Oasis Reunited. Here's Everything You Need To Know About Them

Intro 5% of the entire UK population signed up for tickets to The Oasis neor concert in 1996 in two years they went from having zero fans to becoming the biggest band in the UK since the Beatles 13 years later the band broke up and the Gallagher brothers haven't talked to each other ever since so what the happened looking back at their career now 15 years after n left the band Oasis feels like this airplane that was traveling at suponic speed faster than any airplane in the sky so fast they ended up getting ahead of every other band of the '90s eventually they started losing control of their ship panicked and crashed into one of the buildings in lower Manhattan New York what makes this joke even better is that Liam Gallagher was voted the most hated man of 2001 yes even more hated than that other F but how did they genuinely end up like this how did they go from ruling the world of rock and roll to not talking to each other in 15 years well that's exactly what I'm going to be talking about today before I get into this video make sure to subscribe because I will cover other 90s bands in the future including the stone roses and radio head and also I've already made the video on blur let me know any other bands you want me to talk about in the comments and I hope you enjoy this is the history of Oasis their rise to fame and their eventual downfall also I have to mention that the big source of this video is taken from the 2016 Oasis documentary Super Sonic with there's a lot of other stuff I added if you do want to check that whole thing out I highly recommend it because it's great okay so our Story begins in ' 80s Oasis Early Days Manchester the birth place of a lot of Great British bands the gallager family was a workingclass family of Irish descent and they had three Three Sons Liam n and their brother Paul now Liam and N being the two youngest ones had to share a room together even though the two brothers grew up in the same room they were pretty different from each other n was the quiet kid who' get grounded a lot and while locked up in his room he started learning this old guitar that his drunk dad had won in a game of cards Liam on the other hand for the better part of his teenage life could not give less of a about music so much so that he even bullied people who were in a band and people who weren't in a band kind of just bullied everyone one magical day though some kid from a rival school got into a fight with Liam and bashed him in the head with a hammer since that day Liam started thinking that he's the next John lenon and his main goal in life was becoming a rock star after that he became the lead singer of a band called The Rain along with bonehead Tony McCarol and ggie Liam then changed the name of the band to Oasis because he thought the rain sounded [ __ ] now you might be hearing the story and saying where's no in all of this well n at the time was a drum technician for an inspiral carpet road crew truly making the most of his talent this was also the time where n had his best haircut and he was also experimenting with uh drugs okay A bit of a sideline here but I found this picture of NL in his inspired carpet days I never really thought much of it because I feel like if nol was b or gay he wouldn't really care and he would have come out by now but because of this picture and his friendship with Johnny Mar Reddit seems to have a different idea uh is N Gallagher bisexual I don't want to start a trashy conversation but I heard that NL was probably Johnny Mar's boyfriend back in the day and that's why Oasis got signed been wondering if it's true or not please no gay insults if so then what does the answer on this question really elucd something significant I think no is it possible to gain a tremendously expensive guitar just being friends and having no homo Affinity I think yes is it possible to get so high and be caught like a thousand times with some other guy hugging in an ambiguous pose I think yes is it possible to kiss brother meaning only Brotherhood and nothing incest again being high like the space I do think it is yeah perfect as funny as this is I do have to agree with the commentar except for the ambiguous part because there's nothing ambiguous about these pictures I call myself straight by say it no come on say it loud and say it proud I'm gay okay sorry back to the video after traveling the world with inspired carpets n got fired from his job for being unprofessional would have guessed he came back home and saw that his brother and his friends had started a band they didn't actually sound that [Applause] bad he went into one of their shows and the band asked him to be their manager at first but then eventually he just joined the band as the main guitarist now we all know the story of Oasis as these guys who picked up a guitar and immediately started selling out stadiums but that wasn't the case at first obviously the band just practiced intensely for around 2 years straight they were dedicated to making this happen if anyone missed practice they would be stacked from the band for a month and they just had to sit in their rooms while the rest of the band got better it was clear Liam and N really wanted this and they weren't going to let anyone getting their wear the rest of the band soon learned to adapt to their rules and everyone was giving their 100% for 2 years all they did was practice everyone else was going to the Henda and dancing to the Beats of electronic and acid house music but Liam and N weren't into that at all they just liked rock and roll and getting sound with their friends while playing even before they played their first gig they were already living like rock stars just without the money part I'll talk about the stoning part later but the band was smoking like every single day especially gy everyone was just there to have fun and they really only cared about rock and roll well everyone except Tony mcaro who had to constantly think about his daughter bonad was sh though okay so now that we know all the band members and their attentions it's time for the magic to happen it had been like a year since the band started and one beautiful Day N showed up to practice with a brand new song he played it in front of everyone and Bone had just didn't believe that n actually wrote this he was destined to find where n nicked this from because this song was like nothing else they had made before From This Moment the bar was raised to the sky and they knew that everything else they made needed to go on par with the song that song was live [Music] forever after that the B started going on gigs and kept practicing but nobody was paying attention to them just gig after gig and nothing happened happened they were still determined to keep going and after a couple of months they met this band called sister lovers now what was special about this band is that Debbie Turner the lead singer of the band was an ex-girlfriend of Alan McGee the head of creation records for those who don't know creation records already had a pretty good roster with bands like My Bloody Valentine the Jesus and Mary Chain Primal scream and Etc but they were just about to sign their biggest stars yet the sister lovers had just cured a gig in Glasgow and they decided to also invite Oasis with them before that you remember that Johnny marah Noel Gallagher and Johnny Marr discussion from earlier well this story started right before the Glasgow gig no had met Johnny marah's brother at the Henda and he gave him one of the early Oasis demos with his number written on it somehow Johnny marah actually decided to listen to the demo and decided to call n and the two have been friends ever since yes Johnny Mar from The Smiths was one of the first few Oasis fans in the world he was also asked by n to join the band at some point but sadly he did refuse Jony attended one of their gigs and noticed that the band took took way too long to tun their guitars between songs so he decided to give null a 1960 last ball the same guitar you see in the live forever music video that guitar ended up being smashed into some guy's head on one of the band's later gigs so they had to call jie to ask for another guitar Jonny Mar said okay and sent him a 1978 Les ball custume with a note that said this one's well heavy next time you'll take the [ __ ] out that last ball was the guitar that Johnny used to write Big M strikes again and it was the guitar he used on the whole the queen Queen his dead album a pretty lucky thing to happen to the band but we need to go back to that glasow gig the band saved up some money and got a shitty van for them to sleeping bought Oasis's First Gig a bunch of we and headed straight to Glasgow because why not this was their first gig outside of Manchester it was a problem though Oasis wasn't on the band list they weren't allowed to play tonight and all of this effort and money was going to go for nothing luckily n had this genius idea of just threatening the guy who didn't want to let them play so we just informed him that it was like sweaty of us and it was only two of him yeah and like so he said well if you don't let us play the odds stacked amazingly in our favor so and it worked because they got to perform for 20 minutes even more luckily Ellen McGee had decided to show up the day just to piss off his ex-girlfriend and immediately after listening to them he decided he wanted to sign them all of this wouldn't have happened if the band just went home after they got rejected for the gig they were literally the uninvited guests who stayed till the end a story straight out of a movie all their friends and family couldn't believe them but Liam and N just knew that sooner or later this was all destined to happen Alan McGee wanted the first single of the band to be bring it Definitely Maybe on down and so the band started working on recording it things weren't exactly going to plan though there were some problems with the drummer and they were struggling with finishing the song the band went outside to get a quick break and eat some Chinese food but n decided to stay inside while the others were outside for maybe like 30 minutes n decided to quickly write a new song that song was super Sonic be [Applause] [Music] myself the band ended up recording and mixing the song that very night and decided to make it their first single the song now has more than 156 million plays and it was written in less than 30 minutes no Gallagher was just an a whole other level in the '90s it's insane Super Sonic got the ball rolling and from then the band just started going gig after gig constantly performing and constantly getting banned by hotels because they kept throwing their mattresses out the window they would also constantly get high and they would get into fights all the time it was just Punk all over again this time the guitar came from the Beatles they were living the life so much saw that they got arrested in their first International gig in the Netherlands because they started the fight on the fer there was a small problem though these fights were starting to get attention by the media the more they fought the more the newspapers would write about them the more people would show up in their concerts to [ __ ] everything up and it was just a never ending cycle Liam absolutely loved it but no thought that this was stealing the attention from the important stuff the music these not think it's rock and roll to get thrown off a ferry to get shut up these not think it's rock and roll to get thrown shut the [ __ ] up man these lot think and we going to have to say this f are you going to shut up these lot think it's rock and roll to get throwing off a ferry right to come into Hotel fires to get everybody at it and they go shut up they start thinking hey it's rock and roll this was also the reason while Liam and n's relationship was starting to crack and the drugs certainly didn't help nonetheless the band started working on their debut album definitely maybe after going through two different producers and just hundreds of takes they just could not get the sound right Alan McGee knew what they sounded like live and that was just not it the band was getting frustrated and they just wanted to wrap the whole thing up but McGee kept telling them to go back in the studio until they got it right when we went up to McGee's flat that night and we we'd been mixing Colombia for about I think it was about the H hundredth mix and we got there and before before we pressed play on his T recorder we said before we start this is the [ __ ] bollocks wait till you hear this and if if you don't [ __ ] like this me and him are washing our hands of the album and you're going to have to get somebody else to mix it and it come on and we sat there and the minute it [ __ ] come on the pair of us just went it sounds [ __ ] awful it's not just a fact that he discovered them inside them if it wasn't for his determination for Perfection the band would never be where they are now he kept spending thousands and thousands of pounds on Oasis because he knew there was something there even the album cover art needed to be perfect just look at the cover art of Definitely Maybe might be one of my favorite album covers ever eventually the band got ow and Morris to mix the album and he finally got the sound of the band right he made the record have the same Vibe as their live performances and the album was finished August 29th 1994 Definitely Maybe came out and it instantly became the highest telling debut album of all time it took over England in a way that was never seen before it hit number one in the charts and it's still one of the the most iconic albums of night is Britain and also one of my favorite albums of all time this is obviously a personal opinion but most fans of the band including NS still think that definitely maybe it's their best album and I have to agree as much as the band doesn't like to admit it they got really lucky that the album came out during the whole britpop thing but I think Definitely Maybe works on a whole other level firstly even though the album sounded very British the lyrics weren't about England or Manchester at all they're about living life I hate comparing bands to each other because I think it's nonsense but if blur described the working class in the UK Oasis was the working class this was music by the people for the people the critics hated them but they just worked more in their favor I think to this day people try to listen to definely maybe and start overanalyzing it and that's what I did as well at first but it's not about that at all it's just hey we know life sucks there's no point in crying about it just grab your guitar and enjoy to the fullest because things will get better it connected with everyone not just the UK audience and it just gave hope and confidence to people I think maybe it's hard for some people to connect with that message because you know they never really struggled financially while growing up I don't know maybe I'm reaching a little bit but when you listen to definitely maybe you just get that feeling that someday you're going to be on top of the world and everything is going to be okay and it works because it's genuine they came from nothing and they outsold everyone they weren't meant to be there from day one but because they believed in themselves they ended up as one of the biggest bands in UK history of course some of the criticisms are valid like n's nonsensical lyrics and some of the songs but Oasis is great and you either get it or don't get it and it's fine if you don't get it everyone has their own taste anyways Oasis wasn't too concerned about what the critics were saying because they Oasis in America were already starting to tour the world after an amazing Japan concert they had to go to America this is where the troubles began will they be able to make it big here or would they feel like their future Rivals back in UK now Oasis wasn't really too concerned about selling records on the other side of the ocean like blur they had a completely different problem that problem Al's name was phetamine they went to play at Whiskey aogo one of the most legendary nightclubs in America they had one of the worst performances in the band sister just too fast for me just terrible no was already not a big fan of the band going apit for nothing and that night was one of the worst nights with Oasis so bad in fact that he got some money and just left the band to go to San Francisco the band had just played a gig there and no had fallen in love with this San Franciscan girl he grabbed some money went back to her and while he was there he WR talk tonight one of his best written songs lyric wise but I want toight talk T night is one of the band's saddest songs and you can tell it genuinely came from the heart but this little love story wasn't going to affect only this one song there was more to come in the future the girl's name was Melissa Limb and thankfully she convinced n to not break up the band his managers found them they finished their tour in America and they went back home only this time no wasn't [ __ ] around anymore when they got home they started working on their second studio album was What's the Story? Morning Glory the story Morning Glory the band recorded their first single some might say and immediately after that he decided to stack Tony McCarol from the band and replace him with a new Drummer it was obvious that there wasn't a fight for the throne anymore whatever n said was going to be done at least for now now the Morning Glory recording sessions went way better than the Definitely Maybe ones so good actually that they were recording a song a day Liam was extraordinary and they had this freaky thing where no would Play the song Once on acoustic guitar in the control room to Liam give him the words and he'd [ __ ] sing it no would listen to it once to check Liam's got the phrase in for the entire song that he's only just heard the once noo nice one Liam five songs five days man [ __ ] amazing was this because n was now the leader and he knew everything no it was probably because they had a proper producer this time but the band was definitely more in line because of no this recording session wasn't Al sunshine and rainbows down because in one of the nights Liam brought some people over to the studio while nol was recording they got into a huge fight and no ended up hitting him in the head with a cricked bat what a head shot percentage of that man jokes aside you can clearly see that the relationship was starting to get even worse it didn't matter for them though because they kept going the band was about to release their second studio album but there was a catch blur was about to release their newest album as well uh-oh now these were the two biggest bands in Britain at the time surely they be mature and professional about this right well blur decided to reschedule their single Country House on the same day as roll with it was set to release there's some theories about why this happened some say Damon was pissed at null and Liam some say it was just to get more sales on the album and some might say it was because of a girl doesn't matter because this started what was going to be known as the Battle of britpop now I've said this story once in this Channel and this battle definitely affected blur way more than Oasis but nonetheless everyone was talking about it 25th of April 1995 was the day when both country house and roll with it were released the media was looking at this as more of a class war than a battle of bands and in the end blur got number one and performed on top of the pops well they got number one for that week but when both albums came out Morning Glory massively outsa The Great Escape people now don't realize this but at the time Oasis was the underdog and this growth was just never seen before in the span of 2 years it went from barely finding any gigs to making the fifth greatest selling album in UK history the only other band who grow this fast was those boys from Sheffield and they had the whole internet helping them I will probably make a separate video about this album it was the story Morning Glory became one of the most iconic UK albums ever the album featured a very well-known wonder wall the one song everyone learns when they pick up a Guitar it also featured Don't Look Back in Anger another UK Anthem and one of n's best written songs Melissa limb that girl from America later came out and said that both morning glory and Don't Look Back in Anger were inspired by her our relationship fizzled out over a couple of months as he met MC Matthews during one of our transatlantic phone conversations I greet him with what's the story Morning Glory I'm also responsible for being the guy with a snap or strawberry Obsession in talk tonight unfortunately after a disappointing reunion with no backstage at the Filmore in San Francisco in my naively wishful State I also told him that I wouldn't look back in angry with everything that's happened and that I hope to remain friends I heard that song while grocery shopping in a safe way not too long ago and wished I'd skip that moment of backstage despair I do wish the B well contrary to bad PR Liam was always a gentleman to me I hope they can somehow regain the momentum they lost after painting the Masterpiece also the album had some pains over NOA which Americans love well but I enjoy your solo work it's phenomenal yeah somay you will find me and contains one of Liam's best vocal performances 1995 to 1996 was Oasis Knebworth 1996 the peak of Oasis they were selling out stadiums they were breaking records left and right they were making history with their concerts as I mentioned in the intro 5% of the population signed up for their NE worth concert in 1996 5% that concert ended up selling 500,000 tickets in two of the nights that the band performed on and became one of the biggest concerts in UK history that record was later broken by Robbie Williams by old people Liam's old brand but if the band wouldn't have refused to do another two nights at neb worth nobody would ever break their record they were literally on top of the world but being on top of the world only meant one thing the only way they could go now was down and down they went this insane Be Here Now Fame they reached the pressure was getting heavier and heavier the public naturally expected null to ride the next morning glory and even though Liam's performances were good his voice was starting to wear out when Liam went on stage he just gave everything he had and that's probably what made these concerts so iconic he always gave 10% [Music] of course this couldn't go on forever and with Liam's voice getting worse and worse he would start walking out in the middle of gigs n started replacing him on vocals because there was literally nothing else he could do this was the start of the end Liam was starting to feel easily replaced because of this his voice kept getting worse and worse and the just [ __ ] him up even more even though we all know now how legendary Morning Glory was nol and Liam still hadn't realized the sheer size of it but they were about to be aware very soon this was the moment where everything changed with Oasis the whole and I mean the whole world was looking at them they weren't the silly up and cominging Band anymore they were the next Beatles little side note I said the whole world here but apparently Oasis doesn't really have this legendary status in the US or at least didn't have it in the '90s I guess Americans are just allergic to good music anyways anyways Liam and N were constantly on the papers and they just did not care they'll say anything to piss people off if I talk about all the controversies the gagher brothers had this video would be an hour long people so many people and they [Music] walk hands and through their life from slagging off every band on the planet to saying that drugs were like tea for them to getting banned from airline companies people started to talk about them more and more and more half the world hated them and the other half absolutely adored them there's only one thing for for sure everyone knew of them with all this insane hype instead of stopping for a minute and catching some breath the band went straight back to the studio to start working on their third studio album be here [Music] now now I personally like this album but it sure wasn't Definitely Maybe or Morning Glory no has come out multiple times publicly and said that he hates the way the band approached this album The Mixing on it was terrible the songs went on for too long and they gave themselves no chance to actually stop and think about what they're doing they didn't realize at the time that morning glory wasn't no ordinary album they couldn't just release anything after it anyways August 21st 1997 Oasis releases be here now even though no doesn't like it the album broke the record for the most sales in an album's first week and it held that record until 2015 the band got so big that not only did be here now get number one but every studio album that they released after that would hit number one it didn't matter the album it was Oasis after be here now in 1998 they released the Beloved bides album the The Masterplan master plan now a lot of fans listen to this album and say why the weren these songs on the main album and that would be a completely fair question why aren't these songs on the main album well N Gallagher in the '90s was just a songwriting machine and every time Oasis released an EP it would always include at least four tracks so alen McGee would just go to NL and tell him they needed a new song for bide and he would just ride it immediately after WR it he would just say okay this is a bside song it's not going to be included on the main album and nobody could change his mind now a lot of these songs ended up being really really good like the master plan but no one just saw them as beights at the time and only later did he realize the mistake he had made if you're a new Oasis fan and you haven't listened to the master plan I highly recommend it because it's amazing anyways this album also wrapped up the '90s for Oasis it was the beginning of the new millennium and everything was about to change this is where we see the downfall of the band in December of 1999 The Downfall of Oasis ellan McGee shut down creation records and basically quit Oasis now do you remember how I said earlier that McGee was a really important part of the band well now it's going to be very clear James hard geves guitar has an amazing video about the difference between Oasis in the '90s and Oasis in the 2000s and I do highly recommend checking out his channel if you're a big Oasis fan in this video he explains that because McGee wasn't there for the band anymore it wasn't this demand man for Perfection n opened up a new label called Big Brother and obviously because he didn't have any experience with managing bands things didn't go so well you can see the effect McGee had on the band just from the album covers this wasn't the only reason why the band changed now 2000s Oasis isn't bad at all it just wasn't on the same level as their early years but there's still some great songs on this album and I personally quite like don't believe the truth there reason why the band changed this drastically was because believe it or not drugs drugs were a big part of the band on their lifestyle and Liam andol made this very clear but they couldn't keep going like this because of all the and the pressure he had at the time n started having banic attacks thankfully he realized the effect his lifestyle had on him before it was too late and he decided he needed to quit now there was a small problem with this because every single song that nol wrote in the '90s was written while he was high every single one of them great Oasis songs were not written on drugs none before 1997 I hadn't written a song without the agent the old Colombian marching gear don't forget I was on drugs before I was even in a band I was roie for 3 years within spiral carpets I remember enough me not and gone into the back room and sitting the goal of writing a song in 10 minutes that was super sonic all those albums and B SI were written on drugs that's why they're so good and that pisses me off I think maybe I should get back into taking drugs they'll be brilliant again but that thought last less than a second is that sad your best work was conceived off you nut no the first two albums are wildely regard is two of the greatest British albums of all time but be you there now isn't my best work I've got kids now dad cannot be a drug addict that's bollocks it's not right now was N Gallagher good because he was high all the time I think not they obviously affected him but the talent was there from the beginning you can smoke all day and you still won't be able to ride Definitely Maybe if you're not him so don't get in your wrong ideas no all quitting this lifestyle meant that he needed to learn how to write songs over this was pretty hard for him in the beginning he still Ro a lot of good songs sober with and without Oasis but he needed to make an album now the pressure was on bonad and gie left the band Alan McGee quit and Liam's voice was just getting worse as a result of all these things we got standing on the shoulder of giants this album includes some good songs like [ __ ] in the bushes and guest Panic it was just not the same thing as 9s oases nonetheless 28th of February 2000 Oasis released their fourth studio album and of course they went immediately on tour after that now a lot of oasis stores didn't really go according to plan this one was just the worst thing for the band at this point they had a really disastrous concert in web Stadium because Liam got drunk after his wife left him which is the funniest thing in the [Music] world but what's even worse was when their concert got cancelled in Barcelona Alan white got injured and he couldn't play so they decided to cancel the gig and just drink with each other this led to Liam getting really drunk again and starting a huge fight with null the fight got physical and by the end Liam told n that his daughter wasn't actually his which is funny because n's daughter dressed up as him once for Halloween and she looks exactly like her dad anyways this argument caused null to leave the band and they had to finish the tour without him two years later they came back together to release their fifth studio album Heathen chemistry it became pretty obvious that this constant fight the brothers had was starting to affect the music because he didn't chemistry is [ __ ] awful now I know there's going to be people in the comments defending this album and that's great but I personally don't like it another problem I have with Heathen chemistry is that it shows up before deathly maybe on Spotify now who the [ __ ] decided that morning glory doesn't even deserve to show up before defly maybe not this of course with this album came another horrible tour in 2002 Li's voice was getting so bad that he actually started constantly leaving the stage sometimes after only performing four songs in Germany he got his teeth knocked out by a police officer and they had to cancel their gigs there somehow after all of this the band kept going Liam and n's relationship was getting worse and worse but in 2005 they released don't believe the truth which I actually like a lot because it includes lla still the story just keeps repeating the album wasn't critically acclaimed but it's still hit number one the band started toing and the brothers would fight and they would make these fights very well known to the public somehow they still kept going and 3 years later in 2008 Oasis released their seventh and last studio album dig out your soul this album also had some good songs but it wasn't good as a whole even though it got them a bunch of money it wasn't really liked by the critics or by a lot of the fans to be honest after the release of this album there was another public fight between the brothers this time Liam canceled the show in 2009 after saying that he had Oasis Break Up learned gtis nol came out publicly and said that this wasn't true and he was actually hung over this and another fight they had about Liam's building brand being promoted on Oasis finally marked the end for null and on 28th of August 2009 he decided to quit the band permanently and apparently the two brothers haven't talked to each other ever [Applause] [Music] since 3 months later Liam decided to create a new band but after 5 years that went to [ __ ] as well now both Liam and N Noel and Liam Gallagher Now (They Reunited Now) have their own solo careers which are going pretty good for them n is working with shy Mar from The Smiths and Liam is working with Sean fire of the stone roses there's been a few hints of a reunion here and there but lately Liam came out and shut these rumors down what's the question the only reason I'm asking you I wasn't going to ask you but because I read recently that you and Noah were talking again and there was a chance you might SP I spoken to him I haven't spoken to him for about 10 years wow 2009 I think yeah it's just sing the way these two went when you realize that they actually haven't spoken to each other in 15 years I feel like if they decid to quit the band earlier or take a long break things might have gone better but it obviously didn't happen who knows though maybe they're going to reunite in the future let me know your favorite ois albums in Outro the comments and any other topics you want me to talk about subscribe and check out the patreon because this video took me way too [ __ ] long to make

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“Likely They’ll Do Another Record!” Liam And Noel Gallagher Confirm Oasis Comeback

Category: News & Politics

Let's talk about oasis uh and let's talk to um a really interesting guy because uh he might have known about this reunion some months ago uh he is the editor of louder than war uh rock journalist john rob uh welcome to the show john hi kevin how are you okay i'm all right mate yeah louder than war is... Read more

OASIS - Wonderwall | Lyric Video thumbnail
OASIS - Wonderwall | Lyric Video

Category: Music

[music] today is going to be the day that they're going to throw it back to you by now you should have somehow realize what you got to do i don't believe that anybody feels the way i do about you [music] now back beat the we is on the street that the fire in your heart is out i'm sure you've heard it... Read more

“They’ve Soundtracked Our Lives” Liam And Noel Gallagher Confirm Oasis’s Reunion For 2025 thumbnail
“They’ve Soundtracked Our Lives” Liam And Noel Gallagher Confirm Oasis’s Reunion For 2025

Category: News & Politics

Steve dan here uh from virgin radio steve very good morning to you very good morning mike just fresh from the uh cow fest i saw you on saturday was it a great weekend was a fantastic weekend absolutely fantastic i mean we i mean it didn't start out like that we were driving down onto saturday morning... Read more