I just received an urgent warning all right blls and bears let's go ahead and get into it B to the bus back in the building ride the bow prepare for the bear back with another dose bll to the bus let's go ahead and get into it bx4 news we have a lot to talk about today folks October October right around the corner today's the 11th of September uh so what do we have um just under three weeks to go until October now I'm not guaranteeing things are going to fall apart or explode on October 1st but in this video we're going to cover all the things coming up in October and I think it's a month to be prepared for right I usually don't talk like this for those of you that go back Years with me on this channel yeah you know what I've been saying is that we're going to kick the can down the road there's going to be more inflation and in fact the inflation part of it I don't think that's likely to change unless something even bigger than I can imagine brings down the entire system um and you could think of many things that could do that but we're likely to see more likely to to uh witness or live through a reverse market crash where instead of markets going down they inject so much money so much liquidity uh QE right quantitative easing uh Bank rescues uh you name your cash injection program and instead of a crash you see markets take off the the cost of living take off inflation take off because what they did in 2020 they could do that multiply that times 10 multiply that times 100 right there's no limit to the amount of money quote unquote money that they can throw at whatever problem comes up right so let's get into some news we've got a warning from Alli bank and we're going to talk about the October situation here just just a bit here uh a warning though from Alli bank and this is uh what we've been warning about about the consumers uh slow the consumers slow down the state of the US consumer right here allies stock drops as CFO says consumers are struggling and delinquencies are rising so now we have a bit of Truth out from one of the uh major financial institutions in this case Ally huge in the automobile loan Market uh consumers are struggling well that's just the opposite because Janet Yellen and um Powell from the FED there said consumers were strong uh resilient that consumers are keeping the economy going with their spending of course they don't tell you that the spending is mostly borrowed money uh remember lend spend and pretend that the economy is good shares of Ally Financial plunged Tuesday as the CFO came out and said the auto loan portfolio is struggling and more delinquencies and net charge offs were higher than expected in July and August uh per the CFO uh he also said the bank expects net charge offs to continue rising in the coming months of course right and that's not really news to people that have been on this channel but now we have the CFO of of Ally coming out and saying saying the obvious what we knew here but it's not really being talked about too much too much in the business World um Ally Financial stock saying after the CFO said consumers are struggling uh that credit challenges have quote intensified that's his words during the current quarter uh struggling with high inflation in the cost of living and now more recently weaking employment picture folks everything's coming together people have too much debt uh there are people out there that think that even though the debt today is worse than just before the financial crisis 08 that everything will be fine because they're going to just come to the rescue of the consumers AKA stimulus check program 2.0 like we saw in 2020 21 22 but the problem is inflation was much lower back then the cost of living was much lower back then before the multiple rounds of stimulus checks were rolled out not just that but all the corporate welfare the bank uh Reserve requirement dropping to zero in 2020 I'm going to talk about that here in a minute also because um the powers that be the uh the Central Bank in this case just caved to the banks right so that's going to be one of the other big news items we want to cover here but yeah Ally Financial given a warning no shock to anyone here we knew the consumer is in pretty big trouble and in some pretty um pretty Muddy Waters so to speak here um next headline here the FED backpedal unveils scaled back proposal for Bank capital requirements remember um the bank reserve requirement was set to zero in 2020 because of the Court un Court emergency Health crisis um it's been zero so it's like the emergency never ended according to that particular program there still is an emergency ongoing ever since 2020 because they kept it at zero meaning the banks didn't have to have any Capital any funds and they could still keep loaning out money right much different than we saw in the previous 100 plus years we've never seen this before it's been going on for four plus years going on five years now um and they were going to make the biggest banks hold a lot of capital and I say a lot from compared to just recent history here would have been 19% for some of these Banks uh the biggest banks uh and that's still that's only less than oneth of what they're loaning out so in other words for every hundred million they loan out they would have had to have 19 million in deposits right if that were to remain but they just scaled back that requirement in fact they scaled it back quite a bit uh the FED unveiled plans that would massively scale back a proposal to raise Capital requirements for a bank after politicians of course uh and banking industry pushed back on the initial plan which would restrict lending and hurt the economy that right there let me bring this up here that right there should tell you that this whole economic growth uh scheme is based on lending warning the new requirements could restrict lending and hurt economy are you guys reading this are you seeing this right it's not just me making this stuff for the past I'm not making this stuff up for the past however many years I've been talking about this I lost track warning it could restrict lending and hurt the economy in other words the economy is dependent on lending in other words dependent on you taking loans and going further into debt so do you wonder why now is it clear now why the banks have to be continually able to loan out money even though people are defaulting now defaults are rising even though deposits close to a 40-year low the savings rate is plunged the banks don't have even a fraction of what they're loaning out it's actually less than 1% right now for most banks in other words they're loaning Out close to 100 times what they have in deposits which is pretty scary now the capital requirement uh here listen to this the new proposal would increase Capital levels for big Banks like Chase like Bank of America um by 9% down from the original plan which would have been like I said a minute ago 19% right so that is the push back from the banks and the politicians instead of 19% now it's going to be likely 9% and I've always raised the question here will it even be 9% will they even be able to stick to even if they reimplement that will they be able to stick to it or will they just reverse it look at the student loans the student loans almost a year ago were supposed to resume but what they did is they made payments a fraction of the normal amount on these this on what they're calling the on ramping and I think that's even going to have to be pushed back because we're already seeing defaults with these student loans defaults rising and they haven't even gotten back to their normal payment amount do you see what going on here why would that be if everybody is in a great um if the consumer was in a great position and resilient and everything else A banks with assets between 100 billion and 250 billion would have initially been subject to stricter standards um so folks what do you think about this they basically caved in to the banking industry because they knew if the banks didn't loan out so much money and allow people to go further into debt um that it would implode the economy basically they they came out and said it that was their words not mine uh so what do you think about that folks here's how another uh Outlet put it here how they worded this here the FED Reserve is caving to the big Banks again a modest effort to enforced Capital requirements on financial institution has fallen by the wayside we will all pay for this surrender in the next too big to fail bailout that's how they're putting it remember the more banks are prop up AKA bail out the worse inflation gets the only way to bring down inflation is to bring down the lending and to take away the easy money and remember in the housing market another big factor is Corporate investors buying up a lot of homes right because think about it that's just like a big down payment assistance programs when you have a bunch of new buyers into the market down payment assistance corporate buyers pick your buyer it's going to push prices up and it's going to keep this bubble inflated and we're going to get into real estate here in just a bit but also on this topic of uh Banks giving warnings here's another warning here's what credit card companies are saying card holders are ditching miles you know the reward miles when you spend so much money and you earn miles for travel well now that instead of miles they want uh instead of miles and points they want cash back why because more and more people are unable to pay off their their balance each month and they see the it's not I shouldn't laugh they see the balance Rising exponentially because of the accr interest and when you don't pay it off in full the interest acrs and now with these current rates of 20 plus percent on most credit cards uh people are taking the cash back so Nob brainer there you know we knew that was going to be one of the things happening here um couple other things here before we get into the real estate news today and what do we have here let me just refresh it so I can read the headline here another warning consumer shift spending to pay for basic Staples and they keep this subscription thing popping up that's per the CD CFO consumers are shifting their spending habits to pay for basic Staples so instead of a lot of entertainment stuff like we see all these people now cutting back on cable TV and movie streaming apps all those things uh more people now just saving money and using their credit cards to pay for Staples like their utility bills uh more people now trying to pay their rent with a credit card and uh we see a lot of um landlords now accepting credit card payments and some of them are charging an extra fee for renters that have to pay with credit cards right now some people want to pay with credit cards because they can just earn points and get the cash back so if you pay rent with a credit card that's a big expense so maybe you'll get some points that you can get some cash back so kind of like cash back for paying rent uh for those landlords that do allow credit cards to be paid but the fact that people need to use their credit card to pay the rent you know that should raise some alarm Bells uh I think to some people as well um let's talk about this here going back to the CPI now we know this is a uh phony number I mean for the most part here but just look even even comparing Apples to Apples we know this is way too low the official number is way too low but the uh reading that we saw in August 2.5% CPI um go back to pre-2020 um you know we were just in the 1% range for most of 2019 up until 2020 and of course we saw the plunge with the initial shutdown of the economy it ramped up to about 9% so now the talking point right now out of the current Administration is hey look inflation's coming down isn't this great we're headed in the right direction well of course it's headed down from from the worst 9% um but look at pre-2020 and we were in the mid 1% range so still not back where we were but everyone is supposed to believe and be convinced that that's great news and by the way the debate uh today's the 11th the debate was it was it just yesterday yeah the debate quote unquote debate I didn't hear anything and I just watched um the the Snippets from each particular question and uh that way I can skip the commercials and stuff like that I didn't hear anything that was going to drastically change or help the average person I heard a lot of rhetoric a lot of oh we've got a plan for this we've got a plan for that but no one said what the plan actually was I didn't hear anything about holding the banks accountable I didn't hear anything about uh stopping the all the down payment assistance programs um and everything else that was keeping the housing bubble inflated I didn't hear anything about bringing the cost of living down going back to sound currency zero zero on all those topics now you see why I say I don't even participate in this whole selection process that's coming up in November I don't participate because what it is there's a lot a lot of wedge issues that are put out there that divide people and make people think okay I have to vote for this or that in order to solve this huge problem whether it's immigrants uh eating ducks or um reproduction rights you know all these different wedge topics that they can they take completely opposite sides left you know has one uh view versus the right and they do that on purpose everybody split on particular topics to make you feel like okay you've got to choose one or the other to make you feel like you have a choice but you really don't when the major issues come up Financial issues the financial system you have no choice it's going to be more Rock Bottom interest rates more quantitative easing more keeping the banks propped up more very low Capital requirements for the banks uh more government buying up debt to keep mortgage rates suppressed and look at the drop in mortgage rates recently you don't have to believe me just look at the mortgage rate drop um more of this to keep the bubbles inflated to keep the lending um flowing so to speak because when the lending stops just like that article we looked at at the beginning when the lending stops the economy comes to a screeching halt and um we're done folks jobs you think the job losses are bad now with nearly a million unemployed every month uh just wait until the lending just slows down it doesn't even have to get cut off the lending just has to slow down um and that's why it's so important for them to keep the banks going here let's dive over into real estate folks the housing bubble one of the key things that I've been focused on here for years and I think I might have been the only one out there saying the housing bubble was not going to go bust unless we see a major structural change in the way money is being loaned out in the way that uh buyers are purchasing these homes and including up to the billionaires buying these homes home price Cuts reach highest level in five years as sellers show patience and modesty right so we're not seeing the desperate home sellers like we did in the previous bust uh but the highest level in five years for home price cuts it does tell us that a shift is happening and I'm not denying there is a shift things are changing um we're seeing home price growth dramatically slow down and even dropping in some areas we talk about them here all the time at least a few times a week we cover real estate but it's not the crash that so many people were warning about again in order to see a crash we have to see the banks frightened and drastically pull back on the spending like it happened in 2008 now it's just the opposite the capital requirements are still going to be low even after this October 1st reimplementation of the capital requirements and that's if they even stick to it I think if some once something breaks or once the next Crisis pops up they may go back to zero requirements for the banks here but uh still on the topic of real estate here is someone in New York and look what they're paying here let me bring this up here someone in New York is paying 2,100 a month in rent in a commun communal living situation living with 23 roommates where they have to share a bathroom so it's almost like a dorm living situation but $2,100 a month so whoever owns this building where students are paying 2,000 a month and there's 23 of them right how much money are they bringing in folks this is insane for this one building let's just say 2,000 times 23 students they're making $46,000 a month in rent from these I guess they're students it says this one's a student maybe the other ones are not students but folks this is in insane that people are willing to do this and not just willing but capable of doing this right uh looks like a young person would you have been capable of paying 2,000 a month uh and living with 23 other people it's just uh things like this just blow my mind folks U more on real estate here we've got this uh illusion of success and here's another reality TV person here and uh saw a realtor late Real Estate Mogul Brandon Miller died with only $8,000 and $34 million in debt and I guess that she was an influencer and I guess he was on some of the reports here some of the episodes rather 34 million in debt just 8,000 in savings week weeks after Miller took his own life at age 43 documents revealed the true extent of his financial struggles uh he had a $15.5 million home in the Hampton a mansion that he shared with his wife C she Roose to online Fame with the success of her blog anyways another Guru multimillionaire that really was putting out an illusion of wealth and prosperity based on borrowed money right and he ended up uh you know very unhappy individual even though he looked like he was the big baller so to speak right for a while uh pretty sad pretty sad um let's talk about what's happening in one particular town where you can buy homes for 400 $0000 here here's some rock bottom real estate here tiny Arkansas town where homes sell for $400 so you want to talk about affordable housing there you go there's your dream house right there just fix it up the problem in this town there's hardly any jobs the schools are awful partly because the tax base is basically nothing because the homes are so cheap there Pine Bluff Arkansas just outside of Little Rock This Home recently sold for $42 um and there was a featured and videos about it here P buff $400 abandoned homes uh look at that it's a video out if you guys want to watch the full video um those Industries changed uh in the Deep South there there was a lot of farming uh now there's bad crime and the town is basically devastated but you want to talk about cheap real estate there you go now what's the catch on the $400 home the catch that they're speaking about is the fact that the population is shrinking in fact it lost over 12% of its population in the last decade and it's America's one of America's largest fastest shrinking cities or fastest shrinking cities meaning losing the most uh population so they're trying to revitalize the neighborhoods and get people to uh purchase these homes now this is what the mega investors should be buying these fix uppers which will be very challenging alling for the average person to buy this especially if you're renting somewhere and then you go buy a fixer up or like this home it's very difficult for people just the average working person to continue to pay rent while fixing up a home that you just bought even if it's $400 fixing up this home you're talking about tens of thousands of dollars to make this livable and who who knows there could be asvestas there could be mold it could be 40 50 60 $100,000 by the time you're done most people that are just average renters or average working class person cannot afford to do it so this would be the one situation where I would say okay maybe it would be better to have the billionaires come in and buy these particular homes I think there should be guidelines on the types of homes that an investment company that holds 10 or more homes for example uh is able to buy to me that would be a solution but of course back to the debate last night nobody was actually talking about that at all because if you look at Detroit if you look at this city here in Arkansas and thousands of other cities Across America uh there are a lot of rundown empty homes that no one can actually buy and fix up or Flip or fix up to live in uh either way all right let's move on here let's talk about what's coming up in October folks October a very important month we have the supposed reimplementation of the bank Capital requirements that was just trimmed down from 19% down to less than 10% that we just talked about at the beginning of the video if that's introduced that could be a major shift and we could see a major drop off in Lending if that happens remember most of the banks don't have the capital that they're supposed to have so will they cut back on the lending uh will they offer a bigger um incentive for people to deposit money like maybe a higher savings rate right instead of the very low 5% and less that we've seen over the past few years so we'll have to see how that plays out October also the bricks Nations meeting uh there's speculation that they're going to announce the going live their new Financial payment system um will it happen if it happens will it be instant well likely not but still be on the lookout also we have rumors around that there's going to be a big dumping of US dollars as this new bricks payment system is rolled out and they're saying it's going to be 40% gold backed again sounds too radical to be true it sounds like such a big change that even I don't believe it but be cautious because even the rumors of what may be happening uh if even a fraction of these are true uh it's going to be huge right and there's also I've got information some feedback here recently that the bricks nations are confirming that 10 159 participants slash countries will participate in their payment system folks there's only like 190 countries in the entire world so we're talking about over three4 of the global uh countries that could be going to this payment system if if what they say is true again don't believe everything I say because I'm getting it from a source who might be getting it from another source I try to show you my sources I bring them up on the screen a lot of channels don't even do that um at least I show you my sources but I also give you my uh input you know not just reading the headlines here um another one here experts issue warning credit card users warning to credit card users as debt hits 100 uh 1.14 trillion and it just went up here in the last quarter again we're talking about somebody here with 1,200 uh no they're talking about somebody with 12,000 credit card debt I'll let you guys read on that if you want to but the uh increase was 5.8% from a year ago with this credit card debt 5.8% so the credit card debt percentage wise is going faster or going up more than the number that we're given right so that should tell you something right there folks buckle up strap in October not saying it's going to happen folks but be ready for it as always keep stacking hard assets my favorite still silver let me know what you think about this down in the comments talk to you very soon bye for now peace n [Music]

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