Commencement 2024: Colleges of Health & Human Services | Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Studies

Published: May 17, 2024 Duration: 02:32:28 Category: Education

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see e e e e ceremony for the College of Health and Human Services and the College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies out of respect for the graduates and guests please silence your cell phones remain in your seats and most importantly please refrain from using air horns or any distracting devices that may interrupt the ceremony please direct your attention to the screens above and enjoy these videos that capture our pride in being made at sack state [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love the trees it feels like I'm going to school in a forest murals bring campus to life the new buildings are really impressive the campus has a modern feel I feel like everyone on saak state is really welcoming I like learning and saak state is a great environment you get a lot of one-on-one time with your professors here ZX State being so close to the capital means that you're getting this experiential learning I love hery I'm down with hery I've me so many friends here sax State Feels Like Home Welcome to California State University Sacramento a Vibrant Community within California's capital city although we like to call it simply saxi Sacramento's University saxi joined the CSU system in 1947 and it's been exciting to watch The Evolution to what you see today a worldclass university with athletic championships that bring us huge hornet [Applause] [Music] Pride what makes saak State unique is our proximity to the state capital the capital fellows program offers Sac State grad students a year-long salaried staff position in the legislature or Judiciary the best thing about it has really been understanding the policy but also learning the politics that's what has made the capital fellows program such a unique experience for me sax States 305 acre campus lies on the Western Bank of the American river which not only provides spectacular views but also offers immediate access to study the health of Northern California's waterways through saak state ferally recognized Serious Program I think any class where you can get outside you can learn differently when you're moving around and there's a different dynamic between the instructor and students 76 it's really cool that we get to come out here every day pretty much it helps us a lot just because some schools they would have to go on field trips you have a good amount of self there other scientific research finds a new home in the Ernest e Shannon science complex that offers offers unique teaching tools including classes in the state-of-the-art planetarium we got super massive black hole at the center and regularly invites the Sacramento Community to explore the universe do you like it better like this or like that hornets make a difference in their Community sax State programs provide the opportunity for students to get real world experience helping people and changing lives community members receive free services at the speech and language Clinic it was such a renowned program and um it's really good hands-on experience big step big big step and children learn to take their first steps thanks to the help of hornet it's given us hope and just there's hope for her there's more for her we hear from students that one of the things that attracted them to Sacramento state is [Music] Sacramento recently ranked the best place to live by Forbes Magazine Sacramento offers open air markets celebrated restaurants and a flourishing arts and entertainment scene oh it's probably so cold yeah you can actually ride a bike 16 miles along the American River to the saak state Aquatic Center more Hornets want to call Sac State home super excited we meet the challenge by constantly opening new student housing students can build a life here get involved and can find lifelong friends we've worked hard to quadruple our four-year graduation rate and many of our students are the first in their family to get a degree and we are proud to be made at sax State sax state is among the most diverse universities in the west so everyone can find a home here saak state is Sacramento's [Music] University and now please welcome the College of Health and Human Services and College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies Dean platform party and the president's platform party h [Music] h [Music] h [Music] good afternoon come on now we're celebrating two colleges HHS ssis let's try that one again good afternoon there we go let's get this party started now I'm Carlo nades provos for Sacramento State we start with the land acknowledgement We Begin this ceremony with the recognition that the land or campus Golden One Center are on to they was and continues to be the homelands of the indigenous people of this area the N pan thean and Miwok historically the largest Sacramento area in its surrounding Rivers served as a Gathering Place for many local tribes from the surrounding Valley and foothills including the southern Maidu patwin and witon Sacramento State recognizes these lands and riverways as unseated traditional territories of these native peoples we further recognize these California native nations and respect their sovereignty by offering this land acknowledgement we affirm the University's commitment to build relationships and Foster a university environment of success to better serve native nations and communities I now ask the audience please rise if you able for the singing of the Anthem performed today by one of our own Isabel seos from the Sacramento State School of [Music] Music can you see by the door [Music] what the we the Twilight lastes and the fight for the [Music] we and the rock is wasting in the [Music] night was still there oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the home of [Music] the thank you you may be seated it is now my privilege to Welcome to the podium today's masters of ceremony Dr Mary Maguire yes Dr Mary Maguire dean of the College of Health and Human Services and Dr Diane heisen dean of the College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies pull outy okay good afternoon we are pleased and honored that you've joined us today to celebrate the graduates achievements it is a proud day in the College of Health and Human Services and in the College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies and for Sacramento State we now have the privilege of recognizing the members of the platform party including leadership from the College of Health and Human Services and the College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies the college's Deans awardees and student speakers and the esteemed members of the president's cabinet we we also have three honores joining us today who will be receiving the president's medals for distinguished Service as well as the California State University Deputy Vice Chancellor for academic and student affairs and chief student affairs officer dilsey Perez please join me in thanking them for being [Applause] here it is now our great privilege to introduce the president of Sacramento State Dr Luke [Music] [Applause] [Music] wood hey so sometimes you got to pop out and show people welcome Hornet family it is an incredible incredible privilege to address you today here at commencement as you may know my name is Luke wood and I have the pleasure of serving as the president of California State University Sacramento Sacramento [Applause] State today we celebrate the remarkable achievements of a record n 9,730 [Music] graduates that's right and these graduates join our Hive of over 280,000 alumni who have entrusted their academic journey to our Sacramento State and I know we've got a few of those alumni in the house because I've been hearing them cheering so if you're alumni and you're in the room can you make yourself be heard [Applause] so what I want to do today is take a moment to share just some brief words of advice to you and my message today is simple lead leadership begins here lead and Lead now not tomorrow it's your time take over and Lead don't wait for your turn don't wait for your seat at the table make your own table create your own company start your own social movements build your own nonprofits run for political office write that book take that leap the world is not led by the passive it is led by those who take on the mantle of leadership and when there isn't a mantle they build their own mantle because they refuse to settle you see we Le we need your leadership now because you are graduating at a pivotal time in history you have inherited a world that is far more pernicious and has more complex problems than those who came before you you inherit a world that is more divided by Wars tax economies politics culture and Technologies a world that is quick to disregard to judge to vilify and to cancel and you represent what can be a light in that Darkness we need you we need your empathy your passion and your discipline because you bring something different something unique to this world that's what it means to be a Sacramento State graduate you are exceptional you are the best of the best you're not just getting your degree from any old institution you're getting your degree from Sacramento [Music] State and you have been educated in one of the most diverse institutions in the nation and in an environment that truly cares about the local local community even more we are the one and only Public University in the state capital of the fifth largest economy in the world so what you do here can go on to change the world so with that in mind we congratulate all of those earning degrees from colleges and universities around this the country this time of year and we root for them authentically but we also have to remember this that they not like us they not like us they not like [Applause] us cuz you see what distinguishes a sax State grab is not just our strategic positioning in the capital or our diverse environment or our community uh and our our commitment to it it's our gritty Drive our grind our desire to succeed saak state is renowned for providing a pathway for the ones who've been doubted the ones who've been held back the ones who've been held down who others said they can't they aren't and they won't and then saak State gives you an environment where you can show the world that nothing can stop you and that's a differentiator between our grads and grads from anywhere else because they not like us they not like us they not like [Music] us you are Victors no matter what the world has thrown at you you have shown that you have the will to thrive no one has more grit no one has more determination and this matters because the issues that you will take on as leaders in this world are not easy ones but if they were easy then anybody could solve them but they need a sack State grab to do so now Sacramento state is truly transforming the face and the Heart of Sacramento this Arena floor is filled with remarkable graduates who exemplify what it means to be a and among our graduates here today are a number of different communities of people that we should take a moment to recognize for example if you are a first generation college student I want you to stand if you are able to raise your hand and be recognized [Applause] [Music] and where are our transfer students at who transfer from a community college to Sacramento [Applause] State now we also have a unique demographic of people who is here today who graduated during covid-19 and those individuals did not get to walk across the stage no you can stand up it's okay they did not get to walk across the stage let's give them their du okay so wait a second I just said we have people who've never had a chance to cross the stage of graduation can we give them more noise than that [Applause] and lastly if you are a student parent or other caretaker can you stand or raise your arms or otherwise be [Applause] recognized and as they're standing if you're one of their L ones if you're one of the children or the babies we want you we want to see you on the Jumbotron raise your hands all those prises out there that's that's that motivation graduates the future is Unwritten and it's yours to shape continue to dream big and take courageous actions and to never stop working to make this world the place you want it to be remember that you will always be hornets and our sacramental state will always be your home and always remember that they not like us they not like us they not like us congratulations and singers [Applause] up and now what I'd like to do is turn it over to our student body president Natalie Andrade [Music] Dominguez good afternoon this team faculty staff family and friends thank you for joining us today on this very special occasion and to my fellow graduates I'm honored to share this moment together for many of us this Milestone didn't come easy today as we stand here on the threshold of our future it's important for all of us to reflect back on the remarkable Journey that has brought us to this moment each and every one of us has a unique story a unique story of persever Ence resilience and Triumph over adversity when we look back on our years of schooling we can recall all the countless hurdles that we had to surmount so before you all cross the stage tonight I want you all to think about every time where you felt like giving up where you felt like you had no more to give and yet you found the smallest amount of strength and energy to keep going and even for the Times where you did give up you found a way to pick yourself back up and each and every one of those times deserve to be celebrated today so take a moment to truly celebrate this Milestone because we didn't let setbacks Define us instead we turned adversity into fuel for growth you turned your pain into power so be proud of yourself for getting up every single time that you stumbled for pushing forward even when the path may have seemed uncertain and for believing in yourself even when others or the world may have doubted you I want you all to recognize all those late night study sessions all of the sacrifices you made and the unwavering commitment that you have made for your dreams our graduation is a testament to our ability to rise above circumstances and emerge stronger wiser and more determined than ever I want you all now to take a look around look at the people at your left on your right behind you and everyone else in this room everyone here is is here to support us and celebrate our achievements let us not forget the support systems that have propelled us to this momentous day to our professors mentors academic advisers we thank you for your unwavering guidance and belief in our potential and to our family and friends your love and and encouragement has been our constant source of strength so today we share this Triumph with you so let's go out into the world and make our Mark knowing that we are all capable of achieving greatness and as we venture off to our next Journey make sure to remember that you were all made at sack State congratulations class of [Applause] 2024 thank you Natalie I now have the privilege of introducing the recipients of this year's president's medal for distinguished service Ronda riio kravis Otis L Scott and Vivian Vicky PLO this medal is not awarded each year and it is reserved for individuals who have made the highest and most positive impact on Sacramento State Dr Ronda riio krabit is an activist dedicated to fighting for social justice educational political and economic equity immigrant rights and an end to this nation's history of eraser exclusion and oppression Dr riio kravis served as the ethnic services consultant for the California State Library where she worked on Grant programs to support Community Development and advocated for Library collections services and programs that accurately and authentically reflected the cultural perspectives of diverse communities later she joined Sacramento State as a library faculty member before moving on to Sacramento City College College where my City College Folks at where she served as dean of the learning resources Center through her work in these roles she became a recognized leader in diversity and Equity issues Dr riio kravis equity and social justice work has ear earned her numerous Awards and honors which we are pleased to add to today we incredibly proud that she was made at saak State Dr riio kravis would you join me at the podium [Applause] let's do the other way [Applause] DEA Meritus Dr Otis El Scott is a Pioneer in the field of ethnic studies as a professor at Sacramento State's early ethnic studies program in the 1970s he played a pivotal role in transforming the program into a fully fledged Department serving as its first chair for 21 years Dr Scott earn served as associate Dean and then Dean of the College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies ssis retiring from Sacramento State in 2009 he also served as the vice president and later president of the National Association for ethnic studies together with the late Dr David Coen and Chris Glenn Dr Scott started the Cooper Woodson College enhancement program one of the earliest educational Equity programs focused on black Student Success today the Cooper Woodson program serves as an Exemplar for educational Equity programs around the world upon his retirement Dr Scott served as the editor of the Journal of ethnic studies review for three years Dr Scott's dedication to Student Success was celebrated with the establishment of the Otis L Scott scholarship created by faculty members to support students who demonstrated academic Excellence leadership and community service Dr Scott would you please join me at the podium [Applause] hold [Applause] I have to say I'm very partial Dr Scott is one of my professors when I was here as a student so if he can put up with me then you know he's special now Vivian Vicky PLO was a fierce advocate for those who called Sacramento home particularly saak State students while a student at saak state in the 1960s Vicki met the love of her life fellow student Steve PLO soon after she graduated with her degree in sociology the two married and together they raised two children she provided unwavering and pivotal support and counsel to Steve as they grew future Automotive Group from one dealership into the largest privately owned Automotive Group in Northern California Vicki embody what it mean to be a hornet consistently promoting belonging inclusivity and Excellence through her generosity compassion and persistent dedication to supporting those around her involvement in the community was her guiding value which was apparent in her support for numerous organizations with her time and resources with her commitment to supporting those around her it is no surprise Miss pl's unwavering um in her support to Sacramento State and our students and advanc daning Society join us today joining us today to accept Vicki's post numorous presidential meta is her husband Steve PLO Steve will you please join me at the podium [Applause] [Applause] and now I will turn it over to Dean Maguire congratulations to all of this year's recipients of the president's medal for distinguished service impressive I now have the distinct honor of introducing this year's College of Health and Human Services student commencement speaker Raven love McDaniels from the Department of Health Science please join me in welcoming Raven to the [Applause] podium good afternoon fellow 2024 graduates it's graduation and school is over but I would like to provide you with a definition purpose the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists my purpose has been to earn my health science degree and model for my children that re world comes with never giving up today I want you to be reminded of your purpose whether it's being the first college graduate in your family gaining knowledge and developing your skills pursuing your passion inspiring change or simply finding your per purpose whatever it might be know that this moment your graduation is one of the many rewards for persevering let's celebrate today knowing that the reason you are here is because of you and your individual purpose congratulation class of 2024 [Applause] thank you Raven I now have the distinct honor of introducing this year's College of social sciences and interdisplinary studies student commencement speaker Sonia ganosa she is from the Department of Sociology please join me in giving her a warm welcome to the podium [Music] 2024 graduates we are here it is an amazing accomplishment for all of us to be here today we have tried our best to find balance between work Hobbies Family Social life and mental health we applied ourselves in class even learning on the hard days to student parents way to be an academic weapon and make your children proud to first generation students way to make your family proud to students who have experienced any sort of loss way to make your younger self Proud To The Faculty thank you for giving us New Perspectives whatever your story is it brought you here to sit through this awesome speech with me and I hope your story continues to bring you success that being [Applause] said there are children in Gaza and Congo who will never have the opportunity [Applause] never have the opportunity to experience a higher education there's irony in how we give land acknowledgements while we watch the historical displacement of Palestinians in real [Applause] time this country loves Free Speech but hates when we use it maturing is realizing that there is intention with where power is placed when us as students as people of color as immigrants disrupt that the true agenda of our government shines through and so I hope you feel secure enough in your education to be a voice for the voices that are oppressed and suppressed we have earned this congratulations to [Applause] [Music] us thank you Sonia Now we move to the part of the ceremony that that individually recognizes all graduates from the College of Health and Human Services and the College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies beginning with the Master's Degree recipients faculty Marshals please escort the Master's candidates to the platform president wood will you please join me to greet the candidates you will notice that our master's candidates are wearing a cloth over their robes this is the Master's hood and is part of the academic regalia as worn by faculty members who entered the arena today brightly colored hoods gowns hats and Chevrons are all part of that same regalia the academic costume is important to us for it signifies membership in the academy the community of Scholars master's degree holders we mortarboard a black gown with oblong sleeves open at the wrist and a hood it is the hood that tells the story the colors of its lining represent the institution awarding the degree and the trim color denotes the field of study the hood symbolizes much hard work it it also confers special status while no area of study ever is truly conquered you have reached a level of Mastery that makes you a member of the academic community we welcome you and we hope that your hood brings you great pride we are very proud of you the Master's candidates will be individually recognized today out of respect for your fellow students who are being graduating with and their families please remain for the entire presentation we understand it's long but we can guarantee it's worth it because the official caner all and if you know our president Dr Luke wood it's going to be good it happens after the individual recognitions thank you can we just read this please out master of science Kinesiology Stephanie Ramos Stephanie Ramos now presenting College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies master of arts anthropology Sarah joyan Holden Marcus James [Music] Peterson now presenting master of arts sociology Monica lyac LZ Cruz Sevilla congratulations to the Master's Degree graduates we now move forward with the presentation of bachelor's degree candidates now presenting Bachelor of Science Health Science Diego Armando Martinez Raven love McDaniels edelyn Rose castano Ubaldo Melinda Gab Rella Gara Justin [Music] white Chris Steno Wendy Berber meua lore Catharine Guadalupe maravia Martinez Julissa Marie Lopez Diaz Eileen newn Haley Bremner Amelia Isabella Rose Perry Alexandra McKenzie narval Christine May pagi pting David Matthew Taylor Andrea Michelle harez Lauren Morales harleen Cambo ananiah Barnaby btoy giara Cassie Luhan Angelie May Pasqual Caitlyn Lee Chow Katherine Maro Gallagher Melissa Ventura [Music] estephania Cruz Santos Jennifer Velasquez Baraza Daisy Vasquez Hernandez Nick colan Jaz PRI s Lan Simon atwall Kiana takamoto Pedro pekla Nicholas Keegan Molina Yia Taw Chanel K Miller Jasmine Genevie Cordova Cheyenne Beal Aliza young Napoleon a kubas Richard Dwayne [Music] AA Kalia Collins renat Sammy Osman Victoria lily Morales Okala Jeremy washira Jordan Terren glass Rosa Isabel Alonso Josh and prit Carr Nicole Marie Lions Justin Marcado Valerio Arthur Sanchez po I mlan Angela mongia Ooa Paulina Perez Andrade Donna mon Adra Chan Yari Alvarez Dominique Jasmine Ariola Lila J self Melanie Cruz Clemens Martinez Twan Tran Noemi Monroy albera Sarah Perez beatric Reyes Janet agilar Lopez Maribel agilar NASA Nara Butler yenia America castanera Elliot Anthony [Music] Gilmore Camille monano Villa Veno ranita godbold Julian Marcel nesa Alana Noel H Haskins milky wajo Alexis Garcia T Jamira janora hariston Diana Carissa Manaka Veronica a Rivera Ariana Jana Douglas danieli Chan Chase Graham Adam Brandon Castro Abu blessing saror Elana Marie ditman Mia Christine Campbell Ariana Rosio Gonzalez Amanda Rebecca Petru Jennifer Maria compos Evelyn Chang Sha Na lore pompilia ganta arah Michelle rard Shan and sharen Ry Stephanie cetta Emily Christina Lopez Ashley Elizabeth Loredo Eslava Serena Isabella Gutierrez Lillian Hong Leah carapan Susan nn [Music] liia Vanessa her Caitlyn Nicole ordonio Janette Miranda kylen Marcado Jasmine quar Santos Jaden McCarthy gelle Guadalupe Ramirez Garcia Susie Daniela Vasquez Charles Jordan Mitchell Sharon chahal jazirat K takar parmvir Dylan Shelby Marie tillet Amanda McKay Smith Jason Reyes Rafal a Mahmud Jade saon Kim nen Sarah Kalia Yang kessley Queen Jong Tina dwabi TOA Crystal monzo husto nimi go I albo amatu Jose Gonzalez Valdivia Rebecca guadagnolo Raymond Ali Christopher Bosch Joselyn Ashley betancort Gabriella Maya Cruz Brianna Z Garcia Torres Jenny Martinez Adriana Lopez Valencia Maryanne Joyce Ramirez Mirador zua Marina bang Michelle Yang hope pong xang Caitlyn Yang Lisa zong rolina zong Alexandra Grant Leanne armagost Alexandria lemon Wright Elizabeth Bellow an hongo Nina Newan Kaylee Marie trig aaro Guzman Garcia Julia Marian monk Divine Donna Rose Brown Carissa Schroeder lenisha Armstrong [Music] oand [Music] aafo Giani Gibson graciella Maria Garcia Nyla Elise Walker Maya Merc Delgado Elita Lopez amm arra Victoria Anna Gonzalez Nicole Arwin Ramos Garcia kilana allejo eugeno henna mashall Oscar Javier Pon Sophia ruval Caba Seline mahima vanaya McKenzie Leanne chai Alysa Yuki yoshikawa Isabella Wy Sarai [Music] Martinez jasine Rios mateline Kier Lee Kana Destiny Chong Dale Lauder beatric Ramos sat sing lucianne M nwin Emma melconian Leticia marcine Leba Gerardo alejandres Amber Nicole [Music] Magna Min G Chris Ina Ramirez paa Garcia deor Alexis Angelina Rosel jelle Valentina gooddy Andre Luna Savannah Denise Latrell strong Jean yalon murri ruri Joey Lee De Jus decastro Monique Lauren cardinas Franchesca Abigail P Corpus Ruby Kate Lazard Renne Jamie hos caranza Francisco Velasquez Jesus Ramon par Jacob Thomas Johnson Emma Kathleen Taylor bhanu I Jacob jovon Wayne Isaac Malia Reed Elijah Mo Aaliyah nyin Reed Jenna Lyn Bolton Shante Michelle [Music] Sloan Lisa anaise Aila Talia lelli Kyle and cheda [Music] Dominguez Natalie G Bergos Billy lore AB Abraham SAA Jasmine Antonio Koo Kaden Grimes Patricia Faith palmaira claro Gabe calos Jade Baron canero Aubrey CLA Lumas saile Raina Chan Lauren Peterson [Music] Evangeline Faith Buu Terry Jing y Sue N Khan Brook Faith Schultz rinju rayami Kina R ladio Isaac Isaiah Cruz annaya Noelia Rodriguez El Elizabeth Rodriguez Jacqueline [Music] saledo jackj buhar sunre car Camille Gloria McBride Brittney trong Brandon Jesse tangil leg Brianna Alexis Amador ma Jong Marie June leadford Martha Fabiola Pacho odelis gelle Salo Gonzalez Angel elazer yordanos yurga YF Julia Ruth proc Karissa Victoria [Music] Bush ikra Ahmed Rachel Millie crane Evangeline GA herban Sebastian uoa Aaliyah Nicole Rosado Cruz e Catarina Gab twoin Emily Lopez poncio red Morin figeroa Areno Hendon bimo Madison Taylor ricono Malika Alam Zoe Paige Morgan Roth Jasmine Andrade Jasmine cor Singh Ashley Lorraine West Eva Amiri Jessica farala Kyla Ray Scott Cassandra Velasquez Sandoval samrina nir Angelica Leon baleros SAA Barbara gaale Louisa Alejandra Montoya Joseline Carlos Charlene Janelle Labrador Khloe Marie David yanelli SAR R goza Eileen Perez Mia Christina [Music] Lea Gabriella Grace Pinto Kalia Maricella buos Destiny NAA oo kolina a Mahia Timmy Tran Ferdinand Joseph Fernandez Bailey Bowen C Viana Herrera Silva Austin KY Shang Lee jayron Stokes kin win Marissa cardinus Cassandra badwa CA Monique Jean Daniels rosalba Gabriella de Leon de Leon estrea Bridget palasio Amber dariela Ruiz saude n Zahra anija D 4 Lisa Tang lazette Gutierrez Ali Hobson Adriana Booker Vanessa esmaralda Cortez Rudy Albert [Music] Gomez Adrien Rose sedosa bras Nia Allen Sosa Shrea Swani Paul William tuong bang Hannah tonan UT iroda Abdu Vala Nina Simone [Music] hul Faith l Jessie Marina El Nunes Malaysia Joy Martinez Ariana Joselyn Marie reetta Andrew Alonso Bianca Martinez kishma kosela Narayan Arley sorong Macy James [Music] neelson Miriam Solis Munoz Jasmine Brianna Stewart Donna Denise Garcia angel danelian Gwyneth Hazel Burke Jem Gutierrez Maryanne Hillary aosta tyar hayot manprit core Alexandre B Camillo Richardson Klein bistos Amber Richards Zara afredi Araceli Hernandez cetta Jamie Nicole U Stacy Vega Mariam Aiden Walla Risha railan Sharma Kina Aria lzbth Antunez Cindy bribiesca Emerson does Paige pinski Megan Lorraine Holloway Grace Elizabeth Mansour Melanie Carolina Portilla I Mahmud Rachel Garduno Sabah ersad Ramen randawa Bailey Lara lesli paa Solis gelle Cruz geryn and Miranda Vanessa Aaliyah har Aro Fatima paa Martin Mal Jinder sing Jennifer Franco is kuang Justin zong John Russell bua Santos Joseph keki Hernandez sha Bang poya Sayan razay Freda Denise Sarabia Sarah Richardson Bea mahela s Lenor Jazelle SAA Joseline Love [Applause] Martin Danielle Elaine Gomez Teresa Jasmine [Applause] Maldonado Isabella Grace sentes Natalia star jalo Jayla Giles Maria Victoria bellardo Madison Rush Bri Iana Marie Diaz ronalda Sawyer Faith Ramirez Ariana Ooa HOSA zarazan Khloe Katherine kitchens Jennifer rose Kelly Lloyd Emily Ruth par Kimberly a Kirtland Raphael Steven mesia Anthony Ortiz orango Jasmine Basera Lopez Brandon Tori Baza Sheldon lamboy Destiny [Music] deisher IET jacalene Quintero Nadia C McDow asani Jean Nicole Thomas Alexia Tamayo Taylor pado Delila Marie San Caitlyn Alexia Ibara Simon Ahad Elana Maria Padia Farah Ela Vienna Lee Wong Carelli caransa Ivan P starovoitov Benjamin Thon Kamco Davis Devon Adams Dukes Kyra Monae tipt [Music] Kimberly Lopez Leon ashleen core goil Kelly rose Cosgrove Marissa Yasmine Flores Ahmed El casy H Alani Jazelle Meen Martinez Jennifer cisos Maria Jennifer Gutierrez Juliana Nicole elisas Alara Jasmine Panetta Eileen Elena aborto Korea Jessica Yuliana Perez arousa Charlene Yim [Music] John subid by tankle Shanaya leis Corino elra Jean dve Buena yenia [Music] wera Julia V belber Trinity F Thomas Liliana Herrera [Music] Emily Marie [Music] brenaman Delisa Sali quas Daisy Estrada Rivera Alise Reyes Hernandez Isabella Aurora Sandoval Jade desire [Music] Atia Jasmine Castro Cassandra Hima Zamora Salone ninai Patel Jayla marhe James Amani Alina hameid Jada Lauren Kelly DEA Chanel Ford [Applause] Kayla Marie Ford Josephine dener [Music] Alvarez javana navarete quas Elisa Maria Ortiz Amber Renee Wilson Jessica Amy tenna seen tedla Michaela Leanne bang Galen Arthur Filas yam X roblas Melanie deira Amador ches laa M Leedy bellson Alyssa prun Dorita s Koy Maya Alise Garnett Emily Rios Darlene cantero Karen Diaz Mia Cecilia Padia Megan Elizabeth ariso Sierra Montes Alandra Martinez angel aong Jessica Estrada sheline Baines Mani shergill sole iy Gonzalez Alandra Herrera mandragon Eileen [Music] Ariaga Julianne Taylor Woody Michelle J carmichel Theodore prati Ashley aane [Music] purcel Junior K Choo shayin Rose renois Olivia Grace [Music] helbling Andrea Marie morisy Ali MC gaffy Lanna Elaine Luhan Kyla May Evangelista galura Bianca Gail Samson Bolino Alexandria [Music] Tren alir ahmud sedic Alexander C tow Logan doala tasen Sophia litvinyuk Isabella Sanchez Maldonado Jessica Ashley Miller Hannah Lei Robinson Megan C Hoskins KL cor Singh jasen car p match Edwin Ramirez Melissa Alexandra ornelles Alexis M Gonzalez Dulce Maria Gil Samantha bobos Victoria faras agular Gabby bhac Danel Yousef nsman monat Garcia Amber shergill Chloe [Music] buddy Laura Faith bat Hannah Isabella bench Jen nathaly bansan arabo Anna Guadalupe Mendoza dce Maria loano kin Ashley Chow Caitlyn Elizabeth Chan Marissa Rael chabz Escobedo Sophia Jessica sheret Sydney Jo Williams ches Elizabeth bear tahano Naeli Munos granados lisabeth Liliana zambano Michelle Jacqueline Cruz Morales parnet sidu gu T Lee Natalie Rose Osborne Vanessa bar [Music] Estephanie Peres ernandez sh so naadi na Olivia masaro smon Monica Estrada eileene Judith Lopez Angela Bernardo Valerie Kuru diova marab Michelle PBE wisman joani Marisol Zamora Michelle Maria raso Marissa I sea Robert delos Rees jasmir K singing [Music] Giana Marie Russ cie Madson Georgia a turn Iceland saharath Ashley abreo yotes Tesa Marie gagos Mohamed user courney K [Music] cower Ayan fyin Rico Megan Rose filo aino Stephanie Aurora Morales Cruz Yahira Denise [Music] Hernandez Aisha trayor Sarai Elizabeth Scott [Applause] isakin Tamara Adams Esther emal loou Francine laen Gile Jamira Fay Walker Kayla [Music] pce Deo Horton Jasmine Vasquez Maldonado pasant [Music] kodka Elita Abbe sa German Kelly Washington AIA Elise Henley Zariah Yia ran Moore Jessica Lauren Taylor Jason Chow Katrina Allison aroso klobo Madison Jade Castro Karina no Nathan Lael thrower Mele paa hello to Marie mat Angelica estefania Garcia toris Gabriella yhow Susana bang Winnie H low Alysa Kia Lee Nicole Michelle gamh China McCutchen Chua toao Kamari price Samantha Elizabeth fetch Isabella Elaine lamii Alexia iban Crawford Riley Elizabeth paner sadf AIA SED Mercedes a Sanders Juliana Morales Raina J Landry Jasmine Aaliyah Joseph Alandra Guadalupe Mata Alysa Marie ARA Ros Jose Angelo reos log Vincent Shian aelia De la Rosa angel Baron Isaiah Harris Kylie Danielle early Rose a [Music] eoko Yaba getu Kasa travius Walker [Music] litzy Lupita Infante heel barera Sophia Victoria Alvarez marelo Hernandez Rios TAA nen Kang Nan Mitchell Ramsey [Music] Urban Arian Garcia precious Nana nanga Samantha Emily Wong ronesha [Music] Herz Jacqueline Isidro janeline dolis Abel Silva [Applause] Martinez Jamie Iman aun emium simat pred core Cara Brenda olivaris Leon Stephanie Ventura VI noeva Hernandez Jazz deep core parnet core Evelyn Ramirez hey Loa Enriquez mingma Sherpa Anna Morales Simon K sahota Charisma Marie Bonia now presenting College of Health and Human Services Bachelor of Science kinesiology [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] anai [Music] vieva Haren cor sidu Abdullah wad Al Naga Angelica Martinez Ruiz pman [Music] khil Lamar [Music] fazit Bryson Matthew Li kambo Devin Sheamus Connelly Maris Thomas Marita Lee Elliot Marita aan Sada Smith [Music] Andrews aan shade Smith Andrews Joshua Ronald frell Vanessa Flores Laura Alyssa Hernandez Isabelle Rachel Hernandez yenia toribio Noah styles Sebastian Santiago Bruce Vu Juliet gaang Vu Alexis posis ly Bell Garen Henley Haley Lauren hamasaki Isaac ilahi Jacob Brian Sha Robin Angelina Nicole agiri chantu Rich an Joshua Anthony Caldwell Zachary Taylor gibit Leo Tolentino Brianna Johnston Mira a narez Jessica rapola Aaron Dwight Grande Jenner Logan Anderson Tracy and petronila balleros Bassel omary Carl alasco Samantha Allison Lee Eric olwin Mia Anne Lawrence Abigail Rose meter Amanda Lynn Humphries Hannah Elizabeth Holtzman Lauren Howell Sabrina Bara Jordan Shields Betty Sue Phillips now tanwin Tron Matthew J sabano Gabriel Lee milsaps Gavin B Ramos Jose maare Daniel penor Darren Joseph Carroll Carly Samuelson charisma LTI paa cam Edgar lozoya Aaron blacker Davis Shiva farahani esan Ali impas Mohit sing Sandu Kyle Bellow Jacob PFA Luis Alejandro Sal andrell Joseph Cooper Corey Kono kabato George Tyler Fountain Hayden Withers keyong Tong Gizelle Leona roblas tea Monique [Music] moisa Kiara Joy laica riaza Shante ha Daniel ralden Santos Cruz Oman habal uch ooo en Carla robbles Lopez Chelsea Ray Aiden Noak Angelica Leanne Turner Myra Placencia Von margus James Vega cheyen T [Music] hak Mariana mondregon laara Kyla Giana Mali Fernando Nicholas C breckler Nadia monjan Brenda sitali Sala Alyssa Juliet Sierra Jessica Joanna Gonzalez Jasmine Lee faha lurena Fernanda Vargas Fieros Zandra sitali Alvarez Ashley mlay Angel Sebastian Hernandez Jesus Hardy Rivas Elijah Carl maravia Nathan gorgona Thomas triplet Joselyn Alvarez pazong Liz Yang Jasmina Marie Perez Savannah Ray wall Jacob Michael Rodriguez Diana del Reel Elijah Devon Gable Cameron Andrew brousard Michael Johnson II kylin Ross [Music] Atlantis a [Music] Allen Parker Clayton Joshua tanguma Christen paa Gonzalez Christian Sebastian Gonzalez Jesse Jud dezman Foster minoaka okalani kimoo raka Philip Lee [Music] NN Roger Chan Rodrigo M Alle Kaden Jackson Jessup Tyler Manuel Campana Nicole G vinin Tanya Tui andrais Sarah Louise Gard David Matthew Gutierrez B esteros Jose G Gomez Alejandro Cruz Ward nto Cody cullinan Jade Denise bardrick javona Hill Pedro Alejandro Ras Tyler harlo [Applause] Isaac Gomez areli Guadalupe Rosales Kio Hamma Zamora Garcia Neil avellanosa Jaylen Rose narona Amboy Christian marut dandon yonas AB gizar Isabella hook Julian Aras [Music] fansa Adela C MOA Holly e Erikson Kyle Caris py GBE Morris Anthony love Fuki Takia [Music] Israel cardinas Jacob D [Music] provin Luis a cono gopar Justin Daniel Estrada Jacob R Tracy Francisco Magna Ashley Wong Esther ruval Caba Maria ruval Caba Grace Roberts Bianca Figaroa Natalie anet Butler Gregory Dwayne Snowden Jacob trzinski Luis anel Casablanca Marissa D MOA Marissa Spiller [Music] Nicole Renee onetto Austin Charles rickenbacher Jared Andrew riberal Spencer Henry [Music] Roar Daniel Lawrence prad Carly masi Jacob Drew Moran Carly Eileen Soderberg McKenzie cariglio Caitlyn Faith Garcia Talis Caitlyn e warline [Applause] Thompson Katie Lee kersner Kevin Van newn AA ROV Carlos W Vasquez Aaliyah weams [Music] Russell Denzel Johnson Joshua Miguel argosa niik Angelo Ambre Bal Leo baluch Stephanie quar Alonso Antonio novaro David canibu Nikki Eustace [Music] Justin [Music] Tren Christopher Santos Diaz Nicholas [Music] Yu Asia Briana Janette Burns Alexis Leandra Hondo Stephanie etel Rosas Zuniga Haley Renee Thomas Richard Tucker Michael gravel Benjamin Vincent an Kevin mucha Lonnie Ruiz P olua solape Florence amuan congratulations Jada Kiss wandic Asha Riley [Music] Ana Isabel dwes Garcia Alejandra [Music] Montalvo Elizabeth Melendez Winnie Lee Thomas ho Sara Nicole Marquez Jesse [Music] Perez Bailey Hunter Garcia toaso Townsen Kevin [Music] Diaz Pedro Silva nedrick Joseph Miller Matthew kumas Joseph rufino hi Oscar Oscar uel martinz Figaroa David Anthony Ortiz Yadira Veronica mongia Jason craft chuk Adrien Emmanuel annaya Ethan JN Zito Chad ailia barano Jenna Rose Stevens Max David Montgomery Brian Guerrero galin Joseph Arthur Lopez Ian Robert Reed Nicholas Scott Barnett isab delin ordz Clayton DeSantis Owen J Chester Aaron glorious abuan haime Cruz Vega Shan keler Johnny Anthony Joseph Perez neli J agilar Marcela Ray Estrada Ricardo Garcia Matthew Allen Hart Khloe fam Alberto sakar Ross Shamar Jeter Nicholas Marvin Miller neali usel Aranda Cortez [Music] Ernesto adius Matthew Gage Bautista Luca Luke Yang Josh tuala pangan Oliver [Music] Capistrano Robert Gregory F roban Sanders Zara Noosa Harris Jennifer mariscal Gonzalez Darius Damen Bernard Christina Brown galani Lacy Roberson Samantha Krauss Aaliyah Amman Abdullah Jasmine Marie Mia Boer Hunter Brianna Marie aruo Juliana Francis orria Amanda Katherine lwig ran mastak Oscar Chavez Jr Dominic doretta now presenting College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies Bachelor of Arts Asian [Applause] studies Arisha Jordan Aaliyah Melissa Bryant ammani lman Chong Lim Elizabeth Jane Burns Gabriela Alisa Garcia Winston lean Tuan Isaac Ruben Cortez kaen a Lee meala J minaa Paro yel bergara now presenting Bachelor of Arts anthropology ly Aryan o Gonzalez Alexis Renee Bravo mua s johanes Nancy Chang Saturn Elizabeth grela Alvarez Isabelle Hernandez amaris s Medina Muro Samuel James Scott Jonathan Edwin urbe Julian yanz ran Amelia G Gutierrez Nicholas James Doris Jordan Renee Hernandez Christopher Joseph Magda Daisy May Chism Alexis Marie Jimenez [Music] Rosalia spoon [Music] Hunter Maria htic Alexandra gesara Ava Danielle anthus Alysa Castro TAA tenner TAA Rose severs Britney Marie Lockwood Alina a erosia Michaela Cecilia Bryce Terry Patrick Tyler Bon Robin Violet Knight Christian [Music] puga Camila winch McKenna Galindo Shante Renee Edwards Jacobs Norman seong James Walter how Matthew [Music] nean Christian Fabian Jimenez NOOA gwendelyn Lorraine Gart Fuentes Naomi Renee Skelton Julia an Rogers Savannah Christen Todd Lissa Lydia Lawson Zachary W AB Lauren suner Wright Devin C France Julia Rose Peterson now presenting Bachelor of Arts ethnic studies shadid S Johnson Amy Michelle Khan Jasmine Nicole Valencia Nathan Maples Ivan Hernandez Ramirez Fatima Figaroa Brookie Elizabeth Irene Bryant Carlos Pierre Apple Ross Koso Rees jiren Corpus dumog Chio Nicholas saying a Rana Aranda waja rasuli Jennifer Lopez monz zong van Bridget Duran Ella J Bahar Mariana ala Orosco Kimberly Nelson Mercedes Teresa abara Rodriguez Trana Brown sonaj Jones Rachel Julia aob Deja Landeros malali Vios [Music] a Cole [Music] [Applause] maywin now presenting Bachelor of Science gerentology Crystal Ramirez batist Angel Lee f k caho Wendy tambudzai Shelton Michelle Margaret Silva April Thompson belal Ahmed anwy Kobe Edward Lane caner Noah tanan [Music] now presenting Bachelor of artarts [Applause] Sociology Fabian vandos Michael Anthony Goretti Octavio Petes [Music] Eric Chang Fang Jose pulo Angel Vargas Joselyn Karina Kishore Maya Townsend Joshua Marx Kirkwood Lewis Sebastian Lopez Maxwell arzella Vivian Alexandria Stein Alexis Sonia HZ Dominic J suu Joshua Malik [Music] Johnson Vanessa Isabelle Martin Tyler Justin saley Julian Nicholas Clayton Helen Juanita erand oel Koo Dylan Bor Stacy Yu Fong Samuel e deal Angelina Rose sinz Trinity Cynthia Williams Gabriella Luna McCartney Ramona Daniels Brock [Music] Adam Salvador Lao deori coats Ernie par Kimberly Fernandez Ooa Stella Nunes Katrina Isabelle pabar Luis Fernando Gutierrez pilotti arcelia adith Olivas [Music] Briana Lopez Chelsea Eden Brooker Kyla Brienne Herby Christina Yasmine Garcia Adrien magayon Lorenzo Davalos Felix Gonzalez Carlos Trava Yousef Miram zarif Emmanuel fatalone Nathaniel Paul Graves sarin a fox congratulations Ruby Gonzales Destiny inano Darius William Sykes Miller Ardo santoyo Romania Tyson Ivan Cordova Vasquez marabel [Music] bang Amy Diane plunet ABI Prasad Alexa Alvarez Cynthia oeda Ana tiia Hill Carly an Lutton Kathy Chow Jasmine nelli Dominguez artiaga Lily Kathleen O'Brien Brandon harez Donovan nen Kyle tan lumai Caleb Leonard Nelson Jacqueline narz Chanel s lapitan Emily Flores Gonzalez Melissa Hernandez Cynthia hasmine garika Brienne liban Keith Ike oosa Sally fan nasen yusi dney Michelle Morales Costo Angel Marie Olen Johnston Cameron Austin KAS Cassandra Soria Elizabeth Cera Mendes vondo Claudia Daniela Raina Kimberly jelle r Nikki cran Evans Megan Nicole Martinson Angela [Music] bis Tamar Nicole haruan Eileen C Leal Samuel James Christopher Valdez jacine Deanda nelli Deanda Alum marvelous Ogen rind Leslie Garcia Hernandez Antonio deaus Chrissa ha good Paige Barrett wallsworth Maria Fernanda Alexa Picolo Kelsey Renee hunkins Dylan Patrick Lee Britney lonia good Daisy Beatrice urbe Vargas Marlin cisos Vasquez alen Adams Samantha acus meline Fay Richie Jina Alyssa Marcado Vanessa a oeda Michelle cantoned cigolini Aaron ja bang Musa KH Christopher Jared Sloan Zu saai Leonardo Isidro Ortiz Sawyer Keith Merill Stephanie Munoz Michel Padia Lopez Dana Marie Zoey [Music] Pavone Shelby lee wood Jared Paul Bilstein Angelique Monique Lopez MO Jello Natalie Denning Jasmine Flores Amy Marie yra Susan to Myra cetta Charlotte Lucille lawren Clarisa Beatrice Flores Moreno Jasmine Alejandra Vargas Rodriguez Rebecca Marie tez Ariana Valdez Montes sidali Mendes Santo Deepa Dei Mia Michelle aasta Cen Medina Sanchez Sophia C Thompson Shai [Music] [Applause] bang Isis Ivon [Music] Samuels en adorabella Mendoza Parisa jabad zadi Jack an renstrom David Velasquez Javier Cervantes Ernest Lorenzo mlan vivana Elena Aguilar prava Naran Naima fariza Ali John ballad High Cano JD Christopher malasig as Jonathan Pisano Jose haime Hernandez Ashley Marie Bowen Trudy Michelle DeMent anarie Garcia Corina balazar Kio amoni Ayana Carol Tiana Hall Sabrina men jaaya MOSI Sophia Catalina Stow kelle Daniel lesie a Padilla Beatrice Adriana Solis Jennifer Matias Julian Andres Hernandez Juan Carlos magayon Whitney an Woodward Fernanda Sala Jasmine H SAS Alysa green Maria [Music] Serrano Karen Janine Wallace kolani kabaka Samantha Anne towns Lewis Bell Veronica Salgado ethar khed Hussein Kate an Hayden yth Luna Nancy Esmeralda Rodriguez Ola Teresa ly Claus Farhad amadi Nelly s sandal Helena Jamil shihad Brenda estefania monano Valencia McKenzie Lauren armo Viana viette atesa tenko Jennifer Ramos Sydney monoa long Evan thurel Williams thas Garcia Cassie Slater Ana Katarina Dunka Seline ncci to Daven Jerel Lopez Shireen Habibi Syra Ali herard urbe cat gavel Katrina Monique Martin Kimberly Deon arola Araceli frosto B Al Pando Jessica Keo Ramos Alondra Rodriguez Bina Hernandez Anna Gloria Morales Nima Mohammad Hassan Renee esparanza Walters Mia Sophia H Bahar shajar Brian Cruz Katie Lee Roa Domin Gabrielle Sarabi Alandra sandal [Music] Dominic Robert Herrera Christian frugoli Maya neli Fiel hanana Maria Alvarado Ivana yanise Flores Jacqueline Marie Kappa Chenise M Daniel Bianca Rose oond Michael David [Music] beos nikel Bali Jose Miguel Bermudez Orest yasinski Peter Tuan H Lee Tes V jkumar Sonia Bianca ganosa Jasmine YF Kayla J gito afj Roseline Morales amiro Barlett Cameron Roberts Bria Ariana Steven Lauren Gabrielle mando Donita Sanders Miss Kiana Brumfield Ruby da Salgado Diana mean Marita Ariana Garcia Kaylee Marie roacha Sadie maranne zady Ethan abbar Aragon Melissa Connie Ramos Leah Michael Samson woo Alejandra Padia Crystal Lima Gabriella Selena Hammer Lopez Erica Sophia Maro Quinn Rios Jessica Martinez [Music] Joanna Guadalupe Gutierrez Erica P Thomas Tiffany tarbett Madison Anne Sanford Elizabeth n Coleman Maria Fernanda Martinez Andrea Quintero Lopez Ellie jelle Trejo Navaro Valerie Jean Chamberlain lazette Bram manes Julie [Music] Franco Maria Cortez alayia Z Solomon Jackson David Casona Garcia Raul Ernesto Castro Brianna Hayden [Music] now presenting Bachelor of Science women's and gender studies Danielle rebensdorf Jaden Solomon Marlene Ariana Silva Michelle Brenda Palma Macy Lynn Sydney palano Vanessa Olivares baragan Mia Blanca Vis [Music] Ceno Natalia Marina Ariaga janetti Renee Alvarez Deja Sienna Gerard zenb Imron Tatiana Danielle Solis Lena ehab El Sharif sedra ly Barbor Anna Leia phoh Rangel Daisy Morales Lillian Lilith you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] congratulations [Applause] graduates each year the university bestows Scholastic honors upon undergraduate candidates whose academic Excellence has consistently been recognized by The Faculty we have designed in our program designated in our program those candidates who have received special recognition for High Scholastic achievement will the undergraduates graduating Kum Ludi Magna Kum Ludi and Suma Kum Loui please stand if you're able wave your hand or otherwise indicate your presence so that you can be recognized congratulations each year several Scholastic honor societies invite for membership undergraduate students on this campus who've displayed exceptional academic ability throughout their studies will the undergraduate selected for membership in an Honor Society please stand if you're able wave your hand or otherwise indicate your presence as we recognize [Applause] you we commend you please be seated I now invite Provost Carlos nades and president Luke wood to the podium to present the candidates for the official conferral of their [Music] degrees thank you Dean Maguire yes uh thank you Dean Maguire and Dean heisen graduates you did it let's make some notes [Applause] [Music] voice well the candidates for the master's degrees and bachelor's degrees please rise and remain standing if you're able let's go ARA president wood on behalf of Sacramento State College of Health and Human Services and the College of social sciences and interdisciplinary studies faculty it is my privilege to approve and recommend these students assemble before you as candidates for the degree set forth under the requirements prescribed by the trustees of the California State University all right please say standing candidates you've heard the recommendation of the Provost on behalf of the dean and the faculty of the College of Health and Human Services and the College of social sciences and interdisciplinary Studies by virtue of the authority vested in Me by the board of teses of the California State University and upon recommendation of the Provost I confer upon each of you the appropriate Master's and bachelor's degrees with all of the honors Privileges and responsibilities there unto pertaining you just graduated [Applause] now there's one more thing we still have to do before we can make it official official and we're all going to do it together so don't do it yet I'm give instructions that we'll do it on the count of three and that's that we still need to move our tassels so we're going to move the tassel from the right side of your cap so if it's on the left move it to the right and we'll move it from the right to the left and it's a a gesture that carries actually some pretty immense significance it symbolized is the culmination of years of hard work dedication and growth all right here we go one 2 3 [Applause] [Music] so these commencement exercises are now officially concluded and you can begin by taking your seat we're going to ask that all graduates stay in your seats as the platform party exits the stage then follow row by Row for an orderly exit starting from the front um as instructed by your faculty Marshals and commencement ambassadors before we close I'd like for all the faculty members who are in here just to stand so we can take a moment and also thank them for the incredible work they've done in supporting our [Applause] students congratulations once again graduating class of 2024 Stingers up t St is number one singers [Music] l [Music] h [Music] [Music] h I [Music] h [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] l [Music] Hal [Music] h [Music] h [Music] Hal [Music] [Music]

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