ABC Moderators EXPOSED Amid BACKLASH As Trump REJECTS Another RIGGED Debate Against Kamala Harris!

so I'm finding out this morning that the one of the moderators the the lady that was up there is actually kamala's sorority sister so you have the sorority sister and then you have her best friend that is one of the exex so now we know why there was a three-on-one debate so we know that it it was a biased debate no questions asked I so you're celebrating for nothing because she never did get to her policy she never answered any questions they never fat checked her on anything I want to bring something else to your attention because a lot of people are distorted in in knowing what a real leader is see Trump is a real leader a real leader is not perfect by any means for my Christians out there you know David in the Bible wasn't perfect you know Paul wasn't perfect Noah wasn't perfect Solomon wasn't perfect Abraham wasn't perfect I mean the list goes on and on and on King cus of those leaders were perfect but nonetheless they were leaders see a leader shows up they don't hide from the people she's saying that she's the party of the people then where were you for three and A2 years you didn't show up you didn't show up for the families that was in Afghanistan you didn't show up all you did was hid behind the keyboard all weekend and talk about the real leader that showed up you didn't show up to the Border Trump went to the Border even though he wasn't president presid he showed up to the border and for all you black people out there she didn't even show up to the nabj Trump showed up to the nabj you know so the only leader that's perfect was Jesus Christ but even back then in his day they would have called him an imperfect leader because he didn't concede to their uh itching of ears and what they what they wanted to do he wasn't all about Optics all he was was his about his father's business standing on the truth all right guys so we got to talk about some news on a potential second debate between former president Trump and KLA Harris because immediately after the first debate the KLA campaign insisted on another debate which was a little bit of a shock to me at the time because I thought that if the comma campaign believed that she won the debate then they would not be willing to do another debate now here's the thing the fact that k has insisted on having another debate means that at the very least her campaign her advisers her handlers do not feel as if KLA Harris got her moment right she did not knock out Trump which was the whole point of the ABC debate okay best believe going into the debate KLA Harris wanted to knock out Trump she wanted to basically end the election right there and unfortunately for KLA Harris she was not able to do so because she's not that talented right I mean she just doesn't have it in her and this is despite having help okay because the ABC moderators were clearly biased in favor of KLA Harris they were factchecking Trump all night long including on opinions such as whether or not Trump's claims about the election are sarcasm uh while KLA Harris received no fact checks although she basically lied all night long he said the baby will be born and we will decide what to do with the baby in other words we'll execute the baby there is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it's born in Springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there if I hear you bring up Springfield Ohio and ABC News did reach out to the city manager there uh he told us there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed you repeated falsely claim that you won many times saying you won in a landslide crime here is up and through the roof despite their fraudulent statements that they made crime in this country is through the roof president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is actually coming down in this country but excuse me the FBI defra they were defrauding statements they they didn't include the worst cities they didn't include the cities with the worst crime Tim Walls and I are both gun owners we're not taking anybody's guns away so stop with the continuous lying about this stuff we have to have a buyback program and I support a mandatory buyback program it's got to be smart we got to do it the right way do you believe in the mandatory buyback of quote unquote assault weapons I do believe that we need to do buyback let's remember Charlottesville where there was a mob of people carrying tiki torches spewing anti-semitic hate and what did the president then at the time say there were fine people on each side and you had some very bad people in that group but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides live and after the fact that we had our eye on we know the moderators pushed back on former president Trump five times and on vice president kamla Harris zero times we fact checked her but they didn't Time Magazine will also was also forced to take back a so-called fact check of its own that media Outlet claimed Trump's point that k Harris supported transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants in prison was false the vice president did in fact check yes in support on a survey she filled out during her 2019 presidential run yeah so you see that you heard that apparently debate was so rigged that even a former Clinton advisor came out and was like hey I have a problem with what happened okay what ABC did ruined future presidential debates and it probably didn't help that lindsy Davis is a sorority sister of kamla Harris lindsy Davis Robin Roberts is right it's a sorority thing I don't understand at all so you have to explain it to everybody sority sister of Comm right well you know uh pearls are a symbol of Alpac Capa Alpha sorority Incorporated which she pledged while she was at Howard University and the strand of pearls is symbolic of the unity and The Sisterhood okay but on this day there's actually a Facebook page of women who say wear pearls on January 20th 2021 and hundreds of thousand of women are apparently wearing pearls in support of of of her but here's a fact he he did get push back from them they did try to fact check him in real time but there were numerous questions that she would not answer and she did tell several lies and got no fact checking so I think if you're going to lay down a marker that we're going to push back on these candidates you got to do it to none or you got to do it to both they asked her directly directly in the very first question if she thought they had any responsibility for the economic conditions or that people were better off than they were for and she completely ignored it they asked her on immigration M why did you wait until 6 months before the election to do anything and she completely ignored it and so factchecking and and Barbs aside those are the two most important issues in the election they asked her she completely ignored them and they spent all their time going after Trump and didn't follow up on any of that I thought it was ridiculous uh my reaction is I'm really concerned about what ABC did when the refs put their finger on the scale you got to throw out the the score of the game what would have happened in that debate had they challenged Harris and said you know that's not right what you said there about Charlottesville we don't know how she would have reacted and then Trump wouldn't had to spend all his time on the defe I think they did a real disservice to the voters of America when they did that and they put in Jeopardy the institutions of debate well and look for the candidate on your side of the political aisle it might have helped her you know I mean if if you want to get sharp you have to rub up against something that will sharpen you and it might have even helped help her quiet down those in your party who still have so many questions about her policies wow wow so you seeing that you hear that lindsy Davis should not have been a moderator she is a soroity sister of KLA Harris which would make it harder for her to be an objective journalist something that ABC should have addressed before the debate but because uh Lindsey Davis's job as a moderator for the debate was not to be an objective journalist apparently ABC didn't care right they didn't a problem with this clear and obvious conflict of interest okay and it's not like lindsy Davis did all the factchecking she just did it through her uh white liberal friend David Mir who did most of the debating against Trump right it was basically David Mir the token white guy versus Trump who is the white presidential candidate on stage and Lindsey Davis who is the token so-called woman of color making sure that KLA Harris the woman of color on stage uh receives no tough questions no push backs no fact checks okay that is how they set it up okay it is played as dat to see what ABC did to rig this debate and as a result president Trump has made an announcement in response to KLA Harris challenging him to a third debate that hey there will be no third debate because I believe that I won and KLA Harris warning another debate is proof and evidence that she knows that she lost or at the very least she didn't get the moment that she was looking for so therefore there will not be a third debate take a look but when a prize fighter loses a fight you've seen a lot of fights right the first words out of that Fighter's mouth is I want to rematch I want to rematch and that's what she said I want to rematch polls clearly show that I won the debate against comrade Camala har and and as you probably know because you know when you say Harris does anybody know who Harris is now Kamala is a very different kind of a word nice name very nice name but you know her is come you don't know is Harris when you say Harris everyone says who the hell is that right but she immediately called for a second debate which means that she was like a price fighter that lost a fight we had two debates though I had a a debate with crooked Joe Biden right and I had another debate with her she and crooked Joe have destroyed our country with millions of criminals and mentally deranged people pouring into the USA totally unchecked unvetted and with inflation bankrupting our middle class it has gotten bad everyone knows this and all of the other problems caused by Cala and Joe it was discussed in great detail during the first debate with Joe and the second debate with comrade Harris just moments ago former president Trump on true social weigh in with huge news on the prospect of another presidential debate saying quote there will be no third debate this announcement coming as he and vice president kamla Harris are back on the campaign Trail today after their contentious debate on Tuesday which many conservatives and some Trump allies viewed as a win for Harris now right now Harris is speaking in Battleground North Carolina where she too weighed in on a third debate and that possibility just moments ago and I believe we owe it to the voters to have another debate regardless of who won Tuesday's debate and whether we get another one this very close race is far from over anything can happen in the next eight weeks before election day and of course early voting is kicking off right in fact Democrats today are being realistic they're giving themselves a reality check in practically every conversation public or private haris AIDS and Harris herself are tempering expectations and continuing to insist she is the underdog to avoid getting burned by overconfidence yeah so you seen that you heard that now Trump did in fact announce this on Truth social that there will be no debates okay and that KLA Harris should focus on what she should have done during the last Almost 4year period there will be no third debate okay this is what Trump is saying now what do I think about this well I think there's a few ways that you can look at this okay since the ABC debate was obviously rigged hopefully the undecided voters these are the people that really matter okay not the people who already are going to vote for Trump or the people that already going to vote for Harris I don't think there are many people who were voting for Trump or voting for KLA Harris going into the debate that changed their mind so it really comes down to the unde of people the people who are still in the middle or maybe they may lean Trump a little bit or lean k a little bit and their minds can be changed right uh amongst those people you're not going to know who actually won the debate until a week from now okay give it about a week or two let it kind of settle in and where the polls are at will determine whether or not Trump should actually do another debate because as of right now okay with the way that most people are evaluating this debate the mainstream media is saying that K had a best performance ever and she won blah blah blah but that's not a reflection of how the American people feel in the actual effect of the debate remember these are the same people that claimed that Hillary won all the debates with Trump and guess what Trump went on to win the election okay so again the actual winner of the debate is not determined by the media it's determined by the undecided voters the people who genuinely use the debates in order to determine who they want to vote for okay and we don't know how many of these people are out there uh and we also don't know the actual effect that this debate had because again if you're undecided and you're a critical thinker you definitely watched that debate and knew that the ABC moderators were rigant in favor of KLA Harris and we know that a lot of undecided voters have basically said that yeah I didn't learn that much about KLA Harris even though she didn't drop the ball right but there was nothing spectacular okay there was nothing that KLA did to make them say you know what I'm voting for right like she's the person that should be the next president of the United States okay so if the polls come out let's say a week or two from now and they're unchanged or who knows if Trump gains a slight lead which going into the debate uh Trump was gaining momentum kamla's momentum had halted okay that's what was happening uh if that Trend continues despite the debate and what happened at the debate then Trump won a debate right I mean that's just what it comes down to okay you you can say well KLA technically want a debate yeah but again who really decides the debates okay it's the undecided voters right it is the people that are in the middle okay who don't know who they want to vote for and if those people shift towards Trump then Trump W to debate right in their eyes those are the only people who matter they're the real judges okay so we're going to see in a week or so now if that's the case if that happens then no Trump doesn't need to do another debate and he will be justified doing another debate because of what we saw from ABC and the moderators in this debate with KLA Harris however if the opposite scenario happens if you have KLA Harris start to pull ahead of trump in which she gets back to Joe Biden's 2020 numbers then that presents a different scenario okay that is a different issue because at that point Trump would need another debate in order to try to turn things around okay because if KLA Harris starts gain momentum after this debate then that means that the debate mattered and that people decided that I'm going to vote for KLA Harris and in that scenario the scenario that KLA Harris is hoping for by the way uh the Trump team would need another debate okay and a debate would play out in the Trump team's favor because at this point Trump doesn't have anything to lose by debating KLA Harris everybody already knows who Trump is okay they know what he did under his first Administration uh KLA is the the politician on stage that people don't know enough about right so she has a lot more to lose by doing another debate and the KLA team knows that they know that if they do another debate with Trump that it is unlikely that K's going to get The Knockout that she's looking for and that it is possible that Trump will be more prepared and have a better performance than he did in the second debate the initial debate that they had together and that could potentially hurt her campaign okay it is much more likely that KLA Harris would get knocked out than it is that KLA Harris would significantly hurt Trump okay which is why uh in the scenario where K Harris is pulling ahead in the race okay she's approaching Joe Biden numbers um I don't think she would be willing to do another debate okay I don't think she'd be willing to do another debate at all if that is what ends up happening okay which is part of the reason why uh I kind of wish that Trump took a different approach in regards to the third debate right I think that he should have came out and said listen uh we should do the debate on Fox news and it doesn't matter who the moderators are okay I know that Trump doesn't like all the people at Fox News and that's fine but it would definitely be more fair no matter who the moderators are for the most part uh than what ABC News did and if KLA Harris doesn't accept that then you say okay well if she can't do that then no more debates right because I think that if Trump took another crack at KLA Harris I think he would do a much better job especially on a platform like Fox News okay and it's not because Fox News would necessarily be biased towards Trump but because it would be a neutral platform where at the very least you know there's a decent chance that the moderators will not be debating you right you don't have to debate against the moderators okay you could actually really have that back and forth with KLA Harris without having to worry about getting ganged up on right so uh if that scenario plays out in the sense that you have KLA Harris pulling ahead of trump then that puts Trump in a not so good situation optically speaking because he's going to need another debate but at that point KLA would just say well no we're not doing another debate because Trump already said that he doesn't want to do another debate so we moved on at this point okay we have things that we plan to do we can't do another debate and this is why I think optically speaking the move that I would have made is that I would have said Fox News a bus at the very least if you're saying Fox News a bus people can understand it because we all saw how rigged ABC was okay and it makes it look like hey you want another debate right like you're not running away from her you're not scared you know all the things that the mainstream media is going to say okay that's not a card they can play as easily because you've already basically said hey it's Fox News a bus and you already know she's not going to do it so if she refuses to do a second debate and you're falling behind in the polls at the very least you can say well K's scared to do another debate we usually do three presidential debates why she only want to do one debate she just said that she wanted to do a second debate but whatever reason she's afraid to do a second debate at Fox News right he could play that card okay he would have that leverage but now he doesn't really have that leverage because he's basically said that there's not going to be any more debates period however if the polls stay the same or if Trump pulls ahead okay in the next week or two following this debate then it was a good move for Trump to come out and to say no debates right right after the debate because at that point there would be no reason for him to debate again he wouldn't give KLA Harris the opportunity to knock him out although that is extremely unlikely I don't think she has the ability to do it but at the very least you don't even give her opportunity to get that moment that she's really looking for which is the only reason she proposed that second debate okay um so if he pulls ahead then hey this was a good move okay and the sense that you don't need to debate KLA Harris again it's not hurting you in the polls you're still competitive and in an even race it is likely that Trump would win on Election Day just considering how he usually overperforms the polls okay and if that holds true going into the election okay with no more debates then Trump is likely good to go right debates didn't really matter so there's a lot of Chess going on here the KLA Harris campaign they're playing chess the Trump campaign they have just basically responded with their chess move and how this all is going to play out um will be determined by what happens over the next few weeks in regards to who made the best move here okay with the debate so let me know what you guys think make sure you like comment and subscribe most importantly share a black conservative perspective peace

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