Babson College 2024 Graduate Commencement Ceremony

Published: May 10, 2024 Duration: 02:09:50 Category: Education

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welcome to Babson College FW alling Graduate School of Business commencement ceremony for the class of 2024 congratulations to our graduates it's an honor to be with you today to celebrate your graduation and recognize your achievements I want to thank the faculty staff Administration trustees friends families and alni and special guests who have joined us today for this special occasion I also want to ask all the mothers here today to stand we'd like to give you a round of applause to honor and recognize you happy Mother's Day as we celebrate [Applause] tomorrow to our graduates the class of 2024 you made it during your time during your time at Babson you enriched our campus and classrooms with your energy optim optimism and intellect you have demonstrated tremendous discipline and resilience and strength of character the knowledge skill set and mindset you have developed at Babson and the relationships you have cultivated will be the foundation of your success as you move through your careers and your lives thank you for being entrepreneurial leaders we are proud of you your future awaits class of 2024 we cannot wait to watch you change the world [Applause] congratulations I would now like to introduce Joseph fin Bon's Catholic chaplain who will lead us in the invocation dear Lord we are gathered here today to give thanks for your care and protection and to celebrate the gifts you have provided our graduates as they prepare to step into the new land beyond the academic Campus of bapson college we remember this reminder from scripture about your everpresent care and attention God sustained them in a desert land in a howling Wilderness waste God shielded them cared for them guarded for them as the apple of his eye as our graduates prepare to leave for the promise of new dreams we ask you Lord to help them remember your presence along their journey to date so that they realize your presence in the new challenges they will face and in the triumphs they will experience we thank you Lord for those that have helped our graduates on this journey parents family friends The Faculty staff and administration of bapson college with gratitude for the gifts and resources which with you have blessed our graduates we ask you to bless them and all who Journey with them as we celebrate the fruits of your goodness amen please welcome the president of bson college Steven Spinelli [Applause] Jr esteemed honores Eric Johnson Aaron krey Babson governance members and distinguished guests faculty and staff family and friends and most importantly the graduate class of 2024 it is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to babson's 72nd graduate commencement ceremony Eric Aaron it's an honor for Babson that you join us for the first ever joint fatherdaughter commencement address it's been a personal pleasure to know Eric and the Johnson family over the years and I eag eagerly await the wisdom you'll share in your address today we recognize and celebrate our graduates accomplishments as they prepare to begin their next chapters class of 2024 on this momentous day I encourage you to look back and reflect on what brought you to Babson you're here today because you recognize the that the world beckons for the next generation of leaders to drive change and create a better world you made a decision to advance your knowledge through education under adversity that few Generations have faced a global pandemic social unrest political divisiveness emerging Technologies and disruptive Technologies and the sudden ubiquity of artificial intelligence as a as the world considers what challenges and opportunities the so-called fourth industrial Revol ution will bring I am certain of one reality entrepreneurial leaders will be at the Forefront of tomorrow's greatest Innovations you'll be at that Forefront because you had the foresight to recognize that A Better Tomorrow could only be in reach if you act with intention today that call brought you to Babson as you model examples as you are models examples of the power and potential that can be harnessed when one Embraces the intersection of Entrepreneurship and lifelong learning you set the standard for continuing one's education igniting the spark to ascend to new levels of greatness at bapson we've long asserted that entrepreneurship should be taught across a lifetime learning doesn't begin when you enroll in an academic program nor does it end at the end of its completion we learn new approaches and new things every day we learn from each other every day throughout your time at Babson you've embodied the collaborative entrepreneurial Spirit you gathered as a class from countries around the world to bring unique perspectives to campus that enrich our Global Community remember you have the drive and the capabilities to do great things getting to this day took determination and persistent ability to embrace new ideas and new approaches you've proven that you have the fortitude and the entrepreneurial leadership skills needed to change the world and you did not you and you did not get to this day alone throughout your journey you were booed by the support of your friends and classmates your parents and family members and babson's dedicated faculty and staff in your most challenging times your Advocates stood by your side along your path to success please join me in a moment of Applause to recognize and thank those who have supported you along the [Applause] way today you will join the ranks of 44,000 baps and alumni creating significant social and economic value around the world our Global alumni Community stands ready to support your next big idea as a fellow proud holder of bapson graduate degree I can share with confidence that this support does not wne you have Fen the foot steps of generations of leaders like you who started their Journeys with an ambition to find personal success and to make the world a better place though the challenges we we face today are different from Generations past what remains constant is our shared belief in the power of Entrepreneurship the world needs entrepreneurship the world needs leaders the world needs you know that we are proud and we look forward to with great anticipation to see the substantial impact you will have for generations to come remember you're part of the Babson Community for life you have a unique responsibility now as alumni to continue to build our Network class of 2024 congratulations on reaching this Milestone and thank you all for what you've done for bapson college before we continue with our ceremony I'd like to take a moment to thank and acknowledge two bapson leaders who like you will soon begin new chapters in their lives Ken matsuno will return to the ranks of Faculty as he concludes his service to bapson as the Mirada vice president of academic Affairs and Dean of the college dean matsuno leadership and friendship have left a lasting Legacy across our faculty and academic programs additionally vice president for learner success and Dean of Campus Life Larry Ward will be starting a new chapter as president of the University of Hartford an appropriate return to his hometown in Connecticut Dean Ward has been instrumental in elevating Campus Life at bapson in supporting our students at every step please join me in thanking Dean matsuno and Dean Ward for their service to bapson in the enrichment of Our Lives please welcome chair of the bapson College Board of Trustees Jeffrey Perry welcome to all the family and friends faculty and staff and especially to our graduates this is an inspiring day and it is an honor to be here you have worked hard and your degree is an accomplishment well earned congratulations as you graduate from Babson and become the leaders who will shape our tomorrows I have a question for you what type of leader do you want to be will you be a leader with intent with Direction with purpose we live in certain and demanding times Leaders with purpose are best positioned to stand out to thrive and to make a difference in Enterprises of all kinds their communities and Society to be a leader with purpose is to make an impact but how do you become a leader with purpose consider finding your pop now I'm from the Midwest what we call Pop is soda in the east coast and most places around the world this is not what I'm talking about I mean the pop that stands for perspective opportunity and passion the intersection of these three ingredients elevates your leadership and your ability to influence Inspire and get things done the first of these perspective comes from knowledge it is about a continual commitment to learning you have all invested a great deal in your education to achieve this Milestone but your studies can't end today education doesn't conclude with a degree or a certificate it is ongoing and evolving true perspective is gained over a lifetime so stay curious explore inquire find your areas of expertise hone your craft and be a thought leader and listen to others along the way hear what they have to say even if you disagree value civil discords and respect opinions different from your own your perspective is only deepened and strengthened when you allow yourself to keep an open mind this brings us to the second element opportunity do what entrepreneurial leaders do best and seek opportunities to create change address concerns and make lives better these transformative opportunities are all around us in many Industries geographies and aspects of society just waiting to be acted upon perhaps you'll discover opportunity and technology which promises to profoundly change our daily lives in the years ahead perhaps you'll find your opportunity in mental health an area where so many believe we are experiencing a crisis or maybe your opportunity lies in sustainability a critical issue upon which so much of our future depends the third and final component is Passion this is the secret sauce of any leader so you may ask yourself why not just start with passion while this may work for some of you for many others you may find your passion on your life's journey as you grow as Leaders develop a perspective uncover an opportunity your passion May ignite regardless of how it is found passion is essential for any leader having passion helps fuel a desire for excellence and perseverance even through challenging times passion is the fire that keeps you going and makes you give your best now taken all together consider this personal reflection on pop as baps and trustees our perspective on higher education is required in an environment characterized by disruption upheaval and change we see opportunity as stewards of the college investing in your learning experience experience empowering you as entrepreneurial leaders who will make a difference in the world finally our passion is to have a positive impact on young people like you and the Next Generation so to all of our graduates I hope you find your pop that powerful combination of perspective opportunity and passion that will transform you into leaders with purpose that we need in the world today today congratulations again on all of your accounts here at Babson I wish you all the best in your lives and careers now let's welcome vice president and Dean of Campus Life Lawrence P Ward thank you it's an honor and a pleasure to greet you this morning and celebrate your accomplishments at Babson College the jazz artist Gregory Porter has a song called No Love dying which is about Hope amongst what he calls the bones of love the death of love he sings is everywhere but I won't let it be as an educator a leader and thinking person that resonates with me I've always felt an incumbent responsibility to build develop and Foster a sense of optimism in others especially lately in the face of so much cultural animosity tribalism and a palpable erosion of Civility and decency no love dying also speaks to me because it reflects my leadership mission to help others feel more capable seen and heard to order someone's steps in the world so so that they can reach more of their potential and this is especially true when I consider those graduating for whom completing your degree was far from guaranteed or even imagined so I'm grateful today for our Babson faculty who've helped graduates to see the possibilities not only for their education and career but also for their lives I'm grateful to our staff for the many ways large and small behind closed doors outside of the curated glow of social media that you've helped our graduates to know that they matter I have been blessed as an educator not by position title or portfolio responsibilities but rather by my interactions on this campus and across learning communities knowing that I can make a difference in the experience of others I'm grateful for the opportunity to Mentor to advise admonish redirect Inspire invest in listen to laugh with and learn from each of you to have played a supportive role in your journey of discovery of new possibilities and of excellence and so as you prepare to lean into the next chapter of your lives know that we have been preparing you for the expectations of leadership in an uncertain and a needy world through Innovative entrepreneurial and creative thinking some of you will de develop blueprints that shape and give promise to an exciting future across many different Industries and others by your leadership example will leave Footprints large enough for the rest of us to follow along the way I hope that you will also allow people the grace to become more of their better selves I pray that you will not feel too overwhelmed or discouraged by what is not working well or working as it should there will always be some headwinds and storm clouds but at the end of the day choose to be someone's Tailwind knowing that the best leaders give people Wings they don't clip them the bird that flew in through my window simply lost its way he broke his wing I helped him heal and then he flew away well the death of Love is everywhere but I won't let it be perhaps in college there will be no love dying here not for me class of 2024 [Applause] congratulations it's a fitting tradition for a member of the graduating class to address this this ceremony today I am very pleased to introduce MBA graduate zishu ha or haha as he is known by his friends born and raised in Beijing China haha has long excelled in Academia on the global stage at 17 he was selected by UNESCO to represent China as a high school exchange student in the United States and earned an international Ambassador scholarship to attend Washington State University Tri Cities after graduating with honors and serving as student council president he joined Blue Nile the world's largest diamond e-commerce site and later spearheaded expansion into the Chinese market with more than a decade of diamond industry experience as a certified gemologist haha launched his own Diamond wholesale business marking the beginning of his entrepreneurial Journey while at Babson haha founded beel a startup a AED at democratizing the jewelry industry by crowdsourcing independent designs from around the world and providing affordable unique and premium quality jewelry please join me in congratulating haha and welcoming him to the podium [Applause] thank you for that warm introduction Dean word so as I Was preparing this speech my mind journeyed back to those countless shared experiences that bind us as baps and graduates still I found myself reminiscing about those rather peculiar moments like eagerly raising hands in class to fight for those precious participation points or the infamous work of Shame when I'm late to class that I won't miss so for th for those of you who didn't know me well I came from poverty where my father was a middle school dropped out who needed to support his family and my mother a farmer who struggled to make ants meat with me as a illegal second child in Beijing being punished by the one child only policy so despite this obstacles I have witnessed them transformed a small Venture into a thriving business Empire [Applause] as I'm ready to graduate my father had a conversation with me and asked my son now two years has gone by what have you really gotten from this baps and education as I searched for that perfect answer trying to make him proud of my choice to come here only to find myself echoing our famous classroom wisdom with a smile well it depends apart from these light-hearted memories it didn't take me long to find that perfect answer bson enraged our Journeys we're learning when Beyond textbooks it was more than just balancing cash flow statements or applying that Porter's five forces it's about real world applications from passionate innovators and seral entrepreneurs who we called professors and cohorts entrepreneurship is a tricky word bson taught us not only how to spell it correctly but also how to embody it with our Institute such as the blank Center so last year I was honored to participate in the summer Venture program and launch my new jewelry startups offering affordable highquality class range by the way these are really good gifts if you haven't got one for your graduate yet but this journey this amazing journey was mine alone we have worked on assignment together at Olan Hall Late into the night we help helped each other's proof resumes striving to lend that job we have rehearsed so many times at the speech center trying to perfect those final presentations so these moments remind me of an ADM well known to every household in China about a Statesman from the Han Dynasty admired for his extreme intelligence and outstanding military strategy his name is Mr Jan and the EDM goes three shoe makers together are wiser than Mr J this Edom illustrate that Collective wisdom often surpasses individual genius so together a group of absent students as intelligent and sophisticated as we are can no doubt achieve remarkable things you see we are each other's shoe makers [Applause] at bapson I have never failed the world so tiny that we all have that same passion and desire for Success yet the world is so big that each of us has a unique valuable perspective to share we embrac a melting part of cultures and diversities at bapson from celebrating dewali Ramadan Thanksgiving Hanukah and the Lunar New Year and to taste the differences between takila Pisa Pisco and mascow thanks to our Latino friends right we have gained a lot outside of the classroom from the people we met the connections we forged and the global family we became a part of so let's stand up stand up really my follow graduates please stand [Music] [Applause] up look around shake hands give them the hug introduce yourself and congratulate each other for your excellent achievement [Applause] nice thank you now please be seated now collectively we just have answered my father's question what have you really gotten from bapson a world of knowledge yes the entrepreneurial mindset that we will carry for the rest of our career probably yes but more importantly we have got a legacy of a Global Network and lifelong friends Bound by our common experiences and aspiration ations we are now part of a worldwide Network it consists of more than 44,000 outstanding thinkers innovators and leaders that are making a difference in the world every day so as we embark on our new path let's hold our baptism Spirit high and cherish that bound we have formed that is the foundation of the amazing journey that lies ahead of us so congratulations class of 2024 may we always stay connected May our shared Journey continue to evolve and Thrive and may they forever be each other's shoe makers [Applause] now I have the priv uh pleasure of introducing the faculty of the Year award it is an absolute Delight for me to introduce uh Professor Anu dbar at [Music] [Applause] first I first met him back in December 2022 at one of his weekly round taes on science technology business and Society so that week the topic was on this new technology that just had come out days ago it is now our best friend chat GPT not long after that I found myself in his classroom for a three-day intensive course his teaching is so engaging at to um that that I was wide awake at 2:00 in that afternoon right after lunch on a Saturday so he has this neck for stretching our brains to the forest until the concept really siick so after those mind-blowing days I came away not only enlightened but also hungry for more fully aware of just how much there's yet to learn from him what a privilege it was to be his student and now it is my great pleasure to welcome the 2024 Tom Thomasson com Kennedy Award winner Professor Anu dear [Applause] good afternoon everybody thank you haha greetings to all you graduating students your families and your friends and my sincere gratitude for this honor thank you from the depth of my heart thank you thank you not just for the recognition but importantly for being my co-learners my co-learners over a chance conversation Roundtable session or in one or two or three courses we wandered and we wondered I'm glad our paths intersected and I'm humbled by your kind gesture thank you as today's ceremonies conclude and you say good goodbye to bapson and the community of casual relationships and deep friendships you have developed over the last few months or years it is but natural that you be focused on the future and its many unknowns once all the Pomp and ceremony are concluded what next what's next especially the context the craziness that is so manifest in the seemingly Topsy Turvy world around us to be truthful you don't know I don't know we don't know certainly not for sure what I and your loved ones my colleagues and bapson college do hope is that you'll be marching into the uncertain future with an ethos centered on the seeing seeking and seizing of opportunities that an irrepressible Spirit of resilience and adaptiveness in my baloria speech yesterday I quoted the late comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell in the book and open Life Campbell offers the following advice that's the big adventure isn't it that's the Ultimate Adventure that's what you have to strive for every moment of your life to get rid of the life that you have planned in order to have the life that's waiting to be yours move move move into the Transcendent that's the whole sense of the adventure I think yes that's what you have to strive for every minute of your life to get rid of the life that you have planned in order to have the life that is waiting to be yours four singularities lying in front of us will test this resolve and Define your Ultimate Adventure disneying advances in machine learning artificial intelligence and the human machine interface mindboggling breakthroughs in the Life Sciences existential existentially threatening climate change and big questions surrounding the impact of social media on the functioning and well-being of societies these four singularities will Define your future the the future of your loved ones and your friends and the future of humanity they will surface problems perhaps unsolvable problems they will also offer opportunities provid that you are mindful available and open to seeking seizing and seizing these opportunities and to make the choices choices to not to do not just a right thing but to do the things that are right as Professor dumbledor remarked to Harry Potter at the end the movie chambers of Secrets all of you possess many of the qualities at walmort you know the guy who cannot be named himself prizes determination all of you share determination resourcefulness all of you share resourcefulness and if it's okay for me to say that they all are all too willing to bend some rules if not to break them what made Harry Potter different from one who cannot be named his choices Professor dumbledor continues it is not our abilities to show we are truly are it is our choices so yes the choices you will make as you seek see and seize opportunities as you make these choices in your Ventures and in your adventures my our best wishes will always be with you please continue to tease each other's brains at every step and please also continue to touch each other's Souls make an impact and change the world for the better if not the whole world one single life a small community a chosen corner your chosen Corner make that your Enterprise your bold and momentous undertaking along the way smile sing dance love and live live to make the most of the gift of life that has been given to you and it is a gift and by so doing so make yourselves your families your friends and all of us here at Babson proud once again thank you and from all of us the very very very best of luck congratulations pass 2024 please welcome Dean matsuno to recognize and thank our retiring faculty and to present our honorary degree recipients at this time I'm proud to share a special thanks on behalf of the entire Babson Community to our retiring faculty members who have spent decades as Educators and colleagues mentors and Friends Sam haran serving 22 years in the management division Nan lovic serving 33 years in the management division Brian sites serving 29 years in the Arts in Humanities Division and jinnie soyel serving 29 years in the accounting and law division together these faculty have brought a combined 113 years of experience to the classroom teach teaching our students serving in academic leadership roles and leading through their research and scholarship as exemplary colleagues you'll be missed please join me in congratulating our retiring faculty as they begin new chapters today it is a privilege for Babson College to confer an honorary degree upon Eric Johnson Mr Johnson and president Spinelli please join me at the podium Eric Johnson Babson College Class of 1972 business innovator serial entrepreneur Advocate inspirer and founder and chairman of Balwin Richardson FS sets the standard for entrepreneurial leadership through a lifetime of creating social and economic value by building and advancing companies your leadership has added Untold value to communities and workforces across the United States your commitment to Babson College has transcended more than half a century as a student leader engaged alness intentional governance member and committed donor a journey that is centered on your persistent call to open doors for others as the founder and chairman of Baldwin Richardson FS you have stewarded exceptional success as the leading manufacturer of custom food and beverage ingredients and one of the largest blackowned businesses in the food industry [Applause] your generosity is evidenced by such vital campus resources as the Baldwin Richardson Foods term chair the Johnson family term chair and the Baldwin Richardson food Scholars programs all of which have opened doors for the next Generations of entrepreneurs and supported academic rigor your legacy as a student leader continues to empower and Inspire black entrepreneurs who today walk in your footsteps as the founder of babson's black student union and create Community as residents of the Johnson house which so appropriately carries your name president Spinelli please confer the honorary degree by virtue of the power granted to Babson College by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and by the authority given to me by the Board of Trustees I do hereby confer upon you the honorary degree of doctor of Humane letters with all the rights Privileges and responsibilities here and everywhere appertaining to this degree please join me in congratulating Dr Eric Johnson today it's a privilege for Babson College to confer an honorary degree upon aing tall free Mr tfree Please join president spinal [Applause] Ain tfre multi-generational entrepreneur strategic thinker and passionate leader of one of the country's largest blackowned food manufacturing businesses shows how carrying the torch in the family businesses significantly amplify a company's social and economic reach as a second generation president and CEO you lead with an Innovative vision for your company in an Ever Changing world you have committed much of your career to expanding Baldwin Richardson's reach by continuing the Johnson family's multi-generational commitment to entrepreneurship accelerating as a leader in roles ranging from account manager Vice President of Sales and Executive Vice President over the course of more than 20 years your Ascension to president of Baldwin Richardson F came during the period of unimaginable challenge presented by a global pandemic during which you maintain business continuity and navigated historic supply chain disruptions while never compromising the health and safety of your employees your people first approach to leadership endear you to the more than 500 dedicated employees of bold riches and Fs contributing to a positive Workforce culture you carry forward your fam's pension for philanthropy and Community engagement by partnering with foundations to close the racial disparity Gap by leveraging impact of cooperations on communities of color you join Babson College as a third generation Comm menman speaker following in the footsteps of your grandfather George E Johnson who inspired a class of 1976 with his address president Spinelli please confer the honorary [Applause] degree by virtue of the power granted to bapson college by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and by the authority given to me by the board Lord of Trustees I do hereby confer upon you the honorary degree of doctor of Humane letters with all the rights Privileges and responsibilities here and everywhere appertaining to this degree please join me in congratulating Dr tolfrey [Applause] since bapson College opened its doors over a century ago generations of entrepreneurs have made a significant impact on the College Community among those who have changed the course of babson's history is the Johnson family which has left a lasting Legacy and continues to inspire our community Eric Johnson Babson trustee and proud graduate of the class of 1972 has impacted academic and co-curricular success on campus for decades as an undergraduate student Eric founded babson's black student union which today carries Eric's Legacy by empowering the next generation of black business and entrepreneurial leaders at bapson Eric and his family company's generosity has established such vital campus resources as the Baldwin Richardson Foods term chair the Johnson family term chair and the Baldwin Richardson Foods Scholars Program today the Johnson family continues to carry Eric's Legacy forward Aaron tolfrey successful family entrepreneur and president and CEO of Baldwin Richardson Foods will join Eric for babson's first ever joint graduate Commencement Address Aaron represents three generations of Babson commencement speakers following in the footsteps of her grandfather and Eric's father George Johnson who served as babson's commencement speaker in 1976 Babson College is thankful for the many contributions of the Johnson family and looks forward to honoring their legacy for generations to come please welcome Eric Johnson to begin babson's first ever joint Commencement Address hello actually before I start my comments as I've listened to all the things today I must say that we can leave Babson College but Babson College will never leave us good afternoon distinguished guests president Spinelli bapson faculty and staff family and friends and most importantly the graduates of the class of [Applause] 2024 it is an honor a privilege and a pleasure to address you here today and I have the distinct honor of sharing this Podium with my daughter and family business partner of 24 years years Erin tolfrey and she will share her views of sustaining leadership and business Evolution she'll also be my tough timekeeper I grew up in Chicago Illinois in the 1950s and Chicago was a ripe environment and place for African-American Business Development and a booming City in every respect my father George Johnson was the founder of what became the first african-american-owned company to ever become public in the United States Johnson Products company thank Johnson Products company was the maker of ultra Sheen and Afro Sheen hair products and the sponsors and producers of Soul Train which turned it into a nationally syndicated phenomena in high school like most of us I was assigned a college counselor and I've never been shy and I always went in there one time I introduced myself and I asked her what was the best undergraduate school of business in the country and the counselor told me Babson Institute but you probably don't need to apply I said thank you I stood up I shook her hand promptly left her office and never returned arriving home that evening having to catch up I did the research because I had never heard of bapson and after researching it convinced my parents that it was the place for me and as I look back at my years at bapson I see three very important Hallmarks of my bapson experience number one as we've talked about forming the black student union as a support system and recruiting body for African diaspora students number two I was blessed to be the student representative of the management department in my junior year and had the privilege of working with Dr John hornay on the creation of the entrepreneurial studies program and a large part of what we had to do was pull together documents and research because there was a lot of discussion in academic circles as to whether or not this was a valid academic subject and any many experts questioned if it could actually teach entrepreneurship well clearly they were wrong and finally my Babson experience itself because that helped me to validate that I was ready for the competitive environment of business I had gone to school with many of the people that I would compete with for the rest of my life and that ability to confirm allows students to leave this institution with a confidence that few places in the world can equal and it is at the root of why I've been so willing to give back to this institution after graduation once I began working in the family business I quickly realized that basically anything I did was all right my managers were not going to critique me because I was the son of the president and owner so I made the difficult but necessary decision and left the business and in 1972 joined Proctor and Gamble which at that time was known as the best consumer Products Company in the world and after three years in that program I returned to Johnson Products Company now with a lot more knowledge and a much more significantly stronger work ethic I remember my uncle who was vice president of sales made it very clear to me that in order for me to ever get a promotion I had to be significantly better than any other candidate for that job and that I would lose any tie and that standard and that expectation is still alive in bald richon Foods company today when I became became president of Johnson products in 1989 our stock which had been as high as $50 a share was valued at $2.50 on that day we also announced and confirmed our fourth loss in five years due to heavy competition and the company was basically in survival mode I was energized I was actually happy because I knew that this was my best opportunity to lay to rest any claims that I got there because I was a son of the president and owner and after reinstating the salary cuts that our employees had taken of 15% I stated that the company that had just lost $4.8 million and one that makes $4.8 million would be done in the same building with the same brands with the same equipment but that the difference would be in the motivation of the people in one year we turned that loss into a 1.8 million profit and the following year into a $4.7 million profit and we were the seventh best performing stock on the American Stock Exchange and we won the American management turnaround award so like you I should be celebrating the company was profitable we were successful again our stock was at $26 a share but I was miserable very unhappy and I was not satisfied and there was a voice in my head that said that this lifelong goal was not my purpose and I decided that while I didn't understand everything about that feeling it was important for me to follow that path and I decided to leave the company in 1992 to Define and seek my own value in September of 1992 I closed the transaction to buy Baldwin ice cream company a small Regional brand that had been around since 1921 with less than $3 million in sales in 1996 7 after quadrupling the size of Baldwin ice cream I was able to buy Richardson foods from the Quaker Oats company and by 2005 bald and Richardson Foods had grown to be over $100 million in Revenue our company has five shared values they support our business and our customer value proposition they are very basic people first our commitment to people service to our customers honesty and integrity meeting our goals and performance for financial success and all of these are under a banner of commitment and Relentless pursuit of excellence in order to retain real values there can never be a time or an event when they are compromised you either have values or you don't there are no exceptions and as our business grew so did the challenges reinvention became a regular exercise but I was always firmly supported by some very simple Basics and my Babson experience because basic concepts are very easy to state but they're very difficult to master they say repetition makes the master master and these set of values and Concepts that I constantly depend on a few of which I'll share with you today one if you understand you don't have to remember so if you really understand what's happening in an organization and you think about what's happening in an organization that long list of things that you've written down in the meeting are not your guide your guide is to be aware and active and engaged in the things that are happening around you and be an active participant in their solution secondly without action nothing is going to happen that will produce a result and that includes deliberately not doing something because when you do that you know that it's going to produce a result and thirdly whether you lead an organization or a department or division every day that we wake up we have the responsibility to provide for the welfare the goals the dreams the vacations the aspirations of all of our employees and their families they depend on us to make good decisions for their welfare and with that you will build immense amounts of trust and finally there are three General categories of people in this world there are those those who need help physical and mental or otherwise just not capable of taking care of themselves there are people who are very self-sufficient they work they raise a family they manage to live an independently successful life and there are those of us who have the responsibility and the capacity to help ourselves and others and that is a requirement Roger Babson believed in giving back and good corporate citizenship so my pledge is let's keep that dream alive and build a better Society because we care today at over $500 million in sales Aaron represents the next generation of our business and she will share with you in a few minutes her vision and process but what you will see very vividly is how and why change is necessary when successful organizations grow beyond the founder stage so please allow me to introduce our next speaker my daughter Aaron tolfrey CEO of Baldin Richardson Foods company thank you Eric I guess I can say dad today thank you to president Spinelli babson's governance members faculty staff friends family and of course the class of 2024 it is an incredible honor to be here today not just because I'm following in the words of my father who was also my mentor and today my business partner because I have the privilege of following in the footsteps of two generations with my grand father George Johnson who's actually live streaming today having delivered this commencement address in 1976 it's okay 48 years later I consider it a great privilege to share with you how the entrepreneurial Endeavors of two great leaders paid the way for me to stand before you today as far back as I can remember my life feels like it has been one long lesson of entrepreneurial leadership at the age of five I remember riding into the offices of Johnson products with my grandfather from the NorthShore of Chicago I can smell the inside of his car just like it was yesterday I would follow him up to the second floor get dropped off and my sister Cara and I who's here would go to work for the day imagine a sea of 50 or 60 dust which seemed enormous at the time our job was to make sure everyone had all the office supplies they needed for the day and my sister and I took our obligation very seriously to make sure we got it right on those days after lunch we'd head down down and get our hair done in the test Salon trying and learning about all the new hair products in the Johnson products portfolio in my favorite part directly after we'd head over to my father's office distinctly different from the corner office of my grandfather but neatly situated and surrounded by plastic curtains right in the middle of the production floor in the center of all the action from these experiences and others early in my life I knew I loved being part of this entrepreneurial family and of course it felt glamorous on days like this because I didn't have to deal with any of the day-to-day stresses of Entrepreneurship but over time I also got to see the late nights the worries and the challenging times and and it never discouraged me As I Grew Older my early exposure to the business paid off and I got to put some of my own curiosity and entrepreneurial ideas into action I was able to do this because of my dad and from his entrepreneurial Instinct and his bapson education those lessons went Way Beyond how to run a business business see he had learned in life and in the classroom that entrepreneurship is the pathway to impact to providing opportunities where they otherwise might not exist and that entrepreneurship can drive real economic impact in your community and today that is a foundational philosophy in how we lead Baldwin Richardson Foods we are Guided by our Mantra of what we do well enables us to do good and what does that mean it means good for our customers who we work to Delight with safe high quality and delicious products every day most notably and hopefully you guys recognize these Grimace and Shamrock Shakes anybody neutr grain bar fillings Frappuccinos and so many more fun and iconic products it's good for our people who through delivering exceptional results can make a positive impact on their lives their families and their careers and good for the places we live where we can create access to Opportunities and Pathways for others and this is perhaps most notably evidenced in the Brilliance of and post cigic Paths of our bapson and Spellman College my alma M Scholars already bson drills in to it students that you have to be committed to impact and this value guides me as strongly as if I had attended College here myself I'd like to share a story about how our Northstar our values and our Mantra have allowed our business to thrive a few short years ago when the pandemic hit the world shut down our world slowed and seemingly our inventories skyrocketed over overnight many companies in our industry slowed down or shut down sending their people home for us deciding what to do came down to one simple question did we mean it when we said our people were our most valuable asset and if so being Guided by our values made our decision and our path forward very simple brf was would be the place of safety and stability for every employee of our organization we quickly ra rallied around the notion of our responsibility to feed America keeping drive-throughs stocked and grocery stores filled with our delicious products we recognized the importance of our Frontline team in delivering on this Mission and instituted here opay keeping every single person that could work as part of our team and so what happened we kept people in stable employment and steady paychecks in the face of record high on employment and together we achieved record results powered by a sense of unity and purpose that still inspires and drives our one team culture today so since that time we've experienced tremendous growth going from over from 260 to over 700 employees today and are an accelerated path to becoming a billion dooll [Applause] Enterprise in the beginning Balden Richardson Foods was an example in a vision created by my father of what is possible and a desire to build through excellent service to our customers and to valuing our people to become a leader in the industry and today we are a shining Beacon of what is possible yes we are blackowned yes we are women Le and we are a multi-generational leader in our industry and we take that responsibility extremely seriously and know that we are a an inspiration and a template for others to follow we know there are young black women men and women looking out to us there are family businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs watching how we approach things and there's a fourth generation watching and waiting in the wings I am extremely privileged to lead this business with my amazing business partner and sister Cara use who's here today who leads all things customer and Community impact at Balden Richardson foods and among our siblings we have children who may be interested in joining the business someday I had the great privilege for several years to work alongside my brother John Johnson a Babson alumnist and trustee who brought a push for adoption and Technology into our operations before going on to pursue his own entrepreneurial Ventures and just to round it out our other sibling lacricia capista is not in the business directly but supports our people engagement strategy through organizing events and Concepts that help strengthen our great place to work culture so as we think about the Next Generation we're conscious that their education is already well underway simply from the front row seats they have been exposed to from an early age not to different from our own upbringing we also consider a bapson education to be a desired and encouraged part of rounding out their Collective educational Journeys and they're already being Guided by the things my dad and as a result our entire family learned here at bapson college today bapson graduates another class of students into the world which means the world becomes a better place than it was yesterday a world that values impact more than it did yesterday that values people more than it did yesterday I think you will find as our family has found that as long as you set those values as your North Star you will never go wrong congratulations to the class of 2024 and may following your values and your passion lead you to achieve Limitless [Applause] possibilities please remain seated now welcome Dean matsuno to present the graduates and president Spinelli to confer the degrees president Spinelli it is a pleasure to report to you that the candidates assembled here and those who are noted in the commencement program have successfully completed the requirements of the curricular fer FW oing Graduate School of Business at Babson College or will complete those requirements by the end of the year those who have completed the acquirements have been recommended by The Faculty to the Board of Trustees to be awarded their master's degree in recognition of their academic accomplishments will all the candidates please [Applause] Rise by virtue of the power granted to bapson college by the Commonwealth of massach Metts and by the authority given to me by the Board of Trustees I do hereby confer upon these amazing graduates the degrees of master of science and business analytics master of science in finance master of science in management with a concentration in entrepreneurial leadership and master of Business Administration with all the attendant rights privilege and responsibilities here and everywhere appertaining to these degrees would the graduates please be [Applause] seated to present the graduates please welcome Jessica chance Jill badarian and Kate Buckman graduates please follow the instructions of the marshals hand your name card to the reader as you come to the stage and pause for a photo at the center of the stage throw it up to see you e e e see I am pleased to invite the following students to come forward to receive their master of science in business analytics degree Kush amitkumar [Applause] Agarwal nipun utam Aral [Applause] Neil chatan [Music] azira Muhammed raan akar Summa Kumi Shaga Ali madna klaui Ry ARA Suma Kumi proma B I see selin barakar Magna Kumi Fe Bora Magna klaui Reginald khik Michael cude Christian Umberto Castillo ESO Magna klaui ragav CH via Sunil chamalo pranit Shand Mega asok Gara Nicholas Gonzalez AG Owen guelmino Magna Kumi Yan ga Nisha Gupta Kum Tina San arani zanab hura jaika Jane snea Jane klaui antar gimenez Jr [Music] akata kazal kumra kishna Lan Suma [Applause] Kumi Chia Yuko Magna Kumi Tong bakle Magna Kumi Shuman Lee Suma Kumi [Applause] Shan Lang Kumi har Mai Kumi nen mati Anna Carla Martinez Mendoza Shrea Maru tanvi Mota gopal Nani Susanna Grace Newton Suma Kumi Jacob nyamu Simon Prana gavara Magna Kumi hayal prash pitroda Magna kumau linfang qu Muhammad Ahmed s Yash daresh [Applause] samani anayat seon Magna Kumi Safi suum and borian of the msba program Yash raakesh sha GNA Sharma paa Toano Cabrera Suma Kumi Miguel ovio Tela Schwarz Steven vban Magna Kumi Jared Timothy wiards Kumi tabz sahor prati jant jant bar trong Nan Shari sangvi [Applause] I am pleased to invite the following students to come forward to receive their master of science and finance degree Muhammed Omar aan suum Lai sasi pan Kumar ARA Naman baldota nth bascar Summa Kum Lai Christina and Canali ashini shanor darakar Leah conanan vihan M Desai Nisha ual desm NE Ela David Gonzalez Rodriguez Suma kumla Asha goyal Suma Kumi Russel Gupta Kumi Mira Marne henan mayank kapor Suma Kumi Adel Carrera hja Karai a sanj k suum and valedictorian of the MSM program shanai benal kadia samyak katari Katrina Jordan lapins Kumi Brienne McGrath klaui rashen benal meta rashika Mishra abishek mital maso mono kumla Samuel Deo Morgan Animan raakesh Aran Pandi kushal parek Kenneth pranoto kumau Jessica Blake Ross Suma Kumi pra Sali Dru sank Kali par Seth J Daval Sha manov Sha Ru namash sha haran shivhari Shireen shanaz rova Magna Kumi Muhammad Hassan haer SED Suma Kumi JN [Music] tanato carthic provan tar prian tar Kum Samuel Joseph tweedell Michael Leo Ward [Music] Jovin Marlon Zimmerman I am pleased to invite the following students to come forward to receive their master of science and management with the concentration and entrepreneurial leadership T austo Rubio Magna Kum Muhammad Arman Adil pream Agarwal Yash Agarwal suan Al kadbi sha Aladin F Alim superat chai Suma Kum via [Applause] ARA Gabriela Del prate Baptista aavo Suma Kum Stefan Baxter gotam [Music] bad B karat sing B yita Bravo Ruiz Kum Jasmine [Applause] Bergos Ryan Castle Rishi pan Kumar shandak Magna Kum Kon chaai Suma [Applause] Kumi Megan corer Spencer Chi Crow Summa Kumi Jessica diarco Barbara Christina desuso Pinto Suma [Applause] Kumi heat ganai Delia Amy Charlotte derich Suma Kumi Madison Taylor dney Carlos Leonardo Emmanuel Suma Kumi Isabella Marie Fernandez Suma Kumi abdalah fade Sasha gambir Anan goel diksha goyal when you gu himan shupa sah hdan sharer Hassan Magna kumau Jonathan Emmanuel ronit ravindra jagani Shrea Jane naton jande Magna Kum nap tanzan Magna Kum Morgan Jean Krauss Kum Josh ladani Maria Alexandra lines Suma kumla Wan Lee Z Lee Brook Elizabeth McDonald Juliana Martin [Music] kumau vant manga Tom Eric mikas Kum luano BM nicolini Camino danela parado nasal suit prait [Applause] Janam Nadi suum sual sari Kumi Buon saton Magna Kum sasat Satan allara sner [Music] D sha suum and valedictorian of the MSM Mell [Music] program Krish Amit sha Billy Delmar shaki musam seat yuzen song zakira [Music] [Applause] Stewart Sammy [Applause] Striker Risa Teasdale micaa [Applause] [Music] Terry Matas Ste Sedar [Applause] tiraa we Tara [Music] rul sandip vasani abarna gpana vasudan Lisha baswani rant [Applause] [Music] fanii marara Vives Bowa de Magna [Applause] [Music] Kum for promote Kumi y hang Wang janal [Applause] Wang Jonah [Applause] Wilson Mary Daniel [Music] yamat oh oops you diaran Kish Singh [Applause] zala Edwin Jang Z Jackie he Xavier Smith Kumi [Applause] I am pleased to invite the following students to come forward to receive their master of science in Business Administration guo abascal Anon Magna Kumi Andrew Anthony abdale [Applause] II Tina eodi chrisan F ad atini bav aaral Magna Kumi raav aaral Magna Kumi lit [Applause] aaral Andrew eido auml Oli aay Eduardo alak Magna Kumi Luis erimo alak Gomez rosali aceret Alan Benz suak Kumi Valeria alaman [Music] Madi Jessica Aman suum Lai Maria andr Castillo rafaelo leonio aino Su Kumi Rani aora Kumi v aora chuni v ready bam Kelsey Grace Le Grant pichumani balaguru morti Veronica [Applause] bayen dianchi bansal moit bansal [Music] [Applause] Kumi Lauren bear sumak Kumi [Applause] Dimitra Jean baras Scott Ross [Applause] Barlo Catalina baros honor suum Basu Basu Iman Bendera Magna Kumi Olivia Bennett Magna Kumi Victor Jose Bernie masas Hara Bahari Nick Hill bindle Magna Kumi saana Boba Elina Bose Su Kumi lenina Maria bero [Applause] anant chant [Applause] botra Abdula bakaya Magna Kumi brandan Joseph Brady Magna [Applause] Kumi Brendan Michael Breen Kumi Mauricio bu senior Alissa Callahan Magna Kumi Diego Rafael CAO Jillian Lee Campbell Suma Kumi Pedro Filipe Campos fala Ben Canary Kumi Evon canel Isabella guro Kum Ryan Carell Sumo kumau Juan Miguel Flores Carlos Delany Collins Carol Kumi Morris Castillo mccre J Miguel cantes sias tji chako Magna Kumi mavi Chandra R Chandra Magna [Applause] Kumi napas charra shil chumi K Lee Chester Paul Magna Kumi Gaga V jilali Samantha suin chin Suma Kumi sakr Chri Maria Coello MOA [Applause] vesco Joshua Michael Collins [Applause] Kumi Tanya J Collins [Applause] Jordan Thomas Kumo Magna Kumi Robert Jeff Connelly Kumi Alexandre kucherov arleene Karen Cummings sria dandala Summa Kumi Danielle danz Valenzuela [Applause] Kumi Mikela de alaga ferrarini Alejandro de laava buo Magna Kumi Eric [Applause] deola Bailey time Delany Christine May Delany Magna Kumi Carla Dilli Nicolas daah Maria Margarita Diaz granados gang shristy Devon sheta dubet Stephanie Dulce Kumi [Applause] Akil Sai [Applause] edali J [Applause] ilas Katherine Rose Ean Yuki Endo Benjamin David Epstein Megan Elizabeth fary Magna Kumi Michael fahe theii Kumi Nicole [Applause] FIA Valentina Fernandez valades Joseph Pine Randa Fernando Natalia fera Da Silva Catherine noon f Magna Kumi Nicole finlin Kumi Jenna Christina [Applause] fiser Corey [Applause] Fletcher Natalia fero Robi Suma Kumi and valedictorian of the Blended Miami NBA [Applause] program spiron kimon for Juan Sebastian Franco F Magna Kum Jessica Wenda frisa Kumi tyina Dion gains Anthony liry GTI Kum Lai palavi gendi Peter Gian Grande Christine Marie Gil kashan nanani aena goel Gabrielle Gomez bronze Kum Lai David Gomez sea Luis Felipe Rock Gonzalez ma Magna Kumi Juan fedo guadron Ben Abraham Guerrero Kum [Applause] Lai abhai Gupta Kumi zishu ha [Applause] ha Molly Jean hair Karim talat [Applause] harb Vara Hari mobashir Hassan Magna Kumi Jeremy Joseph Hemingway suum Lai and valedictorian of the one-year MBA program he Rolando iOS sto Magna Kumi Caroline Hodge Craig William hone Quinton D howardi Christopher George Howell Allison Hurley Kum Lai Leah M aad donisi suum Lai deepy Jen Magnum Lai ishan Jen Magnum Lai mik Jen rui Jen surja jayakumar suak Kumi and valedictorian of the 2-year NBA program Kathleen Elizabeth juie Magna ly Benjamin theater Jud AK Kumar kener farij karui magn Kumi Vishnu C Kat magnet Kumi radica [Applause] Cera Danielle pinski kti k critica kik Janet ke Daniel John Kelly Jacqueline caher Magna Kumi Peter Kimble Kendall Kumi Anthony Keys Kumi shashwat kman Kumi KK kosla Rebecca B Kim Christopher clar Kumi [Music] vanay kantara Prima Kumar nidi Krishnan Justin lamir Austine landero clav Britney [Music] Lane Britney Leo la [Applause] Kevin suang Vin Le [Applause] Kum Trina Lee Kum La one Manuel lus Gomez Deon suum La Jessica Ivana liaras summum la bangi [Applause] Leo uh Carlos Lopez baros pimpisa lur prun Robert G McDonald Jr Patricia Maria Maji Schultz Kum La gopa Danesh [Applause] mahishi Alexandra Ray Hassel Naga pranita malaru Alexander malashenko Magnum [Applause] La Mario [Applause] manini Yash yashan mad Mandana Lucia man manrique Magna Kum [Applause] La Naro mumo Lucia Martin Deo Hernandez Magna Kum La Luis Javier Martin vas Kum [Applause] aswara Maru kumla Yash [Applause] matang Jorge Andres Matic Maria Pia mazari armida Magna Kum [Applause] La Yuko molan Tucker Joseph mccre Megan Ruth meanie shy Meara Anna Maria Mendes [Music] Gutierrez Ariana Maro Dominic gel miles [Applause] [Music] Jacqueline Alexis Milo sumacum laud Darian Modi Magna [Music] La Christian Morales Kate Barbara Moren summum [Applause] laud Christian MOA Sigel [Applause] nikil NES atrea Kum [Applause] La shubam Nar Francisco Javier na narz Coro [Applause] Kum Jacqueline and nasar Danielle Warz Nava Bennett K ner Kum La Devin nean Magna kumla Shan nil [Applause] forun Sai Akil Chri Nuna Kum La shu oawa [Applause] [Music] Isabel OA [Applause] baragan Raina P frankley ponie David Francis pette Sana Kumar perama seen Maria pero [Applause] onate hog [Applause] perali Michaela Paso Kum [Applause] La Rohan ranit patil barut pavala Magna Kum laari Fernando Andres pabal Magna Kum La Craig Pereira [Applause] kumla DJ ferani [Applause] kumla yamika pil [Applause] kumla Daisy Tatiana Pinto Rodriguez kumla Magna kumla [Applause] Jonathan Joseph [Applause] Pope Chinet Pon pitan suum Manas rori Kum budy pratima Kum Adia banir Singh hit Magna [Applause] kumla arv patuna Magna [Applause] kumla joita Adia putri Lucas caraval compelo de de Roy Kum la akar radesh kumla [Applause] Abdul Ramen kumla mamil Hassan rahani Adia R Ramia kumla Shashank ronen vicant row Derek Anthony Roberts [Applause] Robert Pearson roach III summum La Andres Romero Katherine ronall Rachel Jane Roth flax summum Megan Elizabeth rollage sumauma belenda Marie re suum [Applause] La J sa DEA Alonso Saka verz figari Jamie Marie salemi SAS sampath Kum La Rose Melody Santana [Applause] stii Camilo Mario sanero IV Nana pusita [Applause] s Mario Marina [Applause] Sno Christopher Richard John savory [Music] Jennifer Johnson slesinger Magna kumla Steven Slinger Ana paa seski oliveros summum La Stephanie an Anthony shock summum La Shan seia kumla Devon deak Kumar Shaw Bridget Shannon kumla AE Sharma enina Shina Magna Kum [Applause] La Mario a serrera sendoya Lucas Alexander sillers Kum Kum [Applause] La Alexis Sloan kumla Louise fipi Suarez de cavario [Applause] Kum pranan sake Michael spuer Magna La Robin Spectre sumacum la [Applause] Virginia Claire spe summum La Andrew Styer Bart stro sumacum La riwan saaan Magna Kum La gothami Yu Magna Kum La pratik Naraj sunu Kum Amit Sur [Applause] Kum Samaya suraya Vani Muhammad Idris makakaya Shar Magna Kum [Applause] la ma K Tam SRI Magna kumla Morgan Ariel tanaguchi Magna kumla parth jages tan Magna [Applause] Kum M toi toi Kum Pavan CH chiil talo Gil austo sza taheni William Whitmore tessia summum La Jean Hillary TR suum La thanel Tri trior vong Anna [Applause] troa Christopher Tucker Samir tiagi [Applause] prun V suum via vakula banam Magna laud Zachary Vanek summum laud Krishna Dan vard Magnum La Miguel Ernesto Vargas Melanie Vargas Salas Magna Kum [Applause] La prakar ready vrail Robert Bruce venning [Applause] Vasquez t v Verma Matias Andres Vidal urina Magna Kum [Applause] s Melissa villac ulia volchenko Magna Kum La Rahul hitesh VOR Magna Kum La Jen Shing Wong Smita shrimant wani Magna Kum la Jorge vman cban Jenna Lynn wiser Nicholas Oliver wood kumla Henry Canard Woodworth kumla Ryan risti young Magna La Justin Yu [Applause] Kathleen gillespi summum La Schwin Rohit Mady [Applause] welcome again president [Applause] Spinelli congratulations class of 2024 you made it and you are wonderful never stop striving for greatness spread kindness leave an indelible mark on the world we welcome you to the bapson alumni wet Network and invite you to stay connected we insist you stay connected as you begin the next chapter of your life you are an amazing people we love you to death congratulations on your achievements God bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] woohoo wo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] graduates please remain seated and the platform party has finished recession congratulations to the class of 2024 this concludes our ceremony please remain seated until the academic procession has exited the tent following the recessional we invite you to join us for a light reception at Park Manor quad where you can connect with your family and graduates [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] left on the stage want to [Applause] [Music] help conratulations how are you doing [Music] Amazon bags in the over there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your car up here your car up here Kelly has the degree and she's going to bring it to you

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