning of this episode we open up Jesse's there at the little live section we see our boys front and center Dylan Jeremy Jonathan and hakee Shout out the boys um it was funny how they positioned hakee in between the Mormon wives at the beginning great oh that was so good so good he was just and every time they asked somebody hey how you feeling about tonight they were all so concerned now I get it even Jen's brother was like not happy right now like oh so this clearly doesn't end well um we see Devin's the date or meeting Jen's family any takeaways from Jen's family I mean they all had very realistic concerns um with both Marcus and Devon which again is valid the whole timeline which is I guess kind of a cookie cutter everybody every year that is kind of a concern um but I liked how um Jen's brother kind of really really dug into both of them um kind of taking that like older brother role to the max um and yeah um I don't think he bought any of their [ __ ] when when they were talking and I guess during this live finale you can kind of see how he was like knew these guys sucked yeah James was awesome I his name was James right yeah Jame James yeah James he I really liked him he seemed cool it was funny him and Jen matching in the pink right away that was cool brother sister when uh during de State they were wearing both wearing pink um Devon asked for the blessing he was like nah not right now and then he went on his way this whole time again it was set up to be a success with her and Devon Marcus visits the house as well Marcus again you mentioned this to me previous on the show and you texted it again today Marcus is Daisy basically yeah He's Just Not That Into You which is fine you don't have to be but just admit it at least Daisy had the balls to be like I know it's not me like I know you don't love me and this isn't going to work out Marcus made Jen do it he kept saying I'm not there I'm not there I'm not there I'm not in love I'm not in love I'm not in love you do the breakup part at least Daisy was like you know what I see what this is I'm Gonna Keep the main thing the main thing and I'm gonna I'm gonna get out of here so again props to Daisy for that it's almost like Mar Marcus knew probably 3 4 weeks ago that he wasn't going to be ready by the end of it and he kind of just casually thought that he was going to be eliminated sooner than he thought um that's why he was kind of vague about never really saying I'm in love with you was kind of just like oh I'm getting there I'm getting there because he doesn't want to be like no I don't love you no I don't like like no I can't see this happening you know um and then he kind of just wound up being the top two um so shout out Marcus yeah another thing we haven't really touched on it on this show because I assumed they would touch on it here and then they didn't all the online allegations about Marcus I'm not surprised they didn't talk about that the reason nobody clapped because I was watching my parents they were like why is no one clapping for Marcus like because they announced it like Oh Marcus is here and no everyone was silent everyone was like why they silent to be like you know what there's some online stuff going on and then they chose not to address it I it's the smart thing not to address it is it though but it's the smart is it the smart thing to just show someone the engagement after they broke up that's completely different that's it's embarrassing and that sucks but that's completely different I'm just saying like the choices I production you had a Tony Snell graphic 28 minutes zero points zero rebound zero assists just not existent just doing cardio out there a pitiful performance by production did no they didn't protect their lead by any means which is crazy because I think they've done good all season straight up I think they've done great I think the editing was great production had some funny funny bits you don't have to say that Mike they're not going to invite us to the tell all well know I was being honest they they they did all right they're they're getting better from where it was charity season at least not after this episode they're not going invite us anything yeah but hey at least they made this episode memorable yeah and traumatic for sure and you didn't know where it was going next traumatic or dramatic because I would ARG both yeah um unbelievable uh one moment early on that I I found some joy out of which was very few and far between this finale uh they cut to Mark and they had a cool shot where Mark was in the like in the front and you could see Joan in the background and it was like but they both of them were in Focus was like o what's this alluding to but in that moment Kelsey tapped on her dad's shoulder was like Hey Dad you're on TV like you're you're in the corner and the camera panned over as Kelsey was whispering that to her dad and then Kelsey was like oh never mind like they're showing me now and it was just a funny moment where she was like she was she was trying to warn her dad hey you're on TV by the way it just ruined the moment but very funny I enjoyed that yeah I liked how they were both in the audience but that kind of gave me like there's just no way he went there's no way I that in my notes it can't be the whole promo was him too if he wins everyone's gonna call [ __ ] I'm not going to be like he's out night one like uh Matt James's Mom I'm not going to say that but there's just no way he goes that far see that's where I'm we're too we're way ahead of ourselves we're two weeks out from our draft which will be in two Mondays I might not be able to draft Mark I've got an idea for that okay I'll talk at the end at the end we can talk draft stuff uh future for uh Jones season um the other moment not a quote of the week but I think moment of the Season maybe small C away when Jeremy or boy gets name dropped in the middle of this yelling Fest between Jen and Devin and then she says I'm laughing because it's funny but it's still traumatic because I just want to give Jen a hug right now but she goes you were out there clubbing with Jeremy and it cuts to Jeremy he almost he and he almost was laughing he almost was laughing he was holding back a laugh so badot oh man yeah it was honestly like the like the meme you posted um on your story and then I also sent a meme of the of the who is that 50 Cent saying hey say Meo [ __ ] me for but it's also like the son of a boy Dad yeah like wait did I get did I just get drafted is that me God yeah or Jeremy just catching Strays Maria gets mentioned we're ahead of ourselves now but she just name drops that Devon Falls Maria mentioned twice pretty quick back toback about the same thing but like yeah real estate there yeah just something something to think about um all right is there anything later is there anything before Jen comes out at the live portion that we want to talk about honestly no I knew I knew something was right with Jonathan they were announcing all the boys in the audience and all the girls that there too Jess and Rachel and whatever um and Jonathan was like I've heard some rumors about how this ends and I have to like see it for myself and then I was like oh okay like interesting something's up something's up can can we officially support Jonathan and Jen yeah 100% hat in the ring whatever we have to do as a show to make that happen I feel like we've done all we can we said La we said last week we're like it it's got to be it's got to be Jonathan's going to be on the beach which means later later for let's let's nip that there's Jen is so done with this franchise after what they pulled tonight yeah yeah there's no she would she deserves 10 billion dollar if she wants to return I mean she's still in a contract you know that contract not up you're right you know that contract's not up oh my gosh um yeah so again Marcus Devon meet the family cool Fun Marcus freaks out because he's not in love never was in love Jen break again Jen breaks up with him yeah he did say I love you though he said I love you that was a last dit conversation I don't think it was the last ditch think was like moment it was like a forc I think it was like a freak out forced moment I love you but I think it still was genuine honestly yeah it seemed genuine it didn't seem like a Sam M because I love you last effort so if there weren't and that this is easy for me to say but if there weren't all the online allegations which again we don't know much truth behind any of it we don't know anything about it but if that doesn't happen or those don't come out I think Marcus is fairly set up as a very good guy in the way the way it all handled and the way he held him held himself together during the like live portion of it he handled it well I think he acknowledged his own shortcomings and that he wasn't there and it did take Jen kind of prying it out of him and he admitted that he basically said listen you saw things and like were able to draw things out of me that I didn't even like realize was doing or I wasn't doing and I think he without all that outside stuff came out as a pretty good guy but there is the outside noise which we'll see if anything comes of that but uh he goes home Devin goes meets our boy Neil Lane gets the Applause got he got a huge pop from the audience yeah I think it's it's a meme now it's a meme now it's like ah you know gota gotta get the got to get the sponsorship got to get the free ring out of it shut up well I mean probably just gave it right back uh and then Jen decides hey I'm gonna get on a knee myself and I'm gonna do the proposing which we mentioned on the show a couple weeks ago I don't know who said it first what who said that uh Jen was going to get on knee first was that you or or me it might have been I feel like Lizzy might have mentioned it I think Li Lizzy said that cuz my prediction was that no wait no I feel like I said I can't let you propose to me I'm G to propose to you I said that I pr sure said that that was my prediction I swear wasn't that my prediction you said like I said that she's gonna say to Marcus yeah like you can't I can't let you propose and I think what are the what are the other options I think I said like oh I'm not going to let you propose to me because I want to propose the options there's three options basically it was I'm not going to let you propose to me let's just date I'm not going to let you propose to me because oh I said you're not the one or I'm gonna propose to you I'm pretty sure Lizzie had that uh prediction right so shout out Lizzie also brief update everyone probably should have done this at the beginning of the show um positive steps have been made for Lizzy please continue keep her in your prayers all the support all the people who've reached out too at actually like genuinely means a ton um and we will keep updating with what we can but there have been positive updates we want more positive updates so thank you everyone for all the love and support really appreciate that um and Shout Out Lizzie for predicting this one correctly yeah she she crushed it she nailed it um so yeah then we get to uh the juicy part of this finale Jen comes out after talking with Marcus and then they do this weird thing where Jesse looks at the camera and says this is where we would show you the proposal but we're not GNA do that and the crowd didn't know what was happening was laughing because Jesse often does this little gimmick where he's dramatic in a funny way it it felt like they were setting up bloopers the way he was talking about it and then he said without talking to first we're not going to show you this proposal strange and then it cuts and Jen updates us and says basically Devin broke up with me over the phone ended the engagement about a month ago is that what she said yeah about a month ago yeah the timeline and they haven't really talked or seen each other since and then Devon comes out ay what a mess what an absolute mess he grew the beard out a little bit they always look there's always one thing they do differently when they come out after we have only seen them on TV so and then they just they bickered a little bit yeah there was there was a lot I was trying to like remember stuff about what they were talking about and stuff there were going but I was just kind of in shock about the whole situation that was going on so I couldn't really couldn't really process it um yeah but I mean when it when it was just Jen before Devon came out and she was kind of explaining I was just like oh [ __ ] she's about to go in on him she's about to like bring out some stuff and she she brought out a good amount of stuff I was expecting like he cheated on me or something I I was expecting that honestly it seemed that dramatic I know she kind of explained it as he was a different person off the camera you know he didn't reach out as much didn't which how much time has passed I was trying do I was trying to do that because I was like they broke up a month ago that's August early August and she got done filming probably June I was to say may late May let's say Memorial Day yeah Memorial Day so that's like two so they were only engaged two months and how often did they see each other I don't know something seems it seems fishy it seems fishy that's all I'm saying conspiracy theory hat on it seems fishy something more happened I don't know who I don't know why I don't know how mat smokes involved I don't know it could be Matty smokes that's something we haven't thought about what's mty what does this mean for Matty Smoke's Legacy let's go to his Instagram right now did he has he has he been on his has he been has be on one oh my gosh let's um yeah but I want to see if Matty smokes has posted anything what is he posting during this it's Maddie Rossy oh he has stuff on his Instagram story should I follow him I'll shoot him a follow sick oh no he's just in Europe he he he also follows briia oh dude why is everyone I hate how this season has been clouded by Maria and Daisy not being picked and guess who's fault that is production oh I production yeah let's let's try that one again let's try that one again mik yeah guess whose fault this is production Jens I'm just kidding I'm just kidding one more time guess whose fault that is production production un the ah and you know what I sit here as I complain they're either terrible at their job or they're so damn good at their job because they got me riled up they do the same season over and over again and they find new ways to get me riled up and I am riled up now so I guess in one weird psycho way they are good at their job yeah I mean it kind of just like like like I said at the very very start the last nine weeks or whatever how long it's been 10 weeks it just felt like a lie to me I just yeah literally felt like a lie I don't know whether to be offended by that or just like you know what just glad it happened like it was good memories yeah it's about the friends we made along the way you know yeah um and I just feel bad for Jen it was kind of it was it was tough to watch near the end when yeah Jen and and and Devon were talk talking and then obviously about the video but we can get to that but it was tough to watch it was I I was just like I feel like it hurt it hurt yeah it it felt I felt so bad for and she didn't deserve all that and again this whole season was just clouded by stuff that was out of her control she was set up to fail by production from the very beginning from her from the announcement of her as The Bachelorette the production did not look after her they did not take care of her to the very end when they make her watch her proposal let's just talk about it now they I we've met mentioned it multiple times already so whatever but I was joking I think I texted you I go what if they make them watch The Proposal jokingly like obviously they're not going to do that and then Jesse says we're going to watch that love story anyways after propping up Jen for the way she carried herself and doing all this and say you know what we're gonna give you one last slap in the face and we're gonna make you watch this one of the most despicable moves I've ever seen yeah and one I don't think it was Jesse's fault no not Jess probably out of his control too definitely but um yeah that was such a big slap in the face and like I said earlier Jesse asked her and she was like do I have a choice and that made me feel like damn like that's that really goes to show the kind of entrapment or imprisonment that the cast or like not even well I guess the cast too but the lead is in like production kind of that was a fourth wall break not owns them but like is in control of the and she probably doesn't have the liberty or the right to like be like no I do not want to watch that right now like no even though inside she was probably like are you [ __ ] kidding me no I don't want to watch that right now I'm on national television and I'm like already been crying since the second I walked out here like no I don't want to [ __ ] watch that but they made her watch it um it it was a fourth wall break when she said that that was the moment all of us were like she was crying for help yeah whoa she really does not have a say here which is so sad yeah like unbelievably sad and it was I can't I just can't believe they did that unbelievable um I don't what's like what is their thought process there like let's be put our producer hat on you have to have have a reason to do that rather than just because they know it's going to have a reaction and people are going to be pissed what what do they think's going to come out of that like people are going to say at least we saw this love story for two minutes that we know is fake like what is the end goal there I think they thought that they have to show it either way like even if they broke up even if they're still together I think they thought that the actual engagement is like the ending of The Bachelor or Bachelorette season and they have to show that on TV and like they've been talking about the whole season never before seen they've been hyping it up the whole I can't propose to you feel like they thought that they have to show that clip no matter what matter if they're still engaged still together they thought they have to show it that's it they showed it that's 100% there's not there's not another explanation no that's a you nailed it actually because if this since this only happened one month ago they broke up one month ago they've been prepping this season and then announcing it and saying neverbe seen Jen proposes it's going to be this great moment and then they found out that they broke up and they're like [ __ ] we have to fulfill our promises of saying neverbe seen so we still have to show you this but we need to find a loophole to still show you never before seen but also address the breakup that makes way more sense but then that doesn't answer the reason why you do it after show the engagement like play out the engagement and then bring Devon out and be like what what's happening are you guys still together and Jen's like no actually a month ago that's where I'm still confused okay that actually that makes sense because now I'm back to being confused on why do it if they did show it before let's say before Jen came out even um then it's just like everybody's like let's go end of the end of the thing why is there still an hour and a half left what the hell um and then they get their heart broken but then I don't know everybody everybody was still just heartbroken anyway so and now they're just pissed off at the show I don't I can't comprehend their thought process there I really can't I've been trying the last hour since it aired 35 minutes since it's aired I don't know I really don't know what they were going for um they def I Now understand why they had to show it in general but just show it first and then bring Jen out and then bring Devon out yeah and what was even more cruel not only did she have to watch it they put her in the bottom left screen watching in that excuse me can you have a little respect for Jen unbeli they put a cry cam they had a cry cam they had a literal cry cam in the corner while watching their own engagement no one can you imagine the trauma of having to watch your own engagement while feeling like crap and balling your eyes out that is trauma straight to therapy straight to th like honestly I feel like Leo from love Island USA when she was literally just like when I get home from this I need to go straight to therapy she's GNA she's going to have to like that was that was [ __ ] up it makes me mad on behalf of Jen because Jen oh yeah a big friend of this program we love her to death and we're not We're not gonna have time to do like grade oh sorry I missed it it's fine um We're not gonna have time to do really grades for this season because we're going straight into golden badge there at Jen as a lead I I think this is the most we've seen a lead grow during a season yeah like from start of the season to end of the season she she we saw a girl become a woman on this show she I mean she really became so self- assured and so confident towards the end of this season it was like hell yeah this is the Gen we knew we had we saw her completely take ownersh ship of the season and then they treat her like this ridiculous but I just want to I want to give Jen her flowers because she deserves it and if you're around Jen right now give her a hug from the batch makers we love you Jen and I can't believe they did that unbelievable you don't you don't deserve that Jen but thank you for giving us a great season and going about it with Integrity we appreciate that even though no one else involved what the show did but I'm going to stop saying mean things about production because we're going to get blackballed but um anyways uh all right what else do we need to touch on for this finale so we do want to do a little bit of a preview for J yeah I mean I have a little I have some like random comments that are in my notes but I don't really have to say them some of them are kind of D's Advocate hey let let let him rip let him rip this is where this is the end of season when when Jen and Marcus were out there at after the final Rose and Jesse asked Jen um if Marcus would have told you he loved you sooner would it have been different actually it might have been when it was just heard her and Jesse I don't think no they were all together I remember this moment Jen said no and I say cap Jen sorry about everything you went through tonight sorry that's tough but cap if he was saying I love you a couple weeks before it so would have been different and I hope a positive different where you'd still be engaged and you'd be happy everybody would be happy um but let's be real you loved him you loved him we saw the way you looked at him we saw that yep um so yeah I had had to say that and then she also said when when when Devon was out there and and Jesse she said when I love something um I um I I nurture it and I don't throw it away the next day she said I love you to Marcus and it kind of ended it couple couple days later all right we're I I know it's a different process we're nitpicking now and her her process is a lot different and she's got to like choose and make decisions but uh I just heard that quote and I was like valid you liked you you loved Marcus valid so but uh it's obviously a lot different than uh you know actually getting engaged so yeah um all right where where do we go from here with just this season so Jen leaves heartbroken distraught single sad that's sad for everybody except for maybe one man and I'm still opening the door I know we talked about it briefly he's accepted an invite to Paradise but he was openly hitting on Jen at the tell all yep now we know why now now we know why point for batch makers we called that one um tal was filmed August 14th which is L after they broke up less than a month ago boom and I'll bet Jonathan knew from Jeremy who partied with Devin after they broke up facts facts investigators facts come on now how do we make this happen what do we have to do I'm not I'm not mad if Jonathan doesn't go to paradise because he's dating Jen that should be the only exception I don't think production would be mad either they would love it like yeah I think they'd be like holy [ __ ] thank God like now Jen maybe is happier and the people are still you know there there's a relationship out of that season you know that they save the season I guess um but I don't know I mean he he already committed to Paradise like I think they secretly wanted to do a Jonathan hey want to give this thing a chance segment but they saw how distraught Jen was rightfully so and they scrapped that I think they wanted that moment moment because they always want the Happy Ending and we didn't get it yeah kind of like uh Rachel and aan did that Tyler Cameron and Hannah Brown they had that moment even though I think that was off air um yeah they always like to leave that door open for happiness and they just didn't do that because they dropped the ball um but I'm rooting for that I hope somehow some way it happens if if they did that after all of it like let's say maybe it was three and a half hours and they they did that after Devon left and it was just Jen and Jesse again and they brought Jonathan up if you're Jonathan how can you all you can do is hug her and be like I'll talk to you in a couple weeks yeah you can't you can't say hey by the way want to go grab dinner like oh my gosh um they could have cut him in the crowd and been like what do you have to say about this and Jonathan could have been like Love You Queen like you know pray I'm praying for you I'm hoping I'm I'm sorry that this happened happened to you so and then Jeremy's still there just again do you think Jen I don't think Jen has ill will towards Jeremy I think he just caught astray it was collateral damage he was just there yeah he was just living in the city he lives in or whatever and Devin just probably happened to be in town and text him like you want to go to you want to go out and Jeremy probably didn't find out that they broke up until they were out yeah and now Jeremy's probably like out at the club and he's finding this information I like like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I wonder if it's gonna come back to me and then pop pop cut to tonight with Jeremy he's just clubbing with Jeremy or he's clubbing with finds out this information he goes oh man that's crazy cut yeah a month later that's that that was again that was an alltime moment alltime camera work cutting the Jeremy there um and that's I think that's a wrap on genen season it's a weird rap we've never really had to deal with this before where there isn't that happy ending uh at all there's no even like glimmer of hope at the end of the dark tunnel we're just here we wish Jen the best we hope she moves past this moves past the crappy dudes finds a Jonathan whatever that Jonathan looks like medium King who knows uh we'll keep an eye out on that but we must quickly turn the page because in 15 short days we will be on the golden parad or not I I was going to say golden Paradise on the golden Bachelorette train hopping along to on Jones Journey we already mentioned Mark I that was my only note I wrote down I said there's no chance in hell he wins or else it's going to be a riot because that's all they've shown we haven't met any of the other guys it's just Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark yeah which is fine Mark is awesome hot hot Grandpa great dude seems awesome but they are milking Mark into this season and uh I'm excited did I very much am milking March yeah that didn't sound right as it came out of my mouth I apologize for that one Jon Jonathan wouldn't laugh at that yeah Jonathan Stone Cold no nothing um what do we think heading into Joan Joan territory now how do we flip this page I mean I'm excited um I think it'd be fun one I think it'd be fun um I don't know I'm after after this episode I still don't know what to think it's going to take me more than two weeks to process that um we have power points we have power points due in six five days yeah that's true um but hey I'm looking forward to uh researching dudes more dudes older dudes um and I have an idea about what we should do instead of the draft should I just say it now say it now so two of options um because if if Lizzy is not going to be part participating in the draft MH um I think we shouldn't do the fantasy league between just us two again okay and we should either do a one we could do like a pick them where we do um we have half the cast and just you don't get points anything it's just who wins okay you just try to pick the winner or option two is for every single dude we assign a punishment and whoever wins that dude's punish pment we have to do oh so kind and then we're kind of rooting for the guys with the easier punishments to go farther because then the guys with a heart of punishments we don't want to do isn't that kind of Genius I do like that idea it'll be hard to like think of all things yeah we' have to come up with a lot of punishments and I think how we do it is we're like all right we have Mark and then we draw out of a hat so we assign punishments that way yeah yeah and we could do that PowerPoint to be honest we could do that or another thought that just kind of came to me we could do a Survivor pool it's that I've never watched the show not it's not has nothing to do with Survivor but it's like fantasy like it's a similar fantasy football type thing where oh you pick one person a week and you can only pick them once during the season to survive and you see how long we can stay alive oh yeah like a like a NFL people do it for the NFL stuff yeah yeah that's an idea I mean it's not as fun it's true my idea because that's kind of just like a hot seat yeah think the problem with punishments though it's hard for us to do too much when it's like we're in separate places like it limits our punishment possibilities also I do feel like we should have our team of grandpas I feel like we got to stick with what we do on this show we should have we should have a wise men we should have some Bailey's brvs you're just scared you're scared you won they're not gonna be BRS there's they're not gonna be BRS I think you're scared you won't we've got a we've got a different name no I just if if Lizzie can't participate in the draft I want I don't you know I don't want to do it without her true fair I think but we can still do something something like that do we do we can talk about it yeah we'll figure out and then we will come PowerPoint so uh schedule for us moving forward next Mond or next Tuesday Morning uh we will have PowerPoints out for the golden men um the golden grandpas and they will uh so you'll get to meet all of them this is not the draft the next Monday will be our or sorry next Tuesday we record on Mondays the next Tuesday will be the draft or in some variation whatever we're going to do there and then a couple days later will be Friday morning I guess is when you guys will see it because the episodes error no episodes error on Wednesdays right yeah yeah so Thursday morning will be our reaction to episode one of the golden batch theat in two weeks yeah in two weeks so yeah we are off to the races quick turnaround we'll be ready for it anything else Mike let's go Joan let's go Joan looking forward to it uh we'll see you guys next week for PowerPoint day looking forward to it peace

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Jenn Tran Got Engaged, But the Relationship Took a Dark Turn

Category: News & Politics

Meet jen tran the star of this season's bachelorette journey she had two finalists devon strater and marcus shabber the finale aired on september 3rd revealing unexpected twists in a shocking turn jyn proposed to devon in hawaii but after returning home things took a dark turn jen shared her heartbreak... Read more

Jenn Tran’s Bachelorette Drama: Devin Strader's Shocking Moves! 😱💔 thumbnail
Jenn Tran’s Bachelorette Drama: Devin Strader's Shocking Moves! 😱💔

Category: Comedy

Looks like devon strader's engagement playbook is propose breakup and follow insta models 101 jen trans not impressed and honestly who would be if you want more drama and sass hit subscribe and join the ride Read more

Fans slam ABC for making 'The Bachelorette' thumbnail
Fans slam ABC for making 'The Bachelorette'

Category: Entertainment

Subscribe our channel to get daily entertainment news fans slam abc for making the bachelorette watch her proposal to ex fiance on live tv after he dumped and ghosted her fans are furious that the bachelorettes jen tran was forced to watch her proposal to devon strater on live television tuesday night... Read more

"Jenn Tran Confronts Devin Strader: The Shocking Truth Behind Their Breakup!" thumbnail
"Jenn Tran Confronts Devin Strader: The Shocking Truth Behind Their Breakup!"

Category: Education

In a shocking turn of events jen tran confronts devin ster for the first time since he's healing ended their engagement over the phone after receiving the final rose on the bachelorette season 21 finale jen and devon's relationship quickly fell apart during the after the final rose special jen reveals... Read more

Tragic Update! Jenn's shocking Bachelor  reeling Exclusive! Shocking News Leaves Fans Overjoyed thumbnail
Tragic Update! Jenn's shocking Bachelor reeling Exclusive! Shocking News Leaves Fans Overjoyed

Category: News & Politics

Any you yor we're back in hawaii for the dramatic conclusion to jen's journey and was it ever we picked up with jen meeting up with her family she was hoping they could help provide some clarity on which of the remaining men marcus or devon was right for her jen's brother friend nicole aunt and mother... Read more

A Nightmare Fuel Hometown - The Bachelorette WEEK 7 Recap (Jenn's Season) thumbnail
A Nightmare Fuel Hometown - The Bachelorette WEEK 7 Recap (Jenn's Season)

Category: Entertainment

Intro last night on the bachelorette welcome to freddy fazbears where fantasy and fun come to life okay welcome to connecticut did you take me here to kill me or what tell me how it's too [music] l oh my god what is that been where to it's a it's a little grocery store w i always get be weirdo devon... Read more

Bachelorette Finale Shocker: Jenn Tran's Heartbreaking End! thumbnail
Bachelorette Finale Shocker: Jenn Tran's Heartbreaking End!

Category: News & Politics

[music] jen tran america watched captivated she was our bachelorette could she find love the stakes were high she was the first asian-american bachelorette a chance for representation a beacon of hope we were all rooting for her a fairy tale ending we hoped so week after week she navigated the choppy... Read more

Jenn Tran Got Engaged — But the Relationship Took a Dark Turn #usa #shorts #youtubeshorts #trending thumbnail
Jenn Tran Got Engaged — But the Relationship Took a Dark Turn #usa #shorts #youtubeshorts #trending

Category: Entertainment

Bachelorette jen tr's journey reached an unexpected conclusion on tuesday september three on the season 21 finale of the bachelorette on abc but once a decision was made between houston's freight company owner devon strater and miami based veteran and entrepreneur marcus scherg things took a shocking... Read more

WTF Was That ❓❓ Devin Strader Popular Guy || thumbnail
WTF Was That ❓❓ Devin Strader Popular Guy ||

Category: Education

Let me start off by saying spoiler alert if you didn't watch the finale stop now but if you did and you me to talk like i do what the frig did we just watch can we just talk about how devin was a completely different person on here after like jen talked about that than he was on the show like completely... Read more

Bachelorette Jenn cries during live finale after split form Devin Strader thumbnail
Bachelorette Jenn cries during live finale after split form Devin Strader

Category: Entertainment

Bachelorette jen cries during live finale after split from devon trator jen tran revealed during the live portion of the finale that she and devon strater went their separate ways after filming the bachelorette on the bachelorette season 21 finale on tuesday sept three jen and devon got engaged in hawaii... Read more