San Francisco 49ers Just Made Monstrous Moves

well the San Francisco 49ers just had an incredible day a wild day for the 49ers the biggest of moves of course being that they signed left tackle Trent Williams who is back in Camp who was here today he got paid in preparation of course for moving this massive boulder up the mountain and he won't be moving that Boulder alone the 49ers also signed another linebacker dropped a wide receiver got a veteran back from injury did a defensive tackle restructure a wide receiver restructure got some Ricky peaw updates and I'm here to break it all down for you starting with Trent Williams is in the house my goodness the 49ers have signed Trent Williams to a threeyear 8266 million contract with 48 million at signing with 2.69 million signing bonus my word congratulations to Trent Williams he already had you know 70 something on that contract so it probably sounds like more money uh than than it probably is I guess in Retros no it it's a lot of money it just is what it is but the big dog was seen boarding a private jet last night and then all of a sudden from that point forward it was just you know Twitter just could not handle anything other than hearing more about Trent Williams then early this morning it just flooded the internet as all sorts of uh big Sports reporters were calling it unofficially done and now we know the 49ers have signed Trent Williams to this massive deal 48 million guaranteed wowza this is a good feeling right like this is a good feeling it it's it's good for all the holdouts and stuff to be over it it almost feels like this was the plan in some uh respects but boy I hope not and we've got a lot of other transactions and things we got to get to but first just let me know how you're feeling right now faithful Trent Williams is in the house the gang is back together let it breathe faithful let me know in the comments how you're feeling are you over the moon are you just hyped are you exhausted like where are you at right now I look forward to seeing you your uh comments in uh below the video now Trent Williams being back and ready to go for week one is a massive big deal and there were a lot of things that came out about that I just want to hop over and then we're going to get to a bunch of other guys that we have to get to of course for sure but Trent Williams three years he or he currently previously had 77.317118 original deal which should offset the 5.3 million in fines Williams has incurred my goodness 5 million in fines isn't that isn't that nuts I can't even imagine that and now Trent Williams just a great PFF stat here Trent Williams 98.1 PFF grade since 2021 since 2021 the second best offensive lineman since 2021 93.4 my goodness what an absolute Beast a hos and uh you love that he's wearing red and gold this season don't you left tackles aav now uh the updated chart shows Trent Williams a top left tackles at 27.5 million aav average annual value uh and then darasa and tanzil um at 25 and 26 million respectively Williams three new three-year aav of 27.5 five has him as the highest paid left tackle however among all tackles he's third behind Tristan wors and pan so there you go whatever take that for what it is I mean the man is getting paid very well and he deserves it he's earned it all right um how big of a deal is this man right here this hos staying in red and gold I mean can it TR can it be overstated can it really be overstated I don't know man until this guy starts falling off a cliff and aging I just don't see how you could feel any other way about it was this planned from the beginning I don't know but we we we got ba last week now we have Trent critical components of the gang getting back together which has me of course hyped as it should have everybody um and then of course uh uh this offensive line you look at it without Trent and there's a lot to be worried about and yeah you can be excited about Dominic puny as I am too but he's not the savior of the offensive line he's a guard who's going to help on the right side and it's an improvement and you'll take an improvement but we have yet to see what he can do in an actual football game and so I just don't want to like you know get too ahead of ourselves there then you look at Trent Williams and what he brings to the left side I mean he completely makes Aaron Banks a much better guard than he probably is as anybody would be standing next to a Hall of Fame player that's just the way that it is uh but but uh Trent said today by the way I don't want to miss this because this is this is key here Trent said today that he sees himself playing as long as he's healthy so you all we can just stop stop talking about the retiring thing it's like I'm tired of talking about that the guy said said it himself today oh my goodness like what a beast he said it today that he is not going to retire until he feels like he's you know he's really lost a step healthwise and that's not going to happen by the way they restructured the way they restructured this deal makes it seem like he's got two more seasons left in him that's just the way that it's structured obviously that doesn't mean a whole lot technically but I just want to make sure we give it there now another big move that happened today was the Debo Samuel he carried a salary cap hit of 28.6 million for 2024 but today he restructured Debo Samuel restructured not everyone knows that I can't believe it it's just wild by converting most of his 21 million base salary of signing to signing bonus the 49ers have lowered the cap hit to 12.2 million for 2024 over 60 million in savings now I want to be clear here I don't think that this actually means a whole lot for this season it's not like the 49ers are like we got this other guy lined up that we're going to sign and we need a lot of cap space to make it happen I think this is all rolling over into next year and this is going to uh provide an opportunity in part provide an opportunity for Brock P's uh upcoming contract I don't think it's all Brock pie either to be fair because Brock P's contract really won't impact the 49ers for another year after that but whatever the case is I understand they're they're getting things in order and uh the the cap roll over here is probably what we're expecting to see in the 49 are in a great healthy position in that particular regard so uh is he going to get traded now I think that now you would say because of the new guaranteed money he's not going to get traded this season and I I didn't think he was going to get traded anyways but there were people talking about hey you know keep an eye on now that brenon auk is signed you know Debo samon could be on his way out before Thanksgiving you know uh before that trade deadline and I just right now I don't see that ever there's no possible way how bad would it have to get like win one game lose the rest like that's how bad it has to get for them to trade away Debo Samuel after just guaranteeing him so much money it just doesn't make sense to me I just don't see that happening I think if anything this is a good sign and shows and goes to prove that the 49ers can keep these guys around uh as long as they're willing to be um flexible and as long as Jed York is willing to sign that paycheck there are still options out there I mean it never feels like it's possible and then things like this happen you're like look look at us right now look at it I can't believe it the only thing missing now of course is Christian mcaffrey which is the other great news Christian mcaffrey was out there again was out there as well today so yay Christian mcaffry is on the field so you've got everybody back and then you took Debo who if he was upset was very quiet about it and you saw an opportunity to take advantage of a guy that you could give some guaranteed money to and lower your cap hit awesome play absolutely love it and this 49ers team is not just stacked but stacked going forward which is exciting Christian mcaffry back out there of course not a big surprise because Christian mcaffry said it himself like right around the time that the the Titans preseason game was happening it was right before right after that Christian mcaffry said if he had to he could play right now if if it was game time if it was a real game real game he would have played so I don't think that cap Stam was a big deal I think that that their veterans they're taking things very slow taking things very easily wanting to make sure that he has a nice long uh run in front of him and hopefully is very healthy for a long ways to go hopefully that's a sign of what's to come as well um not that I don't love chrisan mcaffrey I I do I got his jersey but I um you know I obviously hope that Jordan Mason gets in there and takes some reps whenever the whenever it's possible for Christian mcaffry to get some rest when the when there comfortable lead or whatever uh just to make sure that Jordan Mason stays comfortable stays in Rhythm and that Christian mcaffrey is is as rest as he possibly can as you go week by week throughout the season obviously number one is win the game but uh number two is have your guys as healthy as long as possible my goodness so that was not a move that was done per se but there were other moves out there I can't believe it there's so many moves um so we're looking at the next transactions there transactions that were yesterday and today um so firstly you had oh it's not switching for me there we go uh so you have Brandon Parker who was signed to a one-year deal offensive tackle uh so there's there's a depth guy there and then you have Ricky peaw who is put on the reserve non-football injury list NFI list um unfortunately for him that means that he'll be out for a few games but uh you know obviously understanding the situation the fact that he's even around the team is just awesome right now I can't even believe that um we talked about Sam uanu yesterday uh getting signed to the practice squad which is fantastic love to have more defensive line depth and then Sebastian gutieres being let go he's out then then today we saw Tate Martin leave that wide receiver gone and Deshawn white come and uh come join the team uh and that's deshun white udfa from uh you signed with the bills last year um and he was on the bills practice squad for like a week he has not been able to make it on a football team he was on the the Raiders practice squad for like a week he he he's not been able to maintain any status on a football team but but but if you're trying to look for the for the bright side he was a starter for the Sooners 2018 to 2022 where he saw 259 tackles 19 for loss five and a half sacks eight passes defense two interceptions and two fumble recoveries throughout his 63 games 49 of those were starts so you know he's not a nobody out there he's a he's a somebody he's just not a somebody in the NFL yet and maybe this opportunity will come so what does that where does that put us at right now after all of that where are we left uh with this football team I think you have Trent Williams is probably going to play on Monday night sounds like it felt like this was kind of all part of the plan and he was gearing up and he was ready and he was going to be here for jets prep that's how it looks to me um Christian mcaffry he's playing week one no doubt no doubt that's just the way it's going to be knock onw I just have to do it it doesn't mean anything but I have to do it I can't help myself and then you have uh Brandon auk who will play week one the question about Brandon iuk will be if how healthy he's GNA be how comfortable he's GNA be that will be an interesting one we'll have to wait and see uh how he's doing how he's looking um and if the ramp up for him's uh enough uh if he's had enough time but I think he would be the only one just because of like Rhythm that I suppose there could be a a risk there we'll have to wait and see some other things out there that I just wanted to to share some things that I love seeing uh we'll start here with this one Trent Williams stating in his uh interview today with the media that Ricky Pea's shooting incident made him want to come back sooner uh talked about a really cool interaction that he had with Ricky peera um during his very very very short visit um during OTAs um and and how it was kind of a cool interaction with him and he was thinking about him so that's cool um and then of course obviously everybody making a big deal about who was showing up in practice today so it's nice to see Christian mcaffrey out there Trent Williams out there and Brandon auk out there um so all good all good and it feels good to see those doesn't um Malik Collins completely forgot about this restructure he also got a restructure today converting 6.79 million of his salary into a signing bonus that frees up 5.43 to million in cap cap space in 2024 San Francisco is the number one ranked team in available cap space at 50 million heading into week one that was this morning before any of the other moves had taken place right uh was 9:00 a.m. so yeah it was this morning before official information came out about any of those other other moves which is pretty wild uh how the 49ers afforded to get these contracts done believe it or not they entered today with an NFL High 50 million in 2024 cap space that's thanks largely to a leak High rollover of unused cap from 2023 the beauty of having a quarterback making under $1 million something that cannot be be understated that has been a major factor in all of this uh Ricky peaw there was some uh there was some hate out there for the 49ers throwing the party um and continuing to hold the party despite the fact that uh one of their players was shot and this is really interesting from uh John Lynch I want you to listen to this of all this going on we had a team party um that was scheduled um when I got to the hospital and visited with Ricky one of the first things he said Mr Lynch what's going on you know I'd really like everyone to to go to that party and I'd also like to talk to some of my teammates I said Ricky take care of yourself but um kind of a cool moment we were able to pipe Ricky into the party and he FaceTime the entire group and that show of uh love and respect uh was was a real special moment for our team I mean what a guy like this guy's a hero I can't believe it I can't what a cool guy that after everything he's been through he the first thing he's saying to John Lynch or one of the first things he's saying I guess he didn't say it was the first thing he said one of the first things that he's saying is that he wants to make sure that his teammates all still go and party and don't let what happened to him you know slow them down or be a hindrance on them having that very important party and he wants to see his boys I mean that is doesn't that say a lot about his character what a cool guy I love this guy more and more every time I learn about him by the way Tim Ryan on Rocky peaw this is crazy I talked to him yesterday so we're talking about Labor Day right now okay I talked to him yesterday he was actually in the wait room on Labor Day thank God it's not worse than it was I already know this his street cred has gone up tremendously around here not that street cred is the most important thing in the world I mean his health is more important than that but my word the guy in 48 hours is in the facility after being shot I cannot believe that Lynch said the bullet didn't even strike a rib and is optimistic that he'll not only be able to resume his career but will be able to play this season that's an important reminder from Matt baros by the way well from John Lynch by the way um that you know all of that goes up in the table the first thing that that we all think about I hope is is is he going to be okay that's what I the first thing I thought about right you're like is this guy going to be all right that's that's horrible news you don't want to hear about anybody you know of at all you don't want to hear about anybody getting shot that's a horrible thing but then to have that happen to him and for him to be okay and then be able to resume his career and potentially even play this season and he's in the weight room I'm sure he's not doing heavy lifting or anything but he's in the weit room that is a pretty wild situation and very very very fortunate for him very fortunate so that's very cool all right um oh and then the the comment down below that if you didn't see that John Lynch said Ricky peaw was trying to buy luggage for road trips when Saturday's Robbie attempt occurred if you did not know about that I did not realize kind of where he was going and why he was down there all that stuff that was kind of part of the motivation there and then the final thing to end on a high note because this was a great tweet this is a great tweet I don't know why I'm not following him I don't know I mean I see his tweets all the time so I just assumed I was following him Hur year three Debo back in 2021 form Ricky peol is Immortal Nick Bosa already in shape ba ready for 100 plus targets not sure if you'll get him but he's ready for them uh CMC stock is up Trent Williams is back defense ready to ball Kyle and John 2024 masterclass draft we are so back all of these some of them are hot takes but all of them uh Fair arguments at the very least and all wonderful positive exciting things which have me hyped for football nice job F9 on that one I'm super I'm super stoked guys this is going to be super fun uh every single day has been fun we're six days away from the jet six days for Trent Williams and Christian mcaffry and brenon iuk to get reps and to get ready and to be healthy and ready to go week one under the lights on Monday night football ESPN it's going to be absolutely electric I'm looking forward to it I'm looking forward to doing it and going along through it with all of you so make sure you're subscribed uh thank you so much for joining and jumping in the comments and all that good stuff we're having an absolute I'm having an absolute blast doing all of this and uh as always as always as we're feeling optimistic and hyped about the season what a time to be alive

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