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tracy lawrence
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Tracy Lawrence I see now - it's good to see your face again it's been a while am I doing well I get [Music] byow you sure look good since your new love came in your life though I didn't see that fire in you he's fine I hope I can see it now oh I never saw that looking your eye...
Tracy Lawrence - TL's Road House - Mark Wills (Episode 55) - [Music] all right hello everybody Welcome to TS Roadhouse good to have y'all with us again my old friend Mark Wills is with us today how are you pal man I'm good it's good to see you bro good to see you too man love the love the bus love the uh love ...
Tracy Lawrence Admits His Favorite Songs Of His & Shares George Jones Stories - C we're talking about you before you came in obviously as a person I really like you but then we're fans of forever what what what is your best song what's your what's the such a vague question what's your best song you know there's a lot of ways to ...
Tracy Lawrence - I Could Use One (Official Music Video) - [Music] been working that ship work watching that clock turn wishing it was five then daydreaming about that brown by a long neck sitting on I Lord knows I could use one yeah my a beer slips out of third gear and runs too hard there's a I new Jack th...
Tracy Lawrence - Out Here In It (Official Music Video) - [Music] some Skies rain some Skies shine trouble's always been a friend of mine ain't nothing new so I ain't scared the wind can take me it don't matter where so I won't run and I won't hi the one gets out of here a l good or bad when the J's in I ho...
Tracy Lawrence - I See It Now - [Music] it's good to see your face again it's been a while how am I doing somehow [Music] you sure look good since your new love came in your life you know I didn't say that fire in you he's fine oh but I can see it now oh I never saw that looking in...
Tracy Lawrence - TL's Road House - Caroline Jones (Episode 27) - [Music] there's something [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody Welcome to Tio's Roadhouse glad to have you with us for this episode in the house is Caroline Jones how are you I'm wonderful I have so many questions so I just really want to get to k...
Tracy Lawrence - Time Marches On (Live At Billy Bob's Texas) - does anybody know what time it is [Applause] up [Music] sister cries out from her baby bed brother runs in feathers on his head Mama's and her room learning how to sew that is where you can barely listen to the radio Hank Williams [Music] mama is dep...
Tracy Lawrence - TL's Road House - Cherie Kilchrist (Episode 26) - closing yeah he's getting all this [ __ ] you know that was all ironed it was yeah there we go oh yeah no man we got this thank you [Music] hello everybody Welcome to Tails Roadhouse thank you for being with us uh Sheree kilpers is in the house so sh...