Commencement 2024: Colleges of Engineering & Computer Science | Natural Sciences & Mathematics

Published: May 18, 2024 Duration: 02:44:47 Category: Education

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the ceremony please direct your attention to the screens above and enjoy these videos that capture our pride in being made at saak state [Music] [Music] I love the trees it feels like I'm going to school in a forest murals bring campus to life the new buildings are really impressive the campus has a modern feel I feel like everyone on stage really welcoming like learning and sax state is a great environment you get a lot of one-on-one time with the professors here sax State being so close to the capital means that you're getting this experiential learning I love hery I'm down with hery I've me so many friends here zakate Feels Like Home Welcome to California State University Sacramento a Vibrant Community within California's capital city although we like to call it simply sax day Sacramento's University sax day joined the Cs system in 1947 and it's been exciting to watch The Evolution to what you see today a worldclass university with athletic championships that bring us huge hornet [Applause] [Music] pridee what makes saak State unique is our proximity to the state capital the capital fellows program offer saak State grad students a year-long salaried staff position in the legislature or judiciary the best thing about it has really been understanding the policy but also learning the politics that's what has made the capital fellows program such a unique experience for me saak State's 305 acre campus lies on the Western Bank of the American river which not only provides spectacular views but also offers immediate access to study the health of Northern California's waterways through sax State's federally recognized serus program I think any class where you can get outside you can learn differently when you're moving around and there's a different dynamic between the instructor and student 76 it's really cool that we get to come out here every day pretty much it helps us a lot just because some schools they would have to go on field trips you have a good amount of self there other scientific research finds a new home in the Ernest e Shannon science complex that offers unique teaching tools including classes in the state-of-the-art planetarium we got super massive black hole at the center and regularly invites the Sacramento Community to explore the universe do you like it better like this or like that hornets make a difference in their Community sax State programs provide the opportunity for students to get real world experience helping people and changing lives community members receive free services at the speech and linguage Clinic it was such a renowned program and um it's really good hands-on experience big step big big step and children learn to take their first steps thanks to the help of hornet it's given us hope and just there's hope for her there's more for her we hear from students that one of the things that attracted them to Sacramento state is Sacramento [Music] recently ranked the best place to live by Forbes Magazine Sacramento offers open air markets celebrated restaurants and a flourishing arts and entertainment scene it's probably so cool yeah you can actually ride a bike 16 miles along the American River to the saak state Aquatic [Music] Center more Hornets want to call sack State home super excited we meet the challenge by constantly opening new student housing students can build a life here get involved and can find lifelong friends we've worked hard to quadruple our four-year graduation rate and many of our students are the first in their family to get a degree and we are proud to be made at saak state saak state is among the most diverse universities in the west so everyone can find a home year saach state is is Sacramento's [Music] University and now please welcome the College of Engineering and computer science and the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Dean's platform party and the president's platform party [Music] all [Music] I I [Music] good morning let's try that one again we got two College here the College of Engineering computer science and the College of Natural Science and Mathematics so we expect for you to be energized good morning there we go all right now we get get this party started right all right here we go I am Carlos deves provos for Sacramento State we start with the land acknowledgement We Begin this ceremony with the recognition that the land or campus and golden one Center are on today was and continues to be the homelands of the indigenous people of this area the nissam pan Nissan and Miwok historically the largest sacr area in its River served as a Gathering Place for many local tribes from the surrounding Valley and foothills including the southern the southern Mau patwin in Winton Sacramento State recognizes these lands and riverways as unseated traditional territories of these native people we further recognize these California native nations and respect their sovereignty by offering this land acknowledgement we affirm that the university commitment to building relationships and fostering a university environment of success to better serve native nations and communities I now ask that the audience please rise if you're able for the singing of the national anthem that's rice yes good job all right we're getting there we're getting there it'll be performed by one of our own Isabelle calos from Sacramento State School of Music [Music] can you see by the da light what sooud with him have the Twilight BL who and bright stars [Music] the [Music] the and The Rock theing through the night that he there oh s [Music] your the the home of the thank you thank you you may be seated now it is now my privilege to Welcome to the podium masters of Ceremonies Dr Kon chasar yes Dr Kon shivas dean of the College of Engineering and computer science and Dr Lisa hamersley Dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics we are pleased and honored that you have joined us today to celebrate our graduates achievements it is a proud day for all in the College of Engineering computer science the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and for Sacramento State we now have the privilege of recognizing the members of the platform party including leadership from the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences and the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics the college is Deans awardees and student speakers and esteemed members of the president's cabinet please join me in thanking them for being here [Applause] today it is now our privilege to introduce the president of Sacramento State Dr Luke wood [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey sometimes you gotta pop out and show people some of you got that welcome Hornet family it is an incredible privilege to address you here today at commencement as many of you may know my name is Luke wood and I have the pleasure of serving as the president of California State University Sacramento Sacramento [Applause] State today we celebrate the remarkable achievement of a record 9,730 graduates and those graduates join our Hive of over 280,000 alumni who have entrusted their academic Journeys to our Sacramento State and I've know that we we have a few alumni in the audience today so if you're part of our alumni can you stand if you're able to make some noise all right so I want to take a brief moment today to share some um a simple message with you and the message is this lead leadership begins here lead and Lead now not tomorrow it's your time take it over don't wait for your turn don't wait for your seat at the table heck make your own table create your own company start your own social movements build your own nonprofits run for office write that book take that leap the world is not led by the passive is led by those who take on the mantle of leadership and when there isn't a mantle they build their own mantle because they refuse to settle you see we need your leadership now more than ever before because you're graduating at a pivotal time in history you have inherited a world that is far more pernicious and has more complex problems than those who came before you you inherit a world that is divided by Wars taxed economies politics culture and Technologies a world that is quick to disregard to judge to vilify and to cancel and you represent what can be a light in that Darkness we need you we need your empathy your passion and your discipline because there's something different about you something that is unique that you bring to this world and that's what it means to be a Sacramento State graduate you are exceptional you are the best of the best you're not getting your degree from just any old place you're getting your degree from Sacramento State [Applause] and let's think about what that means for a moment you've been educated in one of the most diverse institutions in the nation and an environment that truly cares about the community even more we are the one and only Public University in the state capital of the fifth largest economy in the world so what you do here can change the world so with that in mind I want to congratulate all of those who are earning their degrees from other colleges and universities around the country this time of year and we root for them but we also have to remember that they not like us they not like us they not like us you see what distinguishes a Sacramento State grab is not just our strategic positioning in the capital or our diverse environment or our commitment to local community it's our gritty Drive dve our grind our desire to succeed sax state is renowned for providing a pathway to the ones who've been doubted the ones who've been held back the ones who've been held down who others said they aren't they can't and they won't and then Sacramento state provides you with an environment that show the world that nothing nothing can stop you and that's a differentiator between our grads and grads from any other place because they not like us you are Victors no matter what the world has thrown at you you have shown that you will Thrive that no one has more determination and this matters because the issues that you will take on as leaders are not easy ones but if it were easy anyone to solve it but it needs a Sacramento State grad to solve it Sac State is truly transforming the face in the heart of Sacramento this Arena floor right here right now is filled with amazing graduates who exemplify what it means to be a hornet and among our graduates today are a number of different communities of people that we should take a moment to recognize to all of our first generation college students in the audience could you stand if you are able to make yourself be [Applause] [Music] known that's amazing all right how about for our transfer students we have even folks that transfer from one of our community [Music] colleges all right how about this where are my International students [Applause] at all right so in addition to those communities we also have a very unique Community that's here today there are some people today who are in our audience who are our graduates who will be crossing the stage for the very first time because during covid-19 they graduated from high school or Community College and they never got a chance to so as these individuals stand to your feet for everyone in the arena I think we should give them a double Round of Applause because this is their first time crossing the stage if that's you please rise and lastly if you are a student parent ER or caretaker and you are in among our graduates today would you please stand if you are able and be [Applause] recognized and if we've got any kids kids in the audience today one of their kids or babies let's see them on the [Music] Jumbotron okay that was supposed to CU the Jumbotron oh there we [Music] go [Applause] wonderful there we go it's a lot of motivation on the screen there graduates the future is Unwritten and it's yours to take shape continue to dream big to take courageous actions and to never stop working to make this world a better place the place that you want it to be remember that you will always be hornets and our Sacramento state will always be your home so as you cross the stage today just remember that unlike anyone else the country you are unique and you are special because they not like us Stingers [Applause] up now I'd like to invite to the stage our student body president Natalie Andrade Dominguez who graduated and walked the stage [Applause] yesterday good morning esteemed faculty staff family and friends thank you for joining us today on this very special occasion and to my fellow graduates I'm honored to share this moment together for many of us this Milestone didn't come easy today as we reflect on the threshold of our future it's important to reflect back on the remarkable Journey that has brought us all here to this moment each and every one of us has a unique story a unique story of perseverance resilience and Triumph over adversity when we look back on our years of schooling we can all recount the countless hurdles that we have to surmount so before you cross this stage tonight I want you all to truly take a moment take a moment to look back at every single time where you felt like giving up where you felt like you had no more left to give but yet found the smallest amount of strength and energy to keep going and even for those times where you did give up you found a way to pick yourself back up and every single one of those times deserved to be celebrated tonight so truly take a moment to celebrate this Milestone because we didn't let setbacks Define us instead we turned adversity into fuel for growth you turned your pain into to power so be proud of yourself for never giving up for pushing forward even when the path may have seemed uncertain and for believing in yourselves even when others or the world may have doubted you so I want you all to recognize all those late night study sessions all the sacrifices you made and the unwavering commitment that you have made to accomplishing your dreams our graduation is a testament to our ability to rise above C circumstances and emerge stronger wiser and more determined than ever I want you all to take a look around to the people on your left to your right behind you and every single person in this room they're all here to support us and celebrate our accomplishments so let us not forget the support systems that have propelled us to this momentous day to our professors mentors and advisers we thank you for your wavering guidance and belief in our potential and to our family and friends your love and encouragement has been our constant source of strength so today we share this Triumph with you so let's go out into the world and make our Mark knowing that we are all capable of achieving greatness congratulations class of 2024 [Music] [Applause] thank you president wood and thank you president Andrade Dominguez we would now like to recognize the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences Dean awarde for the 2324 Academic Year Anna bab chanik from the Department of Civil engineering and the Department of Mathematics and statistics Anna please stand [Music] Anna is a first generation college student from a Ukrainian immigrant family rooted in the values of language family and Faith who pursued bachelor's degrees in civil engineering and Mathematics Anna's passion for Learning and commitment to Excellence had been further exemplified through her active involvement in academic clubs professional affiliations and Leadership roles where she has championed inclusivity and diversity in all of the stem Fields she immersed herself in summer research programs at UC Davis n USC and Sacramento State Anna is looking forward to beginning her pursuit of a master's degree in civil and environmental engineering this fall at Stanford [Applause] [Music] University Anna was also selected as the first student speaker for the College of Engineering computer science please join me in welcome welcoming Anna to the podium [Applause] guests faculty and my fellow graduates today marks a significant milestone in our lives together fueled by caffeine and determination we've conquered sleepless nights and celebrated victories yet beyond the equations and algorithms our journey was enriched by the relationships we've forged and bridges we've built both literal and figurative we are grateful to family friends professors and mentors who sustained us through the challenges and celebrated our successes remember graduates as you face life's uncertainties you are the accumulation of all the decisions you've made the risks you've taken and the pth you've chosen Embrace purpose focus on creating value not only for yourselves but also for the communities you serve may your futures be filled with endless and boundless opportunities congratulations class of [Applause] 2024 thank you Anna now I have the distinct honor of introducing our second student speaker speaker Hashim jabber Hashim was the ASI director for the College of Engineering computer science please join me in welcoming hasham to the [Music] [Applause] podium thank you thank you Dr Kon for the introduction fellow Hornets today marks the accumulation of our journey in the College of Engineering and Community science where we have strived together in the H of innovation and learning from today onward each and every single one of us will begin and embark on our own journey to build and engineer a hive of our own so allow me to share with you the secrets of building and Engineering a longlasting hive which are honesty Integrity dedication motivation and persi there will be times where you'll face success and there will be times where you will face failures so remember when you face the ladder remember your journey at sax State and remember your support systems which Speaking of support systems I would like to thank my two support systems my mom and my dad number one M Baba shukran Ai and my second one whom you will find if you look to your left and to your right some of the faces that you just saw were the idols and the motivation to help me push myself through and through so remember the next time your code doesn't compile the next time your circuits burn your math isn't mathing remember those faces remember your Idols remember your journey at sax State singers up [Applause] thank you Hashim now it's time to recognize the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Dean awarde for the 2023 2024 Year Eileen Garcia Fuentes from the Department of biological sciences and Department of Chemistry Eileen please stand Eileen Garcia Fuentes is a biological sciences major with a concentration in microbiology and a minor in chemistry she graduated Magna Ludi with a 3.84 GPA during her time as an undergraduate Eileen not only excelled in her courses she also enthusiastically engaged in research she worked with Professor Nel focusing on biodiversity INF fernal Pauls before joining Professor Lopez's lab where she explored the growth of bacteria in cider which leads to spoilage and loss this work led to presentations at national conferences and the publication of an article in a peer reviewed microbiology journal with Eileen's first [Applause] author Eileen will be starting her PhD program at UC Davis in fall and plans to study health issues in historically underserved groups please join me in congratulating Eileen on for many [Applause] accomplishments I now have the honor of introducing this year's College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics student commencement speaker please join me in welcoming Molina Papas from the Department of biological sciences to the [Applause] podium hello graduates I'd like to ask you to close your eyes for a second and think about your time at Sacramento State you may have faced challenges that have overwhelmed the positive moments of your time here as we sit together becoming alumni of Sacramento State I want you to think about all the meaningful moments you have experienced whether big or small we grew as a community and individuals endured empathetically and are proof that no OB obstacle is too big for us to overcome 5 years ago I entered saak state with impossible Dreams of becoming an MD PhD and keeping my love for dance alive I leave today with two bachelor's degrees one in biomedical sciences and one in dance as a pal facilitator a Delta gamma and a grateful member of our community as someone who used to have horrible stage fright these experiences at sax state are what allowed me the honor to speak in front of you all today thank you to all of those who have inspired us thank you to all the faculty staff family and friends who push me to keep going because without their support I would not be able to say I'm continuing my studies at Stanford University School of Medicine as a clinical Anatomy scholar I encourage us all to continue growing learning and dreaming for the rest of our lives no matter how large the obstacles might seem in the words of Walt Disney it's kind of fun to do the impossible thank you and congratulations class of [Applause] 20124 thank you Molina now we will move to the part of the ceremony that individually recognizes all graduates from the College of Engineering computer science and the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics beginning with the master degree recipients faculty Marshals please escort the Master's candidates to the podium president wood will you please join me to greet the [Music] candidates you will notice that our master's candidates are wearing a a cloth Hood over their robes this is the Master's hood and is a part of the academic regalia as warned by the faculty members who entered the arena today brightly colored hoods gowns hats and Chevrons are all part of that same regalia the academic costume is important to us for it signifies membership in the academy the community of Scholars master's degree holders wear a Mortar Board a black gown with oblong sleeves open at the wrist and a hood it is the hood that tells the story the colors of its lining represent the institution awarding the degree and the trim color denotes the field of study the hood symbolizes much hard work it also confers special status while no area of study is ever truly conquered you have reached a level of Mastery that makes you a member of the academic Community we welcome you and hope that your hood brings you great pride we are very proud of you the Master's graduates will be individually recognized today out of respect for your fellow graduates and their families please remain for the entire presentation we understand it is long but can guarantee it is worth it because the official conferral of your degree takes place after the individual recognition presenting master of science software engineering Bashar Naja alaza now Pres presting master of science computer science hi Yen Le V Vaga sh rakish Kumar sha Vata three car Mela cheron ready ready chank Kasi Butler San San chail V pel ywan Kumar manam promote jinaga sasia vishu shirama aati Sonia CH Mariam Sid summer El Sato [Applause] atwall Hari Krishna koru Jo [Music] kotou daa umari mea ra keganti Enrique alkaser Ortiz abash ten Su Dan RJ pel radna vasuki Pella mon panage Kam lassia vasala K Val aut mad Raju ch [Music] Shanta Kumar har Kiran Thada Monica ready morit mutu [Music] keu karasu Nicholas James Clayton karasu karasu Nicholas James Clayton Robert roati V Niha yti mancy pareshkumar Sony Anuj Tria pan Sunil Karne Raj V Engle sish Kumar elrin Richard Raul haime Arambula chavany de manabo now presenting master of science electrical and electronic engineering James I Cubo nurah haizi Farzad rmani najas Tori Adrien C mck Carl Kevin Davey annovi aush Shukla sham sanj goule Omar ibraim harit car sha Ali Sharma Nagina Shake eaon Anusha s Sha now presenting master of science mechanical engineering Spencer Chase sua Kiran javadi lakman devilish waru bavan Kumar Bud Noah vu Jeremy M [Music] Mota now presenting the College of Engineering and computer science master of science civil engineering nor failey ocean chande Francisco Rodriguez Beatrice malfi [Applause] Jessica here Kumar waen Fraga Hernandez aluro Rafael Perez hunt simron K shergill ra aan [Music] GOI Vanessa Alvarez Grace Garcia Raquel Kimia Run's [Music] Daughter Alexis Ariano Ethan NAA Taylor Moore Thomas Andrew Mitchum Smith R perum Tiffany Amber Bobo Cody kefir wadell Amanda Marie padam Caitlyn blenard Jacob S helmi Erica sanbor Dylan Jeffrey bosnich nefta ala Lopez Maria Dolores [Music] alcarez villy bagat dang Tren rajv J Mii congratulations to the Master's Degree graduates we now move forward with the presentation of bachelor degree candidates now presenting College of Engineering and computer science Bachelor of Science sence civil engineering casin Lum ill bacho Mark Victor [Music] verlon Riley Alexander AIT B Singh Gil B PRI sing otio Eden chuku janit Gia Cody Michael Conlin Adam Mohammad Marshall Knight Cameron Scott Taylor Joseph woler Isabella Adela fabricante ABI mayel Mahia Ramirez Isaac Jer [Music] OA Cody Ray Montoya Luis [Applause] Pinedo Ava Marie Hunter [Music] Mark [Music] [Applause] Chase Jacob T Brady Andy Z Cody John Grantham wasil ammad mubariz Benjamin rovski Braden Rick Anderson edwill bryle P bisnar Jacob Ellen Morris ish Branson Tyler [Applause] Bernard Samantha Nicole hko Marissa Alexandra Gara Rachel Amy Scots Sam Lubeck Matthew John Ham Zena Shalon [Music] [Applause] [Music] Nasir Ahmad [Music] Adel Luis J [Music] Ramirez Oscar Abdel Gonzalez jaell elijan Ansley Alexander William [Music] Doyle KH in Ln Samuel [Music] Nez Sam Nong Kenneth sang Cade Edward Titus [Music] Jacob Taylor Diego Nui Espinosa Jacob Alexander D young Melissa Elena height Amanda Elena height Rachel Isaac shayen Nicole Reed Julia [Music] shibo Alina yevich McKenzie boso barzana feruzi Anna Bab chanik Travis Michael comto Patrick Bowman Martin Jacob David brousard Mohammad hamwood sa Nasser Eduardo Daniel rueles Ayana taliver Quincy Devonte boses Cody [Applause] Davis Miranda Rios Melanie Christine Ripple Sarah nashwan yakub maram nwan y a Aion Chavez santoo David rafhael zapa Hector H [Music] Ooa Aldo Chavez D [Music] far Jose W the [Music] jenica Cruz limaco Zena Abdul Nasser Abdul Jabar fonso [Music] [Applause] Mendoza Wilder Jason masar [Music] Ros Kesler Mall Johnson Amir alai Steven I [Music] Rodriguez Brian Martin Kilgore eigor alexovich [Music] bosik Aaron Matthew Miranda Jovin dong KN Tre n Derek Guion Valencia guo deor sah prit Singh UD partap sing Grey Steven R cardinas Evan Xander Hawker Aaron [Music] Stewart Dallas David [Applause] Lee Brandon John punt chamant sidharth Kumar Ellen Torres Vega Ryan Vu Lou Elias Mayo Anthony a Garcia Carlos margarito Sanchez Justin David Hine [Music] Zachary James suniga Almas Khan akbari Musa naimi Heather Angelus Mikel Nikita pansy green Neil Diana delal sod Mazin Dela Jaylen SEI kwat Kennedy MOA Jackie Tren Jameson Reese Pastor [Applause] Garcia Kevin ma Israel Deus D ammed mushak Dylan Ricky Lee Kelvin Makoto [Music] kanano Jasmine Mendoza Manzano hang P nen Maxim Zev Albert Felix Martinez Elizabeth tant truk nen Moroni Mormon austino Mafi sha e Wade Ellen Benjamin Carlos macam [Music] Andro Garcia gimenez Christian James raganit Fernando Martinez [Music] Gonzalez Sophia Velasquez Josie a Fong Judy Natalie Magna Alejandro Martinez Romero David Nunes Nila Chinko Jason Lynn Ryan Wong Daniel Evan Rodriguez Laura an Nolan Julian Jimenez Phillip Wang now presenting Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering Charlie fun new in vigar Kim taboza alador Kenny surang chai hin s Robert Hua langaman I Roberto Alonso Jesse Hernandez Niara minhas Renee [Music] charma Ian [Music] ichar Christian reain VZ hanol VES cheville Singh Juan Pablo Garcia j me cor Dalton Davis Juan Lopez manuell morteo Eric Jason perard Garrett Ross roblo Mustafa e Hassan Edgardo Reyes bellan Adam shabar ratam [Applause] saldi Lonnie Charles olaj Juan span Jr Jose Oscar Mendoza Soria Tanner Reed Nicholas James stockan Kyle D Cruz Mohammad Alf Xavier marceles [Music] Howell Alexander gunby [Music] Zack wrestler Joshua nente badre Riley Taber Johnson Ry Mohammad YF Michael Pao Bernardo pinela Ethan Grant [Music] Victor M beltron hobo Jonathan Robert mck Manan hont Patel Zachary Lee [Music] [Applause] link Eric p [Music] zizumbo alen r aino [Music] Bill win Joshua Robert McKenry now presenting Bachelor of Science computer science Anthony Alexander Brewer Tyler Dominic kazy T qu Wang Lee Leonardo angano fuk van D sashel Iman Ali Cesar Martin del Campo EST Stephanie Guadalupe Aguilar Luna Jacob Daniel [Music] Sullivan Tim O'Keefe Denny Tech kth celo Alejandro Koo ulia tarasova Nikita cherop panov [Applause] Javier monzo Garcia Julian Marcus KERO Ariel Rose espeo Manalo abela Adele Hamden Miguel Jesus Lopez Rahim Abu Hamra [Music] Ahmad irad Mayar Shan s Austin Loft Ahmed Osman Mariel McBride David G Damiano Aaron Shackleford W Tanner Jacob Colbert Matthew Ryan Elliot Bryant Maurice Gallow Reza celula andril bachari Johan Russell Akuna agado Moises vaka Abdul Rahman s YF akmed Muhammad KH kuang Trang red Tran Alexandria Parvin moabi Alina gregoria Henry moabi Nicholas Caillou Vang Fang Vang Dane alen laki igot S sherill Brandon [Music] Dam V NN Benjamin Tay Tran vo Jeffrey Melendez Navid bagay Cameron Robert agery lanir Arjun barava Connor Dominic [Music] abishek Rahul Prasad Nathan e Martinez haime L Ramirez Daniel Perez Alicia Luna [Applause] [Music] Bautista Jesus cantes [Music] aoya Brian veila Posas Omar Antonio Martinez Alexander [Music] Vu Austin Michael dusa Jack Evan Dua Nolan cdale [Music] Amir [Music] talak Jonathan herero Camarena kamacho ahed Taha aramat sing Suri miles Davidson Brown Ted Kim sahill Prasad Anish Raja Fabian [Applause] Lopez Jaz jot sing Victor sein Spar SNY ly Van Den Steven Tren Brian Willis danan Ramel Davis shiron lambar Kevin prit sing di Julian maximilan Martinez Fernando a [Applause] Mendoza arid sing [Music] Ben zot prit sing chandi Shahed Abdul fat jabber Kiran car Trevor Joseph Davis David enler Eric Jimenez Chavez Timothy James kba eigor [Applause] [Music] olesko Nicholas H Bailey Krishna Kio Sun Pon Yang hian D nen Andrew P zong Ryan Vincent senson nazifa Hanan Carina Lynn kitley [Music] Gila khabib Wyatt Adam cisi William varujan musak Kanan Jong MOA lucky fan Brian fam Aaron Gabriel Sparrow Andrew Eugene Abella Christian Gustavo vagram Fernando Moreno Mendes moua San y yaku yaku Jaylen Zachary scrier navit R [Music] berau Jasmine Marie pinco Sammy El Hammet Dean [Music] sash Mark Angelo comparision leano how young Lee siron gu Curtis Barry Nicholas Bert Leia Sakai Granado vot limb CER talk baa ashwani Amil paner HRI Patel jasa rakeshkumar pel Sonia pkumar Patel Jason Gan W you that [Music] my Jackson David Martin Joseph D Jesse quatch Brian Yang s deep cor B waight Hashem Abdul fat jabber Jasmine Randa Ethan mccan calvo Grace Jung ibraim tifi [Music] wato William D [Music] Roberts Ernest [Music] Kim Andrew Chris Tracy stetton Stan fesler Eric Daniel Brown Jeremy sod Eric man [Applause] Mitchell Ellen [Music] Hall dcoin Lewis [Applause] Smith Austin James [Applause] beckelman suah Jang Sera asme Kathy Kong Kyle ivvan Troy barreras Leo PUO Alec pisi Zen H Zang Christian Laver Mendes sad Khan Gabrielle levu nuk nula J Karin s Ry dip Patel Jay Kosik theti bondit jish sanjaykumar Patel rahil jendra by Patel Alexis dton Abel averos Cherry Kim NN Shan Michael King Reyes torado Carl Anthony wesan Rosetti Kenneth Sherwood monk Nicholas Dean Chase Malcolm Christopher Wright Megan Elizabeth Gross Jesus Pablo Alfaro Nicholas James Cordo ocean s Tober [Music] [Applause] Keegan Bradley rhods vladislav Puri Tori William Peterson ju Manuel [Music] Gara Brian sha Ethan K Tren love deep vashish [Music] aash deep vashish s shiron kruna Jonathan Molina Andrew Kai a [Music] Vang Gary [Music] Young Francisco Avalos Jared Scout Ray Alin epin shabo Garrett M learned Anthony andreevich cabinets Russell Thomas y Carson Lawrence dummit rugman mang anro Eduardo Mariano Susan M miles [Music] Brandon dony shaffi Muhammad Matthew Nicholas [Music] Ryan Matthew Dominguez vladislav I statnik Douglas cra [Music] Nathaniel Cruz Benjamin Lawrence cedarland samarpan Andrew rajen Matthew D Christensen Angelina Rose Castillo Caitlyn Elise Yao Yu Dimitri maula rafhaela lamboy Johnny titch PRI Pras sha Jacob Daniel Cook Eva vashish Samantha dezman seraldi Davidson Al Christopher [Applause] jaen Imad a zir William M Flo Mohammad Al chalabi Christian Joseph Ross William Eduardo Ramirez Samir Shake Colton C carvalo Mohammad Ahmed Benjamin Daniel Vasco Trang fan Mah deep sing Peter Joseph Mets Jazz Jeet s SGA Jonathan Valencia Samson Lee James M [Music] AES aier E breno Ashley Erica vvi Adrien hartanto tandiono sir Christian orer Cal Dante Rodriguez camong Lee Paul M ventimilia [Music] suban mhmood Jaz prit Singh Bruno a rilio Nathaniel B Mansfield Ian Raymond Schultz Thomas imano Haro Ooa Roan Kiran Campbell Hannah Guilford Nelson Alex Ali fukai [Music] Saul bz Angelo JC De La Cruz Derek jallen seals [Applause] belon Brandon Min win Timothy J Jan bman Drew bugman Jonathan Buie Kaden Tren van sing man liberio reard mercy mdon Jacob Edward Everhart Fernando Ramos V Mueller kadesia Fatima Bui Steven Scott Graham Brandon beran Jesus anel quos Raymond Anthony Waters Juan Nat danan Emmanuel too Uriel Sombrero Arena mazurova Matthew Sebastian Dela Cruz Adrien James Gonzalez Cameron T ingera Christopher Lewis Wright Andrew covert Wilson toy Tai sang Tang Andrew Maurice mararo Kata Christopher Anthony the Palma rames Hassan Abdul Malik a Abdul khik amund deep sing hesar Singh jug Jo sing mad gerot sing Koya now presenting Bachelor of Science construction [Applause] management Daniel David Fernandez Adrien [Music] petur viim B [Music] kenor Daniel Glen Yu Victor a Ortiz Andrew Ivan seaha Caleb Joseph marasovich Alex Tyler mundon Alexander Sterling Fong Grant J ubaldi Evan Min Nam ker Andre Casas Salazar Lan hanifa Michelle Moreno Pedro Flores Hernandez guermo Lazaro Brian Hernandez Reno [Music] Matthew James pzo orge Perez Bernardo Mendoza Franco Alexander Nuno Conor Willis Roberto Silva Daniel vaded Leon Logan Woods George Aiden Martinez Christopher James seagert EJ Vier [Music] crusis Tyler Jen Cory ran Jackson ravia [Music] Kasa jayen sha Castro Carlos NL Lee William Moser Diego Julian Barba Julio Aon Garcia Diaz haime vior Israel Munos emol Jimenez Cruz Kyle Jung Lee Emily Ventura Mel vinyan [Applause] slavinski Joseph Charles Mason Kai Norman Christopher [Music] Gonzalez Cameron Cooper Penman Sami ham [Music] joat Andrea [Music] Johnson Farah K Al ruay Cosmo David Hutchins Nicholas James wall [Music] Oswaldo Carlos Garcia Keanu Christian Mouser Mason Jeffrey Davidson Juan Pablo Orosco Gonzalez Eric hko kobby chrison Benjamin Joseph Lucas Marco Antonio Ramirez Montoya kristo malanov Isaac [Music] balazar Austin Ryan James kareim o Bravo gabbe mohanad chick olley Fus muslum Bernard Anthony kambing omley Nicholas an Tran VC suar Cole Alexander cson Sarah C urea Alexander [Music] beam Oscar e badia Adam Jeffrey gong M Osama Al shareda Alejandro o Nunes Joseph Anthony sagasi Juan Carlos FAS now presenting Bachelor of Science electrical and electronic engineering Bryce Wong go Jordan Airi Fowler Desmond Lewis Russell John ianz Reyes ialam Lor Mohammad emonic Jaden John [Music] Matt Alejandro Ramirez Ahmed and Sor Mohammad Brian Lee n [Music] tala Abdul fat jabber Dyan deep sing bling David Clifton Roy ball Albert Anthony Vela Chamberlain hinley slav kis nikovic [Music] Brian James Bilby pasal deuca Axel Norberto Rios Steven samanu vandon Sharma Sabrina Renee Gonzalez Eric Martinez Brito Fernando Javier [Music] gabbe Jose Andres Madrid Valenzuela Andrew Joseph Garcia Mark Anthony vitiello David D John Paul bulalo miles Conelly Nolan khed wed Al hamedi Vincent El [Music] hon Jason L crater John WS [Music] Anthony d [Applause] l Willie Neva quill Steven Tong Justin Singh Banger Natalia gulb yova mola gulab naov Vincent Marcus Lopez Eduardo mlal [Music] Kazi Jose Martin chz NAA chin onoro Megan [Music] [Applause] Rodriguez Henry John [Music] Adams Alex [Applause] kenko shamal sidharth [Music] [Applause] Kumar Jose Reyes Ty Trang [Music] win Bal bin Shakil Raman Singh [Music] Dylan kerina Don carrian Noel Wen Salvador Izzy Ahmed Sani Phillip [Music] willhelm Jamar Baines Jr Kevin G arilia Chris Calon Bach baradin Niazi Martin Lopez Randall Jacob Grill Winston [Music] Lynn bener Alvar [Music] aromin Christian mumba soell [Music] eduward Austin galura ubalde Cynthia lavaret Jonathan Jake Tran Shaz air moiz Alam Khan W Meza jares gon saasa Justin Steven [Music] Vieira Kashif mmud bricks bag Cory Dunham Andre shemyakin now presenting Bachelor of Science mechanical engineering mosa [Music] abos Caleb Petty timolin ganak Brandon cherrier will Henry olig Maximus kachenko Andrew Joseph camer Daniel Reed pavl kravchuk Lucas Alexander monteros zean Sim Gabriel a Beal's port IO Juan Eduardo Rios sahil Visa Fernando quos Jared Adrien Louie Jack Moffett Kenneth Richard Cooper [Music] Abdullah sad a [Music] alaki solstice X Ramos Matthew Kenneth [Applause] Nichols SAR medvedovsky Nathan rosello Malino hor Rodriguez [Music] Chavez Erica Alejandra salivar Dominic Delon George [Music] Ortega yes IA [Music] Silva Ashley rice Karissa natividad paloi Cel Kenny [Music] aruto John a pajeros Ethan K Sater Aaron arap Conor H song Alexander Huang James Wong Pedro Monera Ellen Ma orge Mendoza Eric cisos Anthony Grace kby James Burch Brandon Dow Justin Kai Otis Steven ho Aon Javier Omar Chavez alcarez stepen we [Music] win Jonathan Paul frers Le mu buos Munda Malik [Applause] P Tai sing Jose husto santel Salma Silva Asus Moro Guzman Alfredo cardinas rias Sarah [Music] materani lero Lopez Miguel anel Venegas Abu Becker Asar Hussein Justin Benedict diig a igos igos Edward B [Music] simov Bashar Abu Anza Brendan Jacob Dell [Music] Duncan W Marshall Nadine Judi Mason archbow Nathan J David Thomas L Payne Francisco David carbz Andrew Mong Jong MOA Adan morio Ronaldo [Music] too Sergio austo Gomez Jason Sao araza juar banala Ryan Jang [Music] deant vasili [Music] derenski eliso Gonzalez Justin [Applause] glass Kelly Renee pavle Daniel Michael Henry William Christopher Rice Charles Francis Thorp barbier Dean Gus [Music] Randazzo Brandon Hong yeah Brandon bro [Music] Vasquez Wyatt freedenfeld [Music] Selena Marie Reese Jesus esel faras Gareth M Tran he Isam a Hassan Antonio Cruz Ayala Christian Taylor Treadway Hamza Nadim [Music] so U Miguel go Valentin Nicholas Anthony favalora Melissa Ariano MOA Karine estron Nicole chrisanne lidor lender Gil Anton Oliver [Music] Williams Anthony Taylor vong Justin McCutchen deot [Music] sing Isaac Raul kassos Joseph Gabriel Estrada Dalton Wilson Hall mean c m Joseph Chun ma Miguel Angel Bergos Eugene chestu Gregory Harvey Seth [Music] Peterson Brandon AIS Abel AIS Oscar e Vasquez Marcus Espinosa AI johal Shan Michael gilan yasar ikbal now presenting the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts biological sciences Jin Kim Emma Sandra janicki Isha bendo Casey Johnny Lee Coleman Juan Carlos Hernandez Felix rapael ernandez Mahia Jr Ethan Alexander DiNapoli ganen ad Z Mack [Music] white Brenda Guerrero tan grunditz Dianna vashan Baker Alina olegovna serova Yara kazmi Eileen garciaa [Music] ventes Carson T [Music] Marsh duim [Music] [Applause] NOA alas [Applause] [Music] Bruce D mariaa patinho Ashley rashelle Sanchez Lenora olivo Alysa Nicole alteres Natalie an Tate Matthew Douglas web Natalia Luna [Music] Ethan philli NN Ariana R serat Kelly Lynn danov Saba sarari Holden [Music] Reyes Kim B triam TR Cheyenne egub Gage kuga ma Vu Dharma Jensen Annabella Jessica Tucker Sarah Ruth Roberts Briana Elder Kevin [Music] Newan Juan Manuel Marquez Lua Devin Nicole Lawrence Julian Salazar [Music] Henry nerov P sing Banu M rafik [Music] Zada ream Camille carker Natalie atasia Spencer alen Anderson chrisy L do Jennifer Perez Nicole Razo Maha rhman Shams radwan alahi Michaela an Lewis Dana H aloti Nathaniel Schultz [Music] cesy Swinson prila caralina Lucas [Music] Pablo Eileen and yango [Music] Kenya Charlene Adai poku Kitty Karen panit Madison an Chase Karina [Music] Munoz Julia Fernandez roacha Megan Danielle bertran marisal Gutierrez Leslie Z Bodo fire Jamal ibraim Sarah Lena [Music] mancy Sarah Salah jundi [Music] Joseph shaten Molina [Music] papis Christina e capstraw kulai image [Music] Chang ran Manuel archeleta Caitlyn Tom Ronnie Hy Natalie Justine [Music] [Applause] Wells Jared [Applause] [Music] Jenkins Jane malari Simeon [Music] Gabrielle Rosetta lisma branza Christina China Kent DEA Kumari Niah summer [Music] beer bayya MOA Sylvia C deets [Music] Aaron J Mendoza Garcia and M [Music] West Ishmael [Music] Gutierrez Tiffany Renee [Music] haes yeva graa Danielle Levon Ramos Noel Melissa kingan Justin Ryan ampo Gerald rcio ampo [Music] Matthew M hagged Briana Nicole [Music] Parker Ryan dly Ashley Michaela parrot Erica Marie Steen khil hes SRA atel Thomas Barack chai Diana Vang Adrien s [Music] MOA Dallas yah V sristy kamti Sarah Witter meline Patricia Raquel [Music] Papas Lissa [Music] [Applause] mayavi Guadalupe sebastiana Hernandez Samantha Renee peris Julia teres [Music] [Applause] Martin Casey r Nichols Rael Perez Anastasia [Music] Vang sria J an Jasmine Alexandria Dillard mavelyn [Music] Orosco Mustafa arandell Diana Judith Ramos Patricia pomat l King IET a [Music] Alvarez Abdullah aljanabi [Applause] Amil zju vivon Hazel Mahia cardinas Luis Angel Rios cido Edwin Fernando Ooa Sandoval Andrew O saser suil sarari Dees Jan Jade Robert [Music] Garrett Clayton Bryce [Music] Davis Kevin King hurt Dylan her Darren a sun pavi [Music] sing Kia Eileen Dennis Brianna Marie Rodriguez Johnny Huang NN Jessica vaselino tuba [Music] hashimi Grace Alexandra Bell [Music] Lucia Guadalupe gimenez Samantha alantara idolo Jeffrey Lore Vincent Ry caban Kalia J [Music] jaaw Aisha [Music] garan R Kumar Devin R Mueller GA K to Grant Joseph Seth Aubrey and Mikan tvir cor Gill Michaela leaya Emy Buie nelli dery kolina Regalado deliva Narin J Benjamin Janelle Bautista filla hme [Music] aesan Ariana M gulzada Stacy Oro [Music] opore Jonathan L Santana Kyle Austin Slaughter Jana Cheyenne Hill Brenda Ramos Molina [Music] Neri Ivan Alonzo Arana Alysa Martinez Brianna oropeza Cameron Paige Torres [Music] an helica J roblas Oscar Hernandez Brian F canoy [Music] Rodriguez jessome Jordan kin carelia riado Tia Bang Abigail Rose deaco tianan coma [Music] Griffin Haley Jan Hansen Sarah Smith Brianna Victoria Gomez Alina offel kria Joy Fook asalo alberon Montoya Reagan Nan Eric grandle Diana is mlda melindes Perez Aiden Lee jalow Navid akav so najib Rael TK [Music] hrad hernik sengera chitvan prit cor bajia Ryan William fly Steven Michael taga Brian Xavier Estrada emilano [Applause] Gutierrez Tracy Manana tiisha elagin Sara ainga Rangel Ashna Dei [Music] Andrea s palasio meani gumo mark C vicencio lisabeth Ortiz priia Munger [Music] Kiana Marie rmoa Fernando kudrat Paul Angelica arriana Lopez hron Jessica Maria Garcia Jenny Lou Wesley k pesek [Applause] [Music] Alexander primac Abella chuku I eobi Bridget and [Music] zalinski Elizabeth Moreno Martinez Wendy Guadalupe farjardo Mary Mai [Music] Brianna [Music] Valencia Cameron Bess [Music] Mitchell now presenting Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts chemistry dul is frea Chavez Hernandez floor in STO Hernandez Daniel P oeno mallerie K snar Jeffrey J [Music] Becker Jacob Alexander Watkins gagan deep sing Gil Trinity Paris latri Foster juel NN [Music] Wilson Dean Imad al-amodi Ramon Anthony Hernandez Jeffrey Caldwell Stephanie jacqualine Ramirez Michaela Latrice Edwards Alejandro Manuel BR Sanchez Giana Elis Allen two niak [Music] danan Ivana Bellin Novoa Ginger Rose [Music] [Applause] Luellen Colette [Music] Shu Leslie Flores [Music] Chrystal nun Aon Brandon L liner Sarah June creger kafayat poo ad foran John Yang Taylor Rees McWilliam [Music] Shan [Music] Fernandez Christina [Music] Torres Marcelo Jonathan Reyes Torres juren Kirk Macio Ivy [Music] Baro Miranda NE Deon [Music] Dominique Naomi Amanda Meadows Ivan Diaz Jade Lockwood Nick Johnson Jack Adamson Nikolai Garcia Cason now presenting Bachelor of Arts geography Armando Delgado Aman prit Singh tan a Hamilton Justin Ray hento bid Alex zasso Evan Robert doell Samantha Marie Parish Ka Lee [Music] Becky Luchia Nicole isok [Music] Enoch Matt nap Bronte tielman hner Heidi campoy [Music] Derek Steven Medina Carl G de Hoya Adam J archuletta Andrew hernon Travis Randle Jack Thomas Patton Leona Ray fatoo Gail Dule Maxwell Howard worst Kenton Cole Fowler now presenting Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts geology Hugo robbles [Music] Edwin [Music] Rodriguez Michael David Carroll hos Saul Pinon Reyes oos Singh Baines Jacqueline Anna mayel oraga Joseph scrier Jaylen Michael Luckett Noel tesy Jasmine Z scrier Kevin cryan Danielle Christine McCarthy James Baker now presenting Bachelor of Arts mathematics Quinn Hugh Trad Jared too [Music] oo Brian lamos [Music] arita Steven James Foster Hong Chung Han knock newn Kelly Renee [Music] Phillips Gabriel Gutierrez Romo Alexia ginz Silva n Mariela Lopez Dylan T Souls Marza Gonzalez Andy Ruben Milan Dura Jasmine Sheree vanover Christian Garcia Jonathan Lopez Alexander daravuth hack David Jeremiah castron Jessica certa Sabrina and castilio Carlos Reyes Gavin kaminga Abby J [Music] aday William Thomas Gibson Nicholas Theodore kadina Marissa Haley berio Victoria [Music] Bigalow Nikita Nikola alexandrova Han T [Music] lamb Thomas no Jake G [Music] scantlin Anthony Jordan Hopson Jesse Chapel Ryan delabo Edgar venes Mora Nick Fus Cindy Guadalupe Ramirez baras warisa Lee Alex Thomas Josiah [Music] reres Michelle J [Music] Chu Jonas Vios Bravo Anthony viori now presenting Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts physics and astronomy Teresa Kim win Nina win long tan Winn Jason Johnson philli [Music] Summerfield Justin Vian Reagan jayen Jennings Sun K Gip Matthew Bradley Leonardo Nasco [Music] [Applause] [Applause] W congratulations graduates Now we move forward with the recognition uh sorry each year the university bestows Scholastic honors upon undergraduates undergraduate candidates whose academic Excellence has consistently been recognized by The Faculty we have designated our in our programs those candidates who have received special recognition for High Scholastic achievement will the undergraduates graduating Kum loud magum loud suum loud please stand if you are able wave your hand and or otherwise indicate your presence so we can recognize your achievements congratulations please be seated each year several National Scholars Scholastic honor societies invite for membership undergraduate students on this campus who have displayed exceptional academic ability throughout their studies will the undergraduate selected for me membership in an honest Society please stand if you are able wave your hand or otherwise indicate your presence so we may recognize you [Applause] we commend you please be seated I now invite Dr Carlos narez Provost and president Luke wood to the podium to present the candidates for the official conferral of their degrees thank you Dean chafas and Dean hammerley graduates you did it let's make some noise [Applause] now with the candidates for the master's degrees and bachelor's degrees please rise and remain standing if you're [Applause] able president wood on behalf of Sacramento State College of Engineering and computer science and the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics faculty it is my privilege to approve and recommend these students assemble before you as candidates for the degrees set forth under the requirements prescribed by the trustees of the California State [Applause] University candidates you've heard the recommendation from the probost on behalf of the dean and the faculty of the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences and the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Board of Trustees of the California State University and upon recommendation of the Provost I confer upon each of you the appropriate Master's and bachelor's degrees with all of the honors Privileges and responsibilities there unto pertaining you just graduated [Applause] [Music] all right now there is one more thing that we need to do to make this official official but we're all going to do it together on the count of three but let me explain what we're going to do first we're going to be moving the tassel from the right side of your cap to the left so if it's on the left put on the right and this is a a small gesture but it carries immense significance it symbolizes the culmination of years of hard work dedication and growth all right we go one two three [Applause] all right now these commencement exercises are officially concluded you may be seated we have a couple quick things to do one for all of our graduates please stay in your seats the platform party is going to exit stage then follow row by Row for an orderly exit starting from the front as instructed by your faculty Marshals and commencement ambassadors we know that much of the hard work that's done in creating the educational experience that you deserve here is done by our faculty so if our faculty are in the room could they stand for a moment and let's give them a round of repes and acknowledge them for the incredible work they've done the second thing is that these commencement exercises take a lot of work to put together and I want to thank all the volunteers for participating but want to give a special shout out to Gladis glad who organized all of the celebrations let's give her a round of [Applause] applause so congratulations once again remember they not like us they not like us they not like us congratulations class of 2024 and singers up is number one singers up [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] out [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] [Music] h [Music] e [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] [Music] all [Music] oh [Music] all [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] h [Music]

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