Mark Zuckerberg APOLOGIZES For BENDING THE KNEE To Democrats After Vivek Ramaswamy SETS HIM STRAIGHT

in 2017 Senator Diane Feinstein told lawyers at Facebook Google and Twitter quote you created these platforms and now they're being misused and you have to be the ones to do something about it or we will social media companies react to incentive structures including threats they've responded by adopting the standards of thirdparty left-wing informational safety groups like The Global Alliance for responsible Media or garm garm purportedly sets brand safety standards objective standards by which advertisers and platforms can supposedly determine just what sort of content ought to be deemed safe for advertising in reality garm acts as a cartel its members account for 90% of AD spending in the United States almost a trillion dollars in other words if you're not getting ad dollars from gar members it's nearly impossible to run an ad-based business and if you're not following their preferred political narratives the ones that Caris swier and Dian Feinstein would follow you will not be deemed brand safe your business will be throttled we at Daily wire have experienced this firsthand in 2017 after Senator Feinstein made her threats to bring the weight of government down on social media platforms dailywire YouTube channel saw 1,000% increase in content enforcements over a 2-year period since 2021 after Democrat officials further turned up the heat on social media companies my personal Facebook page has seen an over 80% drop in Impressions all right guys so we got to talk about Mark Zuckerberg who is back in the news okay because he has released a bombshell letter in response to the house Judiciary investigation into Facebook and their censorship practices particularly right before the 2020 election and also during Co now Mark Zuckerberg has been in the news because he recently did an interview in which he talked about how much he admired uh Trump's resilience and The Bravery that he displayed after the failed assassination attempt right he respected uh that Trump showed strength in a moment like that where he almost got his brains blown out I mean on a personal note it's you know mean seeing Donald Trump get get up after getting shot in the face and pump his fist in the air with the American flag is one of the most badass things I've ever seen in my life so Mark Zuckerberg called me first of all he called me a few times he called me after the event and he said that was really amazing it was very brave and you know and he actually announced he's not going to support a Democrat because he can't because he respected me for what I did that day I think what I did maybe was a norm to me it was a normal response but I was called by Mark Zuckerberg yesterday the day before or this same subject and he actually apologized he said they made a mistake etc etc and they're correcting the mistake uh Google nobody call from Google okay and now he has released his letter essentially apologizing for bending the need to Democrats revealing that hey I should not have allowed Facebook to censor content related to covid-19 that the Biden Administration pressure us to censor okay because this is how authoritarian the Democrat Party has become okay they are trying to subvert and undermine the First Amendment and take away people's Free Speech rights through through pressuring these social media platforms to censor on behalf of Democrats right to censor opinions that Democrats do not like now you said earlier this year that you disbanded the disinformation governance board which I thought was totally unconstitutional but that turns out to be at best misleading that's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what you're doing your own quadr review which was just reported in the Press says that disinformation is going to be the new focus at DHS the quad review says that DHS plans to Target I'm quoting now inaccurate information domestically on a wide array of subjects including quoting the origins of the covid-19 pandemic the efficacy of covid-19 vaccines racial Justice us withdrawal from Afghanistan and the nature of us support from for Ukraine a federal judge has just found as a finding of fact Mr secretary that your office and I'm going to quote now is supervising the nerve center of federally directed censorship here's another email August 20th 2021 Facebook writes again to HHS and highlights that Facebook is increasing the strength of our demotions for covid and vaccine related content April 16th 2021 Rob flarity at the White House circulates a zoom meeting invitation to Twitter employees stating White House staff will be briefed by Twitter on vaccine misinformation we have example after example of this Administration coordinated apparently according to a federal court by your agency pressuring coercing social media companies to engage in censorship is that constitutional that is unequivocally false is what the emails show it is unequivocally false Senator you are not pressuring the big tech companies to take down accounts you are not meeting with them to ask them to censor on your behalf that is correct we are not Mr secretary it has been established for years in this country as you very well know because you're lawyer that the federal government may not use private third parties to engage in activities that are unconstitutional that's exactly what you and this Administration are doing you are leveraging private companies to carry out censorship on your behalf it's dystopian but worse than that it's unconstitutional it's also false CEO Mark Zuckerberg is pointing fingers at the Biden Administration over covid-19 the head of Facebook and Instagram's parent company meta says in 2021 he was pressured to censor social media content about the pandemic the comments came in a letter that Zuckerberg sent to the house Judiciary Committee Zuckerberg specifically mentions posts that meta classifies as humor and satire he says he regrets censoring content and that he would push back if he was asked to do it again NBC News Capitol Hill correspondent Ryan Nobles joins us now Ryan what else did Zuckerberg say in this note well Zuckerberg made it clear that he felt that the campaign that the White House had at that time during the height of the pandemic went too far and that he felt that uh to a certain extent that meta the company that he is the CEO of bowed to that pressure in a way that he wishes now looking back on it that they'd been a bit more forceful in pushing back in this letter uh that Zuckerberg sent to the house Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan Zuckerberg outlines many of the concerns he had about that pressure campaign and he talks specifically about how the White House was concerned about posts uh that went beyond just specifically the covid pandemic but also related to humor and satire and other things along those lines and he says ultimately it was our decision whether or not to take these comments down and we own those decisions I believe that the pressure was wrong and I reget regret that we were not more outspoken about it yeah see see now you hear that that is Mark Zuckerberg apologizing for bending the need of Democrats okay saying look I was wrong for caving to their demands for censorship now again this is something that should be very disturbing to the average American because what is happening is that Democrats have become so emboldened that they believe that they could subvert the Constitution and take away people's Free Speech rights again this is why this election is so important people have to remember that KLA Harris was one of these individuals that was behind the disinformation governance board that would essentially formally used the White House in the government to uh pressure these social media companies into censorship right she was behind that okay KLA Harris is a communist she is a tyrant and I think a lot of people are understanding okay they're waking up and they're seeing the writing on the wall in regards to the direction of Democrat Party and they're say ah you know what let me back away from this right and that could be what is happening with old Zuck okay apparently B ramaswami had a conversation with Zuck not too long ago believe at an MMA fight and um um B basically is suggesting that he had some influence on um Mark and you know whether or not you know he's going to apologize for uh his role in bing the need to the Democrat Party and censorship so I want to react to it because B said this months ago uh he talked about this and now lo and behold Mark Zuckerberg is coming out in apologizing and this just shows you how great V really is he's doing the Lord's work in the shadows I think in the private sector there's room for some level of leadership here where people owning this through honesty I think would go a long way so I actually I was at the UFC 300 fight this last weekend great day by the way a lot of good fights uh that day but I was sitting right up there cage side and Mark Zuckerberg was there too so we we had a we had a chat in between some of the fights he's into fighting and yeah whatever I'll just spill the beans and share what we talked about but yeah he was telling me something to the effect of uh he was said U he's really into he's really into MMA and so he said you know we've become so neutered as a country right why why shouldn't we just Embrace that we have these human ins I love I love I've grown to like MMA quite a bit so I was like yeah I agree with you okay we're all sitting here watching UFC and talking about how great it is to watch UFC and we've become neutered as a country I said AKA testosterone right that's what he's talking about okay apparently he's definitely transformed right he's transformed himself and with the increase in testosterone as you can see over time uh it seems as if he's kind of changing his politics I don't know I don't know what what about that with respect to speech how do you feel about that and then he kind of paused for a second he said what do you mean I said well I think you'd actually make the same argument for just saying that you get to say what you want in this country we' become too neutered by trying to have Central moderators of who decides what you can and can't say you know his response was well look I'm actually a lot more Pro free speech than people might know and I've actually known a lot of his own Tendencies I believe that's actually probably true it's about bending the knee and buckling to pressure and so what I told him and and he said he would think about it is Hey listen man I think you could actually do a service to this country if you just came out if it was in your heart if you actually meant it if you say you're Pro free speech and you actually mean it to just say hey I screwed up you know what locking Donald Trump out of an account a major president of the United States and now presidential candidate to say that the decision to silence somebody and suppress them even if I agree or disagree with what they had to say I making the decision under pressure under forces of pressure where a lot of people were buckling to outside pressure we become neutered as a country and all of us are subject to that kind of pressure and some of us screwed up and I screwed up and if I were to make that same decision again I wouldn't make the same decision if you said that I think that would have a therapeutic effect on the country that's a form of accountability the best kind of accountability is where you own it for yourself and I think people in this country I think it's part of our human nature we have there's a part of us that wants Vengeance but there's also part of us that is hungry to forgive actually I think that that's one of the Christian values that the nation was founded on it's a founding value of judeo-christian value it's a founding value of this country it's a value of many faiths across the world it's something in our nature that opens our heart to forgiveness but it requires somebody who deserves to be held accountable to be the first person to hold themselves accountable if they're that person I think that goes a long distance too and so if a guy like Mark Zuckerberg you know I that was the extent of our conversation I think he left it off saying he think ended that's where it ended yeah that definitely where it ended weird uh but but you know you know whether whether it's a member of the press at CNN whether it's you know a guy who leads a large platform like meta whether it's a US president even if it's not Donald Trump saying I screwed up but we screwed up as a country and we're talking together leading this entire nation that we as a federal government have screwed up for the last 20 years and I'm saying this not to blame somebody else but I'm saying this on behalf of the government of the United States to apologize to the people of the systematic lies that we have told you not me as an individual but we as Leaders of this country have told you for the last 20 years but I'm saying it with the goal of saying we want to turn the page and move on as one nation under God that's a separate discussion for another day I think the for letter terization of God in our culture I think is something that has left people hungry for purpose too but if we come back to just admitting those failures that's I think the best form of accountability rather than one side having to extract that Vengeance from the other but that does require a level of self-awareness I think that does require a level of authenticity and Temperance and I think of most leaders of technology companies I think Elon Musk has done a great service by bringing a competitive Dynamic to the table that paves the way for this MH but if the likes of you know the uh leaders of Google and YouTube and Facebook countless other platforms stepped up to the plate and say hey we got it wrong and here's where we got it wrong and not in some fake sort of faux humble kind of way to check the box and move on but in a real way and have behaviors that then reflect that they mean it I think that's far better than Trials of prosecution for you know breakages of the rule of law and ways that challenge legal theories to push those prosecutions it may may be required at a certain point in time that you require legal accountability certainly for government actors who violated the law I think that that's warranted but to take it then the next step how great would it be if we actually had a culture of leaders of those institutions just admitting their mistakes doing it honestly changing their behavior in a way that's credible not some fake admission but a real admission of accountability I think that would be a long way that people even outside of politics you know leaders like Zuckerberg could actually do a great service to this country if they actually owned the mistakes they'd made and changed their behaviors accordingly on their own and I think we have an opportunity where I don't I don't rule that out I'm not I've not lost Hope on that happening yeah so who knows if aake influenced Zuck it sounds like he did which is crazy to think about right how influential V is I mean he's one of the best speakers Talkers in politics in regards to how he articulates his vision and his View and perception on life and the fact that he can apparently influence Mark Zuckerberg to apologize for censorship is pretty powerful stuff now I do agree with v in the sense that um yeah it's not enough to just come out and apologize like I think what these platforms really should do is not just apologize but also correct their wrongs right I mean a lot of people have lost their livelihoods especially during the pandemic saying things that turn out to be true just a year or two later okay because the conspiracy theories always seem to just be delayed facts okay and the facts uh seem to be conspiracy theories right that's how our politics uh has been over the past two or three years and again you've seen people lose their incomes they they've lost their platforms for being right too early okay and platforms like Facebook have participated in that and I think that's wrong okay I I I don't think it's just enough to say hey I apologize I think that you have to write the wrongs as well too um and that is one issue that I do have with a lot of these platforms that they will come out and they'll change the rules and say oh we're wrong okay now you can say whatever you want about the election okay but it's like what about all those people who were saying these things you know back when you was Banning them right again that's why I have a problem with and then same thing when it comes to co but I don't know what's going on with zop I think Z like Elon Musk probably is having a change of heart right A lot of these Tech guys okay that are waking up and saying hey you know I'm not sure if I like the direction that this country is going in you know Zuck posted that that picture of him on Fourth of July I believe of him with the the American flag he was wakeboarding um and it was an awesome photo right he's really embraced patriotism he's uh embraced masculinity right and L mle it seems as if his viewpoints may be changing I don't know okay he still could be a Democrat liberal operative I have no clue uh whatsoever but I don't think that this is a coincidence right I don't think it was a coincidence that he just happened to talk to B and B told him that I don't think it's a coincidence that you know he's undergoing this transformation uh where he is again embracing masculinity okay and things of that nature um I don't think it's a coincidence to see him now come out and apologize and say hey you know I was wrong about this cuz people do change uh and I personally would have liked for Mark Zuckerberg to change a long time ago for him not to do this okay uh in 2020 where he affected outcoming election by suppressing the hunter Biden story and then doing the bidding of the Democrat Party and donating $400 million to them and stuff like that I I would rather him have not done that at all but as we've seen all too often throughout the last four years the best way to Red pel a leftist a liberal is just to give them what they want right a lot of people have been rilled just by experiencing Democrats dis Administration the authoritarianism and they say ah you know I'm not sure if this is something that I can support so who knows maybe he's one of those people I don't know but let me know what you guys think make sure you like comment and subscribe most importantly share a black conservative perspective peace

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