Watch CNN Host Get Angry as Dana White Calmly Corrects Her Lie

we're going to do it again in 2024 this have a little bit of fun and a little bit of lightness in increasingly what seems like a mad dark World simply enjoying the tendency of politicians to adapt their personality based on the audience they speaking to KLA Harris early days of the campaign out there I think in Atlanta trying out some new accents and you all helped us win in 2020 and we're going to do it again in 24 yes we will yes we will it was only really the four that was uh lent into the four a little bit I know myself that I bounce around my little class ladder depending on who I'm talking to you should see me in the back of a black cab I'm GLT stopping all over the shop but that's nothing compared to what dear Hillary Clinton I mean this from Hillary Clinton it's hard to believe that this actually happened but it's also I like Hillary Clinton better like this and feel like she should do this all the time I don't feel no ways tired I come too far from where I started from nobody told me that the road would be easy I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me and you all helped us win in 2020 and we going to do it again again in 2024 crazy days crazy days crazy accents crazy times and indeed I wonder what is the significance of this event I've not watched rub pool's uh drag race before but I understand it to be a popular show that has considerable influence certainly it appears to have caught KLA Harris's attention here she is appearing on it we are all in this together and your vote is your power so please make sure your voice is heard this November and register to vote at can I get an amen amen now on with the show and remember you better [Music] vote why not why not okay fair enough hey what about um because it's weird isn't it because I suppose we've culturally the conditions have been created where entertainment has this weight and freight and significance and power and then we kind of find it ridiculous when that power is deployed it's customarily referred to as soft power a good example being the cultural powers that emerge out of Japan its economic power it's power of commodity because Japan has been at various times styed as a result of various measures post the second world war from engaging in military hard power but soft power is always kind of dared when especially when you see it in militarily Mighty Nations like America here is soft power at play when I was at the RNC and saw the the Hulk Hogan moment I thought wow this is so extraordinary that this is what politics looks like now and I anticipated and indeed was rewarded for that anticipation because the uh obviously the sort Legacy Media what Hulk Hogan this is ridiculous that guy's an idiot but is it any different than this as a cultural artifact I.E the deployment of popular figures and cultural artifacts for support of a political figure is it in itself ridiculous or is it only ridiculous sometimes tell me in the [Applause] chat crazy cury crazy Cur look at how I up and back look good but they still want to know making see me in that he like he I suppose it's just a rapper endorsing a presidential candidate maybe I suppose in the like old days maybe if it was I don't know if it was Abraham Lincoln campaigning there would have been someone with a bugle Abraham Lincoln he's got what it takes like even our propaganda in our country just contemporaneously UK endorsements and propaganda always look less good either than the sort of trashy goriness of a Hulk Hogan endorsement I love that guy or the kind of rather more slick and Urbane endorsement of uh Megan the stallion there like and when we're doing this I'd like to strongly suggest you vote for sakir Stormer he's a good egg Stormer gon we're calling it like when you sit in our country I don't know man it don't look right we never did glamour so well as you like we can't continue to bring you this beautiful content without the support of our partners airte the world's only scientifically proven electromagnetic field protection chip trusted by experts airte is now can you believe this an official partner of the Ultimate Fighting Championship the UFC giving support for world-class athletes who want to safeguard themselves from excessive electromagnetic radiation we're all going to want that protection soon Elite athletes within the UFC are unique in their need to optimize their performance 25 minute bursts Airtech understand the importance of optimal recovery and Peak Performance trusted and used by pro athletes all around the world to elevate their game EMF modulation Technology Solutions help them train harder recover faster and perform at their best and wouldn't we all benefit from that I know that I would I keep this one device here it's protecting me from that it's protecting me from a whole lot of things get out Russian hackers go to Pages Russell dbrand there's a link and use the code Russell 30 for 30% off so click the link under this and use the code Russell 30 2 s is 2 L's for 30% off this device protect yourself from invisible fields of detrimental vibration back to the content oh this is something that a lot of people are well into uh Donna Dana Dana White he um his him talking about the attempts to mobilize the Kamala campaign on CNN here he goes campaign has already gotten pretty nasty I think people expected it to get nasty now that there is a new head of that Democratic ticket it's the vice president kamla Harris you know you have joked before that politics is way nastier than sports or the UFC but what we're seeing I mean there's a labeling of the vice president as a Dei hire um you yourself have prided yourself on giving both men and women opportunities at your organization what do you think of this message that attacks the race and gender of an opponent yeah I don't judge people by their politics and and uh you know who they vote for or any of that stuff and and listen I don't know Cala she seems like she's a nice person um uh you know I I have nothing against her whatsoever and like I said I'm not political but do I think that that she is fit for the job I I do not personally politics are are are the most disgusting nasty um it's it's it's it's atrocious what is said in Paul and the things that are being said on on one side are being said on the other side too about Trump and about uh you know his choice for vice president it goes both ways this isn't like oh my god look what's being said about Kamala it's it goes both ways they're both saying it and like you said it's already heated up and gotten nasty and like you said earlier it's only going to get nastier that's politics it is what it is um and and it definitely goes both ways I don't know that it's going both ways to have the childless cat lady comment a Dei hire who's calling J is you think that vice president KLA Harris is calling JD Vance A Dei hire Dana come on but either way she's gonna say other nasty stuff about both of them it it it goes both ways and as voters as voters what we need to do is cut through all the BS and you have to look at um who do you think is best fit to run the country for the next four years that is our job as voters all of this stuff is a bunch of of nasty BS all of it who's best fit to run the country you as a voter that's what you need to decide not oh my God he said this and oh my God she said that there's going to be a lot of that over the next several months and and especially the media through all the BS that the media on both sides you guys you guys are really bad Fox is bad everybody's bad cut through the BS and vote for who you think is the most fit to run the country that's our job as voters oh that actually was quite it was a relief to hear that wasn't it because he was testifying when he said politics has gotten so dark and both sides it's mudslinging and nastiness things becoming Christian I felt more and more I want want out man I want to transcend this space I don't even want to talk about this stuff it's so awful and ugly the Olympics children are being murdered there endless sort of attempt to mobilize every single story into an issue that can be used to increase the power of one side and diminish the authority of the other Ian it's just absolutely exhausting and a Christian principle like you are all saved due to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and by the tribunal of Our Lord you have all failed none of you are better than each other none of you are worse than each other forget quarreling about that or quibbling for status amidst one another and this by the way outside of Christianity you could look at that materialistically rationally and cosmologically and say in Infinite Space why the hell are we arguing about which particular molecule has the shiniest new shoes but from a Christian perspective there is a kind of a beauty and a Grace in it that the creator of the simulation came on in side of the simulation and said hey awaken love is the fuel love is what you need to connect to love God with all your heart love one another get out of this mad tribal crap and stop setting up altars to false gods of ego or greed or sex all sorts of things that I myself have worshiped at at various points you know when you see even Dana White just like oh he's like he's exhausted and he's sort of clearly I mean he spoke at the RNC so I'm guessing he's a trump supporter on that basis alone but does seem more reasonable than the uh Arena within which he's speaking like it's like the UFC is now not violent is not as violent as the media Auditorium in which we're all conducting our discourse but hey that's just what I think why don't you let me know what you think in the comments and the chat hey thanks for watching if you want to see more uncensored content where Free Speech can flourish join our live stream click the link right here to watch the next video if you want to or become a member of a growing movement download the rumble app and you'll be informed every time 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