How To Beat the Elden Ring DLC With The Pizza Cutter...

[Music] [Music] hello everyone I'm lost and this is gea's wheel well my now but on the streets it's better known as the pizza cutter sup Home Slice it's a weapon that has its Origins all the way back in the dark ages of 2015 with the release of bloodborne the old hunters and it is with great displeasure that I tell you that the Elden ring version has been unjustly nerfed in bloodborne you activate the saw and it starts sewing it's a simple and elegant weapon for a more innocent time in Elden ring it also does that but not before you do a heavy slow windup strike that goes completely against the entire purpose of the weapon still on this channel we substitute competency for whatever ideas I can squirt out of my brain so today we are beating the Elden ring DLC with the pizza cutter oh look I'm in the forest ow oh Jesus Christ oh I forgot there's the jump scares Birds oh Jesus there he is maybe we can become friends die you bastard die this interaction was brought to you by the lost by sanity School of diplomacy with that piece of business taken care of the next thing we need to do is gather as many scut Tre fragments as possible so that we can increase our sco blessing the fragments are found here you can collect a lot of them before fighting a single boss each blessing gives us more power and defense and the magic number in this case is could do level 12 as this is where we start to see significant diminishing returns for each Progressive level that dog is on fire poor little guy we had to put him down and by put him down I mean slice him into a billion little tiny pieces hi fella it's you and me again isn't it and look you have big scary glowy eyes I got to admit I got a little uh lucky there he was about to guard counter my face yoink okay so that's one Shadow tree fragment next is the innocent pot guy well I say Innocent but are anybody truly innocent he might be addicted to hentai or maybe he tweeted something really nasty our fella should be right around there just let's be quick cuz I know a lot of uhoh come on get him get him get him get him we got him I don't want to deal with the doggos we're just going to leave them be oh no I have to go back and pick him up I'm a [ __ ] sexy [ __ ] but still not the smartest there we go it was a driveby robbery but I forgot the drive I forgot the robbery part you know I hate fighting those big furnace Golems but given the fact that I have a chainsaw I wonder if it won't make this fight a little simpler ooh okay well that that wasn't simple that wasn't simple at all here we go let's try this okay now this is good this is real good keep going if nothing else I am really ruining this man's health okay there we are I know that guy is actually on the ground for quite some time so oh wrong side that's a little frustrating I don't know how long though but instead of just grabbing his face for a repost immediately let me just do a little bit of this okay that's not great we'll just do the repost instead there we go come on yes come on get him get him first try oh [ __ ] we're good we're good we'll heal and then we're good uhoh come on grab him grab him maybe this leg is dead that was what we call in the business risky hi Freya did you see my quite frankly impressive takeown of the Golem well probably not cuz she's looking the wrong way the lengths I go to impress women and the lengths they go to ignore me yoink I know this is not the right place to head towards if I want the the tear but there's a there's a big lightning goat here somewhere there he is hi lightning goat I just love you I love you so much oh God ow the sentiment is not the same I fear that's okay though just put this in Montage I I I love that goat put him in excuse me fellas I have come to uh borrow your pot guy for a moment and this time I will remember the actual oh my God my face grabbed it we're good all right and now we run away like a coward like a coward that has something better to do than get the justly attacked by the people who just saw their friends die yeah something like that okay now sometimes I'm an idiot in these challenge runs I tend to ignore a lot of the things that I don't need and sometimes I think that that thing that I don't need is the actual Grace did I pick up the grace I did what I did not pick up though was the map also I didn't pick up this Grace See See I'm stupid so we'll go get the map this is mine thank you so much who am I thanking myself and you know what you're welcome next up is the shadow tree fragment at the crossroads at Camp Enis let's just not get our brain pierced by a gigantic bolt that would be a little unfortunate here we go excuse me soldiers we'll just get that it's right there in front of the Headless statue why do they chop off her heads is that like a Mesmer Mama thing I'm not the lore guy but I do feel like if you chop off the head of most of the statues that bear your mother's resemblance you may have some mommy issues granted he was abandoned by his mother so that is that that's fair he is entitled to his mommy issues quite frankly you could also say that his mommy had some sun issues but you don't really hear that do you it never goes that other way even though I know of plenty of mothers that have son issues hi thier I see that you are still in your sad boy pathetic stage don't worry he will become quite cool towards the end of the game yoink I think the fort of reprimand is next and in order to get there we have to go around this area sneak our way down here under this road enjoy a little bit of poison swamp and then jump up the air current that's the plan you're so smart lost I love it when you plan stuff yes I know I'm not playing for an audience now it's just me alone so I have to speak to well my number one fan I suppose and I'm allowed to be my own favorite I'm I'm both my number one fan and my harshest critic I suppose you know there's a lot of these blood fiends I understand why Mesmer soldiers would have issues with them because they're ugly and as we all know ugly people deserves death that's going to getting canceled there you go chainsawing Spirit Stones that's clearly what this thing was made for wee we a second time the fort of reprimand I don't like this place I prefer to spend my time in the for of reprieve but this is a good opportunity to explain how I will be proceeding with the sore currently I'm only using the ash of War because it's funny and I can get away with it that won't be the case forever though since certain bosses are just too quick and can stagger me with every single damn hit but until I hit that wall rip and tear I don't know if this is just me but I have this Quirk where I save all of my upgrade materials until I have to use them because when I do I feel this surge of power coming over me I love doing that I will not apologize for it uh but I think it is a smart idea to use as many as we can right now because we we are going to have to fight a boss hi buddy he bled but he didn't really give me like a aura what's my oh that's right I didn't fix any of my talismans that's a bad idea well let's talk about the talismans now unless I did that in the intro in which case this is going to get cut out but the GE so wheel is not something that activates all of the consecutive hits talismans which is quite frankly really sad but I also understand it because it would be overpowered as hell however it does activate the Lord of blood's exaltation so we will grab that so there we go we're a little extra strong I also have the vidiian Amber Medallion because it does use a fair amount of stamina and I might switch the Blessed D Talisman up with the blessed blue do Talisman in order to make sure that I can use the ash of War a little bit longer let's see actually I think stamina is going to run out before I run out of blue so I think it's more important to focus on stamina boosting talismans still look how impressive this boy looks oh okay that that was painful I will admit take this bleed okay so that's going to be an issue probably that's good and now we jump back jump back okay twice in a row here really like showing off his wings and quite frankly I mean wouldn't you jump heal there we go perfect that's death right you're just dead uhoh no no no what the no what oh my hubris my hubris [Laughter] die [ __ ] face I know that was rude but I I had to get my anger out somehow oh also look at me I'm a little stronger now with the blood thing also let's take a quick look what do I have here I have nothing in my flask of oners physic fantastic at the very least though I can use a Runar so we'll do that boom and next time we reach a Grace we will we will make sure to add some extra damage in our flasa physic so if nothing else I now know that I kind of get get a free amount of damage the first third of his health bar is kind of free but not this not the second third there we go heal up again and again I have never actually fought these people like properly I have never bothered to learn his move sets because generally I could just absolutely annihilate him that's it that's it you're dead Okay still only used the actual Spinning Wheel the ash of War you know I just now remembered that I didn't actually have to kill that guy whoops so now we are behind cenis and before we take on the master of the fort we need to get as many Shadow tree fragments as humanly possible in order to grow strong because renala well she is a master of the duck Dodge dip dive and Dodge strategy she moves like a Geral in heat what anyways and so we need to be as strong as possible to take her on wait how did the horn Cent get here before me he didn't kill Rana and I am on a horse so he definitely couldn't have run all that way before me you can't jump up the spirit Springs how makes no sense yoink quick aside here your boy did go and get a lot of skadut fragments but unfortunately the footage got a little corrupted but just know I'm a lot stronger now after eating all of my victims [Music] vitamins I meant vitamins that's a mistake to make wait the sky is purple now when did the sky become purple I love it next up Rana there we go oh backed me into a corner then I was UN oh wait oh oh oh oh oh oh God damn it he saw me where is he is he just is he just stuck on the other side no what the [Laughter] oh no mrail that's embarrass oh God okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry just bleed him okay all right uh I was actually hit by something I don't know what I think it was a spooky man okay cool take that bleed please oh no tried to heal and instead got a face full of Chainsaw what would they value so much that they would put it on an altar in a church Ran's Cameo oh okay well here's a question for me is my chainsawing considered a stance oh the answer to that is no sadly if I had to live anywhere in the Elden ring shadowlands it would be this room you have your own fireplace you have a desk and there's even enough room for a small bed over here this is actually kind of luxurious given that well other people live in mud huts and stuff most of the soldiers lives in tents so pretty nice ow seems like your roommates would be terrible though and you sir I've dealt with your kind before and quite frankly um I'm a little busy so you'll have to forgive me and also you're really bad at your job man if you just let me run past you like that what a silly little bugger okay it seems like we have arrived at what I would call the first real challenge of this run will we be able to get through Rana I believe in myself huh we do have some assistance if we need it given the fact that we do a lot of blood damage some that person might be in our best interest still I'm going to try the boss alone first but there's no shame in using those guys in this run we just got to make sure that the extra Health the boss gets from the summoning is not outweighed by the usefulness of the summon itself hey darling I see your new chair it's real nice you don't seem to fit it though so you know oh god oh this is bad I don't think this is going to be an easy well you know what that's something that is definitely something wow okay so we are we are almost halfway we died but we did almost get halfway and that was without any special tricks and you know what I have special tricks while that could have gone better I think that was pretty good considering that was our first real attempt so what type of strategies do we have available to us ladies and gentlemen well first and foremost we have the iron jar aromatic this is probably going to be a Mainstay in this run against the different bosses because it will allow me to just stand there and tank the hits I also have the flask of Wonders physic so I can absorb the magic I have the exalted flesh but there's one other trick that I'm very curious about you see I have never really ever used my great runes at least not anything special in mind I always use more Gods because it gives me extra health and health is always great but what if we go with melanous great run while the spinning wheel does not activate the consecutive hit tears or the talismans it might activate melanous Rune I'm not sure about it if I'll be completely honest probably should have been something I tested before I started this run but we will see so we'll grab this we'll enter the boss room and then we'll use the iron jar aromatic I'll eat some exalted flesh and then I'll drink from the flask here we go boom she just keeps on running towards me which is very nice didn't really hit me even that's that's silly here we go oh it does work it does work okay that that is problematic though a little bit that is a little bit problematic that I'm running out of stamina second attempt real good though so we should get the stamina tear and now for torrent to make his best Super Mario impression is this the right way no no it's not there's our boy you see him you see him right over there that's the guy that needs to be persuaded to drop to us his Crimson tear and by persuade I of course mean we are going to inflict violence upon him until he dies gets destroyed ripped apart and we can suckle on the Glorious Crystal te the word suckle is such a good word oh this is the place with all of the lightening goats I love them this is also where that one guy just keeps rolling his heart out I killed him once and I'm ashamed of that and he didn't even give us anything good I think hi buddy what is happening what what are you doing don't know don't particularly care we'll just do this oh that was clever oh that was less so oh boy okay you up come on you know you want to fall you know you love to fall don't do the other foot oh no he did he oh if he does the other foot like that I won't be able to uh to hurt him but I think we'll be able to get him down now unless he moves in a very silly way okay that's not great that's bad that's very bad no first things first drink this and then we'll just go boom then we'll drink this fantastic and then we'll see oh my God I'm still I'm still struggling okay this might actually been a bad idea huh you know what how much damage how much extra damage we can probably do a a fair amount of extra damage and when we do that he can now be reposted I don't know how long he is on the ground I really need to learn that but I think he was there long enough for me to perhaps finish him off yeah yeah we're going to get we're going we're going to get him we're going to get him he's dead he's gone he's over okay we uh learn something new and mental note figure out just how long the guy stays on the ground so we can take advantage of that state still vidiian hidden te that's going to be great against ranala here we go Let's Go Darling come on easy I almost feel bad bad and we didn't even destroy the chair oh glorious chair how I welcome your presence with rala absolutely ripped two shreds my God I feel so bad there's nothing left of her that her family can identify we now have to go and destroy the golden hippo all right that's a thing as well somewhere a great Rune has been broken which allows us to go and attack the uh putrescent Knight which I think will be very difficult on this uh playr because I don't think he bleeds and he's a little he enjoys running around a lot but before we worry about sentient goop first we got to worry about the golden hippo oh God okay I was not paying attention I wasn't worried enough I was not worried enough oh I should heal up a couple of times yeah that's right and you know what screw it will become oh it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if I'm a metal Mario man that's going to be terrible just just stand oh that's still my God I need more Bo maybe I think this is not good as I expected it [Music] to oh boy oh boy uh drink this please and die drink and die maybe Metal Mario isn't the real answer here once more into the breach I just realized I did not have Melania great Rune on which may have contributed to my demise in this round God damn it come on lost you beat Reena in three attempts this one shouldn't be all that much harder here we go okay here we go perfect we just needed to be in a bit of a special place heal up a couple of times even okay heal don't roll heal you bit [ __ ] again healing is important even more healing is important even more healing is important get him get him no okay I have one more heal one more come on just just oh thank God that that got scary that got scary I'm I'm I need to change my pants both from ejaculation and because I [ __ ] myself ooh a shadow realm blessing yes daddy now that the world is infected with one less hippo it's time to go down to Bonnie Village we need to talk to Emir he has the uh key we need in order to open up the boss room for the mother of fingers I don't think the mother of fingers is going to be too difficult especially not with our current strategy here we are oh mother how have we got that I also think there's one of the yep I was about to say I bet there's one of those uh scary birds somewhere around here and uh I was right you know this place is a very impressive domicile it is if I were to live here I I'd feel like a king now that I think of it where the hell does imir sleep I mean he's sitting on that Throne once we arrive but that's not where he sleep oops is it it seems very uncomfortable and also why is he sitting on the throne is he just waiting for people to arrive it's not like there's anybody coming well except for me hi buddy Shadow keep this is one of my favorite areas in the game the only thing I'm missing from this area right here is uh sometimes the monster in the water should pop up and just go like smack and you have to dodge away yeah like that oh there he is you see him oh I love that I wish he attacked me though which is I don't understand why they deigned the castle to emergency flood the church District that seems a little unnecessary I don't want to think about all the PO potential water damage I know most of these buildings are made out of rocks and stone and stuff but still it can't be good for the buildings man oh hi don't mind me I'm just going to chainsaw you in the back okay uh he was ready well he wasn't ready exactly but you know what I mean chainsaw a vampire that's what I am oh my God chainsa vampire that's that's an anime I think gas is going to be an interesting character to take down when I first fought him I managed to get him on top of these stairs and we were kind of squished into the wall and both him and I we didn't move much it was what can only be described as a cluster [ __ ] but a cluster [ __ ] that was to my benefit because I did manage to murder him still we will have to make use of all our tricks iron jar we're going to wait a little bit because he's he's still over there is it really necessary for him to ruin all of those trees I know he wants to be seen as impressive and stuff but I don't know man oh did I not heal did did did I enter that boss fight without any health once more there he is we'll wait we'll have it we'll drink it oh no I I think he just did a lot of damage because of the way I was set up huh that didn't work as well as as uh my fight with Rana it seems to me that this might be another one of these situations where a uh more flexible person would benefit I think oh boy oh daddy don't spank me so hard no time to look learn how to fight gas properly man wow it's so slow the real pain in all of this is that I think he protecting like five scatter tree fragments that would be very useful when I'm going up against other people but maybe maybe gas is not what we need to kill now maybe we need to go and uh destroy something else I know time for us to deal with the lion the lion is also a kind of scary enemy due to how erratic he moves but if we can just get in close and keep that sustained attack going I Believe in Us I I Believe in Us and by us I mean me because there's only me here there's nobody else I'm like talking to myself like some kind of psychotic clown maybe a psychotic stand-up comedian that's good too you know this is not where M no no okay no this is where Micha has his uh oh my God I'm being molested by a fly man I did not consent to this Polie somebody I need an adult yes that's the the the the key to the well so we're in the perfect place now we have made real progress okay so next up is The Lion Man now the lion man he is probably not going to be too difficult for us to deal with because we have in fact leveled up our skadut Tre fragments quite a bit uh we are not going to be using the iron M aromatic for this I think because he can turn into a lightning boltcaster and we will take plenty of extra damage if we use the irar aromatic ah screw it why not we'll give it we'll give it a good go first why not he doesn't start out that way he start out with a storm so we'll grab that we'll go this way we'll drink our flask and we'll see the two dancing men attack us drink that there we go drink this well it's more of a smell really oh he missed here we go you know they still go just die I'm sowing your butt and there we go yeah now he's a lightning boy taking I'm taking all the damage yeah that's what I am I'm taking all the damage still that was a very chaotic fight but I can I can work with that this is a learning Endeavor and also I forgot the Rune of Millennium and then then we pray to whatever deity that you feel is relevant personally I'm going to pray to cthulu he doesn't get enough love he's he he gets a lot of you know pop culture love but that's about it all right I I will freely admit no idea what I was doing right that no no idea woo if it please please this is going to be it right cuz if if it's ever going to be it this is it I heal up oh boy come on heal heal heal land land on the land that and die there we [Laughter] go that that was too close with that finally over we can go back to the good fashion the great fashion even the tree C coat I love this thing and maybe we'll switch up the arms a bit too H we'll go down and will'll fight the shadow sunflower we have a chainsaw it is a plant those two are natural enemies let's go scatter tree base what should I do here I think I think the iron jar aromatic fits right I think it does so we'll just stand here for a moment oh oh no oh my God we can okay it hit us twice three times four times I have the power baby for now at least uh is that death yeah that was death not too bad though my first run run away no oh yeah if I had run I would have gotten away I'm dead o bad very bad well at least my bleed helps me when it comes to all of this what stuff should I get to buff myself we are back in bat and what we are going to be looking out for is the poisoned hand I did find a key that will give me access to uh the shittier areas of bellat actually not oh oh that's not cool oh this is not cool oh this is so not cool actually that was kind of cool okay uh we need a heal a couple of heals if we can die okay that's a lot of corpses that's it thank you for the poisoned hand very cool now that we have the poison hand we you also need a way of activating it so I should probably go over to thier he should be right there and buy his poison perfume you're still here fantastic I I forget what makes you move silly me I forgot to pick up the sco tree fragment right here now what was it that we needed to do we need a gesture oh mother why how Thou forsaken me left me in this land of [ __ ] were those fingers wants like living creatures oh God damn it oh God damn it oh hello oh hello why are you not doing anything I don't know and I don't really care to know I look like I'm having a seizure just standing now please blow into the absolutely not phic shaped thingy great success that's one thing down I suppose we can just go to the Cerulean coast and grab the other one that is an impressive entrance Mr ghost flame dragon but I'm I'm sorry I'm going to ignore you like the girls did to me when I was 16 I think from an aesthetic point of view the Cerulean Coast is the best looking game best looking area in the game kind of boring from a design point of view yeah it looks amazing but there's no reason for you to really explore or anything that's a bit sad I'm sorry that was an unpleasant sound so having blown into both of the finger ruins we now have a few options in front of us we can go to Manis matter right down here and uh kill the mother of fingers we can try to kill gas again we can try to go after the sunflower again or we can try our arst to murder the putrescent KN huh I think the mother of all fingers are going to be the easiest boss that we have access to right now so that's what we're going to do travel all the way to the cathedral and make sure that Emir get to become a eldrich seahorse if it had been up to me I'd just kick the man off the godamn throne but here we go also right you are a person aren't you but not for long you suck here we go time time to take on the ugliest thing in Elden ring and that's saying something no no ow we'll do this oh no we won't actually we'll do this drink that and then do this and and just get absolutely murdered oh boy drink this and then drink this and then heal and then go like this also you know what was missing from this setup Millenia Rune this is what happens when you're doing this off stream you don't have anybody to remind you of this here we go again but third times to charm eh unless I'm fighting gas or um the sh Shadow sunflower it seems to me that this is a situation where the iron jar aromatic is not good right it's just not good oh yeah here we go here we go here we go let's go oh it would be easy he said it wouldn't be a problem he said well this is good this is bad though oh boy and then she comes up and she jumps and another jump and another [Music] jump it's it's rough certainly it's rough okay so after banging my head against a wall for what seems like too much time I have decided to try to go and kill Mesmer Mesmer is a much more easy boy to me just because I have more experience with him I also think that my strategy of using the oh where did it go the iron jar aromatic I think it's going to be much better here here we are now mmer time is he just sitting in the darkness by the way what a edgy little bastard come at me bro oh okay terrible terrible for me o we need to put this one over here and look at that we are doing damage uh he's doing damage too uh terrible damage in fact and by terrible I mean great but just because I didn't take a lot of damage right there right or just because I didn't do a lot of damage doesn't mean that he's not in for a world of hurt another drink oh I can summon that girl I didn't know I could do that that's news to me that that's pretty good though a snake where is she I I'll actually I'll actually grab her I I'll grab her sure why not [Music] she didn't really say anything interesting oh boy was kind of hoping that we would get some uh cool lore but nope this is fine oh woo oh okay deal with deal with the lady now please deal with the lady oh yeah he deals with the [Music] lady you know what I I really should do I should use the flask uhoh there we go get him just a little bit oh yeah you spin back into that you bastard that's that's it you're dead you're dead boy I [Music] think oh heal I do that I do that a lot don't I I do that a lot once again I can't see anything Mesmer let me let me be please let me be yeah this that that didn't count the sun was in my eyes I was having a I was having a coughing fit uh my wife was in the distance distracting me clearly I'm getting messages on Discord my TV is on I have a guy underneath my table funling my ball sack it is very difficult for me to focus he attacked me learning but that is fine cuz I'm dead anyway okay okay cut time out give me a moment we have gotten so far into the DLC run by only using the ash of War but I think it's time that we level up I think it's time that we use some other attacks because there are plenty of Tricks left in this old wheel now don't think of this as giving up think of this as me leveling up like in Bleach when the soil Reapers go into the normal world and they're like they have this lock on their powers and then the enemies are like we have you now and then they're like superpowers activate and then they're like oh [ __ ] that is what's going to happen now so what are these tricks I'm talking about well the heavy attack on this weapon looks like this it is uh quite crazy the one-handed attack looks like this yeah there you go that's the crazy part because these as you can see the wheel keeps spinning and when the wheel spins you get to take a advantage of the consecutive attack boosting talismans yes so instead of going in with two hands I'm sorry I'm sorry my man we got to go in with one and that means that we also get a lot more opportunities to repost now that being said I'm also going to switch up my great Rune a little bit so that I don't get tempted to go into a stupid trade so we'll just do that that is morg Go's Rune morgot you're a good boy you have plenty of Health I love morgot just as a general rule I I love morot we'll still take advantage of this buff that's for sure and here we go we are back Daddy's Got a Brand New Bag jump jump and charge and also jump and charge that that wasn't a good charge hit though mind you that might be a good charge hit though oh there we go fantastic ah yeah and hit you boom and then we heal and he comes with his drag not Dragon mouth but his snake mouth you know what woo okay cool cool cool cool cool keep buffing and turn around turn around you bastard there's somebody trying to murder you and you should give the L some attention okay good good and he grabbed her ass very unpleasant I may add but we can do this we can get the charge in oh kill him kill him kill him you dumbass kill him there we go see I told you I leveled up I'm done now no we're done done we're done you can go away now I don't need you anymore thank you some people now that we have decided to level up our build so to say let's go and visit met mother of fingers you know what I didn't do in the mesma fight I didn't choose to add the heavy attack Talisman no I had the ash of War Talisman that's silly I didn't need that and yet I won first try even I'm just that good could have been better oh that's why am I eating these boluses I should not have them there once more matter oop charge good charge attack and a jump attack and it goes you know what just heal up that there we go fantastic we're going to do another jumpy and another jumpy that's bad that's bad okay you know what jumpies are bad I think one more charge attack would do it what the hell yeah it did do it actually oh come on I didn't get that I hate myself oh that wasn't scary wasn't scary at all that's a little scary though okay oh yes this time I'm getting it I don't have a lot of Health but I'm sick and tide of your fing gagina are you done soon can I can I go in now there we go yeah I think so what the hell don't do anything stupid lost don't do anything stupid don't do anything stupid kill it kill it that was easy you know what I had everything under control I saw what he was thinking I moved my character strategically and uh in the end my overwhelming brain power was what gave me the victory there with met dead or maybe not dead but at least she left our reality now I have decided to make my way all the way down to the madness area there should be two hippos in this area and both of them have a uh Shadow tree fragment that would make it three in my possession and I should be able to level up I don't see a Grace nearby so we'll just have to we'll just have to kill them you know no deaths ow I tried to be smart and use the ash of War but I don't think it worked oh baby you know what I'm not going to reach that other s so I'm just going to use the ash of War bleed please you know what sometimes the post is not the correct decision beautiful another one for the flask I don't know how we actually use those do we sacrifice them do we eat them do we shove them up our [ __ ] I don't have anything against that by the way I partake in a little ass stuffing every now and then [Laughter] where's the pathway down here we go [ __ ] right stake America please please seriously please oh eat my anus and all the shadow tree fragments that's inside of it okay careful lost careful there we go oh it's so dark where am I going this way yeah this way no still I do recognize this place yeah cuz that's that's that's Steven right there that's Steven but with a pH I don't like him he's um he's a little arrogant a little obnoxious a little full of himself you know he's not like me humble and perfect is this elevator light it is now stay away oh [ __ ] no a why why am I a dumbass what's wrong with me several wait a minute stake of America I didn't activate a Sak down there did I did I no no I didn't but hey it could be worse hi Steven I meant what I said this is why you watch my videos for such insightful commentary isn't it a little bit of exalted flesh not going to use the iron jar here because if we do well we will be too slow so Jory will just have to outrun her or him honestly it's probably a him oh yeah baby I'll be honest that was that was risky that was real godamn risky but we made it work didn't we right Abyssal Woods I think the madness God really likes goats which makes me like him even more to be honest maddening hand maddening hand don't turn around just shush this is fine well he turned around but not much the man can [Laughter] do perfect for me you shouldn't have oh there's two scoi fragments is that enough I should be able to get at least one more yeah here we go he's too old he won't notice me too old and too blind I should keep an eye out though for those flowers that are problematic these ones hell but he's so far away from me do I even have to hide well maybe now you know what Screwed I'll just give it a go oh no he saw me well whatever I'm running oh God he all right he's he's actually real quick that's that's right they may be old but they are quick they got that old man speed you know that's that's a thing right that all ohoh uhoh okay keep keep rolling keep keep rolling baby keep rolling rolling rolling what okay and a heal is going to be necessary where the hell did I go we're in the we're in the fog now foggy scary what's that I got Madness I see nothing is it supposed to be this is it always this foggy I I regret being like Oh that's not that's not the problem no I I can survive that is this the right place well this made our trip a little bit more exciting I'm a little afraid that I might be going back now I can't open up my map can I oh boy okay don't know what that was we have some oh Jesus Christ where am I okay not too bad actually it could have been way worse this area might be a nightmare but at the very least it leads us to one of the coolest places in the game and one of the best bosses midra and his mans it might be better to have mer not America's Runar but melanous Runar here but we'll see I will go and I will smash the face of the elderly person and then I will well get to kill the boss oh please shut the hell up you bastard well to be fair I mean it was your foolishness first you were the one that costed all of this I have suffered long enough run here we go a come on I thought it was I thought I got that one free he up a couple of times oh Jesus lasered foolishness maybe we should do it one handed a bit ouch could have been better could have been worse drink this woo take that and then once he's on the ground we go a little berserk again okay cool heal up maybe once or twice and a nice little jump attack everybody loves those nicely done me and hey the fact that he was lacking ahe off that not make sense another one down that was that was nice so there's no more stuff to pick up here I think all of the sco tree fragments are gone next up hey how about the tree we have decided against certain strategies on the tree so now we should be in a much better place prob should have played around with my talismans a bit but hey the tree isn't exactly one of the most difficult fights in the game oh it's come no seriously go and eat [ __ ] and die you little ratac bastard he's not really raced his face is actually quite flat so that's the opposite of what it is all right thank God one more one more solid heavy heavy jumping attack that's what we need thank you that's what we needed I have that under control this entire time yeah honestly I'm a little embarrassed that it took me that many times to kill him but hey we'll just chalk it down to me using an unfamiliar weapon or the sun was in my eyes or it maybe again the the guy underneath the table that is tickling my ball sack it might be him too we are back again at gas he was the main antagonist that we had to deal with because uh well I I just couldn't get through him I just couldn't get through him with the way my setup was all of the other bosses maybe but as of right now no so let's see how much let's see how well he can handle me this time gas your death has returned am I going to get one of those uh beautiful stuns at any point I feel like the answer to that is no no you are not allowed a stun you piece of garbage you I can't see anything you know what over here I'm going to actually take make use of this wall I think it is a nice little thing oh you can oh you can oh wait a minute I wonder no no I can't do any damage to him oh here he is probably should have seen that one coming oh that's beautiful that's what we needed exactly that I was going to go up in the sky or something no he didn't uh I find I find that fascinating oh another one you know what screw it oh no no I wanted tochange saw him to death but he I didn't have enough health I didn't have enough health is he still dead though right right right come [Applause] here we got to we got to end it with the chainsaw come on come on even Commander gas Falls to my spinning wheel and now to kill his girlfriend hey darling guess what guess what that big Bor riding guy over there uh he's not riding a boar anymore I love how it's like a Golden Glow also is this where they lived look I don't generally criticize other people's ability to make money but I feel like they could have done a lot better than that two blessings sco tree 15 lovely okay let's kill the corpse sludge okay I remember this but I don't remember how I got through this area without you know being lasered to death there's got to be a better way that I can just sneak past everything oh not you too you dumbass bird I am not interested are you here in spirit only Oh Oh I thought I was going to be clever I thought I was going to oh well no no he's still there he just wanted to make sure the job was done this time we'll wait a bit oh okay still got hit but you know I was not in a as bad spot there and now what are you going to do huh you can't jump over that small ledge no H you suck you suck so hard keep doing that you dumbass and for the putrescent Knight nothing fancy is required you'll do jumping attacks we'll try to use our Ash of War to do damage but I don't think spinning wheel is great here maybe when he goes up to become like a mountain of corpse sludge but he moves so quickly he moves so fast it is not going to be good for us I don't know why but the way he just rides out of there is hilarious to me oh yeah see that's the problem from here okay you know for real Seas now from here on out we need to you know it's difficult to uh find your groove once you have lost it that but we did we did do a lot of damage trading holy holy crap oh oh come on don't you no no no I got you down I got you down you owe me this yeah you're not going to live for very much longer you're going to come with one more yeah perfect not a perfect actual fight we didn't do that hitless but still I think I was I I did pretty good I'm proud of myself I don't think St Trina has any sco tree fragments what's this I think it's a cookbook yeah I think it's time for us to make some progress we're going to head to the great ruins of raw is that what they called I don't remember what's what they're called you know what doesn't really matter we'll go to the storehouse first floor and just continue on our way there's also a few sco tree fragments that we can pick up while we are in the area so much luscious green and uh such a bad area first thing I want to do is I want to go down there is a hippo there there who uh really doesn't deserve to live he robbed five banks and during the last robbery he uh his gun went off and he killed like a father of two it was it was terrible they caught his accompli but he actually managed to escape and now I'm after him or something like that fantastic that will give us another sco tree fragment we have two three even fantastic so now we can level up once more I was at 15 it's going to bring us to 16 oh we are already here well isn't that fantastic Ramina is an interesting little creature I don't know if she will be a good specimen for the pizza cutter no while she is large she does move around a lot so we got to keep that in mind what do we have in our physic flask successive attacks and the opland Heart here we can probably change that up a bit screw it 's favorite plus two is that Dane that is Dane yeah we'll he can keep doing his thing alone I don't need Dane here we go fantastic we do a little runny and yeah look at that very mobile whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa come on darling oh nice attack though it's not impossible but imagine if I was using the iron jar aromatic don't spin me darling that's my job although it's not going very well you know what I have changed my mind we will not be focusing the saw on her instead we'll just keep knocking her down until she can't get back up yeah I get it you're hot whoa thank you for taking me on the ride stay away from the flowers not the flowers the butterflies butterflies aren't really butterflies just the the the flowers of the sky or something there we go uh excuse me I got oh no we're not going to grab that we don't need to grab that that's not necessary you know what maybe this is the right way of ending the oh okay maybe not then I'll take it back I'll take it back oh there's every they are everywhere Come On Come a Little Closer okay you know what I that was probably the better choice just just end it just get rid of her just just absolutely smoosher also I don't want to have the space AIDS you know I never really focused on those um those guys they kind of look like overgrown children let's burn this thing look at the pretty flames oo hi Big Boy you know you and your brothers have cost a lot of issues for people for me I'm just going to walk away oh god oh stop stop stop you stop too you you sto too that was 2,000 damage Jesus cool oh what a dick what a what a dick so that's going to be the frost person yeah you use your Frost attack feel free to do so I'm simply going to ignore you for the most part you know what screw it we'll take on the Storm version you going to send that to me yeah he's going to send that my way but that's okay cuz I have tricks my sleeve as well oh what the [ __ ] you know what Jesus right um this is going to last for a little while real action-packed game play thank you what's that another fragment wonderful yeah I have come no yeah yeah sure shut up I I don't care I oh what a [ __ ] so I have to fight you I do realize that I might be in a bad position right now because I didn't do any of the quest lines I wonder then can I also buff Myself by using the iron jar aromatic be summoned to challenge needle Knight leader and her allies I know it's her I know her name is Lea but I just I like ler all right eat eat eat oh don't you dare hey buddy I know I didn't summon you for um Mesmer and I'm sorry about that what deserve to face the Reckoning okay I might have underestimated him one more time shall we perfect you know what we' have done this before haven't we Dane just die okay stay away from me I H I haven't finished healing yet you're very rude oh boy okay she's not only rude but she can take it you can take it like like a good girl you have slightly more health I see all right good thing I didn't drank that thing oh boy I'm in kind of like a pickle right now but I do have so I do have some of the rotten oh Jesus what a that that's a cool jump I have I do have some of those uh rotten meat chunks though they will poison me but take that you know what while she's doing that I'm going to do this and also do this oh and that was a mistake that was a mistake turn around just smack her a bit are you going to bleed soon please bleed soon now it wasn't necessary gross now we didn't have more here though so that's nice horn Cent is over there try Lan is in the corner and leader you going to say something no you're done nothing else huh yeah yeah yeah screw you screw you so we have finally arrived at redon okay time to take some inventory shall we as well as far as my inventory is concerned these are the things I have I will try to saw him that's what I'm going to do I will try to saw him I will use the iron jar aromatic and we'll use the flask of Wonders physic and we might also want to just give it a go with with um what's the word oh it's slipping my mind melanous great Rune no summons all right iron jar oh boy not completely terrible so for Aon we need better armor let's go with this one this one and uh this one then canver damage into HP in mixed physic yeah that's what we're going to do we'll try the spinning wheel a bunch but if that doesn't work properly then we'll switch to the consecutive hits by the heavy R1 yeah and you know a nice dagger with endure on it is also a good idea okay he's uh he's coming for me okay this is good this is bad though oh that's that's real bad okay I don't think the saw is going to work we could go with a shield in the other hand so here's the plan then a little bit of everything I suppose but mainly we have to use the on hit R1 to get damage done and also we'll use this let's see how this work cuz now I can be a little bit more strategic I will get hit that's physical right no that's got to be a little bit of magic as well this is a mess I'm going to lie I don't think the jumping is going to do me any favors so so I've been struggling with radon for a little while now and I decided why not just go out there and grab a few more scadu tree fragments and I did I did I um also forgot to record that of course but here we are I am at sco level 19 now and the prior attempts have been sco level 17 so that's what maybe 4% better I'm hoping it's five but still let's go again okay so slow and steady win the race here immediate death immediate truthfully I have not mastered consort radon I can beat him with some more specialized builds but the pizza cutter is not what you would call a flexible weapon it requires an amount of precision in my abilities that I simply don't have I tried to beat him like I beat Rana I failed I tried to use a god counter build and I failed I tried to learn him and do him normally and I failed with that that as well then I thought maybe if I parried him parry's won't be against the rules because a Parry doesn't do any damage I will do damage with the pizza cutter so I tried that and at first it did show some promise Parry Parry Parry but I kept on dying so guys that's it screw it one more time [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] aah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I did it I didn't think I would but I actually did it we defeated conort radon with the pizza cutter of course I did have to practice par in for about 3 hours before I finally did it but here we are thank you so much for watching this video and if you enjoyed this consider joining my patreon no pressure but these long ass videos takes a lot of effort to make so any support would be appreciated I love you and kisses

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