ALERT! Silver & Theta are READY to Transition to New System - PIGGY BACK into the FUTURE! (Bix Weir)

Published: Sep 03, 2024 Duration: 00:40:27 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: silver alert
[Music] pay me pay me pay me my silver now pay me your go to jail Sil Road it is what is the date thirdd I believe yeah it's the third fourth fifth fourth Wednesday the 4th September um we are inching into the most crazy time you think it's been crazy so far we are inching into the most crazy crazy time in human history the end of a global unbacked Fiat monetary system there has never been a global unbacked fat monetary system until the last 100 years um actually the completely unbacked Fiat part um you know I don't believe in in Fiat backing I think when when you lose the faith and confidence of the population who is using this form of currency you can't go back to backing uh US dollars with gold no one would trust unless they're fully redeemable and governments don't give up that kind of control um you would have to go back to a real gold and silver standard where you can take your Fiat money that says it will say redeemable in Gold to a bank and they have to redeem it and they have it and and it's very carefully watched and regulated um we left that in the when Nixon take took us off the gold stand it was pretty pretty much gone in the 1930s um or even you could say the invention of the FED um which was 100% in my opinion this is just my opinion the actual reason for creating the Fed was that the US government and the US you know explorers at the Smithsonian found literally millions of tons millions of tons of gold in the Grand Canyon and they found it all over the place and people are continually finding massive amounts of gold there's so much gold in the world but it would have taken the apple cart and not only tipped it over thrown it up to the moon or the Sun and watch it burn up um in early 1900s there was only about 130 million ounces of gold circula in the United States within the government and within the people and probably about 300 million ounces on the planet that had been already mined and were could be available if you find billions and billions of ounces at one spot within the Grand Canyon up and down the Colorado River actually it's in in the uh at least that find was in the uh banks of the Colorado River it's plaster gold it's little specks of gold and you know the reason it wasn't now there's two reasons why it didn't happen that you know they told everybody they just locked it up in a national park um but the reason was it would have disrupted the entire Global monetary system at the time which was gold um and the other reason they wanted to keep control of a a slowly disseminating the gold to everybody um which they've been doing for the past 100 plus years the problem is every who is everybody uh you know mainly the the rich people of the world own all the gold you guys want to go on back onto a gold standard at least from what we're told the banks would continue to control all the gold the banks and the central banks of each country would and the citizens wouldn't participate in that and that you would have to beg on the kindness of your government to give you money um which I think is [ __ ] so yeah it it is interesting it is interesting being at that end days of a global unbacked Fiat monetary system that should have never been uh but hey we get to live through it right I know it's not easy I mean just wait all exchanges put everything at zero and all of a sudden your gold and silver at $ Zar it's like what how can this be because they are derivative markets they aren't real exchanges these are derivative exchanges that price the gold and silver now they're beginning to be more um physical markets especially in China the Hong Kong exchange um but you know it's really not yet so we don't know the price of gold we don't know the price of silver we don't know how much gold and silver there is in the world um I I highly suspect there's a lot more gold than there is silver and I I do believe once the the cracks start to form and are allowed to run in the banking system that has three quadrillion dollars with the derivatives uh that silver will overtake gold as far as the gold silver Rel relationship and ratio um there's nothing in the law that says oh my God silver can go under 16 to1 remember it was like 10:1 to 16 to1 historically way back when before you know the the uh computers and derivatives started rigging the markets back in the early 70s at the comics before that gold and silver ratio was always about where it was above ground so they said um anywhere ranging from 10 to 20 to 1 right now it's 80 to1 because of the derivatives but in actuality we have used so much silver on the industrial side it's just talking so no there is not an equal amount of gold and silver on the planet there's a hell of a lot more gold on the planet and usable there's a hell of a lot more gold than there is silver so obviously obviously it should be obvious to everybody especially those those industries that absolutely need all the silver they can get that the gold silver ratio is going to swap it's going to flip it's not going to go to 80 to1 I think it'll go to 3 to one ultimately at the the the peak and then everybody will be searching for silver everybody who immigrated to the United States from Mexico and South America are going to run back to their country cuz all their relatives are getting rich why they don't they came to the US other than the people who came to destroy us but most immigrants come to the US for better life if the life they LED back in Mexico for example is better because all their friends and family are getting rich from all the Silver Mines when Silver's a th000 2,000 $3,000 an ounce they're going to run back you don't need to deport anybody that's why Mexico when Trump went down to Mexico to talk to the president of Mexico Trump came back and said yeah they they support the wall and they're going to pay for it that's why they would pay for it they don't want they can't handle all the Americans running into Mexico to get all the silver everything is on its head right now um and I'm happy to to report the insanity of California is getting a little dose of reality this whole reparations thing for for people who black people claim uh that they were slaves and first of all California slavery was always illegal second of all as far as I know there aren't any traditional uh slave holders in California today or any you know relatives that are still alive who have been slaves in California um as far as the you know reparations the reparations it's literally coming from the the Democratic party that's trying to destroy the fabric of the United States of America and the the shocking amounts I live in California and Governor Nome and the crazy Democrats and the people in Congress who were voting for this were vote they wanted like $6 million per black person in California to get reparations from slavery days it was so insane and so crazy even the black people I know were like I don't know what the [ __ ] going on and it was like the the white Democrat intellectuals that were behind it and then you give people that that little glimpse of hey you're going to you're going to make off really well and they're going to run with it absolutely there is a contingency of political influencers in the African-American side that are absolutely behind this bill and they thought they were going to get it cuz Gavin new was telling them yeah yeah yeah the Congressional people in California were saying yeah yeah yeah you're going to get $6 million a piece not saying where they're going to get the money and what constitutes black or African-American do you have to be 100% and how do you prove it it it's just the whole thing was so insane and we got wrapped up in the insanity uh and finally California scuttles reparations bill as supporters denounce a political bait and switch of course the people who are advocating this are going to be mad because the idiots in California politics are saying yeah yeah yeah we're going to give you $6 million bucks a piece I know we don't have it San Francisco was the worst anyway here's an article on zeroedge we previously disc previously discussed here here here and here the push for reparations in California that has been touted by California govern Governor Gavin Nome and democrats for years after the Democrats campaigned on the issue in the past elections I wrote a column about how this Bill had come due after years of delay for study and recommendations the legislator however just stamped the the bill returned to Cinder and sheld the two reparation bills with the reported support of gabin Nome the reaction is not surprising that there have been there has been a bait and switch by democrats on the issue last week the California legislature did approve proposals allowing the return of land or compensation to families whose property was unjustly seized by the government and issuing a formal apology for laws and practices that have been that have harmed black people however the two bills to establish a fund for reparation payments Senate bills 1403 and 1331 were tabled State Senate uh Steven Bradford blamed Democratic governor Gavin Nome for the results stating that the governor made clear that he would veto them Nome signed a and it's not clear how the money will be spent adding to the anger is the fact that the legislator approved a bill to allow undocumented persons to receive no interest loans up to $150,000 to cover down payments on new homes that is the most insane thing right up there with reparations giving illegal immigrants $150,000 to buy a home this is Camala Harris's baby too by the way people need a fresh start they need a help so you pay for them if if you're so one to help the poor and the needy by all means go pay for it out of your own pocket Democrats out of your own pocket don't take it from everybody else because I think it's insane what they're doing and at least this this insanity is looks like it's slowing down a little bit what shocks me is these legislators they think if they vote the way all the crazy Democrats vote black lives all that [ __ ] by the way the black lives matter movement the the leaders of that took all the money and ran with it by the way in case you didn't know probably most people do know and all the the the intellectual Elites had their black lives matter signed on their on their lawns when when it was all going on during that [ __ ] oh my God anyway um yeah the time has come for the bills to be paid and and Nome just saw that hey we have no money there is no money for this and there shouldn't be any money for this um I I highly suggest you think about whether you want to continue to pay taxes in California it's just insane anyway um silver there's two things I want to talk about my favorite topics as far as Investments silver being nearing the end of 170 years of price suppression is very exciting a lot of people ask me well what what's going to do it what they know that the price of silver is is extremely low historically 1980 silver hit $50 before they you know artificially crammed the price back down to 20 or 10 um and it was done by the government and they even admit it um but it hasn't been allowed to move up since because Bankers love gold they do the the central Bankers love it the treasury loves it um because they have all of it they have no problem with gold tripling tripling gold has tripled since 1980 no problem they hate silver because everybody hates silver they love using it but they they want to use it in a cheap at a cheap price silver is what 60% of its all-time high whereas gold is 300% this is from 1980 something is wrong there obviously if you haven't swapped all your goldf for silver do it ASAP uh um silver will become unobtainium you won't be able to get it any price but that will happen most likely when the comic shuts down um in case you're wondering who these uh the massive shorts are it's very easy to tell when you look at the deliveries every month because the delivery equals a real short a real short has to deliver on the comics um it is not it is a delivery month but not a huge one right now 4,000 441 21 contracts have been delivered and there are where are we there are about 242 left so you might say well that's not a bad thing right you they're going to make it of course they're going to make it why because it's the same people trading back and forth with each other and I will show you exactly where that is so here we have the comics deliveries the total is uh 4421 which is 22 million ounces each contract is 5,000 oun and you look there are small Traders you know uh ADM investors uh Marx City doesn't city has a massive short position but it's artificial and never never never very rarely does it ever deliver but they are the I think it's the third largest short position on the comics which is crazy um so you go oh little tiny four contracts here four contracts here and then you get to JP Morgan now JP Morgan has already been busted for rigging the silver market had to pay $920 million for rigging Gold Silver and uh and uh the treasury market pleaded guilty Traders went to jail uh the SEC and the cftc jumped up and down and the Department of Justice hey we did it you know we we busted JP Morgan for something and it actually stuck um no it it didn't stop it might have stuck but it didn't stop literally they paid $920 million but the same year booked a billion dollar gain in Precious Metals just to cover the fine that's how criminal these these entities are so JB Morgan is currently taking this is just shocking 15.5 million ounces of the 22 million ounces 15.5 million were taken by JP Morgan quote customers who's that JP Morgan affiliates with different side deals could it be Black Rock in there sure it absolutely can are they working together absolutely Evie hambro runs the the um gold silver book for Black Rock Edie hamro of the H hamro banking royalty Elite it is so ridiculous it's embarrassing there's only a few Banks trading back and forth on the comics in the literally hundreds of millions of ounces every day to play the game so J Morgan takes a large way over 50% of the deliveries and who delivered it a handful of banks that we see over and over Scotia Bank who's supposed to be out of gold and silver it had to deliver uh close to 5 million ounces Wells Fargo who he not a big player but is always active these days this is part of the the Bank of America uh lease or loan I think it was a lease with a a cap back in which is a loan um of silver from JP Morgan Standard Charter Bank who comes out of the blue and you can see this I me it's all right here 800,000 contracts which is what 4 million ounces Standard Charter Bank had had to hit them up HSBC one of the biggest riggers one of the biggest suppliers of silver mean they're The Big Short HSBC is has definitely been The Big Short all year look at all the contracts this this time they're paying 75 million ounces in delivering 75 million ounces of physical silver by the way hspc for a very long time was the uh hedge book runner for the the um US Mint that criminal organization uh well the criminal people who run it I have I have no problem I used to love the US men um if you don't know I did had a very long interview with the head of silver eagle sales at the US men he told me all about the fraud that was going on there that's still at the front page at Road scroll down uh you can find a ton of information there but there's a three-part interview with a guy named Jack Surman who has been the head of silver eagle sales just about since the program started in the 1980s he was on his way out he didn't really care what he told me and he said yeah you're right we're breaking the law in so many different ways but hey there's nothing I can do about it it is shocking um but it's still there so those are the big shorts HSBC Standard Charter Bank will come out of the blue every once in a while and have to pay up uh Scotia capital and then the the big long this is all derivative plays and then they take the they so they'll write a a like a one-year lease most of them are less than one years and just keep rolling them over and we see that all the time U the big uh big long would be JP Morgan who absconded with over a billion ounces of pH physical silver over the uh 10-year time period that they were rigging the price uh lower it's it's not Rockets science it's it really isn't it's really obvious uh unfortunately Rustin benam at the cftc and all the all the quote uh Commissioners are completely either clueless or in on the game most of them are know about the game now but know that don't they can't disrupt the they can't disrupt the system it's run out of the US Treasury this has been going on for so long through the exchange stabilization fund which is part of the US Treasury part of the or actually I think it's both US Treasury and Federal Reserve System which is one and the same truthfully um one won't do something without the other usually the US Treasury is dumber than the guys over at the FED um but hey there's good guys within the fed too I believe if you look at the road duta do that's where the road duta documents came from is the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and it talks about going back to a gold standard All the Gold in the Grand Canyon uh what was going to happen on 911 in 2008 which actually did happen you mind you these uh these documents were published out of the FED on January 1st 2008 I was there on the site that day they it was so bizarre how I was there on the day to see it happen cuz the day before I'm like there's nothing here and all of a sudden there's this re-release of the road rout of wishes and rainbows cartoon I'm like what in the hell is this and why is it here it took me six months to analyze and and finally it's clear as day massive amounts of gold was found in the Grand Canyon um all about going back to a unbacked going back from an unback Fiat monetary system to a gold back some sort of gold back system will silver play a role I don't know truthfully um I don't I don't see any way that the US silver eagles can be um nationalized and it doesn't make sense to nationalize them there's not all that many out there uh especially if you're going to go back to a gold and silver standard or any type of standard that is supported by the Constitution oh yeah remember that thing that that old piece of paper is who call it Bush Jr well we're getting near the endgame so just buckle up silver who knows what they're going to they could put the price at minus $40 like they did with oil they could put the price at a million dollars and destroy the banking system um don't know what they're going to do that's why I'm massive Advocate get your medal in your own possession no mining stocks no ETFs in your own possession only uh and then as the system falls apart um you can survive make it through to the other side Bring It On Through To The Other Side all right and on the other side of that Theta will be waiting with open arms the more time goes by the more we understand what th is doing the more patents they get for decentralized Edge Cloud um the more obvious it becomes that Theta will be by far the number one cryptocurrency right now it's number 58 and that's the key you know when you do do this stuff and invest you want your investment to go crazy because of the research you did because of what the company is doing or the crypto is doing or whoever's running the show uh right now we're seeing uh AI type stocks take a little hit Nvidia is is approaching bare Market territory that's trillions of dollars that's going to come out of AI into another form of AI in my opinion and that other form of AI something that does Nvidia does or can assist Nvidia with the problems with AI and that is happening 21 days by the way we have the mobile Edge node launch uh 3.9 billion Android devices will be able to run a Theta Edge node from your from your phone 3.9 billion and by the way Theta is a software it's a software download from so Samsung could download it as a part of an operating system update it's so insane how big this is and yet how very few people know it that's the kind of investment you want early days nobody knows about it the price is cheap and it's hard to get it is hard to get because it's so big coin boys will not allow it to go on the exchange or I think Theta the people behind Theta not not the the management team and all that there are I think there are good guys behind it absolutely every remote viewing I've done every genu reading there's always been somebody behind the scenes saying do this don't do this just chill out things will be fine don't worry um is it part US Government I think it is I think it is that's why they won't allow the vast majority of people to get their hands on it until it's it's ready it's time and will it be ready on the 25th of September when this mobile Edge Cloud it is a Beta release so it's not the official thing that won't happen till 2025 but in the beta I mean Theta was beta for a very long time and worked perfectly so yeah if you're into ethereum Theta blows ethereum away and does the exact same functionality so easy to Port your your cryptos that use ethereum over that they they use the same software language and I don't know all I do know is out of all the things in the future the things we'll need the most I think in a high-tech World we're moving into is uh storage capacity for AI uh processing power in gpus we're saying that now that's why Nvidia is going crazy um and Broadband sharing and decentralization Theta is the number one Avenue for that absolutely as a matter of fact let me show you I asked chat chbt I said will AI need the kind of decentralized computing functions like offered through the Theta Labs crypto ecosystem and this is chat gbt decentralized Computing functions like those offered by Theta Labs could be beneficial for certain applications of AI particular Ally in the context of scalability resource efficiency and security here's how such decentralized infrastructure might be useful scalability and resource sharing that's really what I talked about mostly but that other is very important AI computations especially in the fields like deep learning require immense processing power and bandwidth a decentralized network like thetas which focuses on video delivery but could could extend to other types of data heavy applications allows users to share idle computational resources this distributed approach could potentially make AI computations more accessible and scalable across a wider range of devices and networks and then it goes on and I talk about that all the time and number two data privacy and security decentralization inherently enhances security by removing Central points of fa failure with AI models becoming increasingly powerful there's a growing need for better data privacy centralized decentralized systems can ensure that no single entity holds all the data or has full control over computations reducing the risk of breaches or misuse of sensitive data and then cost efficiency AI training and Inter and Inter and inference on centralized servers like cloud computing models can be expensive decentralized networks where resources are shared might lower these costs by tapping into underutilized Hardware I've been screaming that for how long Edge Computing for AI applications requiring real-time processing at low latency like autonomous vehicles and The Internet of Things decentralized Computing could push computations closer to where data is generated reducing the delay associated with transmitting data to centralized servers that is the huge part that is why they're putting the edge note on 3.9 billion Android devices you have you can do the comput computations right where you need the computations you don't have to go to Central servers however there are challenges including the need for robust coordination across nodes ensuring computational integrity and overcoming latency issues in distributed systems blockchain and crypto networks like Theta are still evolving but they offer a promising glimpse of how decentralized Computing might complement AI development especially for large scale resources intensive tasks now here's the interesting thing I think chat gbt is uh delayed the information information they have is two years back what they' have gone on they literally Thea has covered every one of those things in the in the last two years and then it said would you like more details on any specific aspect of theta's infrastructure I said yes please expand upon this answer include the investment potential for entities that solve these long-term problems for AI because that's what we're really doing when you're investing in something it's like I'm putting my investment money into this sit situation because yes I want the price to go up but at the same time I understand that they're doing something that'll be very useful in the future I think the ultimate use case of any crypto is going to be covered by Theta and here so I I said is this is this what is it what are the best potentials for uh investment growth for long-term solving the problems the answer was the convergence of decentralized computing with AI offers significant investment potential especially for entities that can address the long-term challenges in scalability data privacy and cost efficiency expanding on how this Synergy works and the potential for entities that solve these problems now I've been screaming about scalability and resource sharing I'm like you can share your hard drive you can share your com your uh CPU capacity you can share your broadband and that's exactly why what they're saying right here scalability and resource sharing AI workloads require substantial computational research for tasks like training large language models neural networks and other data intensive algorithms currently these tasks are largely centralized in the hands of cloud providers such as AWS which is Amazon Google cloud and Microsoft Azure those three three entities the largest entities in the field guess who they're partnered with yep data Labs data labs literally has partnership with all three of those data Labs will be the go-to place for decentralized AI AWS knows it Google Cloud knows it and Microsoft vure knows it all of them are partners with Theta and Theta has the patents so there's none of them can buy out anything because theta's got the patents however decentralized platforms like Theta offer a model where comput Computing resources are distributed across the vast network of participants tapping into underutilized devices such as PCS smartphones and data centers remember this is three years old or two years old this this information coming out of uh chat chpt potential investment Theta labs and other decentralized networks entities that Pioneer decentralized Computing Frameworks similar to Theta but extendable to general purpose AI are likely to see significant growth as AI expans hands theta's focus on decentralized video streaming could evolve to support AI applications like edge-based AI processing and distributing and training absolutely remember this is two years back what is it what what patent did did Theta just release patent Theta Labs issued US Patent for Edge Computing platform support by smart contracts with offchain Solutions so two years ago Theta was massively into video we get that they've they've literally conquered that world and then two years of work now they're they're they've got a patent on the Internet of Things type of stuff listen while Edge Cloud supports Jin gen AI custom AI models and decentralized streaming and video transcoding there is a massive opportunity to expand this to General compute cases from other AI use cases to Smart grids internet of things to cloud gaming rendering and much much more not only can an edge Network like thetas deliver the compute power Cheaper by relying on untapped resources it can do it more Flex flexibly with pay as you go models using Theta based tokens tfuel or tnt2 which is T drop as these use cases grow you will so will the opportunities for node operators as nodes come into higher demand this new patent sets foundation for these generalized compute tests so what chat chat gbt mentioned Theta could do this two years ago remember this data chat GPT data is taken from two years ago theta's focus on decentralized video streaming could evolve into support AI applications Bingo there it is done it and uh of course there's this announce Edge Cloud for mobile unleashing AI Computing on 3.9 billion Android devices in one of the biggest leaps forward in theta's history the mobile version of the Theta Edge node for Android devices is scheduled to launch on September 25th 2024 for the first time ever the Theta team has implemented a video object detection AI model that runs on consumer grade Android device mobile devices delivering true computation at Edge enabling unparalleled scalability and reach and then it goes on to say so mainly is focus on the beta is focused on video and then it goes on to say this technology has significant applications in the media and entertainment industry particularly for user generated content users that run the edge node for mobile apps will earn tfuel rewards for sharing their mobile computational power and then it goes I mean the the application of this is there's you can't there's no stopping point oh this only does that or this only does as this it it's not like that the goal of edge Cloud for mobile is leveraging up to 3.9 billion active Google Android devices remember Google is a partner with data for certain types of AI computational workloads uh Android today accounts for 70% of the mobile operating market across 190 countries this also sets up the opportunity to Target over 150 million active Android TVs globally that run Android TV operating system from Sony partner sharp partner Phillips and many more Samsung's a partner by the way while the average daily consumption of television today is 3 hours this leads the device available for the majority of time of other types of computation data sharing especially as as these always connect Smart TVs increased CPU and GPU capabilities and this is where I love it um Theta Edge Cloud when fully launched in 2025 aims to seamlessly integrate high-end GPU capability from cloud providers with billions of mobile and smart devices in addition to desktops and laptops into a unified AI infrastructured L layer this opens up a vast Market to process on demand AI workloads optimizing costs quality of service privacy and device capabilities do you see why I've been screaming about Theta for so long if you think we're going to move into a world if you think we're going to get past this hump and this hump being the end of the Fiat monetary system the crashing of exchanges uh no more trust in governments no more trust in centralized entities like the New York Stock Exchange the bond market all that stuff all that is poof going away it will move to something decentralized if you think the future is AI and not going backwards then Theta is what you want anyway there you go um so how do you get Theta if you're in the US it's very hard it's very difficult there are ways but it's very difficult no coinbase doesn't have it no Gemini doesn't have it or or Kraken those are the three big ones in the US they don't have Theta or or Tel at some point they will and then look out above right as soon as Theta comes on coinbase you know all the coinbase users are going to say oh my God what is this thing they have no no clue right now and when they do a little homework and studying they're going to and by the way once that happens who's going to be buying all the people who have already knew about Theta who have been stunning it Sony Samsung Amazon all of them will be buying so these these partners are not only Partners they're potential investors in Theta tokens they absolutely are going to need a lot of tfuel if they're going to if they're going to um use the system so yeah I'm buying T fuel more than Theta these days Theta is fine as a governance token T fuel is going to blow the roof off uh it's at 21 or 22 to1 right now I think it'll go to 1 to five or 1 to four even um so if you love data it's kind of like the gold and silver thing I mean Silver's going to the gold silver ratio is going to you know potentially invert because Silver's so much more important for El elic future than gold is but we'll find out anyway um if you go to Affiliates at there's a list of all ARS of Affiliates uh miles Franklin Perpetual assets Caleb Brown is the place you can get Theta so you just click on that it shows you how to get in touch with them has a good interview with Jake Bole the guy who kind of runs the show over there um and they can set you up um and they have a good trading thing if you're if you're a crypto person person so they can set you up with uh Theta and tfuel I I recommend buying tfuel at the moment that's what I got for you um there's we also have a Theta page on the private road at teach you has to buy it store it and stake it um so go check that out all you Private Road members and if you want to become a private road member go to Road click on subscribe today and for every oneyear subscription we're handing out currently $10 Theta 100 T Fuel and 1,000 T drop on a piece of paper it's mailed to your front door you stick it in your safe with your silver and you wait um we've been doing crypto giveaways for a very long time uh back when uh Bitcoin was like 200 bucks we were giving away 0.1 Bitcoin on a paper wallet those uh Road duta investors who did that road TOA people who bought a subscription got a free 0.1 Bitcoin on a paper wallet that's today worth almost 60 or $6,000 so yes I do think uh that the tfuel especially today uh the tfuel wallets will pay for the subscription over time and more so that's what I got for you this is big Square I'll talk to you later [Music] [Applause]

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Category: Education

In a period of high inflation which particular businesses owned by berkshire hathaway will perform the best and which will perform the worst and why well the businesses that will perform the best are the ones that require little capital investment to facilitate inflationary growth and that have strong... Read more

XAuUSD Gold Technical Analysis 2 to 6 September 2024 thumbnail
XAuUSD Gold Technical Analysis 2 to 6 September 2024

Category: Education

गोल्ड h4 टाइम फ्रेम प्राइस इज मेकिंग न्यू साइड वे रेंज अबोव साइकोलॉजिकल लेवल 2500 सो मल्टीपल क्लोजिंग एट 2500 लेवल इज वेरी गुड न्यूज़ फॉर गोल्ड एंड नाउ वी हैव मंथली क्लोजिंग सो दिस साइड वे रेंज अपर एरिया नियर 2530 फर्स्ट बिग रेजिस्टेंस बिलो दिस एरिया 24 80 दिस इज योर बिग सपोर्ट जोन सो आफ्टर ब्रेकआउट प्राइस ओनली टेस्ट दिस एरिया फर्स्ट टाइम देन फेट जक्सन होल स्पीच सिंस देन इट इज अप बट साइड वे सो आफ्टर ऑल ऑफ दोस न्यूज गोल्ड इज नॉट गोइंग... Read more

AKTIEN - "ZINSSENKUNG IM JULI..?"😱💸- BITCOIN 🚀- Paypal Tesla - WTI Gold - Rezession - Hang Seng DAX thumbnail
AKTIEN - "ZINSSENKUNG IM JULI..?"😱💸- BITCOIN 🚀- Paypal Tesla - WTI Gold - Rezession - Hang Seng DAX

Category: Education

Intro hallo und herzlich willkommen bei 10x trading im heutigen video analysieren wir im detail die märkte und es gibt ein update zu zwei aktien von der 10x watchlist bevor wir starten ein hinweis aufs heutige aktienvideo mit detailanalysen zu snowflake sofi und upstart link zum video in der wirtschaftskalender... Read more


Category: Entertainment

Hello xdc family and welcome back to crypto ready if you want to be ready for crypto then you are in the right place today we have got an explosive video about xdc and its connections how institutional adoption of crypto has already been happening in the background why jp morgan is ahead of the game... Read more

Costco Went BIG With Gold! Sold Out In Under 24 Hours! thumbnail
Costco Went BIG With Gold! Sold Out In Under 24 Hours!

Category: Education

Costco is ated again and they are going big time with gold and it's paying off big time we'll talk about it and so much more as we explore costco strikes again making big news with the precious metals community they are now selling 100 g gold bars from pamu although they don't look exactly like this... Read more

Navdeep Singh and Simran Sharma Shine at Paris 2024 Paralympics thumbnail
Navdeep Singh and Simran Sharma Shine at Paris 2024 Paralympics

Category: Sports

Nav deep sing clinched the gold medal in the men's javelin throw f-41 event at the paris 2024 par olympics the 23-year-old athlete who had previously finished fourth at the tokyo par olympics achieved a new personal best throw of 47. 32m on his third attempt initially he was awarded the silver medal... Read more