Saturday "Where are you ?" "You can't disappear like that all the night,
without giving news..." "We are needing you..." (Glass noise) Saturday I had your father on the phone He told me about your mother I am sorry Don't be Apparently, you spent the night outside
- I did nothing wrong. If that's what you want to know.
- That wasn't my question. I'm just surprised to see you there. Well, it's the deal, isn't it? You do realize that the situation is a bit special, don't you ? That's what's you don't understand I don't give a damn that she died. - Why ?
- Because I don't care ! Because she's been dead to me for years. - You've been pretending that she didn't exist for years. It's different, don't you think ?
- And how is that ? Everyone's waiting for me to have some kind of revelation like : "Oh damn, your mother died !" But the truth is, it doesn't affect me ! And it's what bothers you.
- Is that what you believe ? That you should be more affected than you are ? - Well tried. You're here to make sure I don't start screwing up again, aren't you ? And it is not the case, so… Don't make that face! I think it's pretty good news. Or I don't understand what we're doing here. - We're going to stop there for today. What ? - It's to early to talk about it.
- What do you mean, "too early" ? You ask me if i'm ok, I say that I am. It's not my fault if you're disappointed. - I'll see you next week. Saturday It's something i do I like taking pictures of things that have flaws. objects , buildings... - People ?
- People have flaws ? -Some. I don't! It's very beautiful. Nothing serious, I hope. Monthly blood test for my addiction doctor. Just to verify that I am well-behaved. - What are you addicted to ?
- A little bit of everything According to my psychologist it is a symptom of my depression. - You don't look like an addict . - But I look like I'm depressed ? - Well, I've seen your photos... I'm not offering you a drink ? Neither cocaine. - I would have liked. Message
Damn it, Lola, it's been 24h!
Do you plan on coming home one day or...?
Answer me please. We're worried. What were we talking about ?
- Nothing. We were wondering how we could do to compensate your addictions *Whispers* Sunday - You're aware you have to warm it before you eat it ? You're crazy ! Girls, that's enough, stop it ! Not tonight! Ok ? We are all together... - Do you have some news about... when it will happen ? - Friday. End of the afternoon. I called school. By the way, if you don't want to go tomorrow... -No it's ok. They already all know. And I have to see Basile, I haven't spoken to him in three days Oh poor him.
- Stop ! I'm gonna be needing you... Both of you. Ok ? " - You're okay ? Something to relate ?
- Evening of hell" "Are you here ?" Monday -Lola... Hi. How are you ? Sorry, it's... - It's a stupid question. Anyway, You know that... I'm sorry... for you. For both of you. I'm sorry for both of you. You know where Daphné is ? - I don't know. It's your girlifriend, isn't it? - There. - Hi. - Come on, we're off !
- Yeah - No we can't, we have classes!
- Girl, we don't care about school. - I can't ask you something like that.
Nobody asked anything Someone heard a question ? - No. - We don't care about the exams ! We don't care about the rest! We just wanna stay together Ok ? - Ok - Hi ? Salut ?
- I just wanted to say I'm sorry. - Ok, but you are ?
- Tiffany ! Tiff ? No ? The delegate of your class. No ?
No, sorry. -Well, I have to say that you didn't really talk to the others Since the beginning of the year.
-Wait, - There are other students too ? - You are so fun ! I love it ! Well, anyway, I know we don't know each other, But I know what it is to loose someone. So if you wanna talk I'm here ok ?
- Ok. - And if you don't want to, I'm here too. - Oh, so you're actually are always here. and I have great friends too, here. So if you wanna eat with us you're welcome, OK ? - Oh no, I know! Better : if you want to go shopping, or get a manucure. Well, a girls' thing - Yeah that's nice, but I think I'm not bitchy enough for that. -Ok. - Bye. -Bye. Tuesday Well, roses... You're done ? What ? - I didn't even know her favorite flowers. - We don't care !
- No Lola, we do not "not care". Don't you have an idea ? Sorry, it was stupid. - We'll take the cheapest. - If that's to do that, it's pointless. - But Daphné, you have no idea and Thierry has no money. How do we do ? How can she care ? She's dead ! - I'm gonna show you our economical options. - Thank you.
- Thank you. -Daphné, she is dead. You have to accept it. You're not going to stay like this forever And Thierry, couldn't he go himself ? He does nothing else of his days. - No, no i offered him to go. And... I also said I could help him to... To choose... - The ? The coffin ? - Lola, he's our father ! he actually needs us ! - No. It's YOUR father. - Don't you want to come with me ? No way ! No, and I have community service anyway so...
- Oh shit, I had forgotten
- Hey take it easy, it's not like I have killed anyone - I... I will be right back. - Take your time. Wednesday Come on guys, motivation ! We're saving earth today. - Let's Go ! You're Lola ? -Yes. Sorry my subway was blocked. - No problem. But the others just left. So you're stuck with me Here! Surprise! And... Last but not least I'm Maya Nice to meet you. - The outfit, the shoes, do I really have to ? -Why ? Don't you find it sexy? So why are you there ? - For fun. I love picking up people's shit. And for real? For real ? I robbed a bank. - You actually don't want to tell me ? - I have just told you. No but think about it, we've met 10 minutes ago, I don't want you to see me in a different way I don't think so. That you'll see me in a different way ? No, that you give a fuck about what I think. - What about you ? Why are you there ? Ok so you don't want to tell me either ? - I do! Was just wondering if it's really worth it that I answer you. Ecological conscience. - You chose to be here ? - That's how it is. I love saving dolphins, it's my passion. Fuck, people are nuts - Dolphins are said to be assholes. - They are. Better worth saving sharks Hey, look. - I'm not touching it. - You are here for that, aren't you?
- Yeah - I'm forced to. And you, you want to save the planet. - Fuck the planet, I won't touch it either. - Even when i know the boy i don't touch it. -I have never touched one in my life. - Really? You're a virgin ? - With boys ? Totally. So, you're coming ? Wednesday Friday - Hi ! - Hi ! - You are Daphné's sister, right ? - And you are ? -Elliot. Lucas' boyfriend. - Oh, Lucas. Ok. Why aren't you with him ? - Why aren't you with your sister ?
- For starters, we're not fucking together. - Sorry, sorry. Ok, I think it's not the place to laugh. Sorry, i'm not very comfortable with everything that's... religion, death people - Me neither I have to go. I'll walk you ?
- I'm fine And now, I'm giving the floor to Julie's daughter - My mother... My mother was Was an exceptional woman. She loved... She loved her family. I can't. I can't do this! I can't do this! - (reads) My mother was an exceptional woman. She loved her family more than anything I'm sorry. There was NOTHING exceptional about my mother. She was an alcholic. She was depressed. And she cheated on her husband 17 years ago I know it because that's how she got me. When i learned the truth. When my sister and I learned the truth everything broke Within one second, my father wasn't my father and my sister wasn't really my sister. In some way, it may be better that she's dead. Because she was an hyphen between us. and now that she is gone, we don't have to pretend anymore.
-hello guys ! si c'est le ramdam autour de moi,
c'est qu'il y a un énorme cours de muscu. mais aujourd'hui, on n'est pas là pour ça,
on va rencontrer axel bourlon, qu'on va suivre parce qu'il participe
aux jeux paralympiques en haltérophilie et on va voir sa préparation physique,
c'est un truc de ouf.... Read more
-ca passe tout seul. sois gainé.
sois solide au niveau du bassin,
hop, et là,
tu étires et tu repars.
aide-toi de tes bras.
-tu vois tes séquelles,
ce que tu as perdu,
ce qu'il faut que tu récupères
et tu te demandes
si ça va être possible,
si tu seras... Read more
Manon auri eurodéputé de la france insoumise lfi a récemment critiqué emmanuel macron le président français en le comparant à un enfant gâté dans cette vidéo elle exprime son mécontentement vis-à-vis des politiques du président qu'elle juge déconnecté des réalités social et économique que vivent de... Read more
Seriously seriously seriously la dette soit le seul mode lieu à poudlard ouais pareil ouais voilà foot je préfère être la seule modave dollar ça permet d'être hermine grandeur c'est pas mal un bout de la route mais alors là mais emmenez-moi à poudlard [musique] franchement monte à la corde j'aurai un... Read more
Pronunciation intro you are looking at julian's pronunciation guide where we look at how to pronounce better some of the most mispronounced words in the world like this other curious word but how do you say what you're looking for today french pronunciation of these name if you want how to pronounce... Read more
Il y a pas que le ministère de la santé du hamas qui dit qu'il y a 40000 morts il y en a vraisemblablement beaucoup plus beaucoup plus donc de ce point de vue là ne donnons pas le sentiment que voilà ce serait un chiffre comme cela tronqué non c'est c'est une malheureusement une réalité de tous les... Read more
Moi ce que je vais vous dire c'est que demain la france doit faire beaucoup plus qu'elle ne fait aujourd'hui pour mettre un terme aux massacres qui sont en cours aujourd'hui à gaza en ukraine d'accord et en ukraine aussi voilà en ukraine aussi mais on était passé à un autre sujet monsieur o il y a peut-être... Read more
Hello, my name is assa sylla. hi, i'm ayumi roux. hey, i'm flavie ! my name is lula cotton frapier, i'm an actress from skam france, and we're going to take a skam france quiz. lucas lallemand. lucas ! that's easy. it's a season about his coming-out, and how he handles it with his friends and family,... Read more
Bonsoir à tous heureux de vous retrouver pour la loi des série on est très heureux d'être avec vous pour une fois de plus mettre en avant une série de parce que on aime les fictions qui sont produites sur cette plateforme depuis quelques bah depuis quelques années maintenant il nous accompagne... Read more
Bonjour à tous j'espère que vous allez excellemment bien aujourd'hui on se retrouve pour faire le débrief de la 5e journée des paralympique on va revenir à ce qui s'est passé hier dans la journée de dimanche après-midi pu c'est ce qui s'est passé dans ce lundi matin où on a eu énormément de médailles... Read more
Welcome back to even more news the first and only news podcast and i'm fairly confident the only show putting out a reaction as fast as we're putting it out am i right i think we're there's no other shows yeah i think we're the only show so who else could be doing it i'm katie stole hi katie hi i'm... Read more