Babson College 2024 Undergraduate Commencement

Published: May 10, 2024 Duration: 02:09:49 Category: Education

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welcome to the Babson College commencement ceremony for the class of 2024 congratulations to our graduates it's an honor to be with you today to celebrate your graduation and recognize your achievements I'd like to thank the faculty staff administrations trustees friends families and M and special guests who have joined us today for this special occasion I also want to ask all the mothers here today to stand we like to give you a round of applause to honor and recognize you happy Mother's Day as we celebrate tomorrow to our graduates the class of 2024 you made it over the past four years you enriched our campus and classrooms with your energy optimism and intellect you have demonstrated tremendous discipline resilience and strength of character the knowledge skill sets and mindset you have developed at Babson and the relationships you have cultivated will be the foundation of your success as you move through your careers and your lives thank you for being entrepreneurial leaders we are proud of you your future awaits class of 2024 we cannot wait to watch you change the world and [Applause] congratulations I would like to introduce Reverend darl Hamilton Babson a Protestant chaplain who will lead us in the invocation congratulations graduat with let us pray gracious God we give you thanks for this day that you have made we give you thanks for the graduates for their families and for the hard work and sacrifice of these students coupled with your Tender Mercies we give thanks because this is a day that you have made a day of endings and New Beginnings a day of reaping what has been sown through many trials and toils a day that we recognize was not guaranteed to any of us and many are not here to witness yet a day that we have been blessed to see and that marks the Fulfillment of many long sought after dreams and we give thanks because as old things pass away all things are being made new and as these students prepare to live into the new we pray that they do so on the foundations that they built here at bapson we pray that they do so on the foundations of justice and love that makes life worth living and answers the call of the world's deepest need all these things we pray amen please welcome the president of bapson College Steven Spinelli [Applause] Jr I'd like to welcome esteemed honores Arthur M blank Carrie Murphy Healey and Harry cillo our BFFs and governance members distinguished guest faculty and staff family and friends and most importantly you it is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to babson's 105th undergraduate commencement [Applause] ceremony Class of 2004 for the past four years Babson has been your home it's been the place where you've made friendships that will last a lifetime we know you loved your professors your coaches and your mentors but what else did you love well I did some homework about this class finals well you didn't love them that much finals and late night breakfast became a ritual where you enjoyed eggs and bacon served by your favorite professors you told us that on Wednesday we wear green I was surprised frankly at how great the prizes were at the cab bingo I was surprised how you cherish the free hoodies and t-shirts yeah interestingly the most uh the most important relationship may have been with Roger the support dog but your baps and Beginnings were not easy ones you gathered as a class in the midst of global pandemic you came together during a time of unimaginable challenges to togetherness your ability to adapt and build community contributed significantly to your success uccess and has prepared you for incredible things for your next chapter thank you because you deserve it when you first came to Babson this is an important one when you first came to Babson we were ranked 120th best college in America that's out of 4,400 colleges today we're number 10 I think there's a correlation between babson's rankings and you being here we are a stronger College because of this class take pride in that ranking you helped to aie to achieve it but you didn't get here alone throughout your journey you were booed by the support of your friends and classmates your parents and family members and babson's dedic ated faculty and staff in the most challenging times your Advocates stood by your side along your path to success please join me in a moment of Applause to recognize and thank those who have supported you along the [Applause] way as a fellow proud baps and alumnist I can share with you you with great confidence that the support you'll receive from this community does not wne when you cross the stage today you will join the ranks of 44,000 baps and alumni creating significant social and economic value all around the world our Global alumni Community stands ready to support your next big idea because AB bapson our students stand on the shoulders of giants you have followed in the footsteps of generations of leaders who like you started their Journey with ambition to find personal success and make the world a better place our alumni do incredible things you will go on to do the same because you leave our campus instilled with a Babson mindset you are agile from the ver very first group meeting in FME to your last final you've learned to Pivot and collaborate to to take obstacles and stride along the way you learned discovered and succeeded together you're the most resilient class I've ever seen you met your roommates for the first time wearing masks and you are prepared your BFFs and mindset has equipped you with the ambition to make the world a better place as you identify what what success looks like for you and let me tell you the world needs you you are the entrepreneurial leader who will change society for the better know that we are proud of you that we look forward with great anticipation to see the substantial impact that you will have for many generations to come remember you're part of the baps and Community for life you have all you all have a unique responsibility now as alumni to continue to build this network reach out to your professors and your peers reach out to your family and friends and share your successes hire baps and students when you launch your companies set an example for the next generation of baps and entrepreneurs who just as you have done will look to stand on the shoulders of giants they will look to stand on your shoulders so class of 2024 congratulations on reaching this Milestone moment and thank you for all you do for Babson we love you dearly [Applause] before we continue our ceremony I'd like to take just a moment to thank and acknowledge two Babson leaders who like you will soon begin new chapters Ken matsuno will return to the ranks of Faculty as he concludes his service to Babson as the Morada vice president of academic Affairs and Dean of the college dean metso's leader leadership has left a lasting Legacy across our faculty and academic programs additionally vice president for learner success and Dean of the campus life Larry Ward will be starting a new chapter as President of University of Hartford an appropriate return to his hometown Dean Ward has been instrumental in elevating the campus life at bapson and supporting our students at every step of the way please join me in thanking Dean matsuno and Dean Ward for their many years of dedicated service to bapson [Applause] college please welcome chair of the bapson College Board of Trustees Jeffrey [Applause] Perry welcome to all the family and friends faculty and staff and especially to our graduates this is an inspiring day and it is an honor to be here you have worked hard and your degree is an accomplishment well earned [Applause] congratulations as you graduate from Babson and become the leaders who will shape our tomorrows I have a question for you what type of leader do you want to be will you be a leader with intent with Direction with purpose we live in uncertain and demanding times Leaders with purpose are best positioned to stand out to thrive and to make a difference in Entre Enterprises of all kinds their communities and Society to be a leader with purpose is to make an impact but how do you become a leader with purpose consider finding your pop now I'm from the Midwest and what we call Pop is called soda on the east coast and most places around the world this is not what I'm talking about I mean the pop that stands for perspective opportunity and passion the intersection of these three ingredients elevates your leadership and your ability to influence Inspire and get things done the first of these perspective comes from knowledge it is about a continual commitment to learning you all have invested a great deal in your education to achieve this Milestone but your studies can't end today education doesn't conclude with a degree or certificate it is ongoing and evolving Ving true perspective is gained over a lifetime so stay curious explore inquire find your areas of expertise hone your craft and be a thought leader and listen to others along the way hear what they have to say even if you disagree value civil discourse and respect opinions different from your own your perspective is only deepened and strengthened when you allow yourself to keep an open mind this brings us to the second element opportunity do what entrepreneurial leaders do best and seek opportunities to create change address concerns and make lives better these transformative opportunities are all around us in many Industries geographies and aspects of society just waiting to be acted upon perhaps you'll discover opportunity in technology which promises to profoundly change our daily lives in the years ahead perhaps you'll find opportunity in mental health an area where so many believe we are experiencing a crisis or maybe your opportunity lies in sustainability a critical issue upon which so much of our future depends the third and final component is passion this is the secret sauce of any leader so you might ask why not just start with passion while this may work for some of you for many others you may find your passion on your life's journey as you grow as Leaders develop a perspective uncover an opportunity your passion May ignite regardless of how it is found passion is essential for any leader having passion helps fuel a desire for excellence and perseverance through challenging times passion is the fire that keeps you going and makes you give your best now taken all together consider this personal reflection on pop as baps and trustees our perspective on higher education is required in an environment characterized by disruption upheaval and change we see opportunity as stewards of the college investing in your learning experience empowering you as entrepreneurial leaders who will make a difference in the world finally our passion is to have a positive impact on young people like you and the Next Generation so to all of the graduates I hope you find your pop that powerful combination of perspective opportunity and passion that will transform you into leaders with purpose that we need in the world today congratulations again on all of your accomplishments here at Babson and I wish you all the best in your lives and careers now let's welcome vice president and Dean of Campus Life Lawrence P Ward [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I love you too all right let's not make eye contact with each other I'm going to try to read this and get through this uh it is an absolute honor and a pleasure to greet you all this morning and to celebrate your accomplishments at Babson College the jazz artist Gregory Porter has a song called No Love dying which is about Hope amongst what he calls the bones of love the death of love he sings is everywhere but I won't let it be as an educator as a leader and thinking person that resonates with me I've always felt an incumbent responsibility to build develop and Foster a sense of optimism in others especially lately in the face of so much cultural animosity tribalism and a palpable erosion of Civility and decency no love dying also speaks to me because it reflects my leadership mission to help others feel more capable seen and heard to order someone's steps in the world such that they can reach more of their potential and this is especially true when I consider those graduating for whom completing your degree was far from guaranteed or even imagined so I'm grateful today for our bapson faculty who've helped graduates to see the possibilities not only for their education and career but also for their lives I'm grateful to our staff for the many ways large and small behind closed doors outside of the curated glow of social media that they have helped our graduates to know that they matter I've been blessed as an educator not by position title or portfolio of responsibilities but rather by my interactions on this campus and across learning communities knowing that I can make a difference in the experience of others I'm grateful for the opportunity to mentor to advise to admonish to redirect to inspire to invest in listen to laugh with and learn from each of you to have played a supportive role in your journey of discovery of new possibilities and of excellence and so as you prepare to lean confidently into the next chapter of your lives know that we have been preparing you all for the expectations of leadership in an uncertain and needy world through Innovative entrepreneurial and creative thinking some of you will develop BL blueprints that shape and give promise to an exciting future across many different Industries and others by your example will leave Footprints large enough for the rest of us to follow along the way I hope that you will allow people the grace to become more of their better selves I pray that you will not feel too overwhelmed or discouraged by what's not working well or working as it should there will always be some headwinds and storm clouds but at the end of the day choose to be someone's Tailwind knowing that the best leaders give people Wings they don't clip them the bird that flew in through my window simply lost its way he broke his wing I helped him heal and then he flew away well the death of love is everywhere but I won't let it be there will be no love dying here not for me class of 2024 congratulations thank you that's awfully nice I wish my mother was here it's a fitting tradition for a member of the graduating class to address this Ceremony this morning I am very pleased to introduce Alyssa Keith a native of Newberry Port Massachusetts Alisa has enriched our community by succeeding at high levels of academic athletic and co-curricular achievement as a presidential scholar Frank and Eileen seawell scholar and inductee of the beta Gamma Sigma academic Honor Society Alissa has been a paragon of engaged student leadership throughout her four years at bapson her passion for running in the outdoors led her to babson's Varsity cross country and track and field teams where she has completed admirably culminating in a selection to the new MAAC sportsmanship team Alyssa's belief that people environment and profit are not mutually exclusive has led her to what she calls her dream job as a sustainable investment associate at Poland Capital please join me in congratulating Alyssa and welcoming her to the podium [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I just want to say thank you Dean Ward for that warm introduction you are going to be missed so dearly by our class and everyone at Babson yeah another another round of applause for Dean Ward yeah um so today is an emotional day has anyone cried over Babson yet Kaye you better raise your hand I just saw you um well I'd like to bring you back to the first time that I cried over Babson it was 14 years ago I was in second grade you're probably thinking how is 7-year-old Alyssa brought to to Tears by Babson well before know knowing Babson as a college I knew him as a black lab see my sister got to pick the breed of our dog leaving the name in my hands inspired by the admiration for both my parents Alma moders Babson and Bentley I simply chose [Applause] I simply chose the cooler sounding name so my dog Babson ran rampant with the entrepreneurial Spirit everything could be rebranded as a toy if it stayed in his mouth long enough growing up with Babson meant socks would perpetually be missing from their Pairs and books would invariably lose a few pages I was often in tears because Babson would chew my favorite objects my dog thought his purpose was to convince humans that he could assign familiar objects a new purpose in my dog's view anything could be reinvented as a chew toy however I couldn't see the world this way unlike Babson I hesitated to create fearing that my creativity couldn't compete with rationality I was confined by this mindset until Professor TK introduced me to the concept functional fixedness during our first class she held up a pencil and she asked what can I use this for we started with the obvious like writing and then eventually ended up on its ability to be transformed into an ice pick with 24 hours and a freezer functional fixedness is our ability to not be fixated on one meaning freshman year I learned two lessons from the pencil objects Harbor diverse potentials and we can reshape our realities meanings we assign to the obvious are destined to change I associate Babson with the furry face and bad breath for the first 10 years of my life now I associate it with cash flow statements in my best friends for some sto might mean celebrating a new Max Championship but if you're an RA like me stoop might be synonymous with nightmare a parking ticket may mean an expense or it may mean a chance to test your creative genius through the appeal process fortunately I have had 27 now 28 since this week chances to be creative in my parking portal and fortunately for Babson parking I am graduating and well the variables of Babson have changed the one constant has been it always feels like home I recently discovered we only want change when we are the architect of it one reality I've been trying to change has been graduating however no matter how many times I've flagged the commencement clearing process emails as spam departing from Babson remains a change Beyond My Control change often a company's growth you might recall justifying clothing purchases a size too big with you'll grow into it what if we approach change with that same perspective well we may not always steer the course of growth we retain the power to Define its narrative that narrative will evolve because a perfect fit looks different on each of us during the summer of 2022 nothing seemed to fit me quite right I was stuck in an internship that lacked meaning feeling like I was out growing a phase of my life that I wanted to hold on to back then I wrote a poem to help me deal with this sense of change and now as we Face the transition into graduates I'd like to share it with you the Notions of time running out can be misconceiving because it's often construed as something we're leaving and not the blank page that we're receiving graduation may seem like time's greatest Thief but we can redefine the meaning we give emptiness as a space to turn a new Leaf not every aspect of your futures needs to be planned for anything even unanticipated can be grand like a chew toy found in unforeseen places we can learn to embrace the unexpected in life's fast basis we can find comfort in the undefined and the paths diverging from what you designed but most importantly we must never give up an imperfect fit because in time we might just grow into it and this year I realized that poem wasn't quite finished as poems rarely are so I added this on May 3rd 2024 to my dear family friends faculty and Babson class of 2024 let us not confine ourselves to one conventional meaning anymore for anything can be an opportunity anyone can be a friend and just like Babson life has many meanings in the ends the first time I cried over Babson was 14 years ago and now once again tears continue to grow but this time I embraced them as something entirely new for graduation is something Babson has prepared us to do we may not be architects of life's Growing Pains but if beavers can be architects of wooden remains we can build the lives we envision for our ourselves just the same as long as we use creativity to put rationality to shame you too can discover there are many meanings in your name I grew up with Babson I grew into Babson and now I must grow out of this Dam but I get to do it with the people who made me who I am and now it's time to create new meaning Beyond babson's doors I hope your lives have many chew toys in store congratulations Json class of [Applause] 2024 now I have the pleasure of introducing the faculty of the Year award this award is given to recognize the outstanding contributions of a faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in teaching research and service to the community my first introduction to this professor was seeing his name many times in my CrossCountry and track team's Holy Grail document of professors you must take during your four years at Babson so please join me in congratulating our faculty of the Year Professor Brad Johnson oh thank you so much over [Applause] this thank you I think you can put it there well thank you Alysa uh thank you very much um Wow Wow first I would like to thank the administration all my colleagues for their support guidance and collaboration that really makes coming to Boston for me each day a joy I also like to thank the parents uh thank you for entrusting your sons and daughters to myself and my colleagues uh here at Babson I'll be honest with you they're passionate they've worked really really hard are respectful and they also make it a joy to work here at bapson each day and last but not least all of you class of 2024 congratulations come on each in your own way you truly amaze me and you do bring me joy each and every day as well whether it's in class leading organizations playing sports but still doing well in class even starting companies here at bapson you've grown in many ways that you probably never thought possible you've made friends for life and as you begin the next chapter of your lives whether it's joining a company maybe joining the family business and taking it to the next level or maybe maybe even starting your own company I just wish that you find joy in what you do every day thank you and congratulations to the classic 2024 please welcome Dean matsuno to recognize and thank our retiring faculty [Applause] congratulations Brad at this time I'm proud to share special thanks on behalf of the entire bapson Community to our retiring faculty members who have spent decades as Educators colleagues mentors and Friends Sam harar serving 22 years in the management division Nan Lovich serving 33 years in the management division divion Brian sites serving 29 years in the Arts and Humanities Division and J soel serving 29 years in the accounting and law division together these faculty have brought a combined 113 years of experience to the classroom teaching our students serving in academic leadership roles and leading to their research and scholarship as exemplary colleagues you will be missed please join me in congratulating our retiring faculty as they begin their new chapters please welcome associate dean of undergraduate academic programs Wendy Murphy to present our honorary degree [Applause] recipients today it is a privilege for Babson College to confer an honorary degree upon Harry susilo Mr susilo and president Spinelli please join me at the podium [Applause] Harry susilo parent to an alumni from Babson College's class of 1996 and grandfather to two students from the classes of 2024 and 2026 renowned entrepreneur accomplished international business leader and founder and chairman of the sakar group inspires Generations by proving that with determination and Ingenuity all is possible since it's in cepon as a small fishing operation in rural East Java Indonesia the SAR group under your leadership has grown to an international conglomerate employing 20,000 people specializing in food production Health Care property and Mining your commitment to entrepreneurial leadership is evidenced by the extraordinary success of the sakar group which with you at the helm has grown in scope and Global reach for decades you followed in your Father's Footsteps making a career out of the fishing industry and with an eye for expansion and a mindset that saw no challenges too small Sky rocketed a humble shrimp F fishing business into an international Juggernaut impacting society and economies throughout Asia and the world you've always placed Family First from a young age stepping up as the eldest of 12 in a time of need to take on new responsibilities and provide for your loved ones by es skewing educational obligations to work and start your career where others saw obstacles you saw opportunity welcoming the chance to expand your export operations to Japan thus maximizing your International reach and propelling your company's potential for success president Spinelli please confer the honorary degree [Applause] by virtue of the power granted to Babson College by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and by the authority granted to me by the Board of Trustees I do hereby confer upon you the honorary degree of doctor of Humane letters with all the rights and Privileges and responsibilities here and everywhere appertaining to this degree please join me in congratulating Dr susilo [Applause] today it is also a privilege for Babson College to confer an honorary degree upon Carrie Murphy Healey president amera Healey please join president Spinelli at the [Applause] podium Carrie Murphy Healey Visionary collaborator Civic leader and Advocate across higher education the political realm and public policy sets the standard for entrepreneurial leadership through a career spaning an array of Industries your values-based leadership inspires the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders they add value where the world needs it most your time as 13th president of Babson College paved the way for the largest most successful fundraising period in the institution history revolutionizing campus facilities empowering students from around the world with the aid of scholarships and supporting the vital faculty research that defines the college's academic rigor your Babson Legacy lives in perpetuity you open doors for promising students around the world to Babson through a passionate and intentional advocacy of globalization through the creation of the Babs and Scholars Program which for over a decade has empowered entrepreneurial leaders from from an array of countries to significantly impact their communities while simultaneously enriching our campus as the first women president of Babson College your commitment to opening doors for women entrepreneurs around the world enhanced the college's focus on gender Equity you embodied bipartisan leadership as the 70th lieutenant governor of Massachusetts where you improved Social Services for the unhoused those battling addiction and victims of domestic violence and served as a stellar model for how entrepreneurial leadership and Civic engagement can move Society forward your impactful career in politics and higher education inspires others as you continue to advocate for those in search of a better life and a more promising tomorrow president Spinelli please confer the honorary degree by virtue of the power granted to Babson College by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and by the authority granted to me by the board of trustees I do hereby confer upon you the honorary degree of doctor of Humane letters with all the rights Privileges and responsibility here and everywhere appertaining to this degree please join me in congratulating Dr Carrie Murphy Healey the word I would use to describe Arthur Blank is generous I would probably have to say like role model compassionate entrepreneurial his name is synonymous with philanthropy and sports inspiring intense wonderful there is no one word at the core of Entrepreneurship is this sense of innovation and for you to have the full impact that you can have on society you have to understand entrepreneurship that kind of innovation is at the core of Arthur's be and it fits so beautifully here when I think of Arthur I think of a Visionary he understands that there's something that needs to happen different about the way we create our lead leaders of the future Arthur blanks gift has made a tremendous difference in how we teach and what our students have access to learning it's allowed us to integrate our work more deeply Mr blank has taught us that you can carry leadership and mentorship throughout your career but you can always come back to bapson in the end it's a three-dimensional immersion intersecting with our students doing internship giving jobs that's our the BL [Music] [Applause] wow wow class of 2024 the largest graduation in babson's [Applause] history hello my name is deari Johnson I am a proud authorin blank scholar and graduate of bapson class of 2024 I'm honored to Welcome to the stage an entrepreneurial leader who has inspired generations to leave their mark on the world through his philanthropic Vision inspirational commitment and belief in Babson College he has transformed our community and opened doors for so many please join me in welcoming the owner and chairman of the blank family of businesses and graduate of babson's class of 1963 Arthur M blank to deliver today's Commencement Address good morning how's everybody doing today pretty special day um tell I'm getting older because I'm using glasses now um it's really a tremendous honor for me to be here today and um I want to welcome um Everybody uh friends ladies and gentlemen esteemed faculty honored guests um and most importantly all the young people that we see out here the graduates of the bapson college class of 2024 uh so it's an immense honor and privilege that I stand here before you today and we celebrate the conclusion of your undergraduate Journey here at bapson first and foremost uh each and every one of you uh deserve a tremendous amount of uh Applause and recognition for achieving this degree it's a moment that I'm certain will be one of the countless achievements in your lifetime I stand before you as a member of the graduate class of 1963 a time that probably seems unrecognizable to everybody in here when the dinosaurs used to walk this campus uh where the new buildings are today so I need to come back when um and try to spend some time which I will do um but if you can picture it uh if you can imagine it it was once exactly I was once exactly where you are today it's an exciting time Embrace what today means and you have earned this moment you may not realize it but being here today means you've learned not only the principles of education and business but also the courage to take risks and resilience to overcome adversity some of you will leave here today think you know exactly what you want to do for the future some of you will leave here today unsure of what is next and that is very normal and probably even preferable regardless you should all leave here confident knowing that the lessons you have learned during your time at bapson is a spirit that will drive you forward as you navigate the world Beyond this campus you already have what it takes to achieve greatness you being here today proves that greatness is defined as being the best of who you are each one of you I can tell you that you have what it takes repeatedly but you must believe in yourself you must believe that in the inner Spirit of yourself you must believe and know that you are exceptional because each and every one of you are exceptional however as you already know life is not linear uh it is complicated and can be un unpredictable the truth is you can come up with what you believe was a perfect plan and we've all done that but as the saying goes make a plan and God laughs life will throw many things in your way other things that you absolutely have no control over to be born is to be exposed and lived through many different experiences that shape who you become during the course of your life with each experience you have choices to make based on your own set of values what you can control is how you respond on to who and what life puts in your path you are living today creating the story of your life writing a journey and Legacy and in a sense you're writing the E the epith on your end of your life now each of you hold an individual set of personal values and purpose that are yours and yours alone it is your values that will create the stable Foundation that will carry you through the many Hills and Valleys that as you enter the next chapter and chapters of your life I have six key values that drive me both personally and professionally they are interpreted differently for various scenarios and businesses but the values always stay the same put people first give back to others respond and listen and respond include everyone innovate continuously lead by example whether we intentionally live them out or subconsciously carry them out our values influence every aspect of Our Lives from the way we interact with others to the goals we set for ourselves your values and purpose are intertwined and can have a different meaning for each one of us I want to take this time to briefly share with you what values means to me and how I've used them as my Guiding Light throughout my first 81 years on Earth the implication is I'll have another 81 years on Earth yeah amen thank you brother how you uh how how you define your values is your choice but I challenge all of you to identify what they are and carry them with you anywhere and everywhere you go I lost my dad at age 15 and as painful as that time was I truly didn't realize the profound impact it would have on me the rest of my life I was confused and hurt that my father was gone while there many distractions my life could have taken after such a tragedy it was it was in my mother's resilience that I quickly learned the type of young man that I wanted to be I watched my mother in Queens New York in the 1950s learn about business successfully operate a company that she had no experience in and it was unexpectedly left to her at the same time she was caring for me and my brother and always encouraging us to chase our dreams my mother took the cause that life dealt her and without any hesitation did everything in her power to keep her and our sons moving in the right direction during this difficult time I also experienced the power of community which we see and feel here today community and family with neighbors friends loved ones rallying around my brother my mother and I ensuring that we had the support to heal and to grow my mother was extraordinary but not for what she achieved rather for who she was was at her core she always said you make the right decisions for the right reasons and live with the consequences she chose to push ahead when it wasn't easy and never sacrificed her beliefs or principles no matter what the obstacles were in face she was facing I watched and absorbed her strength and spirit and wanted to carry it forward with myself I had no idea what the future held for me but I knew that I wasn't going to let the Pres pain to find what came next for me I saw a mountain that I felt impossible to climb but I wanted to be resilient find my purpose and values and get to the other side as I got older I was able to reflect and realize that one of the most difficult experiences of my life is what taught me some of the most impactful lessons I control how I respond to what life hands me it's up to me to create the opportunities to take control control of what is in front of me and to make something out of whatever it may be fast forward to graduating high school and coming to baxton do you possibly think for a nanc that I graduated bapson knowing I was going to co-found the Home Depot living out my dreams of owning sporting businesses and teams and in turn being able to give back and serve communities just as my mother did do you think I knew I was going to be here 61 years later delivering this commencement of speech with the honor of having my name on a building on this incredible Campus of course not even saying it now is truly unbelievable and very humbling to me personally but when I what what I did leave bapson with were my dreams and my grit and my values that were my foundation for anything that would come next I graduated thinking I would have to be a perfect career ahead of me and that would be it but as life goes on I was knocked back I was knocked forward I was knocked sideways think of those little dolls you see sometimes with football players or soccer players and knocked around that's kind of what life did to me I was fired from my dream job and my personal life to took very took a number of un unexpected turns and time and time again the only thing I continuously fall back on was What mattered to me which always dictated how I needed to respond every time I expected I I I felt an unexpected challenge all I had to do was control what I did next how I responded to that challenge in this life you can take control of your stories or let uncomfortable events Define you as as we are born as human beings we all face trauma throughout of Our Lives how we respond to that moment of trauma what decisions we make is up to us totally and I chose to believe and still do today that no mountain is too high to attempt to climb it's the process not the outcome that we always learn the most hence one of my favorite Expressions there is no Finish Line I knew what I slid for what I was capable of and what I wanted to be like my mother showed me if there was a problem we find a solution and if there isn't a solution we create one now I'm very aware that the world is different than it was 61 years ago but I'm here to tell you that no technology no technology or any change the world has seen in all these years can replace your values and your resilience you are going to be running businesses building nonprofits having an effect on communities building your own relationships and families and shaping the world around you you hold the keys to the Future you live and the world needs your values-based leadership now more than ever before onethird of the United States's population 335 million people are at your age or younger you're one-third of our population you are 100% of our future you are 100% of our dreams it's not pressure thank you it's really not pressure it is a privilege an opportunity for you to make the kind of differences I know you all make you get to decide what the future will look like and as the saying goes you cannot win the game if you don't play the game you don't have to know everything today but as you evolve your values and purpose you will also evolve simple quote that I I love that holds powerful meaning to me the Mind One stretched by a new idea never returns to the original Dimensions Ralph Waldo Emerson every single life we have every experience leaves an impression on us whether we realize it or not who you are today will not be who you are 20 years from today and the world filled with noise and distractions and pain and being pulled apart lots of polarization here in our home country and throughout the world it is all too easy to lose sight of who you are and what you stand for believe in what matters to you and honor that at all cost if you look around this room you are surrounded by people who want to see you win including your fellow classmates your goals may be completely different than the person sitting next to you but always always remember that your Pursuit is not a solo Journey Robert waldinger a dear friend of mine and harbard Professor recently published a book called The Good Life Lessons From the the world's longest longitudinal study in the history of Happiness study of Happiness the book is based on a nearly 100-year study to better understand who who are the happiest who stayed the healthiest as they grew old and who live the longest the findings revealed who were the happiest and the healthiest are those who had the warmest closest connections with other human beings authentic bonds with people who live within their authentic Inner Circle of family of love and extended family love and a connection to serving a broader sense of humanity it is not me versus you or US versus them in the game of life it is through collaboration and community that we achieve greatness we choose and manage what's important to us as individuals but it's with others that we expand to our greatest potential and the best of humanity shines when we work together you see it's easy to Relish in the extraordinary moments of life but it's imperative that you also find peace peace and joy in the simple moments nourish yourself and your relationships as there is no success without balance and inner peace your body is your vestel and your mind is your Sanctuary you must take care of them both the beauty of finding balance in what makes your soul happy as you chase your dreams is much more than an important destination balance is work his health his family his relationships and fun is a delicate needle that you must learn to thread as you evolve always remember this is not just about what you achieve but who you be become along the way you don't have to be a CEO or found of a company to make an impact or create change we all have influence in this life and you never know who is watching the foundation of what my heart believes is right right how important Community is to me the desire to serve others and my passion for finding solutions to problems is what has allowed me to create successful businesses operate sports teams and run ranches in Montana it motivated me to take on the PGA tour Superstores when I was in the brink of bankruptcy and turned into become the largest golf retailer in the United States and really throughout the world by the Atlanta Falcons when the Falcons couldn't sell tickets and take a leap of faith and bring professional men's soccer to Atlanta in the form of Atlanta United team which now holds all attendance records in the history of Major League Soccer these opportunities came after Decades of hot work and setbacks and after the success of Home Depot I was motivated to climb greater mountains I embrac challenges the execution may be different but the values are on the same Solid Ground in which they all stand on you are responsible for finding what makes you whole and once you do honor that and protect that it's about asking yourself the tough questions what matters most to me what am I willing to stand up for what principles do I refuse to compromise on these questions may not have easy answers but they are crucial in shaping the direction of your lives I urge you today on the Journey of identifying your values who you want to be what kind of businesses you want to operate what kind of Mark you want to make on this world I know that many of you some of you maybe all of you will be delivering commencement addresses at some point and reflecting on your story that is unique to only you on an individual basis I stand before you today carrying the spirit and Legacy that my mother and my father instilled in me I created my story through hard work personal values and a community of support all things that you already have with you here today your story is already exceptional now it's time to create more exciting chapters in your own books so go forth with courage with conviction and with your core values as your guiding star I want to leave you with a quote by an ancient philosopher Hill that I've carried with me for decades and try to implement daily in my life if I'm not for myself who will be for me if I'm only for myself what am I and if not now when if I'm only for myself who will be for me if I'm only for myself what am I and if not now when I encourage you to be thoughtful on how you spend your time and find your why your why in your purpose of your existence on Earth as you continue your journey and most importantly don't forget to have a lot of fun along the way I'm sure you have and you will continue to do so so for me it's an honor to be asked to share some time with you today and I appreciate the time you're giving me I know you're anxious to get on with this and get your degrees and visit with your family thank you for having me congratulations to the baps and college B 94 God bless you all thank you thank you so much [Music] [Music] [Applause] please remain seated now welcome Dean matsuno to present the graduates and president Spinelli to confer the degrees [Applause] president Spinelli it is now my pleasure to report that the candidates assembled here and those who are noted in the commencement program have successfully completed the requirement of the undergraduate curriculum or will complete those requirements by the end of the year those who have completed the requirements have been recommended by The Faculty to the Board of Trustees to be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in recognition of their academic accomplishments with all the candidates please write [Applause] this is my favorite part by virtue of the power granted to bapson college by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and by the authority given to me by the Board of Trustees I do hereby confer you the degree of Bachelor of science and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with all the attendant rights Privileges and responsibilities here and everywhere appertaining to this degree congratulations class of [Applause] 2024 please be seated while we do the [Applause] degrees to present the graduates please welcome Natalie Joseph Laura carfang and Ryan Trabia graduates please follow the instructions of the marshals hand your name card to the reader as you come to the stage and pause for a photo at the center of the [Music] stage e [Applause] [Music] I'm ready are you guys giving me cards Alexander Bower sum kumla Travis Jeffrey Hosea sum [Applause] K Greta Francis Ferguson Su kumade Benjamin Raphael Tina Fernandez Magna [Music] kumlade Christina kodus t house Magna cuml Aaron datle Magna kumlade Alysia Lopez pulo suum kumau Lulu McShan Suma kumau David Montenegro Magna cuml Juliet michelo Magna kumlade Jake Alaba Milani Suma [Music] Kum Michela nahita Magna kumau Nina Stefani rad Magna kumau Ruby Grace Reich Suma kumau shadman Hashim sakib kusuma [Applause] Kum Kelly an seza Suma [Applause] kumlade sarves Sharma Summa kumlade eliahu SES and Magna kumau Andrea Torres Everest Magna kumau Jaden C Abu kumla Omar M abdella Magna kumlade Diego abreo Diaz Magna kumau Alexander Abril II you kende enak andelle Magna Kum Michael Alexander aard kumla Arman Aral kumla Ria Aral Kum suum Kum tanishi [Music] aaal chin B agawa Marcos Antonio Aro AR okay Miriam Ahmad embola aala epek [Music] [Applause] akul Blake Christopher albanes Anna burkel Al [Music] Kum Benjamin akima [Music] alak allara Anon okay Victor naso Alves Garcia sum [Applause] [Music] kumau Ethan Edward Ambrose harveen Anand prati Anand Kum William Henry Andre Magna Kum Gabriella Andre lonia Kum Caroline Kate Apple White Simon Aragon Santiago arose Haina arumba Catalina sophas Aras Victorio Charles asof Jr Kum Ken [Music] Augustin Luca Michael Aila Magna kumau ilgen I [Applause] dunair fatata Ari [Applause] ba Imad Ali badami Adia bad Magna [Applause] kumlade Marta Bola suum [Applause] Hamza barri ednan Kum kobby James Bailey akit vaj Kum harid bansal Ariana baril kumla Evelyn Tabit Barton cuml [Music] Ashley Crystal baata Magna kumla William Rockley Patti the 5th cuml maximilan Allan bord [Music] bordel Ryan James Beardsley Magna KL Braden aled bodone [Music] Bodin Vera Marie belfanti Kum Michael N [Music] Bernstein David Raymond Burman cuml Tahira Bala angad bandari kumlade Shri bueri Kum is balal Sophia Marie Bishop Magna [Applause] kumau Eric albon Sanden Bor Kum Jake Richard blanch Feld Matthew Giovani Bo Kum Isabelle clear Bond Magna kumlade Laya [Applause] Borges Frederick Nathan borha Vil kumla Eric stubs boror cuml Amanda Faith Braga Magna kumla Lars Penning Breer [Applause] Elana Sophia brinberg Pinera Kum Julian Brodsky Summa kumlade Nicholas pton Brown Magna kumau Andrew David Bryant kumau Isaac Abraham ble s schnader cuml [Applause] Riley Conway banal Alise Laura Burns Magna kumau Connor bur kumau Oliver Bas Robert Thomas buzini Eric s Cera magnet kumau [Music] Julia ja Caldera Kaye Briana compost Samantha an Chow Magna kumau Joseph atillo cardi roopi Angelina Marie Karu Summa Kum Diana G Carmen k [Music] Hugo kasav Magna [Music] kumla Roberta cillis Magna [Music] kumlade Kaylee Ashley castanada Flores kumla Rodolfo Castilla Dante jepe calap Forno Jonathan Javier kav cavos haum ceis Gabriel Enrique cero Magna kumla Rohan ravish chak chakravati [Applause] Kum Sans Chand Summa Kum ready shanu CH Magna [Applause] Kum Zarin nazim Shireen chna Summa kumla Shrea chat chatak condu Hardrick chalwa Danielle Ahmad Charo [Music] [Applause] kumla Olivia Diana chowski kumau Brian Chen Magna kumau Angela Chen Magna Kum Len Chen Magna cuml Sean Chen Magna Kum CJ Chen suum cun Chen suum Vincent Chen cuml sharesa Chen Magna kumlade Joseph Shere hen Brandon Z Chen Magna kumlade Angelina yuling Cho Magna kumau Ashley Chia cuml ten Dorn Chon Cole ratan rat npor Magna kumlade Kish [Applause] CH UK Chu R Magna Kum FAA dfro Chari true true Magna kumau isem Emily y May Chu kumla Porter Ellis Clancy Summa [Music] Kum Emme R Clark Su Kum Justin Daniel Clark Suma kumau Christina Kino Jack Anthony Cooper Magna Kum [Music] Liam Kevin Cosgrove Magna kumau Cameron David Costa Joseph Victorio Kella kumlade Aston steelcraft kumlade Edward Huntley krelman Leonardo Alfredo Cruz Dominique Nicole sisil Magna [Music] kumlade Dante Donado kuzi [Music] Kum Machi IGN chapnik [Applause] henrique Alberto di austino [Applause] Gomez tarly Don Magna kumau [Applause] darana Minish Dalal Magna [Music] kumau shapria Dalia Peter Gregory Leo de Ambrosio Suma kumau Christina Den suum Kum kumau Arjun Dak Aran davar kumau Walker Scott Davidson Suma kumlade Destiny Diamond Davis Luna Dean namad kumlade Nicole bear dcastro Magna kumade lordes Maria deapen kolina IET Delon Anthony Del Olia umbelino Kum Marcos Enrique de Parada reri kumla chingen Magna Kum Anish Dina [Music] [Applause] CH dong Magna Kum jushi per peresa Desai Magna [Applause] kumlade Adan Gish Dash Panda Magna Kum arushi D Magna kumlade Megan Mary Diamond Leonard Joseph D Carlo II Magna kumlade Natalia Maria [Music] Diego Nicole M di Martino kumau Vincent s Denali cuml Pablo Donaire suum kumlade Camila du Julia dosantos pachara [Applause] Kum Adit Doshi ja San Doshi Mia Janette dok Magna Kum Joshua henrique dwar Olivia Hope doal Magna kumau Brook Elizabeth eagar Hassan [Music] anani nairi M enrite sabii OVI Lucas Escalon Ian is Ino baros Rulo IL Wang [Music] Kum Caitlyn Adel fabrio fabrio Magna [Music] kumlade Samira Minar Fami Alexander Brooks fearman Magna kumla Amy fan Magna kumau J Pepe ful III Isabella Victoria farinz oscarin Ken huk forut foru Kum Adele Marie Fernandez Laro kumau Isabella farz maon Drummond Jake s Fishman mave lla Fisk [Applause] Mercer Tia Marie Flanigan Alise Flanery Miguel Flores Jimenez dashel lurin Flynn John Peter folkman Natalia Fontana castellon Nathan Frederick Ford Lydia Foster Smith Suma kumau Jacob Anthony FTI Magna kumlade Natasha Franco hibner suum Ryan Timothy Freeland [Applause] Darius fudge Sebastian James gagan kumau Daniela Alexandra galasso Madison Paige gamberdella cuml AB Gandhi Magna kumlade [Applause] Andres wakin esperito Garcia Magna [Music] kumau Mia desire Garcia Nicholas Garcia Catalina Garcia Neo Magna kumau Kevin Garcia valdon venos Christian Alexander Garcia or chutani Magna Kum Lindsay in gazano Magna kumlade Louis Gazo kumau Marie eleno G time for a change Matthew Anthony kti Nicholas gine no sorry Matthew Anthony gakti Benjamin Max Ginsburg Kum L Jillian ignasio gerado Sarah Shay glinsky Magna kumat Lindsay mcart goblo Magna Kum lad Rohit goel Suma Kum lad Ashley Gold Kyle Goldberg Adam Gold Magna Kum L Jose Antonio Gonzalez Gerard novel Goodman Magnum Kady John Francis gorgal Summa Kum lad Dia goyel Suma kumlade harsh goyel kumlade Julia gravana suum lad Aaron Simone gray Louie hubar Paul hre Jean Gro kumlade Calder William Griffin Magna kumlade Madison Grogan Summa Kum lad Neil Sarah grunger Magna Kum lad Leila Gupta kumlade Rya Gupta manna kumlade Anderson goosman and Caroline Rose H sumacum lad tin Haband sumak Kum lad Jackson ooin hanell Braden Julius hamri Muhammad Jamal hamshari kumlade Henry hrii kumlade Riley Christina [Applause] [Music] Hansen ta Maru Hamel Jackson Somerville Harnet Kum lad Albert Calvin Quinn Harvey II kumlade tooma Nicholas haishi Magna kumlade Riley an Hayes Magna kumlade cam heta [Applause] Mary Katherine Hennessy Nathan hearing Kum Grant [Applause] Hess Lena igalo vior kumlade Vita hinduja [Music] kumlade Hennis Eric Hoffman kumlade hi hi who Magna kumlade Wilson Wang Summa kumlade hang Jean Joseph R Huda II Helen Rose Hughes Magna kumlade lamia Hussein kumlade S hwin Camila elius Perez valadas Valeria ilva suum L abuav indori Magna kumlade Maria Michelle Ina casades kumlade Hannah Sophia iasco kumlade Natisha ayar kumlade amishi Jen Magna kumlade an Jane Kum lad cheru Jane Magna kumlade DH John pavi Jane Magna Kum lad shuy Jane Magna Kum L Spar Jane Kurdish jodia Magnum culade lyanna haris Vega h Magna L HEI Jen Magna l g Jen Magna lad Alice Jinn Magnum lad Yash jandelle Magna kumlade deari marel Johnson Olivia Christen Johnson Chloe Renee Joslyn Nora Juni re reev Kyla kumlade shogo Kime kumlade kohaku kanamori thank you Paul Kang Summa Kum lad Iran vcas pooi TR say it again aan Vias kenoi Summa kumlade Shivan Canal Magnum [Music] L Rya kapor sumacum lad Alim shafik Kamali kumlade Imran shafik Kamali Nasim cassim Hamry Jane margarit po Magna kumlade Noah Tony Kus Alysa an Keith Summa kumlade Kevin P Kelly Tyler Robert curo sumacum L Sonia kitzer Joshua s Jung Kim suuma kumlade ran Jun Kim kumlade Russell Scott Kish Kum lad Evan kisselev Summa Kum lad Aiden CL Laura Juliana kimus Magna kumlade Natalie Naf Brienne Kiyoko Koda [Music] kumlade tiami drza k Sally Kong Tyler Jordan kisur Anushka corana [Applause] kumlade npat corn tree kumlade Thomas Joseph Kramer April Margaret kupsky Magna L Nia Jonah larlet kumlade Jennifer lamb Stephano Joseph Lancy [Applause] kumlade oi honor Lango Leonard Magna kumlade Marcelo Lusa kumlade Kate H lapier kumlade Stacy L Roa haa Philip Daria LTI Jaden Lawler Kum L Cassandra e Lawson Magnum Kady Maya Lei Maya kumlade Samantha Marie leech Suma kumlade matis label Roha Jason Lee Suma kumlade Nick Lee Magna kumade subin Lee kumlade Olivia Bell linen Weber Robin Mackin sorry Robert Mackin [Applause] lka Leo Lemma Marilyn an Leon Magna Kum l Anna Elizabeth Leonard madna Kum lad Maxwell Harrison [Music] ler Sol lavis Chev Kyla Lis James Alec Michael Lea Aaron Lee Hong Chen Lee Kum lad Emily Lim kumlade Alysa ler kumlade Emma Nicole Lynn Magna kumade Jessica Lynn Magna kumlade Jaden Lynn renie Rachel Lynn Magna Kum lad Danielle Lou suum lad Shaya Leo summum lad jeni Leo madum lad Ronald and Leo Jr Madam Kady Samuel Richard lyart Lily Katherine lanan Kum lad kolina Liz Lopez Magna kume Darnell Lord kumlade Justin Laughlin inie Bookman a wuluo Louie Williams Levi ly Magna Kum lad Jerry Lou Lillian Lou madna Kum L Tony Luna Silva vidam vkas lunia kumlade Tyler James Lunt sumacum l Nathan hunging L kumlade ke Patrick Lids Magna kumlade Ryan Christopher LEL Magna kumlade hlu ma Summa kumlade Kelly kma Magna L see you in Suma kumlade Emily Ray magon Magna kumlade Jemma maxino kumlade py Mahesh Mna kumlade aarin Mel Suma kumlade an Milani madna Kum Ishmael Giovani m siant malani Magna kumlade Olivia Grace Maltby Magna Magna kumlade ashat Malu Summa kumlade Lorenzo Luigi menchini BD Mandel Magna kumlade Sarah Nicole mangul Suma [Music] klady Morgan man Rodrigo Alejandro montia [Music] Kyo Andre Corine margarit kumlade Andre Leslie Marx Colby bran Martell sumacum lad Annabelle Marty Ramos kumlade Robert Martinez Jr kumlade pea yakine Marta Perez Gabriel Dylan mcoh Suma kumlade Liam Harney Thomas mlin kumlade Rachel Lewis mcmenamy Trevor McQuade shell King ma Bruno Brazil mhart sumacum Gabrielle Antonini deosta Mendes Danielle Mendoza Lydia Margarita Menendez Nicholas ignasio menesses Nicholas misho Summa kumlade Grant Miller Alice mov thas kumlade finan Patrick Leman Moy kumlade Sebastian Abraham moar Yash Mohan Jacqueline Khloe mock oo Muno kumlade Alysa Tyler Morris kumlade Simon mamore Henry Alexander malland areni Munos suarz Matthew Ethan Meyers kumlade Shania Nack Magna kumlade cassandro nahara Castello ETA nakagawa Magna kumlade Karen Mano manani kumlade Adria novaro Morales kumlade anaisa n kumlade Andrea no Magna kumlade Kimberly Wing Nang Laura Nicola suum l NAA nickp por Suma Kum lad Gibson Gina Magna Kum lad Joseph Michael Noel nian Nika Noel kumlade Stephanie nostrant imanuel [Applause] [Music] intimidate are a noal suum thank you my [Music] friend Madison Irene odam [Applause] Magnum trude Ori r Oken Alejandra Maria okoka Sydney bideli Tio olii Phoebe a Olen Summa kumlade Magnus T orava Magna kumlade Maria CLA oronas [Applause] rreo Ugo nak Sheldon oraku kumlade an Daniel ormiston Mato Daniel Ortega Galvez [Applause] kumare Isabel roel hospa Jordan Elizabeth hour Summa kumlade gray Alexander Owens Robert Leon Pacho Summa kumlade iness Pacho Lopez Summa kumlade Felipe palasio Magna kumlade Zachary Todd [Music] Palmer araman paway janha Hanan Michael Paro Magna kumare Lisa Lee heredes on Patel Kum AR J Patel Suma PRI mayor Patel Magnum vih Hesh Patel Ann Pearl Magna kumlade Nicholas Peña Joseline areli pinata Sansan fam kumare Riley Nicholas ping Kum Aiden radica pink Kumar Andrew Elliot Pard kumlade Ernesto Antonio BMA Magna kumlade Nicholas Samuel pompion rohid prig Magnum Justine Kayla profil Magnum l Valerie rabinin hempling Magna kumlade Leila Marie rafful Magna kumlade Julian Gerard Raman kumlade Tiffany ranita Ramon Magna kumlade palom kumlade Ferris rasul Arian Larice Raymond kumlade zarvan rery Magna kumlade Michelle Ren Suma kumlade Ian RoR Kellen Patrick Riley Suma kumlade John Lewis Robertson Magna kumlade Griffin L Robinson Magna kumlade Steven Brewer Robinson wahal Magna kumlade Anthony Rodriguez Enrique Rodriquez figeroa Stephania royel Magna [Music] kumare Alejandra Alejandro Romas [Music] roomi Sophia Romero Roberti G Raphael [Music] Rosario Jack I [Music] Rosenthal Jake Adam Ross Suma klady Felipe rosette Brian Leonel Ruiz [Applause] Jr Mark mckeny Ryan Magna kumlade Enrique p s Magna kumare jvier Sab heral kumlade kunar prit sing Sasa Edmund Jacob safy Magna kumlade mot John sahen kumlade Dylan sajino [Music] Isel Sal Magnum Harel cow Sanu kumare Olivia Sans Smith Reed Jackson Santos Magna kumlade Sandy Alysa Santos Rebecca s Magna kumlade Dominic John saon Kevin Patrick scel Jr Mario scraa Magna kumlade brayen Douglas schaffroth Bach kumlade Jose Fernando sherid Delano Suma kumare Grant William shenberg Nathaniel Schulhoff Arnav SRI Kum Joshua Michael sers Magna kumlade Nicole stio Magna kumlade air Sethi kumlade Manas sethy Owen Matthew setian kumare Emy sindic kumlade a Shafi kumare Anan abin sha Magna kumlade Jack shangold kumlade ausia Shanker Magna kumlade shanuk Sharma Catherine Mary sh Magnum Omar sh magum Daniel Thomas shillman Ina Fatima Zuli car sh Suma kumare Chloe Copa [Music] Silva zimran musan singal Summa kumare Max singer benadon Andrew John Singleton Magna kumlade Mark John sarazi Magna kumlade Matthew scev Suma kumlade Audrey Elizabeth Smith Magna kumlade Lucas Allen Snider Magna kumlade Derek J son Magna kumlade daret camel sonani Summa kumlade Yan J Sosa Charles Constantine Sugo Riz kumare Madison Rose Spence [Applause] Kina J Spencer Magna kumare Jack Michael stati Luca Bia Stallone [Applause] kumare Philip suichi Pamela Suarez Fortuna Kum manapa suuk Kong Magna kumare Pann Kum Justin ku's son Magna Kum Rebecca D house son unish lexman Sund K Christina Sansung kumare Sophia Grace Swain kumare paa shet [Music] Schwartz mang tanget sum npat T Magnum Jessica Regina fella tanri Camila tappy David Mark Taylor Jr [Applause] bnas Tu Magna kumare Isa tiala Magna kumlade Abigail Cara Chi Summa kumlade Richard pong L Maria Torres huera n and Tran kumlade Olivia Casa Palos peler kumlade Colin craigy Truman Suma kumlade Eric Trang kumare constantinos kitaki tiis keska abish tulan Magnum Juan Gonzalo I Masa Carlos ignasio orona mearan Su inesh UT chatani Arman Sanjay vhan Joseph banian Henry theophile valali Jose Manuel Victorino Destiny VOS chawin tan K Kelly Walsh janean Wang Magnum Nan Wang Magnum shui Wang Magnum ziang Wang tamana bason marshelle Denise Washington Magna kumlade Nathan Julius Weinstein Malloy Magna kumlade Thomas Caleb Welch Magna kumare Max Joseph Wan Elaine Way Stephen Thomas Raymore Watson Lucas WK kumare Nicholas wisen danger kraton Thomas Williams Summa klady Anastasia Alyssa Wilson Magna kumlade Andrew Michael Wilson Naomi Kiyoko Wilson Suma klady Spencer Russell Wilson Magna kumlade Jackson Tyler wolf Magna kumlade feder Rico Enrique Walter kumlade Ching Wong Suma kumlade Zachary Steven Woods Nicholas Lux waro Hannah wo Magna kumlade Shan Shang wo Magna yuhan alen shu Magna kumlade Annie Yang kumlade Hillary Yi Magna kumlade Martin Yi Kum Jesse ye Magna kumlade Scott Breer yenner Magna kumlade Moes D ye kumare Raina Sarah y horos kumlade KJ U kumlade Christina U Kum Yan yelson Yu Kum Darren Yun kumlade Isabella Chu Z Magna kumlade haong Zang Veronica weha Zang helina H kumare Justine Zhao Magna kumlade Richard heling ja Magna kumlade Gina Zen James zong Zen kumlade Alex Zhao ke Zoo Magna kumare Jonathan Michael zebarth Magna kumlade Griffin Joseph zinc Magna kumlade [Applause] welcome again president Spinelli will all members of the class of 2024 please rise and remain standing as we conclude this commencement exercise and prepare for the recessional as a symbol of your bachelor's degree you may now shift your tassel from the left side of your cap to the right side over your [Music] heart we love you dearly class of 2024 congratulations you are now my my boss [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] feel [Music] congratulations to the class of 2024 this concludes our ceremony please remain seated until the academic procession has exited the tent following the recessional we invite you to join us for a light reception at Park Manor quad where you can connect with your family and graduates [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] e e [Music] [Music] my

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