January 6th Convictions THROWN OUT By Judge! w/ Mike Benz

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:21:33 Category: News & Politics

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hey come see us live we're doing our Rumble time show September 27th in Los Angeles we'll be in Tempe Arizona and will be in Burbank California go to Jimmy door.com for a link for tickets January 6th was another one of these ways to take democracy away from the people meaning that it was instigated by the Deep State the FBI I I'll never forget uh the head of the FBI Christopher Ray was being questioned um in Congress and a congressman said did you how many how uh how many FBI assets did you have dressed up as Maga supporters inside the capital before the riot started on January 6 and the FBI head would not answer that question so what that tells you is that the FBI was doing a scop on January 6 so there was agent provocators they knew there was going to be people there and then they provoked them into riots into go into the capital and then they could then frame that as an Insurrection even though it wasn't because if they wanted to overthrow the government a as the point I've made a million times really a bunch of Second Amendment gun nuts showed up at the capital to overthrow the government and son of a gun they forgot their guns that I bet they I bet they were really embarrassed and then of course all the cops are taking selfies with them inside the capital and and then Nancy Pelosi now on undercover video admits that oh son of a gun it was my responsibility to make sure we had the National Guard there Donald Trump requested it I turned it down I also turned down the request from the Capitol Police Chief we also have undercover video of Nancy P's daughter who was there that day doing a documentary admitting that there wasn't an Insurrection that it was all made up and the only way they're going to get these people on January 6th convicted is if they try them in DC cuz if theyy them anywhere else in the country they won't be convicted well here's a story I want to run past you so this is uh appeals court just vacated felony convictions convictions for a dozen January 6 defendants many of those imprisoned over January 6 charges are now likely to be released and not only not only that but Chris Hedges poer prise winning uh Chris edges War reporter he wrote an article a year ago about these January 6 people were being way over sentenced so this is another way that the Deep State and the establishment throws in rigs elections right so they make this out to they instigate this by the way they did the same thing in Brazil did you know that to get rid of bolsonaro in Brazil which they called the Trump he was a populist the Trump of Brazil they did the exact they did a January 6 thing in Brazil they did this so I didn't know that until recently when they banned Twitter in in Brazil and I looked it up and that's part of the news story that oh yeah they they say that bolsonaro supporters denied their election results and they stormed the capital I'm like oh my God they did the same so here we go so the US appeals court has vacated the felony convictions of 12 people convicted for taking part in January 6 2021 breach of the capital A Move expected to lead to the release of many of the Prisoners the US court of appeals for the District of Columbia circuit on September 9th threw out convictions for obstructing an official proceeding following the US Supreme Court summer ruling in Fiserv V you United States which found that prosecutors had been interpreting the law too broadly in a way that would criminalize a broad swath of prosaic conduct exposing activists and lobbyists alike to decades in prison so the US Circuit Judge Patricia Mallette Cornelia TL palard and Florence y pan vacated the convictions for dozen for the Dozen convicts in brief pruum orders while remanding the cases back to the district court judges for further proceedings guy refit the 1 January 6 defendant convicted by a jury is one of the people who saw their obstruction convictions vacated refit lawyers in recent motions highlighted the Supreme Court ruling as well as a March ruling by the District of Columbia circuit that struck down a sentencing enhancement applied to different January 6 defendant fiser requires reversal of Mr rit's conviction on count two or the obstruction charge the lawyer said in a July filing prosecutors initially wanted more time to consider the Supreme Court's ruling but in August in a dozen cases they filed joint motions with defense lawyers asking the courts to vacate the obstruction charges and more than half of the cases the obstruction count was the only felony on which the defendants were convicted some of those who were convicted have spent years in prison already the district court judges handling the cases after the appeals Court's decision will hold resentencing hearings US District C judge Frederick is overseeing reit's case refit has been behind bars since January 16 2021 and has likely served more time than he would have if he had been sentenced without the obstruction count his lawyers told the appeals court the appeals court vacating the count quote will result in a resentencing hearing where we hope judge Frederick will reduce Mr reference sentencing in light of the decisions by the United States Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals so that's that so it's clear to me is it clear to you that January 6 is another way for the Deep state in the establishment to rig an election just like they rigged the elections in Brazil and now they're banning Rumble they ban Twitter that's another way to to rig elections and um what what do you have to say about this hopefully this will lead to more people uh being resentenced what do you have any comment on January 6th or anything I just said January 6 was a Fed surrection top to bottom and I can go through the whole the whole gamut of that story you know one quick note actually two quick notes before I do one is you mentioned the Nancy Pelosi video and the documentary footage from the daughter you know and you know you mentioned her taking responsibility and things like that but there was another funny quote that was in that documentary film footage which was Nancy Pelosi saying shrieking with joy just after 100 p.m. as the perimeter was being breached where she said trespassing on Capital grounds we've got them this is just what I've been waiting for she said that how said what I've been waiting for where is that video literally run a search on X for I'll I'll post it to the top of my feed yeah you as soon as I'm able to take a breath here but you can literally look up look up Pelosi and then just the quote been waiting for and you will see it on X you'll you can probably find links on bitshoot I don't know if YouTube would have ripped those down but it's all over and so this never been reported on mainstream news correct it has been well I don't know about mainstream news but it this was a huge news cycle about a year ago um when you know when when this uh you know when this came out but the fact is was in Italy Nancy Pelosi Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Capital Security that day because the sergeant-at-arms answers to her she was one of the people in that chain who denied who denied it if she was working we now know thanks to you know uh Publications about a month ago there's a great report I forget the the the journalist name about all of the back Channel Communications between Nancy Pelosi and Mark Millie the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff uh but the fact is is if she was back channeling with Mark Millie and she was in charge of security and she knew as she said this is what I'd been waiting for that there would be the exact crime that everyone not hit with obstruction of justice was hit with trespassing on Capital grounds then that explains exactly what happened in ter terms of in terms of her decisions and her shrieking with Glee as the capital is being penetrated because of it I think speaks for itself one before I get into the substance of January 6 I I because you mentioned the the the parallels to Brazil I think it's very important for the audience here to know there is a concept that that the blob uses the state department the CIA the dod our foreign policy establishment that's at war with Trump and at war with populism around the world it's called transitional Justice are you familiar with this this term to me it's it's a funny one it's great well it's a new and rapidly growing field according to all of the state department aligned journals in the space transitional Justice Means after we put a country through a democratic transition you know after we run $150 million to a particular political faction and they rise to power or they narrowly win an election we arrest everyone on uh who's a part of the other Administration the one that just narrowly lost the election and this is basically Doctrine now at the state department transitional Justice Means when you are transitioning a country from autocracy to democracy or illiberal democracy to democracy you have to account for all the crimes that were done by the previous political class which means arresting all the politicians arresting judges arresting propagandists from the other side until the entire place is purged top to bottom of that political group being able to win the next election now partly this is because they the state department has to try to rig 190 countries election every year it's very expensive they have a limited amount of funding so what they want to do is Achieve what they call the state of democratic stability which is that to make sure that the that the populist party in in that country the populist faction can does not have a chance at winning the next election and because everyone's in jail so the state department doesn't need to give another $150 million to the next election cycle because there's no threat from the opposition party because they're all in jail that's called transitional Justice I've gone through in my lecture series I did two hours for example on the transitional Justice um Doctrine and how it was used in Poland to arrest the uh the the pis the Law and Order party that NATO uh uh you know removed in a in a nailbiter election you know 50.1 to you know 49.9 effectively and and how the the CIA in-house Journal called the Journal of democracy it's literally the National Endowment for democracies academic Journal published this piece the week that Donald Tusk got elected about who in the country needed to be arrested in the name of transitional Justice and they they went through all this this sweeping list of all the political actors all the judges all the propagandists They even they even proposed to the Polish government what the crime should be they even gave backup plans they said well we might not have enough evidence for this one this one's going to be tough to to prove we should bring the prosecutions anyway but they might take the F the they basically the CIA hands the incoming government who they just gave $150 million to the the target list of who to prosecute with their new control over over the prosecutor's office you can read the same thing with USA uh USA blueprint documents for the the transition their office of transition initiatives transitional Justice playbook for Nicaragua for Bolivia for Venezuela this is part and partial and by the way it came home you know who is behind the law fair against Trump and all this was a guy named Norm Eisen I don't know if that name sounds familiar to you or your audience but he's the guy who spear he's he's sort of the quarterback of these 91 indictments he was also the quarterback of the legal elements of Russia gate he was advising on the you know the uh uh con you know the Democrats in Congress on on Ukraine gate he started this operation called crew which which literally leveled I think something like 700 lawsuits against the Trump Administration just um just on the Civil side in addition to the criminal ones but who was he before he became the Chief lawfare Architect of of killing not only Trump but Trump supporters using prosecutors offices by the way all those prosecutors are Soros prosecutors who's you know again gets this back to this International you know uh sort of Banker uh element to all this but Norm Eisen was the former US ambassador to the Czech Republic he was a state department major official and one of the things that he bragged about as one of his biggest achievements in C in the Czech Republic was putting the Czech Republic through transitional Justice and effectively getting the the the Czech Republic to prosecute the opponents of the state department there that was so effective and it was so effective that the so-called anti-corruption State Department initiatives to use prosecutors uh in in everywhere from Germany into Ukraine and if you remember Biden himself bragged on tape to the Council on fign relations that you know that he conditioned a billion dollars on Aid he basically bribed them and threatened them to hand over control over over the prosecutors in Ukraine part of this is because the ukrainians did not want what was happening to their country after 2014 when the country became a total vassel state of NATO they don't even have control over their own education Ministries anymore they had to turn it all over to the EU as part of the uh as part of the the terms of the yats and Y government and you know they issued the redline memo to zalinsky is his first month in office saying you cannot do anything on this on energy policy anything on this on education policy anything on this on language policy or else your country will face political instability meaning our rent our CIA rental riots will be back at your throats the way they were to your predecessor so you better you better Implement you better be a good little vassal State boy but you know coming back to January 6 I don't mean to monopolize this I can I can tell you the whole January 6 if you you know if you're if we want to move to that now no no we've told the story We Know It uh you know it all you all you all you need to know is that uh I I did a rally there the year before for Force to vote and uh there there was you know there was maybe a hundred protesters who showed up and they had way more police and security for those people than they did for the thousands and thousands of people who were there on January 6th and they knew were coming so so this was completely engineered everyone knows it was engineered by the uh uh the FBI and the CIA and uh that that they they they they left they took the gates away let people come in and the rest of them got pushed in by the FBI provocators in the crowd and none of them had guns and uh this was this is this is all in a chance this is all so they could criminalize Donald Trump and say he let it Insurrection then he can't run for president again you notice they never prosecuted him for that isn't that interesting they never prosecuted they have 991 felonies not one of them have to do with that Insurrection and then they wanted to to uh uh uh uh criminalize his political organization which is Maga which is what they essentially tried to do so everybody knows the game that's happened we've showed them the undercover video here is that video you were talking about with Nancy Pelosi punch him out this I'm waiting for this for trespassing on the capital grounds I'm want to punch him out and I'm gonna go to jail and I'm gonna be happy I've been waiting for this trespassing on cap play it again she says that no he comes I'm going to punch him out this I'm waiting for this for trespassing the trespassing of the crime she calls out to got been waiting for this trespassing on the C she just says it and if if you've been waiting for this why didn't you request because it's it was her responsibility to request why did you deny it wasn't just her NE negligence in forgetting to request it she denied the sergeant at- arms from actually supplying and Donald Trump's request that's amazing what what is this video let that's go ahead it's just Secret Service said they have dissuaded him from coming to Capital Health they told him they don't have the resources to protect him here so at the moment he is not coming but that could change change he comes I'm going to punch him out this would pay I'm waiting for this for trespass on the capital ground they've been waiting for this for trespassing on the capital ground she that's called a forian slip that's called uh that's a real Gaff in Hollywood I mean in in uh Washington DC when you accidentally tell the truth that's what she just did she accidentally gave the game away we've been waiting for this trespassing on the capital grounds we've been waiting why because then they can charge him with Insurrection and then you can't run for president again that's what the same thing they did to bolsonaro in Brazil they same same play exact same Playbook and transitional Justice you know if and if you know there's another thing that's incredible and I've been on a crusade to try to get the house weaponization committee to subpoena the fraking FBI about this but Jimmy I'm not sure if you're aware but the FBI has footage of the pipe bomber taking the pipe bomb out of the bag but has not showed it they cut the stationary camera before the the pipe bomber takes it out of the bag we could literally see whether or not it was the same device or not that the FBI literally cut cuts the tape of the pipe bomber right before the commission of the crime it's on it's in the on the September 8th 2021 uh FBI page that's still up for the pipe bomber I can send it to your producer if you want I can literally point at the camera you can see look the FBI cut the tape when he sits down when he sits down to the bench and then he walks off screen but he goes back to the bench to plant the bomb but they they don't show him going back to the they literally have him planting the pipe bomb or not because again the pipe bomb was planted 17 hours before it was found and remember kala Harris was literally driven to the site of the pipe bomb she lied about that for a year in fact you the indictments that you mentioned there was another round of indictments that had to be resubmitted to a grand jury because in the first Valley until for the first 11 months after after January 6 prosecutors were were trying to string up people on effective hate crime charges arguing that they were running around the capital chasing kamla Harris through the capital and she was the first you know black female vice president elect uh and so that was a part of the indictments shown to grand juries that they got indicted on but then it turned out that the prosecutors lied to the judges and to the grand juries about it and then so once it was publicly reported actually KLA Harris was squatting over a fraking pipe bomb instead of being at the capital while that was going down they had to re-indict everyone without resubmit it to a grand jury uh stripping out the lies that they told for the first 10 months hey we all have two ages our true age and our biological age our biological age suggests how healthy or unhealthy we are inside you want your bio age years younger than your true age and let me tell you how field the greens is helping everyone do that a medical test can reveal your body's biological age which can show if you are aging prematurely better nutrition has been shown to reverse one's biological age My Hope of living longer and healthier is why I take Field of Greens Field of Greens is an organic superfood fruit and vegetable drink unlike any other it's serious nutrition listen to this Field of Greens was approved for a universal University study that doctors believe May lower your biological age that generally generally means Better Health each fruit and vegetable in Field of Greens was selected by doctors to support vital bodily functions like heart liver kidneys metabolism and 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