“They Did THIS With Obama” – Matt Walsh’s EXPLOSIVE Theory On Kamala & Obama

given that a better measure for uh velocity might now be the rate with which we're hit with information rather than any previously presumed uh metrics around calendar or clock time do you feel that the Camala campaign and the uh anointing of Cala at the point that it happened was a pre-planned event in order for there to be a kind of honeymoon towards November or do you feel that there that the Biden debate performance was a genuine shock and how do you see this new perception of time this billion bits bombardment perspective playing out up till November do you think that means it's impossible to predict do you have fears around the Integrity of the election and do you mostly do you think that these events are somehow orchestrated I uh uh I do have plenty of fears about the Integrity of the election and uh it it but it also makes it very difficult to predict and I'm I am I myself I I readily admit that I'm a terrible political prognosticator uh so my my predictions are always sure to come to to to to not come to fruition so I'll admit that I I really have no idea what's going to happen in November but um as far as whether it was planned I you know there's a theory out there that the people really in charge of the Democrat Party the people pulling the strings um they asked for this debate before the convention and as we all know doing a a pres the earliest presidential debate I think that we've ever had they never do them before the convention and so the kind of conspiracy theory is that the Democrats did this on purpose because they knew that that that uh Biden would fall apart on stage which is what happened and then they would have the ability to finally get rid of him which is what they always wanted and to install somebody else I don't know if that's the case sometimes I think that we I don't know if these people are smart enough to to think that far ahead and to do something like that because although that would be very dishonest and devious it would be pretty pretty brilliant uh strategically and I'm not sure if they're that smart I guess maybe I I hope they're not that smart so I kind of fall more on the on the the side of you know they were going to ride with this guy they were going to try to ride with him till the election just wheel him through it uh get him another four years and then you know they knew that there's no way he would probably survive another four years and uh and that's fine with them because then they would take over and and uh they'd be pull you know they they were really in charge the whole time anyway so I'm not sure but I do know that it has worked out the timing has worked out tremendously well for kamla um because look she's she's a she's a total empty vessel uh they don't trust her to speak Off Script at all she has hasn't answered any questions she hasn't she hasn't done an interview um they've got this they've generated this hype around her they've turned her into this political phenomenon in the most fraudulent way we've ever seen uh yeah we've seen them do this before they did this with Obama but at least with Obama number one he actually was and is a talented orator so I won't say a lot else good about him but he is that at least like he's a talented speaker and so you can see how somebody I mean all throughout history there have been charismatic orators who uh have you know generated a lot of excitement and led political movements just on that alone so that's not all that surprising so they had you know they had something to work the media had something to work with when they were kind of turning Obama into this messic figure also Obama didn't have much of a history before that right he was a state senator he it's he wasn't in politics very long before they came out of nowhere and so they were able to just kind of like take this guy and make him into what they wanted him to be with kamla it's just so fascinating because she's been on the political scene even on the national scene for years and uh she she was vice president for for uh almost four years and was roundly uh kind of dismissed as sort of a joke and this Bland nothing of a figure and yet they've taken that person we know who she is we've seen her for years she ran for PR the presidency in 2020 she was in the primary she got like 1% of the vote nobody nobody liked her nobody wanted her and they've taken her and they've turned her into this person that is supposedly filling up Arenas and uh the way that they're able to do that is because look the the media it turns out they can do that with anyone they can take anyone and turn them into a star the trick though is that is that if they're doing that with someone who's a total empty vessel they can make him into a star but it won't last long it'll it'll it'll burn hot and bright and quickly and then it'll burn out but they don't need for it to last long they only need for it to last for 3 months and that's the question will last for three months and I don't know perhaps the phenomena of talent shows that be in the 1990s was an indicator that New Media had the power to create figures from not and generate a kind of Hysteria and sustain it certainly temporarily um and it seems to some degree at least in the Trump and you know the sort of post Trump or Trump era however you see that that the Democrats have campaigned particularly I suppose after the failure of Hillary by having kind of ghost candidates keeping their candidate out of the way and allowing the sort of demonization or a legitimate suspicion or disgust or disdain orever you want to call it for Trump to do the sort of the carrying of that water and do that work for him on your point on Obama I I believe believe I saw a PBS documentary that was made before he was president and maybe even before his candidature as a president you know maybe while he was a senate senate it was like some sort of 10minute on X PBS clip and it was really interesting to sort of see a appraisal of Obama prior to the subsequent hagiographies and deification and what he came across as is a sort really interesting and unusual person with a really unusual past with his an unusual ethnic history growing up in why he spending a lot of time in Indonesia and marrying Michelle and sort of perhaps understanding his identity through his education or an identity as an African-American particular identity and it it was sort of encouraging him doing um pro bono work as a lawyer I wow that's like this is an interesting character and I wonder perhaps Matt if any of us have a certain use to a kind uh that anyone can be used by culture for as long as they're valuable you know the common understood idea that Epstein's function in the culture was to have dirt on people that could be utilized whenever necessary so that a person with a particular set of characteristics or traits could be put in a position of political power or of influence and then should they ever become recalcitrant the button gets pushed and they are told hey comply or else you know and even if there's no need for that you know and and no uh no skeletons in the closet most people are pretty happy to take the material and worldly rewards that come with those sort of positions of privilege notably both V ramaswami and Dave Rubin did say Biden won't see a 2024 campaign you know I saw old video of of Ruben saying that and um and VI will tell anyone who who listen won't he that that that you know that Biden weren't going to run but I like you do sometimes wonder whether or not that level of Ingenuity is going on behind the scenes but it's going to be interesting to see how a a figure like Kamala is man managed I look a lot of the Aesthetics of propaganda the propaganda of the right you know I was at the RNC and I saw that you were at the DNC and they're propaganda you know like people coming out and talking about sort pro-life stories bringing out a pop star or whatever and some pop stars not showing up and I'm wondering about what is substantive in the DNC now I know they have announced some policies I think it's mad that Kamala is talking about spending hundreds of Millions on the wall now and that too shows you that it makes you wonder what's really there we can't continue to bring you this beautiful content without the support of our partners how stealing a modern-day crime where cyber scammers get their hands on your home's title and leverage your Equity Savvy homeowners like us can make it really difficult for these Scoundrels by teaming up with home title lock their triple lock protection monitors your property sends you alerts and if fraud is detected it works endlessly to correct it there was a family in Sarasota a criminal from New York manag managed to change their home's title and tried to sell it online home title lock was on the case they detected the fraud and worked with the homeowners and put the title back in their name where it belongs don't be an unsuspecting victim use 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this question if this had happened a month and a half ago and You' asked me I would say well this is going to have a massive impact particularly RFK Jr uh because he does have a very devoted and large following not large enough to actually win the presidency himself obviously but large enough you would think in a really tight election uh um to to put Trump over the top and I would have said that a month and a half ago tulsy gabri's another one doesn't have the same level of like devotion but she's a very talented politician she's also you know I think you know an honest an honest person there's not a lot of of those in politics um and does have crossover appeal so I would say yeah this is gonna this this could be even decisive now the only thing that gives me pause is what I said a few minutes ago that also if You' asked me a month and a half ago would it a major impact on the election if uh the presidential candidate gets shot in the head and survives it uh could that have a decisive impact I would have also said yes definitely um and that hasn't proved to be the case so you know I I guess it it the question is always when when voting when voting really starts well voting unfortunately starts like a month ahead of time but let's just say on Election Day will anything that happened before 48 the 48 hours before that like does does anything older than 48 hours matter at all when people are actually voting uh that's kind of the fundamental question and if the answer is no that like the O nothing matters if it's more than 48 hours old if that's the answer then it's just you know you you political campaigns don't you can't even campaign anymore political campaigns basically don't exist because nothing matters if it's not front of mind when people go to vote um and so and so I guess yeah that's a long way of saying I I I don't know um but by All rights it it should have a a decisive impact do you think that something like more epistemologically profound is happening then Matt if we can't rely on a cycle longer than 48 hours two things I think of of the um famous War Holan edict about 15 minutes and then the writing of Martin gy in his book The Revolt of the public that I refer to a lot that talks about that s of in tsunami of information that began in 2001 you know every year since 2001 the amount of available information has doubled and it's of therefore we're kind of deluged in continual Perpetual information without absorbing absorbing any knowledge and if there is no ability to create sort of narratives with any Mythic tenacity or any meaningful influence don't don't that suggest we are existing in a a kind of nihilistic Fugue where almost any idea might take hold of us and in that kind of environment what sort of you know what sort of things matter and does there need to be a more Ardent return to you know the kind of uh what we've touched upon but not explored in any great depth throughout this interview Christianity and the importance of recognizing that actually we just created little things here we're here to serve and follow some very particular instructions and do you do you sense that that might return to the Forefront yeah I think well nihilistic Fugue is a great way of putting it and that's that's what I sense anyway uh if I were to summarize the culture maybe I would use that term um and it it yeah that that's the problem me c campaigning is really a political campaign is really storytelling it's at least traditionally that's what it has been like who who has the more compelling story Trump won in 2016 in large part because it was such a compelling fascinating story that was just so remarkable whether you hated him or loved him it was a remarkable story and the story was so powerful that it was just looking back on it now it just seemed obvious like of course this guy's going to win his story is so incredible um but that that storytelling requires people to follow it and get invested kind of in the narrative and to care about it for more than 48 hours and if they don't then it just becomes hard to to do that anymore uh Christianity is that I mean Christianity it's easy for me because that's in my opinion the answer to all of our cultural problems ultimately but it's I think obviously the answer here because you have to have a sense of Christianity gives you a sense of a you know it there's in a sense of the Eternal that that actually things do matter for a lot longer than than 48 hours uh in fact what we're experiencing now and what we're living through uh that all of this will matter in some way even beyond the extent of our own physical lifetimes and it it'll matter you know into eternity and I think if you take away that sense of the Eternal and replace it only with a sense of only with the idea that we are temporal beings we came out of nothingness into nothingness we will return we're here for the blink of an eye and then on top of that there's this billions bits of information every second beaming at us uh you combine those two things and it's just there's there's there's no hope there's no way for you to live a life where anything matters at all um and the only antidote to that is again you know a sense of the Eternal and also to the extent that's possible uh to quiet some of that noise in your own life and and uh you know give your give your sense yourself a sense of quiet and Solitude in your life to focus on these things yeah I'm trying to do that hey thanks for watching if you want to see more uncensored content where Free Speech can flourish join our live stream click the link right here to watch the next video if you want to or become a member of a growing movement download the rumble app and you'll be informed every time we make a new piece of content Stay Free

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