Presidential Debate 2024. Trump vs. Harris. Who is Winning?

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 01:48:15 Category: News & Politics

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exciting presidential debate version and episode of the Anonymous aonomus podcast I'm will I'm your host uh we'll see if my co-host will be joining us shortly however uh this debate is about to kick off here any minute president Donald Trump and vice president kamla Harris will be facing off in this presidential debate and um I think this will be what KLA Harris's second public appearance where she actually answers any questions posed to her by the media whether or not she knows about the questions in advance um my money is on she does but in any event uh this will bit first time after that uh sort of very weird uh sitdown interview she had with Dana Bash with Tim wall sort of sitting next to her like someone who just didn't know where he was um there's actually going to be some questions posed to kamla Harris tonight and let's see what Donald Trump does here um I think there's a lot of speculation or at least is the way a lot of the media is framing this that uh somehow this is going to be a contest of men versus women which of course is nonsense this should be a policy debate uh should be a debate on The credibility and competence of the people who are asking you for their vote um as I've always maintained I think that Donald Trump is running for president I think that JD Vance is running for vice president but I think that kamla Harris and Tim Waltz are running for America's Next talk show morning talk show Duo and that's why they've acted like anything other than presidential and vice presidential candidates so we're just about to get started here we're now at the nine o'clock hour eastern time I'm going to turn it over to this coverage and let's see they're just about to start the uh the debate here uh they a Constitution Hall in Philadelphia uh a rather good spot for presidential debate um and I have to say this kind of reminds me I'm seeing the red in the back ground on Constitution Hall this sort of reminds me of that very ominous uh public appearance that Joe Biden did where he called anyone who might vote for Trump threats to democracy and uh used the United States Marine Corps uh members behind him to lend Credence to what he was saying I guess or to just have a a little bit of an intimidation Factor uh for anyone who might be disagreeing with him but that's all water under the demented Bridge here comes the debate here we go good evening I'm David bu and thank you for joining us for tonight's ABC News presidential debate we want to welcome viewers watching on ABC and around the world tonight vice president KLA Harris and president Donald Trump are just moments away from taking the stage in this unprecedented race for president and I'm lindsy Davis tonight's meeting could be the most consequential event of their campaigns with election day now less than two months away for vice president kamla Harris this is her first debate since President Biden withdrew from the race on July 21st of course that decision followed his debate against President Donald Trump Trump in June since then this race has taken on an entirely new Dynamic and that brings us to the rules of tonight's debate 90 minutes with two commercial breaks no topics or questions have been shared with the campaigns the candidates will have two minutes to answer questions and this is the clock that's what they'll be seeing two minutes for rebuttals and one minute for follow-ups clarifications or responses their microphones will only be turned on when it's their turn to perhaps the media did not share the questions with either campaign but I'm quite certain listening to the universal uh what seems like an echo chamber of the mainstream media here talking about how awful Donald Trump is to women every one of them has said this ridiculous statement I'm sure the Harris campaign wants them to say it and got the word out to them but let's see what happens in the debate here come Harris it's have a good debate see have fun thank you she introduces herself is Harr here tonight good evening we are looking forward to a spirited and thoughtful debate so let's get started I want to begin tonight with the issue that voters repeatedly say is their number one issue and that is the economy and the cost of living in this country vice president Harris you and president Trump were elected four years ago and your opponent on the stage here tonight often asks his supporters are you better off than you were four years ago when it comes to the economy do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago so I was raised as a middle class kid and I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan that is about lifting up the middle class and working people of America I believe in the ambition this was their idea this was KLA Harris's idea of how she was going to answer the question the basic you know are Americans better off than they were four years ago this is how she's going to reply I'd say Trump might have already won the debate the aspirations the dreams of the American people and that is why I imagine and have actually a plan to build what I call an opportunity economy because here's the thing we know that we have a a shortage of of homes and housing and the cost of housing is too expensive for far too many people we know that young families need support to raise their children and I intend on extending a tax cut for those families of $6,000 which which is the largest child tax credit that we have given in a long time so that those young families can afford to buy a crib buy a car seat buy clothes for their children my passion one of them is small businesses I was actually my mother raised my sister and me but there was a woman who helped raise us we call her our second mother she was a small business owner I love our small businesses my plan is to give a $50,000 tax dedu so okay this is just her DNC address that she gave last month nothing new here to do what he has done before which is to provide a tax cut for billionaires and big corporations which will result in5 trillion dollar to America's deficit my opponent has a plan that I call the Trump's sales tax which would be a 20% tax on everyday Goods that you rely on to get through the month economists have said that that Trump sales tax would actually result for middle class families in about $4,000 more a year because of his policies and his ideas about what should be the backs of middleclass people paying for tax cuts for billionaires president Trump I'll give you two minutes first of all I have no sales tax that's an incorrect statement she knows that we're doing tariffs on other countries other countries going to finally after 75 years pay us back for all that we've done for the world and the Tariff will be substantial in some cases I took in billions and billions of dollars as you know from China in fact they never took the Tariff off because it was so much money they can't it would totally destroy everything that they've set out to do they're taking in billions of dollars from China and other places they've left the tariffs on when I had it I had tariffs and yet I had no inflation uh look we've had a terrible economy because inflation has which is really known as a country Buster it breaks up countries we have inflation like very few people have ever seen before probably the worst in our nation's history we were at 21% but that's being generous because many things are 50 60 70 and 80% higher than they were just a few years ago this has been a disaster for people for the middle class but for every class on top of that we have millions of people pouring into our country from prisons and jails from mental institutions and insane asylums and they're coming in and they're taking jobs that are occupied right now by African-Americans and Hispanics and also unions unions are going to be affected very soon and you see what's happening you see what's happening with towns throughout the United States you look at Springfield Ohio you look at Aurora in Colorado they are taking over the towns they're taking over buildings they're going in violently these are the people that she and Biden led into our country and they're destroying our country they're dangerous they're at the highest level of criminality and we have to get them out we have to get them out fast I created one of the greatest economies in the history of our country I'll do it again and even better we are going to get to immigration and border security during this debate but uh I would like to let vice president Harris respond on the economy here well I would love to let's talk about what Donald Trump left us Donald Trump left us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression Donald Trump left us the worst Public Health epidemic in a century Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War and what we have done is clean up Donald Trump's mess what we have done and what I intend to do is build on what we know are the aspirations and the hopes of the American people but I'm going to tell youall in this debate tonight you're going to hear from the same old tired Playbook a bunch of Lies Grievances and name calling what you're going to hear tonight is a detailed and dangerous Plan called project 2025 that the former president intends on implementing if he were elected to again I believe very strongly that the American people want a president who understands the importance of bringing us together know we have so much more in common than what separates us and I pledge to you to be a president for all Americans president Trump I'll give you a minute here to respond number one I have nothing to do as you know and as she knows better than anyone I have nothing to do with project 2025 uh that's out there I haven't read it I don't want to read it purposely I'm not going to read it this was a group of people that got together they came up with some ideas I guess some good some bad but it makes no difference I have nothing to do everybody knows I'm an open book everybody knows what I'm going to do cut taxes very substantially and create a great economy like I did before we had the greatest economy we got hit with a pandemic and the pandemic was not since 1917 where a 100 million people died has there been anything like it we did a phenomenal job with the pandemic we handed them over a country where the economy and where the stock market was higher than it was before the pandemic came in nobody's ever seen anything like it we made ventilators for the entire world we got gowns we got masks we did things that nobody thought possible and people give me credit for rebuilding the military they give me credit for a lot of things but not enough credit for the great job we did with the pandemic but the only jobs they got were bounceback jobs these were jobs bounceback and it bounced back and it went to their benefit but I was the one that created them they know it and so does everybody else vice president Harris I'll let you respond so Donald Trump has no plan for you and when you look at his economic plan it's all about tax breaks for the richest people I am offering what I describe as an opportunity economy and the best Economist in our country if not the world have reviewed our relative plans for the future of America what Goldman Sachs has said is that Donald Trump's plan would make the economy worse mine would strengthen the economy what the Wharton School has said is Donald Trump's plan would actually explode the deficit 16 Nobel laurates have described his economic plan as something that would increase inflation and by the middle of next year would invite a recession you just have to look at where we are and where we stand on the issues and I'd invite you to know that Donald Trump actually has no plan for you because he is more interested in defending himself than he is in looking out for you that's just a sound by they gave her that to say look I went to the Wharton School of finance and many of those professors the top professors think my plan is a brilliant plan it's a great plan it's a plan that's going to bring up our our worth our value as a country it's going to make people want to be able to go and work and uh create jobs and create a lot of good solid money for our for our country and just to finish off uh she doesn't have a plan she copied Biden's plan and it's like four sentences like Run Spot Run four sentences that are just oh we'll try and lower taxes she doesn't have a plan take a look at her plan she doesn't have a plan Mr President I do want to drill down on something you both brought up uh the vice president brought up your tariffs you responded and let's drill down on this because your plan is what she calls is essentially a national sales tax your proposal calls for tariffs as you pointed out here on Foreign imports across the board you recently said that you might double your plan imposing tariffs up to 20% on Goods coming into this country as you know many economists say that with tariffs at that level costs are then passed on to the consumer vice president Harris has argued it'll mean higher prices on gas food clothing medication arguing it costs the typical family nearly $4,000 a year do you believe Americans can afford higher prices because of tariffs they're not going to have higher prices what's going to have and who's going to have higher prices is China and all of the countries that have been ripping us off for years I charged I was the only president ever China was paying us hundreds of billions of dollars and so were other countries and you know if she doesn't like them they should have gone out and they should have immediately cut the tariffs but those tariffs are there three and a half years now under their Administration we are going to take in billions of dollars hundreds of billions of dollars I had no inflation virtually no inflation they had the highest inflation perhaps in the history of our country because I've never seen a worse period of time people can't go out and buy cereal or bacon or eggs or anything else these the people of our country are absolutely dying with what they've done they've destroyed the economy and all you have to do is look at a poll the polls say 80 and 85 and even 90% that the Trump economy was great that their economy was terrible vice president Harris I do want to ask for your response and you heard what the president said there because the Biden Administration did keep a number of the Trump tariffs in place so how do you respond well let's be clear that the Trump Administration resulted in a trade deficit one of the highest we've ever seen in the history of America he invited trade Wars you want to talk about his deal with China what he ended up doing is under Donald Trump's presidency he ended up selling American chips to China to help them improve and modernize their military basically sold us out when a policy about China should be in making sure the United States of America wins the competition for the 21st century which means focusing on the details of what that require fires focusing on relationships with our allies focusing on investing in american-based technology so that we win the race on AI on Quantum Computing focusing on what we need to do to support America's Workforce so that we don't end up having the on the short end of the stick in terms of workers rights but what Donald Trump did let's talk about this with covid is he actually thanked president XI for what he did during Co look at his tweet thank you president shei exclamation point when we know that she was responsible for lacking and not giving us transparency about the origins of covid President Trump I'll let you respond first of all they bought their chips from Taiwan we hardly make chips anymore because of uh philosophies like they have and policies like they have I don't say her because she has no policy everything that she believed three years ago and four years ago is out the window she's going to My Philosophy now in fact I was going to send her a Maga hat she's gone to My Philosophy but if she ever got elected she'd change it and it will be the end of our country she's a Marxist everybody knows she's a Marxist her father's a Marxist professor in economics and he taught her well but when you look at what she's done to our country and when you look at these millions and millions of people that are pouring into our country monthly where it's I believe 21 million people not the 15 that people say and I think it's a lot higher than the 21 that's bigger than New York State pouring in and just look at what they're doing to our country they're criminals many of these people coming in are criminals and that's bad for our economy too you know you mentioned before we'll talk about immigration later well bad immigration is the worst thing that can happen to our economy they have and she has destroyed our country with policy that's insane almost policy that you'd say they have to hate our country president Trump okay so um I'm I'm not saying I'm seeing a lot of flailing I'm seeing a lot of red meat that's being uh given to their respective bases um I think that these points that KL Harris is trying to bring up that no one's ever heard of before about supposedly selling ships to China that somehow put us at risk I'm I that is nowhere on the radar screen of anything anyone is thinking about or talking about right now to the extent it is even true um so it was so easy for for Trump to Parry by saying that the Chinese are playing their chips from Taiwan but I think he could be a lot better by simply being very detailed and not jumping from one subject to another to another and back and forth and then getting into a pissing contest saying well oh your uh morn School of Business professors said this well I know a lot of professors that said that I'm great just why does he continue to always have to outdo someone on a topic that doesn't help him in any way all that he has to say is uh if you're so if your ideas are so wonderful why is inflation so high why are people having trouble buying something as simple as groceries if your plans are so great then why is everyone suffering so badly thank you Lindsay I want to turn to the issue of abortion president Trump you've often touted that you were able to kill roie Wade last year you said that you were proud to be the most pro-life president in American history then last month you said that your Administration would be great for women and their Reproductive Rights in your home state of Florida you surprised many uh with regard to your six-week abortion ban because you initially had said that it was too short and you said quote I'm G to be voting that we need more than six weeks but then the very next day you reverse course and said you would vote to support the six-week ban vice president Harris says that women shouldn't trust you on the issue of of abortion because you've changed your position so many times therefore why should they trust you well the reason I'm doing that vote is because the plan is as you know the vote is they have abortion in the ninth month they even have and you can look at the governor of West Virginia the previous governor of West Virginia not the current governor is doing an excellent job but the governor before he said the baby will be born and we will decide what to do with the baby in other words we'll execute the baby and that's why I did that because that predominates because they're radical the Democrats are radical in that and her vice presidential pick which I think is a horrible pick by the way for our country because he is really out of it but her vice presidential pick says abortion in the nth month is absolutely fine he also says execution after birth it's execution no longer abortion because the baby is born is okay and that's not okay with me hence the vote but what I did is something for 52 years they've been trying to get roie wade into the states and through the uh genius and and heart and strength of six Supreme Court Justices we were able to do that now I believe in the exceptions for rape incest and life of the mother I believe strongly in it Ronald Reagan did also 85% of Republicans do exceptions very important but we were able to get it and now states are voting on it and for the first time you're going to see look this is an issue that's torn our country apart for 52 years every legal scholar every Democrat every Republican liberal conservative they all wanted this issue to be brought back to the states where the people could vote and that's what happened happened now Ohio why does Donald Trump insist on saying everyone agrees with me or everyone thinks this they don't that's why we're having a debate why couldn't you just say Mr Trump um I can't put in a federal ban on abortion even if I wanted to because now the subject is for the states to decide per Supreme Court ruling there are 50 states will all make up their own minds that's all he has to say instead he's coming back with 85% of Republicans think this maybe there's a poll that says otherwise so they can say you're lying you're not lying you're just throwing out data that you don't need to throw out there is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it's born Madam vice president I want to get your response to president Trump I said you're going to hear a bunch of Lies that's not actually a surprising fact I'm sorry so I'm sorry so the moderator just debated Trump wow what a shocker that they would undo the protections of roie Wade and they did exactly as he intended and now in over 20 states there are Trump abortion bans which make it criminal for a doctor or nurse to provide Health Care in one state it provides prison for life Trump abortion banss that make no exception even for rape and incest which understand what that means a survivor of a crime of violation to their body okay so on the one hand she just conceded that states are all making up their own minds about what parameters will govern abortion and of course she's using the the semantics calling it Healthcare um when in fact it's just killing a baby but that's neither here nor there so on the one hand she's saying that the states do govern what abortion restrictions if it all will be in place and yet she's saying that they're all of his restrictions it's amazing being denied care in an emergency room because the health care providers are afraid they might go to jail and she's bleeding out in a car in the parking lot she didn't want that her husband didn't want okay so now con Harris is is saying that a if Trump is elected that healthare professionals won't care for someone who's dying as a result of Bleeding from an abortion procedure whatever who who even believes that except the most insane among the Democrats president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law but understand if Donald Trump were to be reelected he will sign a National Abortion ban understand in his project 2025 there would be a National Abortion a monitor that would be monit in your pregnancies your miscarriages I think the American people believe that certain freedoms in particular the freedom to make decisions about one's own body should not be made by the government thank you vice president Harris well there she goes again it's a lie I'm not signing a ban and there's no reason to sign a ban because we've gotten what everybody wanted Democrats Republicans and everybody else and every legal scholar wanted it to be brought back back into the states and the states are voting and it may take a little time but for 52 years this issue has torn our country apart and they've wanted it back in the States and I did something that nobody thought was possible the states are now voting what she says is an absolute lie and as far as the abortion Bend no I'm not in favor of abortion B but it doesn't matter because this issue has now been taken over by the states would you veto a national abortion ban if well I won't have to because again two things number one she said she'll go back to Congress she'll never get the vote there's impossible for her to get the vote especially now with the 5050 essentially 5050 in both Senate and the house she's not going to get the vote she can't get the vote she won't even come close to it so it's just talk you know what it reminds me of when they said they're going to get student loans terminated and it ended up being a total catastrophe the student loans and then her I think probably her boss if you call him a boss he spends all his time on the beach but look her boss went out and said we'll do it again we'll do it a different way and he went out got rejected Again by the Supreme Court so all these students got taunted with this whole thing about this whole idea and how unfair that would have been part of the reason they lost to the millions and millions of people that had to pay off their student loans they didn't get it for free but they were saying it's the same way that they talked about that that they talk about abortion but if I could just get a yes or no because your running mate J JD Vance has said that you would veto if you did come to your desk well I didn't discuss it with JD in all fairness uh JD and I I don't mind if he has a certain view but I think he was speaking for me but I really didn't look we don't have to discuss it because she'd never be able to get it just like she couldn't get student loans they couldn't get student loans they didn't even come I'm sorry but how could the Republicans or the Trump team here be this unprepared to answer that question question come on the facts are on Trump's side here the law is on Trump's side here base of Common Sense is on his side here he should be knocking these questions out of the park that everybody said couldn't be done and now you have a vote of the people on abortion vice president Harris want to give you your time to respond but I do want to ask would you support any restrictions on a woman's right to an abortion I absolutely support reinstating the protections of roie Wade and as you rightly mentioned nowhere in America is a woman carrying a pregnancy to term and and and asking for an abortion that is not happening it's insulting to the women of America and understand what has been happening under Donald Trump's abortion banss couples who pray and and and and dream of having a family are being denied IVF treatments what is happening in our country working people working women who are working one or two jobs who can barely afford child care as it is have to travel to another state to get on a plane sitting next to strangers ah yes the plight of people who want to kill their children and it's amazing to me how long uh the moderators are allowing this subject to continue I will have to go back and look at the video of this but it seems to me we're talking more about abortion then we're talking about the economy and the economy is by far the biggest issue on voters Minds with immigration being an even bigger issue another lie I have been a leader on ibf which which is fertilization the IVF I have been a leader in fact when they got a very negative decision on IVF from the Alabama courts I saw the people of Alabama and the legislature two days later voted it in I've been a leader on it they know that and everybody else knows it I have been a leader on fertilization IVF and the other thing they you should ask will she allow abortion in the eighth month ninth month seventh month come on okay would you do that why don't you ask that question why don't you the would because under Ro question you could do abortions in the seventh month the eighth month the ninth month and probably after birth just look at the governor former governor of Virginia the governor of Virginia said we put the baby aside and then we determine what we want to do with the baby president Trump thank you we're going to turn now to immigration and border security we know it's an issue that's important to Republicans Democrats voters across the board uh in this country vice president Harris you were tasked by President Bob I think Trump might have actually won that exchange right at the end there because that will be much more of a a sound bite type argument but again the focus for him should be on the econ economy the economy the economy and immigration since then have dropped significantly but my question to you tonight is why did the administration wait until six months before the election to act and would you have done anything differently from President Biden on this so I'm the only person on this stage who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns drugs and human beings and let me say that the United States Congress including some of the most conservative members of the United States Senate came up with a border security bill which I supported and that bill would have put 1,500 more border agents On the Border to help those folks who are working there right now overtime trying to do their job it would have allowed us to stem the flow of fentol coming into the United States I know there are so many families watching tonight who have been personally affect Ed by The Surge of fenol in our country that bill would have put more resources to allow us to prosecute transnational criminal organizations for trafficking in guns drugs and human beings but you know what happened to that bill Donald Trump got on the phone called up some folks in Congress and said kill the bill and you know why because he'd prefer to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem and understand this comes at a time where the people people of our country actually need a leader who Trump had better respond to that allegation immediately that he allegedly killed a bill because it would help him in the election he better address that I don't think it's true but he better address it who actually addresses the problems at hand but what we have in the former president is someone who would prefer to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem and I'll tell you something he's going to talk about immigration a lot tonight even when it's not the subject that is being raised and I'm going to actually do something really unusual and I'm going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump's rallies because it's a really interesting thing to watch you will see during the course of his rallies he talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter he will talk about windmills cause cancer and what you will also notice is that I'm sorry um I I it's it's so ridiculous that a presidential candidate here has to say that the other guy says that windmills cause cancer it's so fascinating to hear but it just sounds to me like what she's doing is that she's demonizing anyone who attends these rallies uh you know or or just decides that you know um they don't support her for president how how rich how rich is that that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom and I will tell you the one thing you will not hear him talk about is you you will not hear him talk about your needs your dreams and your need and your desires and I'll tell you I believe you deserve a president who actually puts you first and I pledge to you that I will vice president Harris thank you president Trump on that point I want to get your response I would like to respond let me just ask though why did you try to kill that bill and successfully so would have put thousands of additional agents and officers On the Border first let me respond as to the rallies she said people start leaving people don't go to her rallies there's no reason to go and the people that do go she's busing them in and paying them to be there and then showing them in a different light so she can't talk about that people don't leave my rallies we have the biggest rallies the most incredible rallies in the history of politics that's because people want to take their country back our country is being lost we're a failing nation and it happen three and a half years ago and what what's going on here you're going to end up in World War II just to go into another subject what they have done to our country by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country and look at what's happening to the towns all over the United States and a lot of towns don't want to talk not going to be Aurora or Springfield a lot of towns don't want to talk about it because they're so embarrassed by it in Springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there and this is what's happening in our country and it's a shame as far as rallies are concerned as far as the reason they go is they like what I say they want to bring our country back they want to make America great again it's very simple phrase make America great again she's destroying this country and if she becomes president this country doesn't have a chance of success not only success will end up being Venezuela on steroids I just want to clarify here you bring up Springfield Ohio and ABC News did reach out to the city manager there uh he told us there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed injured or abused by individuals within the Immigrant Community I've seen people on television let me just say here this is people on television say my dog was taken and used for food so maybe he said that and maybe that's a good thing to say for a city manager I'm not taking this from dog was eaten by the people that went there again the Springfield City manager says there's no evidence of that vice president haris I'll let you respond to the rest of what you've heard you talk about extreme um you know I this is I think one of the reasons why in this election I actually have the endorsement of 200 Republicans who have formally worked with President Bush Mitt Romney and John McCain in including the endorsement of former Vice President Dick Cheney and Congress member Liz Cheney and if you want to really know the inside track on who the former president is if he didn't make it clear already just ask people who have worked with him his former Chief of Staff a fourstar general has said he has contempt for the Constitution of the United States his former National Security adviser has said he is dangerous and unfit his former secretary of Defense has said the nation the Republic would never survive another Trump term and when we listen to this kind of rhetoric when the issues that affect the American people are not being addressed I think the choice is clear in this election President Trump I'll give you a quick minute to respond here uh thank you because when I hear that see I'm a different kind of a person I fired most of those people not so graciously they did bad things or a bad job I fired them they never fired one person they didn't fire anybody having to do with Afghanistan and the Taliban and the 13 people who's who's were just killed viciously and violently killed and I got to know the parents and the family they didn't fire they should have fired all those generals all those top people because that was one of the most incompetently handled situations anybody has ever seen so when somebody does a bad job I fire them and you take a a guy like esper he was no good I fired him so he writes a book another one writes a book because with me they can write books with nobody else can they but they have done such a poor job and they never fire anybody look at the economy look how look at the inflation they didn't fire any of their economists they have the same people that's a good way not to have books written about you but just to finish I got more votes than any Republican in history by far in fact I got more votes than any president sitting president in history by far let me continue on immigration it was what you wanted to talk about earlier so let's get back to your deportation uh uh proposal that the vice president has reacted to as well president Trump you call this the largest domestic deportation operation in the history of our country you say you would use the National Guard you say if things get out of control you'd have no problem using and why are the moderators supposedly factchecking Trump and debating him they've not done a single bit of that with regard to vice president Harris and I'm quite sure that if they were being honest about it if they were being impartial she's given them more than enough a to do that h i i i can't help but notice the lack of fairness in the moderation on this debate can you said you would use local police uh how would you uh Deport 11 million undocumented immigrants I know you you believe that number is much higher take us through this what does this look like will authorities be going door too in this country yeah it is much higher of our military understand what it would mean if Donald Trump were back in the White House with no guard rails because certainly we know now the court won't stop him we know JD Vance is not going to stop him it's up to the American people vice president Harris thank you Lindy vice president Harris in your last run for president weiz please this is the one that weaponized not me she weaponized I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things that they say about me they talk about democracy I'm a threat to democracy they're the threat to democracy with a fake Russia Russia Russia investigation that went nowhere we have a lot to get to Lindsay vice president Harris in your last run for president you said you wanted to ban fracking now you don't you wanted mandatory government buyback programs for assault weapons now your campaign says you don't you supported decriminalizing border crossings now you're taking a harder line I know you say that your values have not changed so then why have so many of your policy positions changed so my values have not changed and I'm going to discuss every one of the at least every point that you've made but in particular let's talk about fracking because we're here in Pennsylvania I made that very clear in 2020 I will not ban fracking I have not banned fracking as vice president United States and in fact I Was the tiebreaking vote on the inflation reduction act which opened new leases for fracking my position is that we have got to invest in diverse sources of energy so we reduce our Reliance on foreign oil we have had the largest increase in domestic oil production in history because of an approach that recognizes that we cannot over rely on foreign oil as it relates to my values let me tell you I grew up a middle class kid raised by a hardworking mother why is no one factchecking on whether or not she specifically voted for an increase in fracking uh by virtue of the so-called inflation reduction act that is amazing amazing that no one is prepared to address these issues from the moderation table amazing vctor and home builders to increase 3 million homes increased by 3 million homes by the end of my first term my work that is related to having a friend when I was in high school who was sexually assaulted by her stepfather and my focus then on protecting women and children from violent crime is based on a value that is deeply grounded in the importance of standing up for those who are most vulnerable my work that is about protecting Social Security and Medicare is based on longstanding work that I have done protecting seniors from scams my values have not changed and what is important is that there is a president who actually brings values and a perspective that is about lifting people up and not beating people down and name calling the true measure of the leader is the leader who actually understands the yes the Democrats have been nothing but gracious when it comes to Donald Trump they haven't attacked him personally every step of the way give me a break as I wish I was my father was a Brooklyn Builder Brooklyn Queens and a great father and I learned a lot from him but I was given a fraction of that a tiny fraction and have built it into many many billions of of dollars many many billions and when people see it they are even surprised so we don't have to talk about that fracking she's been against it for 12 years uh defund the police she's been against that forever Trump did you say she's against defund the police well you just get your head straight get it SED on straight you've got her you're GNA win this debate if you just focus in Minnesota and wanted to let criminals that killed people that burned down Minneapolis she went out and raised money to get him out of jail she did things that nobody would ever think of now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison this is a radical left liberal that would do this she wants to confiscate your guns and she will never allow fracking in Pennsylvania if she won the election fracking in Pennsylvania will end on day one just to finish one thing so important in my opinion so I got the oil business going like nobody has ever done before they took when they took over they got rid of it started getting rid of it and the prices were going up the roof they immediately let these guys go to where they were I would have been five times four times five times higher because you're talking about three and a half years ago they got it up to where I was because they had no choice because the prices of energy were were quadrupling and doubling you saw what happened to gasoline so they said let's go back to Trump but if she won the election the day after that election they'll go back to destroying our country and oil will be dead fossil fuel will be dead we'll go back to windmills and we'll go back to solar where they need a whole desert to get some energy to come out you ever see a solar plant by the way I'm a big fan of solar but they take 400 500 Acres of EnV thank you Lindsay thank you we have an election in just 56 days and I want to talk about the peaceful transfer of power which of course we all know is a Cornerstone of our democracy and the role of a president uh in a moment of Crisis uh Mr President on January 6th you told your supporters to March to the capital you said you would be right there with them the country and the world saw what played out of the capital that day the officers coming under attack AIDS in the west wings say you watched it unfold on television off the Oval Office uh you did send out tweets but it was more than two hours before you sent out that video message uh telling your supporters to go home is there anything you regret about what you did on that day you just said a thing that isn't covered peacefully and patriotically I said during my speech not later on peacefully and patriotically and nobody on the other side was killed Ashley babbit was shot by an outof control police officer that should have never ever shot her it's a disgrace but we didn't do this group of people that have been treated so badly I ask what about all the people that are pouring into our country and killing people that she allowed to pour in she was the Bazar remember that she was the Bazar she doesn't want to be called the Bazar because she's embarrassed by the bord fact she said at the beginning well I'm surprised you're not talking about the budha yet that's because she knows what a bad job they've done what about those people what's when are they going to be prosecuted when are these people from countries all over the world not just South America they're coming in from all over the world David all over the world and crime rates are down all over the world because of it one of those David when are those people going to be prosecuted when of the people that burned down Minneapolis going to be prosecuted or in Seattle they went and Seattle they took over a big percentage of the city of Seattle when are those people going to be prosecuted but let me just ask you you might ask her that question you were the president you were watching an unfold on television it's a very simple question as we move forward toward another election is there anything you regret about what you did on that day yes I had nothing to do with that other than they asked me to make a speech I showed up for a speech it is amazing how none of the moderators are pressing comp Harris on not answering a single question directly amazing I went to Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of Washington DC and the mayor put it back in writing as you know I said you know this is going to be a very big Rally or whatever you want to call it and again it wasn't done by me it was done by others I said I'd like to give you 10,000 National Guard or soldiers they rejected me Nancy Pelosi rejected me it was just two weeks ago her daughter has a tape of her saying she is fully responsible for what happened they want to get rid of that tape it would have never happened if Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of Washington did their jobs I wasn't responsible for security Nancy Pelosi was responsible she didn't do her job the question was about you as president not about former speaker Pelosi but I do want vice president Harris to respond here I was at the Capal on January 6 I was the vice president elect I was also an acting Senator I was there get ready folks for the Academy Award winning uh performance you're about to see but how terrified she was here we go and on that day the president of the United States incited a violent mob to attack our nation's capital to desecrate our nation's capital on that day 140 law enforcement officers were injured and some died and understand the former president has been in is anyone going to fact check Comm Harris and the fact that no officer died at the capital that day as a result of anything going on during that protest or the trespassing or the handful of idiots that ran inside and you know acted like idiots I don't think the moderators are gonna fact Che her do you I Turn the page on this let's not go back let's chart a course for the future and not go backwards to the past let me just follow up here it was a different term and it was a term that related to energy because they have destroyed our energy business that was where bloodbath was also on Charlottesville that story has been as you would say debunked Laura Ingram Shan Hannity Jesse all of these people they covered it if they go an extra sentence they will see it was perfect it was debunked in almost every newspaper but they still bring it up just like they bring 2025 up they bring all of this stuff up I ask you this you talk about the capital why are we allowing these millions of people to come through on the southern border how come she's not doing anything and I'll tell you what I would do and I would be very proud to do it I would say we would both leave this debate right now I'd like to see her go down to Washington DC during this debate because we're wasting a lot of time go down to because she's been so bad it's so ridiculous go down to Washington DC and let her sign a bill to close up the Border because they have the right to do it they don't need bills they have the right to do it the president of the United States you'll get them out of bed you'll wake them up at four o'clock in the afternoon you'll say come on come on down to the office let's sign a bill If he if he signs a bill that the border is closed all he has to do is say it to the border patrol who are phenomenal if they do that the border is closed those people are killing many people unlike j6 we talked immigration here tonight I do want to focus on this next issue to both of you because it really brings us uh this into Focus Truth uh in these times that we're living in uh Mr President for three and a half years after uh you lost the 2020 election you repeatedly falsely claimed that you won many times saying you won in a landslide in the past couple of weeks leading up to this debate uh you have said quote you lost by a whisker that you quote didn't quite make it that you came up a little bit short are are you now acknowledging that you lost in I don't acknowledge it at all I said that sarcastically you know that it was said oh we lost by a whisker that was said sarcastically look there's so much proof all you have to do is look at it and they should have sent it back to the legislatures for approval I got almost 75 million votes the most votes any I have to say Trump simply cannot avoid being baited he could have very easily turned this and said the official election results are what they are I have an opinion just like many millions of Americans do that I actually won that election but be that as it may I'm focusing on the future that's all he has to say instead he just goes right back into retiga all of his personal grievances he is incapable of not taking the debate taking bait it's it's astonishing to me you should be better than that the sarcasm lost by whisker we didn't quite make it and we should just point out here as clarification and you know this you and your allies 60 cases in front of many judges many of them J looked at it and said said didn't have standing that's the other thing they said we didn't have standing a technicality can you imagine a system where a person in an election doesn't have standing the president of the United States doesn't have standing that's how we lost if you look at the facts and I'd love to have you you'll do a special on it I'll show you Georgia and I'll show you Wisconsin and I'll show you Pennsylvania and I'll show you we have so many faction and statistics but you know what that doesn't matter because we have to solve the problem that we have right now that's old news and the problem that we have right now is we have a nation in Decline and they have put it in to decline we have a nation that is dying David Mr President thank you uh vice president Harris you heard the president there tonight he said he didn't say that that he lost by whisker so he still uh believes he did not lose the election uh that was won by President Biden uh and yourself but I do want to ask you about something that's come up in the last couple of days this was a post from uh president Trump about this upcoming election just weeks away he said when I win those people who cheated and then he lists donors voters election officials he says we be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law which will include long-term prison sentences one of your campaign's top lawyers responded saying we won't let Donald Trump intimidate us we won't let him suppress the vote is that what you believe he's trying to do here Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people so let's be clear about that and clearly he is having a very difficult time processing that but we cannot afford to have a president of the United States who attempts as he did in the past to upend the will of the voters in a free and fair election and I'm going to tell you that I have traveled the world as vice president United States and world leaders are laughing at Donald Trump I have talked with military leaders some of whom worked with you and they say you're a disgrace and when you then talk in this way in a presidential debate and deny what over and over again are court cases you have lost because you did in fact lose that election it leads one to believe that perhaps we do not have in the candidate to my right the temperament or or the ability to not be confused about fact that's deeply troubling and the American people deserve better I'll give you one minute to respond Mr presid let me just tell about world leaders Victor Orban one of the most respect man they call him a strong man he's he's a tough person smart prime minister of Hungary they said why is the whole world blowing up three years ago it wasn't why is it blowing up he said because you need Trump back as president they were afraid of him China was afraid and I don't like to use the word afraid but I'm just quoting him China was afraid of him North Korea was afraid of him look at what's going on with North Korea by the way he said Russia was afraid of him I ended the nordstream 2 Pipeline and Biden put it back on day one but he ended the XL Pipeline the XL pipeline in our country he ended that but he let the Russians build a pipeline going all over Europe and heading into Germany the biggest pipeline in the world look Victor Orban said it he said the most respected most feared person is Donald Trump we had no problems when Trump was president but when this weak pathetic that you saw at a debate just a few months ago that if he weren't in that debate he'd be running on set of her he got no votes he got 14 million votes what you did you talk about a threat to democracy he got 14 million votes and they threw him out of office and you know what I'll give you a little secret he hates her he can't stand her but he got 14 million votes they threw him out she got zero votes and when she ran she was the first one to leave because she failed and now she's running I don't understand it but I'm okay with it because your time is up I think we're going to do very well we've got a lot more to get to Turning now to the Israel Hamas War and the hostages were still being held Americans among them vice president Harris in December you said quote Israel has a right to defend itself but you added quote it matters how saying International humanitarian law must be respected Israel must do more to protect innocent civilians you said that nine months ago now an estimated 40,000 Palestinians are dead nearly 100 host mes remain just last week prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said there's not a deal in the making President Biden has not been able to break through the stalemate how would you do it well let's understand how we got here on October 7 Hamas a terrorist organization slaughtered 1200 Israelis many of them young people who were simply attending a concert women were horribly raped and so absolutely I said then I say now Israel has a right to defend itself we would and how it does so matters because it is also true far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed children mothers what we know is that this war must end it must when end immediately and the way it will end is we need a ceasefire deal and we need the hostages out and so we will continue to work around the clock on that work around the clock also understanding that we must chart a course for a two-state solution and in that solution there must be security for the Israeli people and Israel and an equal measure for the Palestinians but the one thing I will assure you always I will always give Israel the ability to defend itself in particular as it rates to as it relates to Iran and any threat that Iran and its proxy POs to Israel but we must have a two-state solution where we can rebuild Gaza where the Palestinians have security self-determination and the dignity they so rightly deserve president Trump how would you negotiate with Netanyahu and also Hamas in order to get the hostages out and prevent the killing of more innocent civilians in Gaza if I were president it would have never started if I were president Russia would have never ever I know Putin very well he would have never and there was no threat of it either by the way for four years have gone into Ukraine and killed millions of people when you add it up far worse than people understand what's going on over there but when she mentions about Israel all of a sudden she hates Israel she wouldn't even meet with Netanyahu when he went to Congress to make a very important speech she refused to be there because she was at a sority party of hers she wanted to go to the sority party she hates Israel if she's president I believe that Israel will not exist within two years from now and I've been pretty good at predictions and I hope I'm wrong about that one she hates Israel at the same time in her own way she hates the Arab population because the whole place is going to get blown up Arabs Jewish people Israel Israel will be gone it would have never happened Iran was broke under Donald Trump now Iran has three $300 billion because they took off all the sanctions that I had Iran had no money for Hamas or Hezbollah or any of the 28 different uh spheres of Terror and they are spheres of Terror horrible Terror they had no money it was a big story and you know it you covered it very well actually they had no money for Terror they were broke now they're a rich nation and now what they're doing is they're spreading that money around look at what's happening with the houis and Yemen look at what's going on in the Middle East this would have never happened I will get that settled and fast and I'll get the war with Ukraine and Russia ended if I'm president-elect I'll get it done before even becoming president vice president Harris he says you hate Israel that's absolutely not true I have my entire career and life supported Israel and the Israeli people he knows that he's trying to again divide and and distract from the reality which is it is very well known that Donald Trump is weak and wrong on National Security and foreign policy it is well known that he admires dictators wants to be a dictator on day one according to himself it is well known that he said of Putin that he can do whatever the hell he wants and go into Ukraine it is well known that he said when Russia went into Ukraine it was brilliant it is well known he exchanged love letters with Kim Jong Un and it is absolutely welln that these dictators and autocrats are rooting for you to be president again because they're so clear they can manipulate you with flattery and favors and that is why so many military leaders who you have worked with have told me you are a disgrace that is why we understand that we have to have a president who is not consistently weak and wrong on National Security including the importance of upholding and respecting in highest regard our military vice president Harris thank you they're the ones and she's the one that caus it that's weak on National Security by allowing Every Nation last month for the year 168 different countries sending people into our country their crime weights are way down Putin endorsed her last week said I hope she wins and I think he meant it because what he's gotten away with is absolutely incredible it wouldn't have happened with me the leaders of other countries think that they're weak and incompetent and they are they're grossly incompetent and I just ask one question why does Biden go in and kill the Keystone Pipeline and approve the single biggest deal that Russia's ever made nordstream 2 the biggest pipeline anywhere in the world going to Germany and all over Europe because they're weak and they're ineffective and Biden by the way gets paid a lot of money thank you we have a lot of issues to get to we'll be right back with much more of this historic ABC News presidential debate from the national Constitution Center right here in Philadelphia back in a moment the ABC News presidential debate will continue after this [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] top story Live from Paris live in Tel Aviv we are here in Butler Pennsylvania every week night it's your news [Music] playlist top story with Tom yamas streaming week nights at 7 on NBC news now we're back with tonight's debate between kamla Harris and Donald Trump when it ends in just a few minutes join us for an analysis of tonight's key moments our team will break down how it could shake up the final Sprint to election day for now though let's go back to the debate live in Philadelphia live from the national Constitution Center in Philadelphia Pennsylvania Here Again David newor and Lindsey Davis welcome back to this historic ABC News presidential debate tonight we're going to continue here and I want to turn to the war in Ukraine we're now two and a half years uh into this conflict Mr President it has been the position of the Biden Administration that we must defend Ukraine from Russia from Vladimir Putin to defend their sovereign their democracy that it's in America's best interest to do so arguing that if Putin wins he may be embolden to move even further into other countries you have said you would solve this war in 24 hours you said so just before the break tonight how exactly would you do that and I want to ask you a very simple question tonight do you want Ukraine to win this War I want the war to stop I want to save lives that are being uselessly people being killed by the millions it's the millions it's so much worse than than the numbers that you're getting with your fake numbers look we're in for 250 billion or more because they don't ask Europe which is a much bigger beneficiary to getting this thing done than we are they're in for $150 billion less because Biden and you don't have the courage to ask Europe like I did with NATO they paid billions and billions hundreds of billions of dollars when I said either you pay up or we're not going to protect you anymore so that's maybe one of the reasons they don't like me as much as they like weak people but you take a look at what's happening we're in for 250 to 275 billion they're into 100 to 150 they should be forced to equalize with that being said I want to get the War settled I know zalinski very well and I know Putin very well I have a good relationship and they respect your president okay they respect me they don't respect Biden how would you respect him why for what reason he hasn't even made a phone call in two years to Putin hasn't spoken to anybody they don't even try and get it that is a war that's dying to be settled I will get it settled before I even become president if I win when I'm president-elect and what I'll do is I'll speak to one I'll speak to the other I'll get them together that war would have never happened and in fact when I saw Putin after I left unfortunately left because our our country has gone to hell but after I left when I saw him building up soldiers he did it after I left I said oh he must be negotiating it must be a good strong point of negotiation well it wasn't because Biden had no idea how to talk to him he had no idea how to stop it and now you have millions of people dead and it's only getting worse and it could lead to World War I don't kid yourself David we're playing with World War II and we have a president that we don't even know if he's where is our president we don't even know if he's a president clar they threw him out of a campaign like a dog we don't even know is he our president but we have a president that doesn't know he's alive your time is up and with just to clarify in the question do you believe it's in the US best interests for Ukraine to win this war yes or no I think it's the US best interest to get this war finished and just get it done negotiate a deal because we have to stop all of these human lives from being destroyed I want to take this to vice president Harris I want to get your thoughts on support for Ukraine in this moment but also as commander-in-chief if elected how would you deal with Vladimir Putin and would it be any different from what we're seeing from President Biden well first of all it's important to remind the former president you're not running against Joe Biden you're running against me I believe the reason that Donald Trump says that this war would be over within 24 hours is because he would just give it up and that's not who we are as Americans let's understand what happened here um I actually met with ziny a few days before Russia invaded tried through Force to change territorial boundaries to defy one of the most important International rules and Norms which is the importance of sovereignty and territorial integrity and I met with President zansky I shared with him American intelligence about how he could defend himself days later I went to NATO's Eastern flank to Poland and Romania and through the work that I and others did we brought 50 countries together to support Ukraine in its righteous defense and because of our support because of the air defense the ammunition the artillery the javelins the Abrams tanks that we have provided Ukraine stands as an independent and free country if Donald Trump were President Putin would be sitting in keev right now and understand what that would mean because Putin's agenda is not just about Ukraine understand why the European allies and our NATO allies are so thankful that you are no longer president and that we understand the importance of the greatest military Alliance the world has ever known which is NATO and what we have done to preserve the ability of zalinsky and the ukrainians to fight for their independence otherwise Putin would be sitting in Kei with his eyes on the rest of Europe starting with Poland and why don't you tell the 800,000 polish Americans right here in Pennsylvania how quickly you would give up for the sake of favor and what you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator who would eat you for lunch vice president Harris thank you we've heard from both of you on Ukraine tonight Afghanistan came up in the last hour I I wanted her to respond to something you said earlier and I please I'll I'll give you a minute here Putin would be sitting in Moscow and he wouldn't have lost 300,000 men and women but he would have been sitting in Moscow quiet please he would have been sitting in Moscow much happier than he is right now but eventually you know he's got a thing that other people don't have he's got nuclear weapons they don't ever talk about that he got nuclear weapons nobody ever thinks about that and eventually maybe he'll use them and maybe he hasn't been that threatening but he does have that something we don't even like to talk about nobody likes to talk about it but just so you understand they sent her to negotiate peace before this war started three days later he went in and he started the war because everything they said was weak and stupid they said the wrong things that war should have never started she was the Emissary they sent her in to negotiate with zalinski and Putin and she did and the war started three days later and that's the kind of talent we have with her she's worse than Biden in my opinion I think he's the worst president in the history of our country she goes down as the worst vice president in the history of our country but let me tell you something she is a horrible negotiator they sent her in to negotiate as soon as they left Putin did The Invasion president Trump thank you you did bring up something you said she went to negotiate with Vladimir Putin vice president Harris have you ever met Vladimir Putin can you clarify tonight yet again I said it at the beginning of this debate you're gonna hear a bunch of Lies coming from this fellow and that is another one when I went to meet with President Zenia now met with him over five times the reality is it has been about standing as America always should as a leader upholding International rules and Norms as a leader who shows strength understanding that the alliances we have around the world are dependent on our ability to look out for our friends and not favor our enemies because you adore strong men instead of caring about about democracy and that is very much what is at stake here the president of the United States is commanderin-chief and the American people have a right to rely on a president who understands the significance of America's role and responsibility in terms of ensuring that there is stability and ensuring we stand up for our principles and not sell them for the for the benefit of personal flattery we've talked about Ukraine and Vladimir Putin I do want to talk about Afghanistan it came up in in the first hour of this debate I I wanted to move on to Afghanistan Stenberg said Trump did the most amazing thing I've ever seen he got these countries the 28 countries at the time to pay up he said I've never seen he's the head of NATO he said I've never seen for years we were paying almost all of NATO we were being ripped off by European nations both on trade and on NATO I got them to pay up by saying one the statements you made before if you don't pay we're not going to protect you otherwise we would have never gotten it he said it was one of the most incredible jobs that he's ever seen done thank you I want to turn to Afghanistan it came up in the first hour of the debate and we witnessed a a poignant moment today on Capitol Hill honoring the soldiers who died in the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan I do want to ask the vice president uh do you believe you bear any responsibility in the way that withdrawal played out well I will tell you I agreed with President Biden's decision to pull out of Afghanistan four presidents said they would and Joe Biden did and as a result America's taxpayers are not paying the $300 million a day we were paying for that endless war and as of today there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world the first time this Century but let's understand how we got to where we are Donald Trump Trump when he was president negotiated one of the weakest deals you can imagine he calls himself a deal maker even his National advisor said it was a weak terrible deal and here's how it went down he bypassed the Afghan government he negotiated directly with a terrorist organization called the Taliban the negotiation involved the Taliban getting 5,000 terrorists Taliban terrorists released and get this no get this and and the president at the time invited the Taliban to Camp David a place of story significance for us as Americans a place where we honor the importance of American diplomacy where we invite and receive respected world leaders and this former president as president invited them to Camp David because he does not again appreciate the role and responsibility of the president of the United States to be commander-in-chief with a level of respect and this gets back to the point of how he has consistently disparaged and demeaned members of our military fallen soldiers and the work that we must do to uphold the strength and the respect of the United States of America around the world vice president Harris thank you president Trump your response to her saying that you began the the negotiations the Taliban so if you take a look at that period of time the Taliban was killing our soldiers a lot of them with snipers and I got involved with the Taliban because the Taliban was doing the killing that's the Fighting Force within Afghanistan they don't bother doing that because you know they deal with the wrong people all the time but I got involved and Abdul is the head of the Taliban he is still the head of the Taliban and I told Abdul don't do it anymore you do it anymore you're gonna have problems and he said why do you send me a picture of my house I said you're gonna have to figure that out Abdul and for 18 months we had nobody killed we did have an agreement negotiated by Mike Pompeo was a very good agreement the reason it was good it was we were getting out we would have been out faster than them but we wouldn't have lost the soldiers we wouldn't have left many Americans behind and we wouldn't have left we wouldn't have left $85 billion worth of brand new beautiful military equipment behind and just to finish they blew it the agreement said you have to do this this this this this and they didn't do it they didn't do it the agreement was was terminated by us because they didn't do what they were supposed to do and these people did the worst withdrawal and in my opinion the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country and by the way that's why Russia attacked Ukraine because because they saw how incompetent she and her boss are President Trump thank you I want to move on now to race and politics in this country Mr President you recently said a vice president Harris quote I didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black I want to ask a bigger picture question here tonight why do you believe it's appropriate to weigh in on the racial identity of your opponent I don't and I don't care I don't care what she is I don't care uh you're make a big deal out of something I couldn't care less whatever she wants to be is okay with me but those were your words so I'm ask I don't know I don't know I mean all I can say is I read where she was not black that she put out and I'll say that and then I read that she was black and that's okay either one was okay with me that's up to her that's up to her vice president Harris your thoughts on this I think it's I mean honestly I think it's a a tragedy that we have um some someone who wants to be president who has consistently over the course of his career attempted to use race to divide the American people you know I do believe that the vast majority of us know that we have so much more in common than what separates us and we don't want this kind of approach that is just constantly trying to divide us and especially by race and let's Donald Trump started he was a a a a land he owned land own buildings and he he was investigated because he refused to rent property to black families let's remember this is the same individual who took out a full page ad in the New York Times calling for the execution of five young black and Latino boys who were inocent the Central Park 5 took out a full page ad calling for their execution this is the same individual who spread birther lies about the first black president of the United States and I think the American people want better than that want better than this want someone who understands as I do I travel our country we see in each other a friend we see in each other a neighbor we don't want a leader who is constantly trying to have Americans Point their fingers at each other I meet with people all the time who tell me can we please just have discourse about how we're going to invest in the aspirations and the Ambitions and the dreams of the American people knowing that regardless of people's color or the language their grandmother speaks we all have the same dreams and aspirations and Want a President Who invest in those not in hate and division vice president Harris thank you lindsy president Trump this is now your third time this is the most divisive presidency in the history of our country there's never been anything like it they're destroying our country and they come up with things like what she just said going back many many years when a lot of people including May Bloomberg agreed with me on the Central Park 5 they admitted they said they plead guilty and I said well if they plead guilty they'd badly hurt person killed a person ultimately and if they plad guilty then they plad were're not guilty but this is a person that has to stretch back years 40 50 years ago because there's nothing now I built one of the greatest economies in the history of the world and I'm going to build it again it's going to be bigger better and stronger but they're destroying our economy they have no idea what a good economy is their oil policies every single policy and remember this she is Biden you know she's trying to get away from Biden I don't know the gentleman she says she is Biden the worst inflation we've ever had a horrible economy because inflation has made it so bad and you can't get away with that thank you your time is up I want to respond to that though I want to just respond briefly clearly I am not Joe Biden and I am certainly not Donald Trump and what I do offer is a new generation of leadership for our country one who believes in what is possible one who brings a sense of optimism about what we can do instead of always disparaging the American people I believe in what we can do to strengthen our small businesses which is why I have a plan let's talk about our plans and and let's compare the plans I have a plan to give startup businesses $50,000 tax deduction to pursue their Ambitions their Innovation their ideas their hard work I have a plan $6,000 for young families for the first year of your child's life to help you in that most critical stage of your child's development I have a plan that is about allowing people to be able to pursue what has been fleeting in terms of the American dream by offering a help with down payment of $225,000 down payment assistance for firsttime home buyers that's the kind of conversation I believe David that people really want tonight as opposed to a conversation that is constantly about belittling and name calling let's turn the page forward thank you let's turn to policy to move on President Trump let's turn to policy please a plan to defund the police she has a plan to confiscate everybody's gun fracking in Pennsylvania or anywhere else that's what her plan is until just recent former president has said something twice that I need to respond I'm sorry we're we're going to move on vice president president Trump this is now your third time running for president you have long vowed to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act also known as Obamacare you have failed to accomplish that you now say you're going to keep Obamacare quote unless we can do something much better last month you said quote we're working on it so tonight n years after you first started running do you have a plan and can you tell us what it is Obamacare was lousy healthc care always was it's not very good today and what I said that if we come up with something and we are working on things we're going to do it and we're going to replace it but remember this I inherited Obamacare because Democrats wouldn't change it they wouldn't vote for it they were unanimous they wouldn't vote to change it if they would have done that we would have had a much better plan than OB hair but the Democrats came up they wouldn't vote for it I had a choice to make when I was President do I save it and make it as good as it can be never going to be great or do I let it rot and I felt I had an obligation even though politically it would have been good to just let it rot and let it go away I decided and I told my people the top people and they very good people I have a lot of good people in this that Administration we read about the bad ones we had some real bad ones too and so do they they have really bad ones the differences they don't get rid of but let me just explain I had a choice to make do I save it and make it as good as it can be or do I let it rot and I saved it I did the right thing but it's still never going to be great and it's too expensive for people and what we will do is we're looking at different plans if we can come up with a plan that's going to cost our people our population less money and be better health care than Obamacare then I would absolutely do but until then I'd run it as good as it can be run so just yes or no you still do not have a plan I have concepts of a plan I'm not president right now but if we come up with something I would only change it if we come up with something that's better and less expensive and there are Concepts and options we we have to do that and you'll be hearing about it in the not too distant future vice president Harris in 2017 you supported Bernie Sanders proposal to do away with private insurance create a government-run Health Care System two years later you proposed a plan that included a private insurance option what is your plan today well first of all I absolutely support and over the last four years as vice president private healthc care options but what we need to do is maintain and grow the Affordable Care Act but I I I'll get to that Lindsay I just need to respond to a previous point that the former president has made I've made very clear my position on fracking and then this business about taking everyone's guns away Tim Walls and I are both gun owners we're not taking anybody's guns away so stop with the continuous lying about this stuff as it relates to the Affordable Care Act understand let just look at the history to know where people stand when Donald Trump was President 60 times he tried to get rid of the Affordable Care Act 60 times I was a Senator at the time when I will never forget the early morning hours when it was up for a vote in the United States Senate and the late great John McCain who you have disparaged as being you don't like him you said at the time because he got caught he was an American hero the late great John McCain I will never forget that night walked onto the senate floor and said no you don't no you don't no you don't get rid of the Affordable Care Act you have no plan and what the Affordable Care Act has done is eliminate the ability of insurance companies to deny people with pre-existing conditions I don't have to tell the people watching tonight you remember what that was like remember when an insurance company could deny if a child had asthma if someone was a breast cancer survivor if a if a grandparent had diabetes and thankfully as I've been vice president and we over the last four years have strengthened the Affordable Care Act we have allowed for the first time Medicare to negotiate drug prices on behalf of you the American people Donald Trump said he was going to allow Medicare to negotiate drug drug prices he never did we did and now we have capped the cost of insulin at $35 a month since I've been Vice President we have capped the cost of prescription medication for seniors at $2,000 a year and when I am President we will do that for all people understanding that the value I bring to this is that access to health care should be a right and not just a privilege of those who can afford it and the plan has to be to strengthen the Affordable Care Act not get rid of it in terms of where Donald Trump stands on that I want to move to an issue that's important for a lot made a mistake at number one John McCain fought Obamacare for 10 years but it wasn't only him it were all of the Democrats that kept it going and you know what we can do much better than Obamacare much less money but she won't improve private insurance for people private medical insurance that's another thing she doesn't want to get are paying privately for insurance that have worked hard and made money and they want to have private she wants everybody to be on government insurance where you wait six months for an operation that you need immediately president Trump thank you we have another issue that we'd like to get to that's important for a number of Americans in particular younger voters and that's climate change president Trump with regard to the environment you say that we have to have clean air and clean water vice president Harris you call climate change an existential threat the question to you both both tonight is what would you do to fight climate change and vice president Harris we'll start with you one minute for you each well the former president had said the climate change is a hoax and what we know is that it is very real you ask anyone who lives in a state who has experienced these extreme weather occurrences who now is either being denied home insurance or it's being jacked up you ask anybody who has been um the victim of what that means in terms of losing their home having nowhere to go we know that we can actually deal with this issue the young people of America care deeply about this issue and I am proud that as vice president over the last four years we have invested a trillion dollars in a clean energy economy while we have also increased domestic gas production to Historic levels we have created over 800,000 new manufacturing jobs while I have been Vice President we have invested in clean energy to the point that we are opening up factories around the world Donald Trump said he was going to create manufacturing jobs he lost manufacturing jobs and I'm also proud to have the endorsement of the United Auto Workers and Shan feain who also know that part of building a clean energy economy includes investing in American made products American automobiles it includes growing what we can do around American manufacturing and opening up Auto plants not closing them like happened under Donald Trump president Harris thank you that didn't happen to Donald Trump let me just tell you they lost 10,000 manufacturing jobs this last month it's going they're all leaving uh they're building big Auto plants in Mexico in many cases owned by China they're building these massive plants and they think they're going to sell their cars into the United States because of these people what they have given to China is unbelievable but we're not going to let that we'll put tariffs on those cars so they can't come into our country because they will kill the United Auto Workers and any auto worker whether it's in Detroit or South Carolina or any other place what they've done to business and Manufacturing in this country is horrible we have nothing because they they refuse you know Biden doesn't go after people because supposedly China paid a millions of dollars he's afraid to do it between him and his son they get all this money from Ukraine they get all this money from all of these different countries and then you wonder why is so loyal to this one that one Ukraine China why is he why did he get three and A5 million dollars from the mayor of moscow's wife why did he get why did she pay him $ three and a half million doar this is a crooked Administration and they're selling our country down the tubes president Trump thank you thank you we'll be right back with closing statements from both of our candidates an historic night this ABC News presidential debate from Philadelphia back in a moment [Music] the ABC News presidential debate will continue after this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now it's raw how hard is it to see it like this our house is no longer here but we are here now is real let's break down what we know and then the big question is still outstanding news for the generation of now is NBC news now we're back with tonight's debate between kamla Harris and Donald Trump and when it ends please join us for analysis of tonight's key moments our team will break it down as we enter the final Sprint to election day we'll go back to the debate and closing statements live from the national Constitution Center in Philadelphia Pennsylvania Here Again David mure and Lindsey Davis welcome back tonight the time has come for closing statements and vice president Harris we begin with you so I think you've heard tonight two very different Visions for our country one that is focused on the future and the other that is focused on the past and an attempt to take us backward but we're not going back and I do believe that the American people know we all have so much more in common than what separates us and we can chart a new way forward and a vision of that includes having a plan understanding the aspirations the dreams the hopes the ambition of the American people which is why I intend to create an opportunity economy investing in small businesses in new families in what we can do around protecting seniors what we can do that is about giving hardworking folks a break and bringing down the cost of living I believe in what we can do together that is about sustaining America's standing in the world world and ensuring that we have the respect that we so rightly deserve including respecting our military and ensuring we have the most lethal fighting force in the world I will be a president that will protect our fundamental rights and freedoms including the right of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do I'll tell you I started my career as a prosecutor I was a DA I was an attorney general a United States Senator and now Vice President I've only had one client the people and I'll tell you as a prosecutor I never asked a victim or a witness are you a Republican or a Democrat the only thing I ever ask them are you okay and that's the kind of President we need right now someone who cares about you and is not putting themselves first I intend to be a president for all Americans and focus on what we can do over the next 10 and 20 years to build back up our country by investing right now in you the American people vice president Harris thank you president Trump so she just started by saying she's going to do this she's going to do that she's going to do all these wonderful things why hasn't she done it she's been there for three and a half years they've had three and a half years to fix the Border they've had three and a half years to create jobs and all the things we talked about why hasn't she done it she you should leave right now go down to that beautiful white house go to the capital get everyone together and do the things you want to do but you haven't done it and you won't do it because you believe in things that the American people don't believe in you believe in things like we're not going to Frack we're not going to take fossil fuel we're not going to do things that are going to make this country strong whether you like it or not Germany tried that and within one year they were back to building normal energy plants we're not ready for it we can't sacrifice our country for the sake of bad Vision but I just ask one simple question why didn't she do it we're a failing Nation We're a nation that's in serious decline we're being laughed at all over the world all over the world they're left I know the leaders very well they're coming to see me they call me we're laughed at all over the world they don't understand what happened to us as a nation we're not a leader we don't have any idea what going on we have wars going on in the Middle East we have wars going on with Russia and Ukraine we're going to end up in a third world war and it'll be a war like no other because of nuclear weapons the power of Weaponry I rebuilt our entire military she gave a lot of it away to the Taliban she gave it to Afghanistan what these people have done to our country and maybe toughest of all is allowing millions of people to come into to our country many of them are criminals and they're destroying our country the worst president the worst vice president in the history of our country president Trump thank you and that is our ABC News presidential debate from here in Philadelphia at the national Constitution Center I'm lindsy Davis and I'm David mu thank you for watching here in the US and all over the world and from all of us here at ABC News good night okay so that concludes the presidential debate between uh president Trump and vice president kamla Harris of course you know we all have our opinions as uh to who won tonight's debate but there is something that is not up for debate and there is something that we can all agree on and that is that the All Season's Diner in eent toown New Jersey is easily without any type of real competition the best diner in New Jersey New Jersey being a state that has upwards of 600 diners the all seon Diner consistently is ranked among the top diners in all of New Jersey and in my humble opinion and in the humble opinion of thousands of people who go there every year is Simply the Best All Season's Diner eatown New Jersey it is on the corner of Route 36 and woff Road very near the Jersey Shore right near Long Branch frankly if you live in MTH County there is no excuse for you not to go here and enjoy yourself the All Seasons Diner rth 36 woff Road Eon toown just ask for Nick Nick he's the owner he's going to take good care of you you will not be sorry you went there All Seasons Diner eent toown New Jersey go there today

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