JD Vance GOES SCORCHED EARTH On NEOCON Liz Cheney After She Declares She Will Vote For Kamala Harris

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:18:19 Category: News & Politics

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joining me now Wyoming congresswoman radical republican conference chair Liz Cheney I bring up the word radical because it seems that is how Republicans are focusing their attack now on his newly named pick KLA Harris will that attack work congresswoman well hi Sandra thank you for having me and look I think that this the pick was was somewhat surprising Joe Biden has really been trying to portray himself as the moderate in this race uh as somebody who is a Centrist and uh in one Fell Swoop here he has put somebody on the ticket whose voting record in the Senate is to the left of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren so I think that you know the American people are going to look at the substance of this they're going to look at what she stood for in the past they're going to look at what she she said during the primary election uh and it's very clear she is uh a radical liberal she's somebody that uh has said we ought to spend $32 trillion on Medicare for all uh if you look at her record as well in California uh she did in fact uh essentially ban gun sales with executive action and she threatened during the primaries to do the same thing if she's elected if she if she were elected here so I I do think the American people are going to take a look at this record and realize she is very much a radical liberal to you to your point about her track record her voting record uh gov track this morning saying she has established a voting record as one of the most liberal members of the US Senate The Wall Street Journal editorial board put this piece out this morning looking at her record the Democrats choose Harris they write Biden bows to the party's requirements with the California Senator in choosing Harris as his running mate on Tuesday Joe Biden checked the essential boxes his party had demanded a woman a minority and a progressive who has moved left as the Democratic party has a few years later as a conservative as someone who believes in and cares about the Constitution uh I have thought deeply about this and because of the danger that that Donald Trump poses uh not only am I not voting for Donald Trump but I will be voting for kamla Harris all right guys so we got to talk about Neil con Queen Liz Cheney coming out and declaring that not only is she not voting for Trump but she's going to vote for the most Progressive Democrat candidate ever KLA Harris after after she admitted she admitted that KLA Harris was a radical liberal just a few years ago when Joe Biden selected her to be vice president now fast forward through three and A2 years of the most Progressive radical left Administration that we've ever seen Liz jady who's claiming to be a conservative she said as a conservative I'm endorsing the most radically left Democrat candidate in American history somebody make it make sense okay I'm going to make it make sense for you guys because again this is not about principal conservatism this is about Trump derangement and the neocons wanting to maintain the status quo because ultimately at the end of the day for them if it's between America first okay which means uh no unnecessary Foreign Wars uh versus a far-left radical economic progressivism and Foreign Wars and conflicts okay they're going to go with that every single time every single time that's what they're going to go with okay and JD Vance was confronted about Liz Cheney uh decided to endorse KLA Harris and he tore her a new one take a look big endorsement Liz Cheney endorsed kamla Harris oh no and it's so interesting isn't it that every failed War Monger in the established DC let's just say machine is behind commala Harris that the peacemakers are behind Trump and Vance blessed are the peace makers is what the scripture say your thoughts jie well maybe the best thing not not the very best thing but a very good thing that I could say about the next presidency of Donald J Trump is that he's going to make sure that people like Liz Cheney are laughed out of the oval offit instead of rewarded because this is a person this is a person whose entire career has been about sending other people's children off to fight and die for her her military conflicts and her ridiculous ideas that somehow we were going to turn Afghanistan a country that doesn't even have running water in a lot of places into a thriving liberal democracy and for that Liz Cheney was willing to kill thousands of your children Liz Cheney you know what I think it's the best thing in the world that she's supporting KLA Harris you are right blessed are the peacemakers KLA Harris and Liz sheney make very very interesting Partners they get rich when America's sons and daughters go off to die they get rich when America loses Wars instead of winning wars and they get rich when America gets weaker in the world we want American strength American Security and most importantly peace let's bring peace back to the world and Donald Trump is the candidate to do it yeah so you see now you hear that I think that JD Vance is spot on because there is no principal conservative case to vote for KLA Harris who is the most far-left candidate that we've ever seen okay so this is not Liz Cheney standing on principal conservatism okay it's not okay this is Liz Cheney standing on establishment neocon policies that have been embraced by the Democrat Party right so for her in her eyes okay she's basically looking at this like okay well under Trump um he's going to put America first okay he's going to try to get us out of the war with Ukraine right he's not going to try to escalate us into unnecessary conflicts uh he's a threat right he's a threat to the agenda what I really care about the most now keep in mind Liz Cheney came up uh in politics off of her father Dick Cheney who is the king neocon okay this guy basically was running uh the bush administration's foreign policy uh largely responsible for the Iraq War which a lot of people argue is unjustified look the war is a total catastrophe and they have a civil war going on who do you blame well there's only one person you can blame and that's our current president I mean obviously Rumsfeld was a disaster and other people that are giving him advice have been a disaster and condalisa rice who's a lovely woman but she never makes a deal she doesn't make deals she waves she gets off the plane she waves she sits down with some dictator 45 degree angle they do the camera shot she waves again she gets back on the plane she waves No Deal ever happens so I mean you got to close a deal at some point you got to make deals the world is dying to make deals and we don't have the right people doing it the Vice President Dick Cheney well he obvious ly a very hawkish guy on the war he said the war was going fantastically just a few months ago and you know it's just very sad I don't know if they're bad people I don't know what's going on I just know that they got us into a mess the likes of which this country has probably never seen it's one of the great catastrophes of all time and perhaps even worse the rest of the world hates us you go throughout Europe I travel I do deals all over the world the Europeans hate us you go to Germany you go to England you go to places that you know we didn't have problems with they all hate the Americans because of what's happened we had a chance after September 11th to be the most popular for the first time ever to be the most popular Nation on Earth and we blew it everybody for the first time people felt sympathy I'm not saying it's a great thing to have sympathy in terms of yourself but for the first time they felt a sympathy and a love for this country because of what happened and we blew it how does the United States get out of this situation is there a how do they get you know how they get out they get out that's how they get out declare Victory and leave because I'll tell you this country is just going to get further bogged down they're in a civil war over there wolf there's nothing that we're going to be able to do with a civil war they are in a major Civil War and it's going to go to Iran and it's going to go to other countries they are in the midst of a major civil also on top of that there were a lot of policies that came out of the Bush Administration that were against civil liberties Free Speech uh allow domestic spying on American citizens these are the type of uh policies that people like Liz Cheney uh Dick Cheney the bushes the Neo the old Republican party supported right these are things that the new Republican party are against and what the current Democrat Party is for and will put the Department of Justice of the United States back in the business of Justice we will double the Civil Rights Division and direct law enforcement to counter this extremism we will hold social media platforms accountable for the hate infiltrating their platforms because they have a responsibility to help fight against this threat to our democracy and if you profit off of hate if you act as a megaphone for misinformation or cyber War Warfare if you don't police your platforms we are going to hold you accountable as a community okay so for her in her mind her real values are much more aligned with the Democrats and KLA Harris than they are with the base of the party right with actual real conservatives right that that's what's happening here okay guys that's what's happening and what I find to be so fascinating about this is that these same liberals who used to uh smear people like Liz Cheney as fascists okay Neo cons warmongers uh they hated people like Liz Cheney right now all of a sudden Liz Cheney is joining the Democrats right she's effectively become a Democrat and they're not asking questions about well why is it that my party is align with people like Liz Cheney right uh is it a good thing that somebody like Leah sheney feels comfortable enough coming out and endorsing KLA Harris supporting KLA Harris right what does that say about my party in the direction of my party right liberals don't ask those questions all they know is that well she hates Trump like we hate Trump right and what it really is about is not Trump himself but the fact that Trump represents something that Liz Cheney is against which is putting America first that's what this is all about okay and this is what a lot of the establishment Republicans are upset about when it comes to Trump is that Trump has change the party in a way where the party is no longer just about tax cuts and Wars okay the party is actually really about trying to put the American people first it is more populist and this is something that the neocons don't like this is why behind closed doors they are hoping that Trump loses okay I've talked about this with you guys uh people like Pat Tumi coming out and basically saying that well I'm not going to vote for KLA or Trump because of January 6 okay because I'm hoping that Republicans win the Senate and Trump loses therefore uh Republicans can stop KLA Harris from being too radical okay at least when it comes domestic policy now when it comes to foreign policy uh she can do whatever she wants which they don't care about because they agree with KLA Harris and her warmongering foreign policy right because at this point Liz Cheney and K Harris on the same team when it comes to foreign policy right this is the main reason Liz Cheney is endorsing KLA Harris but uh Somebody Like Pat Tumi again they're making the calculation that well if Trump loses then the Republican part is going to go back to being the old Republican party and he starts to say these wacky things but he's not fit to be president of the United States a consant narcissist a narcissist at a level I don't think this country's ever seen Donald Trump's literally insane and I think people are scared of him and they should be scared of wholly unfit to be president of the United States in every way you can think of way you think all right an 11.5 million ad bu so they've got money behind them who are these people yep um look I think there's a bunch of Never Never Trump people uh Republicans who have access to money who have lived in Washington for a long time and have access to money the problem with that ad though Leland is the people who are going to nod along with that are never going to vote for Donald Trump anyway right and I don't know that it changes the mind of the undecided voter which again we always talk about this we have to keep an eye on that Donald Trump is going to get 46% of the vote KLA Harris is going to get 46 % of the vote this bottle of water would get 46% of the vote if it was one of the two major party nominees that's just where we are in politics we're talking about a very slim number of people and to be honest like Adam keninger saying that Donald Trump is insane I just don't think that if you already thought that you're not going to be for him you're not going to hear that ad and be like wait a minute Donald Trump is insane right like it's I don't get it's not a persuasion tactic yeah no I think it's a it's a fabulous point and you think about that article and I understand why Jonathan Martin wrote it he's a friend he's a phenomenal reporter um and obviously got ofine too yeah got an enormous amount of pickup and and look that's what reporters do they write um provocative stories but it sort of it hits the nail on the head right of this sense in Washington that so many just wish Trump gone I heard this in 2016 right before the 2016 election you heard OG gee Republicans just want to get rid of the nightmare of Donald Trump and live through the bad dream of Hillary Clinton then then everything will will be Sunshine roses and unicorns um which is patently false in this case right I mean you think about Donald Trump Laura Trump the co-chair of the RNC Eric Trump vice president Trump organization transition team member Don Jr effectively picked JD Vance um as the vice president um then you go Trump acolytes in the in the GOP JD Vance Byron Donalds Matt Gates Nancy mace Marco Rubio Tim Scott Tom Cotton you certainly have to add Ted Cruz um who who has gotten on the Trump train who exactly do they think these these imaginary Republicans who do they think they are going to replace Donald Trump with yeah that's my thing so I actually think Jonathan is is tapping into a real sentiment my issue is the sentiment is ridiculous yes it is ridiculous right it is ridiculous to think that if Trump loses somehow some way this party is going back to the old neocon party and Liz chady will come back Adam kiner will come back and it'll be just like old times okay we can go back to invading countries okay and trying to turn them into liberal democracies uh just to end up failing and spending trillions of dollars doing so and sacrificing thousands of American lives and also innocent cion as well unnecessarily because we want to continue the status quo of allowing the contractors and the politicians to get rich uh squandering taxpayer dollars overseas in these Foreign Wars that really don't Advance American interest right that is what they think we're going back to but I'm here to tell these people that win or lose I don't think it's going to happen right I really do not think that's going to happen but I just want to let you guys know they're hellbent on making that happen right this is why you have people like Liz chady who again you know I don't think she's changed her positions right I just think that at this point she's calculated that my positions in terms of what she actually cares about which again are not social conservative values not economic conservative values right but neocon values okay uh yeah she said well that is the most valuable thing to me and that align more closely with KLA Harris therefore right I'm going to go with her right this is not a good thing for KLA when you have people like Liz jady endorsing you right when they're in your court right when they're on your team that's not a good thing thing especially considering how uh these same types of people these people on the left used to hate Liz Cheney now when you contrast that with what's going on with the tulsy gabberts and the rfks of the Democrat Party leaving the Democrat Party and coming to the Republican party now endorsing Trump well why are they doing that well they're doing that because the things they value the most okay like being anti-war civil liberties Freedom okay this is why these are the core values that are making them leave the Democrat Party and come to the Republican party now the Republicans that believe in opposite things right they are leaving the Republican party and going to the Democrat Party okay I think that's a very clear demonstration of the two parties at this point right and what they actually really stand for but this idea that the Republican party is going to go back to the old part that's dead that old party is dead it's not happening okay because after Trump okay whether he win or loses uh it'll be somebody like a bake it'll be somebody like a JD B it will be somebody that is in that same mold okay trumpism is not going anywhere America First is not going anywhere okay so these people they might as well get used to being Democrats they might as well make the Democrat Party their new home because that to me is where they belong right that that's where they belong because clearly there's no room for them in the new Republican party the America first party okay because they're not America first right that's not where their values align and that's just where we're at in politics we are witnessing ing history guys history is happening right in front of our eyes and I think that is what you're seeing here with this endorsement from Liz CH it really shows you how the Democrat Party has devolved into everything that they claimed that they hated just 25 30 years ago so hey let me know what guys St make sure you like comment and subscribe most importantly share a black conser perspective peace

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