Allison Holker PEOPLE Interview About Stephen tWitch Boss - Full Breakdown

Published: May 08, 2023 Duration: 01:40:29 Category: Entertainment

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TV Gringo TV welcome to another edition of Ringo TV reactions the number one reactionary Channel on YouTube I'm your host Ringo make sure you click the like button subscribe and it's support the content [Music] Ringo TV reactions we back again with another one continuing on with our series regarding the situation with Stephen twitch boss yeah that's right Stephen twitch boss dancer internet personality passed away by way of self-deletion this is the alleged story that was pretty much given to the public and we talked about in many videos regarding the wife Alison Hawker yeah very very interesting that wife would have a husband pass away and there has been no investigation in regards to how this man died she had a private funeral promised that she was going to have some sort of service for all the fans some sort of thing but it never came to pass she never did it welcome to the Stream Allison Hawker claimed that she was going to do something for the fans something for the people but she never did it she never investigated the situation regarding twitch she never hired any sort of personnel to find any footage on what happened to this man we got a whole lot of videos coming about her y'all thought I was sleep no we kind of sit back and just wait for everything to come out word on the street she's getting half of this man's material money and various other things shouldn't she have already done had all of that already what's really going on so she did a couple of interviews we're going to look at one my initial thoughts when I see this interview is you know like how when someone need help for mental illness in my humble opinion I think she needs help you know how they always tell you if you see something say something call something I think she needs that help because I didn't see a woman that is hurt I saw I see a woman that's Happy I see a woman that knows the truth I see a woman that know exactly what happened to Twitch do you do you understand me Allison you know what happened to Twitch you know remember let's give you a little recap because for some reason all the videos that I've done on this story it's like it been it's like no it's like they disappeared it's like people forgot about them but we're gonna bring them all back because I understand what they try to do they really don't want nobody to focus on Allison see as a wife you know or should know what's going on with your man you mean to tell me you in the house of this man he just get up one morning and just go to a hotel to self-delete and you want us to believe that you ain't have no fights no issues nothing right could it be possible that she threatened him could it be possible that she set him up that's what I believe because I don't see how a wife can see her husband die and at the same time it's like she's not interested in figuring out what happened to him I just don't get it but I want to take a look at this interview so we could break this thing down because I got two streams this one and we coming right back to do another one because I see damage control being done I see I see this thing being pushed under the rug I see her acting like she's crying but there's no tears imagine crying but you're not no tears is coming down this is what she was doing [Applause] anyway who deleted twitch who lined this man up to kill him so that she could collect all this money because based on what I'm hearing she's going to be collecting his royalties different things that he had you would have thought that a wife would already done been the beneficiary why wasn't the paperwork already set what's going on [Applause] Stan nah fam yeah I gotta y'all gotta dig a little deeper into this a lot of people focusing on Ellen DeGeneres you got to focus on the wife whoever you lay with bro that's the one you got to look at whoever's the closest to you is the one that been plotting Ellen could be dirty but it's really about the wife how she don't know about her own man now if you've been following all my videos didn't I tell you that Allison was going to try to portray herself as somebody that's fighting for people that are dealing with mental illness and various other things in terms of self-deletion didn't I tell you didn't I tell you like a few months back that she's gonna try to go around claiming that she's trying to help everybody that's going to be her new gig didn't I tell you that I told you that already and now it looked like that's what she's trying to do so we're gonna take a look at this break this thing down and hopefully uh make sense of all this stuff so as you can see uh she want the world to believe that she's so in love and hurt by this story and but really she's not hurt this is a great time for her because it's now it's her time to shine you see twitch was the one that was shining the whole time and she didn't like that in my humble opinion and I believe that she allegedly had something to do with his death I really do believe that his wife had something to do with his death and that's why there's no investigation it's no investigation going on this man just deletes himself in a motel and nobody don't know nothing really and we just supposed to sit back and just accept the story no where's the footage from the motel showing twitch entering the motel where is it they haven't even released that you would think that a wife that loves and respect her husband would be fighting with attorneys saying we need the footage from that hotel I need to know that he went to that Motel because I'm not believing that story there's none of that a wife under normal circumstances would have been flipping out she would have never rest but this woman is very calm cool and Collective she don't appear to beat a woman that lost her husband you know a woman would be screaming crying you would see it I don't see that on her I see somebody that's like a narcissist somebody to have some sort of issues going on upstairs very calculated you know callous someone who plot it the whole time allegedly of course but these are my thoughts and my opinions it's just not adding up to me but let's take a look at the story let's look at this staged interview this edited interview by the way with people that's right she did this interview I think about four days ago about four days ago she came out with this interview so let's take a look at this and uh see what we can get right let's roll this thing back now before we begin you have to understand that people people is basically trying to interview her but it's kind of late how many months have twitch been gone could anybody have that math how many months how many months have this man been gone and she's now doing an interview how many months think about it four five months five months and she's now talking five months and she's now talking that's crazy some said six it'd been a while it definitely been a long while fam so this is crazy but let's get back into this thing whether it's four or five months that's a long time a long time and you now talking by then a lot of people done forgot by then people done moved on to the next story but not us you see here on Ringo TV reactions we sit back patiently waiting patiently waiting for her to make a statement because it's very important because it's my personal opinion that the wife allegedly had something to do with his passion because it shows all the signs and I'm trying to figure out exactly why it took her all this time all this time to make a public statement that's crazy but then again it would take a crazy person to murder somebody right so people decided to interview Allison after all this time so they kind of decked her out put the makeup on set up the microphones to try to make it emotional so what I did for this particular video I edit out all of the emotion yeah for this stream I edit out all the emotion so we could just hear her without her using children because throughout the interview you kept seeing images coming in images of children the children is the children at the children is so what I did is I kind of edited it in a way where we most likely just see her face because the way they play games with you is they play on your emotions so that you can feel sorry so that you can cry all that type of stuff while not questioning her how does a wife not know if her own husband have issues with depression how does a wife not know what's going on with her man that's crazy how could you be with somebody and not know what they dealing with [Applause] she knows what happened to Twitch and it's my personal opinion that she allegedly had something to do with his death you can say what you want but that's what I believe because I don't see a woman that's heartbroken because she lost a husband I see a woman that has to play the part in order to get the benefits from the death let's take a look at the tape let's play it and see what what she got to say let's go earned the preciousness of life and creating safe places for my children to be able to learn and grow through all their different emotions but DC actually starts off with the children do you see how she starts off by talking about so that the children can have a safe place to learn and grow through all their emotions Now understand something chat fam I do reactions so we're going to be starting stopping and playing and talking if you have internet service obviously you should have already done seen that interview so we're not going to play the whole interview straight through that's not how we do things you already saw it already we're breaking it down right let's listen to everything because what we want to do is we want to find the lies we want to see what she's trying to do she's trying to make you focus on children rather than talking about what happened before he left that house what arguments they had what was said the night before what was the last meal he ate notice that Allison haven't even publicly said what was the last meal that twitch ate before he died what was the last meme what was the last meal he ate what was the what did he eat for breakfast what would make him leave the house what messages are on his cell phone shouldn't the police have given her back his cell phone that's the property of the family right what text messages did he receive what phone calls did he make prior to leaving the house see these are the questions that we need answers for [Applause] all right let's rewind that back let's go earned the preciousness of life and creating safe places for my children to be able to learn and grow through all their different emotions shouldn't this children have already had a safe place let's just stop with the emotions shouldn't the children have already had a safe place being that you were once a wife to this man shouldn't yeah have already created a safe place so why are we talking about that because what they're trying to do is use twitch death as if though the kids are like struggling and going through a lot of emotional problems that's what she's trying to do she's she's using the children to get your emotions so that you can support her she's ambitious ambitious at this point she realized that with twitch gone now is her time to shine I see somebody that's focused on it's my time it's my time to shine he's gone it's now it's my time I gotta I gotta be the one to shine he already shine everybody love him I want to have that you'll be surprised how many people are in marriages where they're jealous of one another where a wife is jealous of the husband or the husband is jealous of the wife and they're plotting planning on how they can delete one another to get the insurance policy and the house and the car real sick stuff goes on in a lot of households let's go emotions but truly honestly I keep saying to my kids we choose life we choose love we choose Grace we choose kindness so you choose all of those things you choose life you choose love you choose Grace okay um what happened on the morning when Steven twitch boss left that house obviously you shared the same bed what happened when he got up in the morning did he go to the restroom first or did he just storm out the house see these are the things that you need to be answering because according to the public the court of public opinion we want to know we want to know what happened before he left that house what did you tell him were you cheating on him allegedly did you orchestrate the hit allegedly what's really going on why would you go down to the police station to tell them he's missing we got to do something how you know he's missing how do you know that and why the police didn't investigate you just don't get it normally when there's an issue where it is a marriage and somebody die the first person they gotta look at is the surviving uh spouse because they got to investigate whether or not it was some issues between them two because normally that's how it works why would a man that have a family have children says you know what hey I'm just gonna go to the motel and delete myself I just can't do this no more why would he do that why would a man resort to doing that when he had everything going for himself popular loved by many he wasn't broke he had different deals he was supposed to be a DJ for Master P or something along those lines we covered all those videos so why would a man that have all these different things set up different business opportunities why would he say you know what I just I just can't be here no more because I'm struggling you see Allison know why she knows she's just not going to tell you that's why we got to do these videos to break them down properly we gotta break them down so that the viewer can understand the severity of how this is a lot of times it'd be the people that's very close to you that plot on how they're going to kill you in order to get ahead in life because they don't see you as valuable as they once did but if they can use you to get to the next level then so be it happens all the time this is why as a man you got to know who you with I mean look at her face you can't see evil in her eyes look at her eyes fam you can't see I don't trust them I do not trust her and what's so crazy is when when twitch first died my audience in the chat was like yo Ringo the wife the audience was telling me this it was like yo Ringo I don't trust the wife they was like yo your wife is something wrong with her fam and what did I tell you I was like let's not rush the Judgment it's kind of early let's just kind of chill out let's let a couple of days pass by let's see what happens first and then we'll deal with her didn't I say that I said that in the beginning right but this woman looks very very sneaky I wonder could it be possible that Allison was cheating on Twitch allegedly the whole time could it be possible that there was an affair now we covered a lot of information regarding this case we talked about everything under the sun concerning Stephen and the wife but we gotta dig a Little Deeper is Allison mentally stable could it be possible that she could have orchestrated this whole thing and because nobody investigated it she's gonna walk free when a man died in the process because none of this makes any sense I like I said if a man has a family and he loves his children why would he delete himself why I got four daughters yeah Ringo I got four daughters why would I go and say you know what life is hard I'm not getting no money I'm struggling so you know I'm gonna go and just delete myself why would I do that why would I do that and I got kids that's selfish right so that would make twitch a loser if he did that that means his legacy would be destroyed if twitch self-deleted why would any of you have respect for him knowing that he was selfish think about that think about what I'm saying did twitch look like a man that was selfish or was he the kind of man that was given he was given a lot we talked about all of these things on his Instagram he would make daily devotionals different motivational speeches and posts he was sort of an activist for uh justice for for all people so why would a guy that does all of that got the love and support of Millions feel like I'm at the end of my rope no that's a lie that's the narrative they want to spin and it's a sad situation that the wife is going along with the same narrative and that is why we must question him you got to question them you gotta question her fam see sometimes you got to do your own internal investigation forget about waiting for these investigators to investigate the court of public opinion have to investigate this this woman now made interviews after over five to six months fam after five to six months what this doesn't make sense and it was almost as if though she's acting like it just happened yesterday see that the issues upstairs this man been gone for a minute death ladies and gentlemen to profit that's what she's doing he's using his desk to profit [Music] [Applause] she waited all of his time to speak and now she's speaking during interviews how much did people pay you for your interview how much did they pay you see how much money did they pay you for that interview think about that what deals Have Allison was able to establish now that twitch is gone now that he's out of the way how much money is she going to be able to make now while he's in his grave with the worms crawling through his ears she get to go scot-free and enjoy The Spoils of his labor why was there no investigation on The Wire why you know good and well that if any of you are living with somebody and they mysteriously die they're going to investigate you the police is going to do that they're going to want to find out did y'all have a fight what was going on what was happening so twitch just got up in the morning like a zombie and just walked outside and left to off himself and this is what we want to believe but there's no footage of him entering or leaving a motel none makes a lot of sense [Applause] he offer him up as a blood sacrifice we talked about this already y'all again look at those eyes man those eyes tell it all right there fam those eyes look cool callous I don't see somebody that grieved I see somebody that's actually happy they have a sense of peace knowing that he's not here to tell them anything he can't control nothing and now she gets to make all the decisions on all the business opportunities she yet to make the decision now [Applause] let's get back to the tape you know we at this time are feeling so much pain you're not feeling any pain you're acting I can see the actress in You about we at this time are feeling a lot of pain look how many months have been and you now talking that's not pain why the kids aren't talking why the children aren't talking about their feel and pain they're not feeling no pain listen truly honestly I keep saying to my kids we choose life we choose love we choose Grace we choose kindness you know we at this time notice how she keep looking down that's a sign when someone is nervous and they don't know what to talk about they look down because they they're confused you understand and another thing you have to look at the style of the interview ladies and gentlemen you see how I'm looking directly into the camera into the lens that's how an interview is supposed to be where if she's because we can clearly see that she's not talking to nobody she's just talking to a camera it's almost as if dough somebody is in there and they told her okay look this is what we need you to do just act like you're looking at somebody and just just talk I'm gonna we're gonna record everything we're gonna edit edit all the pieces together to make you look good the way it was supposed to be if she's given a general statement to the public she posted just looking to the camera like I am and just talk there should be no cuts no clicks nothing you see like how I'm streaming live I don't need to go edit I don't need to cut clip copy paste I don't I don't need to do that I just talk fluent she's not talking fluent she got a cut copy paste because it's not coming from the heart the angle of the interview is a red flag she's trying to buy your love she's trying to buy your sympathy that's what she's trying to do she wanted to be very emotional so she's going to talk about the children because we we all know everybody loves the children everybody's going to fight for the children right the children must be protected at all times so if we can make it about the children and be emotional everybody will be on her side if you look at the comments under a lot of those videos everybody's saying how strong she is how this and you know she's such a great person what is she how do we know she didn't allegedly delete her own husband there was no formal investigation on the matter they closed the case as soon as possible we covered every video regarding the Stephen twitch boss case we covered every video they closed the case immediately they didn't even give it a chance to stay a week they just closed it no investigation whatsoever again I tell you look at her Facebook look at her face man look at her posture look at how she's looking down does that look like a wife that loved Stephen nope she was with him for the cash and my humble opinion for the money for the fame for the clout and now that he's out of the way she's in her early 30s she gets to go live her life and settle down with somebody else this happens all the time let's get back to the tapes are feeling so much pain um if you feel in pain you should be crying you're not crying you have makeup on everything is setting the lighting is perfect you're doing an interview with people you're not feeling any pain at all let's go we choose kindness you know we at this time are feeling so much pain um and I've said this before but we feel this much pain because we failed so much love that doesn't even make sense how are you feeling so much pain because you feel so much love you're playing with everybody's emotions I can read right through that what you said right there don't make no sense let's rewind that back listen to that mess time are feeling so much pain um and I've said this before but we feel this much pain because we failed so much love it makes no sense and that is a huge blessing that we've had in our life so it's a huge blessing for you to feel pain because of the love and you call that a blessing so you're saying it's a blessing that twitch is dead none of that makes sense what kind of who's interviewing you to even let that go over the air because it didn't even make sense what you said you're basically saying it's a blessing that he's dead the whole interview is staged y'all let me play that again because we breaking this down and that is a huge blessing that we've had in our life is we've been able to feel so much and express so much and that's all what we're here to do and experience in all things and all elements in all emotions we can find a little bit of Beauty in it Stephen was an incredible father an incredible husband and we shared in something so special like our you shared in something so special sounds to me like you want it the special thing that twitch had I don't think that you shared something special I think twitch had that special thing and you wanted it and that's why he's not here [Applause] let's go an experience in all things in all elements in all emotions we can find a little bit of Beauty in it Stephen was an incredible father all right if he was an incredible father why would he delete himself incredible husband again look none of this is making sense I really believe ladies and gentlemen that his wife allegedly had something to do with his death makes no sense there's no way that a woman can say that her husband was an incredible father but he's a coward to delete himself that even makes sense you can't be an incredible father and at the same time selfish enough to delete yourself and leave your children behind how are you an incredible father if you're not here to care for them [Applause] she know what happened to him y'all the proof is right in the tapes you just gotta listen between the lines an experience in all things in all elements in all emotions we can find a little bit of Beauty in it Stephen was an incredible father incredible father incredible husband and he was an incredible husband why would he leave you why would he leave you behind if he's an incredible husband again I'm asking questions why would a man that's an incredible father an incredible husband decide one morning that he no longer want to be there that wouldn't make him incredible that would make him a coward he wouldn't even be a credible man to even speak under those circumstances but the narrative she's trying to push is that he was this great guy while hiding the truth on what she allegedly know on what happened to him and we shared in something so special like our love was so real and it was so loud I don't think your love was real I think it was fake I think it was fake all the way down from when he proposed to you in that old video that we reviewed all the way to the end I think that you didn't love that man because you didn't respect him I think he loved you but you didn't love him because I don't see the energy I don't see the emotions of a wife that's hurting because she lost her husband I just don't see it and beautiful I tell people like at our house it was like we just it was a choreographed dance it was a beautiful routine and everyone molded together and there was so much laughter and love and so many amazing memories created and he was a family man he was a family man she says she said he was a family man listen to how that sounds she's she's talking in third person why would a wife say that he was a family man family men don't delete themselves nope family man do not delete themselves because they understand their responsibilities take care of their family for him to delete himself would be him to abandon his family so he's not a family man by the pure fact that the narrative says that Stephen twitchboff deleted himself that would disqualify himself as a family man that mean he abandoned his family do anybody know the difference between a family man and a man that abandoned his family if you leave your family that mean you abandon your family it doesn't mean you are a family man so if he decided to go delete himself that mean he don't love his family so he's not a family man he's not now I'm not saying he's not a family man that's not what I'm saying I'm trying to make the viewer understand the truth she said he's a family man okay that sounds nice I believe he was but at the same time a family man is not gonna self-delete because he cares about his family when I get up every morning as a man and I'm talking about me personally everything that I do in terms of work struggles is for my family I don't even think about me I don't even think about what's going on with me I'm more concerned of signing to make sure that my daughters is good my wife is good the bills are paid food is on the table what we're gonna do in the future what we're gonna do over here these are the things that's on my mind I'm not even thinking about me because my focus is the family so how could a man be a family man and at the same time decides I'm gonna go to a motel I'm gonna bring a gun and I'm gonna delete myself why would a man do that if he's a family man why would he do that Stephen was murdered Stephen was murdered he was murdered somebody killed them and they painted the story to make us believe that he offed himself and even the wife is pushing the same narrative this is why I don't believe nothing she say she just said he's a family man family men don't self-delete when they know they got kids to raise Steven was supposed to be here to see all his kids grow up he was supposed to see his son grow up he was supposed to see his son grow up to be a man he was supposed to see his son be raised to the point where he could teach him how to work on the car he could teach him how to drive he could teach him how to tie a tie he could teach him how to dance how to do this why would a man off himself and lose the opportunity on teaching his son how to be a man to delete himself to the point where his daughter won't be there when she go to the prom why would a man that's a family man decides that it's better to delete himself and leave his wife behind why would a man do that he didn't do that twitch was murdered we talked about this in multiple videos I'm gonna have to make a playlist with all the videos that I made on the Steven twitch boss case because nobody on YouTube Broke Down the case better than Ringo TV reactions nobody foreign tuned in to all those videos I want you to view them because this man was murdered his death has been spent as self-deletion and now his kids is going to rape be raised to believe that their father was a coward they're going to be raised to think that it's good now here's the thing Allison what are you going to tell your children that twitch was a a great man great men don't self-delete that's what a coward does you understand me a selfish person does that knowing they got kids that's selfish because if you tell your kids that their father deleted himself because he's just stressed out then what you're doing is you're making your children believe that that's the way to go you're making them believe that hey if Daddy did it then it's something good for all of us to do if we're not feeling good about ourselves what you should be teaching your children is that Daddy's a coward that's what you should be teaching them and I'm I'm honest like if this man self-deleted you don't supposed to be teaching your children that he's a great man you're supposed to be teaching them that your father's a coward he left you he abandoned you but see you can't do that you know why because you know he didn't delete himself and he didn't back down he was murdered that's right twitch was murdered the powers that be know it Allison knows it but she can't say nothing but I can read through the lines I can read through the lines on what they're doing you loved taking care of everyone he loved to take care of everyone listen to what she's saying y'all y'all gotta read between the lines let me rewind it back read between the lines everybody it's laughter and love and so many amazing memories created so many amazing memories created and he was a family man he was a family man and he loved taking care of everyone and protecting everyone he loved taking care of everyone and protecting everyone well if he loved doing that why would he be dead now somebody killed them come on come on come on man the man was murdered and his wife is not even investigating his death it's a cover-up yeah she said that he loved to protect his family how are you going to protect your family if you're not there and he was a family man and he loved taking care of everyone and protecting everyone and you can still feel that love at our home hold a hold up we could still feel that love in your home you said that you can still feel the love in your home of Stephen protecting his family but he's dead are y'all listening to this madness are y'all listening to this she really think that you're dumb she's saying that she could still feel the love of Stephen protecting his family but yet The Narrative is that he self-deleted himself does that make any logical sense to your brain obviously if he's self-deleted he ain't trying to protect nobody he don't care [Applause] she think that you're dumb ladies and gentlemen so you really think that you're dumb and you just don't have no brain cells listen to this thing fam we breaking it down memories created and he was a family man and he loved taking care of everyone and protecting everyone and you can still feel that love at our home wow he's with us he's in their hearts he's with you and he's in your hearts but he's self-deleted he's watching over us from the Stars he's not watching you over the Stars he's not watching you from the Stars when people die and pass on they're not in some star somewhere watching over you none of you have that job none of you died and know what someone else is doing that's Madness nobody's watching why would he be watching over you and yet you believe he's self-deleted that makes no sense foreign so I'm gonna go I'm gonna go delete myself so I can sit in a star somewhere and watch over you really that makes sense that's delusion and our home still feels like that safe place because oh your home still feels like a safe place but you're doing interviews if your home is safe and it's full of happiness and he's watching over you from the Stars why are you doing this interview I want to know why I know why because you're trying to live off his name you're using his name for clout to build yourself up no he is still with us in here protecting us are you listening to this we want it back because I want you to see what mental illness is really like this is illness here she's saying that her husband who the world believes self-deleted is still in her home in the spirit protecting them listen to what she said he's with us he's in their hearts um he's watching over us from the stars and our home still feels like that same place because I know he is still with us in here protecting us so he's still in your house protecting you but he deleted himself to get away from you you're crazy you're done she's crazy she's gone she's out of her mind you can't see that she said that the man is still in her house protecting her protecting her from what he left your house that morning to go to a motel to allegedly delete himself obviously he ain't trying to come back to the same house to protect you this is crazy let's go we had a beautiful private memorial for Steven that was just loved ones and family and loved ones and family what about the fans what about the millions of fans that twitch had that you left in the dust what about them what about the service that you said you were gonna have for the fans remember Allison you said that you're gonna have something special for all of twitch's fans where is it what happened to it a private funeral really why private with all the fans and people he knew you did something private I know why to cover Your Tracks allegedly right so that nobody don't see your face right so nobody don't question you so the news cameras won't see you right you said you're gonna have something for the fans you left twitch's fans out there to drive you ain't give no statements now you want to do interviews nobody ain't taking this serious fam this is all damage control this is her trying to use the opportunity to speak in order to gain the attention to herself what she want is the Same Love and the same traction that twitch had that's what she wants right now I wanted that to feel really intimate and safe and so intimate and safe from what safe from what from public scrutiny is that what you're talking about oh I get it yeah there's no camera footage of twitch entering a motel there's no camera footage of him pulling up at the motel he's found in a room deleted they claim he had a gun and they had two different types of stories first they claim that he was dead and there was no blood y'all remember that story put a one if you remember the story where they said that he was dead with what appears to be a gunshot wound right and there was no blood yeah I remember that and then another story came out that said there was blood all over you remember that two different stories but they were all swept under the rug we covered them all there was two stories that came out one story suggests that he had what appears to be this is what the report says what appears to be a gunshot wound it never said to the Head it never said to the body it just says what appeared to be a gunshot wound and that there was no blood this was in Reports online we did videos on this then another story came out and said there was blood everywhere it was gruesome that's two stories and all of it been brushed under the rug the media didn't even catch on to it because they're a part of the ones pushing the LIE everyone could really heal together and have it really you know a place where people could be really vulnerable really a place where everybody could be vulnerable so that's why you had a private funeral so everybody can heal private from what so what about his fans that are hurting what about his fans that were mourning what about his fans that were grieving they don't got they don't they don't have the ability to be there you're selfish having a private funeral was this most selfish thing you can do with all of the fans that twitch had to have a private funeral was selfish do you understand and in what I see is a pattern just like they're saying that twitch self-deleted himself which is selfish her having a private funeral was selfish that's too selfish acts back to back y'all can't see what's going on here his whole death was based on selfishness somebody's pulling the string somewhere and I believe that the wife allegedly know what happened and it is a Great Cover-Up going on and then we also gotta have a separate ceremony that we call the celebration of life for Stephen that you know we brought you know all sorts of different people that we've worked with through all the different years different casts different Crews um and we got to hear so many inspirational words and where is the ceremonies and everything for the fans you still haven't talked about that everything is secretive nothing is being promoted where where is it where is it this is craziness man so many stories of all the different people that Stevens inspired and he's inspired so many people and the energy in the room was just electric and and supportive you see how she's clout chasing off of him do you see how everything is about oh you know he's doing this and so electrifying and all this stuff everything is off of his name but nothing off of her name and lovely and you know Ellen got up there into such beautiful words my daughter got up there and my daughter got up there more emotion see what she's doing my daughter got up there you see the smile right there does that look like somebody that's mourning do I look like somebody that's crying no it's not wonderful and honest and and inspiring look at the hand movements you see how she's holding her hand that's a sign of when you're nervous when you're nervous and you just don't know you just got to talk about your daughter it's like whenever she get tongue [ __ ] tied and she don't know what to say she gotta like you know put her hands like this and you know my daughter you know I'm so proud of her because she's really trying to gather what she gonna say next and so moving and then we had other people getting up there and making people laugh it was wonderful to see the impact this he's had because it was genuine and I just think it's a true test so that was genuine but you're not being genuine in this interview you're not being genuine she's not being genuine in this interview but she's talking about all this stuff with twitch I meant to who he was to gather all these people and it was just a place to share love learn to share love to share love everything is on the share love what about who killed the man nobody don't want to talk about it hey and for everyone to inspire and to still still live life through him and with him and that's what you're trying to do you live your life through him right now in his memory and carry on his legacy wow I think that's something we really want for him isn't it how are you going to carry on a man's Legacy that self-delete himself that's not nothing to carry on listen I would not respect anybody that resort to taking themselves out and leaving their family to struggle that's that's not a man bro this is how you know this man was murdered nobody celebrates a man that's self-delete how many times have you seen anybody celebrate somebody that's self-delete when in the history of Life have we ever celebrated somebody that's self-delete when [Applause] nobody give no props and credit and praises to somebody that self-delete somebody self-delete you don't respect that you look at that person like yo you're selfish how are you going to delete yourself when you got kids you got a wife you got businesses and employees that depended on that livelihood and you gonna delete yourself ruin everybody's life if anything he ruined his children's life him self-deleting allegedly would be to ruin his children's lives he's in hell he didn't help them that's how you know he was murdered but they trying to cover this thing up man let's get back to this hate really deserves because he deserves to be remembered as the beautiful man that he was and he still is and for my kids to see that impact and you see how she's continuing on with the emotion and so my kids can see that you see how she's using that I think it's really really special I hope that people I hope that people realize that you're not telling the truth I hope that people can see through the lines and recognize that the entire interview is to get you back into mainstream the entire interview is to make people not question you but I'm gonna question you because I personally believe that you allegedly know what happened I believe that I believe that she allegedly know what happened and she may have allegedly been paid to keep quiet they're changing the conversation about mental health now she's trying to talk about mental health now now she became an advocate for mental health you see this just like I told you told you she was gonna do this I told you that her new business is going to be her acting like she care about people listen or finding yourself in an anxiety or depression or a low that we start making people feel seen and heard that it's okay to be there that doesn't Define you and just because you might be having a moment of a low where were you when your husband was alive where was these conversations when your husband was alive why you weren't there giving him that enough with all of that garbage man nobody don't want to hear all of that nonsense that you're talking I'm tired of hearing these interviews and these soft-spoken words with music in the background playing like y'all really care about people that are struggling and going through it where were you when your man got up that morning where was you to say honey where you going where were you to say hey I'm gonna fix you breakfast why you look like that where was the love where was the respect it was not there so stop the damn cat stop playing stop playing you playing yourself listen to all the garbage that she's spewing here listen to this I think it's really really special I hope that people start changing the conversation about mental health so you want us to change the conversation from what you may allegedly know about your husband's death or your alleged involvement you want us to get off of you and focus on Mental Health do you see what she's doing right there do you see how she's moving her hand she wants you to move the conversation from her and focus on all these other people that are struggling let me tell you something fam and I'm Gonna Keep it a thousand with you bro I'm Gonna Keep it a thousand a thousand a thousand all this talk I keep hearing about people with this mental health stuff I'm gonna be honest with you people are struggling with demons demonic spirits devils do you understand me mind control where other entities are controlling their bodies that's what we're dealing with and there's nothing you can do to stop it the only way a person can be free is if they know the most high and most people don't want to know their most high they want to live in sin so there's no Solutions nobody can stop these demonic forces from taking over your body when you don't know the lord it's just that simple but I'm looking at this thing from a place of hypocrisy on how she's trying to talk for people that are dealing with all these issues when she wasn't even helping her husband and no point how you with a man and you don't know what he's going through how you have a husband and you don't know if he's struggling or stressed out every wife's supposed to know every wife supposed to know what her husband is going through what he dealing with mentally you supposed to know so now you're an advocate for mental illness now all of a sudden now you're an expert why because your husband took his life allegedly is that what you wanted to do the whole time allegedly to make yourself be a spokesperson for these issues and now everybody's paying you to come to do uh conferences and motivational speeches about these topics and you're going to use twitch's energy to get paid that's what I'm seeing here let's go or finding yourself in an anxiety or depression or a low that we start making people feel seen and heard that it's okay to be there that doesn't Define you and just because you might be having a moment of a low let me tell you something fam I believe that people may have allegedly used her to push the agenda for mental illness it's it's right there it's clear because she's talking a talk that she never talked before this woman has never in her history of social media talked about these issues so who's put the battery in her back to start talking this way who let's go like feel comfortable to know that that doesn't change who you are so why don't you go to somebody and talk about your personal issues and your mental trauma because you're the one who lost the husband so if there's anybody that needs some sort of issues for mental illness it would be you so I suggest you go see somebody I suggest she go see somebody because I never seen somebody lose somebody and they're callous no tears no nothing I haven't seen this woman cry not once let's go and reach out to someone let someone know that you're feeling that way and allow and trust that people are going to guide you through it but you never got your husband through anything when he got up that morning you didn't guide him but you're telling everybody else that somebody else will guide them that's cliche this is what they do fam they play with your emotions where was Allison to guide her husband where was her where was her kind soft-spoken words you see how she's talking on that camera you see how she's talking all soft-spoken you know all caring and loving do you really think that's how she spoke when they were in the house I doubt it I doubt it [Applause] let's go back to the tapes and love you through it and it doesn't change their idea and the image that they have of you so why didn't you do that for your husband see I could look at your eyes right now if you look at that still image look at her eyes you can tell that she's lying she don't believe a word she's saying she's just doing what they told her to do she don't even believe what she's talking about she don't believe what she's saying it's like it's not inner if you don't know what she's doing she don't believe it you know twitch was murdered I'm going to say this over and over and over twitch was murdered somebody murdered him and it's my personal opinion for the record that his wife may allegedly know what happened or may have allegedly been involved with a cover-up take half of his estate his money and various other resources out of jealousy and various other issues I don't believe in I don't believe a word she says her body language has a lot of red flags I just don't believe nothing she's saying and I don't know how a person was never investigated after their husband died she should have been investigated and the story should have been investigated on what happened fingerprints uh was their force entry on the door was there any other person in twitch's room did anybody pull up in a car where's the camera footage all of these brilliant questions nobody got answers for because they covered up his death so I really want that message to be to be seen and heard that you can still be the superhero that you want to be and still have these really emotional lows and so so let me get this straight so you're basically trying to tell people that they can still be a superhero well at the same time thinking about deleting themselves that's what you're that's what you're basically telling people you weren't pushing this message before who made you a new activist now why all of a sudden now Allison is asking does she want this message pushed now do you see how she's trying to put herself in position do you see how she's using twitch's death to be now the spokesperson for people that got problems and Trauma and issues but she was not there for her husband to solve all of his issues why would anybody listen to you Allison when your husband deleted himself surely you are not the candidate that they need to vote for [Applause] no nobody should even pay you no mind at this point because your husband deleted himself that's what you believe I don't believe that I believe he was murdered but you believe he's self-deleted if he self-belief deleted that mean everything you're talking about nobody should take you serious because it didn't even work for twitch and if it didn't work for twitch how could it work for them how are they going to be helped how are they going to be helped when the woman who's the spokesperson couldn't even help her own husband be alive come on man come on y'all making a lot of sense making a lot of sense let's get back to the tapes and things you're going through and it won't change how we see you yeah I just know that my husband is that for so many people he was so wonderful and his message always was I'm going to be there for you if he's going to be there for you why would he self-delete that doesn't make any sense support you and he spread how could he support you and how could he spread love he's not here so much of that so much of Stephen and my children yeah here she go talking about the children again let's go and it's almost like they've taken different parts of him if they take in different parts of him I hope they didn't take the part of self-delution I'm just saying you said it hey she said are they taking different parts of him I hope they didn't take the part of self-deletion let's get back to the tapes Wesley's his wisdom Maddox is his Joy Leslie is his wisdom and Maddox is his is his uh I don't know what she said but what about this one and our youngest Zaya is his intuition his intuition so the youngest daughter is his intuition and all the kids have all these different parts of him do you see how she's making it an emotional thing really I hope none of them take into part of self-deletion because that's also a part of him let's get back to the tapes let's go they all have just these really special unique energies about them so they all got these special energies about them but what about twitch why aren't you talking about the fact that this man self-deleted himself why is it that you're just ignoring and dancing around the rabbit in the room why aren't you talking about who did it why are you talking about camera footage why are you talking about the key details of the case was he with somebody what's going on on his phone was there any photos what happened what do you know about it you're talking about trivial stuff that makes no sense who cares about all of that stuff you're making this man out to be someone that was the greatest thing ever but my point is this How could a man that is a family man that's a great man self-delete it makes no sense he was murdered I would expect you to actually believe that he was murdered rather than accepting that he self-deleted that's a red flag for me and it mean that you may allegedly have been involved let's go reason they they lean into it and they harness it and they inspire me every single day and see now she's saying the kids Inspire her every single day you know what inspires you every single day Allison in my opinion money that's what inspires you every single day to me money inspires you every day not the kids let's go I know that what we're going through is so hard but I know that we're what are you going through what exactly are you going through that you now decided to make a interview to talk it'd be okay because because I think the thing that I'm trying to accomplish right now is I just hate the way they do these type of documentary style interview things they do them all the same to try to get your emotion and keep your attention but they never focus on the actual issues it's about balance with the family balance with getting back into work ah balance we're getting back into work you see her ambition balance into getting back into work that's what she wants she want to get back into work um making sure the kids still have the here we go back to the kids back to the kids opportunity to making sure the kids have the same opportunities have me readily available if anything happens when they're at school sure and you have already been readily available shouldn't you have already done been there for your children why are you saying these things this is what a mother supposed to already have in place so what are you talking about it's all designed to play with your emotions y'all it's all designed to play with your emotions is balanced with the family balance with getting back into work making sure the kids still have the opportunity to have me readily available if anything happens when they're at school where they need me right away I want them to know that I am here for them at any moment through all of this [ __ ] and you have been there already what do you mean what are you what are you trying to reinforce you should have already done been there for them this is not even nothing worth talking about as a mom you're supposed to be there for them like this is this is your job um forever but then I do think it's important you know as I'm helping them to get back into their activities and Sports in school I do think it's important for them to see me do that as well and they've been so supportive of seeing me get back to work oh so they've been in support of seeing you get back to work right listen Allison the question is simple who deleted twitch who deleted him who did it let's just stop playing let's stop playing let's stop dancing around who did it who deleted this man she's not gonna answer that question and honestly they are a lot of the reason I feel so inspired to get back oh so you now you're inspired because of the kids so if the kids wasn't around you wouldn't be inspired you're inspired to take twitch's place you know when I first moved to LA uh-oh I did have Wesley on my side and I always wanted her to see when we came to La that you can still chase your dreams and you still gotta go after you and what happened to Twitch you're talking about somebody chasing their dreams we don't care about that what happened to Twitch what do you know what happened to him nobody don't care about your daughter chasing her dreams everybody got dreams that they want to chase she ain't specialist she ain't better than everybody else nobody cares about that the bottom line is what happened to this man you were in the house when he left what happened that's the story people want to know what happened but you busy talking about chasing dreams be you and and make the best version of yourself and Wesley was the first one to go back to school and I said to her she's laughing yeah she's laughing look she's laughing man it's right there fam it's right in your face you can't see that that's the smile of when you know you got that money now that's the smile of I got money now I'm getting this man's bread I can go start my life I can go do what I gotta do find me a new man live out my dream she's talking about herself fam when he talked about living out her dream and doing all of this and she's talking to herself this is crazy man look at her smiling you're doing for me what I wanted to be in the past I just think it's special because I always wanted to be that influence for her and now she was influencing me that I can get back as well and so I think it's really interesting how life Works Allison when are you going to talk about the possible investigation when are you going to talk about reopening the case with twitch so we can find out what air what's going on with the cameras at that Motel why haven't you done that that's what the public want to know how does a wife not want to investigate her husband's death How could a wife be so quick to believe a story if you knew that twitch was such a brilliant man that loved his family that loved you how could you be so quick to believe that he's self-deleted a real wife would have been like nah there's no way there's no way he did this sorry ma'am he's self-deleted I don't believe that there needs to be an investigation Well ma'am it looks like they ain't gonna be no investigation because he deleted himself no no no no I want an investigation there is no way that my husband would do this that's what you would have done by the pure fact she didn't do that that means she never respect him and she didn't love him because a woman that loves a man and respect a man is going to open an investigation to get down to the bottom of what took place in that kind of a way but seeing her be so strong getting back to school and then you know then we got Maddox back into school I was like okay so you got the kids back in the school all of a sudden so everybody was out of school all this time so everybody was out of school for months and months right really why let's go my kids are feeling settled they're back into everything they're doing and I think I can do this too oh so now you want to get back into living your life in other words twitch is gone enough of the morning it's time for me to get back find a new man possibly right get back to making money my kids and I always had such a strong unit but at this time how many times did she talk about her kids how many times do you see how many times she kept talking about her kids her kids her kids there is just a different bond that we all share and I always want to make sure that they see me really strong for them moving forward feeling all the feelings and being an example of that but it's been really amazing to see that my kids are also there for me now kids is there for you now y'all can't see the lies y'all can't see how she just keep using the kids as a crutch yeah I can't see the delusion the narcissistic behavior they're being such a huge support system for me they're looking out for me they're very how are they looking out for you and how are kids protecting you that makes no sense above me and we just have this special unique way of looking at each other and understanding each other and I'm so proud of them you see that I'm so proud of them more kid talk get those emotions going I'm so proud of the way they are handling this but how they're willing to feel it and communicate it with me we have such open dialogue with each other and they're open asking me questions and we sit and we talk and we try to find our way together did they ask you to question on how did daddy die who killed them is there any camera footage at their Motel what did he say are they asking you those questions I'm just asking questions she's talking all this stuff about the kids the kids the kids the kids is doing this and all these conversations they have and it don't sound like anybody's having a conversation because she's supposed to be asking she's supposed to be investigating her husband's death at this point so we're trying our best to find to find what patience in each other love for each other and joy and pockets of laughter Oh Boy Love pockets of laughter this is all emotional mumbo jumbo what happened to Twitch what do you know on what happened to him what can drive a man to say hey I'm gonna go end it when he has everything already obviously something happened and Allison is not telling you but also allowing each other the space to be sad or a little bit discouraged at moments but then we just help each other find our way through it and that's like a big moment for us of you know everyone's look at how she keep looking around you don't notice that you don't notice how as she's talking she's like this I mean picture if I'm talking to you right now and I'm like you know guys um uh now when it comes to doing content it can it can really be can really be a situation because you know I don't realize that you know this is just I I don't know like today was a great day but I'm just would you take me serious something wrong like if I if I'm not looking right under the camera that means that something's wrong now I'm not saying that you have to look into the camera 24 hours a day but my point is look at her eye contact look at the nervousness in her eyes there's a lot of things going on in her brain very different age and so it's a lot to navigate in that for them but I want to make sure that for them I'm like the and her eyes is blinking and blinking and blinking when you when you see people talking and they're blinking their eyes like a thousand times that's nerves they're nervous and they're lying you understand this is what I tell you that when you're at a job interview you're supposed to have good eye contact you're supposed to be able to sit up you know uh you greet people firm handshake you know what I'm saying and you look at them in the eye when you're talking that way they could take you serious have a good posture about yourself but if you look at the way she's communicating she's she's not certain about what she's saying a support system I can be for them in any way that I can and making them feel okay and they have that support system already shouldn't they have that already with all the money you had and twitch had shouldn't they already had a support system already and salute to everybody in the chat my apologies you know I'm saying v dub man in the building I see everybody coming through a lot of people saying what's up Ringo tmac I see you there a couple other people over like all right all right you know what I'm saying I see everybody in the chat I want to make sure you know I'm saying people be like yo is this pre-recorder or is this live which one it is it sometimes people bugging out we live you know what I'm saying I can see you let's go I have all those different emotions all at the same time she ain't talk about the family not even once somebody had ax uh let me see did she talk about his family even once nope not at all didn't even mention them always tell them to weather the storm because it's really important to understand that you might be really really angry or really really sad but if you can find like a little bit of patience and Grace and just sit with yourself for a moment that Sunshine will come back out do you see how she's talking this mumbo jumbo about the sunshine is going to come back out in other words if you're going through something rough don't go self-delete just sit down and meditate and the Sunshine is going to come back out she's lying to you if that's the case why twitch self-deleted if that's his wife all the things she's telling you is a bunch of um hogwash because it don't work somebody's paying her to say this somebody's telling her say this say that somebody's telling her to say that let's go you know and I think that if they can really learn to hone in on their emotions and together we can really learn together and grow in that space I feel like they'll be able to handle so much that happens in their life I hate when they do that when they pause the video and they show an image like this that's the play on your emotions anytime they do these type of little interview documentary type Styles they they love doing those little takes it's designed to seduce you to keep your attention to make you trust what she's saying is true this is how they do things for years I've been saying that my purpose ah her purpose for years she been saying that her purpose you see now we're getting down to the nitty-gritty her purpose that's what she's really focused on y'all she's ambitious and she wanted twitch out of the way allegedly they'll be able to handle so much that happens in their life for years I've been saying that my purpose here on this Earth was to fill the world with love and joy wow so your purpose is to fill the world with love and joy isn't that interesting all of a sudden now right you see that now her purpose is to fill the world with love and joy hmm interesting and it's evolved and changed through life being that I did it through dance and then I did it with my relationship we're not even talking about twitch no more now it's all about her do you see that ladies gentlemen do you see how she's using the platform of twitch to promote herself now and her purpose in other words twitch is gone I'm still here so I need for all of you twitch followers that love twitch I need y'all to come show me that love now so I can make some money and then it grew into our family and you know everything that was lifestyle for all of us everything that we're doing and you know I was able to express that so much and if I'm honest when this happened I started being really confused about my new purpose was going to be a new purpose what her new purpose is going to be are you here in this ladies and gentlemen her new purpose she was wondering what her new purpose is going to be listen to that listen to express that so much and if I'm honest when this happened I started being really confused with what my new purpose was going to be and then I actually spoke to my friend Andy Graham ah she spoke to her friend mom foreign she was wondering what her new purpose is going to be and she spoke to her friend wow wow wow look at here look at here what an interesting photo right she spoke to her friend to find out what her new purpose is going to be shouldn't she have already had a purpose of being the man's wife now she's a widow shouldn't she have just continued doing what she was already doing now she has a new purpose when did that change happen it happened once twitch died as a sacrifice let's go you know I was able to express that so much and if I'm honest when this happened I started being really confused with what my new purpose was going to be and then I actually spoke to my friend Andy Grammer we were talking on the phone what and I expressed that to him I was like you know he was speaking on the phone with another man on what your new purpose is going to be after your husband died wow wow this is crazy man this is crazy could it be that she may be allegedly involved with this guy Could It Be I'm just saying could it be that he may allegedly be involved in the death of twitch I don't see how another man is telling you your purpose shouldn't your husband have given you a purpose shouldn't twitch have given you a purpose to do why are you doing something new why are you doing something new this is not making sense what did he say in this moment I'm feeling really discouraged because why why would you be feeling discouraged what am I gonna solve about what I know is my purpose love and joy it's my it's my purpose it's always been my family's purpose so this is no longer about twitch this is now about your purpose so it's all about you now you're not even talking about investigating your husband death you totally got off the subject of your husband to talk about you and your purpose woman nobody cares about your purpose twitch's fans want to know what happened to the man they don't care about you right now I'm just being honest they want to know about what happened what happened to Twitch [Applause] they don't want to hear all of this stuff about you promoting your purpose at this point now it's not the time for that now is the time for you to come clean on what you know about his death because you're you aren't sharing any details on what led up to this man leaving your home to go to a motel but you talking about purpose for you and you said Allison it's still your purpose he said it just looks a little bit different now it's a little more depth filled but he's like so he told you that your purpose is to continue doing what you're doing it just looks different so you need another man to tell you that wow you still have in you and you can still do it and so I'll never forget oh you could still do it without twitch do you see that oh you could still make it without twitch that's basically the interpretation you can make it without twitch a conversation because I feel like I knew it inside me but hearing it from a friend that so you need to hear it from another man to confirm that it's good you didn't just know it's good because your man taught you how to survive wow this is amazing how you take counsel from other men I still have that purpose we still have that purpose so you want your purpose to be what twitch was doing you want to take his place and I still have that and I choose to live from that and move forward from that and share that and I'm still going to grieve and I'm still going to so you're still going to grieve I thought you got over that already I thought you said that twitch is watching over you from the stars and protecting you why are you still grieving for what hurt some days in some moments why would you hurt some days when he's protecting you and that's okay but love and joy is still the purpose I was given here to Spirit and you see that you see how she has to think about what to say you see how when we pause the video you see how she's thinking this is this is how people look when they lying to you they're lying they don't know what to say they kind of look to the side they they don't know what to do they're lying fam let's go it's helping me it's helping me move forward as well wow I've learned this is amazing this is absolutely amazing y'all and this was on people put this out there for her to get her wave back into mainstream to get back into work so let's see how this thing goes fam let's see how this thing goes um my thoughts on this interview is that the entire interview in my opinion is staged to focus on promoting Allison as the new twitch um her ambitious interest right now is to take twitch's fans so that they can become hers and she think that she's able to build something now off of his name because she's going to use this and you're gonna see her pushing the whole mental illness thing you're gonna see her pushing that she really don't care I'm just being honest with you most of the people that you see pushing these things they really don't care about it it's a business it's how they make money um because she's what she wasn't doing this before so all of a sudden for her to be doing it now it's clear that she's being paid under the table allegedly right so that's my thoughts on this particular interview this particular tape um there's another one I know I said I was gonna do another stream after this I'm gonna have to grab me something to eat um I might just do it and just get it over with or I might do it in the morning um depends on how I feel because I got I got other work that I got to do I got to do some other work so hey at least I came back and I gave you another stream right so hey you should be good to go all right who deleted twitch is the question [Applause] who deleted him who deleted twitch she didn't answer nothing she didn't talk about his family she didn't talk about nothing gave us no clues nothing whatsoever the choice is yours ladies and gentlemen um ah man this is really really bad because I personally believe that the man was murdered I really do I believe that um somebody was paid hired to kill him in order to take his resources and um I really believe that's what happened you know so it's unfortunate that they closed the case um they put it to rest nobody's investigating the wife so uh that's why we make these videos to keep you informed so if you haven't watched none of my previous twitch boss videos um I suggest you check those out because we covered every detail regarding this case and that interview it just doesn't look right but there's another one we got another another tape that we're gonna do a video on I might do it after this one but I gotta get something to eat first if I don't come on I'll do it in the morning all right and we also got to do a video about her Alison Hawker receiving twitch twitch's uh I guess his money I don't know all the details of the case but uh I gotta go read the paperwork and see what and what she's going to be getting we got to do a video on that to break that down to see what she's going to be getting I don't trust her I really don't it's just something about her that's not adding up when a wife lose a husband she supposed to be supposed to be talking about it I don't see those fruits I don't see it so uh that's about it y'all y'all take care do what y'all gotta do um we're gonna get up on out of here and that's about it so yeah who deleted twitch boss who did it who's responsible make sure you subscribe to the channel Ringo TV reactions the number one reactionary Channel on YouTube bringing you the best commentary and criticism in these YouTube streets right yeah [Music] so we're gonna get up on out of here y'all be safe make sure you subscribe to my Ringo TV raw Channel make sure you subscribe to my YouTube streets TV channel make sure you subscribe to my Ringo Moda Vlog Channel all you got to do is just go on my channel and click where it says channels and you'll see some of my other channels there subscribe to all of them because you never know where I'm gonna be so uh it is what it is uh peace and blessings to everybody in the chat um peace and blessings to the mods everybody that support the shows um shout out to uh lost y'all for the uh cash app appreciate your support right if you haven't already make sure you click that like button so that we can get the video and the algorithm so we can push the news so we could do what we got to do because without you we can't do this always remember that so uh we gonna get on out of here Ringo TV reactions signing out with another video on the situation with Steven twitch boss Allison hulka interview with people leave your thoughts in the comments let me know what you think of the video we out fam peace [Applause] if you like our content consider supporting via cash app at dollar sign Ringo TV Raw become your Patron on for exclusive video content not shown on YouTube you could also support through PayPal at PayPal dot me slash Ringo TV Raw to our YouTube channel and click the Bell to be notified of new content follow me on Instagram at Ringo TV raw this is Ringo sing you the truth 100 Raw and Uncut I'm out peace

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