Tyreek Hill DEMANDS Police Officer Be FIRED For Arresting Him After Claiming He REJECTED Apology!

Che that for let me go that's how I want it that's how I want it you sque you squeezing me two times I can move though you Mo I can you don't tell me what to do okay you don't tell me what to do oh no you're going to do something because I'm giving you a law of command well you're not going to move from there you don't tell me what to do okay you not going to squeeze I just told you you you you squeeze me you squeeze me how you want to you think you can talk crazy to anybody have you lost your mind I'm just being a black man that's it I'm just being black in America bro that's all it is we're dark too brother we're we're people of color too don't play like I'm being I'm just being a black man in America bro in a nice car that's it that's it let me they write me my ticket man do whatever you got to do boy bo bo bo boy we got to revisit the Tyreek Hill story okay because with each and every day that passes this story just gets more and more and more infuriating okay because you have people in this country that are boohoo whining and crying bigotry and hate and racism and victimhood saying that we're being systemically discriminated against and Society hates us and we got it so hard and we got it so tough because of our skin color even multi-million dollar black athletes even they experience the racism the hate and the bigotry even their victims right victims okay but I'm not sure if there is any other country on Earth okay where you can be a superstar black athlete a multi-millionaire to play a child's game despite the fact that you have a history of domestic violence and abuse including allegations of domestic abuse against your pregnant girlfriend and allegations of child abuse against your own son you get pulled over after getting caught on body cam not only speeding but reckless driving you refuse to comply with police and you rightfully get arrested and then you turn around run to the media boohoo W and cry racism and then demand that the officer who arrested you who took you out your car after you refuse to comply be fired from his job which is exactly what Tyreek Hill is doing now take a look your lawyer has come out and said that he's looking for the dismissal of the officer do you what does that mean gone so you want the officer to be gone gone gone gone he got to go man cuz in that instant right there like not only did he do treat me bad you know what I'm saying he also treated my teammates with you know disrespect you know he had some crazy words towards them and they ain't even do nothing like what did they do to you they just walking on the sidewalk so I don't know bro like he he he got to go man like hey and not too many times that cheetah say people got to go but you out what they say wild not gone mm no all right you knew i g to say something crazy wow unbelievable absolutely unbelievable right this story is one of the most frustrating stories that I've covered in a long long long time okay because this story is a representation of everything that is currently wrong with this country when it comes to this issue of race because again only in America could you have an athlete that has been accused of domestic violence and abuse towards his pregnant girlfriend and his son okay and other people as well too uh has a whole history of that and this person is being treated as a victim because he rightfully got arrested and roughed up just a little bit right they didn't even really rough him up that bad okay they didn't bruise him they didn't hurt him okay the dude was clearly not compliant he was not following lawful orders and police had to use force in order to get him to comply it is what it is right people they want to boohoo Wan and cry about it but it's like yo only in this country can something like this happen right a black millionaire athlete is somehow a victim somehow a victim because he he wasn't following the rules now again had this man been any other skin color race nobody would give a damn about this story and there definitely would not be any accusations of racism hate or bigotry or boohoo whining and crying about what it's like to be a white man in America we know this because there was an eerily similar story that happened involving another athlete by the name of Scotty sheffler just a few months ago in which he was wrongfully arrested by police for a traffic violation ended up going to jail right something they didn't do for Tyreek Hill right the guy ended up going to jail and being released uh and in charge with assaulting police officers just to later have the charges dismissed story that everyone has been talking about today the arrest of the world's number one ranked golfer Scotty Sheffer outside of the PGA Championship in Louisville Kentucky this is his mug shot all this happened just hours before the second round of the tournament was set to start all right so how did Sheffer end up in handcuffs all right so the whole thing started with a deadly crash in an investigation early this morning near vahalla Golf Club so sheffler was on his way to the club when he got stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic from that crash so police say he ended up driving on the median to get around other cars and that's when an officer apparently chased down Sheffer and arrested him so that moment was caught on camera here by an ES SPN reporter that reporter tried to talk to an officer there at the scene you can see they're taking Sheffer offer to one of the squad cars here was the response that that reporter got right now he's going to jail okay okay he's going to jail and it ain't nothing you can do about it chefer did go to jail the most serious charge he's facing is felony assault on a police officer according to a police report Sheffer tried to drive away from an officer and dragged him to the ground apparently leaving him with minor injuries now in a statement Sheffer said this this was all Quote a big misunderstanding of what I thought I was being asked to do I never intended to disregard any of the instructions now Sheffer has since been released from jail made it back to Valla for today's tournament the crowd greeted him with a round of applause and then here he is teeing off on his first shot how'd he do not bad ended up birding that hole and ended up having a pretty good day sheffer's actually tied for third place in the tournament and get this he actually shot a better round today than he did yesterday yeah so you see that you heard that now Scotty Sheffer went on to have his charges dismissed okay because apparently he was wrongfully arrested right and Scotty sheffler holds no ill will towards the police officers right he realizes that okay they made a mistake yes I was arrested yes I was embarrassed yes it was not a good look for me to get arrested but you know it was a mistake they made a mistake it was a big misunderstanding hey forgiveness right it is what it is we're going to move on I'm not going to try to ruin people's lives while booo W and cry oh wo is me I'm a victim uh racism from the police officers against white man right nobody ever says that even though police wrongfully arrest white people they escalate their use of force against white people too who are not complying right this is what happens to everybody in this country okay but yet you don't hear these conversations about well is there a problem with policing uh when it happens to the white man right when it happens to the white man cares you only have this conversation when it happens to somebody that is black but yet you trying to tell me this is a systemically racist country and how everybody's against black people when it seems as if Tyreek Hill is experiencing Peak black privilege right that is what's happening right now because only somebody with black privilege could do what Tyreek Hill is doing right now okay so Tyreek Hill uh also claims that the police officer offered him an apology okay but he denied the apology so despite the alleged apology tarq Hiller said no an apology is not enough we need to ruin your life okay you need to be fired you should be dismissed from your job because you Ruck me up a little bit too much I I refuse to comply with lawful orders right so let's read about this because the cop and his uh attorneys are coming out and saying no no no no no this never happened we didn't offer this man an apology so there's a lot of confusion here but let's read here the Fallout from Tyreek Hills run in with Miami day police has taken a bizarre twist after a cop denied ever attempting to apologize to the dolphin star during a media conference on Wednesday the wide receiver claimed that representatives for the officer at the center of his detainment had reached out to apologized heill was dragged from his car pinned to the floor and placed in handcuffs ahead of the dolphin season opener against the Jacksonville Jaguars quote they already tried to apologize but we declined heill said after body cam footage of the incident emerged quote it's up to everybody else's judgment to have their own opinion about how they feel about the video so this is the guy that they won't fire okay uh Danny Torres was already placed on administrative uh duties okay as they investigate what happened here so they want this guy fired okay this is what they want reports claimed that it was lawyers for officer Danny Torres who contacted Hill in an attempt to clear the air Tores was this week identified as the cop placed on administrative duties following the dramatic traffic stopped but his Representatives have now contradicted Hill insisting quote neither officer Ted his legal Representatives attorneys or anyone speaking on his behalf has had any Communications whatsoever with Mr Hill his counsil or his Representatives they told out kick heill called for the officer to be fired for what he branded excessive force against him quote after a careful and thorough review of multiple body cameras and concerned citizens videos that captured the unfortunate events that transpired on Sunday September 8 2024 between several officers of the Miami dve Police Department and tyreq hill we are demanding for the immediate termination of the officer that has been placed on administrative leave Hill said in a statement via attorney Julius B Collins okay yeah so the iry of somebody like Tariq Hill calling for an officer to be fired to lose the ability to feed his family over escalated use of force in a situation in which Tariq Hill was in the wrong okay he wasn't complying he was breaking the law uh the iron is stunning it really is this guy again has a history of domestic violence and abuse and and guess what here here's the crazy part Tyreek Hill according to his same argument if he actually held himself to any standards and I'm not even saying he has to hold himself to a higher standard than the police officer but it's just funny because this guy has admitted that hey I'm a role model right I'm out here as a Superstar athlete I am somebody that kids look up to okay so Tyreek Hill he has a large impact on society and because of that you got to be careful about how you conduct yourself right you got to be held to a higher standard okay now I'm not saying that Ty Hill again should be held to a higher standard than a police officer but what I'm saying is this if Tyreek Hill was consistent in his argument and the things he's saying that he should be demanding that the Miami Dolphins cut him from the team right fire him from the team he should be kicked out of the NFL because this guy has a history of domestic abuse and domestic violence and this has happened not just in his college days but also in the NFL right he's been accused of this stuff when he was on the Chiefs he's been accused of it recently when he was on the Miami Dolphins for using excessive force while practicing football drills with an Instagram model in which he allegedly broke the woman's leg okay doing football drills right using excessive force and again he has a history of domestic violence right that led up to that but yet he wasn't cut from the team he was forgiven he was given the benefit of the doubt and people said okay it seems as if this guy has some anger issues probably like how this cop has some anger issues but you know what we're going to give him a second chance but when it comes time for Tyreek Hill to extend that second chance to this police officer in the same way that he has gotten second and third and fourth chances throughout his life he decides no I'm not going to do that right the guy should be fire he should lose his job because my feelings are hurt my ego is hurt I thought I was above the law and these cops showed me in a very aggressive way that I'm not right so therefore this officer should be fired because I was humiliated right that's what's going on here right that's exactly what's going on here and this can only happen in America this can't happen in any other country guys but again apparently America is such a terrible place for black people but this is the only country on Earth where a black person with Tyreek Hills history could engage in this type of victimhood okay and not be laughed out of the room right because that's what should be happening right now people should be laughing at what Tyreek Hill is attempting to do attempting to paint himself as a victim and then demanding that the officer be fired you won't even give the officer a second chance when you have been accused of things far worse than what the officer did to you and you did this to women allegedly to women but yet nobody's demanding that Tyreek Hill be cut from the NFL be fired from the NFL to permanently lose his ability to feed his what 10 plus kids by his six plus Baby M I don't know how many he got right no nobody nobody saying well maybe just mayy Tyreek Hill should be held to a higher standard right let's hold this guy to a higher stand no there are no standards okay this is why nobody saying anything about the fact that he put himself in this situation because you cannot hold black people to high standards not in this country you cannot do it in this country no you can't do it if you do it that's racism because that's what's Happening Here everybody else is held to the highest of Standards except certain individuals but these are the same individuals boohan and cry oh it's racist oh it's so hard for me as a black person but yet every time I look there are no standards right nobody's holding black people to the same stand as everybody else's hell too you're not expected to follow the law you're not expected to comply with police you're not expected to have the same grades or better grades than everybody else in order to get into the same schools hell Democrats don't think black people uh are smart enough to vote right again it I mean is that the point now was like it should be offensive right if you are a law-abiding black person if you're a black person that did everything right if you're a black person that has worked your ass off to achieve success in this country you don't take shortcuts you comply you follow the law you are a productive citizen you should be offended that black people are being held to lower standards than everybody else as if black people can't be and act the same way as everybody else in this country right I'm just saying that's my takea away from all this now that's not to say that the officer shouldn't face some form of punishment I actually think that if the officer gets punished I wouldn't have a problem with it but I don't think the officer should be fired I really don't and I damn sure don't think that Tyreek Hill is in a position to be demanding that the officer is fired for his actions considering how uh Tyre Hill has a history of his own right if the officer is punished in some way um hey I don't have a problem with that but firing is too far and the reason why firing is too far is because that's going to set a precedent that is going to further destroy policing in this country something that already is severely affecting a lot of these liberal cities across the country right because nobody wants to be a police officer so you fire this guy for roughing up Tyreek Hill just a little bit again Tyreek Hill wasn't injured he wasn't bruised he they didn't hit him they just put him on the ground and they made him sit down that's it that's it they made him comply that's all they did okay so if you fire this guy then anytime an officer rough up an individual who you know is not complying right if the body cam footage looks a little sketchy that's grounds for firing a police officer now do you think that that's going to have a positive impact on policing especially considering how in policing these guys have to deal with dangerous criminals on a day today basis where that type of use of force is necessary no of course not it's just going to lead to more police officers deciding that hey I don't want to be a police officer it's not worth it right it's not worth being accused of racism and big iny by some Superstar NFL athlete who thinks he's Above the Law and don't get it twisted I'm not saying that under no circumstances should police officers be fired for wrongdoing or for violating somebody's rights but in this situation right here I honestly we don't think the officers did anything wrong to Tyre Hill to be honest with you I don't think his rights were violated at all uh but you have to reserve the most serious punishments for the most serious acts of misconduct like for example what happened out in Memphis Tennessee the five six black police officers that jumped that one man and killed him okay beat the man to death yeah those officers definitely should have been fired okay and they definitely should be charged and thrown in prison right if they actually did it okay it found guilty they definitely should be right I mean yeah situations like that yes an officer should be fired I get that I understand that but this situation is not that it's not even close to that right Tariq Hill was not beaten he was not bruised uh he was not hurt the dude went and played an NFL game and scored a 80 yard touchdown afterwards right he came out unscathed unharmed wasn't thrown in jail none of that happened here so my argument is this when you start doing stuff like this when you start firing police officers for this type of petty nonsense right because of the high-profile nature of this situation you're setting a dangerous precedent for this country the laugh and their Crusade against police are going to destroy policeing in this country because nobody's going to want to sign up for this and that is going to unleash a wave of crime and destruction and Chaos in this country that we've never seen before you think it's bad now good thing we do have our Second Amendment rights that the left is also trying to take away by the way but I'm just saying that that is what this is leading to so hey let me know what you guys think make sure you like comment and subscribe most importantly share here a black conservative perspective peace

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