Something | Mystery Thriller | Full Movie | Eric Roberts

Police Department! Hello? [somber piano music] [knocking] Police Department! Hello? [dramatic music] [knocking] [urgent knocking] Sir, if you can hear me I need you to acknowledge. Shit! [knocking] [dramatic crescendo] I’m gonna put him in something warmer. I feel like he’s got a cold coming on. Yeah. Good idea. I put the heater on so it should warm up. And I also plugged up those holes that were letting in the drafts. Well he’s outgrown this one too. Aww, that one was cool. You liked that? Yeah! Who got it for us? Your boss I think. Huh. We should probably donate this stuff to charity, though. Or-or-wait. Who do we know that’s expecting? You want to give it away? Let’s just pack it for now. I mean what if we have another one? Pfft. Well... let’s just... see how it goes. Is he asleep? I think so. Wanna take him to the crib? No, I’m gonna wait a little bit longer. Make sure he’s totally out. Well, hey... Why don’t I hold him, and you can... take that bath you didn’t get around to earlier. Just... relax a little. -Really? -Yeah. Yeah, I’ll just... watch something out here for a while. Oh, but quietly! I will put captions on. OK. If you’re sure. Yeah. He’s probably gonna wake up the second I dip a toe in. I can handle it. No... you can come get me. It’s just the way he’s been lately. Anyway I won’t be long. Take your time. Thanks! [water running] [water running] [water shuts off] There’s no hot water. It’s barely even lukewarm. [sigh] Not again. Do we have to call that guy back again? No. No. I saw what he did when he was here last time. It’s basically just like cleaning a mesh. I’m pretty sure I can do it. Oh OK, good. I really didn’t like him. He gave me the creeps! [chuckle] Yeah. [sigh] Well, another raincheck I guess. Sorry. Are you gonna fix it? Yeah. First thing in the morning. All right. Let’s just go to bed. [bump] Ah! Goddam... Sorry! You’ve got to be more careful. You almost woke him up again! I know. I know. It’s too dark. I can’t see anything. Well that’s why we have a nightlight. It’s a nightlight. Still can’t see anything. Takes a while for your eyes to adjust. Am I supposed to, like, stand in the corner over by the door in the dark for, like, five minutes? Yeah! Maybe you should! No. [sigh] Maybe it’s time to move the crib into the nursery. Yes! Yes. I’ve been saying that for weeks. We can finally walk around here without having to tiptoe everywhere. Or flip on a light switch every once in a while. Watch TV in the next room without having to worry about gunshots or explosions... And... probably all sorts of other advantages that I can’t think of right now... [giggles] OK, well you can move the crib over tomorrow. -Goodnight! -Gooodnight! [baby crying] It’s cold this morning, huh? Yeah. I think winter is well and truly here now. Cereal? Uh... Yes, please. Oh, you know what? Don’t make me any coffee. No? No, I think I’m gonna skip the caffeine this morning. Gonna try and take a nap. Yeah he did not take it easy on us last night. What about you? What about me? What are you up to this morning? Uhhh... I am moving the crib... is what I’m doing. [clearing throat] Aren’t you forgetting something? I... am fixing the water heater and then I am moving the crib. Shhhh. Shhhh. [loud alarm beeping] [baby crying] You’ve been saying you’re gonna replace those old things since we bought the place! I know! I was... I am... I-I just... [alarm stops abruptly] Didn’t get around to it. Great. Back to square one. [baby crying] Almost time to wave ’bye’ to our little roommate. Oh you know I have laundry in there, right? Really? Can you move it, please? Ahhh. OK. [scraping] [scraping] [sighs] It’s... it’s not gonna fit through the door. I’m gonna have to take it apart. [gentle somber music] OK - room’s all clear. Hey did you lock this again? No. Well it’s locked. Sorry, I didn’t mean to. (sighs) Can you get me one of those spiky things? So I can unlock it. Why do you keep doing this? I said I didn’t mean to. It’s the little button thing. Sometimes it gets pressed by mistake. Here. Thank you. Hummm... [lock clicks] Do you need this, right now? No. OK. Then I’m gonna put this right... Uh... I’m gonna put this right here... For next time. I’ve literally only done it two times. Three. Now. Which makes three to zero. OK. Stop. Are we gonna put the TV back up there? Uh... yeah eventually. Just let me deal with this first. [cellphone ringing] [baby crying] It was supposed to be on vibrate! -[sigh] -[chuckling] That one was your fault. [crying continues] [shushing] [gentle somber music] All right... [beep] There we go! Yeah, take a look. It’s a pretty good picture. I’m happy with that. Have to see how it works at night. It has night vision, you know. [lullaby plays] So that’s playing in his room right now? [chuckling] Yeah... no. I don’t think we’ll be using that feature. Ah! Nice. It even tells us what the temperature is in there. That could be useful. Yeah... 65... right now. Is that a bit low? I should check. See... They say it should be... 68 degrees. All right. I’m gonna go turn it up. [baby gurgling] [sobbing] [emotional music] All right... I set it to 70 degrees. What? What’s wrong? Are you OK? [crying] It’s just too much for me. What do you mean? This... him... everything! You’re doing great. Am I? I see other moms they have themselves together way more than me. I mean, I’m a mess. I should have the hang of it by now, but I just I feel like I’m slipping further underwater every day. I just feel exhausted all the time. I mean... all the time! Hey... No, look. I know. I’m feeling drained too. I think that’s just... what it is. Are we bad parents? I think it’s too early to tell! I think we probably have to wait another 10 or 15 years, and... we can check his grades and administer a drug test. That sort of thing. But this? This is temporary. And we’ll get through it. Of course we will. I mean... no one ever said it was gonna be easy, right? I had no idea it was gonna be this hard. Yeah. It’s been harder than I expected too. And lately it... feels like it’s been getting harder, not easier. It’s crazy. It’s really crazy, isn’t it? How this... This is humanity. I mean... All of humankind, all the way back... doesn’t matter who you were - rich or poor... we all started out just like this. In constant need of attention... just to stay alive. And all their parents struggled with the exact same issues, and reveled in the same joys, like... the first smile... But, the one thing that they all have in common. All of your ancestors. All of my ancestors. All the way back to the beginning of time. Is that... that they managed. Otherwise we wouldn’t be here. And if they could manage then so can we. We will survive! Do you have him? I think I’m gonna go take that bath now. Yeah. Yeah, that’s good. Hey. Are you OK? [water tricking] [water shuts off] [eerie music] [ominous crescendo] All right! Yeah! There you go! All better. Hey! How was it? Huh? The bath. Relaxing? Yeah. It was good. I guess I needed that. I think I must have drifted off while I was in there though. Hey - I’m not judging. I say grab a nap wherever you can. Yeah! What about this? Yeah maybe... But not tonight. I don’t feel like starting a whole thing like that right now. OK... Maybe just... a short comedy. Something lighter. Or... we just go to bed. I mean I know it’s still a bit early, but... Can you get me some water? I have such a bad headache. I feel like it’s ’cause I’m not drinking enough. Yeah. OK. Actually, it’s killing me. Can you get me a couple of painkillers? Yeah, sure. [ominous music] Are we out? If we are there’s a new bottle under the vanity. [ominous music builds] [pills rattle] Found ’em. -Thanks. -Mm-hmm. I just had the strangest sensation. Yeah? Yeah, I had it a couple of times lately. What do you mean? Like someone’s here. Like... we’re being watched. Pfft. [sigh] OK, little one. Let’s see how you like it in your new room. I’m just gonna set it up on your side, if that’s OK. I guess. I mean, I will get up too if you need. I just, um... I need to do some work tomorrow. To get ready for the trip. And I know I still have a few days, but... I’m really hoping to make a dent in it tomorrow. Well, I’ll try and let you sleep if I can. Thank you. Actually, about the trip. What? Do you really have to go? Come on. We have talked about this already. I know, and I get that it’s important but... It’s just things are different now than when we first talked about them. I’m struggling. I don’t know why it’s so difficult for me but it just is. OK look. If I can get things done quicker I will be on the first flight back here. But I do have to go. You think there’s any way that they would let me take this much time off if there was any chance that I wouldn’t be on that trip? I mean, yeah maybe... they can scrape by without me. But what kind of message is that gonna send? If I’m not there. It’s my account. My biggest. Yeah, I know. OK... You’re gonna be fine. It’s just a few days. Yeah, well. Goodnight, then. Hey... [startling music] Woah, what was that? -I didn’t... I didn’t say anything -I think I saw something. -On the monitor? -You need to go check. What... wait. What did you see? It looked like someone was in there! Our baby is in there... Could you just... I’m being serious! OK, oh fine. I will go in. There’s nothing here. He’s fine. See? Nothing. OK? I’m sorry I swear I saw something. Yeah. Well. Goodnight. Goodnight. Wake up! Wake up. -What? -OK, look. What? Take a look at that. Tell me you don’t see something right there. Uh... a shadow? I don’t... Oh god, OK just... fine. [tense music] OK. I’m in here... I’m standing by the shadow you saw. Is this the right spot? Yes, it’s to your right. Push the button on the bottom right to talk. Yes - to your right. OK. Look. There’s nothing here. Case closed. [creepy music] Thank you for checking. Next time just listen to me. I know but it really looked like something was there, that’s... that’s hard to just ignore. Am I going crazy? Yeah. [laughs nervously] Think about it. This is the first night that you’ve spent away from him since he was born. Or actually since nine months before that. [somber piano music] He was always right there with you. So I’m guessing this is just some kind of... separation anxiety, or something. Yeah. Maybe you’re right. I am. Hey. Let’s just go to sleep... Don’t go checking that screen every five minutes. OK, I’ll leave the monitor alone. -Goodnight. -Goodnight. [cereal pouring] So... the whole plan to get a good night’s sleep ready to do a good day’s work -didn’t really pan out, did it? -I know. I’m sorry about that. I guess it wasn’t that bad. He slept right through it, didn’t he? Doesn’t often do that. Yeah. I’m falling apart - maybe he’s getting it together. [chuckling] Hmm. You didn’t make me any coffee? You said you didn’t want any. I didn’t say that. It’s all right. Never mind. No, you said you didn’t want any because of the caffeine. What? That was yesterday. No-No it wasn’t. Anyway, it’s OK. I can make another cup of coffee. It’s no big deal. There you go. Is there anything else you might need? Can’t think of anything. I’m gonna go get stuck in now. Try to get a few hours done. Yeah... I won’t bother you. Just ’cause... Then I’ll have more time later. If I can... concentrate without getting distracted - then I’ll get more work done. - Yeah. I get it. All right. See you in a bit. [TV cookery show]... continue to cook with the heat it already has and the last thing you want is for it to lose that tenderness. OK. So once it’s done we’re gonna let it breathe for a while... [TV home improvement show]... fabulous open plan area with so much natural light. Honestly, I think the ’wow’ factor this would achieve would totally be worth losing the separate room and I can’t over-emphasize the importance of fresh air in the home... [chopping] [sizzling] [baby crying] [sighs] Dinner’s ready! Yeah. Just washing my hands. OK. [water running] [water shuts off] Hey, little guy! Hi! How are y... [tense music] Hi. How’s your work going? What the hell is this? A knife? I just found it, in the crib. It was inches away from the baby. Well I didn’t put it there! A knife! I mean... I would never p... I mean if... If I... if I put that there then I just put it down for a moment. Yeah. A mistake I’m sure... But jeez... You’ve gotta be more careful! I mean - that is seriously dangerous. You realize that? Of course I do. God, I just... uh... All right. Let’s just eat before the food gets cold. Anyway no, I didn’t get much work done. Oh. It’s probably all the time I’ve taken off. It’s gonna take a little while to get back into things, you know? Like... 'work mode.' It’s like... You know when you’re reading, and your eyes are following the lines and you’re going through all the motions of reading but it’s not until afterwards that you realize you haven’t taken in a single word? It’s like that. Well anyway, it’s OK I do my best work the day before a deadline. Always have. So... was he good today? You mean you didn’t hear him? Oh... well... Actually he wasn’t so bad. He was... Kinda sleepy all day. Well that’s something. So anyway, I probably have... a lot more work I should be doing tonight but with how stressed you - and I - have been lately, I... figure we just kick back and relax, watch a movie tonight, you know? OK. But on the big screen. Like we used to. Now that he’s down the hall we can turn up the volume... a little bit. OK. [popcorn popping] Ready? Yep! Can’t we skip this? No! This is our punishment for buying the DVD legally. [chuckling] There we go. Now we can start. [fanfare from movie] [baby crying on monitor] Perfect timing! I don’t think it’ll take long. He probably just woke up and found himself alone. That’s fine, I’ll wait. [music stops] [baby crying] Hey... Shhhh. ♪ Ring around the roses ♪ ♪ Pockets full of posies ♪ ♪ Ashes, ashes ♪ ♪ We all fall down ♪ There. Easy! Yeah? That was fast. [movie music] [movie]: Am I right? [farting sound] [laughter] Did you just...? Oh my god! How can you just sit there? - What? - Oh, man, I’m dying here! Well, I don’t mind it. [laughter] OK, that’s it. Interview’s over! [movie]: Totally unacceptable! So come on. Gun and badge. Hand them over. No, sir, I will not give you my gun and my badge. I need those. - Wait a minute. - [movie]: I’m gonna give you 48 hours... What is it? [sighs] Why does it say that it’s 55 degrees in there? [startling music] -Shit! What? What did you see? [tense music] It’s... it’s locked! Get... Get me one of those... oh wait... What? What is wrong? Damn it! Can you get that!? -Yeah. -Come on, quickly! OK! [suspenseful crescendo] [baby starts to cry] Can you get him? Yes. This doesn’t make any sense. [metallic tapping] He must have gone out the window! Stay here, I’m gonna go look outside. Well I don’t th... Be careful! [suspenseful music] [bell jingling] What the...? I’m coming back inside. Did you find anyone? Are you OK? Shhh. - That was a bit of excitement, right? - Tell me what is going on! OK, well... I saw something on the monitor. Like I did! Yeah... except this was definitely someone. All right, it wasn’t like a flicker or a shadow. It was definitely a person and they were wearing like... some kind of mask. -Oh god. -But, listen... They must have jumped out the window, right? But the screen is still on that window which would mean that he had to replace it, after jumping out which doesn’t make any sense at all. And besides it was just a few seconds before I was in there. - So are you... are you following me? - Yes, so what are you saying? It’s obvious. It all became clear the second I stepped foot out there. Signal interference. All right, there must be somebody nearby that... that has, like, a security camera, or something and they’re far enough away to where we usually don’t get anything. But every once in a while it overlaps and we get a flicker of their image. You would think that they’d be more secure than that... Occam’s razor. Right? The simplest explanation has to be the right one. It has to be the monitor. Could it be hacked? What if... what if someone’s watching and listening through it right now? If we can see someone else’s feed, maybe sometimes they can see ours! There’s nothing to see! You’re just being a little paranoid now. ’Paranoid now’? Don’t forget when I thought I saw something last night you had me thinking I was going crazy. Now you see something you just immediately accept it was ’interference.’ Who left the window open? Who locked the door? I d-I don’t remember doing that. OK look... No harm done... this time. So let’s just drop it, get some rest and we’ll... talk about it in the morning. OK. Morning! Morning. I let you sleep in a bit. I know. Thanks. You should have slept in too. Yeah. I know, but... I just woke up and starting thinking about everything from last night and... I couldn’t get back to sleep. Yeah don’t remind me. Well... um... Actually do you want coffee, this morning? Yes, please. So I know you don’t wanna be reminded but we have to talk about it. I mean I don’t understand why you would’ve even opened a window in the first place after it’s turned so cold... I don’t know! I... Maybe at the time I thought that the room needed fresh air or something. I’m worried about you. And I’m worried about the baby. I mean you can’t keep ignoring this. I’ll just... pull myself together. We both know that it’s not that easy. Look, I’m... going on the trip tomorrow and I don’t feel safe with the two of you here, alone. Then don’t go! So... You either go and see the doctor... or, I’m gonna ask my folks to come down... No! They would be happy to, and you could use a hand. I don’t want them seeing me like this. What if... What if they realize that sometimes I just can’t stand their grandson that they love? [nervous laughter] No one will think that. But if you don’t want them to come then go see a doctor. OK. I will. I’m not talking about some vague promise. You call them, today... This morning. Make an appointment as soon as you can. It’s just because I love you. I had this awful dream this morning. I mean, it was like a dream but I was still awake. Anyway... It was about all of these crazy things that I have been doing without realizing. But in the dream... it was you - you were doing all of them to make me think that I was going crazy! That’s just-that’s just silly. I mean I’m... I’m pretty sure these feelings are all just... Part of, um... all of this. You know I wanna help you. Hey. Hi! Oh, can you throw that out for me? Yeah. What’s with the shades? Oh, um... I had a headache, and they were helping. So? What’s it gonna be? What’s that? Am I calling my folks, or... I made an appointment. -Yeah? -11AM tomorrow. That’s great. I’m proud of you. I just hope you go in there, and... be open, and honest... I will. So, um... what’re we gonna have for dinner? Oh I haven’t planned anything. Maybe just something from the freezer? Pizza? Sure, yeah. How’s the work? Meh. I’m just gonna leave it for today. Take a fresh look tomorrow. Plane doesn’t leave ’til 6 so... I have some time in the morning too. For now I’m just gonna go get my things ready for the trip. OK. Pizza’s gonna be 25 minutes. Is that all right? Yeah. Yeah. [dramatic piano music] Have you seen my passport? No. It’s not where I put it. -Really? -Yeah. -It’ll turn up. -Yeah. You definitely didn’t... move it anywhere? Why would I have had it? Yeah, OK... I’ll keep looking. [dramatic piano music] Pizza’s ready! Did you find it? No. -Really? That’s so weird. -Yeah. Well, let’s eat while it’s hot and then I’ll help you find it. OK? OK. Are you OK? Yeah. Yeah, I’m just preoccupied about that damn passport. What happens if you can’t find it? I don’t know. Have to make some calls tomorrow see if I can get a replacement, or a... temporary one or something. Otherwise there’s no way I’m getting as far as security without it. Well... we’ll find it. Actually I think I’m done anyway you want me to start looking? Where should I start? I mean, it’s supposed to be in the office, but... I already looked there, so... Well, I’ll take a look. Fresh eyes. [eerie music] That account... wasn’t that for a soda or something? [startling music] Oh, hey. Oh cool, you found it! Where was it? You threw it in the trash? What the hell are you thinking? What? No, I didn’t. Of course I didn’t. You couldn’t get me to cancel the trip so now you try to sabotage it? But not just the trip. Oh, no. Sabotage my career, and our livelihood at the same time. Are you out of your mind?! Look, I know lately I’ve done some things... [baby starts crying] Take care of him would you? OK, but after that we talk. Why’s it so heavy? Look. I know lately I’ve done some things I wasn’t aware of but, I mean come on you have to belie... Wait. Wait a minute. What the... What is it? My case. For the trip. It’s already packed. Really? Not only am I "sabotaging" your trip now I’m also helping you pack for it? You’re sure you just didn’t forget to unpack it after your last trip? Well... I mean, everything looks neat inside it. Can you turn on the light? Oh, now wait... [startling music] Nope. Put-put-put that-put the- Put the light back on! No! The other one! Well which one? -Outside? -Yes! [ominous music] What? What is it? Oh... the strangest thing. I thought I saw someone standing right there. Oh god! Don’t go out there! I’m not, I’m making sure it’s locked. OK, come away from the door. Am I... Am I...? Shall we call the police? There’s someone on our property. No I-I don’t know. I d... I mean I think I saw someone, but it... He looked like what I saw on the baby monitor. I packed that didn’t I? [somber music] I mean I... must have. You know what? Maybe it’s getting to me too. Maybe I’m losing it as well. You know, let’s just get some rest and... and we can... rethink things tomorrow. You mean the trip? Yeah. What if the guy that hacked the baby monitor is prowling around our yard? Or it wasn’t hacked and he’s been inside. Oh my god! I just thought I saw something, for a second, out of the corner of my eye. Doesn’t mean anything. Well, no I mean... It means that I just really need sleep. And, I dunno, maybe we both need help. But that’s for the morning. Did you hear that? -No, what? -Shhh Shh! [tense music] That! Stay here. No, wait! Don’t come out here until you hear me tell you it’s OK. What did you hear? Stay. Here. OK, I’ll stay here! [dramatic music] Who are you and what are you doing here? [gasps] - What did you say? - Oh god! What are you doing here? Get out! Get out! [impact] [metallic clattering] Are you OK? Are you there? Oh, please say something! [tense music] Oh my god, are you OK? Please say something! Did you see where he went? No. Wha-what, the man you-that you saw outside? Can you get him? Here, come... here, go. Wait! OK. Go! Ready? You go in there. Stay there. Call the cops! Oh thank god, I need the police. Yes, it’s an emergency. [baby crying] -There’s someone in the house. [tense music] -[sigh] -Nothing. Did you call the police? Yeah, they’re on their way. OK. Maybe they can help shed some light on this because, uh... Can you put his jacket on? We should go wait for them in there. So this means it’s all real. Someone was in the house. I don’t know. What do you mean you don’t know? Look at your head! Oh my god, someone was in the house all these times. I feel sick to my stomach. I don’t know what happened. It’s like I blacked out. Nobody’s here now. What if... they’re still here and they slipped behind your back when you weren’t looking? No, no. Stop. You’re just scaring yourself. I’m scaring myself? No, this whole thing is doing a pretty good job of that. Occam’s razor: the simplest explanation is the right one. I just don’t have any explanation for any of this. I don’t see how anyone could be in here. I know this is gonna sound nuts, I realize that but what if... what if there’s something... [banging at the door] Police department! Open up! We have a report of a disturbance. Whoa... Whoa officer! -Are you the homeowner? -Yes! Yes! Ma’am? Are you the one that called 9-1-1? Yes! OK and is this man bothering you? No, no that’s my husband. All right sir, I’m gonna need to cuff you up. What?! Why? - It’s just a precaution. - That’s not necessary! He’s not the intruder! All right, we’re gonna find out. You just stay right here. Don’t move! All right, ma’am. You can go ahead and speak freely. Is your husband the reason why you called? No, I said "no" - why is he handcuffed? Look, there was someone in our house. He was in our baby’s room before. OK, so you believe that there is an intruder still in the house? I don’t... I don’t know... No. We-we don’t think so. My husband looked around. [ominous music] Oh god. Stay here. Anything? Nothing outside. -You checked all the way around? -Yeah. -Both sides? -Yeah! All right. [sighs] Sir, you can come back inside. C’mon. Turn around. Ma’am, I’m gonna need you to stay right here with your husband. We’re gonna check it out. [whispering] All right, so here’s the deal we... searched the entire house. The intruder’s not here. Why don’t you folks tell me what you saw? Well, uhm... it started a few nights ago. We thought we saw someone in the baby’s room. You saw someone? Ah well not directly, uhm... We saw him on the baby monitor. Mm-hmm... Why didn’t you report this to the police? Well actually we... we just thought something was up with the monitor. And then? Umm... tonight I heard something and so I came out of our bedroom, right there into the hallway and... I saw him with my own eyes, standing right there just staring at me. What did you... what did you do? I... uh... ran at him with a golf club. You attacked him? I was tired... it was... Everything is all... is very blurry. I came out just a second later. And the intruder was gone, hmm? Yes. Well did you guys see any open doors or windows? Or any sign that he escaped? It all happened in an instant. I don’t know where he went. OK, can you tell me what the intruder looked like? I couldn’t see his face... he was wearing a mask. Umm... and it was dark. But... um... It was almost like a Halloween costume... um... One of those long... beak masks. A plague doctor! Yeah! Like a... a plague doctor. Do you know what that is? Yeah, maybe. Clothing? Ummm. A long black gown... It was dark so... um... Did you get a look at him? No. But I know he was there. I saw him on the monitor. All right now I... I have to ask you this. Have you two been drinking? Or how about doing any... recreational drugs? No! No. Um, we just had a glass of wine while watching a movie tonight, that’s it. ’Cause I have to let you know, the pair of you are slurring your words just a little bit. No! Look. There really was someone... Or... or something... OK. Listen, why don’t you go call this in. I’ll wrap it up here. Ahh... yeah. I mean, there’s no evidence of a break-in and there’s no one here now. You don’t believe us. I believe that you believe, you saw someone. OK? But let me tell you what I really think is going on here. You folks have a new baby. Your sleep is disrupted. It’s a very anxious time for you. I mean, I just think things have gotten on top of you. Look... You’re shaken up. Listen - you’re shaken up. You have a... bump on your head. I think both of you just really need some rest. What if it’s not... real as in, you know, like... like, real. But what if it’s something unexplainable but that... we’re still in danger. I mean, do you folks have somebody that you call to come stay with you? Or... somewhere that you can go and stay? Right now? No, not really, no. All right, well I can... All right here’s what we’re gonna do. I can see that you’re both very worried and upset by this. So, you know, we can come by and check in with you at the end of the night when our shift is done. Woah, no, I don’t... I don’t think that’s actually a good... good idea. All right. I will. I will swing by... I’ll come check on you both... I’ll look around the property make sure everything is OK, and that you’re safe. -Thank you. -But, uh, we gotta get going. Stop worrying - and get some rest. Stay inside... Close and lock all the windows and doors, so you feel safe. You better get that bump checked out. Yeah... yeah. OK? Thank you, officer. What do we do now? I don’t know. Are we supposed to just go back to bed? I’m not sleeping! Um... but you should sleep. And... I’ll stay awake and keep watch. Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea. In the morning we’ll... we’ll pack everything up and go to my parents' for a little while. And I’m gonna move the napper into the bedroom with us. - Oh, yes please. - We’re all staying together tonight. [dramatic music] [throbbing music] [light switch clicks] [woman cries out] Wh-What? He’s gone. -He’s gone! -What? What... What happened?! He’s been taken. You were supposed to be keeping watch! I- I was! I-I must’ve just... Wait, wait... Lemme just... think about this. Wait! [distant baby crying] Did you hear that? No. What? [distant baby crying] Was that him crying? [distant baby crying] Yeah, I think that’s him. Maybe he’s back in his crib. I’m gonna go check. You start looking! -Is he there? -No, he’s not in there. But we-we both heard him, right? Yes - let’s check the rest of the house. [distant baby crying] Wait... Did that come from outside? Yes! Can you put the light on? He’s out here! Oh thank god! He must be freezing. Well it definitely looks like you’ve wrapped him up but get him in his jacket, we have to warm him up. How could this have happened? I mean... Did you get up and feed him? Or... Maybe... I don’t know anymore. [somber piano music] [startling music] [screams] What?! What is it? He’s right there. He’s standing right there. What did you-What do you see? [menacing music] I don’t see anything. No! It’s OK... it’s OK. Oh my god, he was standing right there. I saw him with my own eyes. He was... he was just like you described. The-the black cloak... Same freaky mask? Just like how you drew it. Drew it? Then you came in, and he just disappeared. I don’t... That tells us something. Um... It means that it-it can’t be a person. So it’s either in our heads or it’s... something else. I don’t... You mean like some kind of a ghost? I... Until tonight, I would be the first to say that that idea is nonsense. But... maybe... we’re dealing with something supernatural. Are we in danger? I think so. Oh, but if it wanted to hurt us it could have by now I mean, it was standing right there! Maybe I... scared him away, or... What if it’s not after you and me? Oh I can’t process this I feel sick! I think we need to get out of the house. Where are we supposed to go? I don’t know - a hotel? At this hour? Or... or we... drive to my folks’ house right now. It’s a five hour drive. You’d fall asleep before we turned off of our street. OK... yeah you’re right. I don’t... I-I-I don’t know what to think anymore. I... I feel like my head is going to explode. Um... Maybe we just need to... hang tight. Until the cop comes back. And then we can get help. Yeah, OK. OK. I need to lie down or I’m gonna fall down. Yeah. OK... yeah... I will-I’ll be there in-in one second. OK. [shuffling] [shuffling] [startling music] [sinister music] [knocking] [knocking] Dispatch, I’m back at the property with the... possible 10-70. Nobody’s answering their front door. I’m gonna go round back and... check things out before I head out. Copy that, officer. Please advise when complete. Police department! Hello! Hello? [tense music] [doorknob rattling] This is a 10-54... I’m gonna have to force the door. Do you require backup? Negative. Stand by. [crash] [baby starts crying] You just hold tight, OK? I’m gonna check on mommy and daddy. Sir! Ma’am! [somber music] Dispatch, we’ve got a 10-55. Two bodies. Suspicious circumstances. I need you to send a crime scene team out here and a coroner. Also get me child services. Phew. Copy that. Please secure the scene and await their arrival. Finally... Yeah, yeah. The deceased? Humm... right through there. You know, why don’t you set up over there. Just watch your step. Hey, is the uh... coroner here? Yeah. I just saw him park outside. Officer! [clears throat] So you’re in charge? Yeah I guess so. I uh... called it in. Sorry about the delay, we had a messy one across town. So you were first on the scene? Yeah, that’s right. First to find the deceased? Yeah. [laughs] Are you OK, pal? Uhhhm... yeah I... I just... You look a little like you might be in shock! I tell you I’ve attended at least a hundred DOAs and there’s just something about this one that’s gotten me shaken up... umm... I haven’t slept in a long time too. All right. What do we have? OK... - We’ve got a male and a female... - Mm-hmm. Late twenties, maybe early thirties. And I attended a call here late last night. And originally I thought it was some sort of domestic angle. Right... But there just... something wasn’t right, about the situation. So I decided to come back around, early in the morning to check on them, and... that’s when I found the bodies. [echoey]: Anyone else? Umm, yeah. There was a... a baby. And when I arrived it was in that crib thing, crying outside. Outside? And I, uh, called child services and they’ve taken it into care. Good. I’m not good with babies. All right! So... Let’s go have a look at the dead people. All right, right through here, sir. OK... Yup. So, nobody moved anything, huh? No, they’re exactly as I found them. OK. You reported this as suspicious. All right, you didn’t think of this as a simple overdose situation? They didn’t seem like the type. I mean... There was something weird though. Weird. I reported it as suspicious because of the call. I mean, these two were absolutely convinced that there was an intruder inside the house. But, the rookie that I was with, and me we searched the entire premises we found no evidence to back it up. Course now I think that maybe they were telling the truth. Hmm. I mean they... they just... they look so alive, you know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. They swore there was an intruder, right? That they’d seen with their own eyes, huh? But you thought it couldn’t be. Am I right? You thought it was some kind of delusion or hallucination. Am I right? Yeah, yeah. That’s right, yeah. I- I actually thought maybe it was the sleep deprivation? Mm-hmm. Uh-huh. Look at these. These rosy cheeks? That’s why they look so alive. That’s something we call Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Cold weather just kicked in, so it’s probably the water heater, or the furnace. Maybe both. We’ll do some tests. Hey, does that door open? Uhh... No, sir. It seems to be locked with a key. OK... Everyone listen up! I need all of you to exit the building. Yeah. Acute CO poisoning can sometimes cause paranoia, memory loss, hallucinations, apparitions... things like that. It would’ve seemed all too real to them, but just one of those things. You weren’t to know - don’t blame yourself. We’ll have the baby checked out. The effects are usually reversible. Real lucky they left him out there, huh? You coming? [ominous music] How long have you been waiting in this house? A whi-... a while... OK you need to come with me right now. I need some help here, I need some oxygen! Help, help! I need some help in here with this guy! [menacing music] We need some oxygen, hey! OK. Hold your head up, hold your head up... [dramatic crescendo] [somber piano music]

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