NEET PG Recall 2024 | Microbiology || Dr. J. Suria

now we frame I got some more information that time we got less information now we got some more information we frame exact uh 95% majority of the question and answers based on the feedback till it need to be modified also okay with this I'll go to the session just a minute yeah just a minute I'm checking my monitor yes audio video everything is okay first question a child presented with perianal itching swap specimen shown in the image what is the diagnos very simple question direct question where there is a per anal itching anal pruritis think of entropies vermicularis I don't know whether they give the color picture or black and picture but people says typical entras vermicularis so answer is entras vermicularis because ascaris it won't produce peran leing other people even egg morphology also different if you know the egg morphology you can answer all those things ascaris produces what type of egg sered edges treacherous produces Barrel shaped egg with with mucus plux ankl EG is clear shell with like so I always used to tell even the predictor series also read all egg morphology read all the media read all the vector all these three topics three questions came you didn't believe just go and see the my predictor think I I predict five things four questions came okay next is frequent traveler came with four days of remitting fever with abdominal pain and bradia fever with bradia traveler okay you can think of always typhoid typhoid Cardinal feature CED tongue stepladder fever the remitting fever relative bradia and Rose pots Ming delirium these are all the features of tyo after reading the question itself you can get the answer what is it it is typhoid entric fever what is the best test gold standard test is culture especially bone marrow culture if not available blood culture still it is value the pneumonic you are all aware of that Basu what is bosu first week second week third week fourth week it is just four days so it comes under first week first week we can go for blood culture best is bone Maro culture why all test antibody deduction it is second week it's agulation test urine culture stool culture urine fourth week stool third week third week good evening m shumar so by reading the question itself you have the diagnosis then gold standard this is next is adult patient from military background admitted with rash fever altered sensorium signs of menitis with the deficiency of membrane attacking complex C5 B2 C9 membrane attacking complex where there's a rash fever with menal features you can think of meno coile and commonly I used to see overcrowding with poor hygiene I used to say five places can you remember Army backgrounds asylums refugee camps prisons and some of the Medical College Hospital like that I used to have some fun okay like that overcrowding with the poor hygiene is Nigeria manes and another important clue is c5b to C9 what is it terminal complement deficiency leads to neral infection as well as Toxoplasma infection these two are more prone in terminal complement so adult patient that is another important clue and overcrowding with poor hygiene military background and fever rash altered sensorium deficiency every line is giving 100% clue to you it is neria menitis no need to think of other people even all other people causes menitis all other people causes menitis next is patient present with painful vesicles as shown in the image where there is a painful vesicle that is important the word syphilis produces painless ulcer shank produces painful ulcer and what about the candidasis presentation oral thrash card white discharge like that and where there's a painful vesicle think of herpes we otherwise called cold sore we otherwise call this as cold sore cold sore next is patient admitted with bloody diarrhea after conception of oysters that's all any Seafood shellfish oyster you can think of vibrio valus but this another important clue to confirm it is vibrio valus the first line you mind should think of bicus second L you confirm third you need to mark That's all just three steps in this question kaga phenomenon I used to give just five points for vus you are aware of that yes yes yes yes salt lover Seafood poisoning shellfish you remember swarming it exhibits swarming safety pin appearance these are all important Clues and important culture medium is called vat suuma AAR it is nothing but 2% salted blood AAR vumar otherwise called salted blood AAR Vio paricus it produces hemolysis in thear hemolysis in the suar that phenomenon is called kanaga phenomenon that phenomenon we call it as kanaga phenomenon kanaga phenomenon exhibited by vibrio parahemolyticus produces blood diarrhea will be a parahus next is Desert rheumatism direct question desert rheumatism named diseases you should know fungal flu Darlings disease loots mosis like that desert rheumatism is caused by coxis imites with arthroconidia fungus with arthroconidia parox brazis causes Luts micosis South American blasto micosis cryptococcus neop forance it causes menitis European blasto micosis europian blasto micosis europian blasto micosis cand alans head to foot it cause many infections broad based budding e cell I used to say always bb bb the same tone I used to teach in class remember just you can recollect broad based buding cell with refractile cell wall remember broad base bb bb budding yeast is blasto misis broad base buding East is blasto misis blasto micosis covid micosis produces Peri with endospore histoplasmosis inside the macras reticular system candidas is narrow bedding it produces narrow but sudo sud any alteration just you can put it in the chat box I'm seeing the chat box also any alteration if you want just put it in the chat box next is female patient admitted with symptoms of UTI coag negative no bios and resistant stus one and only fellow in this category is St saprophyticus it is the most common cause of usually UTI among sexually active young wom and overall most common always remember equal nobody can beat equal okay among sexually young women gr positive COI think of this fellow next inro okay and if when there is a symptomatic patient UTI symptomatic patient even 100 to 10,000 bacteria you can call it as infection urinary tract infection if it is there is if the patient is asymptomatic if the patient is asymptomatic think it may be common Sol it may be common Sol command on there is no need to think of contamination or think in this stage no need to collect three consecutive sample female patient UTI organism is there symptoms are there clinically the symptoms are there then you can consider this as a UTI and go for treatment 4y- old forer came with fever cough tenderness concal suffusion retroorbital pain and hypokalemia classical future hypokalemia conjectural suffusion fever these are all classical feature of leptos B otherwi called rat fever definitely you remove this malaria because no CHS chills Ras nothing definitely there is no respiratory finding you remove influenza always the Tua for between tof for between Deni and leptos both are looking similar but conc conc suffusion fever and fer these are all the points forer fever concal suffusion hypokalemia these are all the features of leptospira you can go for leptospira South Asian fruit sorry South South uh sorry South Asian fruit farmer admitted with fever breathlessness and entis what is the diagnosis people said a cute B with the banana like fruits sir this is the clue I got from my kids I'm searching in the net okay this is fruit bat this also fruit bat I don't know the same picture or different picture I want to your op same picture or different picture based on her opinion I can change the picture also still no problem okay so fruit bat think of Nipa malaria you can have mosquito zika malaria mosquito picture zika you can get microa picture also Yola also bat is there bat and chimpanzees are there bat and chimpances are there so fruit bat you can always think of Nipa fruit bat you can always think of Nipa this is a very direct question and simple question for you child admitted with cortinis hydrus intra calcification it is called classical Triad this is Triad of toxoplasmosis what is the Triad it is Coro retinitis very important hydras and intal calcification rubal you can get blueberry muffin rash ctoa virus blueberry muffin rash zika you can get typical microa other features so you can think of toxoplasmosis direct question toxoplasmosis next is Cle cell patient develop aplastic crisis following viral infection choose the correct agent CLE cell patient a plastic crisis always think of parvo virus b19 because it affect erythroid percursors percursors it causes fetal hydrops in CLE cell patient exclusively it causes pure Red Cell apia a plastic crisis it causes pure red cell apia or aplastic crisis among CLE cell patients slapped cheek rash these are other features of parus b19 easy question yes this is very very basic question patient was diagnosed with emagic e 157 H7 I will give the same example when I used to teach Fela if you see the bacterial Anatomy if you take my notes the same word will be I'll give the same example what is the use of Fel for typing of bacteria in eh e157 H7 H stands for H7 stands for Fela it is nothing but Fel antigen it is nothing but ferar antigen H7 felar antigen next is PL F smelling stool on microscopy there is no overy present but 200 M larva present in the stool if Lara is present Lara is the diagnostic stage of strongid toris Lara is the diagnostic stage of strong Li storis you can go for strong lius storis easy because ascar is lumoid ankos all people egg is infective stage egg is diagnostic stage all others egg is diagnostic stage where rabidity form larva is the diagnos this is called rabidity form larva because this organism you call it as over V Paras even though it produces egg you cannot see the egg it's called wo V Paris 2year old child came with watery diarhea electron microscopic image shown here choose the correct pathogen see the image 2year old child watery diarrhea and you have electron microscopic picture like this is diagnostic of is diagnostic of Rota virus because narok virus is calci virus it affects adults adino virus produces what this kind of shape satellite shape eoir w't cause so child diara water diarrhea virus round round wheel shape appearance you call it as Rota virus Rota virus human women came with chronic history of fever lower lymph swelling lymphedema microfilaria shown in the image and everybody describe the microf nobody post the picture for me but they said there is nucleus not it's it's sheath no nuclear tail tip sheath no nucle tail tip suggestive of UA bcrafty Ora bcrafty Lowa sheath Lowa sheath tail tip filled with nucleus buia Shi there are two nuclear in tail tip man no sheath no nuclei manala okay next is an adult man came with disuria discharge from urra with history of unprotected sex sexually transmitted infection and discharge from urra urra is most common cause of urethritis gooc urethritis and grin shown in the image it is gr negative Diplo intracellular G negative Diplo intracellular usually kidney shape kidney shape Diplo coki unprotected sex urethritis it is gonoi best medium for gonoi is th marar other people causing urethritis is media there is no culture medium it won't grow because it's obligate intracellular th Martin medium is the best medium for G me for G negative Bas bacterias gr negative Bas tcbs for Vio chocolate AAR is a enriched medium it's a heated blood AAR okay I got a clue image was not that just a story just I'll go back if there is no image no problem if they give sheath no nuclear and tail tip be happy directly you can answer it put the image it have doubt I'll remove the image I'll remove the image don't worry if the image is there it will confuse you if the clearcut description there is sheath no nulean tail tip what for which bcrafty you remember pneumonic lbw wedding commitment no talk time remember okay same same same thank you SJ and Dall next is young boy used to wash his contact lenses in tap water or unhygienic lens fluid I got two type of answers some students send s unhygienic lens fluid some students send carless about lens I mean lens fluid some people send running tap water I don't know exactly but he developed kitis and kitis the organism with spikes that called aop podia the trosy has akodia common cause of Amic kitis among contact lens uses is aiba aanta aanta okay next is an adult man came with clinical condition shown in the image gr netive dipl found in grah stain what is the treatment I think two three questions came from goni people confused to question with choices choice with question they gave Sir it's a case of uritis it's a case of gon uritis somebody said they gave the clinical picture discharge sir somebody sent yes Shak yes I I got two three different versions I will take your point car about lens careless about lens fluid to wash the lens okay lens cleaning fluid yeah dinky three questions from gono people got confused and how what are the feedback I got from my kids sir gono are treatment s gono are medium and how they ask gonoi they did they give directly gono koki no they give different version question see previous question they gave like this unprotected sex gr stain like that discharge this question like this but whatever it may be either clinical or history or picture you identify this is gonoi once you identify it's a Diplo gram negative dipl G what is the treatment okay treatment treatment is seix if it is nonon uritis we can go for aitro or doxy okay and gonal penin is not ideal treatment because it prod we have ppng penin is producing neria gon penin is producing neria gon we are not using it so best is suffixing infection in central Venus catheter found in a patient gr positive woid buding organism seen in microscopy what is organism woid budding organism gr positive is candida candid is one common AG causing catheter related infection staff epidermis is another important flow but it won't produce buding it is grostic C clusters and staff or is equally Hospital related infection possibilities are there but avoid budding CR positive especially in CVC always think of candida you go for candida farmer admitted with subcutaneous wound with discharge on his foot microscopy of white granules somebody mentioned white granules somebody says no granules and everybody said gr positive filamentous among the choices one and only gr positive filamentous bacteria is nocardia and white granules also cost by staff warriors b micosis b micosis you can get o yes sha candida is gr positive candida and crypto cus both are gr positive fungus which take gr steain that is the point okay previous question previous question W budding if there is no budding is there then I can go for staff epidermitis I can go for staff epidermitis because what I'm getting from you only just I'm reflecting my answers I'm reflecting based on your feedback okay right shumar says there is no avoid Bing anyway people think still you have time you can send me next is what is the function of interl in 8 one and only question came from Immunology two questions another one is the lack of terminal complement but that also it's a main question is menitis so interl 8 is chemot taxis you should know the functions of interin interin one causes fever pyrogen okay th1 activation converting th 0 to th1 by inin 12 lymphosan interlukin 7 like that different interlines are there okay interlukin eight function is chemot taxes chot taxes got it yes next is a patient from bear admitted with speno magali and features of L minosis what is the vector patient from B Le minosis Vector is Sandfly plotus you should know about all the vectors I told no you can get a question from Vector you can get question from eggs you can question from media they put vag sumar kanaga phenomenon got it they give indirectly or directly they will help you recruitment of neutr yes that's chemot taxis recruitment of neutr got it K attractant that's important function of this one I'll change the clue recruitment of neutr it's done by interlukin 17 also interin 17 also is there any word is that chemot taxes shumar just you can think and tell plotus next is yeah this was a question they asked best PCR identifying a syndrome syndrome best or multiple causitive agent if you want to diagnose multiple targets at one point of time is Multiplex PCR nested PCR is narrowed PCR PCR with high sensitivity and specificity High sensitivity and specificity so PC Multiplex PCR is multiple targets easily you can identify multiple ctive agents or syndrome based A syndrome caused by multiple agents okay you can go for nested PCR only you increase the sensitivity specificity here the correct answer is Multiplex PCR okay that's all so with this one many questions are overlapping many questions are overlapping those questions taken by the concern faculties we discussed for example Newen score backal vosis it is not a pure microbiology question oans will discuss there is one hair question was there Ecto end dermatologist will discuss don't worry we already separated the questions we divide ourself don't worry okay any doubts you can post in the chat box I'm ready to answer or feel free to contact in group also you may think sir exam is over what is the meaning no no it gives some idea to you it gives idea to you and you can tell your Junior you can guide your Junior you are the ultimate guide rather than us because you are already experienced just you can guide questions are coming like this many people say silly mistakes or exam tension I forgot sir I'm not able to answer properly sir because of exam tension sir you can tell your Junior no tension how to approach the T tension exam without attention Okay anyway with this I completed uh the recall session of both sessions recall session of both sessions any extra questions you can put sham you can put okay so thank you

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