Just Watched BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE!! Reaction & Review!!

what's going on there citizens of the reject  Nation we just got out of IMAX watching Beetle   Juice Beetle Juice the juice is loose the juice is  loose while you're here leave a like on this video   that be very much appreciated so the trailers  surprisingly like even though the trailers seem   to show a lot they really don't show a lot of what  actually goes on in this film including one very   specific plot line that's really key and important  to the adventure that takes place so as you see   in the trailer Catalyst for everyone going back  into the town and the houses there's a death in   the family that causes to go back to the original  House Nostalgia ensues there's this adventure with   Beetle Juice that's very important but the plot  doesn't reveal it that involves JGA let's see if   this movie is at all worthy of existing here in  the movie sphere taking up the Beetlejuice mantle   and continuing it I'd say that you know there's  plenty of good things in the movie one thing that   I feel is refreshing is kind of the most obvious  thing that people can say Tim buron backward with   a lot more of the Practical effects that we know  him for movie is way more violent than I expected   to be it's like actually violent at times yeah  and there's certainly like actual gor gags amid   the more Whimsical you know like PG friendly gor  gags and that was like fun to behold even though   the movie's kind of messy and I'll go into some  reasons of why I thought so in a bit I cannot   deny the fact that I did have genuine fun just to  coming to the world yet again and exploring more   of the afterlife it is just such a fun world  to be a part of of and I feel like Tim Burton   genuinely had fun putting that together you could  tell the whole cast had fun being a part of this   as well and Michael Keon of course as Beetlejuice  doesn't skip a beat playing this role not one bit   being back into the world of it that is the  best highlight of the film to me the ziness   the mob humor the darkness and the Practical  effects and the music I was like yeah I love   being thrusted into here and there was a couple of  surprising plot lines that I feel like some might   call predictable call me a dumbass I didn't find  it predictable yeah sure I mean hindsight I was   like that's obvious I should have predicted that  plenty of great things I mean do you think so yeah   no I mean I think the cast is really all having  fun and all really up to the challenge everybody   understands the assignment and yeah the mixture of  stop motion animation effects of interesting props   and makeups and just the you know expressionist  wildness of you know the the neither world so   to speak is is yeah is a joy to behold and to get  wrapped up into and it's a movie that surpris Tak   place at Halloween time so it's you know that's  something that always plays well to me as a just   kid who always has loved that time of year it's  not necessarily a perfect return it's not like   Tim Burton doesn't have any form left to return to  I think certainly he's got a little bit more to go   before he really reclaims that classic status  that we all know and love of his yeah it's not   like Tim Burton man didn't miss a beat he's back  baby like no because a big part of Tim Burton is   the heart and The Wonder of the of the older Tim  Burton that's not really in this movie even the   first Beetlejuice had that yeah and this is that's  not really like aesthetically it's all there but   the heart and the Wonder it's weird it's like you  you'd think you would be there but it it it's not   quite there it's reaching for it but it doesn't  quite sore there's one thing the first movie does   that this movie does not so much do that I think  might have benefited it because you do I think for   this needs some kind of like mostly benevolent and  enjoyable eyeline through all this rather than you   know a bunch of characters who are all antisocial  misanthropic and or insincere or something like   that like in the first chunk of the movie it's  not quite as endearing the way like the original   one is when you're getting to know Alec Baldwin  and Gina Davis but once it unfolds and you get   into the meat of it there certainly enough to  enjoy and certain characters do give you more   Dimension than is on display at the outset which  is good while it does feel kind of episodic a bit   or like kind of a bunch of Beats and pieces kind  of all jumbled together there's a Frankenstein is   nature about this whole thing that makes that feel  more appropriate than not appropriate I would say   I would say in the first maybe like 30 minutes of  this movie I did have that question in my head pop   off because there's a lot of plot lines happening  where exactly is this movie going I don't know   what we keep cheing into this plot I don't know  what this plot really is going to factor into   ultimately there's a good chunk of like most of  act two and the beginning of act three that is   the best part of the film it's going to be aspects  of the movie that Beetlejuice fans showed up for   what Tim Burton fans showed up for that being said  when it comes time for the convergence of all the   plot lines for the resolve to happen on some of  the plot lines a couple of them felt very rushed   a couple of them just kind of feel like they just  drop it when it seemed like such a major setup of   the movie like such an important part of it movie  definitely has a weird handling of its internal   Stakes it's not like there are no Stakes but there  are choices that get made throughout that do at   least make the stakes feel a little less pertinent  I guess and a little less uh you know urgent don't   get me wrong it's all confusing just takes a while  before you realize oh this is what the plot of the   movie is yeah absolutely it takes a little time  to lay its Vision out for you I think Jenna Ortega   great as always and she is definitely at least  second main character if not the main character   of the film when owna Ryder comes back to be a  little bit like quirky and skittish this time you   know yes she's sometimes she's kind of overdoing  it a little bit yeah maybe a little bit I mean   like that's and that's one of those things that  two is in the language of the film making where   there'll be moments here or there where it's  like oh they held on that a little long and it   does feel a little broad or it does feel a little  bit I don't know uh like the illusion isn't fully   tied together or something like that I it's still  very much enjoyable to watch her perform and I   think Katherine hero probably got the biggest  laugh side of the whole theater oh yeah she's   a treasure she of everybody kind of slipped most  effortlessly back into a prior role not that there   are a million returning characters but she felt  like she had not skipped a beat whatsoever and   there's not as much updating you have to do with  so many years later who is this character now and   Justin thorough gets a lot of screen time did not  expect that sometimes you're like is this kind of   overstaying it's welcome here but there are plenty  of times where it was like reasonably funny to   me he's here to serve the purpose the contrasting  purpose in this movie of the yepy you know modrin   person you know sort of encroaching upon their  life as such that it is I get that they're trying   to hearken back to that threat of the original  movie because their yuppies moving into the   house that uh Gina Davis and Alec Baldwin have so  lovingly set up and they're kind of wrecking it   with their taste and here I could feel them going  for that with him but it didn't feel quite as   knowing uh as it did in the previous movie it felt  a little bit more broad a little bit more like oh   we're going to make this character to Lampoon  him and he's going to be a joke rather than a   character who is a bit pretentious and silly yeah  and when Notre writer's blindness to him was a   little concerning concerning yeah I feel like how  could how could you not yeah the movie doesn't not   try to explain it but just given yeah what we know  about her it does feel a little unlike and William   Defoe he shows he's game William def fo is game in  this movie he's having so much fun in this movie   Man absolutely it's fun to watch I can't deny that  he's fun to watch I maybe wish that his plot line   was a little bit more of consequ quence but he's  a very fun like you know comic strip happening   throughout the movie there's literally one plot  line here that feels of consequence and it's one   that involves J Orga absolutely and the the rest  is kind of like a hodge podge of like watching   I don't know the Beetlejuice animated show or  something feel yeah it feels like episodes of   a cartoon or a bunch of sketches honestly saying  that I can see people who haven't seen it being   like well that sounds like a great time and  honestly like I said the flaws are so apparent   but it is the the returning to the world that you  get the most from it was one of those experiences   where I'm like this movie is definitely flawed  in storytelling it's such a unique feeling like   the Beetlejuice world there's nothing like it  you can't you can't compare it to anything else   you can't reference any other films other than  the last Beetlejuice movie yeah and there's some   fun expansions on that though it's not the most  expansive it is like the most fun and enjoyable   and Whimsical when they are just expounding on  the strange protocols and officers of the neither   world yeah and I will say for one of those nostal  sequels I think this is one of the better ones   sometimes the Nostalgia sequels they're nothing  but but that but I at least appreciate that they   took a lot of time to really expand upon something  like a lot of the Nostalgia can be just yep that   is the first Beetle Juice uhhuh but there's plenty  of other things where they I feel they've earned   their their um passage onto the Silver Screen  for this movie yeah it's like any anything that   we've seen Beetle Juice do in the past that he  may or may not do again here feels motivated   by the character and there are only a handful of  scenes where it is like oh we're going to recreate   a classic type of moment or something but there is  yeah a whole lot else that just feels like you're   back in the madap world here and that's enough  to kind of necessitate all this so yeah like   it could be way more member berish even though  I'm sure you know your mileage will vary reviews   will vary in terms of how member barish you think  it is your mileage will vary on that aspect but   there's certainly a lot there for you if you love  that first th% I guess if I were to slap a random   rating on this movie 7 out of 10 I guess yeah 6  and 1/2 seven not not too bad well guys that's it   for us go watch Beetle Juice Beetle juu and leave  us don't say it one more time g go watch it's not   real and I am sick of everyone at this theater  making that godamn J Ching it I'm not chancing   it you guys are ruining Beetlejuice for me not  chancing all you said it and nothing's happening   all you dumb asses at the theater just don't shut  up with you're dumb say don't say it three times   yeah you know what I stood in front of the mirror  I said Bloody Mary a billion times Bloody Mary   never showed up and neither will Beetle Juice  y'all can suck it candy man suck it Candyman

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