is the host of Dolly Vision on YouTube check it out folks uh he travels around the country covering all types of cases like [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is up my beautiful people it is good to see you back again so soon so soon okay there's 300 of you in the room right now you know what to do of course leave your DNA on that like button tonight we're gonna be talking the Idaho 4 y'all remember them people the Idaho students that were brutally murdered in their sleep we're going to be talking about that a little bit we're gonna be finishing up on some of the things we're talking about earlier on summer Wells and there really ain't too much to update on Elijah view but we are going to be speaking on that a little bit tonight which is really sad you know that there's still no new updates on this child they're continuing the search haven't really found anything the last press conference they gave on a live Vu was you know they ain't telling us anything they do have the mother in jail $15,000 Bond charged her with child neglect and they they may possibly bring her up on other charges of what what they are alleging but right now they don't think she's going anywhere also the Jesse van guy $2,000 Bond federal hold he ain't going anywhere and these people are really not giving up anything right now just a lot of rumors speculation things going around the internet or are these people connected we do know apparently the mother sent the baby over there to be disciplined okay sent it to some former meth coke dealer to disciplin the child where he would make this child stand in the corner if it used it diaper too much for an hour up to three hours standing in the corner make this kid take cold showers basically just physically and mentally abusing this child he says he gets up he goes goes to the bus stop takes his son to the bus stop comes back around 8 locks the doors up him and the kid go to bed he wakes up around 11: and this kid is gone now here's the thing how could somebody get in the house if the doors are locked the kid's three years old he can't reach the locks he can't get out on his own so there's nobody there really to let him out this dude is just basically lying now here's the thing did he sling the baby in the dumpster that's why they found the shoe by the dumpster or is he actually connected to the father somehow and the father has charges of human trafficking and maybe he's dropped this baby off at one of the father's friends or something you know something not so heinous as in this Baby's no longer with us is it the possibility that the baby unlock these safety locks and the the chain lock and stuff that he said he had on the door and actually get out and wander off and it's just missing the thing about that is nobody seen this baby you would think if you was out starting your day you know it had to be after 8:00 in the morning till daytime you would notice a baby walking in the street down the street around the neighborhood alone and most normal people would notify the authorities walk up see if the kid's okay call somebody but nobody seen this right so this kid just vanishes and I would think you know most kids just ain't going to go wer off into a scary place they're going to stay fairly close by unless they're uh Curious Kids most kids are usually a little more scared of things at three years old to go wandering off way that far so I I don't really think nobody's kidnapped this kid I think the dude that's in jail he knows exactly where that kid is at now I don't know if the mother knows but the mother knows something because she's lying all right and people don't lie for nothing right some people do I mean there's people out there just can't help but to lie but for the most part people just don't be lying for absolutely nothing so the mother's lying and she sent them there to the terrible person like it's not the baby's daddy or nothing it just seems a little strange it's her boyfriend but she's not there I don't a little weird but you know the police know they have some type of involvement in this but you can't you know you can't really force them to talk so they're just sitting there I'm thinking the police think they're going to recover this kid when they do they're going to charge them with more heinous crimes because I think the police believe this kid is deceased you ain't searching rivers in the landfill looking for a baby that you think it's alive you notice most of the resources for the police are searching land Fields Rivers the shoreline ditches so they're looking for a baby most likely that's is not what is in this L thing in the elements he's been out over a week with no food no water one shoe in a blanket now can this baby survive with just that if he's on his own I would think not okay now here's the thing about summer Wells summer Wells five years old okay a little bit smarter playing knows how to talk knows her mom knows her dad knows her brother runs around the the holler playing could she have wandered off you know some people act like summer Wells wandered off I don't think so I think summer wells in a situation like this she knew the area she ran around that damn holler barefooted climbed every tree out there played with her brothers all through the woods and stuff I don't think she would get lost she would know her way back home okay turtle gang been a member for six months thank you mad love so I think Sumer Wells didn't wer off and I definitely don't think think no nobody kidnapped summer not at all like I said I've been to the house multiple times and if you didn't tell me the exact location of this house you wouldn't even know it's there so a kidnapper would just drive by you wouldn't see somewh outside playing you wouldn't even know she was there unless you were watching her and they keep saying you know this whole Dog trail oh the dog path that's they went down a dog path the dog path sits I'm was directly in front of where grandice is camper is and where Candice would have been outside so you telling me somebody came up that dog Trail broke in that house kidnapped that baby that baby didn't make no noise right in front of where you would have been comes out with the kid runs down the Dog trail you don't see it but then you're still you're not telling the truth then because you said you was at the camper with grandice planting these flowers and you were out there talking to her and boom how would these people kidnap your kid right in front of you making no sound it don't make sense not at all there's some type of cover up I believe this is just you know my thoughts on this in this the police in Hawkins County they don't believe summer was kidnapped not at all they say there's no evidence that cause I love your face thank you I love your face too um they say there's no evidence of a kidnapping I mean they won't rule it out of course because anything in this world is possible but there's no evidence there's no Footprints there's no tracks They didn't drop a breadcrumb nothing nobody seen nothing nobody nobody heard nothing but jod C Brown heard a scream now did she hear somebody grab summer and that was summer that screamed and Candace was knocked out on some downers or something I don't know but all we do know is there's only one neighbor around really well two if you look at it technically close by Close Enough by that you would have heard anything and that's jod Su Brown and I guess whoever lives in that junkyard in the holler out there I don't know what person lives in it I think it's the one right across from Frank Hill they could have possibly heard something other than that you get far enough back there you ain't even going to hear a scream so I just don't see kidnapping I don't see summer Wells wandering off a lot of people have rumored that they sold summer Wells I just I don't know about that one I've have a hard time with that whole they sold summer Wells like who bought her some people think the church like we talk a bunch of callers today were like well you know the church might have had something to do with it people were saying that Robin Lane was part of the branch nidian and wakeo and I'm like I don't know about all this you know the internet's wild internet wild as [ __ ] but I am G to do a little bit looking into that apparently you know what they say about her being one of the Brandon I don't believe it but I'll I'll take a little time and look at it with a side eye you know and here's the thing about this we G to jump right over to the cleberg stuff Brian Colberg okay that guy you know they found his DNA on the knife sheath right they found his DNA on the knife sheath but to me that crime scene was contaminated they had so many people in that house before the police got there they were actually talking about it in chat rooms like they knew there was dead people before the police knew there was dead people now there's something wrong with that it seems like if you notice your friends were dead the first person you would call is the police but they didn't they called other friends that's strange that's that's a little strange okay we got Brian goldberger's DNA we got him near the crime scene at the time of the crimes according to his phone data that he turned off and turned [Music] on but there's still some strange things in that okay but the news today that's coming out is you know he's trying to delay his trial the defense this now if I was innocent like he claims to be I'm innocent I'm innocent I'm innocent I'm innocent don't you think that you would want to get to trial quick as you could to prove your innocence or would you want to wait to 2025 whenever you could to get dolly is alive and back we're uh we're starting to worry I've been back I've been this is my second live today I'm on my game I'm on my game and thank you for being a member for 11 months now just got sidetracked what was I talking about Brian Colberg being innocent right I would be like I don't want to sit in jail I want to prove my innocence I wouldn't be trying to push my trial back another person trying to push the stuff back Karen Reed she trying to put everybody that's guilty seems like they want to push their trial back I can understand Karen Reed wantan to push it back because you know she she's out on bond so she's free I get that I I wouldn't want to go to court either you know what I'm saying Brian Colberg is in jail though it seems like he wouldn't want to push his his stuff back and of course we know the deli situation his [ __ ] got pushed back even though he didn't want it pushed back he didn't want his stuff pushed back they push his [ __ ] back to 2025 too L Lonnie she won't go to court they push her stuff back she waved her right to a speedy trial to 2025 okay so people commit these crimes they don't go to court till a couple years later they try to I guess they try to wait long as they can to people forget about it I mean I don't know you know when you CR crimes are that heinous and horrible people don't usually forget those crimes you know we just wait and I'm like can we get this over with you know I planned on covering a lot of these trials this year and it's just like everyone that I want to cover they're trying to push it off for another year and I'm like okay we better make some backup plans because all the major trials are getting pushed back to 2025 of course we got the uh Karen Reed when coming up that I'm gonna be at live we got uh Cody bsby I'm going to be there for the Cody bsby trial that starts I believe Monday this Monday coming up so we're going to be out there covering some of that so make sure y'all come by rock with me see what goes on I hope they don't let this man off you know he ain't even on the board tonight I'm coming jumping around a little bit cobber lack of evidence lack of evidence you would think that if you killed somebody you would have blood all over you get in a car you would have blood all over your car you have blood all all over the apartment they didn't find nothing okay to me that's a lack of evidence so if he discredits the DNA okay the lab made a mistake don't think it don't happen it does La make mistakes I I listen to OJ's lawyer I think the one that's still alive I forget his name and he said that DNA is probably the easiest thing to fight is it's all the small things that are hard to fight the car being over around there you know what I'm saying with a jury but DNA you could pull up the lab how many times theyve made mistakes and all apparently all these Labs have made some DNA mistakes and then you start arguing that that this possibly could be a mistake that that little piece of DNA ain't much okay and there's no other evidence that says he was at this house there's not a hair fiber found on them there's not a carpet fiber there's not a blood stain there's not absolutely nothing you got people that's been in that house you got people that didn't report the crime Dylan Bethany they heard it they're they're they texting each other about it that's why the police I don't think the police knew I think the police didn't want to cause outrage and that's why when they came out in the beginning they said oh the roommates were asleep in the basement they just completely lied completely lied 100% and uh they were never in the basement of course they were awake they heard every bit of their friends getting murdered that's if Brian Colberg did do it you know what if this is like some Hollywood movie and Colberg didn't do it and the roommates know something about it and didn't report it why wouldn't they report the crime that's the biggest question why would they not report this crime could it have been you know always believe they had drugs in the house they young girls partying it's College you know they might have had some Colombian Bam Bam up in there somewhere or and look I can tell you now an Idaho weed is illegal so maybe they had some bud or something like that but there was something they definitely I believe wanted to get out of that house and I don't know what items they may have had because at one point there's a video that came out and in the video trust me because I'm a smoker I no this that these headphones are squeezing the hell out my head that you can hear in their one of their videos somebody is taking like a bong rip all right and it's shot from that house so at some point there must have been some smoking devices inside that residence now was it as simple as something simple as just they just had a little bud they were trying to get that that ain't no big deal right but there was defin definitely something that transpired that made them not want to call the police if you heard your friend asking for help you see a man dressed in all black covered in blood cuz he had to be covered in blood he just brutally murdered four people the blood was so much that it was leaking out of the house you watch this man walk out the sliding back door you know the crazy thing is he never locked the door he could have came back in and killed everybody she froze she froze for over six hours you know here's the thing about freezing if she would have froze at the door like she said is one thing but how do you freeze and then unfreeze and go to bed no one you just seen a man dressed in black in the middle of night in your home with your friends crying the dog barking it was so loud that the camera next door picked it up and they like nothing happened and there's people that have been inside that home before the police got there wow okay I mean I don't want to see Brian Colberg get off I truly believe he's the psycho killer but these kids actions leading up to this man they giving Brian a better defense because he G be like how do we know they didn't do it that if I was him that's what I'd be doing I'd be like these people did this I don't know how they got my DNA I don't know how they got my knife sheath but I want at that house it has to be them you know we seen in Adam mcgomery he pointed the finger at his wife she pointed the finger at him I if I was Brian I'd be pointing the finger at Dylan and Bethany I don't think it's gonna help him I mean I don't I really don't but his public defender ain't bad you know for he he has a decent attorney to have a free one every now and then you get lucky and get that good attorney that's free but so the update with him is he has another motion here in in May because they wanted his court date to be moved to June when school was out so it wasn't you know kids and this whole big circus that's gonna take place for his trial you know like Dolly being there um so they're trying to move it out now the judge hasn't moved it out the 2020 yet so that's what the motion hearing is going to be in May for so hopefully this trial starts up in June of this year that way we're able to go out and cover some of it okay that's the plan anyway I still don't trust DM story Vinnie says here's the thing I don't the story's [ __ ] we all know that story is [ __ ] that don't mean Brian Colberg didn't do it all right hold second dolly dolly yes oh my God my favorite guy yes who's this where you calling from I'm Sherry um York LS from Utah okay Sherry what's going on with you tonight okay I'm listening to your show and okay you're your people don't know [ __ ] I was raised and born in Utah and those damn polygamists and I I lived at the mouth of the canyon where they had their compound they abused every one of those girls the Jeffs and the mards which you know Warren Jeff is in prison now but not one of them did prison time what what are we talking about I'm lost what what what are you talking you know who Warren Jeffs is he went to prison in Nevada for holding off some girls in a hotel down in Nevada but he's from Utah what does that got to he's a polygamist what look at me Sher what does that have to do with what we're talking about well you're talking about child abuse and all this stuff and you know it barely easily would he could have been the parents t taking those pictures pictures I'm lost you have so lost I'm lost like oh sweetie I'm sorry I'm the lost one I'm the blonde um okay there they said there were pictures of um what's her name on the bed with just her little bathing suit bottom oh you talking about the pictures of Summer on the bed okay okay okay okay we're back there yeah but that [ __ ] has gone on in Utah and I mean you can quote me on this um it has gone on in Utah forever now I've left the Mormon Church 15 years ago but it is like if you're Mormon you just turn your back on it yeah we had a bishop here in Salt Lake that was filling girls up when she went in for her baptism interview nothing happened to him okay but it needs if you get a chance my friend because I've watched you from the very beginning and you are my hero if you could bring this up about what goes on in Utah what goes on in do a little bit of homework find out have to because Utah yeah um yeah you're speaking to me in Utah um you find out how the Mormon Church covers it up uhuh okay I don't want you looking like a [ __ ] on the panel against Betty chewing your ass out or I can't stand share but um you know just be aware buddy that you Utah and Idaho Idaho is a Mormon State too they are so closed-minded to this [ __ ] it goes on I've been Idaho I just ain't been to Utah oh well come go to Utah and go skiing with me skiing yeah I live 20 minutes from Al I got bad hips oh I have a bad knee I got I got noodle legs oh you're so cute but anyway I'm just watching your show on tonight and I'm thinking oh my God why aren't they bringing up what goes on here in Utah good Lord yeah well maybe we'll look into that Utah thing okay I'll see what I can do yeah we'll do and remember the last name Jeff because waren Jeff is down in a prison he got arrested I remember the D the Mormon guy that got hemmed up I remember two 14year old girls he got caught with okay I just was lost because I don't know where that came from but okay I understand now well now you got my my phone number my friend you need any Mormon information I don't see the here's the thing people think I have their numbers I don't the numbers don't save it's just a random login number so yeah I don't have your number so just let everybody know that thinks Dolly keeps your number I don't keep your okay Dolly well I am I was trying to help you with the weird ass [ __ ] that's going on you're down in the South which I wasn't crazy with when I traveled with my husband but the Mormons out here they control Nevada Arizona Utah and Idaho okay I will hide from the Mormons and I will check it out for you I appreciate you calling in I love you buddy I listen to you every time I found you again and it was like oh my God where have you been yeah it happen it happen all right you be good stay safe hey you stay safe too okay all right Dolly hide from the Mormons hey Dolly hey don't go to Utah who's this where you calling from this is Rose oh Rose from Virginia Rose have you ever been to Utah no but I understand I understand I understand where the last caller is coming from but bet I want to touch I want to touch on the three subject you've been talking about awesome awesome okay let's do it Rose okay summer Wells I've had this deep feeling in my gut for a long long time now and I actually what little pepo that fing in your gut do you want my phone call to make sense or you just want to play me a fool tonight I'll let you go go ahead do your thing woman do your thing all right uh um summer Wells I saw a feed I read something whatever it was a long since summerwell case started I believe in my heart uhuh that summer Wills Is Alive I believe she's thriving with a very good family and I believe Candice arranged that because a mother that's why Candace was never extremely freaked out when you watch her demeanor on the different interviews and videos she cried a little bit because she probably missed summer but I think she sent summer away because I think she knew what Dawn was doing to that little girl now see Don doesn't know this and Candace can never let this out and I probably shouldn't even be talking about it I mean anything's possible you know what do you think and I think that's where that Robin from the church came into play I think and because the kidnapping thing is weird the whole story is weird and I think Candace grew up in a very abusive childhood I I do and I think Don somehow too I don't know it seems like he was the abuser at a young age but I think Candice grew up in a situation where maybe either she experienced that or someone in her family you know and when she's she noticed that da was doing things to that little girl I still believe that with all my heart well she did call the police one night and say that Don was hurting her baby and you could hear yeah summer crying in the background I mean I don't know what she meant by hurting her baby like trying to trying to touch her or just she just said trying to hurt my baby you know just don't see Candice as a killer and I think that whole day where we have like timelines and all this and Hunter I think that whole day was about arrange you know meeting up with who was going to take summer to a very safe place and that's what I feel about that now next subject Brian koberger I saw his ass on TV today yeah in court today with with jlr now I don't really watch jlr but I did today for because I wanted to see live what was going on with yeah nothing really went on it was just heing I'm my understanding is that um they're trying to push this thing out till 2025 for the trial to begin now there's going to be a lot of motions coming up in between now and then but I think the defense is trying to work towards get this thing out of the eye of the public because when it comes time for them to pull a jury you can't can't you can't get this out of the eye of the public you can move it anywhere in this country and everybody knows who this guy is but if as if enough time passes there's other crimes that people are in more Forefront of their mind you know what I'm saying yeah I mean people get it a little bit but this is a brutal murder it's hard to forget for C you know people still remember the women Ted Bundy killed how many years ago was that you know people don't well you've got it you've got a good point but it was just a theory of mine that politically like I mean law they're trying to push as much time as they can to defense yeah I would and and and and here's the other thing Brian coburger he was studying criminology he may have ended up pulling off the perfect murder I don't know we'll find out but I still have questions like to you about those two girls there just and and I don't understand why a a crazed killer wouldn't have just got them both too you know it was somebody who had something against those two couples that um the one couple uhhuh and then those other two girls yeah somebody had something against those girl well he did follow some of them and maybe he had seen them and you know I'm sure he targeted those girls it wasn't just random like oh here's some girls let me go kill them well yeah he plan killing those girls yeah so now on the the little Elijah that cutest little angel um I watch you know dat line I watch documentaries about different subjects yeah and I'd like for you to put a trigger warning up because I'm getting ready to say in the nicest way I saw a documentary several of them actually about places around the world a lot of them are in Asia like Cambodia and different places where they put these children and the rich people around the globe that have these horrible fetishes for yeah yeah can afford to go there and they can pick the child do whatever they want if the child lives or die and then some of them actually grow out of the age that nobody wants anymore and they just you know and so there's I I'm I wouldn't be surprised if there was a trafficking uh situation in that I it could be because I mean it is connected we need to look at their finances were they desperate for money right like what's your financial status they didn't look like had much he was living in an apartment he wasn't living in a beach house you know what I'm saying so I'm assuming they're not rich the mother battled with drugs yeah there is the I mean there is a good possibility that this kid could have been sold that's why the police ain't found them anywhere because they got hundreds of people out searching for days and days and haven't found nothing maybe they tried to make it look like a Quinton Simon God bless his heart like with the trash and going out to the tra you know what do you call it the Landfield and um I don't know there's just different things you've said and allegedly that H you know um but I think there's a very good chance this little Angel has been sold somewhere yes I don't think summer was sold I don't think summer was sold I think summer is someplace safe okay Rose well look we're running over our time so look hey I appreciate you calling in I know you do and uh you know you were mentioning just to lighten things up and give you a chuckle you said that those headphones were bothering you well maybe stop being such a Fathead oh there you go okay hey Rose I got a call coming in you be good Dolly oh yeah how you doing I'm doing pretty good oh have you snapped into a slim JY yeah yeah who's this where you calling from oh this would be uh Mr girther Brooks calling from North Carolina Mr girth Brooks what's up girth Brooks well I'm calling to see uh who survived on your last Island who who who was your Champion oh it was uh bombshell reloaded reloaded we're bringing back Turtle Island 4 in a couple weeks oh yeah yeah we need to pump that up for sure yeah it'll be back it'll be back um I've just been really busy yeah no worries yeah I I've seen you like covering like all sorts of weird [ __ ] like um you people driving off docks and stuff like what the hell yeah yeah crime is crime man there some weird stuff going on in this world so so can can you give me the load down on that because I didn't follow it somebody just drove their car off a dock is that they drove it off to Pier not a do drove that [ __ ] off to Virginia Beach pier yeah it was it was a man he was depressed he was going through some stuff and he got in his car and he drove down the pier off to end up it and he went into the ocean the thing was they couldn't like immediately get him out so he spent like a week in the ocean and then they finally pulled they had boats come in with cranes and pulled the car out and his body was in the car oh damn so he he didn't take anybody out on the pier did he no the pier was closed he didn't you know he didn't even mess up the pier he drove all the way to the end of it too and just drove off of it slow as [ __ ] just whoop right off the end of it I mean he broke the boards at the end of the pier but he didn't damage the pier itself he drove down the boardwalk at the beach drove up onto the pier drove all the way down the pier and there was somebody on the beach and they femmed it and then you know I just went out there and covered it I think they I thought they were gonna get them out immediately like but they didn't it took days they couldn't you know they brought the boat yeah you look you look cold as hell you look like you were in like a freezing uh like a Nebraska or something well you know it's cold and then that wind coming off the ocean ain't no joke you know I'm saying so I live I live about 15 miles Inland it ain't so windy it's cold here but it ain't is windy when you on the ocean front that wind is coming right off that water you know it's like 20 some degrees outside plus you got that wind hitting so it's like it feels like it's like three degrees Yeah it's that wind chill factor well hey I do have an opinion on the uh coburger thing I can share go ahead let's do it well I I I think it's going to be really tough to convict him I don't think they have enough and I just you know I mean I don't see how they I I think the reasonable I think he probably did it but I think the Reasonable Doubt thing is Gonna Come into case here like I think the defense is going to start te into Dylan and Bethany is what I would think what other defense do they got I would go after them yeah I mean I would too I mean I mean I I think that there's a lot that the defense could go after I mean like a tiny bit of DNA that could have been yeah it could have been stolen from his house there's all sorts of sh that I don't know I just don't think they have you know where I think he he effed himself in the very beginning he said he'd never been in that house I think if he would have said I've been in that house you know because they had parties there then he could have been like well maybe I dropped I dropped my knife sheath there you know maybe that knife sheath was already in the house but he said he'd never been in that home so I think that he he shouldn't have said nothing you know what I'm saying I wouldn't said nothing but he said he wasn't in that home never so then how did your knife sheath get there you know that's tough yeah that that part is tough and that's GNA be the toughest part to ever come but outside of that I mean I just don't think they have a whole lot like so you could argue that the lab made a mistake and that's not his DNA and there's a million of them uh sheath sold yeah he could he could have touched it anywhere he could have touched a nice sheath anywhere no I'm saying that that DNA ain't his DNA on the knife sheath right they made a mistake and that that knife is sold on Amazon a million people could have that same knife sheath that's true you know that there's that argument and you got why did it take so long to call the police these people in the house they're were the last ones seen with them alive yeah that's gonna be that's another hard part like God like I I mean you don't hear screaming and you know people getting murdered and just ordered some food they order I think ordered the food first it's been a minute since I covered it but I think they ordered the food around 4:00 a.m. or something like that door Dash dude came and then right after the door Dash Brian Colberg slipped up in the house and started his Killing Spree you know allegedly according to the Idaho they arrested him you know but when they looked at him he looked guilty as [ __ ] you can't say he didn't look guilty oh he looked guilty as hell he look he look guilty for anything though he look guilty for like doing wrong on his t something yeah I mean he when he pulled over he had the fear of God in his expression when he got p over on the way back to the Poconos that man was in straight fear for his life um he knew it was over at that point I think yeah do you think that maybe he was just hungry and he was following the door door Das driver and just wanted he was hungry he wanted the food no because he would I think he would have got him before they ate I just think that he did it he did it and that um Bethany and Dylan they had drugs in that house and they wanted to get it out that's the only thing I could think of of why they wouldn't call the police yeah that's tough you know and if they I wouldn't even be mad at them I would just understand it more okay well we had to get rid of this [ __ ] we didn't want to mess up our you know because these girls are graduating from college they're gonna start nice careers the last thing they want to get caught with is some some Colombian Bam Bam or something you know they partying yeah probably have like some ecstasy or yeah exactly some some Molly or something up in the house and then and they needed to get rid of that [ __ ] before the police got there it wouldn't make sense anything else don't make sense to me yeah that that part is really tough to understand that that plays well for the defense I don't know you know it's gonna be a it's going to be a tough one to watch um I'm sure you probably cover uh uh or watch uh True Crime circus or whatever uh crime circus whatever whoever that guy is yeah I've seen him I haven't watched him lately I watched him a lot during early cobber uh Brian Colberg days then he kind of started going out there on little crazy with it you know what I'm saying yeah I haven't yeah I haven't watched a lot of lately Drip Drop drip drop that guy's name Drip Drop yeah that's is yeah yeah he brought up like some good points yeah he did he did and I think he he think he he was a really one of those ones that blamed the kids because I always thought it was a serial killer I was like it ain't the kids kids didn't do no [ __ ] like this um but he was all over them kids like you know yeah why this why that yeah it was yeah it was pretty interesting but who knows man I don't know what I don't know what'll happen with that one yeah I just don't even know what to think man well we might anytime soon so hey uh girl I appreciate you calling in my man yeah dude You' be good you too all right peace see you yeah that's you know you know the slam dunk is the DNA on the knife sheath but if they argued that why didn't they call the police I mean it's just one of those things how many of you think they're gonna push's trial press one in the chat right after you this video dolly boy with a RSE plays in the street blows in the ghetto in the ghetto what about it Dolly what up Ricky bavers what's up Ricky bavers it's all on you man it's all on me yeah I'm G tell you we got something in common I didn't see that coming that's what she said hell yeah what's good with you bebs man nothing much dolly uhhuh want you to do something for me you get a chance I've been oh Lord I'm going to tell you something uh I do want to say one thing Adam Montgomery didn't get what he needed to get throat punched oh yeah he need he needs something man he didn't get what he needed to get yeah now hey did you hear about the dude in Idaho they tried to execute this morning and they couldn't execute him why I guess he had little veins huh H yeah little veins they didn't want to hurt him oh [ __ ] I'm serious Dolly come on now I'm I I can't I can't make this up Ricky Bieber I can't make that up come on now I mess with you but I ain't messing with you on this one the dude was schedule for execution this morning his name is Thomas Crouch he was supposed to be executed in Idaho this morning they take him into the lethal injection chamber they put him on the damn bed they start poking him with needles can't hit a vein he starts Owen gets a cramp in his leg so they they they stop executing this man they couldn't execute him that's crazy so they went out and got little needles and then I guess they felt like they were torching and poking him with needles and they stopped executing the man okay so what they're gonna do with him now he's gonna live his best life his his execution warrant expired at at midnight tonight well ain't that something I mean that's lucky as [ __ ] I mean it has to be the luckiest man on the planet we can't kill you you're unkillable I thought you was playing I'm not playing you can look it up is Al Idaho his name is Thomas crch he was scheduled for Execution today they tried to execute him and couldn't they couldn't kill the man wow they didn't have Kryptonite they didn't have Kryptonite something I don't know you're blowing my mind do dolly they fed him a steak and gave him a sedative so he was in he was living he's living his best life while they were trying to kill him you know I'm saying they just couldn't kill him man Ricky Bieber wow that's how I indestructible for real what do you think we need to do to Addam mcgomery send him to Alabama and let them nitrogen gas him yeah they I mean come on man that was that was pretty low wasn't it they can send him and Thomas into it together then they can get a two for one we can save money God that really I now man just it just kills me how these people get by with that and then we spend the tax dollars keeping them up in prison I mean every life's important I'm go wrong but when you take your fist and hit a little child like that man and then after they said what he did in the bathtub doing all that stuff she said they need to get they need to get hurt too you hear me how would he get that out his mind ever the fact that you know seeing that you know no you couldn't that is a monster that's a sick dude that is a sick man well now is he is he is he mental or is he just flat out evil evil I don't think he's mental at all there you go thank you DOL now I'm now I'm glad you greeted me one time we greet on that right there yeah that's evil he needs death slow death you don't know what I like do to him I mean I would I would be with you on that one 100% I I agree that uh it's it's terrible what he did is ABS and not only that but the way he did things afterwards where he was carrying around and taking her here putting they literally tra they carry that baby around for months yeah ain't that something that is the sickest [ __ ] I've ever heard in my life that is something straight out of a horror movie it sure is man you're like what you got take dou her body up and put in a duffel bag come on and we we don't even know what they did inside that shower really we don't know if he dismembered her you know they were talking about the power tools and stuff but she kept Kayla Kayla kept saying well I don't know what he did in there you know so we really don't know but I I honestly think he dismembered her in that shower why he defrosted her yeah that's right don't you think she don't you think she heard them uh whatever he was using them power tools she heard them she had tool come on moner too she's responsible just as much they're beavers what they gonna do her slap her on the wrist and let her go yes that's what they're gonna do 100% that's what they're gonna do that's sad it is but look if she's as evil as I think she is she you know the tragedy is she'll do something again and hopefully next time they won't they won't there won't be no deals on the table for her right so if she gets out in a few you know few months and she goes right back to the drugs and she'll end up back in trouble and she'll end up in prison anyway right that's something else hey uh Dolly there is something I do want you to do for me I'm being now I want to talk real serious a minute okay and uh let I want what I want you to do if you don't mind and put put it on your well set it up you put it on your community post uhhuh I give me I want you to give me 15 to 20 minute interview and let me tell my story uhhuh okay all right then what I want get you do get you I'm then I I'll explain there's three songs I want you to play then I explain how all them three songs came about okay can you do that for me yeah possibly hey no I'm I'm being for real I want to do it I really want to do it and I want to do it sometime soon I want you let everybody know and we'll get everybody in we'll get everybody over to you and uh you hit me up on messenger let's set up a date and let's do this okay okay I've been super busy though I can tell you now Ricky bers I'm like like uh I know you don't went famous on me no I mean I just like I don't know even PJ earlier was like why you seem so stressed out I just got a million things going on right I understand that but I I do hey I don't ask much but I really love you do that for me okay I will I will just let me you know deal with when we talk about it next how long how long we talking about let's set a a deadline a deadline at least a couple I I don't want to wa you say I do it we're gonna wait we're gonna do it 69 days later I'm talking about here real soon yeah like within in a couple weeks because I I got milon things I'm let's take hands on you got your hand out there you you wouldn't you wouldn't I gave wear my hands out there like I'm shaking with you there you go but I gotta tell you one more time little boy with a run play in the street the co blows and the get and his mama cries okay I love Elvis man okay there uh vber hey hey Dolly yeah don't spend no wood nickels buddy and I love you man I love PJ all right okay I might try to I'm thinking about coming down to Nashville see if you you should you know what I mean what are y'all what kind of Booth y'all setting up I mean what are you doing I don't I know you're going to nville but well we're gonna set up a booth that you know it showcases the missing kids that we cover so it it'll have like it'll have monkey it'll have summer it'll have uh Cody and just some who's all gonna be there I mean me and me PJ and lo and and just y'all is it just y'all alone what no every big two crime person in the damn Planet will be there oh wow yeah like Vinnie from Court everybody will be there it's the biggest True Crime convention in the country okay and that's in when it's uh May 31st through June 2nd we will be what it cost to get in oh tickets are almost 400 a piece I think you mean it's gonna cost me $ to see you no no no we're going to have a meet and greet outside of uh kic cron too so you will be no I'm talking about where I go inside oh to get inside yeah it's like it's like 300 and some change you would think Elvis was performing okay and so uh in other words you pay $300 you go R everybody's that's for the weekend though that's the whole weekend okay from from what understanding listen here's the thing guys that buy tickets my understanding is when it gets closer to the event they'll start selling one day tickets right now the ticket price for the whole weekend you buy that $300 and something dollar change ticket almost now where you get it at doy I'm buy me a couple tickets I'm coming crime they need to give me a c at this point [ __ ] huh crime crime okay spell it make because I'll make sure I spell it right crime I know commit a crime con Co okay then you buy your two tickets there yeah you then you walk then you can walk around everybody's Booth right yeah and take part in all the uh seminars and the uh people the speakers and all that stuff because they had like Nancy Grace speak last one they had all these people from different forensic stuff speak they had the Gabby petito family speak so there's a lot of speakers so you'll get to see the speakers well you you'll get to hear the speakers and uh you yeah there's the booths there's different creators they're going to be there different podcasters TV was at the last one so it's just the Who's Who and True Crime have you been there before no I've never been so I'm looking forward to it oh well I didn't know it was gonna be all like that I like to go around I mean I want to go I like to be a walk around the booths and meet people introduce myself you know that's what I'm G be doing down there just introducing myself to well that's what I want to do I do that as I walk around yeah hell yeah and hand them hand them uh you know things about me you know whatever yeah I'm sure you can that's what I'm gonna be doing handing out business Dolly you want to see my logo and I'll let you go I got a beaver and it's like a hit of a beaver and it's got my guitar in I've seen it I've seen it on Facebook oh did you see that did you like that yes you have an awesome logo that is a cool ass logo well thank you buddy hey I'm I'm starting to really grow man yeah I like that I seen it on the window yeah okay I look at Ricky B a baller yeah how about that all right when you when you get to Bentley don't forget me now okay hey I want to go Dolly then you said crime right now buy ticket crime is and how much are they now I think it's 379 a ticket up on me you said 300 man I said 300 some change well that's not almost 400 I said they were almost 400 I know you did okay next days fundraiser that shit's expensive as hell yeah you would think Jean Simmons a kiss was performing or something I don't know it's just expensive they're gonna bring Prince back from the dead to perform they went now what if I bring something if I'm totally blind I'll buy me a ticket and somebody's gota lead me around in there what are they gonna say about that I I don't know I guess they would have to I guess they had to accommodate you I would think that's what I'm thinking but I'm serious I'm gonna seriously go buy me a ticket I mean I'm gonna that I mean it's yeah it's like if you if you showed up and needed a translator I don't know I don't know I mean I don't know Ricky I don't really know Ricky Bieber but I would try that one for sure just buy one ticket and be like yo this this my eyes want me to walk okay Dolly I love you peace and everybody the beaver ta hey check out my website Ricky y'all it's totally different what it used to be Ricky bber you Google it now when you Google my name now you'll see my website up top because uh my music starting to really grow he's making the Beeper great again yeah yeah all right be good Ricky thank you Dolly all right peace love y'all everybody slap the beaver tail right all right my man all right there you go Ricky beavers right making uh Beaver great again check out his website Ricky he is a good singer uh completely blind plays the guitar sings got some awesome music so if you really in the country music give Ricky a listen Okay um and I hope to see some of you guys in Nashville you know if you never been to Nashville hey be a good reason to come right come hang out meet some of the True Crime people and course when they released the list from CRI crime con you know who to guess star of course I'm gonna come up here and let you know well you know we we s here like this but Nancy Grace is usually Adam so we're like we like a Nancy better be there we're kind of looking forward to meeting Aunt Nancy you know she's a little say some crazy [ __ ] you know I gotta get a selfie like this you know so I'm looking forward to that $ 828 for two regular tickets for three days almost sold out I know so uh we're just figuring out transferring the funds so we can get all our stuff and lock our spot in but I did go right before I start the stream to make sure that you know the booths wasn't sold out and they're not so we're good to go on that right now VIP tickets are sold out and like the gold tickets are sold out and let me tell you I don't know how they sold out like that this shit's worth like $2,000 a piece because it comes with like the banquet dinner for like Awards that you know I ain't winning okay so but if you pay like a them tickets where it's so expensive like I think a lot of people in True Crime are like you know doctors and forensic people and lawyers and just different things and then you got broke ass me so it's like to me when I look at them prices I'm like holy [ __ ] like that's crazy like I could go see jelly roll like 15 times for $ 3400 that just seems you would think they done dug up Michael Jackson $400 a ticket so to me it seems high we will pack you a lunch Dolly I'm gonna need one I'm gonna definitely need one I need to save for next year there you go right and look we immediately started it soon as we the one was over last year we're like okay let's we need to get this going so we will be there that is confirmed all we got to do is lock our spot in um but it'll take them two weeks to let us know okay so we'll know in a couple weeks if we we get the booth but I don't see why we wouldn't we're definitely a true crime Channel we fall under everything that should be there okay I mean there we search for missing people and we talk about True Crime it's a damn True Crime event so I don't see any reason they're going to not give us our booth and uh so now it's like working on the banner that's going to go behind behind us and I'm thinking the logo and then maybe something with that holds the signs with the missing people you know that we cover here on doll vision and then of course we're going to have some uh stuff that we're going to be giving away some missing people Flyers the whole you know spread ofwar and stuff but I still haven't come up with like the logos and things that you know I'm thinking it's going to be our thumbnail here on Dolly Vision it's going to be our backdrop it's going to be the dolly Vision with the yellow and with the blood is what I'm thinking because then I have to design a new logo or nothing of that nature and I didn't design that logo I paid somebody to do it usually on the logos I don't do the The Artsy Crazy Ones so I had to get somebody to make it all that [ __ ] take a lot of pictures and footage well I'm gonna we're going to video a lot of it okay we're going to be airing some of the podcast don't wake up dead podcast from there we gonna be shooting videos from there and of course you know everybody I meet I'm going to try to get a little interview from so and the who's who from every big True Crime podcast is there so we'll get some cool stuff I'm sure it's gonna be fun if it ain't fun I'll make it fun if it's boring we'll make it unboringed thank you positive vibes that's nice right going towards a dolly hey Dolly what you doing bud just chilling this Brenda yeah hey happy birthday well thank you you're welcome I heard it was your birthday I meant to start the show with telling you happy birthday and then somehow it slipped my mind so I'm glad you called because I remembered it you're fired hey I I it's still your birthday right yeah I made it in time I had 30 minutes according my clock so hey I a miss it it's just 10 here so you got time I didn't forget yeah I talked to my girl PJ earlier yeah I heard it was your birthday today so happy birthday I hope you've had a great one yeah is all right I have having trouble with my back a lot today so I didn't get to do join the club I'm my back's been kill it's kind of like slowly aching but you know I've been having this sciatic pain down my leg that's why I keep shifting around so much in this chair so yeah I understand your pain but believe it or not my back don't seem to hurt that bad it's just a pain that every now and then it shoots down my leg that hurts well you get if you get disc that's bone on bone trust me you're going to hurt um yeah I don't know it just hurt somebody said grey Hughes web J I've seen them at crime conon yeah uh jlr to the last one I wanted because you met Don and Candace and from what I've listened to you say over the past few years is when they're not drunk and drugged up they pretty nice people yeah I mean they're well they're you know I think they're kind of Carny as they can make you they can appear to be nice people oh andly how do you know all your callers I know my people I don't forget people I'm good like he knows my voice now thank God I mean I'm pretty good at voices too like I tell people I could work for quanico as a voice expert once I lock your voice in I got you every time like people will be trying to call in and change their voice up and I know I know exactly who it is they were testing it one night and I was nailing everybody I was hitting everybody like you can't it's hard to get me unless I'm just not really paying attention but when I'm on my game you can't fool me with a voice even if you put a voice changer on it I just I will know it's you it's the Cadence of how you breathe and stuff like that that I notice like I don't know some people when they go to take that first word if they like how they breathe before they take the word I'll know who it is right before you even say anything but uh I got two scenarios okay about summer now I'm just guessing like everybody else I have no idea I wish the baby was found I do so bad it hurts my heart that she had been found in it almost three years sad pitiful but the first one is I think maybe Candace and Hunter was doing something that day and I'm going to be not okay yeah I'm going that and she called him you think she called him is what you said yeah I think Little Summer and got out of the swimming hole and caught them I think it's possible too I mean she she may you know she was at age she could talk and say things yeah and I I think Candace might have been scared that she would tell Don what she seen you know tell her dadd and she did something to her I mean and then I don't I do you think Candace is a killer I just don't think Candace is a killer like that I've always thought it was an accident and but I don't know this my opinion I just think it's an accident I just don't think she's as innocent and stupid as people give her credit oh I don't think she's stupid at all I don't think Hannah's as stupid at all I just don't and as far as getting and if Ally was right if you remember way back Ally said in the Chris McDon interview that Candace admitted to her that they would never find Rose cuz she killed her you remember that I remember Candace saying something like rose was under the driveway but I don't never remember hearing Candace say she killed Rose that's what I said that's what Ali said that Candace told her that Rose would never be found because she killed her oh Lord um and Chris MCN even said wow that's a bold statement to make yeah but do you really believe that Candace killed Rose I have no idea I'm just you know we all we can do is guess Dolly cuz we wasn't there we don't know honey yeah I know but do I think she's able and capable oh yeah without a doubt people gives Candace more credit than than she acts like this abusive woman that does no wrong no [ __ ] well what do you think um you think grandis helped candas cover up the death of her own child now here's the thing I heard now let me tell you this now I heard this from friends that are really close with Candace and grandice okay that they with all the time I ain't gonna say who they are because I ain't gonna give them up like that they may be in the chat room right now I don't want you to and uh they said that grandice would sit around and cry about Rose being gone all the time yeah and uh Ally even made the comment about that and then and she Candace asked her one day well why are you crying and Ally said well you know what today is said yeah so yeah I mean Candace when she got to drinking she's coldhearted you know just think though you know how Dawn is toward Candace anyway he's real overseeing of Candace like he gots to hear everything she says and what if Little Summer did catch them well how do you think how do you think what's your theory of how she you know you know like what she just gonna what she strangle her kid to death or you know what is your theory on how to kid lost its life Dred at the lake well if the kid drowned it that wouldn't be on purpose you think she drowned the kid yep on purpose like she want out there and push the kid under the water or yeah I see I've never heard nobody say that K is drowned her before they're just different there's anything possible anything's possible but I mean that P that War's path there's a lot of people around there like I was walking through it right up on somebody in the woods it's scared of [ __ ] out of me so there's people out there you know so it ain't like they're out there alone at Warriors Path or maybe she got into some substance that is possible because you know they did go get medicine that day is it possible that summer thought it was some candy and ate some of them pills and she was knocked out in the back seat back or did they give it to her trying to you know maybe some HED up a little bit and they try to like give give her this and next thing you know she's dead or I don't know and what I don't really know what medicine they gave her I just know it with pain meds because she hurt her leg she a hurt no damn legs she went and got drugs well I heard that they said that one of the boys had kicked her in the leg and she had hurt her knee and that's the reason she was at the hospital is because one of the boys had kicked her that don't make sense to me either okay supposedly they went to the hospital that's prudent yeah and uh when they got home then Candace had to put a brace on her mama that makes no damn sense to me if she wore a brace they would put that [ __ ] on her at the hospital I know that does make sense you know that they would put that brace on you at the hospital if you had a hurt leg exactly or did she put the on or did she fix her brace no say she was going to put it on why in the hell would she put a brace on her cuz they would have did that [ __ ] at the hospital yeah I I think they're lying too so I I agree with you that they're lying I just don't know how this little girl uh I know they did it I just don't know what they did did they sell or no they didn't sell that baby like the cop said the first day that child didn't make it off the hill ain't nobody kidnap that baby they didn't that baby that baby died on the hill that day I don't know if the baby died you know but I know the baby was on the hill that day and the people on that Hill know where that baby's at entertainment purposes only so I don't get sued allegedly but no that B Gone well we just his word about cuz summer would go with Robin suon summer loved Robin uhhuh what if she what if Robin got her I mean a lot of people seem think that and maybe keeping her in the house away from everybody or send her to somebody in her family you know yeah you don't but somebody something I know that Robin's too holier than that for my taste I'm sorry I've met people like her in my life and say fake is a $2 bill well a $2 bill ain't fake you know what I mean yeah I've met her I ain't met her but I've been you know the same right around her and she seemed she seemed Pleasant enough you know but I don't know her to say she's fake or anything but look hey I appreciate you calling in and hanging out tonight I thank you for happy to you how old are you 21 hey love you my girl all right you'll be good back peace now hey Dolly hey I have a different voice tonight you have a different voice tonight who am I you Rose from Virginia you creep Mr voice analyzer yes I'm I'm good I'm good rose I'm good what are you good about I mean I'm good at picking voices once I know your voice know it you know yeah anyway I tried to throw it off a little just to lighten things up but anyway um wouldn't it have been easier to explain away an act accidental drowning than everything they made up afterwards yeah I think so but hold on let me answer this question real quick Dolly will anyone from the Idaho 4B the crime con families detectives Etc I don't know yeah that's a good question they haven't they haven't released anybody yet that's G to be there so I don't know who's gonna be there they haven't released one person so they question they usually do that about 60 days out so I'm sure right now they're just getting their speakers and stuff together so right now they have no list of anybody the only person I know for sure that's G to be there is d hey is there anybody going to be there that was like a lawyer and all that when the Amber turd and Johnny Depp [ __ ] was going on I don't know I just said I don't know who's gonna be there well that's about demestic violence so I think they should be there that happened in 2023 so are they this 2024 is going to be reviewing the crimes of 2023 the ones that are really important right now I would think so you know like last when they had the uh P Gabby petito family at you know that was 2022 wasn't it I thought that was 2023 the last one Gabby batito Foundation was there oh okay I'm sorry I understand what you mean now okay yeah so um well I I hope well you're going to keep the summer Wells alive you're going to keep that alive with your presence I know that oh yeah we'll have wells there for sure because that's what got us in the True Crime so definitely we're GNA be there representing summer well Jimmy I remember starting with the Gabby she'll be represented at crime con this year Little Summer will I hope so and but I remember us connecting during The Gabby petito case man yeah it's been a while it's been a while there Rose no I know that I'm just trying to remind you you really started getting that was an intense situation I mean that's how we kind of met bullhorn Betty and what's the one with the heels the big lips and the heels the one Molly [ __ ] yeah that's I mean we basically became familiar with those people that have channels right that but then heard somebody mentioned to me today too Molly Go Lightly oh really yeah and they said that Molly's old man knows some mindblowing information on the summer Wells case is what I'm hearing oh is Molly gonna be there at the big crime con Molly could buy crime con know she I'm sure she wants to be there I'm sure she'll be there well why the hell didn't she buy you a ticket I thought you guys were friends Molly does Molly do True Crime anymore I think she does more of the drama kind of thing right now don't she I'm not I don't know I I have not watched her in a very long time oh yes since you and her yeah long long time I've talked not too long ago she was doing the kick thing and we were talking about I forget what we were talking about but she came up here live with me one night and I haven't talked to Molly since then I see her stuff on Facebook every now and well but you do keep in contact with bullhorn Betty I haven't spoke to Bullhorn Betty in a while either I haven't talked to M no that was just a couple weeks ago she called in oh yeah on your show that's it's been a little while it ain't like you know in the last no she called in your live show to say hey I'm down here in Texas uhuh with that Audrey Little Audrey says Molly is doing Facebook lives now okay that's what it is Facebook it was kick or Facebook but I remember she was on Kick for a little while but you have been in with bullhorn Betty yeah I talked to bet Betty the last time she called in when she was in Texas but that's the last time I talked when she was in Texas I ain't talked to her yeah yeah well see we've um been friends for a long time and it you know um okay Rose you hit your five minute Mark for the second time I will talk to you later later hosen all right peace all right Rose is a talker okay see that woman can talk we're gonna call her well there's already a rambling Rose we can't call her rambling Rose sometimes she's on her game though you just never know what Rose from Virginia you gonna get when she calls in um but yeah I I don't know what's going on with the whole thing but that's just the rumors that you know apparently Molly's old man has acquired some secret information is the rumors on the streets on the YouTube streets I don't know what that information is of course they ain't going to tell me because they don't tell on me [ __ ] so I don't know the information um I just heard that there is some information I don't know what that could be but you know how people blow some [ __ ] up you know I I got to I got to I know it all I who knows could be something to it could be nothing to it maybe it's just she said that [ __ ] to get people talking you know how people are I don't know or she knows something you never know you just never know in this world you have shortle says I've followed for a long time on Instagram I figured that uh she would come right back to YouTube but you know Molly don't need no money her old man does good she's okay she don't need the YouTube money you know so she she was I was like when you come back to YouTube she was like never and I was just like okay I took her as she ain't coming back you know so and plus I'm sure she still does her patreon her life coaching all the things that Molly does I'm sure she still got that going on I probably I'm a bad friend I don't check up on people so I probably should check in on people and see how they're doing occasionally people pay for that nonsense during a teller Swift concert um I'm interested in what Molly's husband knows about summer see that's how that's that's how Molly Gets you right there that's how she get you she threw that out there as bait she's Chum in the water she's Chum in the water now I have heard she's been back on uh YouTube is uh is it Molly go harder or something it's something like that um I wish everybody on these YouTube streets nothing but the best okay Molly might have had her pi to look into the summer case without telling anybody I mean that's possible check your friends I still owe Molly like a steak dinner she did take me out to eat and feed me so uh I still owe her a meal at some point she might be at crime conon that would be cool okay then we can fight you know I gotta have somebody to pick on Molly Molly's a good Target Molly's all right I'm gonna tell you this now look I you know I get this a lot too listen people when they see me because I sit in this little low chair they think I'm so small but I am not that small I'm five or seven I'm my average height dude right and I always thought Molly was bigger than she was so you know I See Molly on YouTube and she's just right up on the camera and she's you know so she's like she's Nancy grayish you know what I'm saying and I thought she was a bigger chick when I met Molly she is Tiny Molly's tiny that's the first thing I looked at her and said I say you know what you little you ain't as intimidated as I thought you would be you know I'm saying you just ain't as scary in real life as you are in damn on the internet on the internet woman you scare me but here personally I'm looking at you you like you just this little tiny lady you know so visuals can kind of fool you on the internet and Molly's funny she's a trip okay um I wish all them people nothing but the best nothing but the best I will ask her go to Crime con there you go tell her bring me a cheeseburger when she comes and buy me some sunglasses she bought everybody else say they didn't give me [ __ ] Dolly always get left out left out left out don't tell me nothing Dolly did you pay her the 50 bucks you owed her I don't think so I'm not positive I think she got mad at me you know she picked on me and then I picked on her she got got mad and I didn't you know it was one of those things I thought we friends that we can pick on each other apparently they can pick on Dolly and Dolly can't pick back if I pick back then I'm the bad guy okay no no no no that ain't how it working y'all ain't bullying me y'all ain't picking on me and I can't say nothing back so if they hold a grudge about anything I say F you okay I'm just picking I'm just picking I don't hate none of these people or dislike any of these people uh everybody's always done fine by me you know what I'm saying it's just internet stuff to me so when I threw a shot back at Molly she got mad okay she like [ __ ] your soap you know what I'm saying but what do you expect you know she fired that shot and she just thought dolly was gonna take it you know and I was like okay you remember the whole Dolly uh up there being homo with Don Wells comments and stuff and I was like okay you gonna fire those shots right and then you know I fired a shot back and she got a little mad about it but I don't hold I didn't wasn't mad about her throwing firing the shots at me you know but she got mad a little bit M then she got over it because she's you know she's came back and hung out since then so Molly's cool I like Molly you owe her soap I probably do you know what I'm saying does she really want the soap okay let's figure it out um plus I don't ship the soap PJ does all the the soap sales and shipping it and I just make it as a matter of fact I'm getting out of here in 15 minutes and I'm GNA be a d uncensored and I'm gonna be like working on soap okay well putting organizing some stuff packing some stuff I gotta make some stuff oh what I'm G be making is I'm doing some window decals like I'm doing some Dolly Vision Windows for your car window I got all my vinyl right if y'all can see that it's a little green screenage but I got some greens and blues I'm going to do a whole bunch of different ones like Dolly Vision turtle gang uh justice for summer whales and like different missing kids and I'm gonna start throwing these in with your orders and stuff like that so I'm going to print a bunch of these up tonight so I'm going to be making stickers I'm gonna be making some soap it's kind of boring because I really can't sit around and talk with y'all about you know but if you want to hang out and just chop it up in the chat while I make [ __ ] it's pretty cool you know what I'm saying it's boring it's hard to sell me craft and [ __ ] right making but you'll get to see it first think about that you'll get to see what Dolly makes so I got to design some little logos and different things and then I'm gonna put them on my plotter and cutter cut them out and I think I'll leave them for uh PJ to to get together and then you know when she can she'll have like all these stickers for your cars to throw into your orders because we threw all the harmony ones so if you ordered anything on our site we threw in all the harmony stickers are gone okay so we got rid of all those and we put one in each order that everybody ordered so now we're just going to make more stickers to to give away okay we're not going to be selling them they'll just come in your order so we don't know what'll be available it just be one of those aile of stickers that are different things and we'll throw them in order like it may be it may be Justice for summer Wells it may be turtle gang it may be it could be any [ __ ] thing whatever I make tonight okay whatever whatever comes up in my my mind to make as a sticker that you can put on your car window um I'm gonna be making those tonight so and I got a bunch of this [ __ ] so we're gonna be making them in different colors and and all that good stuff I watch you make my hoodie which I love thank you uh Kelly Sue yeah I guess you know how many YouTubers do you get to watch make the merch I think is there people that do that I don't know any YouTuber that does it there's people that craft but you know you get to watch me like really make your [ __ ] you know I make it like right you know I'm saying PJ does all the packing and shipping which works great because all I got to was make it but sometimes I get behind because I'm lazy and just truthfully I just lazy but then I'll get on a you know a kick where I'll make a ton of stuff and I made a bunch of stuff the other night and that's the stuff that I need to kind of organize and get together and like we're g to have some giveaways that we do at crime con you know we want to give out some soap samples things like that you know there'll probably be some small ones like the pucks and things we do little little gift bags and things like that we gonna come up with something clever to make it interactive at our booth we just ain't figured it all out yet and uh I gotta get working on the banner that's going to be behind us to represent the channel because you know the booth has a little place to hang the banner and the banner I think is the booth is 10 by1 so we probably want a 8ot banner and I've been looking at Banner places and how long take me to get it which the good thing is I got plenty of time right so we still Dolly Hello Dolly it's short legs hey short legs hi the one thing I wanted to say about summer Wells is that it could be possible that you know she got stuck in the mud somewhere and sunk because it happened to me once she got I got my leg stuck in the mud and I sunk like well almost all the way to my knee but I eventually was able to crawl out of it and I left my shoe in there forever one of my neighbor's yards you know what crazy somebody showed me uh I think it might have been PJ showed me this thing about this girl that got swallowed by some sand and lost her life like at the beach like a sinkhole oh yeah yeah I think I recently saw that yeah yeah yeah that that's crazy that'd be a hell of a way to go you walking around the next thing you know the ground give out underneath you well I think they were playing around digging a hole and I think that the sand just collapsed on top of her oh is that what it was I just knew that she had it was a pretty big hole too yeah damn I mean and how nobody could dig her out I had I had seen the article to it I didn't really go into it I just seen that it said girl you know di I think it's the same one yeah it was a big hold yeah sinkhole that's what they said that the thing said uh teenage girl died girl no it said girl dies in sinkhole at the beach in the sand was the title of it I don't know if it was a sinkhole it was a a a big pretty big hole and and the sand did collapsed on top of sand is dangerous I've seen that with people that deal with uh big Pils of sand that it's really dangerous like if you climb up on it you could fall in it and not get out it keep you just it every as you're trying to dig your way out you're just getting deeper and deeper in the sand yeah s could be dangerous like when people have them corn silos bunch of people have died in there too got into it can't get out really yeah how would you fall into that I don't know people do stupid [ __ ] people end up in things you know oh uh Mega Million says I need a things of that nature shirt 911 I'm working on it I'm working on it I'm gonna make the stickers tonight that's say things of that nature oh things of that nature yes I say it a lot that's one of your saying it's my go-to okay okay my cats ate my bracelets my little rubber bracelets uhuh like my summer Wells and Dorman and all of those do you have any of those do you have any of those left no we gave them all away with orders we were throwing these in like when somebody ordered something we would throw the bracelets in just like I'm gonna throw these stickers in um no and I gave them away to everybody we okay we had hundreds of them too when we gave them away so I know you gave me a lot of them I wearing them I think we had like and I took them off right next to my bed and I woke went to bed and I woke up and they were gone and I found bits and pieces of them all over the floor oh that's I was so upset I've had these same ones I wear them every day I don't never even take them off they haven't even faded either I'm kind of surprised so I got the Idaho 4 One I Got No wait I a got the Idaho yeah I do I got the yeah I got the Idaho four I got the summer Wells one on I got a Michael vau one on I got the dormund boys and I got this one that reminds me that I am the champion it this says Champion I've had this thing for so long I do I still have the dolly Vision one that's the only one they didn't get I don't wear the dolly Vision one because I usually have the green screen on and it makes it look like my wrist is missing okay it look like I'm missing part of my my wrist green you know it disappears because I have a I have a green screen on so let's see see that bottle it have to make them in a different color oh because see it's it's this bottle's green so you can't see it but it's just it makes it look clear oh I can't see you right now I'm on my cell phone oh okay okay but anyway that's why I don't wear the green bracelet because it then my wrist is seethrough yeah that's pretty funny so but okay the ghost the ghosts are getting you again huh ghost in your arm now so you got your two tickets and they cost you what $882 you said yep okay that's a good little hit all right I look forward to meeting you short L I know that's scary so you have but you know what I'm thinking you know it's going to be a very safe event oh what yeah of course there's SEC it's going to be probably a lot of forensics and uh a lot of uh speakers from the news on criminal investigations so it's probably going to be a lot of fun I think so I'm looking forward to you I'm hoping they're they're gonna put on quite a show I hope so it's a good amount of money so it better be fine we'll make sure it's fine you have fun short legs I was hoping you were gonna sell some soap to there I'm not gonna my thing is I may give some away like samples of my soap I don't think I'm gonna sell anything there I'm not positive you know but my plan was if you set up a table which is what you're going to do I mean you have to have something there yeah t-shirts and some soap yeah well we going to do like giveaways and things you know little PJ makes all the cute [ __ ] she's going to do little bags up with like the business card stapled to it with like a soap and like different little things in the bag just little small things to advertise the channel yeah but oh God these winds but you should have uh something we will have something we'll have something going something to sell you know make some T-shirts to sell you know you could sell some soap I mean we might we might take some lotions and soaps that we can sell and we'll give samples away we may have something I mean I'm not having decided yet I'm working on a because you haven't been to you haven't been to one before like I've been to the comiccons I haven't and at every T at every table there's artwork uhhuh and the people who create the comic book uhhuh like the Batman and and all the the famous people create the comics yeah and and they have like massive walls of artwork and I may sell do I may have take some DOL Vision shirts to sell I may do that yeah at least take some shirts to hang up I'll take some shirts maybe some like on the back wall and stuff I mean I don't I don't you know I'm gonna take some things I we'll figure out we'll figure it out we got time to plan it like a a picture too of like I don't you PJ and Leno I'm like a baby step person I take baby steps and everything like my my next thing is the banner that goes behind us and once I worry about that's my next worries that's what PJ okay she's like what are you stressing I was like I don't want to give you worries you know I like what it's gonna be a lot of fun don't think it's going to be a lot of work it's just a lot of fun I mean it sounds like work me I wanted to look cool you know what I'm saying so I stress out about [ __ ] too easy I don't know PJ in is like we hit our goal you should be happy I was like yeah we gotta get I gotta do the banner stuff the art I haven't even started on that and she's like are you really stressed like that I was like I just do the [ __ ] I just I don't know once I start focusing on something it's weird like that I start stressing out about it because I want it to be awesome yeah well just bring like I don't know 40 or 60 soaps with you and about 10 or 20 t-shirts for a sweatshirts you're good with a sweatshirt uh PJ's figuring all that out I'm gonna leave all that at the PJ I'm just going to make what she tells me to make and she'll figure out how everything on no I mean I'm I'm GNA handle the art and how everything looks the appearance of our setup yeah she's going to handle everything else that goes on around it like the giveaways if we sell anything whatever the hell that's going on there at all thing she'll come up with all that I'm more okay so you don't even have much to worry about you're gonna have a great time you're gonna meet all sorts of people yeah and then you know cam well I'm gonna take my son and he's he doesn't always do well in crowds he'll either love it or hate it you know yeah we'll see what happens with that yeah hopefully it goes good he'll probably have fun it looks like it'll be a cool event and it's Nashville you ever been to Nashville no oh Nashville's cool Nashville's nice I like Nashville oh wait is that where the World's Fair was I was there when I was a kid I think I don't know if the World's Fair is there I couldn't honestly tell you or was that Knoxville I don't know I don't know I don't I was in Tennessee for one of the world's fairs yeah um did you find you a place to stay there because I noticed hotels were selling out in down there oh I didn't order my room yet oh okay I should do that huh I think the opery place is already sold out where they having it at I oh yeah no no I'm not going to stay there I think I think there's two other ones they were I'm gonna stay in one of the they have a big group of hotels uhuh and in the hotels they have special blocks uhhuh what are called blocks and they're they're blocked off sections of the hotel just for people um who going to this event and they'll have um they'll probably have like a a bus that runs all day yeah that's what I've seen on the site too that they're going to from them hotels they're busing through the events and back yeah yeah yeah that's gonna be awesome I look forward to meeting they called it they called it a circle of hotels but I'm not sure if it's a circle or not um I've been to the to opery place it's it's a pretty big compound where they're having it at um cuz I remember going up to the grand old opery building it was closed when I was there which suck but I did go to it and uh so I've been to the location there having it before it's going to be fun I'm looking forward to it I don't even know is that where they're having it in there they're not having in in that building right they're having it next to I think it's next to the building in the hotel complex because then they have conference rooms and you know the theaters where they can host host speakers and things like that I think it's right directly next to it okay my memory serves me right because that was the very first time I went to Nashville the second time I went to Nashville I went to Like Music Row to all the bars all that stuff the second time I was there so but the first time I was there I went to it and there's this big hotel complex that sits right to and it was winter time so they had like some ice skate and [ __ ] going on my memor serves me correct it's been some years MH well they probably have some pretty cool indoor pools and stuff like that probably have stuff to do yeah I'm sure they do you know I'm sure you can find if you can't you'll find something to do with Nashville I'm sure so look short legs it was good talking to you I'm getting ready to get out of here because I got a bunch of stuff to make I'm be making these stickers but I'm gonna be back live on my other channel you're more than welcome to come hang out on Dolly unsensored if you want oh all right all right you be good all right all right peace bye bye peace out peace guys like I said there's a bunch of [ __ ] I need to get done tonight y'all more than welcome to hang out while I do it but I won't be able to sit here and like straight up talk I mean I've talked to you guys but I mean it's gonna be a little here little dare while I'm making [ __ ] um but give me about I don't know give me about 30 45 minutes I'm get me something to eat get something to drink and then I'll be back on Dolly uncensored like making stickers and [ __ ] like that all right thank you guys everybody's been supporting liking the videos gu us to Crime conon 24 your turtles are absolutely the best love you guys and I'll see you soon peace

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