SPRINGBOKS Lineup Prediction vs ALL BLACKS (Rugby Championship 2024) 2nd Test

so match number one between the spring box and the All Blacks is in the Box a victory to the spring box at home and now match two just around the corner now it was a close game back and forth between the sides and in this video we're going to be doing our best to predict what Russ arasmus is going to be going with for his team this weekend match number two taking place in Cape down but Tim first match under the Bel of the spring box they are now three from three in the rugby Championship one more win here should secure the title can they do it this weekend at Cape down Stadium I'd like the think they can but if you look at the previous record actually for the All Blacks and spring box particularly in Cape Town the All Blacks have a pretty good record there and they have a good fan base as well there so you can never really count them out but i' would like to think the spring box can back up their their first one with another so we wait and see I guess the massive question as well is how many changes will Russy make up against the Australians in that second test match after winning the first they made drastic changes but history is on the line here if the spring bxs win this game that is then their longest winning streak ever up against the All Blacks also if they win this game they retain their number one spot in the world rankings and also secure the rugby Championship so there's a lot of AOS that can come from this game for the spring box pressures on Scott Robertson his side will be announced a little bit later on in the week but RI always getting in early and we'll try our best to get as close as we can sorry also there is also the freedom cup as well we also we get the freedom cup for the first time on the wild we do win as well we I heard that that's right but we are filming this video extremely early on in the week that is due to the early selection that we do see from the spring box which does mean at this point we only know of two injuries one of which being SE kisi unfortunately having that facial injury up against the All Blacks in match number one and the other kurtley ARA out with a concussion so this early on making a prediction is always risky because later on we will hear the headline of what Russ is thinking about for his selection and match to also who else might be injured moving forward so bear that in mind when seeing our selection it is not set in stone and we could see a late change once again just like last week for Ean itth but looking through at your front row Tim who have you gone with for the second test match well the second test match I've gone with the same front row we saw in the First with oxen CH number one bongi number two and fance B Herber the number three I think these three were I think solid throughout the day they did their job a scrum standpoint I think it was pretty even I think from both sides actually when you look at within the first half it was only with the second where the sueme mar got a bit more i' say in that in terms of that kind of set piece but besides that I think it was very even between you know tatti Williams and Oxon chain in terms of that battle as well as Fran mber versus tyal LX so I think I want to keep kind of the same front row for the for the second test and there was a drastic difference between the first and second match up against the Australians we saw that second test match they were losing a lot more line outs when y was strong them we saw quite a few scrums lost but then saying that we also saw the non-contestable scrums in that match between Australia and South afria as well but just like yourself I've gone with the same front row o nen number one bong Mani number two and Fran malara as the number three a lot was made about tomighty Williams's scrummaging heading into this game but I think France mhara he just showed how strong he is and how class he is in a scrum he shut it down I don't think the All Blacks won a penalty advant AG too many times throughout this match maybe the one but other than that the spring box holding strong and alsoi managing to score himself the first try for the spring box interesting one yeah no it definitely interesting for sure because I think when you saw it like just as it happened I think everyone had the same reaction like okay it's a try guarantee but then when you saw the replay and then you saw Jordie Barrett kind of you know put his hand out that kind of stopped bongi in the process it kind of Knocked down like he knocked it on essentially but but I think like the way I was surprised the TMO demon look at it there there were several moments in this game where the TMO I just I don't know why they didn't use the TMO like it was It was kind of strange actually there was like one point where Sasha kicked it out on the full even though it hit Reiko and it should have been a spr box line outs like this was like that was another instance like there there were moments in this game where the TMO I thought could have got a lot more involved because in the past we've kind of talked about how the team kind of gets too much involved but this time is kind of the opposite way around but no in terms of that that bongy try I mean I I look it was it was not a try but I can maybe understand that like maybe he's grounded it because he's putting you know the pressure is like on I guess in terms of like he's putting downward pressure on it so I can understand maybe that's the argument they've made but besides that I just yeah it's a tough call to kind of go against the All Blacks I'd say although there were a lot of controversial decisions throughout this game I know it was talked about for that first rolling M try that the all black scored out tyrra LX was in front of already later honestly like think at the moment there's a bit of a lottery going on in terms of how the games are going to be afficiated but like I've said many times throughout their live stream as well as afterwards like those little moments yes they can be substantial but you have to make the most of the time outside of those moments the All Blacks they had other chances that I'm sure they would have liked to be able to make the most of but moving on from of course that because it is going to be talked about so much throughout this week hopefully not too much more on the Kiwi Lads Channel but we'll see certainly one that split the opinions of a lot of fans but something that will not split opinions is who should be starting at number four for the spring box in this game he is getting also closer to Victor matfield has the most kept springb in springb history he he thoroughly deserves it ianet the way that he has played for so long also coming back into that game up against New Zealand in the first match he wasn't initial named in the starting lineup or reserves taking over the spot of makaan starden and he made a real impact when he made his way off the bench actually a lot earlier than some would have been anticipating but Ean etth he's got to be somewhere in this 23 man side his match fit and he is available to play in this game Ruan noia that is who I've given the number five Jersey I felt like he had some decent moments it's a tricky one to find your momentum when you are going on and off the field like he was because they had to make quite a few changes now pet steti the toy I honestly feel like you could once again play him in the Locking Joy maybe they look to put him at five if they want to back Ben Jason Dixon who maybe didn't have the strongest game he could have but I still think that they may consider giving him some sort of role throughout this contest but for me in the Locking Joy Ean itth and Ruan noia is the way to go yeah no I like that deal a lot so I mean similar to you I also do have event Smith shocker there I think he was he was pretty good Off the Bench I mean I I kind of actually forgot the Box had him off the bench like when we when R and nor to go off and I was like oh no wait who are we going to bring on here I was like oh you see eanet Smith I'm like oh what a what a great what a great time to have a player like him a the bench so it was good to have him in the game and he definitely made an impact from a experience standpoint but yeah know he's he's before for sure but to partner him I actually wanted to originally go with R.J snam here but I'm a bit cautious that he may not be available or not I think I would have started with him if he is available but because there's a bit of kind of uncertainty if he's available or not this is actually where I've gone with salmon Mo at I believe he'll have the opportunity here to kind of start in this game because you know he's coming off his concussion which he was not allowed obviously to play the in the first test against the old blacks but I think they'll put him straight into the second test and partner up with evanf there so I have a little bit of a question for you there Tim if you have gone with him as your number five C kesi more than likely missing this next game up against the all black is Salon MOA your captain or is it even or is a toy that's what I would I actually would give it pet the toy that's I was actually going to answer this question later but I think I'd say pet the toy I think he's the player who I think in every game he's played so far he's been the he's been amazing and I think he's still I still think he's been the best player for this ring Championship if I they like name one right now so I think that's the reason why you kind of cap go with him as Captain if if you do have that option with seei also maybe out and like R see bit of St the toy he's been passed around the positions he's been four he's been five he's been seven and you know to be a player that can adapt so quickly and still have a phenomenal game from no matter where you are playing like that is just a tesate to the type of player that he is and the kind of Workhorse that he is that no matter where he is he's still getting turnovers he's still putting in those big hits the question is well I mean the question's pretty easy because you haven't got him in the Locking jaar you got him in that number seven jersey I assume for your loose forward Trio yeah yeah he's my number seven 100% like I said he would be my captain if kisi is out and for that case I've kind of considered I believe both of us have considered kesi out due to what he got in that um first test and this is actually where I've gone with a bold call here but I've actually brought in marov Van staden to start at the number six I know he wasn't a part of the the test of course you knowf came in as a last minut a change but I feel you know I feel razy will kind of reward kind of mov and saden just for kind of you know being kind of a gent actually just kind of allowing ET to kind of come off a bench in that first one so I think he's gonna give him the opportunity here to start and yeah think he'll do good job there so he'll be six pet to the number seven and then yeah I've gone with Yas Visa the number eight I thought he was a monster in that in that game he was just incredible it's it's just it's just great to have a player like yasa Visa because he just reminds you of how good he is as a player and yeah just his carrying was great I thought he was good within the breakdown I think he made a key turnover I believe in the breakdown if I mistaken and yeah just yeah what a play to watch and it's been a long time since we've been able to watch him of course getting suspended from the gallaga Premiership that felt like an eternity ago that that one took place but just like yourself I have decided to give him another chance here but first of all number six I have also gone with M farden like you said the fact that he was in that initial 23 man side ianeth was matchfit so they said right Marco you're going to have to go out of this one and from what I've heard he said yep fair enough I guess like you're not going to argue if they're trying to put evth in your place like that's that's just a death wish if you really trying to keep yourself in there but he will be my starting six for this game I feel like other than him maybe quaka Smith could be your starting six but El clows more of your eight you've also got a couple of those other options yansy funds rensburg maybe could be in there as either a lock or a six for this game but we just haven't really seen any minutes from that man so I think Mara farden is a little bit of the safer option just like yourself I have got better SE toy as my number seven and then number eight as visa for a first game back after so long being out yes there were a couple mistakes there but overall a really solid performance and a great game to make your way back into the spring box site now we move on to the 19 combination this is where we could see changes for the spring box but I've gone with the same I feel like that combination of kobas Rak as well as Sasha fber and gome Zulu it worked well and Sasha you wouldn't think this was his first game up against the All Blacks he played it like he was a veteran of the game he was doing smart kicks and behind he was getting his passing right his defense I still think is underrated the fact that he was musling up when Jordi Barrett was trying to run straight at him and over the top of him was incredibly impressive so I would say he's done enough to earn that starting 10 spot now they have still got hundre polard and Manny liok there two other options that could take that 10 Jersey in terms of the nine they've got Grant Williams or Jaden Hendrick so there is a chance that we do see one of those other two options in either of those positions get the chance but like I mentioned there's so much on the line in terms of Records in terms of championships and everything of that nature just so that is why I'd stick with the same and build that chemistry yeah now that's exactly the same reasons as what you just said is the exact reason why I've also kept the the same pair of coas running number nine Sasha feberg IMU mulu number 10 I just think those two just yeah I mean particularly Sasha just man he just stepped up and again this is what I mean pressure makes diamonds and he was just unbelievable in that game and andan that kick he made from what 61 meters out was just ridiculous it kind of brought me back memories of like Pat Labby kind of back in the day would that but again this time is like what in the 10 minutes so it didn't really have that kind of I guess dramatic impact in the game of what you would like it to have but but still did miss a light kick un like lambi yeah yeah exactly that's fair that's fair but um no Sasha just what a player and I think his kicking was just so on point in this game like the the one that I was like really impressed by I mean like I know it's a little thing to think about but it was actually at the very end of the game where it was it was a kicking battle between him and McKenzie and he actually kicked a ball normally it's one of those dangerous kicks where you're you're kicking from the side and it can easily go out on the full and you bring it back towards like where you've kicked it but his the ball just sit in touch and actually went towards the right so it meant that the ball was just perfect the kit I was like wow that's just having that kick like the accuracy just making sure it's on point I was like fair play like he just yeah he stepped up to the occasion man and yeah he that's the reason why I P him at 10 it's just simple as that and then yeah k r you said I thought he pretty good game for the box and I think when you have like Grant Williams and Jen Hendrick who's still a bit you just don't know what's going happen with him if he'll be included or not then I think Ru so far is the number one option all righty so now we move on to another question which is that Midfield combination you've kept the same n10 have you done the same with your Midfield in this contest I haven't this is where I've made a a bold change here I've G ding L at 12 and you it I've gone with lukano but the number 13 I want to see I want to see him at least get one game against the old blacks just want to see kind of continue that record of kind of good games against the old black so I like to see him get involved in this one again there could be the idea of where maybe he goes at 13 and maybe Jesse Krill shifts towards the 14 because you know with kly lorenza you know not available you can maybe go with that option but I just don't think they'll do it I I'll be very surprised but hey you never know it would be intriguing to see how that work against the old blacks but I think it's just it's too risky so that's the reason why when with Dem dende and the kanyan so what would you say is your main factor for switching out cre rather than dind because we did see lukan play 12 the last game that he played for the spring BX yeah to be fair maybe maybe that's the I mean yeah that a good point I I think like d danda is just one of those players where you you really can't take him out when you're going into the All Blacks like he's a battering ram and it's kind of like when you have someone like Jordi Barrett against you you need to kind of make sure you can him like as best as you can because he is a very important player for the All Blacks so I think di Dunley is kind of like the the weapon that the the spring box can use in that case but I think that 13 you can kind of switch it around a bit because um yeah there's a lot of players you're just outstanding really for the Box in that position so there's a lot of kind of um depth they can use there and I think L um I think he's played enough games now to kind of be rewarded kind of going into the second test so I'd like to see it happen righty so for me I have gone with Daman dind as my number 12 number 13 L I have also made that same switch now I'm going to explain why I have decided to go with k out rather than Daman dind turnovers Damian dind getting two crucial ones for the spring box when New Zealand were on hot attack he just locked himself over that ball wasn't going anywhere and that is a great way to shut down a Counterattack and he's just one of those players like you said he can make your meters K's got that pace and he is certainly going to be very good option for the spring box but I also feel like he has had quite a bit of work to do even in those games up against Australia he played both of them this kind of feels like the game that is a standown period if that makes sense unless of course they want to keep it the same and in that case they would go once again with Krill and Damen dinder but we move on to the back three and they cannot be the same for this contest Judah kurley ARA unfortunately suffering that head knock he will not be playing in this game but instead that number 11 Jersey now wide open for myself I have gone with maazi mimpi now you could also argue someone like a Kanan moody maybe chiselin kobby transfers to that left wing for this contest but I still feel like makazi mimpi has earned that Jersey at the end of the day if it wasn't for kurly ARA we'd still be seeing makol and be every single week more than likely playing in that left wing spot and he hasn't really done anything wrong when he puts on the spring B kit so it would make sense to give him that opportunity again up against the All Blacks here number 14 this is actually where I've stuck with jisel and Colby now out of the two Wing positions this is where I was closest to putting in Kane and Moody just to give him some sort of minutes although they also do see him as a long-term Center so I thought maybe it's a bit of a waste playing him once out on the wing when you be better off putting him eventually back in the centers maybe we even see the Midfield combo of EST and Moody we've seen it before but this be the game that un Le it probably not I feel like that's something you'd save for the argentines but you just never know with Russy we could see 15 changes to his starting lineup in reserves in this game you just you just never know but number 14 I'll stick with chiselin Colby that would mean that he has played every game of the rugby championship and he hasn't really played any of them badly he's a great player very unlucky not to score in the game up against the All Blacks I think the only thing that was stopping him was the bounce of the ball because any time he was down the wing and that ball was kicked in behind it just to avoid him unfortunately always going into touch and then at number 15 this is where I really wanted to go with vly Laro because he didn't play in that first match up against the All Blacks but I also do think these are great games for these young players to get minutes up against top opposition so this is where I've gone with upper leasi I think other than that yellow card he had a pretty solid game defensively you could say there were a couple but at the same time he was on a hiding to nothing out wide with like two or three New Zealand players running at him he drifted inwards a couple times which did leave the space on the outside for Caleb Clark but overall I think upasi the longer he's out there on the field for the South Africans the better he will become and that is why I give him another big game here up against the All Blacks yeah that's fair that's fair and yeah similar to you this is I've also G with makazi mimp the number 11 I think it's just his time to kind of get the number Jersey just he deserves it for what he's produced in the past as well throughout this uh throughout this year so far but yeah for the 14 I've also G with J Kobe and yeah look it's one of those where I could have made the switch like I said before where I put him at the 11 put Jesse C the 14 and have count up at the 13 but I just think I don't think razy will do that I think he'll kind of go with this kind of a more built kind of lineup there and I think Justin Kobe had a good game I think you a moment where he kind of shoved off scott Barrett was kind of impressive like I was like jeez it's another player just like shoves off like CU he's done that several times in the game like where he has like I could probably name a list of five people who are just you know they're they units but he just somehow just is able to shove up and just go the next guy just run along so it's um no it's impressive stuff by him but no he's number 14 but this is actually where I have G will Laro number 15 Jersey I think this is the one where look fasy had a good game overall I think fasy did have a good game like you said besides the yellow card he was pretty good I think throughout it but I think there were moments in it where I think the only thing I would say had against him and unfortunately this just the reason why I'm not selected him is his kicking I thought his kicking just had to be slightly better than what it was I mean there was like one moment where I mean he literally he had he called the mark and then he took it very quickly and just kicked it out like literally like what it was like two meters away I was like what are you doing you can have like you can be a bit more patient with it or like and that's where you need a bit more experience in that position so that's kind of why I want to bring someone like will Laro back in the side and again he just offers you that that play Just he's just a great player to watch so he he's someone I want to see that 15 Jersey as well and it is pretty rough for Willie laroo if he does end up missing two games in a row for the spring box definitely because he is uninjured and that is something that you know I feel those backs for the South Africans there are little injuries here and there that they have been dealing with but he is one of those players who's been able to avoid that Damen valima not so lucky he's missed a lot of time from that 15 Jersey V Laro like you've said he's he's played well up against New Zealand in the past he's just a good Cool C head to have at the back and him partnered with makazi mimpi as well as having Lucano amen there I do think if they go with vly Laro there is a chance we might see hundre polard as that starting 10 maybe they go with that experience paing just because of the minutes that they've had together perhaps they look at Sasha fber and G Zulu alongside up aily fussy as that future appearing whereas polard and villy as possibly the present but looking through at the bench now 62 split I assume it's what you've gone with here the question is are the All Blacks going to match that for this contest they did get out mused Off the Bench the spring box sped up this game at altitude in the later stages perhaps that is something New Zealand need to look at can they get away with going with a 6-2 and the second test for yourself who have you gone with as your front row replacement yeah so Off the Bench this is where I've gone with Mel Mor to come off the bench you know he just he made an impact as normal and kind of what you expect uh I would say like there were moments actually where he came off and his line out actually wasn't as good as what it normally is like again that could just be like the Lan out just not functioning as what you wanted to be but besides that I think he had a pretty good a kind of good game off the bench and then yeah with a replacement props here this is where I've gone with ghod stin cap I thought he had a pretty impressive game actually coming off the bench as well as Vincent Co there so I've gone with an unchanged um front row there Off the Bench so for me I have gone with Malcolm Marx once again at number 16 just a really good impact player like you said line outs at times were a bit Scrappy but he also still just presented so much when he was out there on the field and seemed to lead in terms of those guys who made their way off the bench later on in a game just seemed to be fired up ready to go for those last 20 or so minutes and little did we know how crucial those last 20 were going to be having a little bit more forward momentum for the spring box at times and then that rolling mall near the end to help them get the try Steven kits off is who I've gone with as my number 17 now he was released to play in the curry cup he's playing when we're filming this in about four hours time but I'm hoping he gets out of that game injury free and then Russy will bring him back in perhaps to get some minutes under his belt before heading into Argentina now I do think he'll play at least one match up against the argentines but I do think that this could also be a great game to give him a few minutes under his belt before heading into those L pumers games Vincent Co is my number 18 I would have loved to make a little bit more of a switch here in terms of my props maybe the hooker just because it is Bur stock standard I guess you could say but at the same time after watching that second game up against the Australians and seeing that new side slightly struggle a little bit I just feel like this isn't the game to Chuck them all back in the deep end even though it would be great experience to learn from if they were thrown into this case but now we move on to the other three forward Replacements by myself I have got Salman mura as my number 19 number 20 alri low I thought that he was really strong Off the Bench having some good running meters if it wasn't for Visa playing so well I would have said Al R loow to start at eight for this week up against the All Blacks I feel like he almost earned it but then at the same time Yesa he was he was good enough that you you can't take him out but yeah Al rlo still earning his spot in my spring box 23 and then number 21 this is where no surprises it's qua Smith the man scored the try lateer in the game he's just so good we say it every single lineup prediction we say it every single review we say it anytime we get the chance to he's just so bloody good at coming off the bench and causing opposition problems and it's going to be no different in this contest when the All Blacks are starting to tire that's when quag Smith starts to Fire and he will be on fire and Cape down once again for this match yeah became a raer there for a second to I know I was like man he's spinning some bars here but uh no I mean I'm not going to spit some bars like you just did there but I will go with Ruan Norte to be the replacement lock there for myself um then following that this is where I've gone with quag Smith and then Eric low to finish it off I I was considering Ben Jason Dixon because I feel he's a bit hard done by because I I could just go Ben Jason Dixon and then quag Smith but like like yourself I think uro just I think he deserves it I think he does deserve it so that's the reason why I've come with him there righty so we got some pretty similar looking lineups so far we've got only two positions left which I feel like will be extremely similar here as well yes we might as well just go through them number 22 Grant Williams yep yep number 23 Andre poad indeed indeed yeah no surprises there in terms of the springb backs now this is also where I wanted to put Kane and Moody I don't know why but I just wanted to have him somewhere in this 23 but I couldn't find anywhere to put him first I looked in the centers couldn't get him in there then I looked at 11 couldn't get him in there 14 couldn't get him in there and then off the bench at 23 hre poad you want that stability and that little bit of security just in case Sasha feber and Gomez ULU doesn't have as strong of a contest then you haven't really got too many other options in terms of that goal kicking although chis and Colby isn't too bad at SL them over when he needs to but hundre polard you'd still say he's safe as houses so that is who I'd have as the number 23 and who I think rasio arasmus will go with I should mention seeing as that is what this video is based upon but nonetheless we do thank you all very much for tuning in do let us know who you think Russ arasmus will be going with in the spring box lineup down in the comments below we don't have to wait too long until this lineup is announced it's only a couple days away and when it is of course we will have the video coming out on the channel But be sure to check out rby itch's YouTube channel his link will be in the description as well as the comment section but thank you all very much for tuning in if you did enjoy be sure to leave a like And subscribe and we will see you all for the next one

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Joe Schmidt explains Wallabies team selection vs Argentina | Wallabies Press Conference

Category: Sports

Joe i'm happy to start then um let's go with the captain harry wilson what's stood out leadership wi about him particularly sort of coming off throwing him into the deep in there the second half that spring box game in perth uh yeah harry's been really good for us um and i think he's led himself really... Read more