Category: Education
Given that a better measure for uh velocity might now be the rate with which we're hit with information rather than any previously presumed uh metrics around calendar or clock time do you feel that the camala campaign and the uh anointing of cala at the point that it happened was a pre-planned event... Read more
Category: Education
There was a a particularly important comment that harris made that our fact checkers found misleading one of the theories that i'm most enjoying in the wake of the debate is that camala harris was potentially wearing earrings adjusted and adapted to allow her to receive information from her handlers... Read more
Category: News & Politics
E e e e e e e e e e e e [music] brought to you [music] by in this video you're going to see the future line approach toward immigration and that is because uh usually the democrats uh promised immigration reform and latinos were attracted to that promise but that promise never materialized now they... Read more
Category: Education
Rumble's banned in brazil rumble is banned in france and rumble's b banned in russia and now brazil has made the audacious move of banning x and finding people for using vpns one would imagine that the united states of america if it was an energy interest that was threatened in a foreign territory they... Read more
Category: Education
We're going to do it again in 2024 this have a little bit of fun and a little bit of lightness in increasingly what seems like a mad dark world simply enjoying the tendency of politicians to adapt their personality based on the audience they speaking to kla harris early days of the campaign out there... Read more