You Can't Road Trip a Big Block Chevy! And Other Lies The Internet Told Me!

Dan here D spe shop so look it's going to rain I just got home from work didn't quite get out early at all uh stole tire off the Nomad man that poor car is just getting parted out it looks sad uh anywh who uh we're going to well I'm going to me cuz Danny doesn't want to go with me hit the road took us thing to work today did good actually I got stuck in a pile of traffic on the way home so it sat idling for like a half an hour and did good but it is is completely out of fuel it seems to go through a fair bit of it it's not that I don't want to go with you I just have other things I have to do that don't you just don't like Josh and Dallas no I love Josh and Dallas I just have to the home for something oh yeah so anyway um yeah I don't know give once over the belt kind of squeals a little bit yeah I'll tighten that on the way or not and uh yeah I checked the oil and everything yesterday so I'm sure it's fine today jamming that big tire in there was a bit of a hassle but we got her in so all that's in the trunk right now is tires a bag of stuff and I tossed the miscellaneous whatever so hit the fuel station and on the road I don't know if I'll make it the whole way tonight CU I don't want to be driving in the dark in the rain so I might uh make it you know 2/3 of the way or something like that get a hotel and go rest in the morning I'm going to the movies tonight so you'll have to book your own hotel room H lucky me anyways you can't drive a 55 Chevy like this on the highway let's see if they're right all right oh garbage we're like two hours into the trip and I need this and this oh no the rags yeah I'm not I'm really not used to filming here Danny so this thing is a bit of a hassle when you have a oneman operation you have to kind of do that and then I actually probably need two hands but otherwise this gets caught hang on so we got uh I actually overfilled the fuel just a little bit there but uh basically I got 11 mil to the gallon which I wouldn't say is fantastic I W do that but uh 11 11 and A2 you got going on there nothing looks too crazy we have a bit of a coolant leak valve car is leaking a little bit but we're going to call it fine so I actually filled it up so full that it's uh kind of coming up the fill our neck just a little a little bit there's like an O-ring there so that's not ideal no it's dead full that's good I shut it off hot we filled it with fuel fired up like nothing even though it has lots of timing in it it's you know I wouldn't say it's hot it's actually running cool on the highway runs really good this thing drives straight there's no issues there just kind of want to make sure everything is good but is rubbing against nothing we got another uh 400 kmet to go so we did 25 or 150 Mi I don't know what it was and uh yeah I got another 250 ahead of me T night at the very least we'll see how far I'm going to go Saskatoon is 500 miles but again I didn't get off work till 3:30 and then by the time we got going it was you know kind of for something and I'm an old man I don't like driving at night so but overall it looks good sounds good I do want to tape up around the steering column because little bit of exhaust fume coming in not terrible but hey we're here we might as well do it I'm going to get on that get back in the road okay 100 or so Miles later uh started running a little me so stop in for some fuel and what turns out what had happened was uh I did a little tuneup here this plug wire where is it oh so I put the wipers on and I knew at the time the wiper motor was kind of touching this plug wire a little bit it worked a little hole in it and uh that caused an issue so we did a uh quick wiper motor delete and a pulled the couple plugs just you know kind of Cu and I I actually put a plug in that one cuz it was all kind of fouled up and whatnot so we'll see if that makes a difference we got a bit of a cool leak I don't know if this is actually cracked right there but we're going to pretend we didn't see that just kind of carry on the Belt definitely howls when you really whip into it but uh we're going to go ahead and say that's fine I'm more than halfway but not almost there and the Sun is starting to go down so uh let's get back on the road and jam okay well I made it now we're probably well hour or so away from where we're trying to go or hour don't know half maybe but uh I'm tired car's running kind of me it needs a set of spark plugs which I don't have um but whoops man camera so anyways I found a holiday in and anyways as I was coming in that right there is my favorite restaurant so when I went in there she said there was one room left and it's a twin Queen Suite with a pull out for way more money it's worth I was like o I do want to eat there so I ordered myself a meal but it's a half hour so I fig to do a little bit of maintenance on this thing and uh clean up the car a little bit and kind of that's it for tonight be back if I whatever I do night parked on our light here looks like a decent area in town I I actually don't even know I'll take my stuff in tools are locked in the trunk we should be okay have a good meal sleep early be up early oh screws for the wiper motor I need those and uh yeah guys keep on giving her what else can you do right uh see you tomorrow all right so it's I don't know 6:30 or something like that uh let's see if this thing will go oh throttle feels weird I'll have to investigate that real quick we're back thr cables flipped over the carburetor for some reason I was messing with last night maybe I got in there oh yeah feels good o yes [Music] he's definitely snorky try and not piss everybody off we don't have [Music] to you know me good [Music] [Music] neighbor and this thing she's a little cold blooded [Music] okay so we got to find a fuel station and get the hell out of Dodge we got uh couple hour drive in front of us I think the highway is that way nice if there was a guy oh there is no [Music] what do we got going on here surely there's got to be something I wasn't really paying attention when I came in last [Music] night yeah we'll figure it [Music] out oh right here nailed it perfect oh yeah she warms right up all right all right let's get some fuel throw some garbage [Music] out hit the [Music] highway all right we're all fueled up God this car sounds good so GPS in the [Music] year to do here so spent the night in SAS no Regina the sound the the city that rhymes with fun anyway hopefully this uh wants us to go you know what do our own thing it wants us to go right through town which I have no interest in doing at think like 6:30 in the morning we go the other way take us on the Ring Road get the frig out of here so car ran good yesterday that sounds good I want to change the plugs on it um the only thing happened yesterday the only one weird thing it leaks well leaks well of the breathers which I knew and I tried to get some from the speach shop and they were uh out of stock and I was leaving so that's the way that went and it kicked out overdrive once but I may have not paying attention hit it with my knee so it is right there so but it kicked out I was oh kicked it back in and there you are I wasn't really paying attent wasn't really paying attention there Danny post notes edit that over um yeah Highway theop that's so this as much a vagina as I want to see oh construction huh we can avoid some of this 40 oh no this is not good huh can I get around this nice okay well we're literally at the end of town oh Montana that everything I need for I'm out of here Vault wallet GoPro earbuds R all right we're out of here got to slice forag see the highway [Music] oh n [Laughter] oh oh I wouldn't you know it going through a little rain actually was oh drop oh don't regret um R quite a bit worse there not too long ago uh was a little white KN me now the problem is uh pass in screwed over present Dan as per usual so yesterday rip this thing and it dumped the cylinder because and I knew it I didn't think it be as bad I didn't it was rubbing as bad it was uh the white RoR I put on that's white RoR was rubbing up against one of the plug wires on the cap and I thought ah the a up is anywhere amazing it must be funny um so it's rubbing against the plug wire and we it's back to radi again so we lost one cylinder so I thought okay no big deal change the plug put in a a plug wire I had just some generic wrong one and a Lo the uh wiper M which in turn i b now we running into this situation where she's uh she's raining don't worry we're keeping her up at 75 mph here cuz honestly the uh faster you go these Tri five Windows just start to Wick away oh drive all the uh boisture look at that right right now we're going probably 60 Stepping Up 3 mph there you go at a workway off so the trick to rain in a tri five is drive faster so hopefully it sticks uh kind of lightish rain and we have a downpour we got to pull over either a put that white RoR back on to deal with uh plug wire situation way to know unfortunately I think it's supposed to be kind of sprinkly day today so I don't know we'll carry on I'll keep you updated and uh keep on keeping on here I had to go to three small towns before uh I could find premium fuel so we go on here now continue so the first town was like oh yeah we got lots of gas I just kind of wanted to you know take a break or whatever the second time I was like oh okay they didn't really have anything I was like well whatever and this one I was like well we're putting in whatever they got so we're 30 minutes yeah the middle make it it it took a oh yeah it was a full full fill all right so now it's 9:00 a.m. going to meet uh my buddies there they're uh going to get a little breakfast yeah and uh I going to get some spark plugs do a little bit of Maintenance we should be fine so let's keep making miles oh and the rain has not stopped if I mention that or not but it's been a bit of a hassle this thing's not happy at idle for some reason it's idling fine it's just not as runchy as it was but it RPMs no problem it has all the power so play with it a little bit maybe uh might PL the distributor down or something like that not make any noise I'm sure it's fine let's go on the road [Music] here oh D big birds [Music] [Music] okay uh I don't know where I left lended it last got to town had to get a few parts so we got spark plugs I had to buy sweater cuz Danny a packing one and most importantly a new pool noodle everyone's asked what the pool noodle it's when you're onean operating the uh FP front end it needs it this thing needs more idle [Music] something not Happ anyways there's a car show I'm going to go drop this thing off and hang out with my uh buddy Josh Chris we're going to or uh Josh and Dallas why this idle now it's it's like when the air filter is on it runs bad when the air filter's off it runs good let's play with it okay so going to modify this real quick are halfways then split it now we can pop the hood or flip the hood see why this thing is running El garbage o pull this side out I guess you can't see anything El trust me we wrap it around the fender which actually a pain with the brand new there we go now we can flip it without the fender getting caught on the door here we go I wonder why this is affecting anything so I just actually messed with it before started filming well did a few things but I was trying to real so lean it won't idle like what the heck pool noodle and these spark plugs bad let crank the idle and deal with it it's going to it's going to be not happy all right we'll just do everything John doesn't want and uh get to the show and all right I don't know if this is the right place or not I'm kind of winging it here hopefully can uh find where we're going four car it's almost embarrassing with how they like the whole point of it was to have the idle through the parking lot now it just sounds kind of BL I guess that's what that was it runs on six cylinders intermittently so we're going to rids hot rids which uh seen this guy Lots I think it's consigned place for old old cars so just see if they got something going on here leave the thing here and we got to do some running around get some parts my buddy Dallas mangled up the dip I think on his uh Mustang so we got to get that back together man if it wasn't a Gong Show it would even be fun so I think I don't know I guess we're in like an industriala I don't know this area at all not even a little bit but the left the radio just told me we'll see and there is Hot Rod stuff everywhere though stuff oh oh the scoop probably blocked on that side all the little like tire shops everything are all having uh some sort of a car show stuff I guess this would be it right here oh yeah rods hot rods and I'm sorry guys i' I've been terrible at filming the sun's going down I don't know what we filmed last but uh so you know I was chasing things around as you can see I had distributor out and stuff basically we went through it I said put the plugs changed plugs put a valve set set the valve sorry and did that the carburator is leaking which is a bit of a bummer um but went through the whole thing and actually runs pretty good again now so that's pretty slick as you can see place kind of yard sailed out here uh so my buddy Josh's house I don't know how much feel am I'm going to get to get across over the next couple days here but 55 Chevrolet Cadillac actually my buddy Dallas is working on 67 Mustang which he put a mod Motor in which I'd like to do a whole video on if we can but unfortunately be night time right away so we'll give a little teaser scrap pile man you're that guy oh yeah what guy you're that guy okay you have to block all the racist stuff here because people don't like that not that I I don't condone it here I'm just so the other thing we did here well I didn't do I was very little part of this couple of measurements so Dallas had the 67 Mustang which he uh did this and uh it's a 5-speed in it and on the first pull broke the factory 8 in so then he came with a great idea to weld the 8 in tubes oh yeah into the oh yeah into the center section we're having a center section built right quick because Josh knows everybody in uh rural Saskatchewan and then we're going to go try and cruise 8 street right yeah we're still doing that tonight we're trying to go get impounded yeah as long as this car or your car looks worse than mine I'm in the clear well there we have it so I think I'm going to end this video I know it's been all over the place it's actually only been I guess a day so I got off work and motored halfway or you know three qus of the way honestly the car did good you know I mean other than that one sparkl wire and then run the valves on it it's been super reliable I can't really complain I do want to get I hope my carburetor show up by time I'm back because I want to get another road trip next weekend even further than this but I really want the tunnel ram with the Dual quads on it I think my big issue I'm running into is carburation um obviously there's some stuff here and there the valve covers leak I mean actually got to put some towels on that there's oil leaks and stuff but hey that just keeps it from rusting um this XP carburetor and the one actually that I bought from joh which I still have and I got a return they're great but they're really good at wide openen full passes uh like race race carburators that's what they are right versus something like this which is a little more you know I guess I wanted a race car and is it can easily be changed but what this thing would need is like a 456 gear a crazier stall and obviously some different car well actually carburation is probably about right for it if we going to have an all race car but I want something that kind of looks like a race car sounds like a race car it'll have fun it's respectable on the street but we can drive it to the mountains or drive it to Power Tour whatever it is and I think that's where this is a perfect setup if I get those vacuum operated you know vacuum secondary carburetors get those dialed together that'll be a little bit of tun motor trans the gear vender work trick the 390 rear gear with the gear vendor is perfect it could maybe have a 410 actually in it just to give it a little bit more RPM because uh when we're going right at the speed limit or there's a construction zone you got to kind of pull it out overdrive and you're buzzing in third gear it overdrives a little bit much and that's a big part of it's the tire it's a bunch of things like that but we made a lot of progress and ultimately um anybody who thinks you can't drive these cars I just did 500 miles and I got here today we wrenched on it on that thing and I'm going to turn around and drive all the way back tomorrow so I'm be at work on Monday so there you go get in your old hot rod enjoy it drive it have a good time we'll go from there hopefully we do a couple videos on these other hot rods and then uh I don't know what's going on tomorrow I'd like there's a car show tonight which we're hopefully going to make if we get that rear end in Sun's going down and then tomorrow is a car show in the morning but I might be out of here pretty early I got 8 and 1 half hours of things go well so I'd like to be out here by noon at the latest anyways thanks so much for watching please subscribe below leave a comment get out there and drive your thing and if you're the one of the people that said n you can't drive this stuff you might be right we're only halfway done see you later

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