37 Wordle Words Challenge: Help the Team Guess Them All in 45 Minutes!

hello hello hello welcome [Laughter] welcome Manny Manny pop up on the board with Sigma oh my goodness oh my goodness y'all welcome welcome welcome it's worldle time yes it's world time and hey y'all today it's not hard it these are all easy words today there is no there is no um theme it is random words but they are not hard Grandma went all really easy on y'all today because last week was hard well I should say harder than uh normal so welcome welcome to all of you here in the chat that are going to play welcome to all of you who are here on the replay you can always watch any of my games on the replay just play like you're watching a game show on television and the the the thing is try and beat the chat they are super good so yeah we'll see also today is the last day of the month so we will be seeing who our winners are today um uh it's close it's close is between it's between silver who is already started so that sells me something and last word John um so if he doesn't show up but the the the best thing about this game is you can come in late oh kinds good job silver you can come in late and still get lots of points they accumulate over the week I mean over the month month so um today you you won't be able to uh gain enough points to win if you haven't been playing but starting next week we start all over again and um the more you play the more points you can gather so I want to say welcome to everybody here we got Manny who came in to remind everybody to subscribe for more games and stories of course my stories they're out there too like the video support me yes we want to put in five letter words today that's what we're doing with Wordle the way we play the game is you're going to put in those five letter words that Manny was telling you to do and when the the tile is gray it means that the letter is not in the word at all you get nothing if it turns yellow oh look at that y'all didn't y'all got all the letters that's cool um I don't think I've seen that where every word was either nothing or green that was that was cool so if it turns yellow if the if the tile turns yellow or the block turns yellow it means like that one it means that the letter is in the word but not in the right place and you get one point if it turns green then it means that the letter is in the word and in the right place you get get two points and if you guess the word and they're all green that means you get 15 points and um it does accumulate over over the um over the gain um right now it's just Manny Manny and silver um it doesn't matter how old you are anybody can play because we have one of my older viewers and one of my younger viewers that are playing all you need to do is put in five letter words you don't even have to actually guess it because you can win the game and not guess any words by putting in words you get points like Manny has already gotten a 32 points so way to go Manny keep going buddy um Gabby wants to remind you please do check out my shop it's uh Grandma's gifts the number four letter you.com so Grandma's gifts for you.com and it is also down below you can see it down there through the whole game um I've got all kinds of things there uh I've got I've just put up my um my Halloween stuff is up there lots of t-shirts mugs um tons of jigsaw puzzles um all kinds of things so go check it out blankets just all kinds of stuff um so go check out my shop if you would like a discount right now the discount code is summer 30 but as soon as fall changes that will change to fall 30 so if you are watching this in the future and it's not summer anytime whatever season it is put winter fall summer spring whatever and the number 30 make sure it's all caps and if that uh gives you 30% off of anything in the shop and or in your cart I should say anything in your cart and if you would like to get a free shipping um if that works out better you save more money with free shipping shipping is trivia all caps the word trivia that is free shipping but sadly that is only in the United States so sorry for all of my people woo 60 good job silver sorry to all my peeps out in the out in the other parts of the world um sorry but it it's just it's too costly for me to give all the stuff for free I know y'all understand that so check out my shop um so Gabby was here but Gabby has to go I I was reading some of the chat Gabby has to go fix um steak she's take making steak potatoes and veggies I she said Grandma's favorite Grandma's favorite is steak I'm a carnivore so I would only eat the steak I would not eat the potatoes or the veggies so I just ate a whole ton of bacon Yum Yum Yum so hi ho to Silver yes silver was telling her to enjoy and make something yummy um how does oh how do peanut butter cups love them but yeah there she is she's saying I'm making Grandma's favorite steak yes and she's making mashed potatoes and veggies yeah I wouldn't eat that stuff only the meat for me um so let me skip down here um y'all are talking a lot about traveling Oh I want to go to Alaska so bad um silver yes Alaska is on my buget list um I I I could I I really I like the cooler uh cooler parts of our world I'm not if you can see me I am not big into the sun the sun does not like me nope nope my white skin Burns Burns Burns all right um oh Manny's birthday is in two days oh well happy birthday that's right you did tell me that it was um it's the 30 it's the 30th isn't it 31st the 31st my son my adopted son his birthday is September 1st so my adopted son's birthday is the day after yours Manny that's cool um okay so Road Rash Road Rush is here um and so I just saw um who I just missed who got that um I'm too busy trying to catch up in the chat road rash is here and Mouse charger welcome welcome welcome um so Road Rash it's very easy all we're doing right now is we're putting in five letter words so when you put in the five letter word as you can see they're doing you got sure up there if that if the word is gray if the L letter is gray it means it's not in the word if it turns yellow it means it's in the word but in the wrong place and you get one point if it turns green like your e um in chore it means it's in the right place and you get two you get two point points so um so you've already gotten three points for just putting in that one word um we are collecting points but today is the last day um of the month so you won't be able to win the prize for because I do a monthly thing so we accumulate the points for a month um but um you you you you will have fun and you will have the team we also y'all oh who did that trade silver good job good job we also are trying to beat the clock so what we do is I have 37 words for y'all today and like I said they're all random there's no theme today and it's not hard these are not hard words they're all just regular words um nothing that you would go what we're going to do that though we're going to do that in a couple weeks um we are going to have uh the really hard one I'm going to wait until school starts so like the middle of September I believe I might wait till the end of September um but we'll do a hard one um once once once all my all all everybody gets their schedule going then we'll do a hard one um but we are we have 20 I mean 37 words and we are trying to beat get them all and beat the clock of 45 minutes so if you get them in 45 minutes if you get all 37 words in 45 minutes then I will add one word so it'll be for it'll be 38 next week if you don't no big deal we continue to play the game but we just don't want to add a word and we have been stuck here at 37 for quite a while um but that's okay it is getting harder it is getting harder but as sorry my allergies are killing me so I'm having to clear my throat um so um once once fall gets here school all the schools are started everybody settles into the new schedule um we will um we will have uh more um more people playing so I'm glad you're here mags is here um is it frozen I don't think so they're playing um max go out of the game and come back in okay sometimes it does that so if it seems to be sticking for y'all go out of the game and come back in a lot of times there's a connection issue um because it's going from you to YouTube from YouTube to this game system and um so sometimes there's a a connection issue I am am not the connection issue I could be the connection issue over on uh words on stream which is actually playing now so hopefully that'll be fine that is my internet so I I could be part of the problem with uh with words on stream but not with this game because this game is just going from YouTube to the their system um I have I got that oh silver Hotel good job silver hi ho silver hi ho silver so Megs you and road rash just put in don't try and solve the um the word um a lot of times you'll get you'll get stuck in I'm trying to solve the word just put in put in words put in random words um if you put in random words you'll get points that way because you get points every time it turns yellow or green but you also rule out other letters or you can bring up letters that the team might not know about so um like um a thank you Maximus for all those hearts that is so sweet um so just like words on stream even though we're working at TR to try and get the most points or win the most games for the month um even though we're trying to do that it is a team effort so we're trying to beat the clock as a team so um don't really try and get bogged on especially today because um the the winners are between two people and one isn't even here so he might show up he Lo he a lot of times he'll pop in after we get started I know he he's usually running after a train or sitting on the train playing um so anyway so we've got silver has 210 points now meie has 35 Mouse charger has 23 Ro Das is 14 and Meg has nine but now even though y'all have under 90 grandma always gives you 90 points for just coming in here and starting so when I go to put in all my points on my spreadsheet I always give you 90 points just for being here own very good owned so um it does take a little bit to get used to playing this game especially if you're used to playing words on stream um it's similar and that game will help um this is difficult no but it's not so so because you do play words on stream you already have the mindset of of trying to unscramble them unscramble the the tile um but you do have a little bit of adjustment in your word thinking because there's only five letters um and we're just putting up random stuff so like I always do um I always put in um always put in the same ones you go a lot of them a lot of yall will get the um there goes mine um a lot of people will get their regular um goto words that will help you with consonants or vowels um once you put in a word and like train I put that's one of my things I just train um once we solve that this this word the next word you can put in the same words again um so you don't have to worry about keep thinking of new words you can re use them once we solve them because you're just trying to get the letters on the board so we so we have an M oouu for the first second and third and we have a t somewhere and we know that the t is not at the end because it's up there in bleet so that tells you where that t is so now we're just trying to figure out actually what the last letter is it does take some getting used to but once you get it it is there you go mouth CU see the T we already knew that the T wasn't in the last space so that would have made it to be in the fourth place so then you knew it was m o u t and we just needed to find out what that last tile was um oh yes I get it yes way to go silver yes silver Silver's been playing it a while once you get it and you understand it this is a super fun game um we've been playing it for a while when we first started we had 25 words and it took us about an hour and 20 minutes to get them now the goal is was to get 37 words in the 45 minutes because once we started we learned how to do it and we've also been helping to develop this game we have added to their word Bank a lot so this game is way way better than it was when we first started playing it um but once um once we kind of got the got figured out how to play it um we they it started getting really fast and that's when I was like okay we need to put some put a challenge onto it so I back the clock up to 45 minutes and we add a letter I mean not a letter we add a word when we beat the clock so we want to beat the clock we want to see how how many words we can get I mean there will be a day when we can't add anymore but that's okay you never know the more people we get in here good job range good job um the more people we have playing the faster it will go because you'll have more people putting in words constantly and you'll be able to see them quicker so so tell everybody about the game it is super fun we were playing this game on Tuesdays and Thursdays but then I added chronology and I and now I can't do it I can't do anything during the day on Tuesdays because now I'm doing auctions on Tuesdays wasn't thinking that was going to happen I haven't done an auction in four years and surprise they wanted me back I love it mules mules so all of y'all have been truly truly helping my brain I appreciate it so much all right chose so we have an s on the board but we do not know where we have a d and a n d NS somewhere see Mouse charger even putting in the word clock helps because now we know that those letters aren't going to be when we're trying to solve it all right there you go f something n DS there you go Road Rash got it good job good job Road Rash got it very good yeah Grandma decided that I was going to do some easier words for you today so these are basic words um let's see where we are we are on we are on word 11 we're on word 11 no we're not we're on word 12 we're on word 12 funds was 11 so we are on 12 y'all are doing great I love having new people in here I love it gonna y'all are going to get super super good at this game I have a bunch of smart people that visit Grandma's house all right we have an e we have an r in the second spot an e in the third an A in the fourth we don't know what the other letters are those are all we have r e a you can try and put up another word to get try and find those letters it oh cars cars I used to have my own Auction Company where I specialized in antiques um I had that for a while um but I've been I've been doing cars I've been selling cars at auction since uh 2003 2003 is one no 2002 2002 is when at break there you go break 2002 is when I started selling cars I've been I've been in um in auction business since 2000 um so [Laughter] anyway 2002 is when I did started doing cars and um after I had my accidents um I I I couldn't I couldn't do it I tried and I was having seizures and that's not good so I had to stop and now I can only do I can only do little bits I I'm on the slower Lanes um and I just did it I did it just to help them out back in July and um then somebody was out yesterday so I went in and um um helped then and then when I was done they said hey we want you every week and I'm like I I was so proud of myself and I want to say thank you to y'all because if I haven't been doing all of these things and all of the other stuff that I do like the way I eat and the red light therapy and all of the stuff that I do for my brain um if I didn't do that um and I wasn't here playing these games and doing the trivia and having to do all these things um green green good job good job Mouse charger you were super close there um if I hadn't been doing all this stuff with y'all I don't I there's I wouldn't I wouldn't have pushed myself to get um to be able to do that but I will say it wipes me out I'm not doing it for very long it's it's a very short period of time but it it really wipes me out so on Tuesday nights um I don't know how my brain is going to be I wasn't too bad last night as soon as I got off though I was like my brain was done and I do have qu I do have uh a lot of time in between get when I get home and when I have the have the trivia so I do have a brain break but anyway and there the auction is um it's only dealers so it's not like I mean it's a they're big auctions they're all over well this one's not this one's just this one this company is only on the East Coast but I have worked with the very large the largest the larg the two largest car auctions in the United States I have worked for um so anyway you and your ex-husband used to do go to American car shows in the UK oh I love I my my dad was in the car business he he leased cars he wasn't like a car salesman um he leased cars so I been around cars my whole entire life WIS WIS good job good job silver um so but I could not it's funny because the way um I love old cars and stuff like my first car was a 64 a half Mustang it was one of the first 200 ever made um so that was cool um so I've always been around cars but the way I sell cars I can't tell you anything about them because it's so quick I'm not even thinking about it I'm think I'm I'm reading what's on the I'm reading what's on the screen and what the rep is telling me and and that is it in the numbers and once it's gone because I do have short-term memory loss don't ask me what I just did even before the short-term memory lies you're going You're so thinking so far ahead that once it's gone you have moved on and you're not thinking you're not thinking so people are what is I don't know don't ask me it's worse now I still have no idea M momento okay look look momento if my 10-year-olds can play you can too um we we have a in here playing all right so all you need to do m is put in felter words all right any felter word we're putting in five letter words and if that if the tile those little blocks if it's gray it means it's not in the letter is not in the word at all if it's yellow it means it's in the word but in the wrong spot if it's green it means it's in the right spot so and then if they're all green then of course that means that you've you've guessed the word but the best way to to play it is not to stress over trying to guess the word it's putting in words so that you can get the letters on the board once you get the letters on the board you can rearrange them like there's an A in and an s that we know where they are we know so now we're just trying to get what the the the SE the first and the fourth letters are so that's why so like silver just put in a word that he knew wasn't going to have an A and an N because he's trying to get that other like he just got right there he got an H so now he knows there's an H somewhere so the H is either in the first spot or in the fourth spot because we know that the a n and an S we know where that is but you to get there just putting in in words uh but don't stress over immediately trying to figure out what the word is because that that's really stressful and we're playing for points and um you don't have to get you can win the game and not guess any words it's just by putting in in the in the letter so now we know that the H is in the first spot a n we know that there's an s on the end so h a n something s so see he right now silver is just trying to find that letter because he doesn't know what it is so he's just trying to put in other words that can possibly give him what that fourth letter is so there is some strategy to figuring things out that's why I don't want y'all get stuck with I can't I don't know the I don't know the word I can't guess the word I don't know I don't know a lot of vocabulary you know I don't have a big word Bank in my brain um you don't have to so now he's just trying to guess so like he's just like h a n PS okay that's not a word but it doesn't matter it didn't pop up just like on words on stream don't also get stuck in the way things are spelled so see now he's got h n TS the T wasn't there see I didn't even know H was a a word but evidently it is because it popped up there there you go um that was good Mouse charger um there's no see there's no m i e or R okay okay you just got silver just found the letter I'm not saying anymore but silver found the missing letter when he put in a a n a a x my brain i n Mouse charger uh do that again but you you mistyped I'll just watch I'm too out of it from my long week of flu Oh I I'm sorry that you were feeling better just put in words if you just want to put in words just that's what Droid won by just putting in words he didn't even guess one he was just trying to help the help the team by putting in random words all the time he had a word list and he just kept putting them in so Mouse charger look at what you just did you miss typed but look at what you put in put that word in hi Sierra hello hello hello yeah um Sierra you have to type out the whole word um Mouse charger put in that word I think they're waiting on you it's your Sierra it is it is Mouse charger they're waiting on you to do it I don't know where I don't know where she went okay whoever wants to solve it she's not putting it in so go ahead and answer it cuz I know y'all are waiting on her which is super sweet Sierra you miss so much yes yes Grandma I've tried to type things oh is it Frozen well why are y'all coming in hold on let me see if I can refresh [Music] [Music] Mouse charger try it again that word the word you put it I don't want to say it you can't hear me for great for I don't have the mic it won't let me can you hear me can you hear me okay that's weird because it doesn't have the mic on there okay all right whatever works now I hear myself I don't know I don't think I'm going through this mic okay um so it is the game because I typed in the word and it didn't come up and I don't know why it's hung up um pedling my power bike as fast as I can all right so this is their system um because I have restarted this thing I mean I have refreshed let me do it again um the word is hangs it should whoops that is crazy are you kidding me hold on let me see what we are we're on word 15 okay I tell you what um what that is the stupidest word not the like okay I tell you what um hold on I'm going to restart the stream and I'm going to take out the first 15 words okay because we've already done 15 we're at third we're at we would we're not going to be able to beat the clock anyway so I'm gonna give me a minute okay I'm G to restart this stream I'm going to take out this word we're just going to go and we'll do the the last words okay all right so y'all W watch for it to pop back up okay I'm going to I'm going to end the stream and then we'll continue it on the other but it's going to take me a minute because I need to go take out those words and start it over okay um no this stream is going to end but as soon as you see the other stream pop up um you can go to that chat okay oh yeah a new one yes a new one we're going to do a new one all right yep go look yeah just just give give me a minute because it's going to take me a second to redo these redo this okay because I'm going to take out the first words that we've already done all right okay and we'll just go from this so I'll keep your I'll keep your um let me take a picture of it real quick I get because I need to get your points so I know I know what points y'all have hold on points are important so okay so we're going to continue with those points point and we'll just add on what we do in the next one okay so watch on watch for the new stream to pop back up all right I will see y'all in just a minute all right don't go nowhere y'all don't go nowhere don't go anywhere let's be appropriate right I'll see you in a minute

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