Jill Stein Debate Response

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 00:40:44 Category: Nonprofits & Activism

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so can you can you um maybe check in with their Google meets and tell them to shut that one down because that's I think it's coming through can you tell them Georgia because yeah sure I'll do my best I'm actually broadcasting right now I am live so if you can um have the team on the other channel uh all turn audio off that would be great okay so I think I think people are hearing me out there on the zoom so let me just back up thank you again so very much for being here to hear actually you know a real debate and what are the real issues that are confronting the American people the real crises that were not mentioned uh in in this pseudo debate um you know the crisis of Empire the crisis of crushing inequality uh the crisis of uh the three richest billionaires in this country having the wealth of the lower 50% uh altogether just three Super Rich billionaires control uh as much wealth as half of America all added together the incredible Corruption of our political system the fact that that money from the oligarchs is what actually Powers both the Democratic and the Republican parties the fact of the housing crisis that half of all Americans now are uh basically within one or two to paychecks of of evictions that half of Americans are paying 30 to 50% of their income right now just to keep roof over their heads which doesn't leave much then to put food on the table uh to pay your uh your car insurance if you even have a car to pay your student loan debts and all the rest that's not working 60 some percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck um uh 87 million Americans do not have adequate Health Care some 18 million Americans cannot afford their Pharmaceuticals and um some 8 million Americans in the last year for which the data uh exists were actually driven into poverty uh by the costs of their health care if you develop cancer your odds of um your odds are over 40% that you're going to spend down your life savings within two years of trying to deal with your cancer these are the kinds of emergencies that we did not hear about we mostly heard you know accusations of um you know one candidate against the other um we heard about you know what great plans they each had but we didn't hear very much about those plans from kamla Harris we heard at least what I heard was the um uh the $6,000 uh child tax benefit for um for the first year uh with a new child and a $25,000 uh tax credit I think for a down payment on a house now how far is that going to get you to solving this allout housing crisis that has caused unprecedented levels of homelessness right now and un unprecedented stress among everyday Americans just trying to keep a roof over their heads so let me talk about some of the actual solutions that we would offer and from Donald Trump I think we heard well actually he didn't even talk about his um uh his tariffs I think that's been his major proposal tariffs and more tax uh giveaways for the super wealthy that's not going to get us so far I mean for a long time we've seen both Democrats and Republicans rely on uh trickle down economics and generally the tax breaks are passed by the Republicans but then they are maintained uh Obama uh wrote into permanent law actually the U the Bush tax cuts for example so we've seen an incredible decrease in the uh in the contributions um paid by the wealthiest Americans to our economy and to our public infrastructure uh their tax contribution has absolutely plummeted while the um you know services are basically being cut and the public domains are all being privatized our roads and bridges and um and public spaces and so on are all getting privatized and developed and bought out from under us uh at the same time that we're seeing you know austerity applied to the likes of um support for our schools support for uh higher education um so let me again go to some of the solutions that uh we are putting on the table and I'll again I'll just mention the fact that this is a uh a debate between uh the parties of war and Wall Street who agree with each other on the fundamentals of our economy uh and on the fundamentals of our foreign policy basically a foreign policy based on endless war and the endless war machine which then in turn costs half of our Congressional budget we're spending down 50% of our Congressional budget just to look at the pentagon's expenditures but then if you add in the um the costs of caring for veterans which we do not do enough of you know and so many veterans are basically up a creek without housing without jobs without mental health care and so on um if you include those costs as well as well as the costs of nuclear weapons which are classified separately from the Pentagon budget if you include the costs of the security agencies like the CIA which is carrying out its own you know military agenda you know then it's more like uh 60% even 65% of our tax dollars uh and of the Congressional budget which are being spent on this endless war machine you know these are the fundamentals that were absolutely missing an action from this debate because the two parties agree on it and again I want to stress that our campaign is the one anti-war anti-genocide climate emergency um pro-worker Campaign which is on the ballot across the country um that's in this election and which has the capacity to actually challenge Empire uh and which you have to be on the ballot across the country in order to do and we are in the process of doing that again I want to encourage everybody to go to Jill stein2 24.com and to join uh the uprising because Americans are in an uprising and we heard Donald Trump tonight kind of you know going off the deep end as usual uh mostly bashing immigrants you know and trying to attribute the problems of the country to migration when in fact migration itself is a crisis caused by the foreign policies of this country by the endless U Wars and the regime change operations all around the world by the uh economic takeover by uh corporate capture of foreign economies and resources and labor um and as well as climate change which has displaced millions of farmers um you know we've overthrown for example the government of Haiti innumerable times but particularly twice under aist um you know leading to the incredible econom despair which is driving people here to our Shores likewise you know uh Guatemala most of the countries of South America actually have been uh overthrown by uh either by the CIA or we have um uh you know uh Strongarm their governments and installed dictators and contributed to Civil Wars Guatemala is you know kind of the first case in point where we overthrew their uh democratically elected socialist government that was going to redistribute land uh so that peasants could actually have a fighting chance and um at the behest of United Fruit we overthrew the government of Guatemala leading to essentially generations of conflict and strife and um you know death s ODS which have been trained by the US and so on so that migration crisis that uh Donald Trump uh loves to um uh you know endlessly bash immigrants over uh is basically a consequence of US foreign policy which is driving people uh to our you know to our Shores uh for refuge and sadly we see the Democrats who at one time stood up for principles of uh uh you know of justice for immigrants for uh addressing the underlying drivers we don't hear about that anymore at all you know we see the Democrats you know Barack Obama was the deporter in Chief uh we're looking at Kamala Harris promoting an even more right-wing uh so-called border security Bill border security is not obtained through a wall uh border security is achieved by number one decompressing the migration crisis by eliminating the dve of that migration crisis we can do that also the War on Drugs I must mention which is what empowers the violent drug cartels that's why people are fleeing here from the drug cartels and know it's not the migrants who are bringing drugs across our border it is plain old red-blooded Americans who are bringing the drugs and the Fentanyl and so on across our border not o you know not in the um uh outer regions but at the portals of Entry we know how to fix this how we fix this is by legalizing uh uh marijuana for starters which will be part of our day one agenda by the way uh on day one we remove marijuana cannabis from the list of scheduled drugs uh it is legalized on day one and we pull the rug out from under the drug cartels and the violence which is driving people here um and then we proceed uh towards decriminalizing all uh all drugs so that substance use becomes a public health problem dealed with effectively through Public Health measures not a criminal problem and as part of this by the way on our day one agenda we uh provide amnesty and we end the um the jail terms and the prison terms of so many people who've been unjustly incarcerated uh due to the War on Drugs which has largely been a war on black and brown people so you know that's that's Donald Trump's issue we hear about over and over again about uh migrants uh being the cause of basically every crisis in this country but not so whatsoever in fact migrants it's well established have a um they make the country safer they have a lower crime rate than you know than here in America they actually lower crime they bring stability to our communities they are hardworking and in fact migrants once they can work they more than pay their way that is the problem that we've been squandering our migration dollars on billions of dollars spent on walls which simply kill people they kill migrants by forcing them to more and more extreme routes of migration to flee for their lives from conditions that we have caused um and uh B the border wall also kills wildlife and destroys ecosystems and it does not address the uh the problems of migration so what we need to be doing aside from decompressing the drivers and offloading the drivers which we can start to do on day one in addition we will um spend our tax dollars on providing the infrastructure so that we have background checks right away on the border and we provide Supportive Housing if needed while uh people are being cleared but we provide rapid clearance we provide the migration attorneys we provide the uh civil service people to quickly process migrants and bring them in and provide them the papers so they go to work right away on day one people go to work our communities will be competing for migrants uh in order to grow their economies not trying to shut them out that is how we address the migration crisis here uh by ending the causes that we are driving uh and by providing the real solutions migrants are said to bring $7 trillion worth of Economic Development to our country over the coming decade if we do this right and we will will uh do that right um let me just address a couple other things but uh again I want to remind people that we are the alternative that you won't hear about we are the solutions that Democrats and Republicans refuse to discuss and in particular the Democrats approach Us by trying to shut us down to silence us to cancel us because they're very threatened by the fact that we actually provide real solutions here instead of just uh paring Republicans or moving to the right or providing no policies at all so um you know kamla Harris mentioned a couple policies tonight but hardly anything you know she's mostly following in the footsteps of Joe Biden and I think that's what we can expect as Biden a reassured Wall Street nothing would change and fundamentally nothing uh did change we still have an economy where the stock market is doing great where the upper five maybe 10% is doing well the upper 1% is off the chart but everyday people are absolutely struggling to survive as I mentioned over 60% uh living paycheck to paycheck lacking Health Care housing uh security and uh swamped in debt medical debt and um uh student debt as well so we've got those Solutions join us at uh gilstein uh hiring infiltrators and spies in order to mess up our in particular our ballot drives but also uh our organizations and uh they hijacked our public matching funds and effectively kept us off the ballot in a couple of States but let me report the good news that um we are still fighting in court in fact we are taking Nevada now uh to the Supreme Court and we are working with a wonderful uh set of lawyers including um Oliver Hall with the um uh Center for competitive democracy and Teresa Amato whose organization uh name I'm not remembering at the moment but we have absolutely powerful amazing attorneys who will be fighting this case now uh at the Supreme Court actually and um just to clarify what happened in Nevada is that we we achieved three times the number of uh signatures required 30,000 30,000 um voters in Nevada said they want another choice they want whether it's because we're the only anti-genocide option that's on the ballot across the country or the only pro-worker option the only climate emergency option there were 30,000 um voters in Nevada who said put this other campaign on the ballot the Secretary of State actually approved us for the ballot line and then the Democratic party uh challenged US based on some nonsense which was quickly uh dismissed and then they changed the uh the cause of their case their their fight which then had to do with some little footnote uh essentially nonsense which the court the uh District Court said no go that was ridiculous that it really was not a legitimate issue we won and they then took it to the Supreme Court of Nevada which overturned the decision and basically gave it away to the Democrats again um and this is based on the use of a form which had been recommended by the Secretary of State we were using the correct form the Secretary of State swapped it out for the incorrect form this is like the kind of minutia that you have to be submerged in if you are trying to challenge power and this is why the Democrats can get away with their uh Army of lawyers to throw us off the ballot because the whole process is just such a flaming mess but the long and short of it is that we have wound up on the ballot for 95% of Voters so we are here uh to fight to fight for an America that's going to work for all of us and just to make a couple more points here because I know it's been a long day um and you are all heroes for sticking with it for being subjected to that uh assault from the duopoly and for sticking around to hear the alternative let me just name a couple other uh Solutions we didn't really hear about a solution to health care you know and we have an incredible Health Care crisis I mentioned some of the statistics from before the numbers of uninsured have not much budged by the way under the Affordable Care Act which is not affordable for most Americans and which does not provide the care that's needed and you're forced into narrow networks and um you know you can't get the care that you need uh we need an improved Medicare for all system that provides care to everyone which is comprehensive including your reproductive Health Care puts Health Care between you and your health care provider um uh provides for your mental health care your dental care your eyeglasses your hearing aid your chronic care uh if your parents need uh uh institutional I shouldn't say institutional but if they need chronic care you can get it at home they don't have to go into an institution they don't have to give up their lives chronic care is actually covered as well so you can have a home a home in health aid or a set of home health aids so you can provide good quality care for your parents instead of having to consign them to a nursing home or if you have a child who needs care same thing applies we didn't hear about Medicare for all they don't want you to know about Medicare for all because it not only provides care for everyone it also saves one out of every three Health Care dollars instead uh that money gets put into actually providing care for everyone and we save so much by eliminating the red tape and the bureaucracy that we actually reduce the costs of Health Care at the same time we expand health care we reduce the cost by half a trillion dollars a year we also by the way call for cutting the military budget the milit AR budget is greater than the next 10 countries the next 10 biggest Spenders combined we don't need that you know what we have is what Martin Luther King described the greatest purveyor of violence that the world has known and I have to say a few words about Gaza because again you know what did we hear from Trump you know what we've heard from him before what we've heard from Donald Trump is that he would finish the job you know he would he would just put an end to it and um you know and he would continue to threaten those who protest genocide here in this country as the Democrats do as well they're all suppressing those who are standing up to stop genocide and falsely calling that anti-Semitism well as a Jew I would say that if you say it's anti-semitic to oppose genocide in my view that is the most anti-Semitic thing you can possibly say to imply that it is anti-jewish to oppose genocide I say not at all I say it is a core Jewish value to oppose genocide side it is a core Muslim value to oppose genocide it is a core Christian value it is a core human value and it is something that the American people have made very clear in large numbers we want an end to the genocide now we want diplomacy now to end it and by a large majority Americans also want a weapons embargo now to end the genocide and this is Again part of our day one agenda long before day one in fact if we turn the White House into a greenhous and make the world a better place by doing that on day one or I should say actually the day after the election I pick up the phone and I am calling BB Netanyahu and telling him that the genocide is over because the weapons the financial support the Diplomatic cover the intelligence all of it ends immediately until such time as Israel stops the genocide uh begins to withdraw from Gaza all the occupied territories and uh the ethnic cleansing is over and we begin to actually uh negotiate to come into full compliance with international law and the rulings of the international court of justice which also call for an end to the settlements the illegal settlements need to be ended the land needs to be restored to its original owner homes need to be restored as well um this is all called for by international law we need an end to this apartheid state which by the way is ending itself right now because people are leaving by the droves the economy is in a complete shambles Israel has made a train wreck and I should say it's the Netanyahu and the extremist right government uh and the longterm policies of Israel in support of ethnic cleansing uh and and displacement that is incompatible with a future um and uh Israel is self destructing from within right now as well as mobilizing its neighbors against it so if we have the interests of Palestinians at heart if we have the interests of Jews at heart who are settled now in that area we need to begin to comply with international law and provide security Justice uh and equal rights for everyone uh immediately starting now you know and that's my message to Netanyahu uh the day after the election and I want to say that every vote for our campaign is a shot across the bow of the uh genocidal War Machine uh it is a shot across the bow of Democrats and Republicans who support this genocide who fail to stand up for the American people and for international law and human rights every vote for us is a shot across the bow and we say to everyone out there who's contemplating for voting for kamla Harris or Donald Trump don't let them talk you into endorsing genocide because that's what you're doing if you vote for either of them you are effectively affirming genocide you are enabling genocide you are promoting the funding the continued funding for genocide so this is really critical for us to stand up and stand together this is as you may know this is my third run here uh for president and I've never seen anything like this that the American people are so um uh inspired so empowered so full of an uprising right now the American people are in an uprising to shut down uh this genocide to put an end to Empire to transition to a foreign policy based on international law and human rights and to reclaim our budget you know in talking about cutting the military budget which would basically allow give us an additional half a trillion dollar a year to put into things we need right here at home by cutting that military budget we actually ensure that we have the resources we need not only for health care for housing and we call for building 15 million units actually over the um over the next decade and to begin that immediately um in our uh in our Administration we will build uh social housing so-called public housing which has been disinvested and allowed to deteriorate and has not kept up with the needs so we will be cutting these uh endangering military expenditures and putting the our tax dollars into our true needs here at home um you know and you know just to affirm that we're not hearing from Donald Trump or kamla Harris what we need to be doing for the American people we're not hearing about the actual crisis that the American people are facing so we have a perfect storm for building our power right now for facing down uh these uh abusive governments the abuse of our democracy the war on our democracy we don't have to wait for Donald Trump for uh Fascism and you know here he is backing away from uh the plan uh 2025 which by the way has been out there for decades this is nothing new this is something we have to stand up and fight and the way we fight the drift to the right is by actually addressing the material needs of the American people who have been thrown under the bus that is what is driving uh The Surge to the right and the Democrats keep enabling it they lift up and they fund the most extremist Republicans as well their uh their their commitment to neoliberalism to uh austerity to privatization to big tax giveaways to War this is what is driving people to the right we saw a big surge to the right after the Wall Street bailed out by the de two Democratic houses of Congress and the Democratic White House under Obama it's the austerity of the Democrats it's the neoliberalism of the Democrats it is not the solution it's actually a major driver of right-wing extremism so don't think that you're stopping Donald Trump by voting for more of what is driving right-wing extremism uh through the Democrats and again we're not hearing from kamla Harris real solutions we're hearing some feel good you know odow to Joy which is what we've been hearing about for a long time um especially you know since the DNC and if you saw the footage of the upper ring of corporate Suites overlooking the DNC that's where the real control was in those corporate Suites paid for by Corporate America half a million dollars up to 5 milli ion dollar per corporate Suite that is where the money is coming from the the Harris campaign is collecting money Handover fist has more billionaire donors than ever this is not to exonerate Donald Trump but we don't spend a lot of time um clarifying Donald Trump because his track record unfortunately is very clear the uh Republicans and Donald Trump have been servants uh to Wall Street and really don't make much bones about it I mean you see some flip-flopping on issues like about war and so forth but you're not seeing you know uh solutions to actually meet the critical needs of the American people the Democrats on the other hand are giving very confusing uh PR spin campaigns all the time uh about how they pretend to be solving our crisis when they're not the inflation reduction act for example which kamla Harris pointed out uh tonight was the source of of vast uh new fracking developments the inflation reduction act which is their claim to you know the great climate legislation right which opens up 60 million Acres of offshore uh fossil fuel extraction every year it requires that that's mandated before any uh major renewable projects can be undertaken in 2 million Acres of onshore so you know we hear lots of uh nonsense for the Democrats and they fail to fulfill their promises like a $15 minimum wage by the way we're calling for a $25 minimum wage because that's what our families need right now we're not Hearing Solutions like that we're mostly hearing disinformation and a blather uh from uh the Democrats and from Kamala Harris's policies so I just really want to thank everybody for being here tonight and to encourage you to hold the fort to um to to double down to double down because it's never been more important the crises have never been so uh basically uh over the toop and uh there is no better better time for us to stand up and demand the solutions that actually put us on track for an America and a world that works for all of us on day one we can declare the climate emergency and unleash over half a trillion dollars to start funding the green New Deal and the jobs that we need to uh transition the economy on day one we end the um the genocidal war on Gaza and we begin to propose a military budget which is going to cut our very aggressive over the- toop military uh by at least 50% and put those dollars here into our critical needs here at home and security here at home on day one we launch an antitrust lawsuit against the corporate Consolidated media so we can again restore our first amendment rights not only to free speech but in particular to freedom of the press so we can have the Press once again acting as a watchdog to power not a lap dog to power which it is currently in its current uh corporate Consolidated for format on day one we also bring back town hall meetings so that we can hold our elected officials accountable so they're talking to us not just to their big corporate donors on day one we bring back Congressional hearings um so that we can set the record straight and actually begin to educate uh elected officials and and the American people on day one we legalize uh marijuana and we we begin to treat our drug crisis as a Public Health crisis not as a law as a legal crisis and we release from prison uh so many um 100,000 people or more who have been wrongfully uh incarcerated and many of them are still in jail so there is so much that we can do uh this is you know an unprecedented crisis but we're seeing an absolutely unprecedented uprising uh we are now running really strong among uh Muslim Americans and Arab Americans uh we have a very strong vote in fact we're either tied on some polls with kamla Harris or we are leading uh strongly leading and you know the Arab Americans and Muslim Americans have had a front row seat uh in the excesses of Empire and the inhumanity of Empire and the destruction and the islamophobia and all of that had a front row seat on Empire so they are standing up really and leading the charge for a a new world a new world and a new America that's going to work for all of us and students are leading the charge as well and are back now uh in on their campuses and are still going strong I understand there's a huge demonstration in fact that went on uh this evening outside of the debates as well calling for an end to these genocidal Wars so America is ready to step up up in the words of Fredick Douglas power concedes nothing without a demand it never has and it never will we are that demand and as Alice Walker reminded us um the biggest way people give up power is by not knowing we have it to start with we've got the numbers we've got the solutions we have the values of the American people it's and we have the makings of an unprecedented Coalition for us to be working together and do not rule out the possibility of a really unexpected development in this election this election has been full of unexpected developments so don't let them talk you into hopelessness or powerlessness it is not impossible for this race to be turned on its head and it is not impossible it is extremely highly likely that we will make a strong showing and whether that is 5% or 15% or 30 5% enough to win a three-way race uh or even 50% I would not rule out any of that and however far we get is the jumping off point for us to continue the building for us to continue the organizing uh we need to stop genocide immediately and to begin to reverse the um uh the the ethnic cleansing and the aparte state but it doesn't end there you know we've got an Empire to dismantle and to transition from a monopolar world which is not working which is bringing us uh to two hot Wars on the verge of a third uh given uh US foreign policy right now we need to move from that monopolar world to a multi-polar world where we join the community of Nations as an adult under international law and human rights using diplomacy uh to actually Build The Better World uh that we deserve and that is within our reach thank you all again so very much join us if you can make a contribution at Jill Stein 204. please do sign up to volunteer because we are now entering the uh get out the vote uh stage of the campaign finally now that the ballot drives are behind us congratulations to everyone for the successful uh execution of that ballot drive we are on the ballot strong we have uh write in campaigns to run in approximately six or seven maybe eight states in Most states we're on the ballot including all the swing States we're on the ballot we're in court on two of them but we are on the ballot really thanks to your hard work thanks to your spreading the word you're getting out and collecting those signatures so thank you from the bottom of my heart and thank you from all of our team which is so very grateful to you but now we're in the um in the get out the vote phase and this is about encouraging people to stand up with the courage of their convictions this is all about flying tabling door knocking and phone banking it's not rocket science it's about turning the crank of a real democracy that we have a chance to actually restore we don't have it's not a democracy if we're not in the race if we're not in the race if we're not you know there in the voting booth if we're not there loud and strong among voters then you know this is just uh Wall Street and the War Machine and Apec that are flexing their muscles through these two parties remember one out of every three eligible voters chose not to vote in 2020 because they weren't aware that there are other options those non-voters are uh disproportionately of color lwi income and young exactly the people who want to hear our agenda who will benefit from free public higher education and cancelling of student debt which I didn't have a chance to mention yet but that's part of the picture too so we have so much to bring in voters who don't know about us and to um ensure that everybody's out there getting registered and they won't know what hit them the Empire and the oligarchy will not see this coming because they don't poll uh people who are not their traditional voters but that's really who America is who represents our deep values our Beloved Community that we need to be with each other I should mention also reparations which is a major issue for our campaign that will not be represented if we are not in this race running strong so there are so many people who need to hear from us and about us we can completely change the Dynamics of this election and of all elections to come so again thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and I hope to see you soon on the campaign Trail big shout out to all our team that was here helping tonight to Kelly Merill and Jason call and Georgia Davenport and Justin Pino Mark eloro and Rose Roy Dave Schwab uh lebau panad Betsy AIA David uh David Schwab I named uh forgive me if I haven't named you but a big thank you to our unbelievably hardworking team and a big thank you to all of you out there all of us are going to the mat right now we're all aware that we are ourselves in the Target hairs of this Empire which is endangering us all and impoverishing us all and conducting a war on working people and democracy here at home we can fix this we have the solutions to do that and together we are an Unstoppable team let's seize the moment together and thank you e e welcome to democracy Now democracynow.org The War and Peace report I'm Amy Goodman the un's warning more than a million people in Central and Southern Gaza received no food rations in August adding to a Beyond catastrophic situation in the war torn Palestinian Enclave gaza's Health Ministry meanwhile says Israel's hindering the delivery of polio vaccines as its military refuses to coordinate the entry of medical teams in southern Gaza

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