Rikers Island Guard Exposes The Shocking Reality Of Women's Prison Cell Smells | Leroy Ebron

Intro it was this guy on the SE the females she went down there to take a account and she said oh you just going to off right there and you see me here and you ain't going to stop obviously he didn't stop I said don't worry I'mma take care I said you come off the tear so I went down there I'm like yo what you doing that was a new dude you know him he said oh you must didn't read my floor card this is what I do yo you ain't going to do that down here man you understand man Co me all right yo Rich bird crack dirty cell and so I went there I said now you want to say that again yo see man yo man you know how it is man I know how what is man it man I did it what you want once he throw his hands up you getting it cuz once you throw your hands up you are a threat to me I did the 502 pickup on that boy when I finish with him he didn't know what happened [Music] oh man I am so so excited to share this episode with you Leroy Ebron a former Rikers Island correctional officer is here to share the insanity that was his career over the course of working in the maximum security segregation unit for 22 years in one of this country's most notorious prisons Riker's Island let's not waste any time and jump right into this exciting episode so sit back relax and get ready to lock in with Leroy Ebron Leroy welcome man to Lockton it's an absolute pleasure to have you here today um very grateful we connected um you're friend who's uh watching us right now who's going to be coming on the show yeah Duran yeah Duran um he uh he connected us he's like hey I got a A friend of mine that was a Riker's Island uh correctional officer was there for 22 years yes but that's not just the half of it you were you worked in um The Shoe Right the the solitary oh yes the solitary I did my whole time in the solitary which is called the Bing that the Bing they called it they call it the Bing that's the worst area in the jail where nobody want to go what years were you active there I from 1986 to 2006 1986 how old were you in 1986 uh I went around 189 18 19 years old yeah yeah I was in between the and I went in and I I was young when I went in there you know what I'm saying what made you decide to become a CEO at that age to be honest I didn't want to be a CEO at the time I was running the street wow you know like we do when you young you know you in the street and uh I was hanging with some very very notorious people and I guess my mother seen that and one night I came in and um she said lway she said I want you over these off of these creeps cuz I don't want you to wind up in jail or dead so she sat there every night when I come in she' be at the kitchen table with her Bible and she had a chief paper the chief give you jobs you understand and she will fill out applications and say listen you going to take the police officer test sanitation test post officer test MTA test and then it came correction and every time I come in it was a different test for me to take and if it wasn't for her well should I say if it wasn't for God and her I wouldn't be here right now cuz all the guys that I was hanging with they all wind up going where I'm at they wind up coming in through and I see them wow where where were you uh where did you grow up what city I grew up in Brownsville in Brooklyn in Brooklyn yeah van Day projects on the South Side do you think if children had a a parent a mother or a father figure like your mom was to you that the world would be a different place oh yes yes very very very different you know thank God my mom's a 99 I'm here to tell the mom look I didn't wind up dead but I did wind up in prison but I wind up in prison on the good side on a different way and I helped out every I helped out a lot of people I used to have a composition book the little black and white book and I used to write down jot down how many prisoners I done saved from getting stabbed and Prisoner Saved from Violence raped and I stopped at like 2500 and then one morning I said you know what I don't know why I'm writing in this book cuz I'm always going to do that so I took the book I threw in the garbage and the rest is history you know what I'm saying yeah the rest is history you have a very unique perspective because so much time has passed since you've retired yeah and you're able to talk freely about kind of the situations that you know you encountered over there whereas like sometimes we'll have a prison guard or a correctional officer come on the show where they're still employed or they're still active in law enforcement and still a part of that so their perspective might be a little bit different than yours um and I'm sure I can't even imagine the things you've seen in Rikers Island one of the most notorious prisons um in the country if not the world that's right it's you know it's over 4,000 acres of land there you got 10 jails up there and back in the ' 80s we had over 25,000 inmates in there 25,000 yes at one time at one time what's the capacity or is that over capacity well no it goes more than that like Wharton Robertson thank God for won Robertson you know uh that man done so much for me you know waron Robinson Depp Andrews you know Deb belly you know Deb Richard you know I have to give them a big shout out because I followed them War Robertson was my mentor you know and I watched every step they do and um that got me through Corrections it really did because all you got to do is be fear you know I'm saying a lot of people wasn't fearing here man you know I almost lost my job three months on the job I almost got fight three months in three months in what what happened I walked in the bells is ringing you see the squad outside the the squad they got their sticks they helmets and they they beating the hell out of somebody beating them Bam Bam Bam and you know I'm like some just told me look down and see who they beating like that man and when I go over there and I [Music] look I get mad when I think about it you know who it was it was ah it was my milk and cookie peanut butter jelly eating neighbor we grew up as kids together and they was beating the [ __ ] out and he looked at when I looked at him and he looked up at me and I said Donald and then what really made me flip out with this officer came over there and took his foot and and was getting ready to take take his foot put it on on his forehead and scrape it now when they do that your skin peel right off your face and when I saw him doing that I blanked out I forgot who I was all I know is that's my you know my neighbor my best friend I grabbed the officer and I threw him against the wall and everybody say hey what's going on with going on and I'm like what the hell y'all doing he's handcuff he can't do nothing of y'all and you can't wait skin take the skin off his forehead then everybody backed up and I never forget de riches oh big we used to call him Chrome Dome he was Boye mean big dude Jolly Green Giant looking he never smiled never smiled he looked at me he said officer what's wrong with you and I said y look they getting ready you know pill a skin off his head so he said what and I told him he said listen you go in my office so it was a little room on the side I went in there and he said what's going on I said listen that officer was getting ready pill a skin off his face off his forehead he was like what he said you know what I was wondering who was doing that he said you stay in here I got to go out there and calm the officers down cuz they want to know why a new Jack flipped on them for A Glimpse into Prison Life inmate so he went out there said well he had to say to them guys and he came back in to me and he said listen he said okay I understand what you did what you why you know you did what you did he said but one thing you got to remember he said we got a cold you go by and the cold is color blue and I looked at him and I said listen if that's the coold yall live by I don't want it cuz I'm not co cold blue yet I'm not de with y'all yet I'm fresh I'm only three months on the job and he said all right don't worry about it I'm going to take care he Pat me on my back he told me go ahead you know and I walked out Ian I walked out but you know and that's something I could never forget how many times do you think that you've seen situations like that and you've thought about wow if my mom didn't put me on the straight and arrow that could have been me that definitely definitely a lot of times you know uh I was with my man you know CH you [Music] know CH was a big part of my life we wi together you know and um let T out of jail y t t back come on home Majesty let them go they did their time let them come home you know my thing is uh I seen so much damag and stuff in there that you wouldn't believe you know what I'm saying but I'm glad I'm here today to talk about it cuz that's how we make changes cuz that's how you make changes you know what I'm saying it's not censored I was reading I was watching um 60 Minutes I don't know if you saw that I saw the clips they went into the federal prison okay and they did an interview with one of the wardens and it's just not accurate because they make you see what you want to see these new sites that go in there it's all staged it's not real it's not real me and you talking isn't staged we don't have a script don't we're talking freely you get comfortable with me and you talk about what needs what the systems really like yeah you know what really goes on not the news who covers it up puts one side of the story out there and doesn't give a real perspective listen I live this there's nothing they got a new saying out you know when uh on YouTube you see a guy lying or something they say oh he's capping you know see me they could never say that about me because I worked in there 22 years in the B I lived this [ __ ] I saved their lives if you read the comments on YouTube You'll see how many lives I saved I save people from getting raped and everything and not only raped by inmates raped by captains back in the 80s [ __ ] like that was going on it's still goes on today we had a captain back in the day he had a a baby a black baby on his on his muscle hanging from a loop that's right and he was proud of it but when he be around me he he put that sleeve down cuz I look at him he put that sleeve down I don't play that I don't play that you know I save a captain from getting severely injured or killed his name was Captain sing Chinese Captain love you Captain sing inmate Fu Kuan I'm G to get a shout out to Fu Kuan i g to give a shout out to shael shash shha you know people like that Brandon you know what I'm saying feed the Bandit reason why I'm calling these people out cuz these people they was Notorious in certain neighbors what they did and I saved them and they saved me re why I say because when it's on is on when it's on is on you got to remember Rus Allen was one of the worst jails in the country and don't take that lightly when they say worse so no it was the worst anytime you got to hold your own or have something on you cuz you never Life in the Jail and Solitary know when it's coming at you it's on brother what kind of inmates were house there during this time just in the jail in general what kind of charges in the 80s 90s early 2000s we had everything we had everything man rapists Killers Kingpin you know we had everything and like I said the area I W I had all the notorious people you could think of why did you get the job in in solitary honestly it's funny you say that cuz about five months on the job they ask everybody who want to work to Sega gu in every who work the B raise your hand we was at rad call we got about good 200 officers at rad call nobody raised their hand I raised my hand and they looked over me he a new Jack they ain't paying me no mind but after a week they noticed every time I raised my hand and nobody else wanted it they said why you want it so much I said cuz I can handle that cuz reason why Amy I told you I was on the street before I got on the job the guys that I knew was in the B I knew I could run that sucker you got to be a different person to be in that being you got to turn into a beast to be in that being cuz if you don't you going to get [ __ ] down they're going to throw Pits on you Kool-Aid fist anything you could think of they gonna throw it on you describe what the Sho the Bing is like like a physical description and kind of some of the inmates that are house there all right the Bing like I told the Bing is when they violate the officer or they stab or they cut another inmate or whatever that's when you go into the B you could call it the B the Box the segregation unit you know them are the Warriors for the B but they locked in 23 hours a day they only come out for wck for one hour but they get their old they go the LA liary and stuff like that but everything is enclosed you know what I'm understanding they get no commentary or nothing nothing at all is there a shower in their cell they get a shower you let them out one at a time to the shower and their handcuffed and their handcuffed okay and there's two people to a sell you take one person oh one person one person when you get to a shower you take the handcuffs off going in the shower you know when it's time for them to come out we got a like a little slot they put the hand in you put the handcuffs back on them you come on back out but see the problem with that is a lot of people that didn't want to work the B is because they was lazy they didn't want to do their job they may want to shower let him get a shower if you got to go to law library let go to law library you know what I'm saying you know Social Service let go Social Service the problem comes when you don't give them what they suppos to have and I learned that from um de Andrews and um w was like you say give them what they're supposed to have and you'll be all right most of the time you know what I mean that's what I realized when I was in solitary and the shoe and the FED system the officers that were lazy the inmates would get pissed off at because in the shoe they got to work they have to make rounds they got to put the trays for the food you go they got a handcuff showers on shower days the officers are miserable because they have to physically do the work and yo listen man I'll tell you I loved the job I Lov it they ran me out they said I had too much power honestly do you think you had too much power no I think I had a lot of respect I don't call it power because with power comes respect and they don't look at it like that you know what I'm saying they don't look at it like that I intervene in places where another officer just stand there and look now I jump right in the middle now you're not doing that to him you're not doing that t come on man and going back to what I told you about Captain s and um the inmate Fu Kuan it was a riot in the yard and I could see through the window they stabbing they cutting it's a bloody mess and they like Ebron your being they Attempted Rescue in the Yard going off can you come out here and help us so they sent another officer down to reli me and I ran out there in the yard thank God I ran out in y just in time because Captain sing somehow he fell and when he fell fuon came over him with a banger and a razor and he get stab him and cut him and I just Dove over his body and I looked at fuk Kuan I said fuk Kuan nah not him man he a good one man not him and fukan looked down at me and he was he was on fire and he looked at the captain he said if it wasn't for Ebron you'd be dead right now and he moved away and ran off and stabbed and cut somebody else I picked Captain s up off the floor and I carried him out but what I didn't know while fuan was after him he said Captain s slapped the [ __ ] out of him before they got in that yard I didn't know that if you did would you have still save them yeah I would still save them I would still save them because fuor would have got more time Captain saying he been in the hospital when you work under my watch I want you to go home the same way you came in that was my rule that was my VI back in the 80s they was cutting dicing and slicing in a heartbeat What were some crazy acts of violence you heard or of why someone was put in the shoe cuz a lot of times you when you're working the unit you don't witness it firsthand you just find out what the guy did right right yeah yeah but sometimes I couldn't even go out the CH I couldn't go out the child because they was after one of them and like I say your officers some officers just don't think and I was scared to go out the child because like I said all right you stabbed him but he cut you so now both of y'all are in being so still y they want they still want each other it's not over but the officer will making mistake like they did I was trying to save this inmate and they they just want to cut him cuz they said he was a pretty [ __ ] for no reason at all we going to get him we gonna get him I'm like yo y'all not touching him they say Eon you can't sleep here kid when you here you got it but when you ain't here he getting it and I told the dude I said listen don't come out your cell when I'm not here you know wait till maybe they time will be up and you'll be out of here but they want you you fresh meat to them and I didn't go to child for about good wow three weeks and at one time Personnel called me I had to go to personnel office they sent another officer down there to relieve me by the time I get up the stairs the bells was ringing and I'm like where's the alarm at that's said ew and that's your house my house I said oh [ __ ] and I spent around to run back downstairs when I got downstairs you know the iny that I told you about they got him now how did they get him why did I asked the officer why did you let him out his C if you going to let him out you got to make sure nobody else is out with him uh uh they going to look at me Ebron it's okay it's okay they finally got me and when he said that his tongue came out the side of his [ __ ] face it was wiggling like this and he grabbed it and stucked it back in his mouth h [Music] that's why I tell you rock s was rockus ising it was real was it dangerous for you as a as a correctional officer to work the shoe even though everyone's locked up and handcuffed to travel does it get dangerous oh yes it get dangerous cuz sometime they could rip that cell open how do they rip a cell open they grab every by the and like if officer goes to close it sometime they throw something Dangers in in in in between the cell like some tissue or something where it don't close all the way and the officer ain't paying it no mind and they be halfway open so then when another officer come down they want them they rip it open and they jump out on them with a banger you know what I'm saying or razor you know and and it's on in the shoe in the shoe it's it's on how do they get a razor they got visitors bring them in they still got a visit while while they're in the shoe oh yeah they still get visit while they in the shoe but they most of the time they was get in on visits and stuff like that they could get it in the mail you know stuff like that it's a different time period yeah they could get it in the mail you know you got to watch when they kiss their girlfriend sometime they girl is good like them and they and slide it to them a razor in their mouth a razor in their mouth and they're just gunning for the cosos they gun it for no they gunning for anybody just because they want to get in into something yeah just so they want to get into something you know so because you was a CO you wasn't safe did anyone try to attack you violently during your your early years before you gained the respect on the compound no not really because they knew who I was on the street before I got the job so most of my use of forces was saving saving a life from hanging up or cutting another person you know if you ask me 22 years how many fights how many altercations did you get into I could say about 10 I could count them on my hand cuz I had a reputation before I got in jail now I was one of the few officers that could wear a jewelry in the jail you know it was one time I'm walking through the hall and his inmate just blow it out yo how yo he called me by my government name yo leave yo how you get this job [ __ ] and the captain was walking by he said man that [ __ ] and the captain said hey you go grab that inmate and tell him whatever you used to do you don't do that no more set him straight Captain boom thank you Captain boom I went and grab that inmate through I know from the street tell him your son what you thinking you can't talk like that man oh yo yo yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sor I just don't know how you got that job man I talk to you L don't worry about it you know what I'm saying I said but this is me now they didn't have like conflict of interests or anything like I got put in solitary CU a guard reported that I dated his cousin so they didn't have that back then cuz you put you in solitary cuz you dated well they they did that to me they had to get me off the compound they wouldn't allow the two of us on the yard together isn't that wild w yeah that is wow so I sat in the in solitary the Bing you I guess you would call in the feds for 6 months cuz of that almost wow like you said you know different RS change and stuff like that but that's crazy put you in in there would you have looked out for an inmate like me if you saw someone like me I looked out for everybody and I think that's why they calling me one of the racers ising Legends cuz I didn't care who you were I didn't care who you were like I said my mother was a Chris and she said Leroy you are in a good place to talk to guys in there about God then my mind they want to hear about no God you know what I'm saying but it came to a point when I see an inmate banging his head on the wall or slicing his wrists or eating feces they eat feces eating feces you got to tell us that how how would that happen because they they can't take it the walls are closing in on me he don't worry when it's like that I'll open the cell come on out man come get some air walk him in the day room sit down talk to him let him get something to eat something to drink to on the TV for a little bit till he calm down other officers don't do that they they didn't do that you got to be a different breed like that you know what I'm saying they don't do that but I did it this one Bible Inmate inmate I tried to talk to him about God and stuff I said hey man you know you need to read the Bible you need God in your life man he said ibon I read the Bible every day and he was rolling up something he said I said what's that you smoking he said I got god in me every day he was smoking a page of a Bible he said God is inside me every dayon I'm like this you going to Hell Boy and we just start laughing you know what I mean were there female cosos working in the um in the shoe they have female cosos but my team we didn't want them like uh Nelson Martin Richburg Patterson Wilson R you know um we did not want them with us because it was a problem you know even Richburg that's my other part it's a problem because when they see them they haven't seen a female in a long time they in a b so when they you know what's going to happen they going to get on the gate and startop beating they called sniping gunning sniping we call it beating they beat off like that W here how we beat off how we beat off that's how they doing or they be like I got it did you get that they get what that mean they they just bust on the field how do you respond to these inmates that do that now I didn't I didn't allow it and that's why we always when I see females cosos came down we always like no don't worry we got it cuz we already know what it's going to cost it's going to cost hav it so we sent them out tell Captain C we got it don't worry about it you know but when it did happen it was it was a female that I know I was close to her brother you know T once again miss God bless her heart Miss Johnson and uh at the time I had the adultt being that's when they bring the HTM to she 74 you know and um it was this guy she [Music] was he was popping so much [ __ ] in on the COS the females she went down there to take a account and she said oh you just going to beat off right there you see me here and you ain't going to stop obviously he didn't stop she said Ebron you got this disrespectful inmate over here beating off right in front of me I said don't worry I'mma take care I said you come off the tear so she came off the tear like I said it's not because he was a friend of someone I knew or somebody's sister it's just you don't do that [ __ ] you don't do that [ __ ] when I'm working so I went down there I'm like yo what you doing that was a new dude you know he said oh you must didn't read my floor card this is what I do yo you ain't G to do that down here man you understand man [ __ ] you co [ __ ] me now everybody here this is my housing area when you talk to everybody in the cells hear you you going to say [ __ ] me all right yo Rich bird crack dirty cell and so I went there I said now you want to say that again yo Co man yo man you know how it is man I know how what is man [ __ ] it man I did it what you want once he throw his hands up you getting it because once you throw your hands up you are a threat to me I did the 52 pickup on that boy when I finish with him he didn't know what happened what' you do what's a 52 Pickup if I tell you I got to kill you you know what I'm saying I did the 52 pickup on him walked out to cell I said close dirty cell no no don't close myself don't close myself let me out let me out I said yo let him out cell man let him out cell he come out of sell he looking like Edward scissor H done got to that [ __ ] cuz I tell you I wear my wings he look like Edward scissor hand Conflict with the Captain at the Clinic on that [ __ ] right he oh I want to go to the clinic I want to go to the clinic oh wait you was a gangster now you want to go to the clinic yo call a captain call a dad now the hotel they flipping you ain't going no Clinic snitches get snitches boy you come from HDM now you're calling for a captain you want to go to the clinic but you want to be gangster first he was beating off what so the captain come down so e what's up the say nothing C just had to tighten somebody up for being disrespectful and he want to see you so he come down he looking like Edward scissor hand don't ask me where he got the Band-Aids at cuz he had like it look like a goddamn chicken ball set on his face you know what I'm saying yo yo C man look what he did to me I want go to clinic Captain said boy you ain't go to no damn Clinic I heard what you did go in there and wash your face lick your wounds he like all right man yo E man yo that's [ __ ] up that [ __ ] up yo you disrespect you son don't don't come down here you we don't play that down here so he wind up going to a cell and he I a had no more problems with that dude I had no Pro no more problems with that dude none so do the the captains the higher-ups do they turn the Blind Eye to stuff like this when they know the inmate acted out of pocket it depends who the captain is you know he was a known trouble maker you know he was a known Troublemaker all the way you know hey if you want to you want an infraction I give you infraction but you still going to be you want to stay with me more you want to stay longer Nah Get me the [ __ ] out of here all right well you good so would that ever happen to an innocent inmate someone that wasn't causing trouble or the CEO's just you know go in on them beat the crap out of them like in the movies kind of yo listen things happen you know I've seen [ __ ] it happens you know she not proud to say it but it happens man you know it's it's not a good thing you know but when I was there [ __ ] GNA be right you know I saved a lot of lives man like I tell you you know I had one time my bean go out to the yard 20 of them go out 19 come back yo where's what's his name at but ion what's the name got him in the basement he pulled him off the line now remember I told you about that Captain with the loose he pull him off the line he pulled him off the line I'm gone shoot in the basement but a Ian when I went in the basement I Slamm the door because I'm rushing now but sometime when you slam a door too hard what happens it pops back open Boop not knowing that's what happened I slam the door it popped back open now I run up on the captain he's with these two other officers that I don't know and they trying to handcuff him and bring him down so I'm like y cap what you did tell me you back up you get out of here go back to your post what no that's my inmate what he do tell me no you get out of here we got this remember what I told you baby on his arm hanging I ain't going no [ __ ] where listen let him go then all of a sudden I hear a louder voice you better let them go and I turned around y ear remember I told you that door pop back open all the inmates was right behind me all 19 of them they said you better let him go Captain looked at me he let him go he said that's all right after I'm I'm coming I'm making my tour and I'm GNA come see you I said will you come on you know where he at come on Captain never came back E I call it that Deb Andrews told him what happened Deb Andrews said don't worry ibon I'm going to take kid whatever he did he took K I never The Frosted Flakes Incident saw that Captain again wow I never saw him again now some of the higher up guards that have been there have a lot of pull and power over some of these newcomers that become captains or or lieutenants or whatever right right there's a lot of power in that right yeah it's a lot of power in that you know what I'm saying and uh you got to give respect where respect is do but don't let them play you you know what I'm saying don't let them play you I mean I learned from the best just by watching people like off the ball you know you know he was a big part of my learning experience you got Robocop and Zer and do wish you know is it's people you know Frank you know um I I can't name them all cuz I be here all day you know Vicor and it's people that I admire and I watch and I took a piece of them and I took a piece of him and I took a piece of him you know my man Pickin you know Rodriguez and Gonzalez I'm taking pieces from every officer and I'm putting them in me and that's how I built my ass up like now I'm [ __ ] votron what were some principles you had as an officer that you followed throughout your whole career that you would never go back on like I told you whether you officer mate I want you to go home the same way you came in you know I'm understanding and and Racket saling that is hard cuz like I told you they were slicing and dicing like a m and one thing I did not stand for is cutting I didn't want nobody get cut man cuz I from here to here all around there down your back your neck I done seen it all that's why this is not going to be my only episode so with you cuz I got the lot to I got the lot to give you understand what I'm saying come like once a quarter or something you what I'm saying cuz I'm I'm going tell you man you know B I don't even know where to begin for you you know the littlest thing that we take for granted like chicken chicken is like fman young in jail back in the 80s I think it still is in prison it's still like a f it's like fet Mong man yeah you see something I had inmates almost get murdered over a small box of for flakes you had to be somebody to get a box of Frosted Flakes show it to that camera right there right here you had to be somebody to get a back box of forcet flakes you understand me you had to be somebody a regular person they not getting a Frosted Flakes they eating like that uh Shredded Wheat they G shredded weed or something the Frosted shredded weat are bad no I a talking about Frost I know but you talking about the one that dry you be like picture you you you got some milk you got some milk nah this right here back in the 80s everybody know what I'm talking about you get a murdered over a little box of frosties this little box I done seen people get cut from ear to ear for this straight up so tell the story about um the Frosted Flakes incident I like the Frosted Flakes I come in one morning and all the inmates is saying e I'm hungry I mean what you what do you mean you're hungry now I come in at 700 they have breakfast around 5:00 in the morning so by then they already ate but I come in at 700 and my whole my whole being is like yo we hungry yo E we Ain eat what you mean you ain't eat but what you had they gave us uh some butter some bread and some jelly that's all oh no uh they gave us some Kool-Aid n you probos to have more than that you got milk no you or nothing some of them don't want to say nothing you hear your e yeah they has C you but we ain't get none what you mean you ain't get we ain't get none only certain ones got some so when you hear that now I know what they had they had the Old Reliable fored flake you can hit that sorry about that oh you're good look our inmate an A Genuine Relationship with Inmates inmate's calling you right now an inmate calling me why don't you answer say hello all right take the call say you're un locked in hello Brandon yo what's up bro I'm on lock listen I'm on TV right now and you are on locked in with Aaron biit say hello hey what's up what's up what's up what's good all right I and yo you happen to call and they videoing me he said go ahead pick up I said all right so you are on live TV you going to be you'll be seeing and hearing this in about a week or two whenever they hear it okay okay okay like I told you to text earlier I vouch for you and um I'm sure mad dudes from Brooklyn in the 80s and the early 90s can vou um so it's not like it's just me um and Mr dick will here most unanimously that you know homie is a official offishal dude so he got my he got my take you know I'm saying for for public consumption um and it is what it is man you know brother he wanted to ask you what you want to ask him something am what was different about me or something ask him what you want him to hear all right Amy all right um what was different about me that you could let the people know um straight up fair and in a system that inherently is unfair um not corrupt but at the same time had a love for his people that you don't see in Corrections he loved his people it was clear he was there to make sure everybody got home safe um but at the same time like you know he was the officer so I don't know I don't it was it was we you know I had personally I can say on record I had love for him he I never seen him beat nobody down which is rare I never seen him do no police [ __ ] you know oppressing somebody um so it was very rare in a in a in a very violent and oppressive environment to see somebody wearing that uniform and actually having love and empathy for the brothers I guess he didn't know though that you had to do the Edward scissors hand the old I told him about the guy uh T sister was working with me one day and uh one of the dels from HTM he was beating off I I want to no names that's no no no no but yo he he was beating off and when you do something like that if you violate what what you get well that's rainbow Vibes bro I mean that's different I'm talking about I mean you know like some things you bring on yourself I mean you don't you don't rap you don't beat off on those chick and try to rape no chick that's rapo stuff and rap and as everybody knows rapos and rapo Vibes are not tolerated in the penitentiary everybody will get you for that so I you know I don't you know you can take that for what it's worth that's right that's right and I I told him I did the Edward scissor hand on him you wouldn't believe it he think they gon think this is set up yo this is another inmate calling me all right let's get back in the inter okay let me let me go that's awesome you have those relationships cuz that shows who you are as a prison guard and a man yeah just because I retired don't mean I lose contact I try to get the guys jobs that's good man you know I try to get the guys jobs you know I got a guy a job working in McDonald's and I sat there with them and I said listen there E I don't want wa no damn McDonald's I said listen when you go home don't get a job in McDonald's in your neighborhood go somewhere else and get a job where people don't know you change the scenery yeah I said the reason why I'm telling you is McDonald's back then in the 80s it had a turnover like this turn around cuz everybody had that same mentality oh I don't want to work at McDonald's but in in in in four weeks you moving up you know you get promotions you'll be a manager within a year yeah and I was driving down Atlanta City one day pulling drive through calv Big Mac six piece and some fries Ebron is that you I wanted to cry somebody listen to me Ebron look I'm a manager what you say work that's awesome you know what I mean so it wasn't in vain you know it wasn't in vain now you got to tell us the rest of the Frosted Flake story before we got into The Frosted Flake Thief about the guy that was going to get caught or something over the Frosted yeah over the Frosted now this is about everybody know the notorious born son I mean he up there on YouTube born son took over Brownsville born son did this he he was a terror in his day he was but now he's a changed man you know thank God he he's a chang man now and U but back then born son they got a picture of you with us in there born son you remember this Bor son was the fored flake Thief I had Bor son working for me in the being that morning like I said they didn't eat so I said who was working and they said uh born son once they said his name I was like I said okay I'll be right back I told the officer I said listen what House born sun in they told me a house I go to Born Sun area where he at I'm banging on the door the officer let me in I say yo where born son at man where sell at they say e what's wrong what's wrong what's wrong don't worry I got it where you at I go there born son on his bed big bowl of Frosted Flake milk dripping down the side of his face what's up e what's up e what's going on yo Bor son man you bugging what up e yo you did the feeding and you a give no fed flake yo E what they snitch they snitch no son but they you where the for and flakes at boy where at oh man them [ __ ] don't snitched on me yo open the cell open S look under the bed the whole box of fled flakes he got the whole cakes under his bed he done fed them guys jelly butter bread Kool-Aid but they did not get no fies he said e they don't rock no Frosty Flakes I'm like yo come on man give me the box man come on you know so we kind of P born son on a burn took his job for about 2 weeks see do he learned his lesson cuz it was hard to get somebody to work in the Bing anybody can't work the Bing they will cut him I'm telling you yo your son bring me a razor if you don't bring me a razor I'mma split your wig [ __ ] don't come in here tomorrow without no razor I'm telling you let you know they bringing him a razor and if he don't bring him a razor he gonna get cut and that don't mean he gonna get cut by him the word is down the tear yo he didn't bring what we asked him and they'll tear they ass up they'll tear their ass up you know what I'm saying so it was one day I couldn't get nobody to work for me I'm like what I'm going do now who comes through the jail big row big row is a booty Bandit Big R knocked [ __ ] out with his dead on Big R we his pants all the way to his stomach and he walked through the hall like this and he walking through the hall and I seen inmates in the Huddle one day I said what these guys said we don't do this in jail it was by the gym so I go over there like yo yo what's going on so I walk between him and look Big R on his knees like this and he turned around I looked at me he said yo hey I said big what you doing he said you know I'm schooling the little homies you know I'm schooling little homies I said man y'all get up and get out of here y'all they was like okay so I look at say yo what's popping P what's up I said Can M like a light light up in your head yo yo Big R you need a job yo E you want to give me a job you need a job yeah I give you a job e nobody want to give me a job you got a job come with me I bring Big R down in the big with me right he come down in the Bing I said now Ro you know how this go you know you bring them the Trad you know when the food come and stuff and he said I got this right now he got a repetition all over Browns are all over Brooklyn The Notorious Bandit Manhattan everywhere Big R is know he's a notorious booty abandon and this is an inmate or a guard this is an inmate an inmate that you were allowed to just have him work with you and help you huh he was allowed to just help you yeah listen I'm the bean officer nobody can't work down there we need somebody okay so you got the booty Bandit to help you I got the booty Bandit so what happens next so now big Ro comes down there and he's sitting at the table by the bubble the captain comes in Captain come in and he hey what up hey how you doing he walked by and he looked down and he see big Ro and he kept walking then he stopped matter of fact the captain was Captain Kelly big black Captain my man he turned around and look he in finished walking down the teer he came back to me he said Eon come in for me I said your cat what's up man he said Eon you know who that is I said yeah that's big br he said yo that's the booty Bandit I said I know I C him he said he BR you better be careful you don't let him run up put themid B boys up down here and get up in them I said don't worry about it I got this I said Ro go ahead and give out the food I'm watching them go down there with the wagon on your gate when they see his roll the first inmate say yo everybody play your gate they got on the gate they said oh hell [ __ ] no bro said who want a Kool-Aid get on the gate everybody get on the gate and when they show was roll it was when he gave him the Kool-Aid they got the little green cup they hand come out like this the Kool-Aid spilling all over the [ __ ] cool a tripping right they say yo he B Big rooll N yo all right now they got the fol now here go to kicker okay all right who want to take a shower ain't nobody coming up no that's all right we don't want no show nobody come up for [ __ ] want the booty B up with no but yo y'all was bad y'all was cutting slicing and dicing you know threatening everybody but now I got a real one down here with me they don't want to come out for no shower so it was normal to have an inmate working with the prison guard oh yeah you got a house gang you got suicide AIDS okay born son was a suicide but he wor you know a different tour than mine but uh I had Ro you know and even when Ro went back to regular population after I had to walk him back to his house because he was that notorious when the inmates see him walk people go the other way and that's some real talk they was going the other way yeah you know what I'm saying like I tell you he walked through the hall like this got his his belt all the way to his stomach like he was from beever Hillbillies so he looked different you know big dude he look different but he walked with a slant that arm suppos have been dead they said he knocked out a horse with that arm you know what I'm saying and that's how he was knocking everybody out with that dead on I mean when I went to his hous and AA to get him the officer looked at me and said I thank you for taking him cuz he was in the day room now you know what day he was in the day room with a TV all by himself and we these are adults instead of them being the D with him they was in the corter where they not supposed to be hanging at nobody went in that day one with him nobody so they was relieved when I went down there to get him what shocked me was when I went down to get him I said BR come on with me cuz he was writing the letter he wasn't even scared of nothing cuz you're not never supposed to turn your back in jail you always supposed to keep your eyes open everywhere always be aware cuz [ __ ] pop off just like that but Ro he was like this writing a letter I slink on I said yo R he like Life in Prison: Stories and Perspectives this hey E I said yo you all right he said I'm just writing my grandmother I said all right well you go ahead and write your grandmother and I come back for you no no no I want to go with you he all right come on so he get up all the inmates like I told you is in the quarter grown men not no adolescent the grown men he walked to one of the men and said stand by myself until I get back and don't let nobody touch nothing dude said all right when I walked him out that gate I seen everybody going in the day when look at TV tell me that ain't something man yeah officer told me when I bring him back later that afternoon that inmate that he told to stand by his was still it when I got back and there there's guys that gain that much respect and Power in prison you know they know how to do it yeah now Leroy you got to give us an honest perspective on this how do correctional officers really treat sex offenders rapists pedophiles chomos what is that relationship how are they actually treated they don't they don't like them man BL they don't like them you know are they doing stuff that's illegal though to these individuals uh well like I said around me no but I apparent it could happen it because once you hear he's a rapist or a pedop fire or whatever his career his jail time ain't gonna be nice but do you think though that as a society that they should be protected in prison they got they got to be or they going to get they going to get done but you they have to be no matter what how heinous their crime is they need to be protected yeah because you don't they're going to wind up dead if you don't yeah I'm telling you you know I know they say I L for them just thr them to the Wolves if you do them to the Wolves they going to get eat I mean look what happened to dmer I was watching that documentary about dmer the cosos let that happen so you see what I'm saying was that the right thing for the cosos to do though or no no no no no no no no cuz everything could always come back and bite you in your ass yeah you know like the um the Central Park 5 I was there for that I had them oh you had the central wow I had the I saw that documentary too and you know it hurted me because they looked at me and they said Ebron we didn't do it and I looked at them and they looked you know you can't go by looks but I felt it they said we didn't do it man and then look 25 years later look a they didn't do it do you stay in touch with them to this day no you know I I I wish they hope they see this and I you know and I know they got railroaded because at the time they didn't have no good lawyers you know I don't know the financial situation but they told me they they didn't have no money to really fight this case you know what I'm saying so my heart go out to them then but when I can't remember his name the one that was exonerated in court they showed it on news and he start crying to the judge I actually shed a tear because I feel like I was with him he told me he didn't do it but I couldn't do nothing I couldn't help him and look how many years he was in jail so I actually shed a tear with him when he when he start crying I couldn't you know I felt that cuz they told me from the beginning that they didn't do it wow you know you know so it's it's it's crazy man you know it's crazy man that's why when I I tell you these things I go back to the you know exact day and time it it happened you know what I mean you know cuz I I would have did over 22 years but I was railroaded where they tried to Railroad me and I made them look stupid what happened the inmate was hanging up me and this inmate Majesty re I can say his name because I'm still talking to him and following him today he got over 25 years in jail now okay I heard he just went to oldsville right now he was in sing sing Attempted Murder in Prison so he in Otisville with a couple of my other boys that's a fat joint yeah okay and um they tried to say me and him try to kill an inmate in reality the inmate was hanging up e we got to hang up five cell go down oh God this dude hanging up I go in in he's hanging so tight that I can't cut them down cuz they gave us these [ __ ] 911s there a knife that Cur like that ain't wor for a butting up [ __ ] I can't cut him down I'm trying but look I'm off balance I got one foot on the window another foot on the top of the sink and I'm holding with my left hand so I'm calling for help Majesty with my Suicide Aid he comes to help me we go in there I never forget the M name Bish me Hopkins love you [ __ ] wherever you at I hope you're all right cut them down this step try to say that we tried to kill him in that cell he went so far as I had to go down to O he was pushing it e and imag he tried to kill his inmate so all right you doing that I'mma do my homework I went and got papers notorized from every inmate in that area got it notorized stamp B bom boom I went to the clinic cuz when the was in the clinic he told the doctor doc Ebron saved my life he told the doctor that the doctor came and told me that I said doc could you put that on paper he put it on paper I said okay now they want me to go down to O cuz this de trying to set me up we go down the O table 20 people at a table I'm looking at them I'm all suited up got the union man there C Brook the president and the first thing they said to me is uh you want to time guilty now cuz we got you you got who we got you so you might as well tell sign on the DED line so I'm not signing nothing I said I got something for y'all I have my folder like that don't ask me how I had the vit I had 20 folders in my hand I didn't know how many people was going to be in there they sitting at the desk and I take my foldo like I'm a CEO and P right in front of them they like what they get ready to open it n don't open it they looking at me like yeah don't open it I'll tell you when to open it and I pass it around meanwhile the president C Brook and everybody looking like in all all so I said all right you say you got me dead the right show me what you got they said we got you on video now I've been hearing about this video [ __ ] for a minute I said now if they got me on video I'm good and while I'm in the o just like what just happened with me and you my phone rang they looking at me I heard you not to pull the pick it up cuz you oh [ __ ] it hello it was the deputy of security Depp Angels Ebron they trying to set you up what yeah they trying to set you up when they show the film the film don't have hours minutes and seconds on it that's how you going to beat them check the film and I'm in oath right now and they looking at me like you looking at me and I'm like in oh I'm like oh [ __ ] I a even you know think of that I said okay thank you and I so now I'm feeling like yeah you know what I'm saying another notch so I'm like they want to talk no I don't want to talk show me that video y'all got on me show me the video they say okay he so all right you want Seline all right you show show the video yeah they show the video no hours no minutes no seconds and they looking like damn I said listen this tape is document they said what do you mean doc I said I work in the ban where the hour minutes and seconds on his tape yo and you should have saw their face when they looked at each Dismissed and Early Retirement in the Criminal Justice System other and it was like and all of a sudden they start closing the FL okay this case is dismissed I'm like what y'all was ready to to nail Me to the Cross take my job no I want some Vindication you know what I'm saying yeah I try to get a lawyer and all they was saying was don't worry you're going to beat it you nobody now I hate to say this y'all but I think if I was a different color honestly a lawyer would say come on I got you so what they push you into an early retirement no after I beat that the the uh president C Brook start clapping his hand that's my man that's my man in the old place that's my man but on the way out he said Eon you made them look stupid he said you got more than enough your time you pulled the Italian 20 you had 22 get the [ __ ] out of there get the [ __ ] out of here see take your money before they try to take your what he said just that she book said it and and that's what I did man what do you think is the biggest thing that needs to get fixed in the criminal justice system from someone that lived the hor hor of it went to the you know the end of the end of the Earth and and saw the you know the reality of how scary it can be and dangerous let the people let the the people know that's in the training academy what it really is don't sug don't sugar Co [ __ ] cuz the stuff they telling you in the academy is [ __ ] they should show a video like this it's [ __ ] cuz when I walked into jail the first time you know what I smell e and not even when I smell going over that rack Island Bridge is scary by itself that's a long [ __ ] Bridge what happens if that bridge claps how you going to get back home see they don't think [ __ ] like that but when I walked in that jail for the first time you know what I smell I smell butt ass butt ass it was so bad I mean the funk hit you like boom I couldn't breathe E I was like oh [ __ ] and every day I come in that butt ass H you bam and now you talking to another officer now all y'all got the butt ass breath how you doing how you doing you don't smell that [ __ ] and I asked one of the the oldtime the Vets yo what's up with that smell he said don't worry new Jack you'll get used to it it took me about no [ __ ] about six months before me to get used to that butt ass son I mean it it yo I used to feel like I'm playing double duts before I walk in the jail one two three and then I hold my breath and I walk in that [ __ ] and I hold my breath I'm like oh God I don't know how I made it do that the smell was so bad man no yo I wish that the receiving room is worse cuz receiving room that's what you scrip them now you go from butt ass to just ass ass just or you smelling the ass straight up this [ __ ] I tell you you can't make this [ __ ] up weo I love you man no no listen listen I'm just keeping it real they started me off OJT in the woman's house I went to the woman's house you know what you smell in the woman house pusi I call it pusi it's butt and boy Bui that's what you smell that's keeping it real that's what you smell and I feel like working in a woman's house was worse than where I was working at for me because when I went in there they was like oh he's a pretty [ __ ] I'm not used to girls coming on to you like that you know what I'm saying they so you know a lot of guys hey hey cutie they doing that [ __ ] to me hey cutie oh I'm going to get him girl and I'm like I got the sky BL shirt on I'm a new Jack you looking good you Fresh Meat know and they like fresh meat they calling me fresh meat wow I've never heard that from a woman's point of view fresh meat and I'm like God damn you know now they want to put me in a mess hole and they got me on the line they said listen you let eight eight of them at a time go to the window and get their trade so I said okay but meanwhile it's nothing but females no males nothing but females in and you hear oh you see that pretty [ __ ] I mean it's like you hearing whispers in your ear and [ __ ] and you can't shake it I'mma get him girl I'mma get him oh God I hope he come to this channel meanwhile i' say Okay eight of y'all gow up I'm trying to act professional I'm scared to death I'm in jail I don't give a [ __ ] as a female some of these females look like men you know you know what I'm saying for real tell female bigger than me and [ __ ] you know I'm like God damn you know and they talking all rough and they cursing at each other you know they going at each other but I'm just trying to stay focused and all like y'all a't going on line all of a sudden I feel like it feel like 20 hands is on my ass I'm like I tune in now I'm saying yo stop that y'all stop that you're not supposed to be doing that and I look the side ey I see the captain's over there laughing they set I'm up to do it they just laughing and yeah they laughing right so now I'm like yo what the [ __ ] so I'm fing you Captain going to tell stop so ain't worry about it start turn around again next eight go once again Ian feel like 20 hands on my ass yo yo y'all got to cut that out man and I'm I'm looking at the captains cuz I'm looking for help you know and they over there crying they hearing each other laughing like girl so I'm like okay I'mma turn sideways I'm not going to turn my back to them turn sideways now they can't do nothing so then after I got comfortable I I turn back all right they know what time it is they ain't going to bust for me no more yeah I feel somebody breathing on my neck and I said I know nobody breathing on my neck I turned around Ian it's the prettiest Puerto Rican girl with green eyes you ever saw I'm stuck I'm like and all hear the girl say oh you got him girl you got him you got him and that's when the captain and them come come on we got to take you out of here and they yo E I went home with a headache that day I went with a headache that day and I was like God I pray please don't send me back there please don't send me back but what they did was they took me out of there and they put me in their dorm area to show me how they live in you got a good experience yo no this is crazy man you go in the housing area with they it's worse than the man when I tell you but ass this is bosi this is worse than the dy I can't even make up a name for this because they got their bloody pads hanging up onlines that's going to be a whole another episode Leroy Leroy thank you so much for coming on the show today man um I really appreciate this conversation uh you're you're definitely a new friend of the show so we're have to have you multiple times give your takes I told you set you on fire yeah absolutely man but uh safe travels back um I know it took you guys a while to get here I appreciate you guys coming out and um I'll see you soon for when um he does our show definitely definitely yeah and you got to come back you know definitely you got to come with him when he does his so that maybe we'll do a part two to yours when you're here no problem definitely yeah you want to say any uh shout outs to anyone shout shout outs to all the Five Barrels y'all know who y'all are I love all of y'all shout out just to my mom's M I love you like I said I'm I'm so glad I was he gave me the opportunity to do this so you see this is nothing negative this is something positive that we're doing so hopefully we can reach out to somebody for them not to go to prison CU jail is not the place to be at all at all okay absolutely well said yeah take care all [Music] right a

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