Category: Entertainment
It's mourning again america and that means i'm mourning the 2 hours and 20 minutes of my life i spent watching this horrible movie that's time that i'm never going to get back and if you add in the 15 to 20 hours it's taken to write edit and upload this video that means that even from beyond the grave... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Congratulations on the film, guys. hey. thank you. thank you. i watched it today. and as a as a brit, it was a great kind of history lesson knowing this guy because obviously i don't know him as well as you guys do over there and everything else. so i just wanted to see you guys. what was the nerve... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
I was a brand new kb officer given my first intelligence assignment a certain actor and union leader dutch there's a purpose for you l you can run from a bully for so long but after a while you're going to have to stand up to him there's about to be another war right here in hollywood the comm's on... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Intro reagan is the latest film from director shan mcnamer which is about our title character our 40th president ronald reagan and stars penelope anne miller robert dbby leslie and down john voit and dennis quaid as ronald reagan this film covers the life of ronald reagan as told by two russian spies... Read more
Category: Entertainment
You know it's so interesting to me i i love hollywood stories and how politics interchange you know from um you know the soviets trying to take out john wayne to how they foresaw reagan as well too so i i i think i'll st for dennis you know how what did you know and maybe what did you learn about this... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
E [music] is [music] [music] is is e horrible bosses released in 2011 and directed by seth gordon is a dark comedy film that follows the misadventures of three friends who conspir to mother their abusive bosses here's a deep analysis and explanation of of key aspects of the movie exploration of workplace... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] welcome we are back baby hi right so rebecca jody episode one it's here it's here here it and what was it that we watched we oh gosh what what was it salurn salt sal yeah i've already forgotten no you haven't oh yeah no to be fair don't now i'm going to come straight in with a controversial... Read more
Category: Entertainment
All right people what's up everyone and welcome to another first reviews reaction video with your big boy buddy gore and i'm here to take a look at them first reviews for joker baby that's the sequel name that's not filu screw that that's some that's some artsy cinema kino french [ __ ] we talk about... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Next stop christmas is a pretty decent film this was released originally in 2021 it's directed by dustin rickard and this stars lindsay fona as angie and angie is getting on an ordinary train and when she's on the train it turns out to be a train that's taken her back 10 years into the past and she's... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Listen uh judy about a 100 reporters were crawling up my ass to get this interview and i gave you the exclusive new uh yes hello judy uh this is donald trump very excited very excited to talk to you exced donald the last behind you what do you want to do next uh well i intend to acquire the commodore... Read more
Category: Entertainment
There's nothing a retired governor can do about the soviets but a president now he can do a thing or two fantastic performances guys amazing job uh this is a this isn't a story about politics but a man that happens to be in politics and it's a fantastic journey in telling of a story um dennis how first... Read more
Category: Entertainment
It's time to sit back relax and enjoy trap trap is the latest film from m sham sham sham shamal sh sh sham sh shamwow sham sham jam shal shazam m shalaman i have a bit of a lovehate relationship with m night movies because every single time i see that an m night shalam malam movie is coming out i get... Read more