Category: Gaming
Okay we just made our first official signing a backup striker in the name of dixon abama so now we have two decent strikers you know this team is building chemistry it feels like we're on the way up 19 games in we're in fifth in league 2 so we're fighting for a playoff spot our goal is promotion this... Read more
Category: Gaming
[musik] hai teman-teman welcome to ryo gaming kembali lagi kita akan lanjutkan rtg poison monsta dan ini kita sudah mendekati hari terakhir bursa transfer terus kemarin juga ada yang komentar yaitu e masalah objektif pemain norwegia yang sama sekali belum kita selesaikan jadi mungkinan aku akan ngikutin... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] [music] [applause] man we got on [applause] [music] [applause] the day he said [applause] after a con ao ino what is love after a cono un loan from i snow [music] [applause] [applause] [music] [applause] got [applause] [applause] the [applause] [music] [applause] the day he said me a white... Read more
Category: Sports
Wow where do you start with that reom afc three reading nil in our second home game of the league on season rexam have put in a 10 out of 10 performance against a very solid reading side going into this game who've of course picked up that point away at birmingham city who are outright favorites to... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome to avfs rexam i'm here to bring you the latest news coming out of rexam afc if you are new around here be sure to smash a like subscribe to the channel as well please get in the comment section and let me know on the latest news today we will be discussing how dolly parton is now part of the... Read more
Category: Sports
English football is defined by its pyramid the system of promotion relegation and interconnected leagues it's intended to represent mobility the hope that through promotion and relegation every club from any part of the country could reach the top or fall to the bottom but despite the pyramid being... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro one of the really fun aspects of the documentary is that we have a record of my relationship with ryan you're saying that even though he cut your scenes out of deadpool and wolverine yeah i've got something planned for him don't worry about that my guest today is an impossibly talented gent who's... Read more
Category: Gaming
In fc 24 we have a chance to get one of the craziest teams in the world in only 7 hours and today i've chosen one of you guys a subscriber to upgrade your account today we are upgrading michael's ultimate team he is from chelham he commented on the last video and he's actually a man united fan who wants... Read more
Category: Gaming
Quiero saber qué podemos conseguir en cinco temporadas con este girona empezando a partir de 2024 vamos a tener en cuenta los fichajes que ya se hicieron pero vamos también a intentar conseguir nuevos jugadores en base a los rumores y también quizás improvisando un poco de la manera más realista posible... Read more
Category: Gaming
Anh em nào chưa xem tập trước có thể xem lại ở đây nhé cảm ơn anh em rất nhiều hello anh em chào mừng anh em quay trở lại với channel của mình chúng ta sẽ đến với tập thứ 27 của series đề tr mới và bước vào tập 27 này thì chúng ta sẽ cố gắng cố gắc giải quyết mục tiêu lên hạng thôi anh em ơi chúng ta... Read more
Category: Gaming
The day is here the match everyone has been talking about and with good reason two teams of strong pedigree rich in talent on the cusp of going head-to-head in a highly significant confrontation with so much to play for how will it pan out it is chelsea they take on crystal palace live hello it's a... Read more
Category: Gaming
Two proud clubs from england's northwest and some say this is the most heated rivalry in the country manchester united hosting liverpool always [applause] special we're live on eatv it is a meeting of two northwest rivals and one of the biggest games in english football without any shadow of a doubt... Read more