San Francisco 49ers Get Good Hufanga Update

the San Francisco 49ers got some good news this week positive news positive perspectives coming out of guys like huanga and lard Floyd and I can't wait to get into all of them especially as this Jets prep is getting real but before I do any of that before I do anything at all in this video I do have to talk about the best news of the day which is this Ricky peol update firstly from his mom uh saying that the none of his vital organs were hit that the bullet um entered his chest exited his back through and through and he's in good spirits life is precious this was man this was good news and I'm really happy to hear this of course coming out of that then later on today we got the news that Ricky Piera been upgraded to fair condition uh which is awesome and another great thing you want to hear and following that news then just a little bit ago we got this update um from the San Francisco 49ers r peol that he has been released from the hospital this afternoon as he continues to recover from a bullet wound to his chest he and his family with the entire San Francisco 49 organization would like to thank the San Francisco Police Department emergency med Medical Services doctors and staff at San Francisco General Hospital and this is this is fantastic news and before I did anything else in my video I just wanted to talk about that and just mention not even talk about it just wanted to mention that because that's great news and that's when I talk about good news all the time this is one of those things that I mean this is the best news that we could get so we're we're happy with that and uh congratulations to Ricky piol on his recovery and his safety and uh really hoping a speedy covery for him um on today's show we're going to be talking about recent updates on taleno fanga the exact right attitude heading into the game against the Jets and a nice reminder now that Brandon auk's deal is complete if you're new here I'm Nate we're talking to San Francisco 49ers every day please consider dropping a like and a sub if you have not yet um the next piece of good news is this only briefly mentioned previously I don't know how this week has been so busy but I wanted to make sure that we talked about the fact that after nine months taleno huanga is on the field that's great news Nick senson spoke about him and uh and as as did John Lynch and so I'm really happy to break all that stuff down but I do got a question for you my first question for you is this should the 49ers start huanga there's a little bit of question about whether or not he's going going to start and if he's ready if he's you know feeling good and the medical staff says he's technically cleared to play do you risk him I I know none of you are Kyle Shanahan and I I get it right I could totally see why you might be like uh yeah well what am I supposed to say how would I possibly know but I'm just curious like where are you guys on in that and then the real question here isn't so much should the 49ers start huanga is as much as it is do you trust the the safeties in this room because I'm impressed by him I really am I think Jer Brown and George Odum can hold it down and hold down the fort against the Jets for a week you know maybe two weeks if necessary while huanga takes his time on the ramp up that's where I would put my energy and my you know if I'm optimizing for anything I'm optimizing for huanga having as much time as he needs to properly ramp up and I don't want him being you know game day decision on Monday and he starts like I would rather see him you know game day decision Monday and he's not playing for another week right and we're like really spreading that out and giv him plenty of time there but uh that's about the extent of my medical knowledge so I'm not going to go ahead and go any further on that but I'm interested in what you guys think and what you think the 49ers are actually going to do do you think he will start uh I look forward to your take on that but let's get into the update huong's progress of course has been good he's working his way back it's great to see him out there on the field Nick senson said to get pads on and have a helmet on and go through individual really excited for him he's really worked his butt off hearing how he's gone through this process I'm not surprised just because of who he is I think everybody involved with it but him primarily the way that he worked to get back to this is exciting and really happy for him and I just love this from Nick Sorenson because there's a lot you can say about a player and what they do on the field but what a guy does when he's been injured and he's in recovery mode which is super super hard and every player has talked about that Greenlaw talked about that this offseason how difficult it has been to be away from the facility to be out of the fold to not be on the football field how big of a difference that is how challenging that is and so it's really awesome to hear um you know all of the love and praise that that hufanga is getting here for all of his hard work and keeping such an incredible attitude throughout all of it it's obviously been great to see him on the sidelines during training camp and things like that and his his his attitude um his all the Vibes everything's good from him but good for him that he's actually able to be on the field and we're still seeing the celebrations of what he's done off the field I think he continued there by the way in a little bit here but nine months later huanga positive demeanor has rewarded him with an exclusion from the physically unable to perform list that's the big deal that I feel like I I know I mentioned it because we talked about the 53 man roster when it came out early last week but we never like really went into it and I never really broke it down and I felt like man how did how did we not break that down that's kind of important there uh and I think it's just because there's so much that came out uh last week with the 5 53 man roster and the Bren iuk deal everything going on that you know we just never really talked about that it is a huge deal it's a huge statement that the 49ers you know didn't put him on the pup list that's something that's worth recognizing that's because the 49ers know then he must be you know getting around close to game ready in the first couple of weeks otherwise it wouldn't be worth um uh that roster spot right you say Tracy Walker the third for example Maybe maybe makes the team in the 53-man roster um for a short chunk of time uh continuing on the positivity he's always positive senson stated he's a good dude he's always very SM he's also very smart cerebral always wanting to talk ball and the way he plays he's a violent player too and he cuts it loose but as a person yes very positive you can see that he had these goals in mind and talking to him over the last few months so that's why I feel like I'm not surprised just because of who he is and when you set these goals and you hit these check marks along the way then it can happen the road from recovery isn't complete yet though as honga is beginning his ramp up process on the field this may take up to a few weeks with the 49ers in no rush to get him back on the field given how huanga has attacked recovery it'd be no surprise to see him come down to a game time decision on Monday night and that's what scares me it's like is that a good idea though if he's a game time decision on Monday Night Football do you do you throw him out there or do you trust your other guys to go out there and and put the game together you know Kyle he's out there planning as if he's not a he's not available that's how Kyle's going to be handling it so in my gut I don't think that he's going to play in Monday Night Football but I'm curious what you guys think because if he's ready and if he's game time decision then what does he bring to this football team in addition to his skill and all that um that you'd love to have in my mind like the perfect scenario is huanga is there he's healthy he's maybe even suited up and he's ready to go on if needed or whatever um and he's in like perfect condition but he's more just intensity uh positive energy coaching on the sideline all the Vibes that you get from him that all that stuff you know leadership all that good stuff uh we'll see though John Lynch said we're going to be judicious going to be smart uh he's done a fabulous job with his rehab and he's been doing everything he can to the side today's big step get him back at practice I think 49ers coach Kyle Shanahan said earlier will get him through individual won't throw too much you kind of like to phase that in we'll be ready for week one not sure I think it's going to be tight but I think it's telling that we made the decision not to keep him on pup even John Lynch is telling you it's an telling decision that he did that bring him off and we expect him somewhere early in the season so real proud of huff and his progress he makes us a better team so great to have him and I mean could you argue with that yes it is great to have him and let's not forget about him he's going to be very important this season and excited for uh Jr Brown to be starting alongside him I think that's going to be awesome for the young uh I was going to say rookie not rookie anymore uh you get what I mean though uh another thing that I saw today that I just wanted to share with you I think is positive news positive perspective was this Newsweek article uh that uh covered what Leonard Floyd had to say about facing Aaron roders week one the Jets Leonard Floyd has healthy respect the exact right attitude about Aaron Rodgers and this football team there's more than meets the eye read this but listen carefully because this is good stuff from Leonard Floyd shoot man my Scouting Report is he's a legendary quarterback and you have to come with your aame because he's the type where he'll embarrass you if you give him some momentum he's going to carry that momentum for the whole game you just have to be on your p's and q's because he'll score every time if you let him two pieces there firstly I love that Leonard Floyd is going out there and he's saying hey hey hey hold on now guys like this is still a good quarterback this is a guy who can get after you and he's got that healthy respect for the other team this Jets team is a good team they have a good quarterback they have a a potential Hall of Fame quarterback they have a quarterback who yeah he hasn't been to the Super Bowl uh in a really long time and the one time he went he got one and all that and y y y we can have haggle on that or whatever but he's still a great quarterback all right forget about the fact that it's been a long time since he's been to the game the the other thing right is you got to remember that this football team who's really good you I was talking in the comments the other day okay it was actually yesterday I was talking in the comments uh with somebody about how like the last thing we want to do at the end of this game is walk off the field with a loss and look in the mirrors right because that's how good this football team is any game that you lose it's hard to not look in the mirror and be like we lost this game they didn't win it we lost it right and and football of all sports is amazing at personal responsibility and taking ownership of mistakes and all that good stuff and I love that about football um this is this is one the like such an incredible roster that they have to have that mentality and look at what Leonard Floyd said at the very very end you just have to be on your Ps and q's because he'll score every time if you let him you see the confidence that he has that the only way that Aaron Rogers tears the team apart is if the 49ers let him that's the confidence I love to see that by the way love to see that he's got a healthy respect and he has a load of confidence absolutely love it okay he also said I've done a lot done played a lot of football in Chicago sometimes we'd face Aaron roggers as a first game which by the way I think he's faced Aaron roggers somewhere around eight times in his career 2016 Bears first round pick who indeed faced the Packers to open both the 2018 and 2019 seasons in prime time so he's been there done that uh if the 49ers can apply pressure on Rogers it would likely make things easier for them he is coming off a very bad injury and is 40 years old you take last season you say he didn't really play very good football cuz he wasn't playing season before that didn't really play very convincing football either so you're now kind of in a a situation a little bit of a no man's land where having all the rest might be really good for you and maybe he comes in and he looks really good like you know the Brett Favre the the Payton Manning the Tom Brady went at the end of their career um who were able to look good for the first few weeks especially um we'll see I don't really know to be honest with you how it's going to go and of course I don't know neither do you no one really knows how he's going to play but I think at the end of the day if we have that balance of real serious confidence in how good we are and aware of the potential risks on the other side of the ball and a healthy respect for the opposition it's going to be just fine that's what I think last and final uh topic that I thought was interesting I wanted to share with you today is this Brandon are you excited uh makes the DeForest Buckner situation more of an outliner Patrick Holloway with the article on this one and I I thought just he made some a really interesting point here the one thing Manny could point to when all of this bre and iuk drama was going on was the forest Buckner that was the one homegrown Number One S tier player the San Francisco 49ers traded away in return they got a first round pick which became Javon kinlaw so when the deal when deals came for George KD Nick Bosa Fred Warner and more it's fair to be skittish remembering not only DeForest Buckner's deal but expectations kinlaw could replace him and I want to rephrase that sentence there not because Patrick Holloway said anything wrong but I would just rephrase it to say anytime you have expectations of any rookie replacing a star uh star player that's always a dangerous move right always uh now Brandon iuk then the one negotiation we can all say was the most difficult in the John Lynch Kyle Shanahan era when went like most of the others extended and paid DeForest Buckner is an outlier which is good because we talked about DeForest Buckner so many times I say we like the the the fan base sports radio sports media everyone brought up to Forest Buckner because there was a comparison there okay we got a guy who's you know maybe kind of wants to be traded we can get something for him and uh we've got we drafted a couple wide receiver rookies you know maybe maybe we throw those rookie wide receivers out there you know maybe we put those guys out there and uh this is a better situation for the 49ers let's just be honest it's a better situation for those wide receivers it's a better situation for any rookies who don't have to have all of the pressure in their in their first season give them some time to get comfortable uh get their feet under them that's always a a better situation in my mind and nobody wants to see a repeat of that situation where Brandon iuk goes to team blank and has an incredible year has you know is is a first team All Pro and you know no one wants to see that no one wants to see that come out so I'm excited this is this was a nice reminder a nice positive uh take on the fact that the more of these deals get done congratulations to John Lynch um and Prague for for making these things happen and doing all the behind the scenes work in order to make this stuff happen congratulations to you guys because the more of these get done the more DeForest Buckner is a thing of the past that happened one time that they learned from and maybe in some ways was a huge lesson that prepared them to handle these situations that they're handling you know just this season with Trent Williams and Brenan iuk so I'm feeling really good about that positive about it and I'm I'm I'm hopeful that uh we're not going to see any more of those crazy holdouts as I'm sure we're going to see literally in next offseason of course right that's how it's going to happen it's just going to have to happen that way 49ers are eight days away guys against the New York Jets and I'm looking forward to going there with you all so make sure that you're subscribed make sure that you like the video all that good stuff if I do appreciate it if you would consider doing that I don't know why I say make sure you do that like it's a a given I appreciate it if you do that um and we're going to be going all the way let me know in the comments how you're feeling about stuff and I look forward to breaking down all of this stuff with you in the chat as always this is an exciting time guys this is an exciting time to be a 49ers fan this is an exciting time at the start of the season so what a Time to be alive

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