Category: Entertainment
[music] pay me pay me pay me my silver now pay me your go to jail sil road it is what is the date thirdd i believe yeah it's the third fourth fifth fourth wednesday the 4th september um we are inching into the most crazy time you think it's been crazy so far we are inching into the most crazy... Read more
Category: Education
Hey everyone welcome back to the popular report this isn't a real video i'm going to be just going through some labor day sales that i'm seeing out here on amazon i it's saturday night i was scrolling through i was just seeing a bunch of good deals and i was like can't why don't i throw them up on a... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Менят нео нацистский режим давно бьёт по нашей территории за пределами зоны боевых действий устраивает теракты в отношении мирного населения и гражданской инфраструктуры нашей страны однако подобное потенциальное развитие ситуации принципиальным образом изменит наши отношения с западным лагерем если... Read more
Category: Education
Well friends we just uh received word today that germany looks like it's going to be closing its borders as early as monday uh they have plans to start imposing uh border controls at their land borders on monday and to give you an idea of how big of a deal this is they are going to be violating the... Read more
Category: Education
[music] [music] good morning all i ring with your morning update and this update is for tuesday and we're at the 30th of july 2024 8:25 a.m. central time so before we go to the markets we do have some data coming out we had the redbook weekly retail sales come out and these numbers just keep gradually... Read more
Category: Education
Hallo und herzlich willkommen bei 10x trading im heutigen marktbriefing bereiten wir uns im detail auf die wichtige kommende handelswoche vor bevor wir starten ein hinweis auf die videos vom wochenende in den aktienvideos gab's detailanalysen zu perlanzier alphabet und dell sowi amd intel und porsche... Read more
Category: Education
In a period of high inflation which particular businesses owned by berkshire hathaway will perform the best and which will perform the worst and why well the businesses that will perform the best are the ones that require little capital investment to facilitate inflationary growth and that have strong... Read more
Category: Education
गोल्ड h4 टाइम फ्रेम प्राइस इज मेकिंग न्यू साइड वे रेंज अबोव साइकोलॉजिकल लेवल 2500 सो मल्टीपल क्लोजिंग एट 2500 लेवल इज वेरी गुड न्यूज़ फॉर गोल्ड एंड नाउ वी हैव मंथली क्लोजिंग सो दिस साइड वे रेंज अपर एरिया नियर 2530 फर्स्ट बिग रेजिस्टेंस बिलो दिस एरिया 24 80 दिस इज योर बिग सपोर्ट जोन सो आफ्टर ब्रेकआउट प्राइस ओनली टेस्ट दिस एरिया फर्स्ट टाइम देन फेट जक्सन होल स्पीच सिंस देन इट इज अप बट साइड वे सो आफ्टर ऑल ऑफ दोस न्यूज गोल्ड इज नॉट गोइंग... Read more
Category: Education
Intro hallo und herzlich willkommen bei 10x trading im heutigen video analysieren wir im detail die märkte und es gibt ein update zu zwei aktien von der 10x watchlist bevor wir starten ein hinweis aufs heutige aktienvideo mit detailanalysen zu snowflake sofi und upstart link zum video in der wirtschaftskalender... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hello xdc family and welcome back to crypto ready if you want to be ready for crypto then you are in the right place today we have got an explosive video about xdc and its connections how institutional adoption of crypto has already been happening in the background why jp morgan is ahead of the game... Read more
Category: Education
Costco is ated again and they are going big time with gold and it's paying off big time we'll talk about it and so much more as we explore costco strikes again making big news with the precious metals community they are now selling 100 g gold bars from pamu although they don't look exactly like this... Read more
Category: Sports
Nav deep sing clinched the gold medal in the men's javelin throw f-41 event at the paris 2024 par olympics the 23-year-old athlete who had previously finished fourth at the tokyo par olympics achieved a new personal best throw of 47. 32m on his third attempt initially he was awarded the silver medal... Read more