1993 Pharaohs Rally Raid - Stage 8 - Citroen ZX - Mitsubishi Pajero - Eurosport

a [Music] [Music] good evening welcome to Egypt on day seven for the special stage number eight of the Pharaohs rally a 368 km stage on a day on which the surviving 33 cars and trucks and 23 bikes will cover 565 km of special stages but first a look back here at yesterday to see what happen on the stage as hubit Orel led the rally for citon Orel having built up a big lead Mr Africa 41 years old from Paris heading this man s Al hadri the desert Prince as he's known from qari driving for the rothman's Mitsubishi team but it was disaster for Sai because after leading the rally for 4 days tby tried to take a shortcut over one of these passes in a mountain range and and the car was stuck on the edge of a cliff 30t drop underneath it and no way forward or back out of the rally citrum and hubor absolutely desolate of course put side alh hadri into the lead of the rally alh hadri the only surviving prototyp Mitsubishi after Sai had been lost on the special stage [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] seven that was the last we saw of oriel as side alh hadri comes into one of the checkpoints this was the special stage 789 km Valley of the Lions Abu symbol to Aswan in Egypt racing up the length of Lake NASA the 500 km Long Lake formed when the high asan dam was built and opened in 1971 60,000 Nubians had to be displaced and a number of temples including the fabulous temples of rames at Abu symbol and the Temple of fi Attis Swan had to be lifted out of the waters and placed up on the hills in a massive operation that lasted some 17 years this though is side Al hadri Middle East rally Champion 84 and 85 and winner of the phos the last time way back in 1985 in the rothman's PA she won it by 4 hours then it has to be said at the moment with almost an hour's lead and no problems at all for the flying Arab that he could well do the same again this [Music] year Al hre partnered by Henry mang of France he's been a DEA since 1982 right from the early days these two very experienced men Al hadri of course will be going home in November to take part in the sixth and final round of the FIA World Cup for cross country rallies which is the desert challenge in the United Arab [Music] Emirates so now looking at Teo salinan second on the stage yesterday fourth overall after two punches his teammate Alan ambrosino having transmission problems which slowed him down a bit so the order last night behind Al hadri was ambrosino in second place Jean L schleser still in that buggy in third place and Teo Sal in fourth just ahead of his teammate P artig the Mitsubishi Citron buggy citon and citon and then in sixth place Jean pier fonton in the t2 the modified production vehicle class doing a great job in sixth place as we see some of the action yesterday in the soft sand and the black Rocky [Music] Wast of the Valley of the [Music] [Applause] Lions John le leer man in a hurry twice World Sports Car Champion 1990 and 91 this is the incredible Chessa original buggy powered by Rena V6 the same engine that the a610 sports car uses and of course the Renault saffron he won this rally last year driving single-handedly this year he's got a partner the man in the hot seat being Philip Mone the round the world yachtsman an experiened navigator on the ocean and obviously the ideal man for schleser to choose for his first attempt on on the pharoh with a navigator two wheel drive the only vehicle actually in the rally this year with two wheel drive although it must be said the citans have had a few problems with broken Transmissions which have meant they've had to run two wheel drive on some of the stages and here is the Temple of f lifted out of the water at aan in the 1970s now up on High Ground as the rally last night arrived in asan and elephantine Island some of the oldest civilized parts of ancient Egypt more than 3 and a half th000 years old here is jeanpier fonton leading T2 [Music] now well placed to win this class he's won the class four times on the preceding fi World Cup rallies the atlas rally the Tunisian rally the Baja Portugal and the the Baja Adon in Spain now heading for it Fifth and he leads in fact the championship by 75 points at this moment from Pier lartigue of Citron on 71 and Teo Sal on 58 On's main or position the Nissans of mishel Gambon and DTE gues both out yesterday Gambon with a broken turbo on his Patrol and GRE is with broken transmission on his terano Now The Bu is racing this is Jerome [Music] Rivier one of the buggies that scha drove two years ago Porter powered heading along the shores of Lake nassa R A 21st last night and for the bikes a Mas start yesterday as Terry Sabine used to organized on the parar [Music] rally rally organized by he's now taken over the parak from the saine organization will be his first this year this is the Matt start a brave man holding the flares there is FWE and off go the bike survivors of yesterday 24 of them yesterday heading out into the Nubian desert with these two heading the field Jord Arron at the top of the pitcher EDD oreli riding alongside him the two Kaja teammates both on Kaja 750s running like this TR the whole rally and last night when they arrived in Aswan they were separated by just 3 minutes 57 seconds Franco Pico in third place 43 minutes behind them on the KTM unable to Pace himself against the 750 kajas Pico on the KTM 600 and this really has been the story of the bike rage throughout the FES rally which started last Sunday from Alexandria the Mediterranean Port of Egypt through a Midway time control and as we saw last night Arron's just having to fix broken footrest [Music] mounting these are the two and this as we said has been the story of the bike so far we're going to take a short break and we'll be back to look at today's action from the desert today on the fars rally please stay with us we'll be [Applause] back welcome back to euros sport this is Mark Co bringing today's coverage of the 12th ferah rally this was day seven special stage eight 386 km racing from Aswan to hagard on the Red Sea the East Coast of Egypt a day with a total of 565 km to run the stage called the pink gazel there it is on the map a swan in the bottom of the picture her guard at the top of the picture there on the coast of the Red Sea going up the Nile Valley passing just to the east of lsaw where the Valley of the Kings and the tombs of many of the Pharaohs including tutan Carmen are located they then go into the Eastern desert and into the mountainous region where some of the Peaks they pass today reach up to 7,000 ft one of the gazel which gives its name to the stage today them from the Eurosport helicopters as we P pick up Alan ambrosino ambrosino and the 207 citon rally raid ZX 330 horsepower weighing just, 1450 kilos basically a Formula 1 car for the desert about a Kevlar enormous power from the 2 and 1/2 liter turbocharged engine ambino very much a Chase car rooll over the years as we see s alh hadri the rally leader going through Eastern desert section into the mountains dramatic change in the scenery today after the flat sand and black rocks the last 3 days in the southern part of Egypt here is our ambrin again many years in a Chase car Ro for citrum being given his head this time this October in Egypt winner of the number of rallies with Teo mckinon in persio 504 he's raced for pers and citran over the years since bornn in the Ivory Coast he's French he's raced for Toyota in the World Rally Championship and his teammate alen guck is an experienced sailor many of these dri is using round the world yachtsmen when GPS navigation system came in because they were the men with experience side Al haer from Qatar born in Doha been running since 1978 and he is leading the Farrow just as he did in 1985 same sponsor Rothman but the car was different then it was a Porsche 911 this is the Mitsubishi pagero 320 horsepower 2 L turbocharged engine ambr has a hiccup a punch in the middle of the desert ambo and gck affecting a quick change there losing no more than 2 minutes as we see Teo salinan who's second on the stage today coming into view salinan the 1985 World Rally Champion he's driven most of his career with perso and or citrum the same company of course in France persio toet sport being responsible for the competition programs of both manufacturers the only World Rally Champion to have won spectacles popular in England when he won the r in 1986 for Persia he did drive for Mazda in 1987 and won the Swedish rally but since then it's all been for Citron it's all been desert raing great performances by salinan he too though has a puncher today and he loses a little time as well but the overall order does not change alh hadri from ambrosino from scha from salinan laig and [Music] [Applause] fonton into a Time control bman gets out quickly as we see it again side Al hadri this is the FES FES the talcon powder like dark sand characteristic of not only the Sahara but of many of the deserts across Africa and particularly here in the Eastern desert we're close to the mountains the wind sculps the mountains and brings this fine sand down into The Valleys gets into everything it gets under your overall it gets into the engines it gets into your food jumping over a Wy there a Wy being a dried River bed in the winter when the rains come this is flooded at this point not at the moment October in Egypt one of the best times of the year to visit the country still warm but it's not unpleasantly hot then you have to really watch out for the [Music] Scorpions I speak from experience having woken up with one in my sleeping bag on this event in 1984 not something I want to repeat and I think many of these drivers having the same problem this week as we look at Pier latigue now in the 203 Citron Pier lartigue winner of the stage today no it's not lartigue in fact it again is [Music] salinan RA though will win the stage as we see Al hadri absolutely sideways going down one of these Valley passes racing towards hagard hagard the principal Beach Resort of Egypt this though is L 203 car lartigue this year has already won the Baja Portugal and the Baja Aragon in Spain longtime daer he started racing on the parar and a Range Rover in 1983 he was fourth F year on the event he's raced since bada Mitsubishi Citron eventually gave up his job as a professional D truck driver to become a professional rally raid driver blindingly fast this man from France and at the end of the day in hagard lartigue winning the stage from salinan ambino and alh hadri just a little cautious today because he had a big lead he's not going to do anything stupid such as happened tooro yesterday and a chance at the end of the rally to discuss with Teo salinan what's been going on yeah and I tried to pass him before and and I was a little bit fed up because uh we had very good start we were front we have good road like you saw but we had the b i yes then you passed me and then you saw I was from the gate yeah we I but yeah the way I without the P I have fantastic day oh the stage it's uh again tough you know I think every day we have a tough stage I mentioned it many time to you the stage very twisty it's a little bit uh difficult with navigation you know especially when you go car number one in the road you know it's many place to you have to go from W to W or from point to point uh but been okay for us we've been trying our p me and my Navigators and worked okay what what will be your your Tactical until the care what do you intend to do no we'll keep push you know we went to Wi the rally by uh good drive and good navigation and good car you know we don't want anybody to give uh winning you know we make it ourself the side alhad is still leading this the order alhad erso schleser Teo Sal incidentally driving with Britain's Fred Gallagher and P in fifth place after various problems well we're going to take another short break and then we'll have a look at the bikes today on the feros rally please stay with us on [Music] Eurosport welcome back to the phoh rally here in Egypt these were the scenes today in the bike race and the big surprise today Franco Pico wins the stage second stage win of the event but it's a big surprise because the event has been dominated thus far by Jordi Aarons and Eddie orioli Franco Pico the Milan dentist a very experienced desert Raider over the years he's on a KTM 600 he was 80 1988 second on the Parry DEA and again in 1989 still running third overall in the rally and finding at that power difference between the 600 of his KTM and and the 750 kivas just not enough to get him up front so how did he win today well it was a difficult day for everybody including the car drivers everybody taking different routes at the start of the event in fact in the car section schleser Sal and Al hadri LGA ambrosino all took different routes at the start all got lost and all arrived at the second time check covered by the same minute same story with the bikes looking for route through the desert this is Jordi Aarons on the Lucky Strike Kaja one of the two Factory bikes on the event arons second on the 1990 fireos rally third on the parak harvis here riding all the time with his friend and teammate Eddie orioli Italy here on the albatro Kaja twice wi of the par car in 88 for Honda in 1990 for Kaja last year just to be different tried the F's rally in a Mercedes gagen and this is what happened today the pair of them following their noses came to a cliff not unlike the one in which hubber orio came to Halt yesterday and just look at that scenery this is in the mountains just the west of haard Ori off his bike for a moment having a look to see the best way down there onto the valley floor with Aron's waits as our helicopter circles around to see how they're going to cope with it well orioli has seen the passage down it looks a bit tricky but they're going to try it he waves to Aron sends him down and just look at this I think most of us are think twice about trying to get down here on foot that's 100t drop over the edge these are experienced desert Raiders and this is what these obstacles are for they're to be conquered this of course delaying these two for a few minutes and Franco Pico making the most of it he wins the stage in fact by 51 seconds still third overall in the order behind arons and orioli as they safely come down off the escarment onto the valley floor into that fishh fish this talcon powder dust okay continue on their [Music] way extraordinary quiet in this part of the desert until these bikes come racing through an area where there's a lot of [Music] gazel both headlights on Yi Aarons racing through on the Lucky Strike Kaja into another Canyon and right behind him as always his shadow Eddie orioli on the albatross [Music] Piva so interesting that Pico wins today and the other big story today UTA Klein Schmid the German Lady Rider she finishes fourth on the stage and moves up to Fourth overall because V rivals maryi and Monte belly had problems today y Klein Schmidt 31 years old physics engineer works for BMW in Munich seventh on the oh she's this is her seventh FZ rally and this year she won the lates section of the parad car she was a former German ski Champion a bob slay racer she's done everything in fact she raced in The Spar 24 hours in the BMW last year with Britain's Dave Phillips they finished the race so a lady who can turn a hand to everything and do well eighth today and seventh overall Marco mlti great performance by mlti the Italian on he Kawasaki KLX 650cc this for something different after all these kivas KTMs and and this is the Red Sea desite despite the color don't be fooled the Red Sea chance tonight for them to have a splash in these salty Waters at herard Egypt's principal Resort this is a magawish beach and tomorrow after an overnight bivak they will do a 267 km loop from hagard back into hagard this has been your sport with the pharohs we'll see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] a [Music]

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