Commencement 2024: College of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Studies (B)

Published: May 18, 2024 Duration: 02:31:43 Category: Education

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disciplinary studies out of respect for the graduates and guests please silence your cell phones remain in your seats and most importantly please refrain from using air horns or any distracting devices that may interrupt the ceremony please direct your attention to the screens above and enjoy these videos that capture our pride in being made at sack state [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I love the trees it feels like I'm going to school in a forest murals bring campus to life the new buildings are really impressive the campus has a modern feel I feel like everyone on stays really well I like learning and sax fate is a great environment you get a lot of one-on-one time with your professors here sax being so close to the capital means that you're getting this experiential learning I love hery I'm down with hery I've me so many friends here sax State Feels Like Home sa Welcome to California State University Sacramento a Vibrant Community within California's capital city although we like to call it simply sax day Sacramento's University sax day joined the CSU system in 1947 and it's been exciting to watch The Evolution to what you see today a worldclass university with athletic championships that bring us huge hornet prize [Music] yeah what makes saak State unique is our proximity to the state capital the capital fellows program offers saak State grad students a year-long salaried staff position in the legislature or Judiciary the best thing about it has really been understanding the policy but also learning the politics that's what has made the capital fellows program such a unique experience for me saak State's 305 acre campus lies on the Western Bank of the American river which not only provides spectacular views but also offers immediate access to study the health of Northern California's waterways through saak State's federally recognized serus program I think any class where you can get outside you can learn differently when you're moving around and there's a different dynamic between the instructor and students 76 it's really cool that we get to come out here every day pretty much it helps us a lot just because some schools they would have to go on field trips you have a good amount of self there other scientific research finds a new home in the earnest e Shannon science complex that offers unique teaching tools including classes in the state-of-the-art planetarium we got super massive black hole at the center and regularly invites the Sacramento Community to explore the universe do you like it better like this or like that hornets make a difference in their Community sax State program provide the opportunity for students to get real world experience helping people and changing lives community members receive free services at the speech and language Clinic it was such a renowned program and um it's really good hands-on experience big step big big step and children learn to take their first steps thanks to the help of hornets he given us hope and just there's hope for her there's more for her we hear from students that one of the things that attracted them to Sacramento state is [Music] Sacramento recently ranked the best place to live by Forbes Magazine Sacramento offers open air markets celebrated restaurants and a flourishing arts and entertainment scene oh it's probably so cold yeah you can actually ride a bike 16 miles along the American River to the saak state Aquatic [Music] Center more Hornets want to call sax State home super excited we meet the challenge by constantly opening new student housing students can build a life here get involved and can find lifelong friends we've worked hard to quadruple our four-year graduation rate and many of our students are the first in their family to get a degree and we are proud to be made at sack state saak state is among the most diverse universities in the west so everyone can find a home here saak state is Sacramento's University and now please welcome the College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies Dean's platform party and the president's platform party [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Applause] h [Music] you good evening [Music] [Applause] wow let's try that one again is this the College of social science and interdisciplinary [Music] studies that's what I thought good evening there we go I'm car narez probos a Sacramento State we start with the land acknowledgement We Begin this ceremony with the recognition that the land or campus and golden one Center are on today was was and continues to be the homelands of the indigenous people of this area the nissam pan Nissan and Miwok historically the largest Sacramento area in its River served as a Gathering Place for many local tribes from the surrounding Valley and foothills including the southern Mau patwin and winon Sacramento state recognized as these lands in riverways as unseated traditional territories of these native peoples we further recognize these California native nations and respect their sovereignty by offering this land acknowledgement we affirm the University's commitment to build relationships and Foster a university environment of success to better serve native nations and communities yes let's hear it yes good I now ask the audience to please rise if you're able for the singing of the national anthem performed by one of our own Isabelle seos from Sacramento State School of Music [Music] oh can you s by the da wory light what so we the [Music] Twilight and bright star the fight for the [Music] we and The Rock withing [Music] in the night that our black still there oh [Music] [Music] of the and the home of [Music] [Applause] the thank you you may be seated now it is now my privilege to Welcome to the podium masters of ceremony Dr Diane heisen dean of the College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies we are pleased and honored that you have joined joined us today to celebrate our graduates and their achievements it's a proud day for all of us in the College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies and for Sacramento State I now have the privilege of recognizing the members of the platform party including leadership from the College of social sciences and inary studies as well as our student awarde and our student speaker and the esteemed members of the president's cabinet please join me in thanking them for being here [Applause] today it's now my great privilege to introduce you to the president of Sacramento State Dr Luke wood [Applause] [Music] hey sometimes you got to pop out and show people I hope you're all ready for a good time so welcome Hornet family it is an incredible privilege to address you today here at commencement as you may know my name is Luke wood and I have the pleasure of serving as the president of California State University Sacramento Sacramento State [Applause] [Music] and I have to say I've been so excited about this ceremony because this is the College of social sciences and interdisiplinary studies which is the college that I graduated from when I was a [Applause] student today we celebrate the remarkable achievements of a record 9,730 graduates that's amazing those graduates join our Hive of over 280,000 alumni who entrusted their academic Journeys to our Sacramento State and I know that we got some of those alumni in the audience today if our alumni in the room can you please stand if you're able to make yourself be known there they go so I want to take this moment today to share some brief words of advice with you and my message today oh message today is turn on the lights no my message today is actually a pretty simple one it's lead leadership begins here lead and Lead now not tomorrow it's your time take the lead don't wait for your turn don't wait for your seat at the table make your own table create your own companies start your own social movements build your own nonprofits run for office write the book take a leap the world is not led by the passive is led by those who take on the mantle leadership and when there isn't a mantle heck they build their own mantle because they refuse to settle [Music] [Applause] you see we need your leadership now more than ever before because you all are graduating at a pivotal time in history you have inherited a world that is far more pernicious and has more complex problems than those who came before you you inherit a world that is divided by war tax economies politics culture Technologies a world that is quick to disregard to judge to vilify and to cancel and you represent what can be a light in the darkness so we need you we need your empathy your passion your drive your discipline because you bring something different to this world something that is unique that's what it means to be a Sacramento State graduate you are exceptional you are the best of the [Applause] best now of course I'm biased saying all this as a Sacramento State grab but still I believe it but I really believe this is you're not getting your degree from just any institution you're getting your degree from Sacramento [Music] State you've been educated in one of the most diverse universities in the nation and in an environment that truly cares about the community even more we are the one and only Public University in the state capital of the fifth largest economy in the world so what you do here can go on to actually change the world so we congratulate all of those who are earning degrees from colleges and universities around the country and we authentically we root for them but we also must remember that we're Sacramento State they not like us they not like us they not like [Applause] us you see what distinguishes a sax State grad is not just our strategic positioning in the capital or our diverse environment or even our commitment to community it's our gritty Drive our grind our desire to succeed sax state is renowned for providing a pathway for the ones who've been doubted the ones who've been held back the ones who've been held down who others said they can't they aren't and they won't and sax State gives you an environment to show the world that nothing can stop you and that's the differentiator between our graduates and graduates of any other institution because they not like us they not like us they not like us you are Victors no matter what the world has thrown at you you have shown the world that you will Thrive that no one has more grit that no one has more determination and this matters because the issues that you all will take on this world are not easy ones but if it was easy anyone else could do it but it takes a Sacramento State grad to be able to solve and resolve the problems of our world now Sacramento state is truly transforming the face and the Heart of Sacramento the state and the nation this Arena floor here right now is filled with remarkable graduates who exemplify what it means to be a hornet and among our graduates today are a number of different communities of people that we should take a moment to recognize so if you are a first generation college student can you stand raise your hand or otherwise make yourself be known all right now where are all of our graduates who transferred from a community college here [Applause] wow now we also have a very unique group that's here today we have some students in the audience who were not able to cross a physical stage during their High School graduation Community College graduation due to covid-19 and this today is their very first time ever getting to AC cross the stage for graduation so I want you to give them a round of applause as if it's every graduation all in one and if that's you come on and stand up and be recognized and to those students who represent that group you did it and you did it again and lastly if you are a student parent or caretaker and you have dependence can you stand and also make yourself be [Applause] known and as and as they stay standing if you are children of the folks who are here on on graduating today let's see you on the Jumbotron if we got some babies let's hold them up let's show folks what we've been working hard for all right now that's the motivation right there huh graduates the future is Unwritten and it's yours the shape continue to dream big to take courageous actions and to never stop working to make this world the place that you want it to be remember that you will always be hornets and that our Sacramento state will always be your home and that the great differentiator between you and everyone else is that drive that Grime because they not like us our Hive our home singers [Music] [Applause] up now it's my pleasure to introduce your student body president who is also graduating for the first time today so I want you to give a rockus round of applause to Natalie andrada Dominguez [Applause] [Applause] good afternoon esteem faculty staff family and friends thank you for joining us today on this very special occasion and to my fellow graduates I'm honored to share this moment with you today as we stand here on the threshold of our future it's important for all of us to reflect back on the remarkable Journey that has brought us to this pivotal moment in our lives so before you all cross this stage tonight I want you all to truly take a moment take a moment to look back at every single time where you felt like giving up but yet somehow you found the strength and the energy to keep going I want you to reflect back on all the late night study sessions on all the sacrifices you made and the unwavering commitment that you have made to accomplish your dreams be proud of yourself for getting up every single time you stumbled for pushing forward even when the path may have seemed uncertain and for believing in yourself even when others or the world may have doubted you for many of us reaching this Milestone would have not been possible without the incredible people in our Lives who have shaped us into the individuals we are today my parents immigrated to this country over 20 years ago chasing what we all call The American Dream they sacrificed their own dreams to give me the opportunity to chase mine Mommy papy [Applause] [Music] Gra to my sisters let this be an example that you can achieve anything you put your mind to know that the sky is your limit and if at any time you feel like you're falling I will be right there behind you to catch you to my ninos my Yos my aita Lupe and all my family and friends who are here today I wouldn't have been able to get through these years without your support your love has been my reason to [Applause] persevere so graduates never forget where you come from and the people who helped you get to where you are today let's go out into this world and make our Mark knowing that we are all capable of achieving greatness and as you embark on your next journey in life always remember that you were made at saak State congratulations class of 2024 thank you president wood and president andrad Dominguez we'd now like to recognize the College of social sciences and inary studies of Wy The deans of Wy for the 20123 2024 Academic Year Destiny Nash from the Department of Environmental Studies Destiny please stand and join me here at the podium [Music] [Applause] Destiny Nash is graduating Suma kumlade highest honor with a major in Environmental Studies and a minor in art studio Destiny is passionate about the environment social justice and ceramic art which she incorporates into her studies examples of her academic accomplishments include research search and accessibility and transportation barriers to public libraries examination of demographic and cultural factors impacting shark conservation and art presentations featuring black and lgbtqia a plus themes Destiny is active in campus and community service Environmental Conservation and assisting communities to obtain basic needs and Project funding please join me in congratulating Destiny in her many accomplishments [Applause] good evening my name is Maria intriga associate Dean for student and Personnel success I now have the honor of introducing this year's College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies student commencement speaker Katie iser from the from the Department of Family and consumer Sciences please join me in welcoming Katie to the [Applause] podium I can't do it this is what I told myself when I first thought about writing this speech I was terrified honestly um the fear of failure loomed large I decided to push myself out of my comfort zone and get up and here and speak to all of you today this would not have been possible without my time at sax State our time here has been more than just academic we have been taught that failure is just an opportunity to learn and grow as we move into our new chapter we will be met with many setbacks and failures but we will not let these experiences Define us they will shape us into the best versions of ourselves we are now armed with the skills and determination to face the world as we build our lives on our achievements let's not forget the people who lifted us above their heads to reach New Heights thank you to our amazing professors and advisers for their hard work and dedication to all their students thank you to our family members and supporters for always being there for us when we need them for me that is my parents my sister and my brother I couldn't have done it without you and last but not least I want to thank all of you my fellow classmates thank you for being my team and for being my friends also thank you for the um for the group projects that we surprisingly got an A on even when half of us didn't come to the group meetings at any given [Applause] time congratulations to the class of 2024 and may the journey ahead be as extraordinary as the one that brought us here today Stingers up thank you thank you Katie and telling it like it is so now we move to the part of the ceremony where we individually recognize all graduates from the College of social sciences and inary studies beginning with the Master's Degree recipients faculty Marshals please escort the Master's candidate to the platform president wood will you please join me to greet the [Music] graduates you'll notice that the Master's candidates are wearing a cloth over their robes this is the Master's hood and it's part of the academic regalia and is worn by The Faculty members who entered the arena today brightly colored hoods gowns hats and Chevrons are are part of the same regalia the academic costume is important to us for it signifies membership in the academy the community of Scholars master's degree holders wear a mortarboard a black gown with oblong sleeves open at the wrist and a hood it's the hood that tells the story the colors of the lining represent the institution awarding the degree and the trim color denotes the field of study the hood symbolizes much hard work it also confers a special status while no area of study is ever truly conquered you have reached a level of Mastery that that makes you a member of the academic Community the Master's graduates will be individually recognized today out of respect for your fellow graduates and their families please remain for the entire presentation we understand it's long but we guarantee it'll be worth it because the official conferral of your degrees takes place after all the individual recognitions thank you [Applause] now presenting master of public policy and administration Monica mayard Davalos Griffin Michael parika Robin Gillum Jody Mulligan file Donna Hoffman cullinan Brandy Roberts Connie Kim Chan Caitlyn [Music] Curry Marissa Elena Ibara Allison Joy [Music] tisby Jorge Alvarez edica Romero Juliet Athena Terry now presenting master of arts economics Rocky Marshall Bashers now presenting master of arts political science Sarah garzona Jason Edward Dal Yasmin estrea Messa Megan e Shey Caroline vhow Jared Steven guso Jacob Cruz lafara Giani Giani now presenting master of science applied Behavior Analysis hertis AA pauter Armando Angulo McKenna a [Applause] Mason Leah Jones now presenting master of arts psychology molena cren Channing [Applause] Renee Rebecca A Williams Riley Morgan Henry Leslie bernon dunigan Melissa coua [Music] Alexandra R Bon Aron crook Evangelina [Music] Chavez congratulations to the Master's Degree graduates we now move forward with the presentation of bachelor's degree candidates today we present an honorary posist degree to Gregorio Flores breed love who passed away who passed away on December 4th [Music] 2023 today Greg would have earned his Bachelor of Science in nutrition and food remember for his passion for learning in basketball for his infectious laugh and for his love of video games nature and so much more Greg had a vivacious spirit and a zest for Life Greg's mother jenet Flores is here today to accept this degree on his behalf [Applause] [Applause] now presenting Bachelor of Arts economics Juan Sebastian Lara Kong Chang Gia Nar Benjamin Joseph seal Melissa Egra Juan Manuel Padia Nilofar amanar Tristan churin Sandra priet tinotenda guada naid Rafiki Jenny Hoy monserat Le Desma Kathleen Shong Yang L hung Hinn Parker Dominic boon perit Pabla HOA Vu Musa nasiri IM Manel Toledo evaristo Aria Ricardo poo Freddy Lee cells II Leonel Gonzalez Ortiz Liz Sanka Tabitha an Castro Alvaro D aard Julian Christopher Fowler Isabella Marie lus [Music] Hugh Yan Lao Cyrus sherill Elizabeth nocha Min long Alfredo Cabrera Andrew Robert Frank Jessica parks [Music] Nathaniel Joseph Graves Leica Mahmud Khan Ricardo Andres Rodriguez Ryan shambley James Michael griggsby Matthew Lee manessis leonitis CA tiamor Wong Anna Elizabeth haruguchi bobin Narendra katri Ashley sandal Eliza Yim Daniel Smith Savon Lamont ship William Michael boset Jaden Patrick FX Jared cisa Julio Cesar Garcia Jaden [Music] Turner ishan UMES Patel lisaveta nicolova yevich Jose Guadalupe Torres Christian Guzman Jose [Music] Campos Brian ning Kevin nen Kevin bang prr Sing metab Sing bat Roberto soltero pmir sing vandon Patel Ricardo A Lopez Daniel game Sav Singh Dylan osbaldo Orosco Gomez Jacob T Bea Garrett Perkins II Rahul bua jonath El haut Maya camela swin Estrada Jose Fernando Martinez Mara Maxwell Kirk Mcall Caleb Zer [Music] hun Steven Dempsey Elijah Duncan Santino Vincent Jordan Marcela Reyes Alex zenko Alicia Li a turn Destiny Wang Alana June leuser Brenda lisabeth zamudio Angela Valenzuela Oswaldo Ezekiel Gonzalez alfio Francisco Freda John Elijah Scott Lewis [Music] [Applause] [Music] magana Hina sarari Romeo a Anderson [Applause] Austine Rodriguez Erica Janice Martinez teao Maru Raja gosal Anthony Garcia sua manuma Brian a Rees Gutierrez Ashish Anand kariri jiren sing Dule Andres Chavez Lopez Hanan a keresh Miguel roacha Mahia Jordan Anthony Edwards Christopher kazum Masa wets Kelly [Music] Peters Jamie Yano Finn Jason Ryan Macklin Carlos Ricardo [Music] Leon Robert Anthony wymer Victor deor marillo Palm Soul Raphael o darkwa Sabrina asabo Carmen F [Music] Gutierrez now presenting Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Environmental Studies Destiny d [Applause] Nash idali Guerrero Nicholas Brown Kayla Sun juwel Luis Munos urado Matthew angle Diego Emmanuel austo Paige Elizabeth Arnette IET Espinosa Isabel Aguilar Ivan hos cin Guerrero Emily Barbara Kinsey Kennedy Irene Eckles meline Rose [Music] Wagner Jennifer Anne Thompson SED mbaula SED Alejandro Pino tarvine core takar Kalia Louise [Applause] ceny Cameron belon [Music] Stephanie Marita Adia Dawn Hayes Connor Jordan Leonard [Music] Fisher josha bucks vandel Shelby eileene karski Juliet Ray Mendoza [Music] Georgia Richards Caitlyn J Wilson Jasmine Singo Monique Lily [Music] Medina Sydney a Klein Anna Elizabeth Leroy [Music] Darby [Music] Koger Monique G Garcia Gabriela Alexandra Iman verie Fatima Ariaga pre Andrea Alexandra Gonzalez Riley Dean delerm Alexis nishelle officer Anthony Castro Jamon Anila Zachary Nicholas einck Benson Nuen Alexis aloenka kahinda saser Michael Anthony Anderson Jennifer Perez Keon maybodi [Music] Sierra Marie Christensen Jessica a [Music] barber Jesus Gabriel Gabaldon Adam khim Kim noan Marcus Anthony Flores J Chen David unimo tenorio Cruz Katie ly sandero Alexandria Joy enderly Cindy stto Valdez [Music] Daniela Alexandra sugab Zoe Reese horde Allison Nicole musling Timothy James masolini Riley Shan Curry galadrial mil Towers Jared Alejandro Nunes Jennifer y Koga Sydney schaer Eduardo [Music] lanaa sabiniano pessi now presenting Bachelor of Science family and consumer Sciences education [Music] Justin a [Music] mckl Audrey Marian cror U shayin Singh lyanna Rachel summer Molina Rose bojer Katie Sophia Bay Elizabeth Faith eslinger Jordan Amari [Music] Corner Julie Shong Aaron Naomi Masterson Anastasia Spitzer Cameron Turner Ella R TB Torina an Taver Emma Katherine morganthaler Mary Juan Lauren Jean gild Abigail and buenna Justin Eric nalta Flanigan hiy ikner Samira Raymond betar Daren Evan Bargas Rachel dillig [Music] Ang Mariana Maher zaban [Music] kerina Lila ziser Parana Patel Jessica Del Carman Roso to yetne Crystal the fam Sarah and [Music] shazada Fenton [Music] Williamson Emily Scofield [Music] Freda Garcia Brian [Music] Figaroa Alandra francisa samudio Gonzalez Vanessa Lopez Cel chlo Simone Simmons Kayla DOI stalkery Brianna L Woods bonifasi Nico Ramirez Lance Isaac Hayes Jordan e Hernandez Allegra Azul pendo Diana morning Haden a Cruz Natalie Guadalupe sto Sky lend de Analisa Martinez tiia brambila [Music] Diaz soina ashenafi cabet Diana durat [Applause] Deja Newman Rihanna [Music] Tyson Natalie Estella maetta Rebecca Elizabeth Carlson Valeria salmeron Ariana fernandz Anna salano Gomez Melissa monterola Ariana Marie [Music] Lewis Jasmine Aris Aris Sarah Drake Lucine Marty [Applause] [Music] Rosen Hala husani D'Angelo denin Macy bionis Aiden R [Music] Gan cello Sali Munos Alyssa Renee Clark Victoria Zhao [Music] ma zong Buu BJ sing man Venus Celeste Harris daia Al galani Sabrina beum Khan Tasia CF deson concepion Lindsay Harris Victoria Jaylin Oliva cabong Brianna low Stephanie Monique Reyes Victoria chares Barman Adriana Nicole Molina Akasha Isabel Casas Michaela Irwin josefowitz CA Justice Campbell Harry Dale gaviola Jennifer Moreno Victoria a goov vesin Hua Lee low Ed Ardo Alexander Rodriguez Alex Demmer Erica Lyn [Music] rman Emma Gonzalez Benito Rodriguez Daniel Gonzales for Nessa Darien mangam Michael Jake [Music] Gonzalez Victoria rig Jasmine ailla draa Drake Chino Nathan Kang Stan Seno Fawn Dante Evan Bernardo Brandon Jaden [Music] Buie Hadas Suarez ladrian Easter Kalia Yang Gabriella Hernandez Leonardo Solis Adriana Sophia Santiago gijan Daniel Theodore Hicks Ivon Basquez emiline Pasqual gerani yenifer Andrea Lopez pinetta Amy Beck Antonique Piggy Yelena triban Gabby Fernandez Felix Nicole Leon Andrea Armstrong remedia Ray CRA head Angelica Lopez Mna Elizabeth verella Kylie Lois Peterson tamama franci Grady now presenting Bachelor of Arts liberal studies Lizzy soua Carissa Galindo Kimberly Sanchez Vivien song arelia Torres Rios Elizabeth buckmiller Beatrice e abara jonisa Kate Testa Imus Hannah Rose [Music] Castello Karen Tores Corona litzy G [Applause] contras Molly Joanna Connelly Thomas Joseph Morehead Samantha Renee mcgaan Nicole [Applause] Vega Mia rakad Malang Isabella Marie gabrielli Kaylee soier [Music] Cameron Marie Gibson Kristen Jones Ashley Scott Nathaniel Johnson Haiti lyette [Music] Silva Brianna Rodriguez harly Nicole mergens Gabriella jelle Felix Abigail Susanna Joseph Jillian Taylor Carlton Rachel Leanne Kagel Teresa Rodriguez Joseph Andrew Mendoza Ashley Ray Dan Caitlyn IED Tores Sophia cook leadora Salis Kiren van bleet Chloe an Haynes is Isabella Frankie Valenzuela Marissa Dillis janelli SAR Grimaldo Gonzalez Haley Cheyenne Dickson Christopher sha kissner Paige Nicole Vincent Marisha ammani Coleman Natalia demek Hannah BB Khan leolani Renee subia Alondra Ramirez Rios meline kpes haly Nicole Jakes Sierra weinland Allison Nicole Hinkley Shong cin noshua Yang Megan ay young Babcock Andrea Baron Briana Sophia AR Maybelline vong Alexandra Marie [Music] Hicks Kaitlyn M peder Kenya Suzette Leon Cassandra Linda Mercedes zeran Dana J Gwyn Jessica [Music] Payne Seth William Wyatt sirichi Fang Nash shadman Casper Elliot Shelt anai Mendoza Lopez Damen Christopher Deanda Brian Rogers Paula lisabeth Vel Alexis Rodriguez Jordan Emily Stevens Danielle Nelson yelli Hernandez Cruz Diana Judith Diaz [Music] Gara Valerie [Music] FAS Dianna Judith Diaz [Music] Gera Lucero Paulina Ramirez Valerie faras Sabrina angelene Zuniga jasine Guadalupe [Music] Garcia IA Nicole Luna Christina Maria F [Music] Ebe Hannah jind Walker Kelsey Allison Clark Gabriela Hernandez Michelle Nikki Rose [Music] lavarus Sarah Janelle AAS [Music] Julia Elise [Music] Gino Amanda Gutierrez Caitlyn Ray Palmer bakti H Patel Corina fralone i a rolon [Music] Allison Lorraine Harwood Taylor marrow Aya Fuller Madison Bradley Susanna [Music] Bedrosian Skyler Madison stoer Michaela Melanie millinder Blair Shantel geralda Ferrera Culver Hannah Nicole Jamal Caitlyn R Chatterton Danielle Elizabeth Welch Jessica Megan cold Jennifer lenee kleene Sierra Lynn Hinton Mira Maga Jordan Roseanne Hernandez Tyler caps Autumn kza Matthews a Yang now presenting Bachelor of Arts political science Ernesto Jose Perez royanne May balanon Ramos George ailman Dominic James Rodriguez tii Daniel Marcus banaru Christopher Michael Gil Jane Elizabeth Hogan Wyatt sacket wner Elizabeth Del Carman alaro verdusco Sonia a Andress Aaliyah Rick Maiden Sissa Michaela Padilla Andrew West Torgerson Mary S Cortez Jasmine Reese Isabella pton petralunga anhelina Juliana santian Francine Laci Martinez J inosa Jihad Yasin Livingston Salon Xavier rhen Evan Michael lefave Robert Hargrave Alexander luos Grant Everett Withers Garrett Kenneth Warren Cassie Thor sopie duti Arlene Natalie oraz Silva Jasmine aasta Robert Jose [Music] Gonzalez Natalie Andrade Dominguez Navid Z Rahman verah Muhammad Ali almasri Veronica Samuel [Music] Bolis Isabella Nicole gimenez Aaron David Gilbert [Applause] O'Neal Austin Ram miles [Music] otterbeck Cole bachan Corey Jaden [Music] Jones Joseph Frank aoste abjet sing iseran core cooner Addison Darden Derek estuardo Barrera Pamela Costa Elijah xang Andrea Guadalupe [Music] urbe Marissa May dun ignasio Mendoza Mariah Chanel rmer McKenzie Kelly Norton Claire Suzanne March Nathaniel P leid Elizabeth Marie sloger Bashar Mahmud alakan Emily Marie hawan Alejandro CH Fisher Julian Daniel Mendes Ramon arietta Ari Juan baneva daa Romo kedo Ariana tach Shelby J Cooper Mari Carmen Mendoza Leon sanina Bali David Taha gagos Crystal Martinez Alex Michelle [Music] Weaver Paulina Marie mcwalters C jaang licky Maya Patrice black Devin an Savage Mia Cil hus Micah Yip Austin Michael [Music] Kenny Nazir yufi Luis Fernando gimenez Anna Zeo Ashlin Brook stoud Guadalupe Rios [Applause] Leon rosalba Gomez Bautista Edwin J Perez Nathaniel Max Mendoza Larin Cole DWI brayen Doyle paa Michelle Mendes Anna Alexandria Larson Marco Galindo Paulina Rodriguez Isabella Rose [Music] Lindstrom samine bafy Devin Lopez lesie Robin Roberts Ammond deep Carr yenia Lopez Torres Michael Kion Marissa deos raso Angelica Vera Franco Jonathan I Garcia aroyo Jack Swift Jeffrey Jacob Perry Taylor lenee Eric Alexis Vegas Leon Chandler David James Whit house dartanian Elijah [Music] bird Muhammad Ibrahim fisy Juliana laclair Sabrina Fiora Beach Gavin Glenn Donaldson Justin Neil Boyd Eric John [Music] Young Jenna Amina Toki Sandra K adley Julia Marie tasus Alexandria [Music] Perez Justin David crumb Sarah Janice Jackson sarish juned Maria Brenda Sanchez Dominguez Daniel n Rodriguez Justin Christopher Reynolds Lisa PR colen Adeline Anne Fowler Raina Liberty [Music] amonson Ava Justine foe rodo Jesus P laara Liam Jacob grait Michael Joseph delgadio Yousef oela Leila T Cormier Pau Natalie Figaroa Guadalupe [Music] dbos Jordan Nicole Davis II Vanessa matus [Music] Diaz grael natalo Sandy lisbet pulo Garcia valicia prad Kenya plazola Tanya Ramirez Eva kleene hortencia Gonzalez Taha Athena Marie assetto Sinclair faith f Patricia [Music] Navaro Chris Hall [Music] Robin Louie quaglio Isaac Matthew Crow Crystal Nunes salorio Valerie Vanessa Loa Adam Quinn Miller Ashley mayack ya mcbell ARA y tee Karina Ariel ruelas gy Yadira L Esmeralda salz Santiago usachi Nai Jen [Music] core Sydney Bella Francis Corso nebla jalon Yousef Cummings vinya Manassa barasi Joselyn seon satina Garcia yel Abel espara Garcia [Music] tajinder sing Angelina victorina Jimenez joavan Salgado Hector Ralph mrigo now presenting Bachelor of Arts social science Malik Canon Tanya [Music] Lee Connor J Grove Carlin Taylor krankovich Grace [Music] Lyn Tibido Shannon Marie Hefner Michael Joseph de Devin good Sochi katal [Music] Warz Marisol Martinez de Lao Kai S [Music] Johnson Hannah L Adams Lena V Benjamin Von seberg Samantha Hennessy oon Samantha birdie Dickman [Music] Mato vaho oad Demetrius Abelardo poras Kendall Latrice warry Josephina iniguez now presenting Bachelor of Arts psychology [Applause] ology reneer zerus [Music] tinklenberg Janessa abala McKenzie Venable senica Grant bar Anna Dello paa Ooa Karina [Music] Gomez Kamina cabie Williams Carlos Daniel Maye Bosley Demetria [Applause] Evangelista Robin Vay Andrea Katarina Knox Tatiana Delila Guerrero McKenna [Music] Lyall Misha zanette Jackson Evangeline [Music] Guerrero Tanya barusa Joan Lee Ethan Mark fergon Mahmood Ali Louie Omar amoi Blake Allen Thomas [Music] Kiana Elise ginu Maria lures Romero Ariana D Glenn Hector meado Nick Fuller Kiara e Bowen Jolie Joselyn [Music] Connor Christopher Scott [Music] O'Brien Cecilia [Music] horta aenir anub Balu Carissa Serenity [Music] pastana ryanna relle Hester Monique Alexis Martinez Johanna Raina natoa Kate Alina Ambrosio ooca Stephanie Tolentino Angie Crystal zapa Juan Cervantes agilar Audrey May IL lagen Ishita day arah Den Williams majesta [Music] Turner yeri Ras Hannah Alandra Yuna bachilo Celeste francisa Quintero Monica Bellinger and Antonio Roberto DeStefano Allison Smiley Dina M [Music] zong Natalie Aguilar Vasquez Jovana uoa Diana Ruiz Manon Michelle Isabel Dominguez [Music] Taylor Samantha Briggs Marissa NAA Rios Alana Leilani Garcia Justin zegler Vince Len Lee Anthony John googly Amo Kobe makoa Taylor Tristan Dakota Simmons Ruby Miranda Ariano Moreno Bianca Destiny Alvarez Martha CES Casey Appleton Matthew craves Cassidy f Tannis Jessica Lyn Grande Stephanie Michelle paneda Daniela Enriquez Morales Kylie bang congratulations Lee NE hem neli Mendes Corina meline MOA Ariana rwi Savannah V Lopez hanaro araro Jr Cesar Gabriel Ria Carla yanir Davila Stephanie an sth Meredith Ashley young Kylie Marie Maynard aexa L [Music] Olivares Brett Gabriel ASD Dorian Ian Sebastian aosta Jake Mitchell Bowers Zan Bowens Malia lean costus Mandy Bilby Isabella Marie collander Bailey Michelle Butler Zeta Isabelle Smallwood Aaliyah s Weaver n o uaga Miley Magdaleno Abigail Marie [Music] Rogers Juliet Milagros Espinosa nelli jetsi Navaro lasso osalo viona draon Lamarcus hris Alexandra M borino Maran noan Vanessa Isabelle Ramirez Ashley baso gine core tour Elizabeth an Santos aloda Olivia Josephine [Music] rapola Jacqueline Contreras Loretto Chelsea Dion [Music] Richmond Darlene Moon reik AJ Cruz Lauren Taylor cook Megan Nicholls Katherine Hong NN Michaela Maria Smith Emma Clarice Marshall Liliana Grace creps Miranda miang go Christy Gomez Angela Katherine Todd Victoria Wilkinson Emily May [Music] Smith Sophia Marie bason Briana Teresa Castillo [Music] Andy Nan Austin Gorman Danielle ronilo Madison [Music] Johnson Jacob Thomas Summers Nathan Amerson rodri Marcia Nicholas D Ferrera Andy cudan chapali Andrea [Music] Perez Aaron Clark Adriana Isel Perez tenir Singh Chohan Joshua Ryan Zar Fran Joy Ascension Testa Daisy Katarina Haro facila Autumn burmaster Abigail Grant Tanya Tabata toy Hatchet Joselyn Elana Vargas Payton Colette Torres Alysa Marie Austin Rodriguez Haley Michelle Gardner Jasmine Renee Dunn Priscilla Faith Edwards Alexia Jana Haynes Jamario Tyron Barlo zaha amand dami lesie Jasmine cardinus estefania Carmona Malik Ahmad Hassan Alyssa Leilani agilo Jordan Chanel Fitzgerald Jasmine dunga in Laona Elias farage J Elise Bingham anak Christine Lorraine Nichols Katherine Janette Dolan Emily Grace Stillwell [Music] zanat monib Alisia Tango Stephanie Marisella Garcia letia muo [Music] alvorado Monica Martinez Natalie rain shimosaka Elizabeth Guadalupe Corona Jenna Marie [Music] Hunter kalista M Hudson Brandon day [Music] jamise NJ [Music] Washington Alandra Elizabeth Nicole Torres Henry Den Julia Marie Howell Jennifer Elizabeth Hall Andrea Isabel Morales areli Perez Nunes Ryan Gregory Sims anaise sine Romero Valeria Ana Garcia Paris Deton [Music] gisler Lauren Marie cot [Music] Morgan Michelle [Music] flojo Isabelle Vega Emily Lynn Shepard Kime Ruiz Alvarez Carolyn Cruz Haley naen Drayton Marissa jeline Pacho Craig Harding George pennebaker mateline Monaco Brenda Catalina sandal Savannah M Perez Jack Gillette Abel Hernandez Morales a Marina Mata Gabriela Bueno Pang gayong Chelsea Rowl Shireen Angel baselli Mira Alejandra AO Morgan Katherine McKibbon Brian Palmer Alejandro Garcia Padia Ryan pth Lee Angelique Herr isas Ezekiel quinteros Flores Austin montz Danielle Castro Briana Latrice rashada Kendall Neil lri Jorge Luis sarda Guerrero cesal c meano da Herrera Deja Dominique Feliz Robert Jr Vieira Alejandro poblano [Music] David Crawford Julia [Music] crane Sheila Kim deep IMR Lopez nelli asencio Ka Smith Kiana Lugo tayer Alexander Talisa Isabella vigil nadis samaj Moore Sarah Bernice [Music] ker Jennifer Muro Gomez Natalie Med oie chuku Olivia opara Dean Marie Camaro Tanner kyth manit car sidu congratulations Natalia I Zamora congratulations Leticia Renee Gonzalez Garen Christopher coing Samuel e Alvarez Oaks Jonathan M Moore Teegan mathys scoff Eric Aion robleto Alexander SS jessah highas Joseph Rodriguez Kate Moss monserat Munos Dennis suan ashraff kez alera Brian vigil Gonzalez Ryan Doyle Lauren Eve Pratt Jaden Alexandra Lucero Gabriel Michael Gonzalez Alexandra Nicole Bustamante Juan Antonio harez Vanessa Reyes velta K Lee De Georgio Alana R Cervantes Marissa Alexandra roacha Adrien Isel Rodriguez Serenity D Gomez Julia gager Jonathan Prince Antonio Vivan Cassandra moreto Mark Ki Travis D Thomas Caitlyn Nicole Malo Crystal King Alexis arah [Music] Gonzalez Tabitha J [Music] Thomas Madison tol congratulations Christina Rose Lucero Taylor R towns Savannah Marie web Olivia Marie Sanchez Christian Michael Espinosa lonero Melissa Marie quinland Leah Popa Chan Daniel frosto Freddy Alejandro Leon Blanco [Music] Jesse Anthony [Music] Ramirez Andrea Ariola Nancy Yorn Emma kamacho Samantha Ford Amy Janette Sanchez Fielder David [Music] Hart Ryan James Ziller Amo sing Burke Kieran bobber Taylor Morgan Gates ranina core Gill Jessica Stephanie Felix Brianna Perez Christina madrano Caitlyn Elise Haro Brenda Alysia Alvarez Joshua D Winters evina J Chang Briana Nicole [Music] Simpson Bethlehem [Music] demise Natalie Nicole olivaris Orosco Diana Vargas Zaragoza Evan yanuka well St Maya khed alash [Music] J Marie Parker [Music] Goldston Anna K Hernandez conratulations Cody van Feldon Emily an LS Marlene [Music] Basera Bianca biridiana contes kolina a [Music] taba Matthew D [Music] Baker Annie Su yang Jazelle Yap laap Francine Marie bote De La congratulations vivana mandano Taha congratulations angelene delos trinos [Music] suo Guadalupe Esther Tapia Gomez Christina D America Ana Lopez Haley Brown Jorge graa Chavez Salvador joavan kenola Bianca dear Hernandez Kyle Joseph Perkins Maxwell Henry Christian congratulations freyland ronilo Vagas Caitlyn P [Music] Yang Sher n moo Kimberly Tamar Suarez Sienna Sierra monz [Music] Annabella Nicole aporus Andrew [Music] nen Manuel Alejandro Pon Sunny alestra Max Valentine Rose Elizabeth [Music] Upton Gia danet amilon Marissa Perez Joelle Cortez Kelvin mck Brandon Bond Christian Leon pickron Kimani Malia [Music] Holloway Lucy benegas Rosalind Drew narez Destiny corales Wendy [Music] Zhao Janelle E [Applause] Lee Angelica hariston Skyler Steven [Music] Flint Elizabeth Mendoza Joe Ellen Singo Caitlyn R Duffy Angela Raquel Pacho Charlene Guadalupe bobos santiana Maya gripper Sylvie hakobian Clarissa Martinez [Music] Perez amaly Hopper Bernard Paulina Lopez sibios Leandra Maria Coronado Ariana Elise Pierce Annie me tran kaani coralin Lee pundo Alysa Roso Lori Aras sanj sing Melanie Rose sametta Katie Meyer imanii Danielle Ross Alexa Ras Pera Enriquez baros Alexis cor Lorraine Taylor Lindsay Costa Evelyn Ramos Torres Priscilla Mar Bell Morales Margaret roacha Venus Caitlyn canol Murphy Madison croxton Kelly Lee Anna Marie Charlene Bean Alexis Martinez the Pon J rabong Skyler Ray van djk Robert Vernon Grace Amanda Maria Lopez Mariana sidali Lara Veronica Marisella Ramirez Emily [Music] [Applause] Sanchez Alysa Christine Valencia AA salahi yaka Chase blint Caris Aaliyah Brooks Jamie laor sky Lyn simmers Ismael MOA danela [Applause] Rubio Dulce Morales Gomez Erica iness ptor Karen reny Carla Estrada Faith Aspen Marie Schmidt Alexis Giana maidan Brandon Guerrero Vanessa Ivan fona Aaron Mullen Daniel J doig Joshua Aaron pels Carmen contas Jasmine Alejandra Gara Jaden Bryant Julio Rodriguez Mariel Nelly Hernandez escudero Janette Elizabeth kayas Alondra Koo rubal Caba Penelope Rose Johnson Colby Cox espo Janette Jean Tran yenia contes Aiwa Ricky Jones libr Antonio Quintero pintado jacqulyn aroyo Julio wera Christian Rodriguez Ariana Nicole wanis Jessica an Gomez Lindsay Evelyn Rodriguez Gonzalez Noemi Gomez Lauren Alica peka gandle kaani Michelle Ratliff Katy Jean masassa ji Lorraine fuj Vanessa Cruz sea neand sonoria Wright Das L Harmon Lorena Garcia Gonzalez Valerie T Tran Taylor Kelly Briana Marie CTO newpa Shan [Music] core Destiny L Webster Alicia Chanel Sanders Connor Evan Whitney Anna lelia marabel Delgado Alandra Ramirez [Music] Hana Isabelle [Music] Glenn Paige [Music] Bane Lauren Faith degolia Kayla M pson Cecilia saletto Valdez Jennifer Melissa Castillo Nicole Paige mccan Madison Rose fransen Arwin Franzen Michelle Darlene Cotter Jasmine Danielle Figaroa Hannah Tabata Ramen joot Kai Cassidy Lauren Santillan Joanna Lopez Mary Margaret Jose Deen Manuel Jose Deen Devin Z Cruz Baker Diana [Music] aasta Karen salivar Shantel hashan Tino Jessica okomo Rosio Alvarez Gage Peter beeri Lauren Isabella Goodwin Hine Bravo bort Carlos Adonai [Music] Pena Gustavo Navaro Luis Enrique Lopez castanos Joel Espinosa Evelyn [Music] Escobar Rebecca Jean Ross hinty Miguel Eduardo lisara Alysia Monique key Jackie [Music] Hernandez doraa R Garcia Dorothy Elsie Leandra Alexia Shantal Flores Josephina Cortez stormmy Gabrielle ler Manuel Charles spear Ian Tores legaspi Lauren shuen Lee cassia Leanne her Paige J [Music] Boaz Karina Aina d'vorah Jasmine Contreras Erica Mariel Galia Marcela Elena incaran Ashley Vargas Anna monague Jennifer nicolasa Aguilar Nunes Selena Wang congratulations Maya Katherine Adolf pin renu's it congratulations Abraham gigz conratulations Mariana Andrea B cama lelle Thompson Kiana Marie [Music] Gracia Jennifer [Music] Balia Alandra Jasmine Vasquez [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] congratulations [Applause] graduates each year the university bestows Scholastic honors upon undergraduate candidates whose academic Excellence has consistently been recognized by The Faculty we have designated in our program those candidates who have received special recognition for High Scholastic achievement will the undergraduates graduating kumla Magna kumla and sumacum laud please stand if you are able congratulations please be seated and that's a big wow that's a lot of people each year several National Scholastic honor societies invite for membership undergraduate students on this campus if they have displayed exceptional academic ability throughout their studies will the undergraduates who were selected for membership in an Honor Society please stand if you're able wave your hand or otherwise indicate your presence so we may recognize [Applause] [Music] you I commend you please be seated I now invite Dr Carlos navares interim Provost and president Luke wood to the podium to present the candidates for the official conferral of their degrees thank you Dean heisen graduates you did it let's make some noise yes [Applause] woo President W on behalf of Sacramento State College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies faculty it is my privilege to approve and recommend these students assembl before you as candidates for the degrees that set forth under the requirements prescribed by the trustees of the California State [Applause] University candidates you've heard the recommendation of the Provost on behalf of the dean and the faculty of the College of social sciences and interdisciplinary Studies by virtue of the authority vested in Me by The Board of Trustees of the California State University and upon recommendation of the Provost I confer upon each of you the appropriate Master's and bachelor's degrees with all of the honors Privileges and responsibilities there unto pertaining you just graduated [Applause] now there's still one last thing we need to do before we can make it official official so I want everyone to go ahead and stand if you are able and we're going to be and we're not going to do it yet because we're going to do it all together as on the count of three as a team but first let me describe what we're going to do we're going to move the tassel from the right side of your cap to the left side of your cap so if it's on the left side move it to the right so we can do right and it may seem like a small gesture but when you do it I think it's important to know what it symbolizes it symbolizes a culmination of years of hard work of dedication and of growth one two three [Music] [Applause] so so these commencement exercises are now officially concluded you may now be seated for a moment we ask all the graduates to stay in your seat as the platform party exits the stage and then follow row by Row for an order exit starting with the front row as instructed by your faculty Marshals and commencement ambassadors before we do so if we could have all of our faculty in the room stand up and be recognized for the incredible contributions they make to your education [Applause] congratulations once again remember who you are where you're from the fact that you're are Sac Sacramento State graduates that everyone else is different they not like us congratulations to the class of 2024 and Stingers up S is number one s w [Music] h all [Music] [Music] h h [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music]

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