CNN’s Brian Stelter Worst Moments Compilation!

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:17:57 Category: News & Politics

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hey come see us on tour of be in duth Georgia Jacksonville Florida Los Angeles Tempe Arizona and Burbank California go to Jimmy for a link for those tickets guess what do you see the headline it says Brian stelter returning to CNN as Chief media analyst finally whoa if if he's returning that must mean that the trumping is upon us yeah he only comes out during it's like the eclipse when the Trump is out then the stelter so to the stelter I lik how they have picture him with his mouth open like they're about to throw him a fish anyway Brian stelter is heading back to CNN to lead its coverage to lead its coverage because the world has been clamoring bring back stelter the leadership particularly when I think in stelter I think of his leadership he's he's such a leader his uh return is a surprise move Kurt that comes more than 2 years after he left CNN following the Network's cancelling of his weekly Sunday me he left CNN after his show was cancelled that describes the process of being fired by the way that's he left after they cancel him oh you know how people usually stay after they get cancelled that's that's like saying yeah I left my wife after she divorced me for cheating I just felt like it would be weird to still live in the same house you know so I left but now you're back as a leader right uh calling and they're going to call it his weekly Sunday media Affairs program it's still going to be called reliable sources with Brian Seltzer that's like calling your show healthy family Dynamic with Woody Allen or with Brian stelter or with Brian stelter healthy eating with in his new role as Chief media analyst stelter will appear on CNN's developed digital content and Helm his FL its Flagship media newsletter also dubbed reliable sources he owns the name I it WWE wrestlers can't take their name with them he was allowed to take reliable sources his wrestling name say he says it will be different because I am different does that does that mean that his newsletter is going to somehow look fatter is that what he means he's more like the chief Buffet analyst am I right come on whenever a guy tells you that things are going to be different this time just remember that scene where Shelley Deval had to lock Jack Nicholson in the freezer in The Shining he said he was all better too just remember yeah that is hello briyan but this is not going to be back to the future I I just want to get to this so badly I um I want to show you this how bad he is in October 2020 Brian St shelter does an entire segment on how fake news story this is the guy who's hosting reliable sources now remember this the guy who hosted reliable sources before Brian stelter he got fired because he he did too many stories that were unreliable they had to get rid of them he went to Fox News they brought in this guy and so here he is going to do an entire segment on how a fake news story is crafted it's called manufacturing a storyline from Russia to TV by but guess what the story Brian stelter is calling fake was the hunter Biden laptop story it was oh my God yes let's watch I guess All the King's Men could put Humpty back together again so let's watch this it's about emails again this time emails from Joe Biden's son Hunter so let's take a look at how a storyline is manufactured in this case a loudly anti-biden storyline redounding to Trump's benefit first it helps to really view this as storytelling not so much as news coverage but as political entertainment where crushing the other party is entertaining Fox News the beating Red Heart of the right-wing media machine molds reality into a serialized TV drama that's how Vox recently put it think lost or 24 think Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad think Westworld or the wire every day every night there are what appear to be new developments in this entertainment drama some new twist to keep you watching a new story line was introduced right on time there it is the New York Post front page announcing Biden secret emails more shadiness involving Hunter Biden as political entertainment goes this is not a brand new TV show it's just a new season of the show Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine were a key part of the plot last season in the impeachment of President Trump Hunter has already apologized well he's already admitted to poor judgment and Swampy Behavior his father has said that it will not happen again and at this point most people have moved on but Trump needs a closing argument so wait media so wait a minute wait a minute so under so first of all watching so he's saying that Hunter's already admitted to poor judgment poor judgment swampy Behavior what is swampy behavior is that showering with your daughter to save so is it safe to say that uh poor judgment and swampy Behavior Uh at what point does it become a crime no point uh there's no first-degree swampy Behavior charge that I'm aware of uh okay here we go allies usually rely on what aboutism right so you ask about the Trump family swappiness and they say what about Hunter Biden you rais Trump's legal exposure and they say what about obamagate well what what if we asked about the B what if we asked first so it just all you have to do is ask first it seems like whoever asked first then the the next person is going to be accused of whataboutism should I just not believe in America that's what I heard in what he's saying you might say a liberal critics say Trump is compromised and they say no Biden's compromised what bism is like a glue so it's like whoever says the thing first is the is the correct one and whoever says it second is the liar that's what he's now now I finally understand that double-headed Eagle symbolism on all it represents whataboutism the eagle of whataboutism holds the base together it also supplies hours and hours of TV drama so stay mad and stay tuned that's what it's really about let's get back that that was the CNN business model for the whole Trump presidency stay mad stay outraged stay hating half the country stay completely hating Donald Trump and tune back in we're going to give you more stuff to hate hey remember how you nobody watched your dumbass show and you roll on deodorant head when there was no Trump idiot the new season storyline let's break down how this all happened because it was launched as I showed you by the New York Post and then promoted by another Murdoch media property that of course is Fox News you worry about Trump Trump's corruption and fox says what about Biden every hour of the day so Fox is a producer of this serialized drama but there are big questions about who might have created this show and that's what's probably most important here CNN reported on Friday that us authorities are seeing if those emails we just talked about are connected to an ongoing Russian disinformation effort huh now you already know some of the turns out no they're not turns out it was authenticated turns out the FBI knew it was authentic at this very moment he's doing this but he's such a bad reporter he just repeats intelligence Community FBI and CIA talking points instead of actually doing any investigation or being skeptical of anything he just reads the scripts he's given like any actor that's right you don't get to add lib okay unless the director cool it huh I like how he says huh huh here we he used to be a video game blogger he said yes American Producers of this drama because the New York Post says it was tipped off to the exist of the emails by Steve Bannon Steve Bannon then Rudy Giuliani gave the post a copy of a hard drive containing the emails now here's where it gets even weirder the post claimed that the emails were found on a laptop computer that was brought to a repair shop in Delaware in the spring of 2019 and a shop employee saw the emails and then was worried about getting in trouble or getting in danger and he made copies of them there's a lot about this story that does not add up and the employee has not helped matters he has contradicted himself in interviews with reporters and I mean for all we know these emails are made up or maybe some are real and others are fakes we don't know but we do know that this is a classic example of the right-wing media machine a tip from Bannon and a hard drive dump from Rudy led a former producer for Sean Hannity Show to write a story for the New York Post that gets splashed on the front page that Rudy then used to crash the bidens all over Fox and they're doing it almost every hour of the day and Trump has been hyping the drama for days on end and this is how it goes on so so I just want to let you know that Ryan stelter and everyone at CNN are the exact thing they claim to hate they're smear merchants of the highest order they'll take any scrap from the CIA the FBI the Clinton campaign they'll run with it they'll not only call Trump a Russian asset they'll say the uh um he's a traitor to the country they'll say Tulsi Gabbert is someone currently serving in the military in those in those BS Wars uh the the exact exact thing that he's claiming all these people are that's what he is and what he's doing right now is smearing people that were actually telling the truth so he's doing the thing he's saying they're doing those people were actually telling the truth about hunter's laptop it was an actual story and the FBI knew it at that moment we know they did now and these are the same people who go on to so he's half the country he's he's saying right-wing media half the country so that's half the country so who can we trust we could trust the establishment media you got to trust him okay no now uh that's a that's amazing so there he is giving you the breakdown on how fake news story happens and it turns out the fake news story is the one he's actually producing right now that's the fake news he was the fake news he is the fake news uh let's move on here uh Brian stelter returning to CNN as the here he uh here's a guy watch this what do folks in the reality based reality based reality based media do in the coming weeks Trump might have committed treason you say the president is using mind control what does Putin have on Trump the US president possibly working for the Russians is President Trump so that so the thing he was just dis deriding is the thing that he this is what he does for a living he repeats rumor and lies fed to him by the biggest Liars in the world the CIA the FBI the government the people he that's that same thing Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon did with of with the covid they repeated lies given to them by big Pharma and the government instead of being skeptical of those things that they were given and handed and fed and then investigating them they just repeat them why because it fits his narrative his narrative is that the Trump bad Republicans bad right-wing bad uh Russia's running everything and I'm just going to repeat it un skeptically here we go a racist is the Trump presidency a criminal presidency there's no way to tweet yourself out of impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment uh what I hear on Fox is that the media is obsessed about impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment entire media companies essentially exist to tear down Joe Biden d a Milbank here's his column for the post this weekend and he says he has data to show that the Press has turned more negative against Biden than the Press was against Trump what do you think about that Trump and some of his allies are promoting a hate movement against the American why does Sarah Sanders still have a job is it time for newsrooms to think of new ways to convey Trump's lack of credibility you might say the media hasn't earned your trust either okay look up the stats for yourself so many Republicans have abandoned democracy imagine just imagine if Fox's right-wing host talked about Trump the way they talked about Barack Obama dealing with hardship actually makes you stronger that's what Governor Cuomo said earlier today that's what I'm going to go teach my kids right now at home oh my dear God that's what he said to his female accusers today oh my God here here's a he has kids I yes he has kids I guess I think they should call him not Brian stelter but they should call him brain stelter for all that really smart news analyzing he just did so here's a guy who puts him in his place watch this Michael wolf I think the media has done a terrible job on this I think you yourself um you know while you're a nice guy you know you're full of sanctimony um you know you become part of one of the parts of the problem of the media you know you come on here and you and you have a um um you know a monopoly on truth you know you know exactly how things are supposed to be done um you know you are why one of the reasons people can't stand the media sorry you're cracking me up it's your fault it's how so what should I do differently Michael you know don't talk so much listen more you know people have genuine problems with with with the media the media doesn't get the story right the media exists in its own bubble um truee you uh um you know you got to I mean that last segment that that that I just had to listen to of all of the people saying the same old stuff also you're incredibly repetitive it's week after week I mean you're the flip side of of of of of Donald Trump um you know fake news and you say virtuous news you know I there there figure out what is real I mean I'm listening yeah well I like I like how he says we just figure out what is real you know like Russia gate not real like Syrian Syrian gas tax not real you they thought it was all real uh covid policy not real lockdowns uh where the virus came from who funded the virus uh the vaccine stopping transmission and contraction all those things they said were real iveron is horse medicine and not human medicine not real all those things they said not real he said we just figure out it's it's real no no you have a political of view and then you inject it into every story doesn't matter if it's true or not he's never gone back and corrected any of those stories by the way they've never gone back and done a mopa uh wait and I can I say something else that bothers me Jimmy when he when he says you crack me up you should never say that if you look that much like an egg figuring out yeah figuring out what is real is not so is not so uh it's not so easy and and you know most people don't want to talk turn to Brian stelter to tell us what's real I'm sorry hey do you get stressed because your monthly income just doesn't seem to cover the bills anymore well you're not alone most Americans feel this way every day everything is still ridiculously expensive and we're all reaching more and more for the credit cards to cover the basics like child care insurance power and food it's tough if you're feeling this way you need to call our friends over at American financing they're helping hardworking 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