SILVER ALERT! Silver "Fake News" Agents Disguised as Industry Experts Violating the LAW! (Bix Weir)

Published: Sep 02, 2024 Duration: 00:31:33 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] pay me pay me pay me my silver now pay me your go to jail Sil it is Labor Day and the US markets are closed but but there was quite a bit of news over the weekend fake news for silver more fake news last week for silver um there's a few entities that I keep an eye on for fake news one of them is Kito um the other is the so entire solar industry the silver Institute um let I'll get to that in a second but right now where are we they we're in the same place we've been in for the past I don't know since here since uh July 25th they are playing with the 200100 day moving averages they're trying to get it under the uh 200 day moving average which is constantly climbing at uh $26.50 uh will they get there they'll only go there if they think they're going to make be able to close out shorts when they dive below it um this is the commercial Banks that's how they make money and it could be a Calamity obviously we have what 60 days or so until the election I think a Calamity is in the cars between now and then uh could be a nuclear exchange a calamity meaning a big deal could be a solar flare could be a China invades Taiwan could be silver runs to the Moon it could be anything uh I think the last thing that will happen will be silver running to the Moon because that would destroy the banking cabal uh JP Morgan's currently sitting with 44 trillion dollars in derivatives which is ridiculous uh there's basically four Banks JP Morgan Goldman Sachs uh City Bank and I believe Bank of America C Bank gan JP Morgan something like that um which they have I think it's 87% of all derivatives are with those four Banks so any of those Banks go down and everything's gone um and that's why they keep propping them up but uh JP Morgan actually increased their derivative book by a substantial amount this last year just to keep things in under control if you didn't know JB Morgan uh is run by a guy named Jamie demon Jamie Diamond uh part of Jeffrey Epstein's crowd and bad news Beyond bad news um all right but here's what I want to talk about first of all we'll go to Ben E BF this is the Bloomberg uh Energy Group um I've been screaming it for a while that they're the they're the closest thing in solar to coming close to the right answers but they get it wrong too the the worst is the the people in silver who try to analyze the the solar market and the official numbers and I'll get to that in a second um but Benny BNF expects 292 gws um this is their uh I think their September the third quarter Outlook um 592 gaw is a huge jump over what's that 33% or something from last year um and given that there is no thrifting going on as a matter of fact they're adding a lot more silver to every panel uh and I'd be glad to teach people this if they have half a brain look up my old stuff um but half a brain is uh doesn't compare to fake news but uh anyway the interesting thing about this is the last quarter for the first quarter that out look was right here 520 gaw so they went from 520 now they're expecting 592 my my take has always been 6 to 650 of gws DC of solar panel uh of solar PV installed around the world uh and that that will put us well over probably close to 500 million ounces of of silver used which is just ridiculously massive amount that's why everybody's freaking out that's why Janet Yellen had to fly to China and said stop making electric cars stop making solar panels and China said screw you get out of my face so um yeah I I do think uh that the 592 will grow by the end of the year most uh the second half is always a bigger year for installations and that's the thing about figuring out okay how much silver is used the metals focus and the silver Institute they they don't care about this because they know their numbers are so wrong if they brought this into the equation they'd say oh [ __ ] our numbers are way off and that's what I was screaming about last year so I'll keep screaming great news for if you're a silver investor that solar panels are going through the roof will they start recycling them yeah probably $1,000 silver you start seeing panels being pulled off roofs and stuff like that um so yeah and we will get there by the way I know I know it's a tough slug up there uh we're we're just trying to get over $30 why are you talking about $1,000 Bix because the minute the manipulation ends on the comics is the minute that silver goes to th000 Bucks 600 first stop um as you guys know I've had this up on my site for long time I go all all last year I was doing everything I could to show the the people who run Metals focus and the silver Institute show them how wrong they are they even admitted it and they even changed every single number in red here was changed from uh the prior Year's historical numbers which is insane and and the reason I'm bringing this all up again for the 9 millionth time is there was a a an interview posted on Kito uh with Mike D derenzo that's the head of the uh silver Institute and this guy Matt Matt Watson who I've talked about before with green Rush um so this is Kito these are supposedly the experts um before this was the interview I was talking about this is book this came out uh five months ago right before the release of the silver institute's numbers the 2024 silver uh survey and there Mike uh Mike Watson says oh I've been in solar industry I know what's going on in solar we've hit Peak we've hit Peak uh Peak silver and Peak solar it's just not going to happen and they're thrifting it all out and he's talking to uh this guy whose name is Philips Baker he's the CEO of heckla but he's also the chairman of the board for the silver Institute so the chairman of the board uh for the silver and they do talk about 300 million ounce silver and if you guys don't remember the the number that the in silver Institute came out with basically their lie number was 193 million so two weeks before the the the chairman of the silver Institute was saying it's 300 and I was screaming it's well over 300 but 300 would be the minimum so let's just listen to that first check this out we know in the background for those you who don't know first of all this guy Matt Watson holds himself out as an expert in solar silver solar it's just so ridiculous what he says he's like oh they're thrifting out 5 you don't Thrift out they don't need to Thrift out anything as a matter of fact they're adding massive amounts of silver and and Phillips Baker knows it listen to this there's design thrifting that goes on with the module manufacturers where they're trimming the silver used they'll displace and do tin alloys or some other conductive copper material Ty as an alloy to help reduce silver loadings but there's all sorts of different efforts but on average we've been averaging about 5% year-over-year reduction through design thrifting in grams per watt total BS by the way complete BS by the way and um and there's some new technologies that are coming that have higher loadings um I do track all that but um I I just think it's it's interesting how much do we really need and and a long setup here but that case that we were talking about where you basically go flat on installations versus you continue to ramp whether we hit the 14 terawatts that Arena wants us to hit by 2050 or maybe even double that 28 terawatts where you'd have about 65% of the global grid be driven by solar PV by the way this High case is way low we've already surpassed that this year you're combating a a growth versus a design thrifting kager it's a kind of a competition between two kagar and and in the Outlook I'm trying to sell you on H here Phil is interesting that he says that the Outlook I'm trying to sell you on that's what that's all he's trying to do is say we've hit Peak silver what does that do to Silver demand well so we're here I think we did somewhere around 260 to 280 million ounces of silver demand in 2023 for solar PV it's did you hear that 260 to 280 silver demand of solar PV and he's trying to lowball it and and then this other the guy philis Baker says it's 300 it's going to climb a little bit further but if if you have that flat trajectory the design thrifting will help lower the aggregate new demand year-over-year the case where we had a faster growth rate I think you're going to hold somewhere in the 300 million range for a longer period of time year-over-year in terms of solar PV demand but I think the message we got to get through to all the analyst Phill is that there is a cap how much solar do we need there is a finite amount you don't you can basically showing his cards this is what we have to sell to Silver investors this is the this is what we have to sell to them that that we've hit Peak silver and no Silvers needed in solar panels it's just the dumbest thing I've ever heard and not many people I I think see most people don't understand what's going on in solar they don't understand that topcon has 50% more silver than the old one and by the way it jumped from 30 about 33% last year and it's going to be 70 80% this year those numbers don't match this guy Matt the the solar expert is full of [ __ ] this is fake news my friends you could easily overbuild that this if if we don't watch out is really one of my messages well I you know I'm I'm struck by the amount of additional silver the new the these new applications have and bravo bravo so I I I I think the thrifting is not nearly as uh as you know as high given the new technologies as as what you're showing here yeah and so I I think you I think you'll I think you'll see a continued increase in the amount of silver demand but even if you don't you know to have the demand for for for silver for for solar be over 300 million ounces a year is a huge huge component of of total total demand I don't even know what to say this is the chairman of the board of the silver Institute a week before the the numbers come out for the silver Institute saying it's 300 is 300 million ounces per year and then they come out with this right here photov voltaics 193 and nobody says anything and I jump up and down and and mark it all in red I go they're lying look they're lying they're lying and nothing happens and this is the silver Institute so just nine days ago this was posted same guy interviewing uh Mike dorenzo who is the other guy over at the silver Institute and here's how he tries to explain how those numbers came right and if my calculations were right I remember something about like four years worth of Supply above ground in all these fiscal Holdings so um does that sound about right Mike that's about right yeah absolutely Matt you got it so you mentioned um the world Soo survey is is considered by many to be the Bible of the industry why don't you talk a little bit about this uh publication the Bible of the industry fake news is the Bible of the industry my God so this this publication dates back to 1990 and the the publication that came out then was a 40 year 50y year look back so 1940 to 1950 and each successive year we' put this uh publication out and all those Publications by the way are PDF and on our website so you can look at the historic growth of not only the survey itself but where silver as a metal has gone from 1990 to where we are today um we have sponsors for the survey and they so generously uh support our publication of it but most importantly this is the most widely quoted publication on Silver throughout the world and he is right on that and that's the most embarrassing part we have fake news as the most widely quoted publication in silver what what in the world is happening to the silver industry and the 2024 Edition will be still be quoted up until April of next year I mean it's used by news networks it's used in investment pieces it's used by Banks it is a thorough top down review of the previous year with a little bit of an outlook for the current year their Outlook was like a 1% growth so it's a it's a great publication and it's something that we rely on basically every day and we gotta give a shout out to medals focus of course they play a key role now over the past what five or six years yeah yeah and and and and we'll be using them going forward as well the team at medals focus with seven or eight offices worldwide over 30 employees and contractors um you notice that that they oh seven offices worldwide 30 uh people in it's not that big by the way I I talk to the guys there they they consult with people but they they're not that big of institution they and literally they're the ones that made the changes to all the historical numbers and they do it every year and I'm like what you can't do that well if new information comes in you're you're you're saying you're telling people everybody's got to look at this information and then you're changing it to make to massage the numbers so it doesn't look so embarrassing for the silver Institute this is fake news this is how fake news is grown in distributed Consultants I should say um they really do their due diligence and one of the reasons how they get such accurate information is they travel they go out they meet with the end users they meet with the banks they meet with the industrial uh users of silver and they meet with the miners most importantly so they have a really good front face-to-face perspective on how the market is doing and Mike you know so here here's what they say and here was my big beef with them um when I was talking to the head of metal Fus I'm like hey that you should look at solar you should look at solar the solar installations are what is registered with the government of every country so those numbers are much easier to rely on than calling up people and saying hey how much silver you using today Hey Joe how much silver you used last week hey Steve how much silver are you using today you should I mean I'm I get I get it that that's fine to do as a backup but for a hard number if you know how much silver is going into every panel which you do it just melt down a panel and you figure it out and you know exactly how much uh solar installations have gone in in the year it's an easy job to figure out solar no you don't have to call the the 15,000 people are involved in this because every one of them is going to lie to you do you think the manufacturer of solar want to tell you how much silver is in their uh panel no they don't their job is to keep cost down they're going to tell you something low every single one of them there's nobody who wants the the price of silver to rise except the mining companies you would think except they're all Toothless the mining companies and and the investor everybody else all your friends and relatives do not want the price of silver to rise they don't know why but they'd have to pay more for their flat screen TV they'd have to pay more for their cell phone they'd have to pay more for their electric car they'd have to pay more and more and more so you and I the investors are pretty much besides the mining companies I've talked many times about that but investors in mining companies and investors in silver are the only people on the planet that want the price of silver to go up the silver Institute was instituted what was given any credibility to put fake news out to hide what's really going on in silver and they just they say it over and over again and it is shocking that these numbers will be quoted all year till the next fake one comes out now we got BNF saying silver or uh solar will at least grow 33% so 33% on top of where I was even them 33% they're going to have to add uh to 193 they're going to have to add uh about it' be about 250 million ounces just going up the 30% but it's not the 33% should be off of at least 387 million ounces which is over 500 million ounces of silver for next year I think it might be more than that but that's all right China's buying it all anyway and India this is so fake news and silver has destroyed any chance of anybody knowing what to do about silver until the day comes when there's no silver left unobtainium and they'll be scratching their heads and you know Camelo will sound we have to we have to you know freeze silver we we have to freeze the price of silver so that nobody it's just so ridiculous and infuriating that they get away with this fake news book [ __ ] in silver and all you got to do if if someone doesn't believe you go to I've left this thing there for a reason every historical number in red that is boxed right down here has been changed from the prior year you can look it up yourself all to massage the numbers so it doesn't look like Silver's going out the back door and it is flying out the back door I don't know what day this game is going to end but it will when it does end it's going to be really ugly so let's talk about what day we're in September I might September is going to be a huge month you're 60 days out from the election you're at the end of the fiscal year for the United States don't forget when the last attack happened on um the Global Financial system the last real Attack it was September 11th 2008 that's when as my fact I I brought this video up this is uh Paul korski 15 years right after he's going to say on Thursday this is September 11th was the Thursday listen to what he says absolutely no let nobody is accounting for what they're spending you got people and families out here in the United States that are struggling I just paid $600 worth of utility bills in one week yes all right I haven't got enough money to feed my family but I make too much to get food stamps I don't even make $10 an hour right now if you took that money and subdivided it between the taxpayers in this country we would stimulate the economy you know why because we'd go out and pay off bills pay off tax STS create jobs and buy stuff that we need call her that's how you stimulate the economy I'll take my answer off the phone I love her oh my God you go girl then listen that type of reaction got korski to admit what really almost happened thank you appreciate it from and I understand that frustration quite frankly I'm equally frustrated as you are I'm not necessarily in your particular experience or circumstance to be that frustrated by but I'm frustrated too but it's because of the misconceptions out there that things were done that are misunderstood we did not give the $700 billion for the purpose of uh uh lending money that was never in the program it was it was misconstrued initially and put together with the suggestion by the Secretary of treasur that we would be buying what we called uh dirty assets uh defective mortgages and securities that were held in these banks that the government would find a way to create a market buy them in take them off the balance sheets of the banks so that the banks could continue to function normally did you support that I supported that but also part of the bill we gave the jurisdiction and authority to the Secretary of treasur to make investments in Banks he had very wide Authority because quite frankly we're not the experts on the hill as to how to solve this problem and the problem is a multifaceted problem so we gave great flexibility to the Secretary of Treasury to act so what what would you say though then to somebody who says Paul korski is supporting Wall Street but not Main Street with this latest $825 billion package now moving through the house they are right to this extent why did we do that we did that because the secretary look I was there when the secretary and the chairman of the Federal Reserve came those days and talked with members of Congress about what was going on it was about September 15th here's the facts and we don't even talk about these things on Thursday at about 11:00 in the morning the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw down of uh uh uh money market accounts in the United States to the tune of 550 billion dollars was being D drawn out in a matter of an hour or two the treasury opened up its uh uh window to help they pumped $ 105 billion dollars in the system and quickly realized that they could not stem the tide we were having an electronic run on the banks they decided to close the operation close down the money accounts and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there would be further Panic out there and that's what actually happened if they had not done that their estimation was that by 2:00 that afternoon 55 trillion dollars would have been drawn out of the money market system of the United States would have collapsed the entire economy of the United States and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed now we talked at that time about what would happen if that happened it would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it and that's why when they made the point we've got to act and do things quickly we did now there you go se he says I was there on the 15th that Thursday that Thursday was September 11th uh in 2008 and so it was planned it was planned beforehand as a matter of fact that's what Ruda wrote In The Sand 11+ 9 or 911 in the original road to rud documents uh so I have I have key interest looking at uh September 11th this year um I'm not saying it'll happen but there is something happening right before it which is very important and that would be um this right here the FDIC quarterly meeting is happening on the Monday I I think it's around the Monday it's around the uh 9th I think it's the 9th Monday the 9th that the FDIC has their um quarterly meeting where they show how much the banks are losing um this is uh you know it's 2022 this was kind of what started the drama back when uh Silicon Valley Bank and all that it was all about oh my god look how much how many unrealized losses are on the bank's balance sheet we had a a mini um a mini freakout last quarter that would be the first quarter this would be the second quarter that they do it and that'll come out um on next Monday next week if that number is up in the 600 to 700 uh billion dollar in unrealized losses that would be pretty damn big and um because commercial real estate is playing such a larger portion now with no end in sight for the destruction of commercial real estate um I would expect that number to be there and I think that's what uh the FDIC has been kind of freaking out about you know we got to we got to close these down on three-day weekend well maybe they were closing down JB Morgan this weekend and restructuring I don't know what is going on behind the scenes but I do know what I do know is that we've got huge losses on the books of the banks and with no no way to get out of it there is no way to get out of it as you can tell I I do think this next quarter will be a bigger jump um even though they can change it obviously but there are people who want this done they're tired of it and um good guys and bad guys now is the time the next 60 days is if you're going to make any changes on the planet it's going to happen in the next 60 days I think China's going to invade Taiwan which is going to be so massive if it's a peaceful Invasion the US doesn't do anything so that's fine you know it's yours so go ahead and take it um we could have a smooth transition if the US says what are you doing and and China says you know you come close to us and we'll blow you up you know exports of semiconductors go away type of thing you know we've been there before during Co you couldn't I ordered a car a truck I bought a truck a Ford F-150 and I waited two years to get it because they couldn't get the chips if you especially if you blow up those plants there I I there are contingency plans but I wouldn't put it past the bad guys on their way out the door to set off uh bombs in these uh commercial uh or in the semiconductor plants in Taiwan which would be oh so devastating to the planet it'll put us back 10 years um but hey it's kind of Last Licks type of thing we will see we will see what happens um again the FED is meeting next week or the week after September 17th and 18th they will lower interest rates supposedly oh the stock market is doing so well um it's all a joke because they the reason the stock market is doing so well is because they buy the stocks The Exchange stabilization fund is the one buying every time it start to go down they're going to buy it up so we'll see what happens um this article today China warns Japan of retaliation for possible new chip curbs chips are everything I I couldn't stress it more I've read a couple books lately on this stuff um if if you can't make the semiconductor chips um you can't have cars you can't have phones you can't function in in the high-tech world we live in today everybody scrambling to make their own set up their own facilities but they're really hard to do um that's why most of them are are focused in the same place in Taiwan there are other places the US is trying I think it said it'd be about 10 years before the us since they are they've already started trying to make their own our own within our own country uh chip manufacturing plants they said it's going to take 10 years just to to be self-sufficient which is crazy but that's where we are um also where is it uh there was one more thing I wanted to talk about I remember what it was oh uh Theta is going to have and Theta fuel I truthfully these days I'm like Theta fuel is massively undervalued massively undervalued it's kind of like the gold to silver thing I mean I love Theta but Theta fuel the amount people will be staking remember on September 25th I think it is is when uh the Theta Edge node could be downloaded on all uh Android phones what four billion I think it's four billion Android devices and it's a software Theta is a software it's a it's a software program that allows you to share your Broadband share your processing speed share your storage capacity on your on your device on your TV on your phone Theta is going to be on everybody's lips every everybody will be talking about it in the next one two three years especially if you know China invades Taiwan all of a sudden you can't have any more expansion everybody okay what have I got you know what kind of storage do I have if it you know the chips for the storage uh machines that store all the the data of the world and AI can't be made because they blew up Taiwan or can't be made because China won't allow any exports anymore then you'll deal with what you got what you got on hand and what an amazing environment for Theta and Theta fuel to be in a world where all of a sudden we are Resource constrainted as far as uh computer processing power is as far as storage Wi-Fi expansion poof incomes Theta to save the day and Theta fuel will be that will be that token that everybody's like oh my God I think it'll go right now it's being created at I think it's 6:1 is what it was created they're always making more Theta Fuel and not a lot but some and uh Theta is a cap amount but right now at 20 to1 I think it's a screaming uh buy of tfuel and then everybody will know at some point everybody will know and when everybody knows that's when you and if it ever gets on to binance good night it's all been done for a reason um behind the scenes you're not allowed to know so so uh very conservative they they did not Ico which is key um so yeah absolutely we're giving away 10 Theta 100 Theta Fuel and a th000 t drop we also have a Theta page on the road to Ruda teach you out to BU storn steak your Theta that's what I got for you this is big swear I'll talk to you later [Music] [Applause]

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