[Music] hello and welcome to episode 75 of the youth Squad Legends series with reom a word of warning before we start this episode it's not going to be your usual youth Squad Legends ride I am planning on playing the remaining fixtures in March 2029 both potentially title deciders but before that I think it is really important to have a little talk to you because this year has been seriously hectic and even though I sit down and do my absolute best for you guys my personal Focus has been split sometimes quite rightly Becker is a big part of my life and when she had that Cardiac Arrest she was priority there's not that many things that take priority over my job but that was one of the very rare occasions I don't know how to explain it best usually at this point in a series I start like mentally preparing myself to say goodbye to the team that I've been playing with all year it feels like rexen was done in two parts like prior to Becca's cardiac arrest and after I can't really remember April May time that much at all I think I need some closure like I met my now fiance a month before this game dropped and life was a a lot different here's a Time code for the games that we're going to play in this episode if you're not bothered about my life for the rest of you sit back grab a drink let's relax let's talk business we're in the squad Hub we might as well do a little Squad report for you Tobias Tanner's up to 74 Kinsey 75 Spencer Neil 79 Dibbles up to 78 M Jan's now in 84 fantastic S buun 80 overall Keon solo 79 overall Danny bin 78 Alex Brutus 72 jackamo cesarini 7 27 GN for Owen 72 golden Sako 79 Ben MAA 88 fantastic Alan Richards go on Sunshine he is 80 overall alexandros Canalis 78 overall hero fppu also 78 Tomah Haru yoka 79 Justin Bernard 74 zro vanan 76 sind dar's up to 85 Victor L Stow up to 86 blackon stof 76 and finally Georgie jarad at 90 almost got that in one perfect cut a team that should be struggling in the Premier League but because of this fantastic tactic it's flying high and probably going to win this premier league title let's not beat around the bush and boy did they need a masterclass tactic to bolster up their character development because I must say one of the weak points of the series is individual character development when your mind is somewhere else and you're trying to sit down and record an episode you're not exactly thinking hm how can I make sendar a more likable figure what a time to have what I would call my magnum opus before the Tactics get revamped for fc25 to not only making our play style like 10 times better it's so much more enjoyable to play with these players but also like it complemented the flashes of Brilliance that we've seen through this series from certain players we were able to unlock van dinr MAA and the Really complex Alan Richards it's been a massive breath of fresh air anyway we'll talk about that in more detail in a few minutes time let's talk future of the channel future of the series so on and so forth before you get scared I'm not going anywhere I absolutely love my job I have no plans of leaving YouTube like ever but things will be different at the end of this series firstly it might feel rush for the next couple of weeks I'm fully aware that fc25 is dropping very soon let's make sure that this reom series is finished beforehand the upload rate's only going to get quicker from there soon as fc25 drops you know that I'm going to go and try and get daily uploads out someone reminded me that there should be a where are they now episode around this time in the series I completely forgot about that episode I'm not going to lie but I will get my guys on it to make sure that we can do that record it next week There's usually like a grand finish when we win the champion League mfield had the animation done by my good friend Steven last year I believe we dropped the YSL database with all the goal scorers from every single game of Youth Squad Legends they are some great examples of what to expect normally from the end of a series but I'm just going to put it out there I would personally like for us to just sit down me to pour out a drink a proper beverage and see Rex them out in a way that I think is right not to Hype it up but to be relieved that this moment in my life is behind me absolutely nothing against the team nothing against the series it's been great fun to do and you guys have backed me every single episode everyone gets handed the the fair share of good and bad years this one certainly falls in the bad category for me Let It Be Nice and chilled but also like super hopeful for the future next year is going to be with Chesterfield and I am buzzing I'm buzzing to return that team I'm so grateful to Chesterfield in particular the first team that we ever did youth Squad Legends with I would like to thank them by going on that ride one more time longer term plans me and Becca are looking to move in together somewhere in the middle of next year but in terms of Studio I would like to keep my bedroom as it is right now so I can hop back in and record when I won we'll have to see if that's achievable regardless it'll be at the business end of Chesterfield when all the Hy died down anyway so any disruption in the schedule should be quite minimal I think that might be it I think I've covered every single base how about that right who's ready to get a little bit Nerdy with these tactics then we'll start off with the reom default this is the formation that we were using prior to this season and if you can remember so far back the big problem was Strikers arriving to the back post nonexistent mate even though this is a wider formation on paper than what we're using right now so to force that we added another Striker hence why the tactic is called 3 S but it's developed Way Beyond helping the forwards like jigsaws falling into place for instance there were question marks about the future position of Tom maharu yoka how he would adapt in this new system turned out to be fantastic but just in case we made sure that this right forward was slightly wider than the left forward Ward and slightly further back so if he didn't make it as a central midfielder we would always see him appear sometimes as a right forward well your boy Yoko was absolutely fantastic at left Center mid but this right forward stays where he is because it really does help jackamo cesarini out look at all these beautiful green grass for jackamo cesarini to operate in usually we see him in this sort of area and he can do so with confidence the central defensive mid Fielder slightly right of Center solers pulled slightly right to cover all this area that cesarini would inevitably vacate the opposite true on the other side we're working to our left back strengths they are more classic fullback types like to keep it safe and just string a couple of passes in well they've got the goalkeeper the left Center bike the left Central midfielder and the left forward right there in close vicinity and then the heartbeat of the team the Tomah Haru yoka position fair enough initially it's like left Central Midfield but he covers ground from side to side making sure that the central defense in midfielder is never left with a job too much we explored Ben Macker as a central attacking midfielder earlier on in the series so when he started to significantly underperform as a left Winger left attacking midfielder whatever you want to call that position this was always going to be like his natural backup but because he has three men in front of him now these are going to take a lot of the pressure off Ben MAA basically pinning back three of the four or five Defenders that the opposition have and we know how much of a good dribbler Ben Macker is once he sees those Center Backes the wing Backes being pinned he can then run into the pinned positions once there's a Defender that goes and engages then he starts to play a pass into one of the front guys his assists have gone up massively because of that and that's how the formation works just a little show on the tactics defensively where pressure on heavy touch team width at 50 depth at 60 attacking wise is where you'll see the difference between now and like a season back we are more focused on Fast buildup direct passing really like vertical Ticky Tacker I play in football manager I play in FIFA it's just the way I like to see football being played because we were such a narrow formation the width is then set at 60 players in the Box maximum Corners maximum everybody should have those settings yeah no specific player instructions it just worked out the box and there you go that's how it was done you know what the best way of celebrating jangs Chan's tactical genius would be winning this premier league title let's make no mistakes probably going to be the toughest game year away against Tottenham the two points behind us they've played a game more we can afford to drop this I'm not looking to win this match just not lose it the opposition playing Wing play football usually helps I tell you something else about this tactic the the only weak point that I see sometimes the opposition can find space between our wing back and our center backs that's probably why I'm siding towards what I feel are quicker Center Backes even though s Bon has only got 70 Pace figure that one out right I'll go and give Kinsey this game and then Tanner's got City it's to him against rexen I'll let you guys into a bit of a secret I get so nervous when I do long intros for youth Squad Legends it is not my thing at all like many creat is it's like drilled into you to keep your content as Snappy as possible as quick paced as possible going 100 Mil hour all the time staying off the stoves are offside flags up and when I'm sitting down doing one of these usually there's no space to breathe so you know what once in a blue moon to like let the hair down and relax a little bit whilst recording quite nice to anybody who like listen to me ramble on for the last 10 15 minutes I don't know how long the edited version is going to be thank you ever so much it does mean a lot but if you skip that introduction I totally understand time is money leave that maer's onside doesn't select him quick enough he'll be pleased to know that normal youth Squad Legends has now resumed here's Tom maharok he could go for a long shot but he's blocked immediately by valverdi tro for picks the ball up he's the dang man the one that we've got to keep an eye on keep under wraps it is like a better version of Nottingham Forest in a way you keep trop for quiet like you would Kay at Forest and you should be okay or at least get chances to win the game doesn't help having Danny bins on a book in 25 minutes into the match away that is a header by S bong Ki and B Macker is the furthest man forward with stof helping over half an hour gone it's a process of feeling the other team out for now and I'm happy to drag this process on as long as possible need to double down on the fact that this is not a game that we're going in to win let's go Danny bins someone take this ball Yoko whips it away kins is out oh perfect positioning that's a lovely read by me if I do say so myself tomaro starting off showing great strength as he got the composure to finish no Chan are out quickly and that's going to be off time the chance for right at the end rexam only shown a glimmer of the goal if we keep on being focused in defense those gaps are going to be more likely in the second half we could see one here blacken stof might not be for catching oh that's a much better finish the bulgarians got chanz are on toast this time so far this has been a defensive display of total professionalism but I'll be real with you Chief Tottenham have been incredibly underwhelming well done Danny bins okay apparently a foul by Danny bins but he didn't get sent off that's the most important thing I mean you can probably tell how good defensively we've been through the lack of Kinsey saves that he's had to make that's probably his second through the entire game or maybe it's like his fifth whatever I can't count well I'll rephrase and say that that was Kinsey's second save worthy of notes well positioned there Danny bins not giving Spurs an easy turn towards goal when they do beat a man it's the next player up for Rex and this turn Mizan now to the edge of the Box yes I know you can't squeeze Mega entertainment from great defending but it is so satisfying especially with all the defensive troubles you go through at the start of a series that's good recovery speed again shown by sunun to now see my guys go week in week out at this consistent level on the big stage there's no better feeling and we are going to beat Tottenham Hotspur at their ground and go even further clear at the top this is incredible stuff cesarini with the final interception how about that Flawless defending from rexam to give us a 1-0 win Spurs with almost twice the amount of shots but check out the passes attempted this is another the underlying feature of this tactic we're starting to like match up to The Possession driven AI so they haven't even got that hold against us hilariously Kinsey's been given man of the match bro what did he actually do three saves here apparently there's a long shot by valdi okay oh Trover goes for Goot at such a ridiculous angle that's not a save let's be real with ourselves and this seems to be another long shot so no wonder why I quickly forgot about them look I don't want to overhype but you are looking at Durante levels of Defending in these center backs it's just doing everything right they position themselves perfectly to ensure we have the best chance of Defending any kind of attack the tactics the rubber the green the fight that we've got two weeks to prepare for Manchester City it's all culminating in such a comfortable campaign for exom I see Holland's been busy in that time so there must have been an international break two key attack players Rodrigo and Rodrigo thanks that will not get confusing whatsoever Ma has been on International Duty as well I should have stopped the simulation about 5 days prior to this match to be honest but there's always Solutions we'll go with L stoer in central attacking Midfield instead it's City against rexon last time we met up with the citizens I wasn't particularly impressed by their play style but I'm pretty sure erling Holland was missing for that one he's going to add a dimension or two yep yep yep yes yes sure mate you're too good shut up that's his 16th goal in 27 games what a casual Flex that has to make him top goal scorer in the league you feel I'd be shocked if looza has more yes K we need to get a hold of Holland he's tearing me up Kinsey shouldn't be playing this match but he did have a man of the match performance against Spurs so he probably deserves it I'm not going to swap the two goalkeepers around disappoint pointing off of football for reom I think we need to sit down and have a proper conversation about sindari I don't think he's cut out for this level of football we've tried and tried just trying to figure out the Rhythm to get him scoring consistently in the Premier League I don't know how to play to his tune per se everybody else has adapted barring the Romanian Pelini has made it 2N to city and it's a mountain to climb now for the visitors MC now has to be brought into the game it's like bringing on the 18 to fix our wos with those Lads on the field everything can be a comeback this is looking a bit more Impossible by the minute so hear me out guys maybe I should have played Tanner after all we are being convincingly beaten this defeat as bad as the Tottenham performance was good the S oh the sodin ell R DT bro just running around with initials literally has rdt on the back of his shirt D Thomas put D Thomas on the back of your shirt then po welcome to Yuko ek's Hau Chronicles with your host Yuko EK scam imp Pamplona who you going to call the fraud detective I can't lie I've been thrown off massively by that sticker tackle usually we're so good the bubbles always go our favor they aren't tonight it's 5 nil City Rd try and claim that but be a kiny own goal I should have stuck to my initial plans ah this is quite the humbling experience folks I'm not totally concerned recording late at night it's not my usual recording time oh my word it's six we've conceded to clinker if you told me that was a name of a Pokémon I would totally believe you is the time for a seventh we're all over the place Kinsey's decided to sit down are we okay Lads the dog's going mental cuz I've smashed the table to Pieces all right sick well excluding the 7n battering we are the best team in England that will do our goal difference no favors whatsoever but hey at least it makes the title race a little bit more tasty got to get our act together before our next game against Southampton April Fool's Day on 2029 let's hope I'm not looking a full at St Mary's that's next episode's problem this has been cutsy thank you ever so much for watching this video if you've enjoyed it please give it a like press the red box down below and hit the Bell icon for mile notifications a big thanks to everybody on the right hand side supportting me financially on patreon you guys are legends much love goes out to the people keeping youth Squad Legends part of their daily YouTube routine take care see you next time bye-bye well that's just typical you go and claim that a tactic is your magnum opus and then proceed to lose 7 n

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