Will The Deep State Allow Donald Trump To Win Again? w/ Mike Benz

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:16:53 Category: News & Politics

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hey come see us live we're doing our Rumble time show September 27th in Los Angeles we'll be in Tempe Arizona and we'll be in Burbank California go to Jimmy door.com for a link for tickets and so do would you agree with I let me finish my thought from earlier that I lost but which was my friend Russell do who says if Donald Trump is allowed to be elected president again he will have to rethink everything he thought thought about the CIA and the Deep State because they're then they're not as powerful as he thought they are now I don't think that Donald Trump will be allowed to be president I had a Harvard Professor on my show yesterday or the day before who uh has found out that uh Google uh which we all know works as a defense contractor CIA all that stuff and is part is part Works part in you know hand inand with the Deep state if they aren't it themsel um they that they are rigging their algorithms according to Dr Epstein uh to swing between 6 million and 25 million votes and he says in his analysis there's absolutely no way that Donald Trump can win the election based on what Google is doing and he's figured it out scientifically with data that they can swing votes and it's not votes like people of me or you it's the people who are the undecided which is mind-blowing to me that you could be undecided and but um so would you agree with Russell dular that there's no way that the Deep State and will allow Donald Trump or a populist like at all to be to become president of the United States ever again well Google was created by the Deep state if you will The Blob the foreign policy blob you know back you know two years before Google was founded it was a PhD project of Larry Page and Sergey Bren when they were at Stanford and that project was funded by a DARPA grant that DARPA Grant was a joint CIA NSA program in order to use the aggregated search engine results to track birds of a feather flocking together online so that the CIA and NSA would have a political radar system for the use of the early internet by by Foreign political groups or dissident groups that the CIA wanted to back when they were using web 1.0 and forums and static web pag Pages before social media and then using that joint CIA NSA program DARPA Grant funds they developed uh the you know the the back back page back rub uh engine and then turned that into Google two years later the first year Google went public it became a military contractor and remember many core Google services are only possible because because of the CIA or the Pentagon Google Maps for example was because Google bought the cia's keyhole satellite technology so you know there's there's been this relationship between Google and and the CIA Google and our foreign policy establishment since literally before the you know before it was born you know you know while while it was in the process of getting pregnant so but but getting back to this um you know Google does have a a small degree of Independence but that gets negotiated by The Blob weighing down on it so you know how like I just was talking about the National Endowment for democracy this CIA cut out with it you know board being all these International corporations and Banks well in early 2017 the National Endowment for democracy as well as Michael chto who was the first head of DHS and is this you know he was he's ALS he was also the chairman of BAE Systems which is the largest military contractor in all of NATO it's it's the UK's equivalent of rathon Boeing and Lockheed combined so you know this so he and the National Endowment for democracy research head held a conference where they cornered basically the heads of Google and Facebook's content moderation teams at the time for Central and Eastern Europe because that was where this whole UK everything from Germany to Ukraine was this big political Hot Zone after Crimea in 2014 so Donald Trump had just gotten elected uh this is this is early 2017 they get together in a in a smoky room like the one we just described and I just posted at the top of my feed if folks are interested on X in in in Bratislava Slovakia and so so this guy who's basically representing the cia's number one cutout and the guy who's the largest M the head of the largest military contractor in NATO get together the Google censorship policy head and the Facebook censorship policy head for those regions and the the the caption ahead of the video frames the issue as being unfiltered alternative news is what gave rise to the Democratic threats of brexit and Donald Trump they literally play before the panel starts this big Hollywood propaganda you know sort of Motion Picture film where it where it shows it shows uh you know the rise of media and it was really good but then there were JFK assassination conspiracy theory so things got bad and then brexit happened and things the music gets really dark and then Trump gets elected the music starts blaring it blends to red and then the next picture is Adolf Hitler okay so this is literally the you know the the the sharp fangs of the CIA and the Pentagon and they're they're saying this is the end of the liberal rules-based International order because after brexit we're going to fit in France it exit in Italy grexit in Greece greit in in Germany spit in Spain the whole EU is going to come undone NATO is going to come done so there's no enforcement arm for the IMF the world is over because people are allowed to post on the internet this is what the context of this meeting was but the enemy that they declared and I'm not I'm not hyperbolic when I say this there's a direct quote and I'll post this on my ex account as well it's unfiltered alternative news because unfiltered alternative news research shows this is what they said research shows unfiltered alternative news is a font for populism populism is the is the will of the people expressing itself against the Democratic institutions we need to redefine democracy from being the will of the people to the will of these institutions who present the the sort of bumper cars on the bowling lane of democracy and so so basically you have the CIA and the and the and NATO telling the heads of Google and Facebook censorship teams you need to stop allowing populist speech because it's going to be the end of the world and and and you better do it because this is a matter of National Security and that's what leads us to the censorious world we're living in and are you surprised that half the country goes along with it how easily the Democrats are manipulated because they're told what they're they're fighting uh oh Hitler from 1933 instead of what they are fighting is a uh a TV game show host real estate magnet that's really what they're fighting a guy who was friends with everybody in the establishment loved Donald Trump up until he won that election he they gave him his own national television show for 10 years they all golfed together they all went to each other's thirdd and fourth weddings their kids are all best friends with each other he was allowed to guest host Saturday Night Live he was and then all of a sudden he was donating to Democrats he was donating to Democrats exactly so um so can you answer my friend so if Donald Trump is allowed to so do you think that they will allow him to be elected again cuz I don't think they will I think this is all theater that we have a democracy and that that the Steep state is no way in hell I mean they've gone through look at all the ways they' tried to rig the election already Russia gate was a chance to try to rig the election right they then they impeached him twice that was a chance that was a way to try to rig the the next election then that January 6 which I'm going to talk about in just a second uh that was a way to criminalize Donald Trump and his followers uh as a they hit him with 91 felonies and then after that they they then hit him with 91 felonies and four bogus uh we've never prosecuted a ex-president in the history of our country even ones that we know committed war crimes and Order torture programs and Barack Obama didn't didn't prosecute uh George Bush be for the T torture program because he said all those torture crimes happen in the past and Barack Obama's looking towards the future I'm glad we're not Prosecuting past crimes anymore because that's where I've committed all my crimes too but um so the so they didn't even bring those prosecutions until Trump announced he was going to run again that's bring until 2023 that's exactly right so do you think that I mean that's just these are all ways that the establishment is trying to rig this election and John St people like John Stewart go and Bill Margo right along with it what do you think uh do you think that they're going to allow him to become president well on the first question about whether or not you know I'm surprised that so many people go along with it I think both of us Jimmy after after seeing how people reacted to co uh you know I will never again be surprised by the ability of people to go along to get along uh for the for as long as I live asked me that question 40 years from now and I'll say I ain't surprised after after seeing that but the but the fact is is there's I I do think that in terms of half the country supporting censorship these are loose beliefs loosely held or strong beliefs loosely held I don't think these are actually strongly held beliefs I think this is something that is uh under the kind of temporary Mania of the huge amount of media muscle that's poured into posing Miss and disinformation as a threat to democracy Miss and disinformation as this grave social ill you know it's sort of our Delta variant uh in the sense that uh I could Free Speech still plays a very very significant role in us statecraft um the the very blob creatures who are pro- censorship in America are the first people to pass sanctions on Iran or North Korea or vene Venezuela if they engage in Acts of censorship so they do need to maintain this kind of strategic schizophrenia about it but I I and I think that if if the money for that propaganda apparatus drops away you will see the people organically sort of mean revert back to being generally pro- Free Speech even if there are some Frills or residual Hang-Ups about it from the from frankly the psychological operation that's been done with this whole new creation of this field of disinformation studies in this this new sort of professorial class of fake academics who uh who present research about you know the disinformation you know threat to democracy posed by you know people doing Fitness videos on YouTube um but you know in terms of the can I just say it's funny that the disinformation Specialists they never have a report about all the disinformation coming from the government isn't that wild it's never the government that's the and we all know the biggest liars and biggest disinform are the government second is the corporate media and third a distant third are randos on YouTube and social media but anyway go ahead back to you the 202 that's because they're funded by the government that's right almost all of them are funded by the government they are the go they are the the blob's mercenary arm they are the sort of arms of the octopus not the not the brain of it the the the National Science Foundation has given over a $ hundred million during the Biden Administration to a web of over 60 us universities all getting money to do full-time 247 internet censorship work the Pentagon has spent tens of millions of dollars funding this DHS has spent tens of millions of dollars funding this the FBI and doj even have counter misinformation programs HHS F uh FDA CDC all have their own misinformation programs that fund the university disinfo Labs that fund the the factchecking organizations pointer in the international factchecking Network the big umbrella group for all these fact Checkers has something like 30 different government grants just from the state department alone this is a way to get Godlike control over the internal political ecosystem of every country on Earth so not only is the state department and the CIA cutout web like the national down for democracy and US Aid funding this at home they are funding it all around the world because it's a way to rig who Rises and falls in Nigeria who Rises and falls in Nicaragua who Rises and falls in India and it has become an instrument of statecraft it's been it's now a tool of our diplomacy toolkit that that we used to only have for free speech now it was cynical and self-serving but but I do believe that it is Noble in the sense that Free Speech was a big part of State Department diplomacy we would pressure foreign counterparts to free their media so that it would be a free and independent media ecosystem free from government control then this would allow our c media like Voice of America and radio for Europe to penetrate the region it would allow our CIA back dissident groups to be able to rise in political power because the state would not be able to suppress them but that's how we would use sanctions you we just two years ago we passed sanctions on Iran for its government daring to censor you know the the revolutionaries during during the summer there three and a half years ago we passed sanctions on North Korea for the government sensoring journalists there we we do this this is stock and trade now we're doing the opposite now we are we're effectively conditioning humanitarian humanitarian support it's soft power projection but but on on Democratic reforms around digital resilience meaning setting up the censorship infrastructure and allowing the cia's censorship Army to swarm into the region this is what happened in Brazil this is what happened in the EU this is we have we have formal government programs at state to do this and only this USA has the Democracy human rights and governance um uh PR program which that's $50 billion USA has and they are spending hundreds of millions of that on full-time censorship work to coers foreign countries they even in their own documents they even have have advisories on what to do if a country is resisting setting up censorship infrastructure and they pitch their their foreign counterparts well listen if you don't have the legal ability to do this at home or you don't have the political support simply call it something else don't call it counter disinformation call it strategic Communications call it media literacy you have a public relations capacity as your election Court in in Brazil the tsse simply hitch it onto that instead of calling it public relations call it strategic Communications and will fold the program under that they basically not only are committing the censorship crime all around the world the US state department is they are literally coaching all the co-conspirators on how to orchestrate the coverup hey do you get stressed because your 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jimy hey come see us live we're doing our Rumble time show September 27th in Los Angeles we'll be in Tempe Arizona and we'll be in Burbank California go to Jimmy door.com for a link for tickets [Music]

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