Episode 4 (04.09.24): Damon Kyle Wayans and Hua Mulan (A Macadamian Love Story) ‪@creativefabrica‬

Published: Sep 03, 2024 Duration: 01:16:27 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: damon wayans
Hello Everyone hi everyone how you doing it's K from the K touch welcome to my daily podcast today's daily podcast which is for fourth the 4th of September 2024 is titled Damian wans and H Mulan a macadamian love story I'll tell you why in just a bit but anyway what we do over here is I make art we talk a bit about everything from movies game art how we're doing how the weather is doing nothing well I say nothing is off topic but we'll have to wait and see um but yeah that's that's exactly what we are about before I I start with anything else just a quick um quote on what my quote for Do you smile when nobody is around? today is so my quote for today is If you smile when you are alone then then you really mean it I don't know who to attribute this quote from I grabbed it off the internet but it's quite an interesting one because um I deliberately search for this quote because of the art that I'm about to make I feel like we as humans um tend to smile a lot to to keep up appearances and to um for for for different reasons other than um for ourselves we smile SM for other people we smile to make people more comfortable around us we smile for people to accept us um but all of that's not genuine so this quote generally just reminds me that if you can really smile when you're by yourself then you're truly happy and you really mean it so yeah Smiles are great but it's better when it's genuine anyway that that's that for my quote for today how far have Work In Progress I gone well you already know for those who seen my videos past videos for the past couple of days I think two or three days I've been working on one character uh character by the name of Melo durama so this is this is my Alter Ego I just love how he looks right now I can't believe honestly I need to pinch myself I cannot believe that I just drew this this looks really really really nice really really amazing and when I started I can I I remember how um it must have been you know you you you have this doubt on your mind whether or not you're you're doing anything of significance whether it's going to turn out really well but hey he's he's turned out amazing but this is Melo drama um I made a sketch of his face I wanted to work on his face just so that I'd have some guidance on how he looks moving forward um but that's that that's what I've done but now I'm going to start off on a blank with a blank slate and make some more art reflecting of my present stage remember what I always say art is therapy um and of recent I've been thinking about the whole idea as the quote says you know people smiling when really they're they're going through a lot but you know have to keep up appearances and stuff but yeah I'm just going to crack on um I hope you're having a good day I hope everything with you is going on well um please drop me a message let me know how your day is going and we can have a chat about it we can have a chat about it so before I start any of that anyway it's um you know it's a a national day today yeah it's me my my usual thing is to look at a national day calendar that nobody looks at that nobody cares about but out of curiosity and it's always good to have something to engage myself Happy National Macadamia Nut Day! with but today is supposedly National spice blend day um I don't even know what that means are you supposed to blend spices on this day or let's have a quick look at that um that's a nice picture uh the national spice blend day celebrates the unique combinations of flavors found in handpicked spice Blends worldwide okay that's interesting well I guess on this day you're supposed to blend spices maybe I don't know um there's also National newspaper carrier day there's National while life day um but the one I have chosen to celebrate is the national macadamian Macadamia not day I've got my um not had nuts in a while so I've got macadamian nut mixed with cranberry delightful um I didn't know that Ma macadamia nuts were so expensive but um they are and the reason why is because they they're actually quite scar um there's a limited limited supply of macadamian trees so yeah how to observe National macademian not um try and new recipe add some Sal nuts to your salad or to popcorn while watching a movie well I'm having macadamia nuts with cranberry not that you care but I wonder what day you're choosing to celebrate today if you're celebrating any you don't have to um but yeah it is an interesting one so let's crack on with what we have to do [Music] today I have in my head a picture I want to um I want to do so what's this picture all about well it consists of [Music] mellow look my [Music] pencil it consists of mellow yeah that's my pencil [Music] black I'm going to be drawing mellow trying to carry yeah let's see an object on his back now if I remember anything from what I practiced before the young man is supposed to have some large forehead then cheekbones the size of Alaska well defined cheeks some something like this and then after that he's meant to have a small protruding chin somewhere around [Music] here I'm going to be making for the rest of this year my focus my art focus is just going to be mellow um I intend to make as many um art pieces with him as the central character um and half of those are going to be him on well are going to be just f um pictures of his uh a head so not not complete pictures with body just head um yeah right this is all [Music] a sketch I want melow to have this is these are the things that I need to stay consistent with because initially I didn't have he didn't have a I'm just thinking whether or not it's a good idea to um to give him a pot belly but I'm going to go against that no Pot Bellies for Mello cuz I don't have one and remember he's my Alter Ego isn't he so no Pot Bellies for my alter ego I really enjoy the idea of creating an alter ego for myself I like that so much maybe I should just give him a small small belly I don't know I don't know he does have a belly button though um I'm not yet decided on whether or not to give him an actual pot belly maybe a small one we'll see we will see um I want his arms like mine not much muscle there a bit [Music] wriggly I want him to have portr in [Music] knees and um ankles knees elbows wrists and those will be attached to really large arms [Music] distinctly large arms [Music] [Music] okay I want [Music] his I've not yet thought of whether or not he should wear anything in particular I mean the idea has crossed my mind if I want this character to always be dressed in say a suit you know just keeping that consistency um but I'm not [Music] sure I'm not sure if that's what I want he might be dressed in he might be dressed that way um often but maybe not all the time he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's see how it looks so far looks as though he's about to collapse under the weight of the world which is the idea um don't don't like the fact that he's slightly tilted let's see what I can do about that yeah um take it higher as well okay [Music] [Music] just trying to save that right what's characteristic of um this particular um art uh what am I going to call it characteristic of this particular art pieces is um how I've have chosen to draw legs I want legs feet not legs I want feet large [Music] [Music] Okay so [Music] let's put some right I like that I like that I like that um just so I don't forget a few lines around the figure to indicate that he is struggling all like everyone does we all carry enormous burdens some it seems more than others that's some seem to carry a lot more burdens than others right so duplicate this let me erase this just so that I can focus a bit more on the [Music] actual image Okay so that's his stomach part of his back yeah that's what I'm talking about okay that's that so first part done well no no not entirely I [Music] need remember his nose I tell you right here that this is my my greatest concern of the entire artpiece keeping mellow keeping mello's appearance consistent he [Music] it's going to be some character has eyelids pronounced [Music] [Music] ones and I want him looking at [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] chin [Music] now try and put a [Music] smile on his face he [Music] [Music] he has lips large lips [Music] right now the sketch looks really really rough and um I'm not even confident about it but if there's anything I've learned is to stick with it what's the worst that's going to happen eh worst that's going to happen is I abandon the project which I don't intend on doing he's got his mustache think mustach over here and then C this up a bit [Music] [Music] there's this thing there's this saying Nigerian saying that we have [Music] which is uh suffering and smiling um basically it's saying that Nigerians mostly it's a saying use to describe Nigerians what could be what could be true of anyone from any nationality but yeah it says um something in the lines of we like to suffer and smile um which is sad really people going through a difficult time would would keep smiling as though all is [Music] well um and that's that's really sad but uh it just shows for some people [Music] that's really all they can do it's not much else they don't hope that by smiling the problems would automatically go away but when that's all they can [Music] do you know right something on his eyes showing that this is not [Music] easy really not easy um right ear is got large ears I just wanted to finish the um basic drawing before we talk a bit much a bit more a bit more about what's going on in the world today 4th of [Music] September okay I know it looks really really funny almost ugly but there's anything I've learned over time with art is just keep keep at it you know I might need to change a few things but at the moment he's fine he's fine fine okay let me see if there's any use in extending this eye [Music] picture see [Music] [Music] okay um what else can I add to this drawing um now I have given him conr so I think I'll stick to conr 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 99 10 11 12 13 he's got 13 I can make it distinctly 13 I think I should again it's about consistency one so bre it 13 that one stays there and then I make six from [Music] here three one 2 3 4 four [Music] five I may not be able to squeeze in 13 like I wanted [Music] to let Just go with [Music] it I could easily have made this so I'm going to be representing him um with an afro um sometimes other times with conr never Bal um because that's that's how I've always wanted my hair I've done it that that way sometimes in the past um [Music] I wonder how many I have managed to put in there maybe 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 okay not too bad all right now this is the basic diagram of um of mellow I'm going to take a break now and we can talk about a few few things right just taking a break there today being the 4th of September 2024 a few things are happening today the first is it's Damon Wan's birthday so Damon Happy Birthday Damon Kyle Wayans! Wan from the WAN brothers from the Wan's family um I know them all as really heavily into entertainment acting um comedy um I know him from a couple of movies and his his brothers from a couple of movies I think they've been in the scare um scary movie franchise uh but I also remember him from White Chicks which was was a I don't know what I think of that movie but it did have a lot of funny moments with Terry Hughes Terry Hughes Terry Cruz um so yeah it's his birthday Damon is 64 um please show him some love send him some messages congratulations Damon caryle wers for and many many happy returns and I I hope and pray you have the strength to keep going um for all um for keeping the entertainment up so congratulations to to you um but apart from that a couple of things happened today as well now this today was the release date in Happy Anniversary ‘Gamer’ and ‘Mulan‘! the US for one of my all-time favorite movies gamer I don't know how many people remember gamer but it's uh star Gerald Butler it had Gerald Butler there it has um Milow Milo the guy from um heroes in there a few other people as well it was a fantastic movie for some reason it bombed at the bo box office and I don't know why it had a very nice plot um it also had the guy from Dexter um in it I can't remember um his name but it was a very good movie but for some reason it bombed at the box office and beats me if you've got any reasons for it just uh drop a comment let me know um but yeah there was gamer then there was also the live action the live remake of Mulan um I I I was already familiar with the cartoon version from Disney but this was a live uh version which I didn't really like to be honest um and I'm not sure if it was you know how it is regular with with things when you watch the original and then there's a remake even though this was a different kind of remake because it was a live remake um using actual um humans rather than animation so I'm not quite sure if I had an issue with the Remake because I had already watched the original and then there was some kind of comparison or maybe I would have felt a bit different if I had watched this in isolation without having watched the animation in the first instance woou I think it's Wu Wu was also missing from the Remake and I Wu I think um who played w you was that Eddie Murphy I think it was Eddie Murphy Eddie Murphy's character um oh am I I'm not sure I'm actually not sure is it Wu that is his name in um I'm I'm actually checking it right now no not Wu Mushu Mushu Mushu was missing um in the remake and I don't know why and yes I'm right it was Eddie yeah he's he was voiced by Eddie Muffy and I don't know why his character was taken out of the live remake but it was it was and and he he had brought brought real fun and and um lightheartedness to to the animated version but this one the movie version was quite serious anyway um both these were released um so yeah congratulations gamer on the anniversary it was released in 2009 and um Mulan was released in 2020 um yeah so that that's that in what what happened on September the 4th right I'm just going to go back to this image I've got a few minutes to do something to basically conclude on it just tidy it a bit because you know how I usually do it I have to I have to finish the um line art the plan is to finish the line art before yeah to finish the line art and then tomorrow I can uh I can take it further so I think I've got I've got the basic thing sorted um it's what remains is is what this man is wearing for this I have no issues with him putting on I don't know I don't know it might just be more convenient to have him wear a [Music] t-shirt or do I go with you know what I'm going to go with a suit I'll go with a suit [Music] yeah I'm going to have him wear a suit let's put that [Music] [Music] there I hope you've been able to do some art and I'm not just referring to the uh to artists I am also referring to well people who do art for a living or who constantly do art but I'm also referring to those who are just recently taking it up as well in my quote yesterday I said there was something about I think that was from Pablo Picasso about um how it is that as children we we are artists we're artists as children but we just grow up and then um we lose that sense of creativity and it's just taken over by a lot of things responsibility just distractions growing up things that are not necessarily bad if um if controlled in one way or the other but um yeah sadly we lose our creativity so I hope that's not the case with you and if it is I'm hopeful that you know watching this video would stare up again your interest to get back into art I'm hoping you're going to see this and say ooh I can do what K's [Music] doing and you just crack on with it really just get on with it okay so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay and then little pocket here Pockets go some detail [Music] here and if this characters um presentation you know gets you thinking in any way if you can relate to what I'm trying to convey with this um this is my yeah just take solace in the fact that you are not alone I would encourage you to find you know some kind of support in family and friends it is good to talk about the these struggles because it is challenging you know carrying all of this carrying responsibilities and you you know just that feeling that you can't ever you feel like you can't drop the ball if you drop the ball everything would basically collapse around you and that it would be your responsibility and partially your fault that um it turned out that way encourage you to to talk to people about it share it with someone you don't have to carry it on your [Music] on your [Music] own right so for me this making art like I said you know I say it in my podcast as often as I can art for me is therapy it's a uh I am really committed to doing this every day because it's a very nice escape and I can express a lot of those things a lot of those feelings this [Music] way and in that in doing that it becomes a kind of transference so I can actually transfer those really heavy feelings to this character and it's my way of dealing with it some people Everyone We all process things differently I'm sure there are other ways people um process um their challenges but for me this is a a good way of doing it this is this is good this is very good right so that's me finished with um the basic part of mellow I really like this I like how he's presented here um I'll go into details of you know what all of this is um soon soon enough um yeah so I'll just take a bit of a break and come back this one right so now [Music] this this [Music] here okay so we're done we're done with this and I want to now add the pen the pen are I'll just make a layer title it a pen layer to do that I will first lighten this up a bit so it doesn't interfere with um [Music] yeah so I can make [Music] this come to this right just a second let's duplicate this layer this one over here I merg it [Music] [Music] no way okay as always I will pick the text the for effect line pen I love using that pen it's just just a Wonder to behold just going to clean all of this up it looks really messy now just give me just stay well it might look terrible at the end I never know until the very end so I'm not going to assure you it's going to look great cuz it might not it might not but I am committed to making this look better so let's walk on it a [Music] bit for effect [Music] line I'm trying to complete his corroll with one stroke [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that's not too bad putting a few Marks here and there [Music] down [Music] no way [Music] [Music] [Music] all right needs to be a bit more careful here that's we do the eyes [Music] [Music] a few marks for his eyelids [Music] [Music] down okay it does look lowkey creepy I will admit that but I'm not done yet it's too early to conclude there are indications but I will't make any conclusions till I am done with [Music] this let's give him his mustache [Music] what he [Music] [Music] [Music] okay um maybe a trickle of sweat from his chin as well from his forehead okay [Music] you know it was just last year that I even began to consider the possibility of art of making art being some kind of have of of making art because of its therapeutic benefits previously I used to make it for the sake of making it it's fun to make that satisfaction of finishing a project and I know to an extent that that's what part of the therapy is starting something off and finishing it but that's not all it is there's more for art it's also making something that's totally unrelated to you know in a light environment there isn't any requirements to perform or deliver at least the only ones that are here the only pressure that I experience now is the pressure that I put on myself so oh that I must have achieved a certain amount or degree while making this art for instance within an hour I want to have done both the sketch and the line art the pen art for it but other than that really or maybe the pressure of speaking engaging with you the audience The Spectators the listeners while making the art maybe that's that's a form of pressure but it's a different form because with this there are no I don't have any real um there's nothing riding on this and I'm just free to make whatever art I want to make so it's only last year that I began to enjoy it enjoy the actual art process taking time out to make the art I began to enjoy the creation the finished product in itself and you know daring to make some space in my head for what I wanted to use the art for um not owing anybody explanations for how much time I wanted to spend on it and why I was doing it with this it's just it's just art you know it's just it's so enjoyable [Music] [Music] anyway making art is definitely therapeutic you should try it I cannot recommend this enough I just can't H I dare say art has saved Me From Myself and I know that sounds really weird but it's allowed me to make space for other parts of me to express themselves parts of me that help create a balance to The Who that I am I'm not even sure that makes much sense I'm probably going to watch this video again and say why did I even say that but that's the only way to express it at the moment right I'm almost done with this I'm pleased to say I didn't think it was going to turn out this great I am very pleased I mean very pleased with how this is turn turning out please like subscribe to my channel share my channel so that the algorithm gets an extra boost knows what to do with it who to send this to I know it is good quality if you agree then help me reach my target audience much appreciated when you see something good you don't just hide it do [Music] you you expose it he [Music] down [Music] [Music] he [Music] okay let's put a few trembling Marks here and there [Music] and I am pleased to say I am done with the first bit of this work so that's the thing about the effect pen it doesn't there's some Strokes it would just it will make life so difficult trying to put in all right let me put in the gator a line just here it's what usually you see in formal trousers Formal Wear should probably put it on the suit as well the jacket cool right so this is mellow this is mellow I'm going to take the sketch layer out now look very funny but that is mellow bearing a very heavy weight and I'll work a bit more on that tomorrow but the basic drawing is done I'm going to take a break right so done with my art for today at least with with my work on melodrama for today and now it's time for smashup mashup so on smashup mashup all the topics or well a great majority of the topics that I have engaged with on my podcast get mashed up to an image and a some kind of story or or piece of poetry and today we have had a conversation [Applause] about Damian wus Daman Damian wers and pu [Music] Mulan in MA so the title of the podcast for today is Damian Wan Damian Wan and Hua Mulan a macadamian Love Story let me see if CF spark would be able to do anything with that so just submit that and see what CF spark will come up with uh [Music] um let's make it a portrait has a magic right I'll leave it that magical style and just see what it comes up with let's see what it comes up with it should be able to fetch both these characters from the internet and then mash them up in one way or the other what I'm not sure of is what will happen with the macademia because it's macademia Nots macademia is oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow I'm sorry I can't keep saying I can't just stop saying oh wow now first of all these don't look anything like like Daman wyers but at least they got the fact that he's black I guess um and there is some similarity I guess I am I am I am in I am surprisingly shocked by that um so I'm just going to go ahead and take bits of this wow wow I I didn't imagine it would it would turn out this way but this is really good this is really really good I like it I I I don't like it I love it well I'm not even going to try and mesh mash it up in any way I won't mess it up I'm just going to go to the next um I'm going to go to the next mashup which is basically about this time it's going to be about um it's going to be about CF spark writer so CF sparkk WR now should be able to get me I want a love story between these two these two characters I'm going to go for a book chapter like I usually do that's the title of my previous mashup smashup smashup mashup but now I'm looking at Damian [Music] wers and who are Mulan then I'll put in bracket a macadamian Love Story obviously you know this is just AI there is in no way any connection that I know of between Damian and Mulan the character Mulan is purely fictional um but that's what makes working with AI so interesting now what kind of book type would I like I don't want crime I want is there any romance there woman's fiction so there's women's fiction short story play poetry humor and satire I mean he's he is a comedian so I'm going to go with humo and satire let's see what comes out of this let's let's see I am I am honestly excited whenever I submit this these ideas I am so excited it's like a it's like a jackpot you never know what you're going to get I hope that somehow I can get this across to Damian wers just for the fun of it um he's probably having a lot of uh uh people reaching out to him on his um social profile um social platforms but I'm going to try and see if I can tag him on in this right so I have to read this out in in the best way I can a way that this Justice can be done to this right let's go chapter five Damian wyers and hu Mulan A macademian Love Story Once Upon a Time in a land Far Far Away there lived a handsome but clueless man named Damian Wes Damian was Notorious for his bumbling ways and quirky sense of humor but he despite his shortcomings he had a heart of gold a one day Damian found himself lost in the mystical land of ham Mulan a place filled with ancient traditions and fierce Warriors it was there that he stumbled upon the beautiful and courageous ham Mulan her warrior princess who was admired by all for her bravery and strength despite their Stark differences Damian found himself drawn to ham Mulan in the way that he'd never experienced before he was captivated by her courage and Grace and he couldn't help but feel like a clumsy oath in her presence as they spent more time together Damian and ham Mulan discovered that they had more in common that they in than they initially thought they both shared the love for slapstick comedy and a pension for getting into hilarious um hijinks I have no idea what that is their unconventional relationship blossomed in into a whirlwind romance filled with laughter adventure and plenty of mishaps from accidentally starting a food fight at a Royal Banquet to getting lost in a bamboo forest Daman and H mulan's love story was anything but ordinary despite their differences Damian and Juan Mulan learned to embrace each other's quirks and flaws and they soon realized that they were better together than aart their love story may have been unconventional but it was a match made in comedic heaven and so Damian wers and H mulan's macademian Love Story continue to enchant and amuse and the rest is up to you my wonderful audience to continue the story but yeah that is that is that's a piece a beautiful piece of literature it's not perfect I can I I do see a few places that it can be you know adjusted and improved upon but CF spark writer does not boast or or offer that it's given you a perfect um WR up but just in something what you know something that would inspire you to build up on and something that can be built on so that is it guys that is a lovely lovely tale uh lovely lovely romance tale um involving Damian and uh Mulan and yeah so that with that I'd like to basically end my podcast for today this is where I have stopped um this character is again uh what's his name this is Melo durama and Melo durama is my alter ego and today I've got him lifting a burden the size of a planet and he's still managing to give us a smile there right so I will see you tomorrow for another podcast stay safe stay active stay creative cheers and and bye for now

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[music] aston villa versus arsenal a historic rivalry in english football the clash between aston villa and arsenal is one of the most anticipated fixtures in english football showcasing two clubs with rich histories passionate fan bases and distinct footballing philosophies this fixture steeped in... Read more

💔😭I lost my 1.6k+ subscribers but why ?#sad #motivation #shorts thumbnail
💔😭I lost my 1.6k+ subscribers but why ?#sad #motivation #shorts

Category: Entertainment

[संगीत] माना कि मुश्किल है सफर पर सुन ओ मुसाफिर हो कहीं अगर तू रुका तो मंजिल आएगी ना फिर कदम कदम मिलाए जा गगन गगन झुकाए जा रख हसला कर फैसला तुझे वक्त बदलना है डरना तू बंद आ रुकना तू बंदेया राह पे चल बंद आ रना तू बंद आर Read more

A BIG Whitetail Painting for Big League Pitcher Carlos Rodon thumbnail
A BIG Whitetail Painting for Big League Pitcher Carlos Rodon

Category: Entertainment

In plate hitting main thing is to watch the [music] ball the traditions of hunting and baseball run really deep in america and this is a project where i can combine [music] both carlos hit me up uh few years ago actually when he was pitching for the white socks carlos rhan he struck him out oh and a... Read more