The Denver Broncos Just Made an Important Change...

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 00:10:50 Category: Sports

Trending searches: sean payton
if you are a Denver Broncos fan you are going to love the night and day difference between Shawn pton and Vic fangio and former coaches that we have had here when it comes to how he is going to choose the 53 for this 53 man roster how we're going to see that play out uh on Sunday night against the Arizona Cardinals that a ton more also the most important question I think I've ever asked the chat uh we're going to get to all that in way more in just a second here if you're new to the channel I'm Ben I'm a DieHard Denver Broncos fan and if you like the Denver Broncos and actually believe in what we're doing it helps me out a ton if you would smash that like And subscribe button uh so before we hop in I just want to like uh put out my flaws on the line for all y'all to see um so that then no one hits me up in the chat about it I am a sha Payton apologist like I love him I believe what dick ver said about him that he's one of the best offensive coaches of the past decade I believe what Tony dunie said I believe that the richest owner in sports wouldn't have a chump running this team so just being out in front of it that like my takes this is how their resp responded to by others I had a chance uh every Tuesday night at 9:00 I hop on the AFC West round table and have uh a bunch of Vegas Raiders say really mean things about me uh so if you want to stick up for your boy or just like laugh at the funny things they say but um after some of my takes this is like the response that that I'll get secondly find somebody that loves you like Ben loves Shawn Peyton it it's true I'm not even going to try to try to hide it I Love Shawn Payton I love what he's doing here and just the massive massive difference that we are seeing between uh him and Vic fangio in particular but really all coaches like he is an old school dude so you would expect an old school dude who's in the B Bill parcel's coaching tree to do things in in an old school way right which is like kind of like a deficit approach of like all right what is our biggest weak point and how do we sh up that weak point but if you think about like successful organizations that they aren't uh deficit driven they are asset driven so they're like hey let's take our strengths and make our strengths absolutely Unstoppable rather than just trying to pave over a pothole and it's like I'm I work in education is my actual job and that's like what we're starting to do in education with kids like hey rather than just um trying to help them like get incrementally better at something they're weak at like what is their superpower and what can they add to the world and how can we put that on on display so like if you think about Steph Curry if Steph Curry came up and was like oh I'm not a great rebounder and my ball handling is not that great it's like dude you're the best shooter in the history of the planet like don't worry about that one thing you can't do don't put all of your effort into getting incrementally better at your one deficit instead lean into your asset and make it absolutely kick butt and that is how Shawn Payton is approaching this Denver Broncos cut down with the 53 man roster he is going at it with an asset based we've heard that so many times he talked about how he does not have set numbers of different players that we're going to keep on the 53 so some coaches come in and are like Hey we're going to keep five receivers you know 80 linemen whatever Shawn Payton it changes every single year like last year the Denver Broncos only had four player uh four wide receivers this year it's going to be hard to get that number under like seven and especially with how the the new kicking rules have changed and you know last year we had two quarterbacks this year looks like we're going to go with three because Shawn pyton believes in leaning into his assets we're going to get to him talking about that in a second but do you remember the first ever Vic fangio press conference what did Vic fangio do he did not praise the best player on the team the best defensive player in the Super Bowl era of this team in Von Miller he actually like win at one of Von's deficits and was like oh there's some things we need to clean up with Von rather than leaning into what makes him like have those superpowers of being like one of the best pass rushers in the history of the NFL so I love that even though Shan pron brings that old school stuff which has worked to build the culture and chemistry of this team he also is bringing in this new like uh you know Fortune 500 like startup mentality of hey let's lean into what makes us better than others and really exploit that and so you hear him talk here uh he's asked hey would you carry three quarterbacks and again old school philosophy would be like no my my old depth chart here says we only have two quarterbacks and listen to what he has to say I think we've studied 14 last year you know the 32 teams just under half the league and I know the rule recently changed where if in fact you do this came after the 49ers Eagles game um that third comes up without any count you know and so but but ultimately I think most importantly um you're really looking at your assets when we make that decision most importantly it is looking at your assets not trying to like incrementally improve at your weakness but really what is the one thing that we can do and that's like we know Shan Payton's looking for his Joker and we're going to see some different players take that new role um some you know there's some poised breakout players on this team who are able to execute Shawn Payton's system in in an incredible way and so I I'm so thrilled with just this new energy that we're seeing from Shawn and his fingerprints all over this team and seeing that they believe leave as well and and just seeing the different body language that we see every single preseason game on the sideline and dudes hyped in ways that they weren't uh under previous administrations you see that what he's actually doing is really working and uh even just the way that he's handling the preseason and he talked about uh that first preseason game against the Colts that he underlied and win-win-win on his clipboard cuz he's like if we are going to play the game we're going to win the game and we're two and 0 in this and I think we're looking same exact thing tomorrow with the Cardinals can't wait to break that down cannot wait to watch um the big question truly is what is uh roster Cuts cutdowns going to look like and who are the most likely guys to uh not make the 53 man roster pulling up an article here on Mile High huddle they do a great job here of talking about who might be on the bubble the first crazy name to see here is Jared stum that that was one of Shawn's first moves when he got to Denver knowing that he he didn't have high hopes that Russ was going to be able to execute his system so he went out and gave the bag to stum and at one point he was one of the highest paid backups in the NFL and so could Jared stum be on the bubble and um I think stum is a fantastic backup um I I don't think you will see like if something happens and I I do not think this is gonna be what actually happens but if bone Knicks through five games is 0 and five and he has twice as many interceptions as he does touchdowns you could see a world where Shawn Payton's like hey we need to Pivot let's give this team off to it wouldn't be Jared STM I think he'd be like hey let's see what uh let's see what Zack Wilson can do with this team so I think stum is great if uh bonck gets the wind knocked out of him gets a concussion has to go out like I think he could finish a game for you but I think we've all seen stum ceiling and I I love him I like him on this team and just thinking of what he's done to the culture of this team he's a real team guy organizing Camp City out in Texas this year and throwing with the receivers and you just see his leadership but I don't see him actually like getting the Reigns of this team and running it himself um so I I I kind of hope we keep him as a backup although we do save $7 million in cap room if we were to move on from him uh other big names to look at here deari matthys um there there wouldn't necessarily be a ton of cap savings here but we've seen uh Riley mosa great we're feeling good about Levi Wallace and then Chris Abrams drain has come out and just bald out of control and although he is only a rookie and he's kind of slightly built I have way more hope in what uh Abram's drain could be and so I could I could see this also being a cut um paleski I cut him in my Madden franchise league so maybe he misses the cut this one here is interesting samaj pant I think we because of that interception in the preseason game against the Colts like that's been kind of a red mark next to his name he was Russell Wilson's favorite dump off Target on third down and he still has been playing all third down all throughout training camp and the preseason and so this would be kind of a a shocking one he's also a big voice in that locker room as well those are the ones I'm looking at uh and then the big question here would be uh do we keep Nate Adkins in or fullback Michael Burton and we know Shawn Payton likes to have a fullback and loves Michael Burton uh but he would be you know in that already very crowded running back room and so instead do you do you bring up a guy who can play both fullback and tight end in Nate Atkins rather than a guy who just is your fullback so all those are really uh interesting things to watch can't wait to see uh Shawn Payton is going to put in some guys who are supposed to be starters on this team but we're kind of dinged up in training camp and didn't have a chance to see them in actual game uh situation so that's gonna be DJ Jones uh and Brandon Jones both guys I'm I'm excited to watch for sure in preseason action against the Arizona Cardinals all right I teased it at the open uh crazy situation here so the the Los Angeles Chargers were in Dallas for a preseason game and everyone's worst nightmare happened and they all several players and people traveling with the team were locked in an elevator and my big question for the chat is if you had to be locked in an elevator with a couple current Denver Broncos on this team like who would be the coolest hang to be stuck in a locker room with and then who would be like the last person you'd want to be stuck in the elevator with and I think my answer might surprise you the the last person I'd want to be stuck in an elevator with other than like maybe Ray Lewis and Aaron Hernandez current Denver Broncos audri esime like his arms would just be so big that I feel like I'd be really claustrophobic and B Knicks as cool as it would be I feel like he'd take off his backpack and You' be like sorry guys we got a couple seconds here I got to look at film and he'd start rolling his IT band and I just want to hang in the elevator with my boys so uh those are the two I wouldn't want to be in an elevator with I think Zach Wilson and sdy would be really fun to hang out in an elevator with like Zach Wilson would have hilarious stories sdy just seems like a really cool chill dude to hang out with and be stuck in an elevator with but I need y'all to tell me who would you want to be stuck in an elevator with or who's the last person on this team you would want to be stuck in an elevator with also Shawn Payton like if you were stuck in an elevator with him how many times would he say the word relatively like oh we got to get this elevator back up relative to the he he just he'd say too much but uh y'all are going to tell me what it is either way we've got preseason action tomorrow and then the real season is here and I can hardly wait because we got a ton to B leave in O almost kissed it off the

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