CNN Cuts Off RFK Jr. Speech Mid-Sentence!

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:24:18 Category: News & Politics

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hey come see us on tour we're going to be in duth Georgia outside of Atlanta Jacksonville Florida Tempe Arizona and Burbank California go to Jimmy for a link for tickets so RFK Jr when he gave his speech last was it Friday when he announced that he was dropping out of the Swing States and he was going to endorse Donald Trump CNN cut away from that and you want to watch how it happed saw yeah yeah yeah so watch this I got this from uh Christy tolman's uh Twitter feed watch this my and my father both relish debate they prided themselves on their capacity to go toe-to-toe with any opponent and the battle over ideas they would be astonished to learn of a Democratic party Presidential nominee who like vice president Harris has not appeared in a single interview or an unscripted encounter with voters for 35 so he's telling you the truth about the horribleness of what the Democratic part's can uh uh currently doing there are they're installing a president they're not they're not using a democratic process they're installing someone after they CED Joe Biden who got 14 million votes in the primary so he's explaining that to you and she's explaining that KLA Harris hasn't even taken a question in what how many days since she's been installed as the she hasn't even is I don't know is it five weeksy I don't care I'm so afraid of trump that he's my bin Laden now so do whatever you guys have to do to destroy my freedoms to get that bad Bin Laden y he's the new so watch this so watch what as he starts to tell say this watch what CNN does I'll start at the beginning my and my father both relish debate they prided themselves on their capacity to go toe-to-toe with any opponent in the battle over ideas they would be astonished to learn of a Democratic party Presidential nominee who like vice president Harris has not appeared in a single interview or an unscripted encounter with voters for 35 days we've been listening to independent candidate Robert of Kennedy Jun from Phoenix outlining what uh led him uh to his quick sodic quest for the White House to now dropping out and relinquishing the title of his his quick soic oh so he was tilting at windmills with that uh all that stuff about the Pharmaceuticals and the uh poisons in the environment that's all just a windmill what's the definition of quick sodic Don kote uh exceedingly idealistic unrealistic and impractical impractical yeah yes his quick hey so they immediately as soon as he starts to tell the truth about Kay Harris and the horribleness of the democratic party's pretend primary and this rigged process they went through that was she is installed by the donor class billionaires handpicked KLA Harris to be president and as he starts to explain that that she's not even taking questions she's won't even hasn't done an unscripted question even from a voter cing I like whoa whoa whoa whoa we can't let people know that and they immediately cut in and I'm going to play here's the part they didn't want you to hear here's the part they most didn't want there was a lot of great stuff his his his uh his press conference was about healing the health of America healing the Children's Health half of kids are obese only 3% the kids in Japan are obese did you know that he's talking about the corruption of our regulatory the USDA the FDA the CDC and the gar and big Agra and the garbage that they put in our food our food is poison and so and this is what they did but this is the most they didn't want you to hear this part instead of showing us her substance and character the DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for vice president Harris based upon oh nothing no policies no interviews no debates only smoking mirrors and balloons in highly produced Chicago circus there in Chicago his string of democratic speakers mentioned Donald Trump 147 times just on the first day oh who needs a policy when you have Trump to hate in contrast at the RNC convention President Biden was mentioned only twice in four days yeah so all the major news networks are obviously owned by big Pharma and it's obvious that they don't mind looking like dishonest pieces of garbage shutting down someone who was pointing out that they are dishonest pieces of garbage and that's what they did once again Donald Trump was a gift presented to the Democrats like Venus on the half shell that's right I want that image stuck in your head all day without Donald Trump the Democrats would have to come up with something actually relevant to say about who funds them but go ahead he's an astrological sign at this point for them uh What uh who writes the copy that these reporters say because it's none of those reporters who's the person writing that crap when they go his quick sotic yeah run for president that's I'll bet you that's somebody out of the government who the hell writing that they have to be directly connected to like Intel or deep state or somebody right and they cut they cut him off just as telling the crowd about how he's being deliberately blocked out of the democratic process and then they interject that his quest is quick sodic yeah it that analogy doesn't even apply because the windmills were not deliberately running defense against every single thing Don keyote tried to do yeah right the windmills were not the establishment Powers were they right like Europe wasn't ruled by windmills I mean now I guess it it is in a way and just in case there was any doubt in your mind nothing works as well as just cutting the guy off completely I mean look at his numbers so here's here here was his numbers so in all these are all swing states he was getting 5 point almost 6% 5% 5% 6% almost uh five four and a half four and a half four those are big numbers you give anybody who liked him yeah you give those numbers to Trump and he's s he's he's squashing Harris and all those swing States and by the way Al bet he's already squashing her without RFK because I don't believe none of those numbers so nothing works better than just cut the guy off if you want to bring those numbers down just make sure he doesn't get any don't don't let anybody hear his message it's like if you want to lose weight you have to stop eating so much if you want to lose J RFK Jr from the election you have to cut down on what he gets to say on television because the more he says on television the more popular he becomes the people I don't think they've built up enough of an army of like f of uh you know childless uh gender blob cat people to really pull this off the people that are not going to notice you just cut him off they were already voting for Cala like anybody that liked him but and watched you do that they're going to have the same process that RFK had where or his vice president watching the chick going for vice president how she was almost in tears realizing that the DNC actually is you mean he like did you not know sweetie Is that real she must have not known you mean Shanahan you mean rfk's Vice President we were watching it and I was like this chick didn't even know like you didn't know this was like I it was funny to me when RFK came on my show the first time and I was like dude it's a Fool's air and you're running as a like how do you not know this how did you not see what happened to Bernie twice what do you think they're going to do to you what do you this it just seems silly but yeah they don't these people the higher up you go they had stupid they are they had to experience it themselves so so they cut from RFK Jr's speech because they they don't want to hear him tell the truth about what happened in the Democratic primary that the donor class installed K Harris who hasn't taken a question from a uh done done an unscripted question from a voter or done an interview with the news person not even a friendly one nothing right so they cut from that and they cut over to to the there they are they cut from that and who do they cut to they cut to this guy watch this watch what he says yeah I was watching that and and Donald Trump last week stood and said uh in front of a bunch of groceries and said I haven't seen any Cheerios in a long time I had Cheerios for breakfast this was cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs and trying to get any logic out of that is good luck with that um because it's what he's saying that this what RFK was saying was cucko for Cocoa Puffs first of all he was giving a speech about how seed oils and the food system in America is poisoning everybody and we have a explosion of chronic disease and obesity that children in America half of them are obese in Japan it's 3% he was talking you don't have enough circuses Jimmy to put these fatos in like we used to have he said they used to go to the circus he's not making a mean joke that is literally the fattest man in the world from back then you can find the pictures was like 400 lb yes it was that was the fattest man in the world at the time you'd have to put him in a carnival now most of the people at the carnival look like that guy it's unbelievable like well so so let me so RFK is giving a very coherent speech I'm understanding everything he's saying everything he's saying I'm understanding he's giving a very coherent speech about the health of America about how to fight back against the corruption of the USDA the FDA the CDC big Agra how to get people eating healthy again he's got a plan and he's and he's making a case that you never he anybody make on television why because television's bought by all those companies that want to give you those poisons so they cut from him and they cut to this guy who's trying to make RFK Jr the first time I heard somebody make sense on television in a long time tries to make it sound like he's crazy so let me show you RFK speech very coherent very on point he went from talking about the the health of America and how we're being poisoned by our food which I've been talking about this year a lot and then he starts to go tell you how bad the anti-democratic Democratic party is in installing a billionaire selected KLA Harris and then CNN Cuts watch my father both relish debate they prided themselves on their capacity to go toe-to-toe with any opponent in the battle over ideas they would be astonished to learn of a Democratic party Presidential nominee who like vice president Harris has not appeared in a single interview or an unscripted encounter with voters for 35 daysen so that sounds very easy to understand in fact I'm enthused about it and I'm interested in what he has to say that's very easy to understand I know what he's saying everybody else does too and it's very powerful CNN doesn't want you to hear this so they cut in right encounter with voters we've been listening to independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr from Phoenix outlining what uh led him uh to his quick sodic quest for the White House to now dropping out and relinquishing the title of so they come back there they are and they bring on this ham job and what listen to what he says yeah I was watching that and and Donald Trump last week stood and said uh in front of a bunch of groceries and said I haven't seen any Cheerios in a long time I had Cheerios for breakfast this was cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs and trying to get any logic out of that is good luck with that so that's called an establishment hack who's paid by those companies that RFK Jr is talking about is poisoning you and he's paid by the political parties owned by those companies so he has to come on and make you think that what he was saying was crazy he said cuckoo for Cocoa pups watch um because it's one you can't understand what he says to if you can you can't understand what he says and so now he's making fun of his vocal quality he's he's now making fun of his voice impediment he's making fun of a handicap that he has a physical impairment which I've been told over and over and over you're not supposed to do that who told me that CNN because when Donald Trump they said he made fun of someone's handicap that made him the worst person in the world well heard that this guy's doing that right now he's pretending you can't understand what RFK Jr's saying I 100% understand what RFK Jr's saying every you I understand what Camala I've never understood what in the hell talking about once I can't think of one time that I took an idea away away from listening to her Babble so he says you can't understand what RFK Jr's saying and even if you can you still can understand what he's saying cuz it's all cuckoo for Cocoa pups watch this reminded of a line of in Mel Brooks's Blazing Saddles when somebody gets up and gives a indecipherable speech he says who can argue with that that's authentic Frontier gibberish and that's exactly what that is yeah so he's calling what RFK Jr said was saying as gibberish no that's he he has to say that cuz it's just like just like when they call you a conspiracy they're not afraid of Lies The Establishment is afraid of the truth and that's what RFK Jr was giving people and people are hungry for that they're not hungry for on CNN which is why this show is more popular than any show on CNN and why Joe Rogan is 20 times more popular than the whole network so they because they give you and if it wasn't for Donald Trump nobody would have watched their show uh but anyway he's trying to make you think that he's well here it is again yeah I was watching that and and Donald Trump last week stood and said uh in front of a bunch of groceries and said I haven't seen any Cheerios in a long time I had Cheerios for breakfast this was cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs now that's ironic because RFK Jr was talking about the the trust trust stream media says technically RFK isn't cuckoo for Cocoa pups cuz they're filled with the the exact chemicals in our food supply that he's concerned are making our children unhealthy and they list the ingredients here's the ingredients uh corn syrup sugar flavor chips also down here canola oil palm kernel oil high fructose corn syrup fructose that's the garbage that's making that's poisoning us and making everyone sick so it's ironic he said cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs because that's exactly what RFK Jr was talking about and everybody understood what he was saying and CNN has to has to lower themselves to insulting his physical handicap he probably knows about this and everyone knows lead makes you cuckoo Coco Puff's lawsuit claims breakfast cereal contains dangerous levels of lead that's from July 23rd of this year well you got to get your lead in a bowl of Cocoa Puffs with 24% more than the recommended serving size contains 0.53 micrograms of lead the lawsuit says that's what the lawsuit says that's at 132% more so that's from class why would they put lead in it now I don't I don't I can't I I can't vouch for the veracity of those numbers but I'm saying that's what the lawsuit says um John Paul Berg says they're probably aware that they're losing their Monopoly on the dissemination of information their desperation to smear people with unsubstantiated ad homonym will not work anymore their mask is slipping revealing the vile swill Merchants that lay beneath well said uh Arya says sounds like a that guy s like a fixer or a lobbyist that's exactly what that guy is he's e he either doesn't have kids or he sold his opinion to Big Pharma or he's a hollow shell that somebody writes what he says like all those imbeciles on not one of them you saw the guy reading the script right yeah off his laptop you saw him reading it so he didn't write none of that he just uh exotic blah blah that's your whole skill being on CNN can you read the prompter right and then after after that then you try your best to like put a little spin on it like a kid doing a kindergarten report you want to hear a real Doctor Who has a number one selling book he wrote with another Doctor Who's his sister who uh graduated at the top of her medical school class at Stanford they wrote a book they wrote a book called good energy it's a a woman named Casey means MD graduated top of her class and Kaylee means that's her brother they wrote this book called good energy it's all about nutrition and uh and he came on to tell you to talk about RFK Junior's quest to make us healthy again and listen to what he said now you hear the hack from CNN listen to what an actual doctor says co-founder of true Med and author of the bestselling book good energy Cali means joins us now Cali good morning it was a remarkable night last night uh Twitter is blowing up a lot of Democrats very angry at what's happening obviously but talk to me about what you think this oh by the way there's men me of a joke Rob Schneider made he said the Democrats haven't when RFK dropped out and endorsed uh Trump uh Roseanne tweeted out the Democrats haven't been this angry since since Lincoln ended slavery right so that's very funny turns out that's Rob Schneider's joke oh did you know that Kurt no I didn't either yeah here we go partnership um this endorsement will actually mean for this idea of making America healthy again well Rachel you've been saying it for over a year the childhood chronic disease epidemic is the sleeper issue of this campaign and last night the Forgotten child was thrust squarely into the national conversation and for my small vantage point I can tell you that these two men bonded over questions about what's happening to Americans children why are 50% of American teens overweight or obese when it's only 3% in Japan why is the American Academy of Pediatrics pushing those on six-year-olds instead of healthy food why have autism rates gone up orders of magnitude of the past 20 years without changes in screenings why have cancer rates been exploding among kids why does America have the earliest puberty rate among children among any country in the world because of our indog disrupting foods that that are in our food supply in our environment these questions are at the core I think of what's been propelling RFK what's been propelling Trump what really is the defining political issue in the country which is this populist frustration with our institutions and the institutions that profit from sick kids are on notice right now wow that guy sounds like he's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs yeah well you know what they sound like they sound like Fox News now because they're obviously back in Trump they're going to pretend to care about kids being injured by things when it's that stupid prick Scalia that made the that wrote the decision about why you can't sue the vaccine makers right oh was it I didn't know that yeah that's an Antonia I'm gonna give them Kudos they're covering it they're they're telling people by all means cover it cover it by all means I don't want to take away from that but it's funny to watch the network that fired Tucker for talking about vaccines in Ukraine it is funny that's a must really be coming down to the wire for them to switch over like this uh but good hey glad to have you telling the truth I'm sure it won't be for long yes just like Cornell West came out and said he wants a vaccine and a covid uh commission glad to have you oh that's a panic that's Panic instruction because of RFK yes so anyway so that's that's a guy who's got the number one selling New York Times book on health and nutrition talking about uh the exact same things RFK Jr is talking about but the guy at CNN will tell you that's cucko for Cocoa pups that's cuckoo for Cocoa pups did you see the other I can't remember what new show was on I feel sorry that his wife has to sleep with him really this guy in great shape RFK Jr I know you don't feel sorry for Tim Walt and Kamala giving each other a firm the Tim Walt's wife firm handshake that he who do you think who do you think has better tits JD Vance or Tim Walls I got go I got to go Tim Walls more feminine anyway the point is um I forget what the point is over we're got we're going to jump to rumble now we sure are Jimmy we're going to jump to rumble and and guess what what you want me to read something all right we're going to bring in Kur we you can stick around for this we have another guest coming on he's Pilots for 911 uh is it 911 truth is that what it's called pilot whistleblower oh 911 pilot whistleblower director that sounds like a truther Jimmy and as you know I am a 911 [Laughter] liar all right let you don't want be a truther do you you don't want to be a TR they've made the they've made the term truth toxic that's how ew a truther I'm a good person I'm a liar I like the lies have you ever wondered what happened to the legendary Chuck Norris I recently saw a video he made I saw it and I was shocked he's in his his 80s and he's still kicking button working out and staying active he actually is what's even more shocking is he's stronger can work out longer and even has plenty of energy left over for his grandkids it actually inspired me to stay in shape honest cuz you know what I want to be in my 80s I want to be able to still enjoy it right I want to be able to enjoy it why not um he did this by just making one change who did that Chuck Norris he says he still feels like he's in his 50s his wife even started doing this one thing too and she's never felt better she says she feels 10 years younger her body looks leaner and she has energy all day Chuck made a special video which I watched that explains everything make sure you watch it by going to jimy or by clicking in the link below this video it will change the way you think about your health once again that's Chuck jimy and click on the link in the description below and watch the video you won't believe how simple it is just a reminder that the legendary Chuck Norris is a whopping 84 years old and has more energy than me okay he discovered he could create dramatic changes to his health simply focusing on three things that sabotage the your your body as we age watch this method and his method by clicking on the link in the description box below that's Chuck jimy hey come see us on tour we're going to be in duth Georgia outside of Atlanta Jacksonville Florida Tempe Arizona and Burbank California go to Jimmy for a link for tickets [Music]

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