LU Convocation | Forrest Frank

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 01:03:20 Category: Education

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Lawyer David LU. You have no right to be ordinary. God has called you to be extraordinary. Go. What can we say when words could explain the weight of your glory or the majesty of your name? What heart could fathom? Wouldn't mind. Could imagine your intelligence. What words are adequate to praise a perfect God? So we sing Holy, Holy. Are you, Lord. And all the earth will sing. We sing Holy. And holy are you, Lord. Let all your people say. Holy. We sing Holy, holy. We join the song of the elders. And all the earth will sing Holy, holy. We sing holy, holy. We sing holy, holy. And all the earth will and honor. Dominion and power to the one who is worthy of it all. Be blessing and honor, dominion and power to the one who is worthy of it all. Oh, be blessing and honor chosen. You're power to the one who is worthy to the one who sits on the throne. Be dominion and power to the one who is worthy of it all. So we sing Holy Shea. We sing Holy, sing holy. Are you, Lord. And all the earth will sing. Come on, sing it. We sing holy, we sing holy, holy, holy. Are you. Lord. Let all your people sing. Holy. We sing Holy, holy. There is none like our God. There's no one besides you. No one besides you. We sing Holy, holy. We sing Holy, Holy, Holy, holy and all your people sing holy, holy we sing. Holy Everybody sing Holy, holy. And all the earth will sing. Yeah. He's a man of his word. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, sing this with me. Liberty. Come on. And wishing said all things are possible. Said when we. Yeah. In all change I break a bone. Oh yes. When we receive your. Come on, sing it now you keep your promises. Come on, let's go. If you said it, we believe it. If you said it, sing it now. If you said it, we believe it. Oh yeah. We're singing. Oh oh oh. If you said it. We believe. And there's your man. Sing your man of your word. If you said it, we believe. And you keep all of your promises. Oh, oh, whoa. If you said it, we believe it. Show a man. Say you're a man of your word. Philippians one six says this should we have this confidence that you'll finish what you started in God? You have never failed and you won't start with me. You present in every cell. You're patient with every heart and God. You have never failed and you won't start with me. You won't start with me. You won't start with me. Yeah So I am who you say I am. Oh said I am who you say I am I choose to believe what you say. Come on, stick it up. Say said I am who you say I am. The righteousness of God. Oh, I am who you say I am. Who you say I am. Because what Jesus did on the cross, I am who you say I am. Who said I am who you say I am, who you say I am, who you say I am. Who you say I am. Who you say I am. Sing your son. You're a daughter, I am who you say. I said you'll never forsaken. I am who you are, the beloved of God. I am now. If you said it. If you said it. If you said it. We believe it. Come on, shake it up, up, up. If you said it, we believe it. Show me a man. Change a man of your word. If you said it, we believe it. I want to hear you living it. Here we go. Sing it. 000. And you said it. We believe it. Show a man. Say you're a man of your word. Hey, can we thank K.J. Scriven for being with us today, opening us up. CJ's going to hop over with the collective here in a minute as we continue in worship. But before we do, welcome to convocation. We got a really special day, but before we before we keep going with it. A couple things to bring to your attention. First up in the president's box, we've got representatives from 28 local churches in this city. Can we join me in thanking them for being here this afternoon after convocation out on the lawn? There's going to be a whole bunch of local churches set up. So if you are a new student here and you have not yet gotten the chance to get plugged into a local church, they've come to you. You can go out onto the lawn and go up and introduce yourself, and like I said in our new student convo last or two weeks ago, man, do not neglect the priority of finding a local church in your first couple weeks of being here at Liberty. If you're a if you're a returning student and you haven't yet found a church like this is for you to go and meet them, connect with them. I also want to give a shout out to a couple students that were serving a couple weeks ago down in the southeast after the hurricane. We got our team from serve. Now they're over right here in the VIP section. Thank them for being with us. Man, thank you guys for serving. If you're a student and you're wondering what's that serve now thing and you want to be a part of it, that's where whenever disaster strikes or something happens, we have a group of students who have signed up, been trained in advance where you get excused from class, we foot the bill for it, and we just send you to go be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever there's a need, whether it's a hurricane, a tornado, or whatever natural disaster might happen, if you want to be a part of that team, you're going to get some more information on that in the next couple of weeks. But the registration for that is opening here in the next few days. So, so be a part of that if you'd like. Hey, let me pray for us. And then our team is going to continue in worship this morning. God, I thank you so much for this day. Lord, thank you that you woke us up. Thank you for the life that you've given us. We are here today because you purposed it. There is not a single second. There is not a single breath that we have in our lungs. That is not a gift. And I thank you, God, for the gift of this life. I thank you for the gift that it is to be gathered in this room today, surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ. The chance to get to worship your name, talk about you, lift you up. Lord, there is one name today that we're here for and his name is Jesus. So thank you Lord, for a chance to stop and reflect ultimately on that name. I pray Lord, that the memory of today would be ultimately about you because this is all about you. We pray this in your holy name. Amen. Let's worship together. This Washed away. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood and nothing but the blood. Oh, I love you. What can heal me from my past? What can make me free? Last And nothing but the blood. And nothing but the blood. Oh, while the earth. Come on, let's sing. Your praise has no boundaries. Your mercy is endless. Your love has delivered. Your love has delivered. You keep on pursuing. Your heart is relentless. Your love has no limits. Your love has no limit. Come on. You can'. Opening grace. And cause the dead to life again. Oh, no one but my God. Oh no one plus my God. Oh hallelujah. Present your grace has no boundaries. Your mercy is endless. Your love has no end. Is your. Has no ending. You keep on pursuing your heart is relentless. Your love has no limit. Your love has no limit. Your Your love has limits, Lord. Oh And I was an orphan. Now I see that the table of the king I was in darkness. Now the light of the world has rescued me now. And forever I worship the God has set me free. You're sending everything. You're sending everything. And I will sing orphan. I will sing of the table of the King. I will sing under the light of the world is rescue me now and forever I worship the God who set me free. You're changing everything. You're changing everything. Come on. You're changing everything. You love changes everything. Your grace has no boundaries. Your mercy is saving. Your love has no limit. Your love has no limi. Keep on pursuing. Your heart is relentless. Your love has no limit. Yours. Enjoy your stay at the table of the King. I was in darkness and the light of the world has rescued me. Now it's forever I worship the God who set me free. You're changing everything. You're changing everything. You're changing everything. You love changes everything. For Come on, let's sing this Liberty. Would you be my light when I cannot see. And when I can't take another step. Lord, would you carry me. And when I've lost my faith. Would you be my strength? Would you set me a table. In the presence of my enemies? Come on, sing I shall light one. I shall not one. Oh, my soul's got a shepherd in the valley. And I shall not. Yeah, I shall my life. For I shall not want. Cause my cup's running over and over. And I shall cry. And I will lift my to where my help comes from. And I won't be afraid of the shadow. Cause I seen the sun. No, I will not stop. When the way gets hard. Cause the green only grows in the valley. And that's where you are. Come on, say I shall not one, I shall not one. All my soul's got a shepherd in the valley. And I shall not sing. I shall not walk, I shall not wan, I shall not want. Cause my cup's running over, running over. And I shall not. Sing it out. I got everything that I need. Your goodness and your mercy. You say I got everything that I need. Your goodness and your mercy. One more time. And I got everything that I need. Your goodness and your mercy. Cause I got goodness. Yeah And I got mercy. Hallelujah Hallelu. Glory, hallelujah. And I've got goodness. And I got mercy. Hallelujah hallelu. Glory, hallelujah. Say it again I've got goodness. I've got good hand of God. Mercy, mercy. Hallelujah We give you glory, glory, hallelujah. The good Shepherd to the Shepherd. He leads me to the waters. Hallelujah Glory! Come on, let's sing it out. And he anoints. He annoys me with his loyal hallelujah. Hooray for me. Hallelujah and I'm good. My cup is running over a cup is running over. Hallelujah Hallelujah, glory, hallelujah Jesus and I won't be fear no evil. Hallelujah hooray, hooray, glor, hallelujah and I will dwell in his house forever. His house forever. His hallelu. Glory hallelujah. Sing happy. Oh, hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelu. Glory, hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Hallelu Hallelujah. When this life is over, I'm gonna live again. I'm gonna trade this cross for a crown. Oh, this is not me. And when he calls my name I will take my raise. Yes. Hey there's a mansion in glory. And you're gonna meet me there. So your strength I shall not want. I shall not. I shall not want to wipe every tear from my eyes I shall not. Oh, I shall not want. You've been everything that I need, my Lord. I'll be home in his presence. I'll be in his presence forever. I shall not want. And hallelujah, Halleluja, hallelu. Glory, hallelujah. It means praise be to God said Hallelujah. Oh, hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelu. Glory hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Sing hallelujah, hallelu. Glory hallelujah. There was a moment when the lights went out. When death had claimed its victory. The King of love had given up his life. The darkest day in history. There on a cross they made for sinners. For every curse his blood atone. One final prayer. The name's finished but not the end. We could have known. For the earth began to shine. And the veil was torn. With sacrifice. When we say as the fervent Lord, we sing. All hail, all hail, King Jesus, all hail the Lord of heaven and earth. All hail, King Jesus! All hail the Savior of the world. We praise you, Lord. There was a moment when the sky lit up a flash of light breaking through. Oh, when all was lost, you crossed eternity. The King of life was on the move. For in a dark old tomb. Where our Lord was he was riding that grave. And we're forever today. All hail to Jesus. All hail him. All hail the Lord of heaven and earth! All hail, King Jesus! We praise you. All hail the Savior of the world. All hail, King Jesus! All hail the Lord of heaven and earth. All hail, King Jesus! All hail the Savior! Lord, the. One. We praise you only, Lord. We bow at your feet. Let every come out before the King of glory. Let every tongue confess that he is Lord. We've got your shout. Let us join with all many singing glory you are. You sing love. Now Only until he walks me home. We All hail Jesu. Lift your voices and praises. Father Lord of heaven and earth. All hail, King Jesus! Only you, Lord, Savior of the world. All hail Jesus, all hail, Lord of heaven and earth. All hail, King Jesus! All hail the Savior of the world. Lord I love. Hi, my name is Grace Frank. And this is Bodi. Frank. And we're here to introduce Bodie's dad and my husband, Forrest Frank. Who you guys probably already know Forrest from his incredible music. You might also know him from social media. And if you know him from social media, you might have already known that he's a dad and a husband. But I'm here to tell you guys the things you don't know about Forrest. One of those things is that if I'm standing in his home studio right now, he works from home most of the time, and he is a jack of all trades when it comes to music. So he does all of the instrumentation, the production, the songwriting, the singing, which is super unique. All of the marketing, he is also very business minded. So he he can do it all. And you guys, he does it all from home. And so most of the time he is home with Bodie and I. He's super intentional and present, but the only reason he's not here right now with us is because we feel such a strong and clear calling for him to be out in the world with you guys. The younger generation, showing you guys how much better life is when it's lived for Jesus. And so, Forrest, I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud to be your wife and support you and to get a front row seat in all of this and just to see you say yes to God and everyone there, I pray that you guys can be inspired by forced obedience and his love for the Lord. And Forrest, I could go on about your character and how amazing I think you are, all glory be to God. Forrest will say that tonight. He's so humble. All that being said, without further ado, Forrest. Frank. Yay! Yay! Tada. Is that the typical response? Most people are crying when they walk up here. A lot of tears. A lot of tears when we do that. Here, we'll turn this way. Forrest. Frank Welcome to Liberty, man. Thanks for having me. All right. Before we dive in this morning, we're going to spend a few minutes kind of getting getting sort of behind what everyone sees out front. Talk a little bit about, like, the man behind the music and what's been going on in your life. But before we do that, you and I were talking backstage, and I know this is your first time here at Liberty, and it sounded like you had heard some folks that reached out and given you some, maybe, insider tips on culture here at LU. So I thought maybe we could clarify that. Like, what have you heard that I could try to clarify or clean up for you? So the first thing was that I should join the shoe. Yeah Mixed reviews. Do what? Mixed reviews on the shoe. Well, it's because shoe sounds like boo. That's that's what you're getting, they also have. It's admittedly like. I feel like I'm hearing an actual boo, though. Yeah, well, everyone who's not part of the shoe is booing everyone who's part of the shoe is. And that's some new sort of like, hand initiation thing, I'm not going to do it because I don't know what you guys are are doing. Yeah. That's the it's a it's a tad cultish. It's a it's a tad. I see, I see three things. I see this one. But I see is there this one too. And then there's this. What is this one? I don't know, but that's going to be that's going to be a poster. Now what is it. That's just that's just no, we don't we're not we're not with it. No no no. All right. Anything else you've heard before? We they said avoid the third floor of demos. Yeah Whoever told you that has your best interest in mind? Okay that's that's that's wisdom, man, man, thanks for being here. This has been a day that we've been looking forward to. Man, in the last I know, even before this past year, you had a ton of, like, success with surfaces and whatnot. But something happened in the last year, undeniable, where all of a sudden now, me and everyone else in this room, know this name and are listening to your music, but at the same time, I know when something like that happens, there's what everyone sees, and then there's then there's like the real life person behind it. So man, let's start by just like, who's who's the real Forrest Frank. Like tell me a little bit of, like, your story, leading up to now, what's happened this past year? Sure. And I think I could probably do that in maybe the context of the musical journey. Would that help out? Oh, man. So when I was a sophomore in college, I gave my life to Jesus. Could I actually share that story a little bit too, please? Because I've heard you share it before, and it's inspiring. Yeah. Okay so I grew up in a Christian family and shout out Christian families. But sometime around I remember it was like seventh or eighth grade. I started to, we'll say, live a life of secrecy. I started to do some stuff that I didn't want my parents to find out about, and even some of my friends. And as that progressed through high school, it just got bigger. And I would kind of like sneak into parties. And I started kind of messing around with some stuff. And when I went into college, my freshman year, I remember thinking, I don't want to go in as a Christian. I just want to go in as a new dude. I want to kind of rediscover myself. I want to find find myself, whatever that means. And so freshman year, I just kind of said yes to everything. And was, yeah, just on this path of discovery. And I woke up sophomore year just completely broken. Just I hadn't been to church in years. I hadn't connected with the Lord in years. And yeah, I just remember being so insecure, just feeling this, this emptiness inside of myself. And it was almost like, what started out as this path of just kind of figuring things out turned into like just reaching for anything and everything to fill this void in myself. And my sophomore year, I'm sitting there broken. I don't know who my friends are. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. And I just remember hearing this voice in my head just say like, hey, essentially, come home, forest. And I felt prompted to look up a Wednesday night church service. And I went in and showed up like an hour and a half late. And I walked in in the presence of the Lord was there, and I gave my life to Jesus in that moment. And in that moment, I was full, I was complete, I had I had found my home. I had found my home in Jesus. All that insecurity left me. The depression left me because I knew I knew my identity. I'm a child of God and here I am eight years later, sitting here on this stage and saying, I'm a child of God and I feel so secure in that. And, yeah. So yeah, I started following Jesus. Incredible. So then with music, well, hang on real quick, because I've heard you mentioned before when you were at that service, you didn't know that by the time you walked in, they had been they had been in prayer. Right. Like share that. Because they had been they had been for several days. That's right. It was it was a it was a three day church wide, fast leading into this extended, multi-hour, just rich time of worship. And I walked in right in the middle of it. So you just walked in for dessert? That's right. Yeah. They had done all this like fasting, prayer and yeah, no wonder the room felt a little different. 100%. 100%. Yeah. I just remember walking in and just already buzzing, just being in the foyer. So. Yeah All right. So then from connect that to now the music. Sure. So I had been working on music since high school and I guess all that I had really seen and studied was pop music. So I was like, oh, I make pop music. I write love songs. That's how you. That's how you do music. And so I'd been working on that for years and ended up finding some success there. And so I had my relationship with the Lord over here. I had worship, I had quiet time, but then I had pop music over here, and then it really took off. So I'm like, okay, maybe that's where God has me. And I want to say it was about two years ago, in the midst of just essentially blowing up, I felt like God was telling me and my wife to just hang back and to start saying no to opportunities so we'd get opportunities left and right and just started saying no to all of them and essentially retired from from music and was just at home and worshiping. And I had written this song called No Longer Bound with No Intent. Thanks, guys, with no intent of releasing it. It was just one of the you know, every time I connect with the Lord, I write a new hook or a new song. It's just it's just for that moment. And I felt like I was saying, hey, I want you to put that one out. And so I did, and it just took off and it was like, wow, that's cool. But but I'm still a pop artist or a kind of a retired pop artist in a way. And like four days later, I'm in the shower and he hits me with another song. I hear the whole song in my head. It's called Lift My Hands and y'all heard it, and I went downstairs and wrote it on the piano and produced it out and put that one out, and it went crazy. And I was like, okay, this is this is very cool. But still, I felt like I was a retired pop artist. And then he just opened up the floodgates and I started getting songs every single day, and I couldn't turn it off. And if any of y'all have followed my musical journey, I've just been dropping songs left and right. And over the course of the last year, it's just flourished. And, yeah, I feel like I just can't take any credit for it. God's just been inspiring songs and here I am. So you were done. You were. You were ready to, like, put. Totally. Okay. Yeah, yeah. We talked I, we actually were talking about me getting just a local job or starting a business in Waco, Texas, where we live and just being physical. Yeah yeah, that's not a coincidence, right? When you decide in your life for any of us, when it's like, you know what? Okay, I think I think I'm just going to, like, be who God's purposed me to be. And then all of a sudden, you wake up and you're you're hearing a song, right? That's typically not how the music industry works, right? You took a very different route to it, somebody it was actually somebody in this room, there's a handful of folks that, that really wanted you to be here today. I don't know if you know that or not, there's some huge force. Frank. Hands here at Liberty. So I don't know who it was. A student reached out to our team last year, saying, man, you have to, like, please bring Forrest Frank to Liberty. And this was the. This is what she said. She said he's literally recreating music. I was like, that is that's a high bar, but clearly, clearly your your music has hit a nerve, especially a nerve on this campus among men and women who go, man, I'm, I'm following Jesus. Like, I want to do. And all of a sudden now there's almost this soundtrack that's come like, what do you attribute that to? Like when somebody tells you that or you hear that from someone that, hey man, your music is has changed my life. It's so much so that like, it doesn't even feel like other music. Like there's something different. Two things come to mind. One, when someone comes and tells me that I really don't feel anything except for just gratitude to the Lord. It goes straight through me, back to God, because he's the one who inspired it. And that's the first part. The second. I think it connects because it's just honest and I'm not. You know, you talk about the industry. It's like a lot of people get together. They're like, all right, you know, the eight of us, we got to clock in 9 to 5. We're going to write a worship song today and feed our family with it. You know what I'm saying? And so it's a different approach versus I genuinely am like, God, if you want me to delete my Instagram today, I'll do it. I don't care, I'll delete my Spotify. Sorry guys, but I just, I just I don't know, this life is so short and I once I gave my life to Jesus, he just. I'm complete. I don't need anything. I don't need any accolades. And I genuinely mean that. And I think that from that place and I'm. Yeah, I don't know, I feel I guess like egotistical even saying that like the songs are good, but like, I think any songs that are connecting, it's because I guess there's a purity there in the heart. Yeah, I believe you when you say that. Like when you when you say, man, if God told me to do it, then, then I would just delete it because God told you to God told you to go do this thing when you had decided, I'm not going to do it. So you might as well just keep listening. Right? In that sense, but how do you how do you combat the tension? Because it's one thing to say that and then it's another to all of a sudden, like, it hits right and all of a sudden now, like you're walking into, you know, rooms and it's people waiting outside to try to get to you and they can make you've experienced it. The temptation that people have to like, try to put the spotlight on you and you're saying, man, I don't care about this. But at the same time, there's that. There's got to be that tension right in your own soul of like, man, I'm a thing now. Like, how do you how do you stay humble? I think it just goes back to the identity. Yeah. It really is not. It's not a struggle. It really is not a struggle for me. Like I'm genuinely up here. Just. I don't know why I'm sitting here. It's actually crazy. I feel like I belong out there. I have no I have no business being on this stage. So Yeah, no. It's probably why you're on it, man. Yeah. Right man, you're your wife sent in that video we had reached out to the team and said, like, hey, like just as a way to bless, like, he's on the road. Would you introduce him for us? Like could you tell us a little bit about. I know you're you're a dad now. Like, that was your son. That's your wife. How did you guys meet, tell us a little bit about just your family. We met due to a ring by spring situation. I always want to show my ring off, but I'm afraid I'm going to pull up the wrong finger, so I'll give you the knuckle, we met on a mission trip. This is actually another cool God story. Every story I feel like is just God orchestrates. He. I was reading Psalm 23, and it just, What did it say? It said he. He leads us down the path for his honor. And so I feel like this is just he's leading me down a path, and then I get to just give him honor back, which is so special. But anyways, the day I got saved in that service, this guy comes up behind me, passed me on the back, gives me this, this big hug. And he's just like, man, you got to go on this mission trip next week. And I'm like, dude, I just gave my life to Jesus. I, I don't know if I'm supposed to be a missionary right now. He's like, no, it's perfect. Just like what just happened to you? Just explain that to people. And then that's your testimony. It's just an early testimony. So I go on that mission trip the next year on that same mission trip is where I met my wife. So just cool following the Lord. If I hadn't done that, he wouldn't have, you know, given me this this beautiful bride. So how long have you guys been married, we got married the week of Covid. Oh, nice. Yeah, yeah. You had a long honeymoon then, right? Long honeymoon. A lot of lot of times. That's right. Yeah. And then. And then you welcomed your your first, your firstborn. Right Brody, man, your album. Bodi. Bodi Appreciate that. Appreciate that. You named your album. We were talking about this yesterday, but you named your album Child of God. And I don't know, like, when I became a dad, it just completely changed. Like what? It meant that God would look at us and say, man, the way that I want you to refer to me is like our father, like a father, like how has how has fatherhood sort of changed, like your own understanding of the relationship that you have with a heavenly Father? I'll say this first. This is the first thing that popped in my head. I. And I was just talking about this with JP, actually, who was just here. This is maybe a couple days. I was talking about with this with with him. I feel like I had this insatiable father wound. I don't know, I can't say it was my parents fault. I think I just had this insatiable father woun. And when I met the Lord and gave my life to Jesus, and he became my father, I put all those responsibilities on him versus my earthly father. And it just made life so much better. But having a kid, it's just a joy. I think it just reminds me of the joy and the delight. It's like if I feel this much delight towards my son, just how much more does he delight in us and love us? And you know, even when my son might be getting into the wrong thing or, you know, might not be doing the best thing, I'm still just there and I'm so proud of him just for being alive. So I think that he has that for us. Yeah, it's. You mentioned, I mean, that the, the role of like fatherhood legacy. You talk about like that like a fatherhood sort of wound and yet at the same time, those who those who have gotten the chance to go to one of your shows know, man, your granddad sort of kicks off the night in a way like so there's this legacy. Talk a little bit about just like your granddad and his impact on you and how that's continuing now in and through your music. Yeah. So my granddad is my role model. He just loves Jesus. He's the kind of guy that you can't get away from a conversation with him without him laying hands on you and praying for you. It's almost as if the conversation itself is just leading towards a prayer. And he's he's just the man. And yeah, when I'd come up with the child of God concept, I was just thinking about the fact that he's 92. He's a child of God. I've got my son. I want him to know the Lord one day. And just feeling, you know, that, like I said, that that that fatherhood aspect, we're just all children of God. And yeah, he's been to one of your shows. Has he gotten to see it? He came to the Houston one. Incredible. Like, what's what's what is that like for him? Like, that's got to be wild to see. Because correct me if I'm wrong. He was he was like, he used to preach at Billy Graham crusades, right? Like he was an evangelist. And he was actually the weatherman in Houston for 30 years. So I actually grew up going to restaurants. Someone know him that was crazy. Your parents probably. Do anybody from Houston, we grew up to go into restaurants and people coming up and doctor Neil, Frank, how's it going? So, yeah, he's the man around Houston. What was the question? He was part of Billy Graham crusades, right? A part of the Billy Graham crusades. Yes. Is it like an evangelist? He used to get up and preach, and I think that was just a one off. Actually, I think I think it just invited him because as the weatherman, for whatever reason, incredible. But yeah. Man, it's been this incredible ride, for you in the last couple, really the last year. And you don't know where it goes from here. You're on tour right now. What do you expect? Like, what's your. As you look out ahead, what do you what do you think comes next? Whatever God has planned. If it ends here, that's cool. If it keeps going, that's cool. It's all good. Yeah For sure. Let's turn it around and think about some of these students. I mean, you talked about. Man, I feel like I should just be out there with them. There was a time you were there, like. And you talked about, man, there was a time in your life where you felt, man, I want to be like, I don't want to sort of lead with sort of my faith. When you went off to college, man, if, for the for the 18 year old, the 19 year old in this room, who's for many of them like man just started college like they're in this new chapter of their life. Man. What what advice would you give as somebody who's just just a step ahead of them of like, man, been there and faced those temptations down and felt like, yeah, man, can I just sort of, can I delineate and put faith over here and then do this over here and try to try to balance that out and then experiencing man that didn't work, man, give a little bit of like, what would be your own encouragement and advice to those in this room? I'd say, don't wait. I think that was something I was like, I had this hunch. I was like, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna give my life to God later, but I want to enjoy this time now and just don't wait. The only thing good that we can do in this life is give our life to Jesus. And worship him and serve him. So just if you're thinking about putting it off, don't put it off. Start today. You're going to be in concert with us tomorrow night at this thing called Block Party, who? What? What should we expect? A lot of energy. And just rich love you to. And just a rich time with the Lord. Man, can we do this as we just sort of wrap up our time together? And by the way, if you're wondering, like, hey, man, is Forrest going to perform in the morning? Like, we've got one way better for you. He's doing an entire concert tomorrow night, at this thing called block Party, if you didn't know about it, you should block parties tomorrow night. Real quick disclaimer, though, to get into that, you got to have your flames pass. So if you're going to go to that concert, make sure to bring your flames flask to tap into that. That's tomorrow night, it's going to be it's going to be wild. It's going to be fun. But hey man, as we just wrap this up and close, man, I'd love to just pray like, over and for you. I can't imagine what the last, like, little bit of your life has been like, the stress on family, like, you got a you got a little one who's home, who I know you'd go, man. I'd. I'd prefer to just be with him, but I feel like God has called me into this man. What are some things that we can be? Remember, as we as we see you leave here and you're on tour, man, we want to just be praying like with, with and for you. And so, man, what's what are some ways that we can just be praying for you? I'd say the three things are health on tour because people get sick, for my family back home. Just that my wife would have renewed energy and body would be awesome. And then just that the Lord would move that this would this time would be maximized for the youth and everybody that comes to these shows, for sure, and I'm going to pray for that. And if you would in the room, if you wouldn't mind, just join me if you would like, and just stretch out a hand toward toward forest. And let's just pray over what he's asked for and the continued strength and the hand of God. So obviously on his life and I just pray that it would remain so. Join with me in prayer. God, I thank you so much, that you're the kind of God who. There's just very little that you need us to do in order to fulfill your purpose for us, and that if we would, as we've heard this morning, if the testimony of our lives would simply be God, I'm done. And I'm. I'm in your hands and whatever you want to do with it, go for it. God, I pray that that would be the testimony of each and every young person in this room, that we would be resigned. We heard it on Wednesday. What you're asking us to do is surrender and give it over to you. And yet, Lord, we know that what you're actually asking us to do is not just give up our life. You're asking us to give it up because you want to give it, and you have so much more, such a bigger story than the one that we would try to write. And so, God, I thank you this morning for just the testimony of my brother, of what that's looked like for him, what it looks like to resign, and then just receive your purpose for him. So, God, I pray that you would give him stamina and strength first and foremost. God, I just pray for his health. I pray that you would give him. Covering that you would give him the strength and endurance and stamina to do what you've asked him to do, night in and night out. I pray that you'd protect him from disease and sickness, give his crew stamina as well. The Individuals who are in this with him. Father, I pray as well for his family. Lord, I thank you for the gift of family. And I pray, Lord, that you would bless his wife, his son, God, as they're as they're separated, right now. But supporting him from from a distance. I pray that you would bless his bride, that she would have the energy and stamina that she needs. I pray, Lord, that you would remind her that your hand isn't on forests, that that they're in this together, that this is one move. And so, God, I pray for her. I pray for his son, Bodie, that you would bless him, raise him up, Lord, to know you, to love you, to serve you. Lord. And I pray that you would keep Forrest faithful. I pray that that whatever you do with this story you're writing, whatever chapter comes next. God, I pray that the enduring theme throughout it was that he was found faithful, Lord, that you would guard him from the attack of the enemy, that you would guard him from sin, that you would guard him from those who would try and pull him off the path. I pray, Lord, that the posture of his heart now in this posture of surrender, God, I pray that that would continue. Lord that's supernatural. That's not normal, Lord, that's a gift from you in our own, in our own flesh. Lord, that's not our baseline. We don't just revert to a posture of humility and surrender, but God, I pray that your hand would remain on him, that you would bless him, that you would watch over him and keep him be with him tomorrow night as he gets up. And, Lord, you're doing something on this campus. You're doing something on this campus long before today. You're going to do something on this campus long after we're gone. Lord, you've been at work here for a long time. So I pray that tomorrow night is as much fun as it'll be. That the energy in the room at the same time. God, I pray that it would just be fuel on the fire that that you have lit in this place. Lord, if all this is just a fun morning and a and a hype show, then it's just not enough. So God, we just pray for each and every student that will even be there. And that's here this morning. God that you would move in the hearts and lives of young people on this campus, that they would come to know you, they would come to love yo. And, Lord, we'll give you all the credit. Like my brother shared this morning. Like we're just we're just these vessels. God. So I pray that all of it would just end in gratitude that, like I started this morning off with the name that gets remembered is Jesus Lord because it's all about you. We pray this in your holy name. Amen Amen. Man, can you guys join me in thanking for us for being here today? Thank you all so much. We'll see you guys tomorrow night at Block Party. It's going to be a lot of fun. Have a wonderful Friday. You guys are dismissed. Go.

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